Inflatable Hot Tent Camping | Cooking Lumpia

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isn't this fantastic well welcome back to another episode you guys we are out in Washington Eastern Washington we're at beautiful Banks Lake and we're going to enjoy a wonderful night camping out here next to the lake we got the inflatable tent we're going to get fancy and we're going to have some good food so let's get everything set up but man don't you just love that view that's beautiful the last week we were in the mountains of North Idaho this week we're in Eastern Washington and this is a semiarid desert so it's a little bit of a different terrain change you know it is still beautiful and some of you guys might recognize this location um or at least the lake I've never camped in this spot but check this out I found these two little trees right here and I think we'll set up our tent right between them it's nice and sunny out here but I believe it's only supposed to be in the upper 50s today and then tonight it's supposed to get down and into the 30s so I did bring the hot tent stove so we are going to have one more hot tent [Music] Adventure all right the tent is all staked out and set up man that's easy that's what I really like about these inflatable tents how easy it is to put them up that is a joy especially when you camp a lot especially when you camp a lot so you guys have seen this one before but we've got some windows to open up here and uh I already got the skylights isn't that beautiful got nice clouds it did look like it might be raining out that way oh yeah all right so I'm going to open up these windows and uh we'll install the floor all right got all the windows open you've got mesh on the doors and you also have mesh on these two side windows which I need to open those up cuz it's already hot I need a cross freeze in here there's a lot of Windows in this tent which is really good because when you're camping you want to be out here seeing nature you want to see everything so that's what I really like about this you got Windows everywhere and you can close it up when you need to now this little floor is just uh it's just like weightlifting uh floors I guess for like working out you can buy it at your local store Walmart whatever um it works well for insulating the floor and uh gives you a little cushion you know a perfect I think this is the most inflatable items that I've ever had I've got an inflatable tent inflatable couch and now an inflatable [Applause] bed this one has its own pump that's kind of cool make sure I don't have anything sharp in my pockets oh yeah this going to be nice going to be really nice uh I'll uh I'll just take a nap and uh you guys can finish setting up if you want or you can just hang out by the the water you know kind of check that out oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] in well it's getting cold it's windy and uh the sun's gone over the hill but I did finish my painting check that out it's just a little uh yellow blob cabin of a uh tent I guess so I am I'm going to give this away to one of you guys so you just need to comment down below I'm in and then add whatever you want to your comment um but just put I'm in and then what I'll do is I will pick a random person in about two weeks via live stream uh and I'll give this painting away so make sure you're subscribed and you have Bell notifications on so that you will be notified when I do a live stream guys it's chilly out here I need to get into that tent and uh make some dinner and uh get to going on the rest of our night all right we're inside the tent it's getting chilly out there because the wind is picking up and we're right here on the water um it says it's 50° outside but I feel like it's a lot lower than that that would be 10° CSUS so it's nice to be inside the tent because the wind is not hitting me so that is a good thing it's currently 7:30 and it's time to make dinner I got a meal that one of you guys recommended to me I've never made this before I've had them but I've never made it and we are going to make loia we're going to do pork loomia I've had shrimp lumpia before but I've never had pork so I'm really excited about this little bit of oil to the pan we got some onions now some green onion all right now we got to add some pork in there come on there we go all right I got that pork all kind of ground up a little bit there so we're going to add some cabbage and some carrots make a little spot in the middle there we're going to put some garlic paste and some ginger paste we'll let that kind of cook and make a little Aroma well that's what the recipe says at least little bit of soy sauce and some cilantro oh man that smells so so good I cannot wait oh I can't forget the pepper we got to add some pepper to this all right she's all done all right here we go we're going to try a little bit of it just to make sure it tastes good before I wrap it up oh man that's good I think I'm going to like that all right we'll take it off here and uh we'll figure out how to wrap these things up that's going to be a challenge for me I've got these Filipino loompia wrappers I saw a lot of people using these kinds so I don't know we're going to try it at least I think the challenge is uh basically tearing it off of this sheet okay there we go now hopefully I can pull this apart wow this stuff is thin it is so thin I've got it I think I got it let's take a little bit at a time oh no looks like there's two of them here oh I tore it try not to tear holes in it I think that's the problem okay all right we got one not really sure how much we're supposed to do I don't want to overfill it I think I take it like this and then like this and like this I think I got it huh just got to add a little egg to that little egg wash kind of an egg wash I guess what do you guys think that's my first rolled loompia set that right there till we're ready to fry it we'll make up some more I made up quite a few of them actually I think I'll uh I'll probably save some and take them home to the family but let's get to Frying them up we'll just flick a little bit of water in that oil to see if it's ready who yeah H I don't know is this something you should do camping in a tent probably not so don't do what I do woo we're just going to lay it in there oh wow look at that it's going we don't have to cook them too long cuz everything on the inside is already cooked so we just really got to cook this dough oh man that's working great that's great look at that oh man look at that nice golden brown Lupia go ahead and put it on this paper towel here hopefully that was uh long enough I mean it's nice and crispy so probably good man you guys look at that look at that that is a stack of loomia right there man that turned out great I I I surprised myself I really did I didn't think I could do that um but it was fairly easy nice and simple oo they're hot oo little toasty so we better bless the meal so that I can dig into these while they're still warm D father Lord I Thank you so much for this time I thank you for this meal that I'm about to partake but lord I can't help but think that there's somebody out there that could use a hot meal or or a warm place to say and Lord I just pray that you will Comfort them that you will you will provide for their needs right now Lord we're blessed with so much in this world and I just pray that you will help us to help others as you press it upon our hearts once again I just thank you for this time and I pray that you'll be with the family as I'm away in Jesus name I pray amen oh boy all right so I've got this little chili sauce sweet chili sauce so we're going to put that on a plate and I'm just going to Chow Down little bit of sweet chili sauce on here there we go and the loompia oh you guys look at that that thing looks amazing okay here we go I'm just dipping it in the sweet chili sauce here and we'll give it a try oh man that is really good that's super good the sausage is delicious with all the veggies and all that and it's so crispy and crunchy can you hear it I'm going to add a little bit of su sauce to my chili sauce too I don't know if that's like legal to do but I'm going to try it down the Hat that is good I just been on a like Asian kick lately with all these delicious foods oh no it's getting cold in here you guys it's 47° outside it's 49° inside but it's chilly and we're sitting at 10:00 already which is 9° Celsius inside 8 deg Celsius out I definitely want to start that fire because I am a little bit chilly I got a bunch of kindling over here that I split up so we're going to be good to go just got to throw it in there got a little tumble weed like I always like to use and we'll just light it up with our lighter push it underneath there that's going to make for a good fire right there okay give that some air should be good to go we'll see how toasty we can get it in here I feel like this is the last hot 10 of the Year man makes me kind of sad actually we'll see I don't know the weather's been kind of weird and strange so um we actually did have snow yesterday at home that was kind of weird but uh yeah so you just never know maybe it's not the last hot tent of the year I don't know you guys know how much I love my hot tents delicious loas next to my fire what an interesting interesting combo oh yeah [Music] all right I'm getting cozy in bed man it got late quick a lot faster than I thought um so I'm going to foro dessert tonight um just because it's just too late it's too late man this place is just beautiful I love this location there's nothing like camping next to a beautiful Lake and not only camping but hot tank camping that that's the best um it's currently let's check we're up to 68° Fahrenheit in here right now that is Toasty which is 20° Celsius and it's already 11:00 so well you guys I'm tired and I'm ready for bed so I'll see all of you in the morning good good night [Music] [Music] y well good morning oh it's beautiful day the sun's up and I can hear the birds uh singing they've been singing for a while I really enjoy that in the morning it's comforting uh nice beautiful bird song well the current temperatures in here are looks like we're six 63° inside 54 outside which is 17° C inside and 12 out it's really comfortable in here right now it really is I think it's going to be a much warmer day today and right now there's no wind but I wonder if that'll pick up as the sun goes up I'm for sure not going to have a fire this morning um it's way too warm in here so I'm just going to do coffee on my little burner make it easy you know [Music] oh yeah that's good that's a beautiful morning beautiful morning hear them Birds they sound so pretty they're talking I can hear one way back here and then this guy close and then one way out down there wonder what they're talking about probably telling each other little hey it's beautiful day yeah it sure is what you gonna do I don't know how about [Music] you think I could just sit here all day relax sure would be comfortable well for breakfast I got uh pancakes I've got this little pancake mix it is power cakes Flapjack quick mix all you got to do is add water shake it up and you're good to go it also has 15 g of protein I guess we just have to add the water up to this line and then give it a good old Shake that's your workout in the morning give it a shake and then uh you got your protein don't get too big it's just a little tiny one not the best looking pancakes they're kind of uh really thin like super thin that's all right we'll just make up a bunch of on and Chow Down all right we got a stack of pancakes um they're really thin like paper thin I think I added too much water to the mixture but that's okay now I'm going to melt some butter and we'll uh doctor these up and have some breakfast got some butter in coming and some syrup oh yeah this is going to be so healthy for me oh it does look tasty though all right pancake stack Down the Hatch quite buttery and quite syrupy hey not bad it's pretty tasty if I was going to do it again though I would add less water get some fluffier pancakes it made it easy to transport I think it's great for camping for sure I like that just grab a bottle of this throw some water in it you don't have to mess with any uh boxes of mix and all that made it easy I'm all about the easy life for [Music] [Music] all right I'm picked up packed up and I'm ready to go hey if you're interested in that painting make sure you comment down below I'm in uh as well as hit that Bell notification so that you get notified when I go live to give that painting away I'll do it in about 2 weeks or so and the way you enter is through the comments so I'll do a random comment generator and we'll pick somebody on this video uh to win the painting once again the adventure doesn't have to stop here I have plenty of other videos and playlists on the channel um and if you want to see more of this inflatable tent I have a playlist for that as well all right everybody thank you so much for watching as always God bless and I'll see you on the next episode bye who put that there oh that could have been the end of me [Music] [Music]
Channel: Baum Outdoors
Views: 76,198
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inflatable hot tent, painting in nature, cooking lumpia, nature relaxation, windy camping, glamping adventure, fancy camping, family camping tent, family camping setup, family camping gear, inflatable tent with stove jack, inflatable cabin tent, luxury tent camping, luxury tent house, luxury tent living, sonmez tent, sonmez outdoors, hot tent, hot tent camping, hot tent stove, hot tent reviews, hot tent cooking, lumpia recipe, how to cook lumpia, lumpia, pork lumpia
Id: bcfPWh6bh5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 2sec (1922 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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