The Crazy Canvas Air Tent. Dog Appears

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hey it's Jay and today I am sleeping in a brand new pump up canvas tent this thing is awesome and it's easy to use and it's huge I'm also going to be cooking a chicken stew in a cast iron pot on top of a wood stove and my girlfriend's gonna pay a visit and so is so stay tuned this tent is massive and I've never camped in a tent quite like this before ever in my life it weighs quite a bit so it's not made for weaklings that's for sure and uh it's canvas and it's inflatable and I can't wait to set it up this is really interesting so this bag right here it's almost like a pouch to carry the tent in and of course it expands so it'll be really easy to throw this tent back into the pouch once I've uh rolled it back up uh tomorrow morning when I roll it back up it should be easy to slide in here one strap two this is heavy duty material man wow that is a thick rubber right there that's awesome now let's see what do we have rbm's amazing steaks you will not find a better steak no other company makes steaks like RBM I'm telling you they're like rebar and here are the poles honestly the polls to put this up it's a pump and it's a big pump wow cool that's huge and uh this is the pull system for this massive tent okay oh baby look at that you can just tell you can just tell it's awesome and I believe this is the front there's the RBM Outdoors bear with the trees uh logo so I believe yep and there's the zipper to get in to the front okay all right so as you guys can see I'm carrying some bear spray it's that time of year the Bears are way out now man so I have my my license to buy a firearm and I'm still contemplating what firearm that I'm going to get I don't know if you guys have any suggestions the firearm would be for uh protection right and not protection against people but protection against Bears that's what I'm looking for something that maybe I can carry in my backpack um and it's got to be um it can be automatic even semi-automatic I don't know what all the rules are about that up here but uh just like a pump action maybe shotgun would be a good idea as protection and um I'm thinking it may or maybe like a nice powerful rifle uh to keep bears away at the same time I want something that's a bit versatile so if I decide I want to go uh maybe bird hunting uh this fall looking for time again or whatever then I can use it for that I feel like this is a whole heck of a lot faster than a rifle though if a bear comes up on me like I have it here in my pocket but if a bear comes I mean I could I could literally fire this from my pocket if I needed to right whereas with a rifle you know I've got it I would have it loaded I imagine but I would take it out I would turn off the safety and then I would fire but this is done right and they don't like it they do not like these things man these things work so uh I feel I feel safe and uh it's expired I just found out it's expired I still think it would bother a bear I don't know I'm gonna have to get more bear spray so this hand pump is huge and um it's not your average like bike tire pump for sure uh connect the air tube to the air outlet at the main body of the hand pump and insert the suitable connector to the article to be inflated step on the foot pedal and pump and pull the handle up and down to inflate pretty straightforward okay so you can see right here here's where the air comes out and yeah that's right just gonna put that on there like that easy as pie so we're looking for 7 PSI and you can see right on the top here they've come prepared and there is a gauge so I'll be able to tell exactly how uh how much pressure I have in there you can see here 's the opening right and these are the tubes the air tubes right here and so it's got this neat little rubber cover here that you want to keep on and what that'll do is it'll allow the air to come through but it won't let the air come back out when you're putting on your cover after you've pumped it if that makes sense so I'm going to screw this on here now [Applause] pretty straightforward there you go you can see these move freely right they're independent of the whole entire unit so you can put it on there we go good oh yeah it wants to go he wants to go tell him oh yeah so now that I've got it all pumped up I need to pull the strings and she'll open up the way she's supposed to one thing that makes this tent so awesome and this company so awesome is that they've got everything ready to go right so they've got my guidelines already in place don't need to tie them here my rope is ready to go it's coiled up beautifully and I'm just going to undo it I'm going to put a stake in the ground it's got a little Loop here you put your stake through the loop and then you can tighten it's all done for you perfect put my Loop through and now you tighten it just like that job is done foreign belief right like some tents you have to do this from the outside or the inside look how huge this window is I can just come straight through and roll this up all right foreign what a good looking tent this is wow it's gorgeous in here and I'm going to do it from out here so here are your air tubes they're zippered shut and just working perfectly as you can see now I do think the land I'm on like the ground I'm on is not the greatest for this tent right now and it's my first time using it so I'm learning a few things about what might and might not work for this tent what I do know is that it's very easy to set up a canvas tent is not an easy thing to set up I know I've done it a lot many times and by myself a few times and it's not easy and this was just a cinch right like if if you can lift 70 pounds then you can put this tent up it's pretty much it's like it's not high it's not doing anything like that you don't need someone to hold it up while someone pulls a tent over top and someone doesn't need to be inside the tent to shove up a pole none of that it's it's good to go right away and and that's like the tremendous advantage of having a canvas tent like this so this tent comes with a stove Jack open it up from the outside really easy to access from the outside and you're good to go [Music] foreign isn't necessarily made for this tent it's the smallest stove that RBM makes it's the cameras s for small and if I had the bigger a stove the pipe would be wider and it would be nice and snug against this so you can see there's play here right there's some play with the pipe so if it gets really windy that could be an issue but I'm not too worried about it I'm pretty protected in here right now foreign [Music] foreign I've changed my mind I'm taking this wood soap out of the tent I shouldn't be cooking inside my tent lots of bears so if I'm cooking outside my tent the aroma can go wherever and then tonight when I go to sleep there's no smell of food on the material so that's the big thing good [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so I wasn't recording when I dumped in the chicken unfortunately but I can tell you guys what I'm doing now is I'm just Browning these chicken thighs skinless chicken thighs for a nice hearty delicious chicken stew this knife right here it's a beautiful gift from my girlfriend it's the sharpest knife I've ever used it's a dial strong Centurion knife first time I've ever used like a Cleaver I guess that's what it's called like this and I'm getting used to it and uh it's fun to use and a little bit tricky but man it is just the sharpest thing I've I've ever used easily easily so what I need to do is I gotta get these celery and I gotta get the uh the onion diced right away I'm gonna throw that right in there okay all right [Applause] [Applause] foreign okay so I got a surprise uh for the channel uh and it's I'm hoping it will be perhaps a significant part of the channel we shall see it depends on how things go um it might be uh time to time type thing but it's something very new to me and it's a first for my life and uh it's uh it's right here it's like coming around the corner here come here come here oh oh it's my poodle it's a mini poodle and his name is Puffy when when we got him his fur was like puffy all over the place and he's only about five and a half months old and he is an amazing addition to my life right now he's a good boy and I'm hoping he can be an outdoors dog and join me on the channel we just got him a haircut last week and so he's uh he's not as puffy as he was but there take a look there he is see that's puffy right there hey puffy what do you got to say to the camera what do you got to say Hey Oh do it again do it again oh man he's a good boy and Crystal is here too Crystal come on Crystal's my girlfriend if you've watched my channel here she is so she just showed up with the dog and she's the dog's mom and I'm the dog's dad at this point and she's lived with dogs she grew up on a farm she's had uh many dogs in her life and this is my first so I'm really hoping he'll be obedient we have him on a leash right now because he might just run for the hills and never come back because he's still a puppy but he's a mini poodle and um what do you think Crystal how big do you think he'll be I think he's gonna be about 20. about 20 pounds so that to me is a good size for a first dog um is he going to be a good dog to have out in the woods time will tell I'm told poodles are pretty good actually hunting dogs so who knows maybe he'll come looking for time again with me once he's well trained so we've got him doing sit at this point and uh consistently inconsistently yeah he does sit from time to time and uh he just he's just a good well-behaved loving dog and uh yeah I don't know what do you guys think would you like to see puffy on the channel from time to time I'd love to get him out at the tent when it's winter and it's freezing out but I I imagine there will be some uh some wolves who would want to dine on him so he's got to be obedient before he comes so we're working on that oh hey puppy hey buddy hey he's dangled can you get out of that buddy okay so this is more of a soup than a stew that's amazing oh it looks okay yeah it's more of a soup but I think it's gonna be good oh yeah it's gonna be hot okay with that mm-hmm I need my soup pop soup hot I want like half of that maybe just like one potato a little bit more chicken yeah a little soup a bit frothy that's good there you go [Music] I saw your amount of pepper and I was like yeah oh okay all right no I know I broke it up can you eat it yeah go for it oh it's really good it's nice eh gonna help that is a cool night too yeah it's really nice part of me wants to bring that wood stove back into the tent I had it in the tent to start I was going to cook in there and then I thought it's a bad idea because of the flavors the Aromas bear might be like oh that tent smells like chicken stew not bad really good good night puffy good night buddy see ya OS gonna go to bed okay time for bed puffy okay see you buddy all right I brought the stove back in it's cooled right down and it's getting chilly outside I have to say it's getting a bit chilly out there uh so I'm just gonna keep the tent semi warm with the screen doors open but at the same time uh with the stove going so that way I'll have a bit of cool air and warm air all the same time all right so I uh I had a bit of wood in the back of my truck and I brought it just in case and I hadn't realized that I actually brought some small pieces of wood like this some small cuts just like scraps left over from when I was like chopping up wood I was thrown in the back of my truck and that's perfect for this there must be an oh it's twisted there we go I gotta shut this down it's getting hot now so I'm looking for the natural split in the wood there's one right there see if I can get this this one's Twisted a bit too [Music] there we go there we go that should go in there I've got enough wood for the night for sure you know I've watched some channels that have tents I I actually I shouldn't say I've I've seen a few Channels with tents like this and um a lot of them go full on really fancy and uh beds couches fridges you name it and uh and I'm I'm kind of using this this tent a very similar tent just kind of in the way that I camp right and so if I had a broom in here I would one million percent be sweeping all this up I don't I didn't bring one and that's fine but uh yeah it's just kind of like it reminds me of the early days camping when I was when I was just getting started in my first canvas tent and I would come in by the stove and I would split wood by the stove oh man I love wood stoves and I love splitting wood and today I cooked that meal out on the wood stove and I uh I've been thinking a lot lately and talking to Crystal a lot lately about just doing like a cooking channel yes I cook on this channel every video pretty much has some sort of cooking on it but uh I I feel like I really want to focus on the cooking like go all out you know what I mean and uh not like stop doing this this is this is my baby right this is like the heart and soul of the channel but I'm I'm really thinking about once every couple of weeks just a cooking video on a wood stove somewhere in the wild set up the wood stove somewhere cook on it eat the meal and uh and and yeah like I I love watching cooking uh channels especially people who are cooking out in the wilderness and I feel like this would be something a little bit different if I'm out in the woods with different wood stoves um and just enjoying nature I don't know I'd love to hear your thoughts on that like if that's something that you would be interested in on top of this on the channel like would you would you watch that would you watch me cook a you know a baked mac and cheese with bologna mixed in there fried bologna mixed in some potato chips crisp on top cooked on a wood stove somewhere out in the middle of the woods I don't know it sounds delicious to me right now but uh yeah I'd love to get your thoughts on that if you would if you'd be interested in in watching something like that once every couple of weeks maybe on the channel because man I I kind of I I think about it a lot something I'd like to do just to switch things up you know just to have uh something a little bit different on the channel from time to time so yeah let me know what you think about that so this is wicked right here I've decided to set up over by the wood stove because it's giving off like a nice heat it's just like radiating a little bit over here it's not overdoing it just perfect I don't have anything but this right so the temperature is supposed to drop quite a bit tonight I do have the sleeping bag but um I don't have a sweater or nothing like that like I came thinking the stove would do me well and uh sir you know it is it is sure enough it's it's paying off so I'm gonna sit right here and I'm gonna probably watch a documentary and uh on my phone and listen to The Birds and just take in this really awesome moment out here and yeah and then I'll hit the sack [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] yes oh [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] good chili it got cold last night I let that stove go out so I was a bit chilled there was like a murder of of Ravens that flew over this morning I think it would be called a murder of ravens because a murder of it's called the murder of crows when you see a flock of crows and of course ravens and crows are pretty much the same thing except for one's a whole heck of a lot bigger um and uh yeah so they were like going nuts early this morning like really early and I could they they woke me up a bit and then once I fell asleep I was like oh really really really sleeping well like I was like right in it it was perfect comfortable I'm warming my sleeping bag it's nice and Airy in here the wind has really picked up it's like it's very windy outside and this tent is like a rock like it's nothing to it man it's like a champion out here in the Wind there's a little bit of heat in there for sure foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] cool thing I noticed last night about these tents is it has like a vent in the front and in the back in the top corners and that allows for the tent to Breathe It fights against any sort of carbon monoxide issues that you might have if you're using a wood stove yeah it's good another cool thing to have is a clothesline and that runs the entire length of the tent and it comes with like a I guess it's like a slip knot you call it I've never made one of these I can learn how to make that but yeah so you can hang things [Applause] foreign taking my stove away from the tent it still has hot ash in it for sure it's still pretty hot and uh I'm going to dump it in an area that's away from the tent so that way if I come back to this location it's going to be nice and clean right where I've camped and another thing is I'm putting this ash on Rock right now it's there's no fire ban where I am but the ground is really really dry and you guys all saw that I was picking up all this dead stuff off of the ground so if I put the hot coals and ashes on the ground near the tent even though I have water to put it out who knows right maybe a a bit of coal or whatever a hot Ember gets underneath of the ground and catches a root or something and then I've created a a forest fire right so I don't want that so I'm going to do my best now to put it out on this rock douse it completely with water and I'll feel good about the situation foreign that's completely out now [Music] [Music] foreign so for me this is really the moment of truth about this tent I'm wondering how it's going to do when it comes to deflating and packing up and getting it back into its bag setting it up was a cinch and now that I've done it once I think it'll be faster and faster each and every time I set this tent up I don't want this thing to be um a struggle when it comes to pushing the air out and Folding It Up so let's see what happens here I feel like it's just going to go there's a lot of pressure wow that's pretty neat I gotta say foreign done thank you oh that's fine perfect man well that's it for me guys this was a really fun video I love testing out that tent I love putting it away actually I was dreading it and then it turned out to be a real cinch and uh yeah it's uh it was just a really nice experience and there's a few moments that really stood out to me one when Crystal came and we enjoyed that bowl of chicken stew that was really nice it was delicious when I got to introduce puffy to the channel he's a cute little guy man and I'm really hoping he can be sturdy enough to be a part of this channel even in the Deep cold I know he's a little dog but he's he's a man he's going to be a man as a little dog and uh I really love cutting the wood in the tent as I mentioned earlier that just really felt nice and the other part that I really liked was when I was sitting out in front of the tent and I was having a coffee I sat there for about 30 to 40 minutes drinking that coffee and I didn't want to move I just wanted to just sit there and just be out here in nature listening to the birds it was just perfect there was a cool breeze on me but it was warm and to me that's what this whole this whole video was about for me right specific moments um and it uh yeah it was just a really good time and I hope you guys had some moments in this video where you thought oh that's pretty cool or I enjoyed that and and if you did I'd love for you to hit like it really helps out the channel and I'd love for you to subscribe as well uh the vast majority of people who watch this channel aren't subscribers so it would mean a lot if if you would subscribe and uh yeah let me know what you thought of the tent let me know what you thought of the video let me know what you think of puffy let me know what you think of me doing uh you know a cooking uh segment once every few weeks out on a wood stove in the woods somewhere if that's something you'd watch I'm just I'm just looking to uh to shake things up a little bit I can really feel it in my soul it's something that I want to do and I'd love for you guys to be a part of it so yeah that's it for this video thanks so much for watching I'll be back really soon
Channel: jay legere
Views: 38,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rbm outdoors, panda air tent, jay legere, inflatable tent, blow up tent, canvas tent, wood stove, wood stove cooking, chicken stew, dog, puppy, girlfriend, camping, woods, canada, nwt
Id: InxrHXxK8s8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 18sec (2658 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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