Camping in 'Cabin' Tent + POLICE CALLED!

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you got any firearms on your to yeah ex and he's questioned that I don't think it's fishing stuff because there's no water around it hello welcome back to the woods it's a beautiful spring afternoon late afternoon evening and all the wild garlic flowers have come out all the blue bells are out it's absolutely stunning and it's mild at the moment but temperatures are due to drop down in a bit of a freakish way to 2° C which is a little bit strange at the moment because we've had such warm a warm winter but I do have with me some new toys I have a new pomale tent I did bring a wood stove because the temperatures are up to 2 Celsius and I figured this would be the last opportunity for a hot tent camp if it if it does get really cold I'm not sure whether I'm going to use it yet but I've got it with me and I've got some other goodies in the bag got some military MREs which i' I've not tried yet some new ones yeah it's going to be a nice evening thank you for watching and uh let's get the tent set [Applause] up so this is my first time using this tent there a peg bag pole bag and the tent itself it's I think it's called the shallow 70 Pro twers tent it's kind of like a house shape which I quite like I don't don't have many tents that shape in this kind of material the modern tent material most of the mine are heavy duty canvas so I'm excited to try this one out was nice pretty backdrop today the leaves are finally out on the trees on the beach trees and we're not getting as much rain makes such a big difference a nice fairly heavy duty pegs I like that decent size [Applause] too and two guidelines I'm guessing for the front and the back of the tent separate these out looks like it's got reflective material in the guy guy line which is always a bonus yeah there's two there that that is new new to me I haven't seen a tensioning strap or Buckle sorry like that before these are really popular now these triangular ones and actually it it does Pinch really well quite like that I always when I get a tent new just make a loop anyway so that it's ready cuz that's going to need tying onto the top of the tent at this end so this looks like where I'm going to tie it out from there's the stove Jack and under underneath just this section of the tent there there is fire resistant the fire resistant mat the heat map for where the stove would go on so that's quite interesting it's not the whole tent obviously it's just the section where the stove go we take this corner in and we'll tighten it all up afterwards [Music] that was really easy to be fair given I've never seen it before now it's just the case of pegging out all the sides and just readjusting the other Pace then I think we're there there is a rain skirt here as well that comes out and this is what gets the major majority of the tension on the tent there little small guidelines on the end of these pre-tied it says two people and I I think you could definitely sleep two people comfortably in here I guess the only thing is this is where you have the stove it's the only place you could have a stove so you couldn't really have one person lying here because you'd be right near the stove so I guess the way you would do two people is one person one person lying like this and they'd get the duties of feeding the stove and then another person basically in an l-shape lying across the back B here the front of the tent or the back but yeah there's two entrances so there's the exact same opening at the back it has mosquito netting and then the outer tent sorry there's no outer or inner tent in this it's just one piece yeah it's all one piece that's a nice touch so there's mosquito mesh here as well bug net and you can because of the rain fly you can actually see out still into the forest which is lovely cuz if you are laying down in the morning you should be able to see out I always think in a tent with a wood stove low down vents are such an important thing especially with carbon carbon monoxide where it's heavy and it sinks uh it's just really nice to know tents like these the pom most of the pomale ones seem to do it now they have these vents low down to allow any carbon monoxide and dangerous gases to to to go out so the I've got the Dome X4 Pro as well I think and that has these low vents so it's really good thing I think that they do I like that really helps with air flow and being low down with the wood stove is normally low down as well so it helps just blast that air into the wood though yeah this is cool like there's some small hooks at the at each end the top of each Apex on each side for hanging lanterns and lights that's nice yeah it's a lovely open plan tent I like this with a bit more bedro and it's different to the to the to to the Dome ones it's more of a cabin shape like a [Music] house get boots back on this is the stove Jack it obviously needs it rolls up like that but it obviously needs cutting and they they let you do that to cut it to your own diameter wood stove sometimes I just put an X in so that means you can fit different sized stoves in but uh stove pipe sorry but yeah that's that's a really unique idea unique looking tent I like the big rain skirt First Impressions I do like it there is a little bit of rain in the forecast tonight not loads I've just had my first bug bite of the Year sadly that's what comes with the warmer weather full disclosure by the way Pomo did send me this they just sent me a message and said um we've got this new style tent would you like to try it out and uh the stove which I'm still not sure if I'm going to set up but yeah I said i' give it a go cuz I quite liked the look of the the tent and um I don't have one in this material that's that's like this so we need to get fire going I'm not sure about the stove tonight I'm really I really don't think I need it I've lugged it all the way in Into the Woods though it's difficult for all [Music] I can feel the bugs in the air there's no wind tonight so I really could do with getting a fire going fairly quickly in fact I'm going to do the fire now I'm getting bitten e [Music] [Music] it's pretty rotten this wood Punky very pky right different tactic all right let's get rid of these bugs so this beach here was actually really Punky it's too far gone tried to split it down with a knife but it's just kind of falling off so instead I've opted for snaps dry Twigs I had a fighter in my in my bag for these types of situations where uh I need to get a fire going quickly cuz I want to get rid of bugs or just heavy rain and it's you know it's it's a good backup to have so this red this wood is dry so it shouldn't take long to go I just put this x this x shaped sticks underneath so I can lift it up and that fire liigh doesn't get smothered but it does allow the oxygen to fun all through to improves the air flow once that flame there at the top starts to come through a lot more then I can lower this down [Applause] oh is the birds are still chirping away which I do absolutely love about spring and I really enjoy these longer evenings uh so I've brought with me today some MREs I've got the I've got a few here actually varying ones I've got menu six from the US military uh Department of Defense in the United States of America um I have had a US M before this is menu 6 I can't remember what menu I've had I've actually written down on a spreadsheet this is a bit dull but I've written down I've got spreadsheet going now of all the MREs I've tried I'm going to try and put it up on my website here so that you guys can take a look at it see which ones I've had and maybe suggest to me I'll put a little contact form or something suggest to me which ones that you know you've had that maybe I haven't cuz I really like trying them um so I've gone for the menu 6 us and then from my previous German ration where I did the 24 the sort of 24 hour the overnight in the stealth cabin the little folding cabin I did I've got some leftovers from that these are out date they October last year but um I don't mind eating these the issue I guess with these the German ones is obviously the instructions are in German so I don't really know German very well I can kind of make it out but these are puddings so essentially it's like musle I can see the word musly on here so this is sort of breakfast and then this is my main meal it's a menu six for the US one is beef taco filling W the light's starting to go quick now I reckon I've got 40 minutes of daylight left even the camera since I've been talking has gone slightly dull right so I'm going to get a lot of stick for having an m i get it there are people out there that absolutely hate these and they hate that I use them in videos um and and I do kind of see that the thing is is I was late coming out here today I've got two kids a lot of the time even with my overnights when this is my full-time job I still you know I'm a dad I have other commitments as well and so getting out camping sometimes is actually quite tricky I have life as well outside of this um so sometimes I'll come prepared with full ingredients and a really nice gourmet meal and other times when I'm in a bit of a rush but I still want to go camping I'll have MREs so i' always have MREs at home because they're they have a really long shelf life and for these nights like tonight where I need to to get set up quickly and I need to eat rather quickly I find they're actually really useful for that but I know I'm going to get stick for eating them um but I'm sorry guys it's just something that I enjoy doing and I enjoy trying them out the different kind of MREs from across the world that our military chaps have to eat on a regular basis I just enjoy experimenting with it all so that is menu 6 of the USM that's the beef taco that's nut and raisin mix this looks like sugar tea and coffee yep in there and chewing gum oh we have a spoon that's always nice especially as I tend to forget mine cheese spread what's this Santa Fe rice and beans so it's two kind of small meals uh yeah the chemical activator thing in there and it and it warms it up which I've never used before that's these so I've never used these I'm a bit slow to the party here a picture of someone eating it definitely don't eat it so I think you put one of these in there and it warms up the MRE I've never seen this before this is always a nice touch when they provide an actual uh breakdown of what's in there um with all the with all the ingredients and stuff I do like that and that is tortillas so I've got I'm going to have to look look at read this and see what I've got to do cuz I've never done it before this this is my first time ever using one of these if you you I guess you guys can pause the screen there's all the instructions fairly lengthy but essentially there's the heater the heating pads in there says do not overfill so I'm guessing there's two lines but I'm guessing it's that Top Line don't overfill any water over the top line so as far as I'm aware I've got a rip it here again first time doing this this is the beef tack so I think just flatten out a bit slide that all the way to the bottom that really doesn't seem like much water I'd be tempted to put more in but I'm not going to so pour it vertically first I can actually see it oh tiny tiny bit over I mean that does not seem like much water at all right now I mean I'm guessing I'm just going to fold this quickly roll it a few times let that water spread around to get evenly to activate the uh the pads evenly there that really doesn't seem like much water oh okay it's getting hot and then I'm going to put that in this thing trap the Heat and I guess just it says lean it up against something anyway let's see what happens and uh let's leave that there for four to I think it was four to 6 minutes we will see first time doing it so I've got no idea oh I can feel the PT's getting warm though really warm wow that was fast I just feel like this should have been all the way down there this cardboard but I'm trying to trap it there so the heat doesn't come out let's leave it for 5 10 minutes to see got a little Guinness here which I may have opened earlier well it's definitely warm I've actually given it 10 minutes where we go ah I might even stick the other one in there now does that work can you do that can you stick another one in it this is the Santa Fe rice and beans I'm being a bit of a agreed here but I'm going to stick it in in there that's what she said fold it over again and give that another five Piggy yeah it feels warm looks like it's a side open let's get a tortilla ready two tortillas in that this is cool I've never had tortillas tortillos tortillas in a MRE so menu six what do you have for me oo smells nice and they never look appealing but it's not about looks if you were in combat and fighting let's load this one up here we go that is the most UNM look it's really nice it's also really messy let's load up tortilla number too which has a bit of a rip in it but I'm really impressed with that never had one of those in an M before 8:00 p.m. it's nice it's light till 8:00 p.m. oh when did I put the rice in well that was good I liked that I liked the convenience of the chemical heater as well it beats the faf of having to get the little hexamine types tablets and light those and the little folding stove which I still love but in terms of taste that was nice menu six what do you guys think have you guys out there had some uh us MREs I'm sure you have cuz I've got a big us following so what's your your favorite or what what do you guys recommend I'm always asking for recommendations in the comments what's the best what's your best M I know I've had some of the Norwegian ones and they were amazing but yeah the convenience of that was really good I want to get a uh bit pot boiling water on for tea or coffee again another reason why the MREs are are quite good they come with the sort of teas and coffees as well let's put that on the hot side there so I don't know if you guys have been following my second YouTube channel my other one called life of Mike um I'll put a link in the description but basically I've been working on my Defender My Land Rover Defender build it's a 2015 Land Rover Defender I bought it second hand it had done I think 29,000 M and uh yeah I'm basically turning it into more of an Overland vehicle more PR prepared for overlanding um done a few things to it already um and some quite some quite major bits some a bit smaller but if you want to follow along on that Journey um then head on over to life of Mike and there'll be a lot of kind of vehicle content on there as well as my military Land Rover which I'm going to start doing this spring as well but this is a a front runner like LED strip light for mostly for kind of rooftop tents and things like that but it can be used in any tent it's got Clips on the top and I figur I'd give it a go it's for my Land Rover but I figur I would give it a go it just works for a USB and a power bank and I've got no idea if it's going to work oh I do have battery that's good Oo we have light that's really handy I'm going to try and hang that in the it's a bit hard in this tent cuz there's no bits around the top but it's uh hey that's cool that works out but better than I thought it's actually really good lighting for for a USB power bank one right let's check on the rice well the brown rice and beans is it's still warm to be fair so it might have worked oh I'm pleased I got two meals from one thing I wonder how long it stays hot another cool thing is they have these us ones have side openings here so you're sport rather than go down really deep into the bag and get gunal on your hands get the food on your hands they open from the side which makes it a lot easier to eat out of it's not as nice as the um tacos beef taco and I got both of them and that's still warm oh it's still actually hot to touch as you can probably tell I don't really need the fire for Heats tonight I thought it'd be well it is getting colder but it's still only4 8 at night going to try this was in the M the US One bills Brew freeze dried coffee it's probably going to be not very good so they do actually have a creamer for your tea or coffee I'm going to put some in I normally have these black but oh oh it's quite bitter yeah very pleased with my setup here uh it's actually getting dark now finally 8:30 it's lovely these evenings coming out I am actually really looking forward to Summer we've had such a wet winter here I'm very much looking forward to Summer oh no my my Lantern's burnt out are you out with paraffin oh no there we go turned it down too much I love this little thing oh no you are out of P paraffin here we go you're about to burn out no how you there for the ambient lighting I don't want to burn loads of the wick we'll let that just burn up some of you might be wondering why in this video I'm sure the title somewhere it says police called um and that this actually is the first time this has ever happened to me so I was out here last week I'll just give you a bit of context but I was out here last week with Dad and we were making a film for my for my second channel the life of Mike and uh yeah someone had basically called the police on us I'll roll the footage in a minute and kind of a lot will be explained in that but um there was three police officers that were called and one of them the first one had like an attack dog uh and they had their body can I saw him turn the body camera on it's a thing over here I I'm sure it's is across the pond and most places nowadays the the police do tend to have body cameras but but we happen to be filming an episode it's it here in my Woodland and we happen to be filming an episode anyway um and it was weird because we were filming this cooking segment um these hot dad's hot dogs on the fire and we just left the camera rolling and actually as the police came up to us the whole thing was recorded because we were filming already the um the frying the cooking Frying Pan um it was a really interesting experience like I say first time I've ever had that happen to me um but what I'll do is I'll roll the footage on now and then I'll give you a bit more context at the end because I'm not going to there's a lot there there was a lot more footage but I I'll just give you the kind of important bits um and I'll explain a bit more after but anyway here's the footage Jesus definitely hot enough go for it like some sort of Gordon ramsy [Applause] [Music] [Applause] sh right yeah hello have you got any firearms on you at all yeah have you got the gray car on the road the gray car the state yeah cuz somebody was going past and saw you coming in yeah I'll show you my certificate show you the burnt sausages have you got permission to be up here and everything he own wood wood where is where is your the bags yes I'm with the two gentlemen now um uh I'll pass you some names in a second but one of the gentlemen actually owns this Woodland and has got um sorry air rifles looking at them right see the jger go past yeah so vaguely in the background as I was getting the gun called it in he saw you and he's questioned that I don't think it's fishing stuff because there's no water around there it could be Firearms what you sh pardon what are you sh srel great squel which is how long wood uh 2021 21 at me yeah go to the dog watch out 30 second Ru you'll be right enjoy yourself guys thanks very much if you're a bang you see it your nose are squirrel it's louder than the air know we got one we blown up the can of beans on the yeah got some cheese to go this so that was an interesting experience as I said earlier um I think the officer mentioned it there as well what basically happened is um we were getting we were in dad's car and we were getting the guns out of the car this is my shotgun uh my air rifle and Dad's air rifle cuz we were doing some air rifle shooting as well and uh they were all in their gun cases and I saw this jogger coming past and I didn't think anything of it I just kind of looked at them saw them come past it was just someone jogging on the road and it was a really quiet what we call a B- Road over here in England it's like a country road and um yeah so so I saw them Rost we were getting the guns out of the car at the time they were totally bagged and this is in a a heavily like shooting area so pheasant shooting is is really big around this area so it's not like people kind of aren't used to hearing or seeing people walking down the roads and stuff Crossing to different beats different shoots with their guns on their back all totally bagged normally um so the guns were totally uh in in their bag but apparently and you might have heard the officer say there apparently they had said that they saw these I don't know two people with with guns and uh they thought they were fishing rods but they they know that there's no fishing lakes nearby and we found that a bit odd because there's definitely no there's no it was it was somebody local I think because they're jogging um they wouldn't have driven to to J somewhere I don't think it was it made for an interesting day so actually thank you to that person who who phoned the police because now I've I'm on talking terms with the local the the police uh they know exactly who I am they know that I have all the correct licenses uh my guns are all registered they ran them through the database they check all that all that they they were really thorough and um yeah actually we had a conversation off camera after that uh it turns out they know one of the other Woodland owners um who was also on the force with them so it was just yeah we had a really good chat afterwards and um I guess they just had to do their jobs it was a bit of a time waste for them I feel a bit sorry for the for the police that had to come out because I'm sure there's better things for them to do than have to come out to people who are legitimately doing something totally legal within their reason um but it was yeah maybe who knows it it was something to add footage to this film and I thought it would be interesting for you guys to see so if you want to see that whole episode of actually me and Dad and that day which is ended up being really interesting I'll put that it's on the life of Mike Channel now I'll put that in the description below and we'll head over to life of Mike on YouTube and you'll be able to find it yeah fair play to them they were really good about it and they did everything really thoroughly there we go we have light cuz I've not got the stove on tonight I'm thinking I might be able to put the chair there on the stove mat cuz it's reinforced and sit on it there not much rooms in this tent it's quite impressive in terms of the pack size to the actual room itself in here which is which is something that appealed to me obviously if I had the the stove in here I wouldn't be able to sit up this end but this is spacious I'm quite pleased with my uh my LED light strip up here yeah this is this is really quite spacious I I I'll put the specs in the video description below so the total weight of the tent the poles and everything is 4.6 kilos which I know in for ultr light camping people that is a heavy tent but I I personally didn't find it that heavy carrying over a kilometer up here and yeah this is sunset yellow the color so the height on the Apex for those wondering is 4.9 ft 15 cm so there's loads of Headroom in here I'd have to take it out on a really heavy raining day and see how it fares right 9:00 my plan is to chill out and I've been addicted to Fallout the new series Fallout at the moment and uh I'm going to plow through I've only got a couple of couple of episodes left so I'm going to sit down and watch that if anything happens I will let you let you guys know but so far so good it's a very still night yeah really peaceful anyway I really want to watch Fallout so I'll catch up with you guys in a minute just started to rain a little bit but it's only uh it's only a a light shower I don't think there's any he heavy rain due tonight thank you for watching folks if you're watching this far already much appreciated we'll see what the morning brings morning we actually did have some rain in the night I can see water droplets on the tent um there's only light no leakage which is fine look like it's a a nice morning out there they there the birds oh he get a little fire going get some breakfast I'm on my therus mattress which is great for the heat for like the warmth really narrow to be in the lookout for a bigger mattress air mattress that has like baffles on the side so I don't roll off it a lot cuz I roll off this quite a lot anyone got any advice on mattresses to use where I don't keep rolling hit me in the comments cuz that would be that would be useful and that packs down relatively small [Music] [Applause] been using this light a lot lately I really like it for filming but I used the power bank function on it a lot as well it's quite a decent power bank charge up my phone it's it feels really good quality packs down like a like that telescopic cool piece of Kit I like it I'll link it in the description I'll link all my the gear I'm using in the description below for those who are [Music] interested for trying the nuts and raisin mix from the uh the rations and then I've got the German military breakfast ration this is like the Matrix just opened it and there's a red let me get it out do you want the red pill or the blue pill little bit of coffee I did bring my own coffee this time as well knowing that the RMS aren't amazing this is a great thing about what I quite like about Russians for example this morning only need a small fire don't need to chop any wood can just use sticks cuz all I need to heat the food is just hot water about 150 M of water for this one and and there and same again for the for the tea really or the coffee so that is where they come in useful you need to make a quick pack up the next morning where's the fill line oh this one doesn't that have one this is just straight dry fruit wa that's weird it's like air good job I Googled that Rice off mituna flish which apparently is rice pot with chicken meat according to Google Translate I was about to have that for breakfast thinking it was musely but it's obviously where it's dry [Applause] so dried apple and apricot it is and [Music] peanuts oh you might have seen when I was lighting the fire that the there was already a fire skar here or a fire burn from previous fires and that's cuz I don't want to have fire scars all around the Woodland so wherever I come to an area that I've camped to before I try and have the fire in the same area um certainly for every few years and then I won't you know make a new one until a good few years later to give the ground a rest before I park away the tent I've just opened up the other side as but you can see it's obviously dual aspect so you can have the front or the back of the T whichever end you want that side does have the wood stove so if it started to get warm or you wanted to be able to have two exits while the wood stove's going you can just fold up one corner over there um I think it's yeah it's quite a versatile tent really I've not tested it in in really extreme conditions I need to find a a heavy rainy day to give it a rain test but at the moment I don't want a rainy day cuz we've had so much rain this winter that it'd be nice to just enjoy camping when it's Dyer I was saying yesterday that these tie outs for the rain skirt don't have tighteners tensioners but they do it's just I couldn't see the little tag end here but yeah you can just tension them like that and they pinch then you lift it up and it loosens so actually that's really good I like that really simple and easy I just didn't see that yesterday but these are what you want to keep really tight on the tent so the rain just runs off I would probably knot that end there so it doesn't SLP back through there you just a little knot like that it's easy to grab as well and that way if I pull it right up it locks and doesn't pull through yeah nice like that good touch well thank you so much for watching the episode I hope you guys enjoyed it uh like I said I'll link in the description below to the video on the life of my Channel the full police thing um and any gear that I've used is in the description box below we are going for Tuesday uploads might not be every Tuesday but think ta Tuesdays that's going to be my upload day from now going forwards so if you're on a Tuesday and you're wondering what to do usually about 5:00 p.m. 6 p.m. UK time hopefully uh check out my channel ta outdoors and there should be hopefully a new video um also I'm going to be going to the bushw show at the end of May uh it's is a great chance it's the only chance a year I get to meet you guys my subscribers and just chat I'll have the TA axes there and all my kind of other Bushcraft gear and things I'll be on a stand um and I'll be camping there as well so if you're not doing anything that weekend and you're looking for something to do um I'll put a link in the description description to the Bushcraft Show's website they've been kind enough to offer a 15% discount for you guys uh with the discount code I think it's ta15 or something but um I'll put it here somewhere yeah it's it's a really good opportunity for for me to meet you guys and yeah like I said the only event I'll probably be doing this year so if you're around at the end of May on the bank holiday weekends then um come along and say hi anyway thank you so much for watching I do appreciate it and I'll see you guys in the next episode oh and don't forget to check out my dad's YouTube channel as well ta fishing I'll link that in the description below everything's there everything you need is in the description box below it's going to be a really nice day today yeah really nice day right I'll see you soon
Channel: TA Outdoors
Views: 661,773
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, cabin, tent, police, police called, overnight, solo overnight, bushcraft, survival, police called whilst camping, camping in a cabin tent, cabin tent, solo camping, solo survival, solo bushcraft, MRE, MREs, US MRE, Military Rations
Id: NuIgti7Akno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 58sec (2938 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 23 2024
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