INFAMOUS SECOND SON PS5 All Cutscenes (Good Karma) Game Movie 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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[Music] you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] hey if art is a crime then just damn it think delson think ah partied the longhouse just gotta get there mingle establish an alibi i'm a goddamn criminal mastermind who's out there it's just me betty would you put this stapler down seriously what are you doing here why aren't you at the big to do with the longhouse oh uh yeah i just didn't feel all that akomish tonight but you look amazing it looks great on you seriously what were you doing up on the roof hmm nothing just were you up to mischief come on i know you're in there so just come on out or i'll call betty and she'll be here in five minutes with the keys you're up to mischief okay well come on seriously what are you gonna do here well i have no choice he's a cop i have to be back here in five minutes and if you are still here thanks betty this is the last time i have to go back to my office apparently i'm getting a phone call i cannot believe he doesn't have anything better to do hello freedom and now the easy part get to the longhouse set up an alibi [Music] my don't look down don't look down don't look down and the plan is working perfectly hey man we've been looking like forever for you we should probably just get inside i have any idea how embarrassing it is for me to keep arresting my own brother over and over and over again maybe you should stop arresting your brother over and over and over do you think this is a joke no that's how you want to leave your mark on the world huh you think this would make our parents proud misdemeanor vandalism listen man there's a lot of scary [ __ ] in the world and while i'm out there actually trying to assert my talents you're trying to conserve your talent i mean what the hell i always do let me just tell you what big bad it's scary really because i don't seem to get it what truck i'm going after those two you stay back that thing's gonna blow stay away from the exploding thing got it how's the military doing here i need some help here uh reggie guy here needs some help holy [ __ ] dude oh thanks man i thought i was gonna die you all right oh god oh hey let him go just let him go and keep your hands where i can see him i don't want to hurt nobody i just want to get going before she gets here i said let him go or i will shoot you fresh santa i don't want to hurt nobody uh bridge i gotta find reggie the hell was that what the hell what's happening to me my god no stop it stop it let's go what the hell is going on my god oh my god make it stop red rose i really need you no i gotta get through here what's going on rezzy i gotta get that thing off you you just i gotta get you out yeah okay okay just just help me push [Music] can't stop it man i can't stop it right there can't stop it okay it's okay so you're okay let's breathe breathe you're right all right one of them and i'm one of them no no you were my brother all right you were my brother okay this thing with you is gonna pass i promise we'll fix it all right here with me you with me okay okay get out there there is a volunteer so we gotta stop him before he gets the rest of the drive all right okay i need you i need you right now all right come on you're good yeah let's go just promise me you won't use any of those tricks okay i wouldn't have been able to even get to you back there if i hadn't just promise me you won't do that hey hey just i don't want you to think what's happened is is a good thing okay because it's not sheriff we can't get in the buttons jammed i think betty's still inside geez man the latch is melted locked how the hell'd he get through i think he ran through you can do that there's only one way to find out wait he's not vince good to know not good wow that should have hurt betty hold on betty [Music] yeah this will work don't want to spoil the surprise almost there betty you got to get out of here ladies i'm trying to help you stay away from me [Music] i was just trying to create a diversion i didn't know anybody was in here you did this to me you're a conduit ah betty i'll explain later but you got to get out of here now good i'm gone not until you fix this [Music] first i spend most of my life behind bars it's easy enough to bust out you just gotta wait for that golden opportunity when i got my powers hell i was unstoppable until the dup caught up with me yeah they got a special hole they like to toss folks like me in figured out a way to bind us all up so we couldn't use our powers that also meant they had to feed us wash us even wipe our goddamn asses that's no way for a man to live there's no way they had this red-headed [ __ ] there really into needles and scalpels she called what she did to me tests but if you do enough time learn a few tricks just gotta be patient sooner or later they'll screw up they always do you maybe see something or you hear something learn things you weren't supposed to know so when that [ __ ] put the three of us in that wagon i knew what was coming a golden opportunity i saw you poking around inside my head it was me i thought that was you you saw it right that dup prison if she catches you that's where you're going wait wait wait i'm warning you kid back off not going anywhere until you fix this listen i don't know what happened but you better be ready to disappear why you're a conduit now kid a bioterrorist welcome to the world of run for your life and that's what i aim to do even if i gotta go through you not going anywhere until you fix this this ain't something that could be big then at least show me how to control it you've got time yeah you face coming and she knows i'm on to her plan you ain't listening back the hell oh this fire's only going about two three minutes diversion tops i gotta get now ain't going back to curtin k yeah well whoever's coming is coming for you man not me you've been seen son folks here know about you and she's got a way of making people talk good luck kid oh hell no no way i'm going to die in a fish guttery let me go just let me walk away nobody's ever got to know about any of this wait a minute stop let's talk about it oh henry i am so very disappointed in you well we got him right i uh flushed that mean old conduit for you good job everybody especially you guys i'm a terrorist henry daughtry as a bio-terrorist conduit he's a word used by traitors who sympathize with their cause you're not a traitor are you i uh i try not to be you seem nervous no i'm not nervous it's been my experience there are only two reasons for people to be nervous either they're cowards or they have something to hide well you know i also get nervous around pretty girls you were in there with that bio-terrorist for some time did he share anything with you um sharon did he say anything to you share any of his ramblings about conspiracies oh um no he didn't he didn't share anything good that's good to hear you see we are engaged in a life and death war with these bioterrorists and it's my job to do whatever it takes to ensure that we win that war but it's kind of funny because aren't you a bioterrorist too okay okay okay [Music] yes i am sometimes you have to fight fire with fire and it's clear now that you are not a coward which means there's something that you're not telling me what are you doing you can't do this you crazy i've got rights and i have the legal authority to suspend those rights whenever i feel it's necessary like now for instance i'll ask again what happened in there and i will tell you again i'm told that hurts maybe i know what happened there no betty don'ts really still nothing well unless you decide that you do have something to tell me i'll go chat with that nice old lady but you should know concrete is especially hard on brittle bones and if she doesn't talk i'll just move on to the next one and the next until i find someone who does so do you have something you want to tell me or do you prefer that i move on to your friends here [Music] what i said i'm a conduit all right i caught it a second ago from from that guy oh you caught it very funny ah god towson so betty maybe you can give me a straight answer yeah i'm told that hurts is [Music] [Music] facility [Music] what's going on very latest for you coming up for now i'm charles sandol ustv news [Music] people are sleeping nick man what the hell happened oh my god how could anyone do this how many people did she hurt and no one could stop her oh my god betty delson dear you're awake so did augustine do this to you yeah why don't you think i was gonna rat you out to that ornery trot besides at the time it seemed like all the cool kids were getting their legs pierced that means everyone here we're a comiss we protect our own no one here blames you for what happened neither should you hey can't be ashamed for what you are can't help it you were born that way all that matters is i'm one of them now you are not one of those beady-eyed bio-terrorists who go around killing people higgly pigley you're a good boy just happen to have smoke coming out of your fingers it's the whole reason why we're in this is smoke coming out of my fingers hey don't go down that road if you're gonna be such a buzz kill i'm gonna have to go back to sleep because i need my rest so that i can get better and get on my feet again and i can rest now cause you're awake you know don't you worry i'm gonna be fine really you see i'll fix this oh man delson whoa damn it i thought we were gonna lose you there a little concrete in the legs that's something more than that oh glad to see fast healing seems to be a part of your new uh thing speaking of which um the craziness with the hands is that gone yeah i don't know man there's no smoking in the long house remember that's right and i wouldn't want to get in the way of anyone's recovery recovery hey delson these these people aren't getting any better they're dying man you don't know that no but the doctors who came through here when you were out they do and they said that they said the only way those shards are coming out is the exact same way they went in what yeah but that that was augustine and her concrete power yeah and screw it man looks like you and me are going to seattle and we're going to go get her wait what you think you're just going to charm her into coming back here with you come on man i know you took a bump to the head but you two didn't exactly hit it off last time you were together reggie i did this and i gotta fix it no damn it dustin you just got back on your feet look i know you want to help but the doctors have already said the only way it's kidding out is with the same power i get it which means you don't actually need augustine we just need our power okay now you've lost me i'm a goddamn power sponge remember if i got smoke why can't i get concrete yeah but what if smoke was just a fluke huh wait think about it you'd have to go through what a thousand dup guys just to get to her yeah probably something like that i'll explain in the truck what truck i don't have a truck i that's my truck all right i got this whole thing figured out okay we we hit the town we load up at the all you can leech condo at power buffet maybe swing by the space needle always wanted to see it and then we're back home to save some lives you do realize when we hit the town there's a fair chance the town's gonna you know hit back what does that even mean it means that seattle has a half a million people that aren't exactly thrilled about the bio-terrorists that are already there you think they're going to welcome you no but i'm going to be different okay i'm not there doing what they do i'm there to save lives i'm going to be like superman i'll be healing the sick hero what you think they're going to throw you a parade wake up man look don't worry dale alright we're gonna fix this thing i'm gonna find you a cure a cure but shooting smoke out of your fingertips isn't exactly normal man just because it's not normal doesn't mean that it needs a cure okay van gogh wasn't normal gandhi wasn't normal but people weren't scared of gandhi all right people are afraid of bioterrorists they're freaks see that's pre-programmed [ __ ] right huh well looks like we're walking the rest of the way walk what yeah where are you going hey damn it [Music] holy crap would you look at this look you know if you're having second thoughts i think are you kidding me this is amazing this is destruction this is self-defense man the roadblock was set up to attack them because they're bioterrorists well it didn't stop them and it's not going to stop this bad boy either man this must be the mothership jesus delson hey are you okay okay i'm better than okay man i think i picked up a new trick yep new oh yeah definitely new and improved nelson this is not improved man we're trying to fix the problems you already have not add new ones what do you think augustine is just sitting on her ass i gotta power up if i'm gonna go toe-to-toe with concrete queen hey i'm hoping to avoid that listen there might be another way that we can get to augustine what other way i have a few connections in seattle right some in the police force no no no no no no this is not the point where reggie swoops in and makes everything all right this is not your problem to fix it is mine can you hear me there perfect you want to go help somebody go save damsel in distress that's not wait right fine we both go oh no no no no you go play super cop okay i will catch up with you in a minute all right but don't go anywhere and for god's sake don't touch anything i'm gonna touch everything hello you're up first little guy okay yeah that could definitely be habit for me yeah this should do the trick hey delson i need you up here dude you will not believe what that beeping was get up here okay i found a bus full of relief workers that stuck okay looks like the rest of the way is clear i'm gonna ride this baby straight into seattle [Music] dude ready open up let's go oh you've got to be kidding me [Music] hello hey delson we got a problem some of the people on the bus they saw you doing your super thingy to clear the way and they're afraid of you what look i told you man bio terrorists aren't especially popular this is one of my like rosa parks and they want me to sit on the back of the bus no they want you to sit outside the bus they don't want you in here all right they said if you come on they're gonna get off then let them walk i don't care you think i can't take this door down you are not gonna do that these people have never seen anything like you before and they're scared right and i can't blame them he's gonna break down the door go sir just give me a second look just let me run them across the bridge i'll come right back for you all right it'll take five minutes come on man i can't let you on the bus five minutes [Music] [Music] uh-huh listen just switch on the gps tracking on your phone okay so we get separated oh you mean like right now attention the scheduled decommission of the 520 bridge by order of the dup will begin shortly all vehicles and individuals are ordered sounds like useful information nelson i got the aid workers across the dup clearing the bridge coming back for you so that's you there what's going on hello hey hey you guys need any help oh [ __ ] a pile terrace hey it's one of those pranks okay whoa no no no no no ugh this fast healing stuff is gonna come in real handy hey hey look man i just want to get to the tunnel [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay okay i'll give up okay just don't hurt see we're not all monsters spread the word what the hell just happened reggie oh man answer me oh my god this was a bridge [Music] i'm coming reg come on core relay work your magic another shot okay cosmos keep them coming [Music] reggie allison what's this i hear about you and your brother taking off it's really not a good time betty okay you just be careful and have fun okay i will bye got the bus reggie [Music] little help here i said how pitching are we getting huh delson all right all right come on i got it thanks for the hand huh check it out well seem to be getting the hang of your uh new symptoms right of course the only downside being that uh nope can't think of anything this is pretty freaking awesome really no downside how about those heavily armed guys over there now want to hurt you real bad that a downside yeah now look for all we know we may be able to pass you through their security you know because you're not a normal viral terrorists normal no no if you mean by normal you know the sheep that they try to line up so that they can probe them no reggie i'm not normal and did you see what i did on that bridge we could take these guys let's just see if we can sneak you through their checkpoints first all right it'll make getting around the city a lot easier okay fine fine do it your way i'll settle listen promise me you'll play it cool up ahead hey they used to call me mr cool no one has ever once called you that ever are you really worried about this these dup guys may not have the same level of power that you that natural bio-terrorists have but the government infused them all with enough to still do some serious damage well you have just officially ruined my seattle vacation how long did you say i was out for one week wow that means the dup put all of this up yup oh they've kept busy once we're through i'll check with a couple of my cop buddies try and get access to the police databases in the meantime i need you to just play low i might spook them if i show up with a bio-terrorist okay boss man this is a registered firearm i'm a police officer hey someone let me on his bus won't let me meet his friends please place your finger on the scanner processing [Music] warning that's two out of three nelson run the hell with that shelton stay behind cover don't tell me how to fight [Music] nelson we got separate are you okay me i'm fine dandy uh just like you said laying low just keep playing low i'll call when i've got something hey what the hell man you're supposed to be protecting them from me nelson got access to the seattle police database turns out the up has eyes and ears everywhere well let's gouge out their eyes and slice off their ears all right i've got you on my gps not far from one of their mobile command centers you can shut that down it'll limit their ability to track your movements mobile command center got it so what exactly does one of those look like it should be a large heavily armored mobile unit with side ports and major communication here on top all right i think i see it uh badass rv with lights and metal crap on top okay great there should be vent panels along the sides if you blow out enough of those should overheat and be exposed okay blow out the panels got it short and sweet you find the main power core it should be on top you must be back up i think i prefer the smaller guys i know you're in there hey delson you know i just realized all the dups have concrete powers right so hey all you have to do is drain one of them we can go home doesn't work it won't mean you were wrong about that huh then we can still go home about you big phil oh crap well did it work ah no time to check man i got dupes coming at me from every direction get the hell out of there yeah great advice all right reg i hate to ask but any of your besties in blue know anything about these core relays yeah well apparently they've got them set up all over town seattle pd has been keeping an eye on him since the dup won't tell him what they do but you can find out where they all are sure like i said good i need you to send the locations to my phone what so you can keep tapping them for more powers no forget it wow my own brother wants me to fight the ultra mega bioterrorist of all time with less powers look i didn't say that well i guess i shouldn't put it off then better go straight on to augustine now and get it over with not sure what's going to happen all right all right i get it look just stay away from augustine and i'll send you the ones i know of thanks reg you're the best brother ever no the best brother ever would have locked you in a closet back in salmon bay for the rest of your life wow not sure a closet can hold a conduit for long but i appreciate your wanting to lock me up we read those uh core relays we saw on the way here must have been cracked by all that destruction this one's sealed up pretty tight i doubt the dup is gonna let you borrow their keys you're probably gonna have to break them open oh lucky i just happen to have some mad new braking skills i just want to go home [Music] oh this is gonna be awesome look out below not bad huh hey you want to see it again you think the dup does it to every town they get called to apparently what they say why would people even put up with that because when it comes down to it folks aren't willing to trade life for liberty or the pursuit of happiness uh i feel good about this one you know secondhand smoke is bad for you [Music] [Music] jesus nice man how many dup guys are in this city yeah well luckily you have the advantage in numbers my man uh how do you figure that well because one person can move around faster lighter quieter plus it'll make them underestimate you not gonna know what hit them why spoil the surprise when it happened good point they got checkpoints and cameras on just about every corner the benefit of having home field advantage except this isn't their home field okay so that way's not an option this better work that was awesome it freaking worked reggie i've used up all the core relays you sent man come on anymore no man that's all you get this bio terrorist thing has you all worked up you you need to find place to lay low and chill out for a while what is it with you and laying low i'm fine i'm great give me more no now i'm working on a possible lead with the detective on the spd but we're not moving forward until i'm convinced your head's on straight hey okay i'll play low whatever the hell that means okay delson i've got some information on the dups communications network now there's a central antenna so they can coordinate the movements of all the smaller districts all right any idea where this central communication thing is well you did say you wanted to see it while you were here shut up space needle space needle okay reg i'm here and you were right the needles tricked out with all kinds of electrical crap and what looks like a bad aluminum siding job you're gonna have to get to the top of the needle it's a nice day i'll just climb to the top no no no don't be crazy hey man it's not crazy to be awesome hey reg hypothetical you know theoretical totally what if question here but what would be the explanation for how i might be able to draw the power from some conduits say oh i don't know hank and not others like one of these dupe troopers oh my god so you did try earlier hey i'm not looking for and i told you so here reg i'm just looking for an answer well i suppose that hypothetically theoretically it could be you can only drain powers from a conduit who has them naturally a prime conduit like hank or hopefully augustine the dup guys got all their weaker powers from augustine so maybe they can't pass them on even to you so you're saying we have to keep going read you loud and clear don't push it and next time don't lie to me okay trust your brother a little more than that will you man this stuff's even uglier from the inside looking forward to taking this stuff down hey there it's betty where are you oh hi betty i'm at the space needle oh i'll i'll try back later then bring me a postcard okay the gift shop's open bye betty bye bye okay not a good time to plummet aren't you a sight for sore eyes this is more like i'm on the observation deck don't let your guard down all right time to gouge out the eye of the needle and that must be what holds it all the together i haven't seen you before right man they got a small army up here good you're in the right place or that they really don't like other people playing with their stuff come on focus nelson do you see any way to take down the communications yeah yeah there's this uh anchor looks like it's holding all the antennas in place [Music] [Music] i've lost [Music] [Music] him oh this is going to be epic it goes away hello science center district i lost you did you read me i'm getting nothing sir you nothing outside our immediate area yeah red let's go find us some prime conduits and get some new powers we own the streets take it easy a few streets in the immediate vicinity right the dup still owns the other 98 but we kicked them off the space needle man you knocked out their comm center okay they may be deaf but they're not dumb kicking the dup completely out of seattle is going to take time we just got here you know what they say the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single kick-ass tag who says that the chinese people hey reg can you see it from down there are you kidding people in portland could see it i just want to let the dupes know i'm here man where the hell is that that's not one of the three who escaped that's cool what's the symbol supposed to be not sure the bannerman got away before the duke reinforcements got here delson i've been asking around about the escaped bio-terrorists do you think i maybe need like a pr guy what the hell are you talking about people here are starting to call me the banner man which a is unbelievably lame uh maybe not the best idea you hanging around the space needle right now well i mean why not smoke tastic man or hell just the smoker look i'll keep trying to get a lead on the escape bio terrorists why don't you see if you can disrupt other dup operations around there until i get back to you high drama at the pacific science center today is an unidentified man scaled seattle's iconic space needle and attached an enormous banner to inspire and all the meaning of the flagged symbol and the identity of the banner man both remain mysteries what is clear is that seattle's bio-terrorist population banner man pretty lame right seattle's frank link continues as the mysterious bio-terrorist cyber continued his rampage with three more random killings on that city street yesterday bringing the total to 21 innocent citizens slain in the week since the bioterrorist serial killer began his deadly spree for us tv news i'm charles nelson i'm sorry man i got hung up but i found out there's this bio-terrorist maniac yeah i just heard and can we please not use the b word what a bioterror yeah you know that's just a slur invented by the dup to make people scared of conduits man look whatever you want to call him let's just track him down and find out what he can tell us about augustine and drain his powers okay fine and drain his powers i'm telling you it's gonna work all right they just found a body at fifth and briar go check it out but promise me you'll be inconspicuous listen delson it's gonna be police officers at this crime scene okay now i'm here to support you by killing cops i got it i got it i'll put my phasers on stun okay i did it your way i passed your boys in blue thank you although what's the use of having smoke powers if you're not gonna use them ah there's my baby brother well found the victim definitely the work of a conduit it's very showy okay i need you to take a couple pictures of the crime scene and send them to me anything that might give us a lead here's your wounds i wonder what kind of power did this fire blast or lasers oh what about flesh eating death gays i wouldn't mind absorbing a little flesh-eating death gays right delson even if the guy who did this is a prime conduit we still don't know if this power transfer thing's even gonna work well you know what if it does my first victim it's gonna be the guy who came up with the name bannerman bro you really need to let that go okay sending you the picture but i think he blinked uh reg i'm hearing sirens man yeah let me check real quick yeah the dups just cordoned off the area i've warned the seattle pd to stay away it has to be the conduit i'll check it out chances are there's going to be a lot of dup there do you pee with shoot to kill orders wow well i hate to interrupt this little pep talk but any luck with that first victim on your face database thing no nothing must not have had a record from the looks of the guy at least what expected a drug bust or two [Music] good no it's get the conduit jeez and good luck with that [Music] well this conduit sure got a certain style kind of nouveau sick okay just need let me guess face and wounds if it's not too much trouble all right there you go standby for wounds no need i got a hit on the face guy's a drug dealer rap sheets a mile long look around for a stash not give us a clue why this sniper chose him holy holy what what holy delson are you okay yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait don't impale me real original advice [Music] it's okay it's okay i'm one of you i mean one of us would you slow down i'm not gonna hurt you yeah especially if you don't slow down stop come back nice meeting you you get him no he ran fast like like really really fast conduit fast man screwed flesh hitting death gaze i don't want that don't be greedy funny thing man just before every shot you could see the neon sign behind him dim a little ah must be his power source head back to the sign see what you can find you should see what this guy can do man like lasers or something i'm telling you it would be great to have a one-two punch like that and smoke when i get to augustine take it easy we've got to find him again first all right i'm here any idea what i should be looking for just anything that might help with who our sniper is well one thing this place tells us is that our sniper is a sniperette wait what you should see this red it's like the girliest sniper's nest you've ever seen what what does that even mean i i don't know it's just girled up girl stuff like the name brent burned into the wall in girly handwriting and it is definitely the best smelling assassin's den you could ever be in okay look just send me photos of anything you think might help okay those definitely very likely belong to a woman like you know i wonder who brent is i can't help you there okay i can see how you might think those are women's shoes yeah they're like size negative seriously a serial killer who reads jane eyre oh totally jane eyre is like the female catcher in the rye so anything else interesting relax i'm looking i guess this counts as interesting that's interesting all right you know it's a long shot but maybe if i run this through the database cross-referencing the name brent we'll get lucky you know if i had smoke and lasers i could like put on light shows in our living room oh that'd be putting your powers to good use hey raj i was uh i was just thinking about the bras well stop okay seriously just stop okay i'm thinking when i get to augustine it's gonna be like smoke and then once i got on the ropes it's like zap zap but whip out the laser show that's good to have a plan hey i got a hit on the photo name's brent walker one arrest two years ago for minor drug possession get this found dead two months later in an alley cause of death a single puncture wound of unknown origin through the chest i'm sending you the address now yeah our girls definitely got a thing against drug dealers sure seems like it it's weird though man if she's just killing drug dealers then why do the news reports make it sound like she's picking off random victims like it could be anybody yeah well you'd think the dup would want people to know the killings weren't random that if you're not a drug dealer you're not in danger but sure bring the panic level down saying what the dup is trying to scare people their job is to control the panic all right i'm at the alley but there's a bunch of heavily armed dudes here it's like a drug deal's going down i hate to go all cop on you but it is the duty of every citizen to step up when they witness a crime in progress so now you do want me killing people with my power i didn't say kill them just rough them up scare them a little destroy their staff nelson i heard shots did you kill them hey i was trying to do my duty as a citizen man but they were trying to do their duty as criminals french you should see this man speedy gone crazy is a tagger she's pretty damn good one too yeah well don't forget she's a murderer all right pretty damn good one too you gotta admit girl makes a mean vortex [Music] you really shouldn't leave lit candles unattended she sets a lovely altar it's actually kind of touching yeah well there's good touching and bad touching and now we come to the highlight of the tour that is full bore crazy okay so the girl stops off for takeout comes here to sit with neon brent to tell him all about her day while she chowders down you know olafs has a location on alaskan way you're supposed to have one of the biggest neon signs in the city hey if i had neon powers and a chowder jones that's where i'd hang i am on my way what's the name of that book you know the one that says uh let he who is without sin cast the first stone radical wow i'm impressed with your impulse control um but maybe you should wait it by the neon sign yeah might be less conspicuous that way besides she'll probably head there to recharge yeah plus there's probably less people i want to kick the crap out of up there that too it was the bible by the way when i was quoting it was the bible if you were if you were wondering i wasn't [Music] okay this is good surveillance hobo style oh man that smells good why didn't i take some cash off those dealers money why do you hate me be my friend money come to me let's bond it's okay [Applause] ah look at this again that's like last time delson concentrate no no no no you're not getting away i got this now just leave me alone [Music] she's too fast see the light baby come on jelson pick it up damn she's fast they all deserved it am not going back no no no you're not taking me back i am not going back to carnegie you listen to me i'm not with augustine you're one of the goddamn robots how many times wait are there really robots come on towers i know you're in there surprise me [Music] oh i am still gonna use this i am not going back [Music] no [Music] [Music] no no no no no no no as a little girl i never thought it'd be me that i'd be one of them my powers were a surprise my parents turned me in they knew what the government would do to people like me and they did it anyway i didn't know what to do but my brother brent just grabbed our coats and we ran [Music] those were hard days on the street moving from city to city no comfort anywhere until we met some dealers and man they hooked us up the drugs the trucks were heaven but then we always wanted more [Music] withdrawal agony always looking for a fix and when you lose your stash when you think someone stole it from you the drugs the dealers they make you do things oh god brent the government picked me up easy enough after that but it wasn't a regular jail they trained me to shoot taught me how to kill so on the day of the crash i escaped with all those skills everything i needed to set things right brent i promise every dealer i find i'm gonna burn your name in their chest no one else is gonna suffer like we did and no brother nobody else [Music] come on get up get up hey you did good i know just where to put filth like this somewhere where augustine won't find her and she won't be hurting anybody else hey no no no she's just killing drug dealers man killing nelson murdering drug dealers what do you think i'm doing to the dup what you have to to save the akomish back home she stays free no no way look just because you have the same affliction not gift affliction doesn't mean that we're gonna pick up every little piece of trash we find look i'm never going to abandon you all right not ever this one goes in a cage should be my responsibility yeah because responsibility is not exactly something you excel at i got this fine i'm here for the tribe got the holland bio-terrorist i'm a conduit he's cool he's normally cool he's just not today yeah let's talk all right reg sorry oh look who it is what is the meeting of the conduit club finally over i just wanted to talk to her okay to see if maybe she could help us out oh you are not doing the pouting reggie thing are you you know i hate that you know someone like that shouldn't be free to roam the streets uh are you forgetting who else is someone like that not the same you're different yes i know i'm your brother and your brother is asking for your help and trying to stay alive if you won't do it for me then do it for the tribe fine what do you need thank you i need to see what else this new power can do and you are my go-to guy when it comes to finding the core relays there i sent it for the tribe and you thank you i'll let you know what i get oh i don't want to know what you get goodbye pouting reggie fetch you know those glowing boxes the dupes put up all over town yeah i've seen them i think they can track us with them well i think i figured out a way to use them to like tap into more powers for me i was gonna try it out on the new neon power you gave me gave you and i thought maybe you'd like to tag along you know maybe talk me through the new stuff i already bagged my dealer limit for the day so why the hell not there's my sweet girl screw you okay they're supposed to be one of those things that uh second in maine yeah i've seen it before meet you there hey fetch it's over here yeah i'm cool kind of which backers of me don't get along well where do you see this i don't seem like such a good idea you're on your own z [Music] if something just happened hey uh you guys seen a girl kind of short purple hair oh just winged it you're welcome no mercy shoot to kill hey i heard gunfire those things can track you no i think they were just on patrol well i found another one i left you signs to find it see it it's a neon marker uh yeah got it just follow those hey fetch just stumbled across a bit of your handiwork you think maybe you want to dial it down a notch gotta feed the fury dude or maybe you don't feed the fury it'll starve to death and you become a people person like me or or maybe you can bite me [Music] yeah take that you poisoned peddling garbage it's what you deserve hey smokes you want in on this [Music] night dude you okay yeah yeah you still need help don't need it but i'll take it okay i think i got the next one just keep following the markers so uh how'd you like killing those dealers that's a [ __ ] job i just taught him a lesson and left him to think things over kill him hey we have powers they don't means we have to be the better people put a little slack now with them think about it yeah yeah whatever hey there it is go ahead and get your convulsion on uh you first what i lost smoke what's the point of getting new powers if you ever trade in the old ones okay time to pick up the trail fetch i uh see you start taking these dealers down alive can't help but think i had something to do with that yeah all you egomaniacs think you're the reason for everything that happens in the world no i don't think i'm the reason for everything i mean just your highly visible change in behavior that's all [Music] damn dude whatever that was i heard it from here you know anytime you want to actually hang around for one of these things i've been thinking about what you said before about the drug dealers on the street oh yeah the way i see it going after those ass gum dealers is just small time but going up the food chain a little finding the supplier that'll change things well i'd be glad to tag along next trip you make up the food chain just i don't think i've ever actually changed anything before sir it'll be a date with a death toll i'll give you a call if anything comes up come on lazy girl we have people to see and the power is to steal okay promise you won't be mad but the good news is you can start without me oh face the danger alone gee that is good news listen i found out a major drug shipment came in a couple days ago and it stored on some boats there at the marina all right on some boats out of marina it's all the details i need it's a big shipment so it'll probably be houseboats and this group uses a dolphin as sort of their mark so i look for anything on a boat with a dolphin on it better but don't wait for me you never know when they'll start offloading that stuff so what held you up girl stuff ew what kind of girl stuff when some serious hurt on this drug dealing scumbag until he sold out his friends and told me all about this goddamn drug shipment fetch i'm on the docks and i'm here on the roof what you couldn't wait a few more minutes this is why i hate working with girls [Music] fetch i told you i got your ass covered like a pair of sides yeah thanks got it yeah drugs hey fetch i'm gonna tag all the boats with drugs to make it easier for you to know which one to take out man can't you ever go like five minutes without tagging stuff there you go made it easy for you well no wonder it took me so long fetch you said dolphin but clearly this is a porpoise it's a common mistake this is why i hate working with boys wait i heard something [Music] so batch you didn't tell me there'd be girls at this party so i heard dealers must be using their hookers as human shields supposed to be a pretty big shipment got to be at least one more boat that's holding hello any women of ill repute being held hostage on this boat against their whip uh-oh looks like we stirred up a hornet's nest back here at the warehouse coming food oh good sit and wait my favorite strategy why don't you join me on the roof here and enjoy the fireworks i'm about to light up all the drugs you know it's a lucky thing you were able to let those women free before we blow up the boats here no kidding you ready let's light up the bay [Music] well that's three less evil dolphin boats in the world three less porpoise boats don't worry it's a common mistake dee wake up they're on the move probably moving some stuff to their main location we should follow him let him lead us to it we should stick to the rooftop so we don't spook them we just got to be careful not to lose them afgh can i ask you a personal question about that dup detention center card and k yeah that's the one no i mean what do you want to know there were maybe four maybe 500 of us a few of us were separated out given special training or tests actually i was just gonna ask if it had a pool you're a jackass you know that yeah it's over they pulled into the alley this must be the place all right so what's the plan um get em get them isn't a [Music] let's see plan there's somebody in the truck all right ladies come on let's go yes the bad men are gone go live love just not professionally if you want to get clean now's the time there won't be any more drugs on the street don't screw it up and they're gone do you think a couple of low-life bio-terrorists will ever get thanked for saving people yeah i think you might have saved me oh so what are you gonna give up on your whole ritualistic murdering of drug dealers it's like half your charm oh yeah what's the other half actually that was it you just the one don't worry i'm not giving up on my passions just finding some new ones oh like boxing is that like your whole attempt at a tender moment you are a sentimental psychopath aren't you come on let's just get the rest of these drugs in the harbor maybe we can get a few fish strung out man hook a dolphin you like me hey just woke up you were gone yeah i gotta go hook up with the other woman in my life augustine what does she have that i don't concrete power you guys i'll answer the same thing by the way i think your brother would have been real proud of what you did i mean killing the dealers destroying the drugs and freeing the sex slaves right of course well i'm sure he would have loved me too yeah yeah i think of you to see me with those boats and drugs and dealers he'd have been proud of his kids sis we done good see i'd like to see those lion ass tv talkers make this look bad oh bad move man this is gonna be awesome automatic turrets this is so cheating turns out their achilles heel is up their asses he's got to keep leap frogging these auto turds things are relentless [Music] hey fetch let's let the trail of bodies and bulls across this bridge fetch goddamn girls in this short [ __ ] lady you are hell on bridges you know that so you recognize me oh yeah yeah you're the one that had me dead to rights a couple weeks ago and just let me walk away you've changed since then you mean the smoke thing ah that's new i hear you've learned a new trick you've expanded your arsenal i i don't know where you heard that i mean i'm i'm just a lowly smoke guy we'll see uh yeah that's that's doing nothing for me ah you're a big fella i must say so far i'm not impressed see that wasn't so hard i thought so i just had to see it for myself i hope you realize how special well the bigger they are the smaller i feel now i know your weakness oh okay so maybe i you know lied about the neon thing but listen i think i can save us both a lot of time here i just need to leech a little power off you that's it you want me to just give you my power i mean it's not enough to sink bridges or anything but enough to pull the concrete daggers out of my friends yeah and then after that you will never see me again i've got a better idea did you be useless to me back in your little hubble how about you stay here with me i kind of like my idea better you disappoint me going down okay ah ah the lantern district where i was headed all along just took the scenic route hey uh uh is this delson rowe yeah who's this see i'm just a huge fan of your work that tag you put on the needle sees control right see i get what you're doing the whole give power to the powerless thing and i want to help okay well if you want to help you can help me find one of the escaped conduits who might be here in the lantern district oh why do you want him or her i just want to shake his or her hand okay well i've heard the dups planning to take all the suspected conduits they've rounded up and move them to this holding facility they built downtown convoy's supposed to come right through the lantern district cutting across the i-90 over bass okay you happen to know if any of these people have actual powers oh oh yeah yeah totally absolutely yes well thanks uh i'm sorry man what would you say your name was it's uh it's eugene it's a dorky name i know hey my mom got delson off of an old western hey eugene i'm thinking the easiest thing to do here is somehow drop the road a little you know pull the rug out from underneath him well you could just blow it off no i can't take the chance it'll kill the conduit i'm looking for i think i'm just going to cut the supports then the trucks will make it drop a little bam answer and roadblock okay see man this is why i'm such a big fan i wish i could be there to see it well come on out and watch but you know from a safe distance of course because when we conduits go to work you mortals better give us a wide berth right all right well uh you know what on second thought then i'm gonna stay home i'll let you know if i find anything more about the convoy though eugene when's this convoy supposed to show up uh tonight sometime i mean i really don't know for sure are you still at the overpass yeah still here just been making friends with the locals it doesn't seem to be any traffic up top man yeah because the dukes took it over i closed it off to citizens so you finished with the supports yep all done got to head top side and get ready for a little game of chicken with the dupes damn it of course suckers hey eugene talk to me man what am i looking for in this convoy i don't know i mean they're moving a lot of prisoners so maybe look for some buses [Music] whoa what what's that uh helicopters full pack of them i don't think they can see me in the fog so [Music] do eugene those buses are long gone any chance you know where they went uh i don't know radio chatter's all over the place i can't figure out where they're headed oh wait you're tapped into the dup right now how the hell did you pull that off uh just this phone app i've been tinkering with here i'll send you a link okay got it uh so what's it do it's a signal tracker you can listen in on the dup's communication but the cool thing is you can also use it to pinpoint the direction the signal is coming from man we're gonna have to take this thing up for a test drive hey eugene bro i'm not getting his static on this thing man there must be too many tall buildings blocking the signal you may have to get a little higher up to get a clear shot we drove right into a goddamn ambush it was definitely row no eugene i got something i told you no idea on casualty figures but we also lost apc even had a couple i'm telling you whatever the hell it was is still up there it's like nothing else i've ever heard uh uh [Music] empty somebody must have beat me to him you're new sorry i got other plans [Music] eugene i found that first bus but it's empty there were three on the overpass so that means there's still two out there [Applause] hey there fan of mine you still there one minor setback and you hang up on me some fan you are fully charged we need help there's too many of them they're everywhere everywhere sorry okay this is not going the way i expected i got to find that last bus before whatever did this does angels are you kidding me right now so either one of those escapees can make angels or i'm going after god and i do not like my odds in that matchup hey delson look they found one of those vests that dup suspects wear over by market a guy belongs who might still be there there's lots of places to hide oh thanks for the tip so where'd you disappear to earlier huh hey maybe conduits don't have to go to the bathroom but the rest of us do how do you get all this information about what's going on in the lantern district the wall's heavier than eyes sounds like helpful friends well i couldn't imagine better let's see if i had one of these things on i would want to get it off as fast as possible because well because they're butt ugly then i guess because they just scream attack me i'm a suspected bio-terrorist so you'd want some place private to get undressed with a door that locks a place to sit while you changed a porta potty would be perfect you'd kill two birds with one don't you stone those bio terrorists not a great start in the first place here maybe you could teach them english great bilingual bullying hey i'm not with the and i'm not a freak who goes around opening occupied port-a-potties no wait i saw him first these angels are quick hey delson i'm in the lantern district still here yeah about time you made it across how's going on i'll leave you on your own for a couple hours and suddenly there's angels dive bombing people that has something to do with the conduit we're looking for i set free a bunch of prisoners the dupes were moving i think one of them might be our guy lucky for you big brother's here finding escapees is what i do well be on the lookout for anyone in a black and yellow vest i saw one on the ground in uh hing hang market looked like a [ __ ] to get off lock's all over it gotta say little brother getting the hang of this manhunt thing maybe when we get back home i'll deputize you can have a job for a change oh no thanks one cop in the family is embarrassing enough if you have a conscience you'll steal yourself i'm making a deal we take this chase back down to the ground where it's safe and i'll give you a 10-second head start no no no no don't oh this cat's winning man [Music] how's it going deputy whoever this angel maker is he's pissing me off they keep grabbing all the conduits and i can't keep up oh same old same old if the angels aren't bad enough there's these gangs of surly dudes out hunting the vestoids too those would be a current an angry gang of bullies who like to cause trouble around the international district you should stay clear of them so far so good these guys are real scum of the earth types oh whoa relax i think it's time you called in the cop brother listen meet me by the porta potty in the hinghai market that a crazy idea all right i'll meet you by the porta listen man i don't know what you can trust me i'm a cop you know i've noticed you like to mention that a lot what what do you think there's a little bit of pain putting on especially in there like somebody had some thai food but what do you think chase me you want me to chase you yeah yeah yeah chase me shoot me shoot near me near me and we'll see what happens when one of the angels shows up yeah cause i've got a really good batting average with the angels right now if they take you man they take you to god knows where i know okay but look you know how you're always losing your phone and then you grab mine and find it right right well we have a gps link so you're like a big ugly tracking device okay right but look we got to make this look real okay not too real just real enough to fool the angels get me oh i can get you right between the eyes no no just don't be a dick not bad oh i'm gonna be a dick horrible ugly deep-spirited superpowers oh no i'll never surrender i am a bio-terrorist i eat children and kittens conduits don't really do that in terror mortals i could melt your faces with nothing more than my pinky and cop sweat to bed and we have liftoff hey hey follow my phone and don't be a dick hey uh maybe a little slower it's my first time with an angel you know wow your angels really have soft hands any other uh abductees tell you that listen i just wanted to know if you know where you're going i'm just saying we could probably stop and ask for direction i wouldn't mind video angels i should have seen that [Music] coming oh you don't like it when i shoot the screen do you was at your home is that where you hang your halos and not all you got that's my like travis i think on him [Music] i never liked commercials anyway where did reggie end up worst idea ever oh what the hell i gotta hand it to you big brother you make excellent live bait why did work didn't it found the angel conduit slayer now we go take him out oh you come with me or what ah i'm gonna take this [ __ ] off i'm gonna go cry myself to sleep there's gotta be a ton of weird spiky [ __ ] down there and that brother that's all you oh my don't walk away mad it was your plan what [Music] eugene i wanted to thank you for your help found the conduits hideout and about to go inside that's a bad idea come on he's a conduit it doesn't even do his own fighting how hard can it be no no really don't go in there all right i'll call you when it's over all right time to learn a few nutri okay so this is where they make angels hello anybody home see lots of vests but no people wearing them how did he do with him okay now what i imagine whoa whoa whoa whoa okay okay bigger than i'd hoped am he who dwells and you have invaded my dominion no one's invading your dominion okay i just want to share your powers damn it you got to get back in there saw the vest in your basement what are you doing with the people your angels grabbed i offer my invited guest salvation not suffering i need your powers you need to leave [Music] yes [Applause] i'm back in the penalty box i'm not leaving until i get what i came for [Music] your flying nursemaids can't protect you forever pal you're just delaying the [Music] inevitable you [Music] at school i always tried to blend in to fade into the background to disappear but the bullies found me anyway they always do the only place i felt i belonged was in heaven's hellfire in that game i made the rules i could summon angels to protect the victims and demons to punish the bulls but the real world that that i couldn't control at first i did my best to ignore them until that one day when they pushed me too far when the dup came they said they were taking me to a new school designed for people like me different for six years she hooked me up to her machines it made me call them out always we're stopping before they could save me then that crash that was my chance to to finally really disappear where no one could find me hurt me but when i saw them rounding up more people who were different i knew what she was gonna do to them i had i knew i knew we had to stop her [Music] delson nelson okay that's starting to get old it sounded like you were in trouble so i came running you okay yeah i'm fine thanks man i couldn't done without you oh wait i already did speaking of man you're not gonna believe what i can do now soon as i figure out what it is that i can do well important thing is you gotta kidnap her off the streets oh oh bro not kidnapper he's more like a rescuer nelson listen to me he took suspected conduits right off the street against their will that's kidnapping okay don't go anywhere first of all thank you for using the word conduit second of all why are you being such a dick look fine let's just agree to disagree but we both know it's better for everyone if he goes in a cage [Music] just hang out for a second can i talk to you i thought you were all about rule of law and not locking up people without due process hey normally it's what i do oh what so it just gets thrown out the window whenever it's convenient for you is that it just put a red wig and an old trench coat on you start calling you augustine maybe next halloween cool so game boy and i over there are gonna have a little conversation conduit to conduit no normals allowed fine if you need me be right outside okay ellen thank you for all your help couldn't have done it without you oh wait i already did it so what do you say eugene you me couple of conduits hit the town you show me some of your new video tricks i show you how to pick up some girls maybe rescue some of our marked brethren i don't think so i still feel safer in here come on man you keep staying down here and playing angels and demons you're never gonna get laid listen man it's your life but there is a way for us to live out there in the real world but it's up to us to make it happen you think about that you let me know okay okay little bro i sent you a new core relay reggie man i need you i all of my powers are gone i got nothing new from eugene or any of the old stuff what what hey stay where you are i'm coming no no it's it's too open here gps there's a there's an alley a few blocks away all right i got it i'll meet you there oh they're lucky i don't have powers thank god you're here reggie i need your help wait wait slow down did you say you lost all of your powers yes i lost all my powers i i i lost smoke i lost neon i never even got it this is great this is great news man what the hell is this great news i've got a thousand dupes after me and i've got nothing to go out remember we said we were gonna find a cure for you and this is it i mean all that bio terrorist stuff it's gone nelson we can go home now come listen you have given it your best all right the tribe knows that i know that but it is a miracle you are even still alive i mean please can't we just quit while you're ahead for once tell me the truth if you were me would you just quit and go home absolutely if i were you no so i don't care if i have to throw rocks i'm gonna get augustine but since i'd rather avoid the whole david and goliath throwing rock scenario i really need your help yeah well it sounds like you've already made up your mind so why do you need me well if i'm gonna have any chance of getting any powers back it's gonna be through one of these core relays of course but damn it reg i can't crack one of these things without any powers all right so i i don't actually need you i i i need your gun no no no no no you are not getting my gun and that is fine jeez but maybe i will let you have a couple of my bullets thanks man so i know i'm going to regret asking but what's new you might want to stand back ah good thing i stood back well maybe the next one will have like projectiles or you know some kind of bashing i'll call and let you know oh no i'm coming with you no no no you're not i got this listen uh unless you're planning to open the next core relay with invisibility you still need me besides you don't know where it is i guess if you got stuck with only one power invisibility isn't so bad no kidding right i've been planning what i would do if i could turn invisible since i hit puberty and this conversation is now over there it is okay reg why don't you go ahead and cop it open jackpot yeah well i hope so because we got a ton of dup heading our way see how cool is this hey i say get behind cover reggie you all right yeah fine let's just get to the next core relay sorry it's getting too dangerous for you to keep tagging along little buddy [Music] okey dokey next core relay is where hey remember me the guy who knows where the next core relay is yeah gotta have to put you on hold eugenius nelson listen you're uh flying friends they've probably done some aerial recon around here right yeah good then i need you to help me find something you know those glowing boxes the dupes put up around town sure hold on hey there's one not far from you thanks oh hey uh i've seen a couple of those suspected bio terrorists still getting harassed on the streets what do you say i got this new sword we can help him out how cool is that sword right i know right so you interested no that's okay i've got level 11 angels waiting for me in the valley of death oh oh yeah i think it and i create it well darn [Music] [Music] eugene i know you'd rather be alone with your demons but i just got ambushed by duke snipers you're gonna have to pitch in here bud that's okay i'm good but i'll send some angels i i i meant to ask uh about the girl the one on the bus is she okay no fetch yeah she's great oh okay no listen man she is way out of your league okay i mean you gotta learn to crawl before you can hop aboard the rocket sled oh uh did that guy uh the one who caused the crash did he get away hey uh pink augustine got killed it's really wow and on the bus all he talked about was getting home to his little girl don't worry i'll be dealing with augustine soon enough oh nice to have a few wingmen this time around let's see i can disappear stab and run not exactly a great anti-aircraft [Music] strategy right where you going this is the fun part hey eugene not to sound ungrateful but you think maybe next time you could send less cowardly demons okay next time i promise i found another one good not too far from it thanks oh hey dell sensors there's a bunch of dupes headed for the same place you are but don't worry you'll have some help when you get there hey nice to hear you got your boys to sack up this time you tell them to bring whatever they got cause i'm gonna need help here [Music] uh i should do the job yeah go team freak okay sure yahoo and all but i've got bad news i've located another core relay how is that bad news there's a bunch of dup in that area but maybe you've already got enough powers look why take the risk when we don't even know what you'll get hey hey don't you gene out on me okay we set our minds to it there's nothing a couple of young stud conduits and a butt load of angels and demons can't accomplish i don't know about stud i'll call you when i get there okay eugene here's the plan i'm gonna sneak around to the side okay come on eugene you can do better than this you condo would stun you all right fellas let's win one for the gamer that's what i thought this couldn't get more [Applause] [Music] awesome [Music] all right nelson look i hope whatever you got was worth it because you're gonna need it here comes heaven hell and delson oh man eugene you've been holding out on me uh you know just something to think about heaven hell delson and eugene no no no you want the billing you got to get out of here and get your hands dirty i don't know i'm not very good with people shut up you're great with people did you hear the guy you just saved shouting eugene is the best how did he know my name hell if i know man maybe you ask the next one in person i mean i guess it wouldn't hurt to help out a few more people attaboy you just let me know when you're ready reg i'm sorry to keep you waiting man first of all i'm glad to hear you're still alive and second of all but wait till you see what i can do man i've got swords and i've got missiles and demons swooping down from the sky yeah sounds dangerous and stupid and i guess maybe a little bit cool thank you i can just hardly wait to use this on augustine so uh do you think you can help me out with something i've been monitoring their signals and i think the occurs are up to something big yeah sure man i'm on board great meet me at my dominion head we'll work out a plan way to go gene open up it's me hey delphin why'd you move the clubhouse yeah i'm i'm ready let's rock and roll man well no you're gonna rock and roll i'm to stick to the shadows what you know stealth right stealth all right stealth what's the plan uh you know all those suspected bio terrorists we freed from the well i actually remember it being a rescue party of one but so on uh it turns out the accuracy has been rounding them up and holding them at a construction site near here they're planning to sell them back to the dup great why don't we go get them well don't worry i'm sending my friends there and my friends i hope you mean an army of archangels and not melvin and lenny from your d group i don't have anything seriously you've got to lighten up a better position okay buddy i'm here where are your friends uh they're on their way but you need to check the interior of the site and they're not so good in enclosed spaces angels are claustrophobic great anything else i should know about my backup uh they're not so great in water either well that makes two of us [Music] i keep looking why not as long as i'm here damn the currents are good at hiding people oh whoa wait i'm hearing shoppers man get to the roof dup helicopters are picking up shipping containers there the conduits must be inside damn it too late no no see my angels i'll have to keep the helicopters close enough to the roof so you can jump on the containers oh sure just jump on the moving shipping containers four stories off the ground you see this is the kind of fun stuff you miss when you stick to the shadows once you're on a container just break the witch attaching them to the choppers my angels can catch the containers if they fall solid plants just don't shoot my angels they're the only thing keeping those containers it's not crazy to be awesome hey angels heads up [Music] and that's the last of them nelson that last containers on the ground in denny park dups converging on and now you can't let them get those conduits i am not letting you have these people [Music] eugene you got any more angels you can send my way uh yeah look but it might take a while ah i haven't got a while gonna use up all the ones i got in about two minutes no no no no no no this isn't supposed to happen don't flake on me now man i i look like i can't i can't do this anymore i really eugene buddy please tell me that's you now prepare to feel the wrath of heaven's fire oh you guys are gonna hate this okay teen angel soften them up for you eugene when this whole thing is over you think you can teach me how to do that you are not worthy you're trying to do a real ass when you're an angel you know that what took you well look who decided to join the real world yeah you convinced me figured i'd give people one more chance well on behalf of people thank you yeah well worse that can happen they let me down again i ran hellfire on their asses there you go kid happy thoughts oh red you're right they're scrambling but no one's firing and now they're ordering all seattle pd out of an area near the waterfront must be something they don't want anybody to see i hope they don't mind if i take a look it sounds like they've carpeted the group with apcs stick to the rooftops you worry too much it reads i ever tell you how great the views are from up here eyes on the prize brother sightsee later yeah scorch marks everywhere looks like my handiwork so there's another smoke conduit shouldn't surprise you it's not just one of each i don't know i guess i was just hoping for something new show me what you mean by handiwork wow this is what it looks like when you avoided looking up close hey man they do the same thing to me do you pee helmet still working red this conduit man that they're saying it's that guy hank i thought you said she killed him back in salmon bay she did or i thought she did i mean i saw her kill him i mean he's dead i'm sure of it just keep looking okay reggie i'm gonna admit it i was wrong let me keep that little early christmas gift for you hey delson you gotta call a girl when you decide to go on a rampage in downtown uh that's not me i got a great view of somebody smoking the hell out of duke choppers but you can see them where are you on top of a building near 12th and union why do you care about this guy you already got smoke because i think this might be the guy who was on that transport with you the one i got my powers from you mean that big sweaty guy hank yes and if he busted out of augustine's tower then maybe he can help me figure out a way to break in why don't you come with me and help no no that guy is bad news i think i'll just you know sit back and watch the fireworks delson just watch yourself i don't trust the bald redneck sure but i'm not exactly helpless all right besides you know i've got something in common got no love for august yeah good luck reg i got eyes on him he's on a rooftop downtown fighting off choppers all right but listen to me don't let the dup catch him all right i got it and don't let them kill him either and don't you kill him but don't let him get away geez man it's a lot to remember reg i'm on the roof hank uh isn't you lost him no i didn't lose i'm just keeping my distance on purpose he can practically fly man yeah so can you in three languages hey wait i'm not gonna hurt you i just need you never mind i already have that hank come on man i don't want to do this then stop [Music] hank i need your help ain't gonna get it i'm warning you kids back the hell off make me oh huh man you really can't take a punch hank how the hell did you get this number you listed sorry about the thing with the sucker punch before but i knew there was no talking to you till you calm down you calm down i swear man when i get my hands on you i'll call you back in a half hour no no no wait i'm i'm calm you sure so far you've been all about chasing and shouting and wailing away at me i'm gonna take augustine down but i need your help to do it i can sign on for something like that hey then we should hold on the dup guys around here are scrambling something's up i'll check it out and i'll call you back sorry look i caught up with hank he wants to work with us to get to augustine what no i'm not so sure that's a good idea man come on you know what big brother you worry too much maybe you just don't worry enough listen be careful and watch your back worry too much not enough hey what's up listen kid i've been thinking when you chase me across those buildings with all the helicopters and all before right yeah i'm i'm sorry about all that no i was just gonna say you clearly been getting the hang of those smoke tricks i gave you well i kind of need you to teach me one more you managed to escape her tower once how'd you get past those electrified barricades there's a transformer on the roof across the way you gotta shut down but it ain't gonna do you no good she got the whole thing armored up and half the dup force is standing guard right but maybe if we both work together hey my specialty's breaking out of places like that not in listen we both got our reasons for getting to augustine she got something each of us wanted but we got to do it on our terms not hers we got to draw her out of her castle and out here where we stand at chains any ideas well you know them two kids that was on the armored bus with me fetching eugene i guess anyways d.u.p what just happened that was all the commotion before guess you needed to reel them in to make up for me getting loose she's sending them out to that big concrete platform the dup built between the two islands well then we gotta help them now there's a pier right across from that platform meet me there just after sunset i'll be there reggie eugene infested i heard i heard hank and i we've worked out a plan to storm the island and take out whatever dupes are guarding them nelson i've been thinking there have been a lot of innocent people killed lately normal people normal jesus reg we're not going back to that are we look i'm not sure i can help you add to that count all right just to set a couple of bio terrorists free french i'm a cop i'm supposed to prevent this kind of thing just give me a call when it's over and we'll head back to salmon bay and delson watch out for hank i don't trust him [Music] reg what are you doing here look those are people over there they need our help not bioterrorists not conduits people well thank you and thank you for for being here so what's cop doing here he's my brother okay he's he's here for me so what are you thinking i've been doing some recon our best bet is the dock on the far side it's less exposed bigger you two can do your smoke gift thank you draw their attention out front i'll come into your boat and go in during the distraction why are you going in first it's because i'm a cop which means i can commandeer a boat and it's legal you steal a boat i'ma haul your ass in oh he'll do it too um so we'll see you inside right yeah see you inside stay safe for you now listen we get out there and start making noise augustine will come running come on i know way into the island we won't be seen explain what happened i saw augustine kill you back and you saw her shut me up was what you saw big difference shouldn't have brought the cop man that's a mistake funny said the same thing about you here she is if we pop in here she'd come out smack dab in the middle of the thing you sure about this hey when i was in that tower i saw things one more thing they got one of them drone things out there the ones you get powers from you know about that sure would be nice to get a new power before stomping on augustine let's go okay here's the plan we start cracking these support pillars they feel the rumbling and the guards come down to check it out we'll take them out and augustine will come running gotta be fast that's some pretty thick concrete gonna take both of us working together but we should be able to give them a jolt let's give it a shot sorry i didn't trust you man damn straight take you to tango with me i cannot believe we're cracking these things save something for the dukes kid you about ready for a new power oh look how did you come on she should be here any minute [Applause] hurry over here let's see what powers you get what all of a sudden you don't trust me i don't know man something's not right maybe i should call reggie hank henry you didn't disappoint me i did like your ass you just do like you promised son of a [ __ ] i trusted you never trust a convict i see we found something in your size but just to be sure oh lady my brother finds out what you did [Music] he is gonna he's gonna what ah you could have hit me yeah that's payback for blasting me with the angels now come on get up come over here i'll get those cops off you this way i'll cover you [Music] reg she's still alive she's gonna come back and i can't use any powers with this concrete crap on what the hell happened it's a trap man hank let us out here so augustine could kill us i told you god i just don't understand why he would do that to us because he's a bad guy and bad guys do bad things you may have superpowers but it wouldn't hurt you okay get up here i'm trying what the hell i got him [Music] sorry i'm not a grenade you have to do this the old-fashioned way what do you mean uh put your hands up here flinch i knew we couldn't trust him okay okay you were right if i listened to you we wouldn't even be here uh-huh well as long as we are here i guess we should save those two people how are you gonna get us out of here i'm gonna have to shoot you down sounds like a plan cop man would come up with actually i'm starting to like cop man why shooting when the paw crap look out stop leave my brother alone you [ __ ] [Applause] look at me you gotta let me go no i can do this listen we can't let this stuff get you too damn i'm so proud of you no always have been nope [Music] so [Music] [Music] died [Music] get the hell out of here [ __ ] why this is kurt white reporting from the scene of an intense battle between the dup and a small group of bioterrorists you can see the last of the massive structure built by the dup as it sinks into the icy waters of puget sound eyewitnesses tell us that the only survivor was dup head brook augustine last spotted heading in the direction of the concrete tower that has served as our headquarters since the dup arrival nearly two weeks ago but so far our efforts to reach miss augustine have produced no response and now we're getting reports of scattered demonstrations by local citizens and supported the dup demanding that the bioterrorist uprising in seattle be ended by any means necessary for us tv this is kurt wyatt reporting live from seattle all right i'm sorry man you knew you told me not to trust hank but i didn't listen but i swear to you where is hank daughtry i know he made a deal with augustine where is he where is he damn it should have left one breathing to answer the question at least i know he's alive just gotta find him wait a minute he called before his number's got to be in the incoming call lord gotcha what's going on i'm here you ain't we're in route just had to set up your transport at the marina hello the dup here for hank god damn i never should have trusted you guys where the hell you at there's been a complication hold your position may be behind schedule but your party at the atkinson has been notified jesus hank did this hank you there i'm not afraid of you but i'm not the hank you were expecting [Music] bio terrorist gum like you can leave this city alive we had a deal no you had a deal with my boss who's not here now but the guys who are here and listen to hunt down you bioterror not help them escape after they sell out their own i've done what you asked you gotta keep your promise my promise i've already lost seven of my buddies here in seattle to you bio terrorist scum i made a promise that i'd hunt down and kill every one of you sons of [ __ ] that's the promise i've gotta keep [Music] when augustine finds out you went back on our deal miss augustine makes deals with bioterrorist gum up there alone in her tower i can't believe this gotta be getting close i guess i'll give this tracker one more shot what do you know turns out i don't need your goddamn protection you haven't made it out of the scene yet yeah when i left the trail of you guys caucuses from one end of the city to the other any dup shows up at the marina that line's just gonna continue right out into the water he's heading to a marina running out of dry land let's say me and old hank are about to meet up again son of a [ __ ] she killed reggie i didn't know i swear to god you didn't know you shut us up she said she wasn't gonna hurt you she promised she's just gonna talk wouldn't you believed her she got a sadistic streak of mild wine but i never heard deliver actually killing a condor my brother would still be alive if it wasn't for you she had my daughter where are you [Music] hmm why don't you just come with us just disappear [Music] stay safe hank i'm coming honey [Music] let's go home it's time to get what i came for on this team it's time citizens of seattle it's time to take back our city from those who seek to destroy it violence have no place in our streets they must be locked away far from kidding me i'm the one who's been protecting society from her and her army of freaks it roe is begun another advantage his past terrorist dreams have resulted in the deaths of hundreds of the uk guardians and our fellow seattle it's not a terror spree if i'm saving the innocent and sparing your horde of killers [Music] good people of seattle do not allow [Music] soldiers who gave their lives to save yours don't let their sacrifice be engaged must be brought to justice whatever oh you got it backwards augustine these people have seen us both in action they want justice it won't be my head on the platter this is adele once you shut the defenses down there's no turning back so what's the plan conduit gonna take her alive show the world what she's done or just kill her for what she did at reggie okay lady time for the world to see what you really are okay i can work with that even if the rest of it is still active [Music] [Music] you guys are everywhere that's the setback hey d i saw a trail of bodies over in pioneer i thought of you and followed them [Music] happy to see me i had that covered you know oh i know but the hell you did so this means you're along for the ride you can my two favorite people in the world in a knockdown dragon what are you missing for the world there you go more smoke toys [Applause] [Music] looking for that that's your lifesaver hey fetch this would be a good time for some backup asking shall we eugene man you sure know how to level a playing field it's good to have friends in high places to come to the ventures of my angels easy on the trash talk eugene [Music] it's time to pull out the new trees looks like the whole roof's armor plated let me try the high beams on it are you sure you can cut through yeah if you and teen angel there can keep the dupes off my ass fear not i shall protect you how's it coming fetch don't rush me dee don't like being rushed got it all yours steve you go inside and grab augustine eugene and i will keep these guys off your back go forth and enter the dominion of august the lady and i will cover you oh good you're here i've been watching you delson rowe testing you while you assembled your little bag of tricks very impressive yeah i know all about what you did too using hank to set up that crash making eugene and fetch look like monsters just so you could look like the hero someone has to protect the conduits protect in the seven years since my dup took over conduit oversight from the military not a single one of our kind has been killed no of course not because you just hunt them down and lock them up yes in curtain k protect it from the mobs that want to kill conduits it's what's best for them whether they know it or not you just make that decision for him huh some decisions are too important i've seen how people look at you in the street do you know how rare it is for the powerless to embrace a conduit you've got to use that popularity that trust to convince them that the only solution to the bio-terrorist menace as my dup did you know that over half the conduits who died in the bloodbath seven years ago were killed by the military if they regained control what makes you think things won't return to those good old days no no i'm gonna expose you and your deception and then we'll see who the real protector is that would be a death sentence for all can't let you do conduits and i won't let you stop [Music] okay you want my power [Music] you got it seven years ago my unit was there to save lives from a new threat conduits people with powers that no one understood they had the power to kill and the power to transform some of us into conduits too i found another survivor she tailed me as i made my way back to the safety of my battalion together we traveled through a lawless city that wanted us dead because of what we now were [Applause] every day people joined the lynch mob horrified by the thought of conduits hiding among them we'd hurt no one but they could only see us as monsters when military order finally asserted itself they treated us as the threat i was conduit i was military but i couldn't be both so i made another option it was the only way by bringing in that first conduit alive i'd earned the government's trust and that was just the start they funded the creation of the dup thinking we were just freaks hunting down other freaks but that wasn't it i was going to save as many conduits as i could if my kind were going to live it'd be behind the walls of curtin k [Music] seven years i've kept them safe me i won't let anyone undo that not the government not the army not you seven years all you've done is keep them locked up you just took away their freedom so tell me what would you do just throw open the gates at curtin case station set them all free you bet your ass i would the world hasn't changed in the past seven years inside the conduits are safe they're alive you turn them out they'd all be dead inside a week so tell me who's the savior and who's the monster this is what you wanted you win we both have the same power only difference is i've had seven years to practice can't do anything i need a blast car oh okay i'll see what i can find [Music] nothing see if you can find some more [Applause] [Applause] i can't catch that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] first i'll keep looking [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] that's all i'm gonna need [Music] um [Applause] yeah i'm told that hurts when the dust finally settled all you could see of augustine were her eyes peering out from that concrete shell the rage that it filled the moments earlier was now replaced by fear [Music] [Applause] we dismantled the fortress she had built the army she had raised the future she had planned the entire world was about to know that she had failed taken down by a gamer a junkie and a small town delinquent the crowds cheered as augustine was hauled away before all this no one would have imagined that humans and conduits could coexist and now i was the guy kicking off the second age and when those conduits who'd spent years locked inside the walls of curtin k they were soon to be free once again to live their own lives to choose their own futures as for me i'd gotten what i came for and now now i had a promise to keep betty it's gone yeah they're all gone it promises a promise right huh and the others i just got here you're my first stop you saved me delson rowe hey we're komish we take care of our own right [Music] where's reggie reggie [Music] reggie saved me i love you brother i'm sure gonna miss you [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 208,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, infamous second son ps5 all cutscenes, infamous second son game movie, infamous second son good karma ending, infamous second son good karma no commentary, ultra hd, 4k, 60fps, all cutscenes, good karma, game movie, infamous second son ps5 gameplay, infamous second son ps5 walkthrough, infamous second son ps5 comparison, INFAMOUS SECOND SON PS5 All Cutscenes (Good Karma) Game Movie 4K 60FPS Ultra HD
Id: KoSbm-Gsih4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 58sec (11398 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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