MAX PAYNE 3 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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[Music] [Music] this place is great really comfortable [Music] i'm just gonna get settled in time to move on get on with my life yes absolutely [Music] now like i said it was a long time ago let it go seriously [Music] definitely more my style than panama or hoboken i guess no if i'm honest i just got kind of bored of boozing i mean once in a while but not all the time you're right it wasn't doing me any favors maybe i'd lost my self-respect but it's back i'm excited really i really needed a new start [Music] i think you're right i think i am gonna like it here it certainly it certainly ain't new jersey it's my new life just like you said listen if you think i can still do a job what have i got to lose apart from the weight very funny ha ha yes that is a fake laughing jerk [Music] so [Music] so i guess i'd become what they wanted me to be a killer some rent-a-clown with a gun who puts holes in other bad guys well that's what they had paid for so in the end that's what they got say what you want about americans but we understand capitalism you buy yourself a product and you get what you pay for and these chumps had paid for some angry gringo without the sensibilities to know right from wrong here i was about to execute this poor bastard like some dime store angel of death and i realized they were correct i wouldn't know right from wrong if one of them was helping the poor and the other was banging my sister i'd arrived in sao paulo a few weeks before i was working a protection detail for the kind of people who need protection in a town like this and what kind of town was this one where i didn't speak the language and they didn't water down their drinks so for now we seem to get along just fine of course that was about to change hey brother hey how's the cocktail scotch i never mix my drinks well at least not on duty something like that man that favela is big yup nothing like the view of extreme poverty to make a penthouse cocktail party really swing i guess they call it trickle-down economics that's funny it's supposed to be a charity thing drink and give money i don't know something for the kids hey listen man we better look lively this place is a nightmare we just got cowboys running security downstairs something rotten in the air that didn't mean much there was always something rotten in the air the family we were protecting were local celebrities rich parasites with delusions of humanity the kind of people who end up in glossy magazines or body bags depending on how their luck runs so where are they all i see rodrigo over there talking to that guy yeah i don't know him that guy next to him he's some kind of cop i think i'm not sure serious though big end cop anti-gang sort of thing i can't remember his name so who's this guy that guy's a plastic surgeon or some kind of surgeon tummy tucks and [ __ ] implants look at marcel still dances like a fool i guess that's what a european education and a co-capital dude ricky martin look alike it's very funny max oh excuse me i was mostly working for rodrigo bronco a local businessman built things did some charity had things named after him won awards owned things people one of the trophies he had won was his wife fabiana she was hot and wanted to be dangerous some good jeans trying to fight their way out of a cesspit she'd married well and was now at leisure to regret her good fortune they got along as well as any rich workaholic and his younger air head wife tend to get along they mostly ignored each other she spent a lot of time with his cokehead younger brother marcelo he was a good time guy if your idea of a good time was an expensive suit a bottle of champagne and nothing between the ears the middle brother victor had just walked in he was a local politician guy was smoother than an oil slick on an iceberg and about as toxic the rest of the crowd i didn't know but i could imagine the types people who know if they drink enough they won't have to feel guilty about their good fortune suddenly things turned real ugly felt like our hangovers arrived right on cue [Music] things have gone from fine to [ __ ] up in about a second and now there were two idiots at the wheel clear you got the floor sure look after yourself bro stay safe it wasn't my own safety i was concerned about trophy wife or not i'd said i would protect the girl i hoped i hadn't lost my edge along with everything else it was time to choose a nasty fall or a bullet to the head [Music] that was the boss lady only this time she wasn't calling for more liquor in her cocktail the words on the bottle were different but that didn't matter [Music] she was out on one of the balconies and i hoped not about to be thrown off it don't be stupid don't be stupid better go come on it might have been stupidity drunkenness or maybe both but before i knew it i was back taking insane risks trying to save fallen women nice work hey you need a hand no you the hell's rodrigo i don't know man thanks so much i imagine the elevator doors opening to a firing squad of muzzles as far as i could see it the one thing my plan had going was that no one else would be stupid enough to pull this move what have you done with him they weren't waiting on my say-so i had to move it looked like they were taking him out through the basement maybe i still had a shot rodrigo was too rich a prize for them to throw away sure i'd have to work hard to get him back but i knew the bad guys would want the boss alive almost as much as i did the control box was on the wall to the left of the gate the great thing about being famous as well as rich as the bad guys know who to kidnap another parking lot rattling with gunfire was i too late oh rodrigo it's gonna be all right mr taco is okay you're okay you're okay yeah come on get up come on get up you're okay come with me [Music] ah don't look so good hey what could be better huh the good guys are reunited and the commandos humber are dead i guess so who's this guy i don't know some kind of cop different branch of the police not ufed but uh normal cops i don't know about this stuff politics everywhere politics [ __ ] max you look kind of beat up let's get this lot home and then i'll i'll get you home too come on back home it was time for some r r the only way i knew how [Music] ah and with that i guess i was ready for [Music] bed so a couple of days later it was back to work ferrying the bosses broad and [ __ ] of a brother out for the night so they could recover from their brush with mortality then again what did i expect these were the kind of people who went to nightclubs and helicopters fabiana had brought her sister along presumably so she could show off just how rich and empty her life was and boy was she about to learn the meaning of rich and empty i was speaking to you sorry what was that oh i was saying we get to do a lot of scrapes man well we're still here thanks to you max i owe you my life boom it wasn't just him huh baby oh yes marcelo i'm sure you did a lot to save everyone you were probably worried about getting blood on your stash very funny thank you max i don't know what i would do without my sister and spend even more time doing something useful you know she works in the pavilla she's the good sister what did you hear faba more bodies turned up for people went missing but it's horrifying someone said buzz queue hey i'm just kidding but it is a whole town man hey here we are [Applause] [Music] i love this view it's a real chill place to hang you know do a little business have some fun i need it too i've been working far too hard like a [ __ ] during flichiwiki as my roommate used to say you like that max that's pretty funny [Music] i think i might have an interesting investment for your brother well call him up homie i haven't seen him for a while last week was fashion week my god idiots but so beautiful you know anastasia oh yeah i know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] nothing but the second best why can't we sit over there man i love you but glad you booked an adventure [ __ ] why would you lose me very good if you weren't going to be in barcelona milan he couldn't make it in germany now he comes back here it's like [ __ ] royalty i'll introduce caesar just give me a bottle of champagne this kind of place made me want to puke i needed a real drink to deal with the electronic music and the robotic people [Music] you're a man of the world what are you [ __ ] doing about what what do you do about life look at me i'm standing in a nightclub listening to music i can't stand i'm 5 000 miles from home i'm armed and i'm drinking you don't want to listen to advice from me and me oh max i love you man you're [ __ ] real you know oh dear people [ __ ] them people get me wrong [Music] i think i love a wrong woman [Music] thank god he has left a minute more of his dribble and i would have to put a bullet in him myself it soon turned out i wasn't the only one [Music] [Music] time [Applause] oh i hadn't seen it coming but that was no surprise it's hard to keep your eye on the ball through the bottom of a glass i just hoped i could get to fabiana and giovanna in time the doors had been chained shut i didn't need my portuguese for beginners phrase book to work out what was going on the guy making the noise was the boss he was sending them around to cut me off from the other side and sure enough a few seconds later i had some company on the dance [Music] hey sao floor favorite bodyguard how's it going bro it's not good some guys took giovanna and fabiano what jesus max hey i'm on my way no no stay in the chopper we'll need a way out of here i'll go find the girls they went that way get up get up can't stay here i need you to lock this door behind me get everybody else out of here they were still alive at least this crew was starting to look a lot like friends of the gate crashers at last week's party these guys had some real issues with the broncos they were back to finish the job i figured it was time [Music] they were headed for the helicopter pad i had to get to the roof before giovanna and fabiana left on a one-way flight i knew this was going to be a bad idea but in the continued absence of any good ones i decided to go with it a view i guess my time in sao paulo wasn't quite the paid holiday in the sun i'd been promised at least i was getting shot after the class of psychopath these guys weren't messing around this place was like baghdad with g-strings a couple of more seconds and i'd have given some poor street cleaner a crappy start to his day now i had a ride to catch pull me up and i want your nails all i said come on come on jesus max i can't leave you alone for five minutes what the hell happened in there they jumped us same guys from the party i think they grabbed the girls and marcelo but he's here now don't worry about me homie i'm just the guy paying you lots of money to protect yeah whatever you're drinking bet your ass i was you try staying in there for five minutes sober oh yeah oh there they are quick get after them are you crazy we can't just leave her max you're gonna do something come on get the rifle back there what the [ __ ] are you waiting for [Music] don't worry i see here how did they know we were gonna be here it doesn't take a genius i'm always at this club on a tuesday he's gonna kill him [Music] she's headed inside pastors get us down there all right i'm headed to the helipad oh [ __ ] oh there was a goddamn army of these goons clearly somebody wanted these girls bad or maybe they just assumed the broncos security team consisted of more than a drunk american has been and the brazilian never was who should have paid more attention in flying school either way i needed to find giovanna before they did the odds on giovanna still being alive were getting worse by the second and if fabiano wasn't dead already i was guessing pretty soon she'd start wishing she was i was up for one god-awful performance review this was a mess it was giovanna's necklace now i just had to find the rest of her giovanna giovanna max over here what's happening where were you are you all right well do i look all right don't worry we're gonna get you out of here where is he is he okay i need to make a quick detour he's fine he's right there oh my god it's called giovanna how are you doing [Music] seems like i wasn't the only guy around here taking his eye off the ball are you okay my weakness was the drink paso's was the sister things were turning pretty ugly in this town the boss's girl was gone and part of me wished i was too [Music] so [Music] so [Music] well what choice do we have we have never paid out ransoms before but i don't know i don't like the feeling of this what about you max i don't know uh i'm no expert on hostage negotiations i i know people who are but they're in america we don't have time for america i know you're right marcelo it's not like i don't have the money to pay father made a lot of money we have always been targets we all know that but much as it pains me i don't see we have a choice maybe after we paid we find out who did it we have them we all know what i'm saying who do you think is targeting your family haters who can say i think this country is not easy you can see that i've tried to do business the right way but that's not always possible of course i made enemies but i've also paid a lot of bribes i have no idea it's probably that street gang trying to get another i don't know people i know have tried to reach out to this group commando sombra they're not from any of the favelas around here they're linked to the drug business now what have i got to do with drugs nothing everybody loves money i'm my wife back we can take the money to them [Music] foreign [Music] how easy [Music] apparently someone up in the nosebleeds didn't like the game we were playing the money was gone then i was next if i didn't get off that field the bullets came from long range they were well-armed professionals and i was starting to feel decidedly amateur you okay yeah all right let's go there's got to be a first kid around here somewhere i've been shot more times than i could remember but this felt different maybe fate was sending me a message trying to tell me my luck was finally about to run out or maybe i just severed an artery and was bleeding out like any number of fools who got shot playing with guns either way i was failing fast [ __ ] at least one of us had a gun now that raised our chances of survival all the way from nil to slim come on man let's go [Applause] the guy with the bag must have got hit he's bleeding all over the place he's not the only one come on i think he went this way so this was it my easy retirement money my blood stained a chance to drink for free while chaperoning socialites around town and making sure the poor people didn't get too close the brochure sure didn't mention any of this [ __ ] pull it together max let's go hold on wait here a second not a problem whoa looks like i missed all the fun see their grandpa come on i'm getting flashbacks that wedding we worked in aruba yeah back to the good old days when i thought i might actually like this job dumb sport hey careful my friend that's blasphemy in this town you okay bro never better whose idea was this anyway yeah i wonder ah is it bad could be a lot worse here thank you all right here we go put the sleeve back on ah all right don't be a [ __ ] so what now we make sure that the right clowns get their money well the hell you think that was it tried to get crash our little wine and cheese party i have no idea this is salbano brother could be anyone anyone with access to high-powered sniper rifles and train killers that's pretty much everyone great so what now einstein well i guess we get this commando sombra their money and make sure they know we did not try to trick them otherwise fabiana she won't come back in such good shape come on yeah you're so good at it good job just another day at the office huh should have known this wouldn't end well ah didn't even begin well it was hardly a textbook hostage exchange i guess i must have skipped that class okay come on let's go how's he going what we got here do you have the money no but he might be able to tell us what the [ __ ] is going on hey ah it was sad he says he doesn't know what the snipers are no [ __ ] oh i think he's dead let's get out of here heads up here comes friends something tells me we're heading in the right direction straight on here i'll cover you son of a [ __ ] okay about the same as before looking forward to getting out of this [ __ ] it didn't sound like we were the only ones getting shot at who the hell had tipped these guys off i didn't know what to think anymore this town had more smoke and mirrors than a strip club locker room [Music] in there in there [Music] [Applause] they seem nice enough what are they cops you tell me i don't think so oh come on they're going after the cash i've had enough of these fools [Music] [Music] oh check this out a little late to be giving him his last rights don't you think get this flag jack this is high-end gear these guys are seriously financed yeah i noticed i'll get you one for christmas come on let's keep moving we've still got a sniper on us we'll deal with him first i only got one shoulder left there's no time the money will be long gone we gotta stay on the guy with the bag i might have written a book on dumb ideas but paso sure wasn't afraid to quote from fashion [ __ ] didn't think you were getting up from that looks clear let's move but we got the chance it was time to introduce our sniping pal to something more intimate in short range that guy was getting annoying the hell did they know about the exchange they see sampa bro that kind of cash doesn't stay quiet for long and these kids like expensive toys here put this on a better chance if we split up almost looks like we know what we're doing yeah right [Music] don't speak too soon [Music] looks like it's coming from the stands [ __ ] they got the guy with the bag stay here cover me i'll go after him and keep your headset on i'll deal with the guys on the other side uh all right i'm inside looks like a vip lounge or something i'm going to check it out we started exactly what it sounds like claudio they're golden boy he'd sure picked the wrong party on the wrong night although if the past week was anything to go by it was safe to assume any party with the broncos in attendance was the wrong one to be at looks like some kind of maintenance elevator where are you heading i'm going up i don't know i'm guessing nowhere nice any sign of the money nope just people shooting at me our surprise guests brought a lot of friends all right i'm in the upper stands i see you be careful you got company uh [Music] come on max okay i'm in it's all clear up here what about the kid with the money i don't even must be still in this section wait hang on what's happening past house gang i'm head of my way i'm almost out of ammo bro all right try to clear you some space i'm going back in bro you're kidding me [Music] jesus take them out max what are you waiting for [Music] i see it damn it's locked i'm gonna try the other side there's three more in front of me max i'm trying pal don't tell me you're halo as well one at a time show up i'm clear max damn bro that wasn't fun listen to me you head for the chopper we need to be ready to get the hell out of here i guess i'll stay on the money sounds like a plan a bit late for a plan pal god damn it max [ __ ] now we got another sniper on me so let me deal with this guy first all right bro i'm moving too stay in touch [Music] [Music] [Music] place was like fort knox hey pasos pasos i've got you on the security camera where are you i don't know somewhere in this goddamn stadium what's going on there i think the guys that came to rob us are coming to finish the job remind me again who are these fine gentlemen some kind of paramilitaries i don't know paramilitaries right-wing guns for higher ex-cops military i don't know but they can handle weapons what's going on now guys pleading for his life saying that fabiana is being held well there goes the money now we've lost the wife and three million bucks the boss will be giving us a raise at this rate yeah that's messed up all right come on we gotta get out of this place take care of that guy in the ig tower i'll meet you at the chopper i'm gonna make a run for the light rig i had a hole in my second favorite drinking arm and the only way we were likely to get fabiana back now was in installments whoever our uninvited guests were i was about done playing soldiers we'd have destroyed sao paulo's most hallowed place of worship looking back it was strange how the cops never showed up but things had a habit of only making sense to me looking back long after i'd run out of time to fix them [Music] railing i got the best i know you know how to make an entrance bro now let's get the hell out of here at least we know where she is yeah fantastic another good day's work trouble seems to find this max sure trouble finds us the same way you found me slumped in a bar drunk on self-pity i'd been sitting at the bar for three hours or about five years depending on how you looked at things i tried not to look at things i tried not to think about when it was that my existence became less about the things that make up people's lives and more about the holes that losing those things leave behind but i wasn't doing a very good job these pricks had been annoying me for days they were typical jersey rich kids the ringleader i think his name was tony his dad was some well-known hood drug dealer racketeer pillar of the new jersey community let's go where the [ __ ] are your donuts this kid had a well-developed sense of humor for new jersey seriously i thought i told you to get out of here old man yeah come on man [Music] nice echo your gorillas have personalities of their own and they just agree with everything you say very funny old man it's hilarious yeah it has been washed up old cops you go on tv tell some jokes about how you got your wife killed or some [ __ ] yeah where's the little old lady or how you got involved with killers i own this down amigo that's a good line you practice that in front of the mirror in your underwear your father owns this town man dear old dad well-known drug dealer and murderer you're nothing but a chump hey disrespect my family you ain't got the right i ain't taking nothing from him god hasn't already deprived them but i might start any time now say your salary say yourself i've been caught [ __ ] say you are sorry away from me don't you stare at me say your song listen to him which you want first doing that clever you [ __ ] leather jacket [ __ ] cop card don't act clever all over this counter every [ __ ] [ __ ] where thank you thank you now get the [ __ ] out of here before anyone gets shot i got you who the [ __ ] are you i got you [ __ ] go on i'm gonna [ __ ] up you coming back for you i look forward to it yeah stay right here stay right here you don't know who you're [ __ ] with yeah whatever max [ __ ] bane how are you doing man i'm doing about as good as i look you don't remember me [Music] come on we went to the academy together man you don't remember that's going back a long way french i spent five years on the beat in the bronx working homicides i nearly got killed man i gave up i got into private work here central america brazil where my family comes from all over ah that's great travel to see the world yeah keeps me busy i take care of people you know proper bodyguarding hey i'm working for a good firm i'm actually here on a bit of a recruitment drive yeah well i want you to drive on off back into the sunset there pesos it's been nice catching up at least let me buy you a drink yeah sure anybody can buy me a drink all right two more love this the way we do it in brazil baby i had to admit i kind of like the guy hey another round another round max is buying he had a great set of stories but i still wasn't interested in becoming a white knight again cheers well i don't look like i go to shakespeare or something sojay [ __ ] still got cheers to say to me yeah [ __ ] off i don't like spicks who tell me to [ __ ] off well good for you now [ __ ] off don't stare at me whoa [ __ ] you [ __ ] no dick [ __ ] what'd you say you heard me i'm not frightened of you you spray tan guido douche girl sure i had balls i had to give her that oh [ __ ] i don't know why i did it i guess i never liked seeing girls get hit but from that moment i was dead in that town [Music] the bar held a lot of memories for me most of them fuzzy but memories nonetheless this looked like goodbye time to see what's waiting outside for us well it ain't gonna be a warm cup of milk in a [ __ ] oh [ __ ] kill him and your buddies inside want to talk i ain't waiting to see who else shows up come on i thought about saying the cops but this was no time for bad jokes he could have been setting me up for a fall but something told me to stay put and trust and there he was back in amongst it to help me out of a jam the bar was right around the corner from my apartment it only took a few minutes to get back it's a nice place you got here homie for noticing [Music] why are you living like this like what you know scratching around sitting in bars all day maybe i just haven't found the right guy to put a bullet through my head yet i just don't know i can get you work max work that only a guy like you can do can you give me work sitting in a bar feeling sorry for myself where do i sign up soldier kazantay you were the best guy in the academy and you won medals on the street hey i lost loved ones on the street all right family more than once yeah i know so leave start over you've mourned enough i ain't a cop no more and this ain't cop work this is protecting people in places where the cops ain't too hot no thanks pal i just better lay low for a while yo i went on the roof [Music] about that plan i'm coming after you little [ __ ] murdering bastard made 100 anthony demarco is the father of the kid i just shot yeah that looks about right hey you killed my boy you killed my only son we gotta get out of here now are you not inviting these guys in when had i ever needed to invite trouble in it always found me no matter where i hid almost man let's go hey you [ __ ] dead don't be afraid of the fires you think they'll hurt you you think they'll char your skin and char your bones but it'll make you clean in the long run the joys of hygiene come to me you sinners you evil men you were born and filth and squalor but today you will be cleansed in fire it was hard seeing brewer go out like that but i got to thinking it was what he was waiting for a chance to make a difference at least that's what helps me sleep at night the apartment made me wish it made for interesting reading if i'd been given a few more years looking into the bottom of a glass i might have been on the same page stopping out scramble away from what's left of your life over dead bodies and a few loose roof tiles if i thought things through i may have sat down and let myself burn right there gunfire over hoboken felt strange to be at the center of it again the target that is like an old comedian hearing one last round of applause all right guys let's look alive we're going to get this prick come on i want to hear some motivation let's go hey what was that what was what i heard something i'm saying i'm dead damn it ah you need some help there brother i need his help five minutes ago because you were doing fine well it doesn't feel that way oh you ain't lost it hey it looks like there might be a way down through the wreck up here there were wrecks all around and not the kind you fix up for a weekend project these were the wrecks you crossed the road to avoid and they're always one step ahead they don't need to second guess us when they're covering all the angles when scotch won't do the job to the street [Music] these chumps have been chopping up cars around the corner from my apartment for the last year the ex-cop in me clocked it months ago but the deadbeat and you didn't give a [Music] [ __ ] ain't no kids playing back here ah dead end you knew your way around these parts let's just get over there yeah you think you need a hand no do you let's go amigo you like that should be a bit quieter in here yeah it's nice yeah i can see why you'd want to leave this place max it's real charming isn't it so look i got some friends in queens we can stay there for a few days queens want a job yet max [Music] so here we were miles up the tiente river looking for what we did not know max you listening max like i was saying i think they're a group called the clash why'd you tell me they were called to cs they are i mean fabiana she was kidnapped by the cs the guys that crashed that little party at the stadium they were a group of paramilitaries they'll have to forgive me for not being able to follow all this i'm not supposed to follow it the government can't even follow it it ensures that no one's ever guilty so why'd they do it bust us at the stadium somebody told them we were going to be there with a whole lot of money anyway the money's gone i just hope we can get the girl back yeah me too or where the hell she is you know there's a harbor about a half a mile up she's gotta be there this is a known commando sombra area you know if i've been doing my job properly we wouldn't be out here in the middle of nowhere looking for some broad who got pinched on my watch that's what we tell ourselves huh it's all our fault i'm serious by the time they grabbed the girls i was half cut i ain't slipping man i'm slipped i'm a bad joke max we work private security we're all like soldiers ex special forces ex-cop sex good guys we all have our reasons why we became ex maybe now we can put things right okay so that was it was it say the magic word and be absolved of your sins if only [ __ ] were that simple i had done it years ago me i've been stuck in the past so long i'd forgotten what year it was max with your daydreaming this is it it's over there i cut the engine right in don't go anywhere [Music] here i was some hopped up gringo a long way from home making trouble the only way i knew as the weather worsened i caught a glimpse of the rusted shells of previous lives that have been lived out here in this swampy [ __ ] and i wondered if i would end up the same way or what would happen to that girl i was supposed to protect a bullet will sometimes work as well as a key [Music] i had no idea what lay ahead and as much as part of me would rather be anywhere else i knew this was where i had to be i felt responsible i just had to fix the situation right here i couldn't understand them but i didn't have to cheap hoods are the same from here to timbuktu the slab of meat on the boat was clearly the boss serrano they called him and it seemed that our suspicions were correct fabiana was here somewhere further ahead i had to find her quickly and quietly if possible last thing i wanted was a party with these clowns [Music] uh i kept moving toward the signs of life rubbing them out as i went along i'd seen enough to know that fabiano was at least alive if not exactly well her captors didn't look like they were quite the kind and gentle type i had to find that room quickly foreign [Music] i didn't want to think about what would be happening on that video feed now just my own imminent cameo i had to keep moving i hoped that i'd find fabiana sooner than later if at all that was the chair that she had been held in i had just missed them but i had just about enough sense to know that i'd end up with another dead girl in my arms if i didn't foreign these were the floor plans to the nightclub seemed mr serrano like to be prepared proper little boy scout i hadn't seen fabiana in a worrying amount of time but at least i wasn't following a trail of her fingers i had to keep on going across the docks there they were i had the feeling i'd been running one step behind ever since i got to this country and maybe a few years before that as well [Music] uh uh [Music] [Music] max axe all right what's going on where's vienna they took her a boat that way let's do that okay okay don't worry hang on boy did i need to hang on the whole operation was slipping out of our grip i was an overconfident jump going into the jungle alone [ __ ] more company great oh shape [ __ ] off [Music] jump behind especialls [Music] don't lose it jason much longer i guess we're going to be [Music] swimming [ __ ] grenade grenade down that doesn't look so good i think she's flooded bro i gotta try and get it back up over there man over there whatever you say about state we need some more time [ __ ] hey i got it i got it i knew you could do it [Applause] very cool hey you see that [ __ ] look out these trucks ain't too friendly now maybe you should stop playing nice with them then [Music] hey hey that's them we're back nice job i'm sure they missed us hey i got an idea hold on [ __ ] i'll show office you get a load of this and they know all about it shows a different campaign catch up to them [Music] the place was crawling how many guys they got how many poor kids want nice sneakers that ain't hard to hire hey we're on them again let's see fabian move up father all right all right i'll get us a little closer close in oh just give me a second give me next gonna hit the pier [Music] ah another habit i didn't want or need it's close we almost had her damn i don't think we ever had much of a chance no one told us they had an entire goddamn army i don't think anybody knew crazy [ __ ] yeah it's all crazy pal nonstop insanity but i left all this [ __ ] behind easy gig you said what fool i was to get involved in this [Music] madness to [Music] [Music] get up bro max wake up max come on get up you big bastard come on yeah you don't look up just give me a second we're really not feeling too good hey max what is it with you in interior design you really know how to give a place that great live didn't feel huh this is beautiful [ __ ] off with the [ __ ] wisecracks really i'm not in the mood okay sorry bro the boss wants to see us so let's go come on take your time man [ __ ] unbelievable jesus i heard that oh give me a second i'm not feeling so good clarkson you see your paint you [ __ ] pair of clowns i'm sorry sir we risked our life several times over tried to say i i i know i just wish i knew what was happening and why yes who has it in for our family i mean just because we are rich and happy is that a good reason to hate us i do a lot of good in this town a lot this is hell for me as i told you yesterday when i get fabiana back i think i will move us to miami or geneva it feels like nothing good can come from living in sao pablo right now i hope you're not giving up on our cities in your prank listen we will catch the man you have my word on that listen to mr becker brother yes these are tough times but we have been through it before like when father died father had a heart attack visiting a brothel yeah it was humiliating embarrassing for sure but now this is different this is the emperor where she's not dead we'll be lucky and get her back safe soon i can almost guarantee it if you do as i ask maybe be strong brother for your wife i know this has been tough on you but things will get better for all of us marcelo pasos in my helicopter this way sure mr becker sing on let us give you a ride and may i say you would be best served si contra professionais is i had so many plans max didn't we all i was born into great fortune sometimes it feels like i have done nothing apart from being a rich man in a poor country the men i talk to you only see money now my wife i am not naive she does not love me for my body well despite your good fortune you're still a decent man am i i don't know i try to be but maybe i'm just another rich fool just like the rest of my friends [Music] another band cop wanting a pension contribution do you think a pile of [ __ ] feels popular because it's surrounded by flies look at me i'm a mess it's not working there's a way to reboot the system if i can get to the server room i should be able to get everything back online strange you pay a couple million dollars and you expect to to push a button to be able to make all your problems go away like that was some useless junk and a bit of false confidence i'm done sir let us handle this stay in your office lock yourself in do not answer the door unless you know it's me let's go i should be able to override the system if i could just get to the server room what's going on nothing to worry about everything's fine get down behind the desk now both of you oh let's go come on okay i'm coming come on the real security guards had been run off paid off or bumped off that left us it wasn't a fantastically comforting thought this code should get us into the boardroom okay glad to see the security system is keeping the are we dead no such luck we gotta go [Music] it's through here the server room is just past those cubicles [Music] b these clowns were the same guns for hire who jumped our exchange at the stadium crochet prado the black badge right wing paramilitary chumps protecting whoever paid the most i guess that made them more like me than i cared to admit were they just looking for another payday or did their business with the broncos run deeper hey we're good to go let's get that server back online can we just spend a few more minutes make sure they're all gone come on don't worry i got your back poor kid was scared shitless but i thought we'd seen the worst of it okay the the server room is just down here you're doing good come on hey i just i didn't think i'd have a day like this when i wake up in the mornings i wish i could say the same thing fact was i've gotten used to protecting bronco in the big bad world we hadn't anticipated a siege situation here hadn't prepared for it i couldn't tell the kid that something told me these guys didn't have security clearance uh come on move i'm gonna be able to fix this or what in a few minutes hey i should be able to reboot the system get all the components back online what about bronco's office that's all i care about he should be able to lock us down hey if this works whatever you're doing do it quick i'm gonna make a sweep of the building and get back to rodrigo's the security system was back online things might be a little tougher for our fan club from here on in seemed like breaching the perimeter had been no more difficult than strolling through the front gates but hey who needs a trojan horse when the alarm is down and your standing army is a dame a dork and a drunk bronco's office overlooked the atrium i could check in and make sure he hadn't checked out max you guys working on the security system now sir it just came on okay good then lock yourself down stay put let us take care of these guys down here once they realize they can't get to you they should back off max try not to completely destroy the place let's just concentrate on staying alive sir there it went he was tucked up safe now i needed to make it to the lobby to complete my sweep of the building for what that was worth poor girl was dead shot through the head by some hero fighting the rich one lonely secretary at a time [Music] is [Music] so um it looked like we'd seen the worst of it the elevator would take me back up to rodrigo's office where we could wait the rest of it out i didn't know what the hell i was going to find up there but i sensed it wasn't going to be a stripper bursting out of a cake i can't get through to him ever since the security door is triggered he hasn't made a sound rodrigo it's max open up can you hear me yo something day senor bronco open up i'm gonna try to get in there from the roof you find the security guard and get the hell out of here yes i knew there was another way in upstairs for the helipad the little luxury run around that kept the rich looking down on the poor literally as well as metaphorically [Music] rodrigo rodrigo rodrigo [Music] god damn it [Music] of course he was dead clean one shot a professional job i began to look for clues i couldn't get playback on one of the cameras and it looked like the disc was missing someone in this building was trying to keep things low-key but then why did everyone else come driving through the goddamn wall [Music] fabiana even if the man who employed me was dead his wife was still out there maybe she could be saved maybe some good ah picking the photo from the broken fragments something caught my eye figures only blind luck it meant the blast wasn't fatal if i'd been out for any longer the smoke would have gotten me look at me i've been contracted to protect two people one was being held in some hole the other was sitting at his desk with a bullet in his head and the company that had its logo on my paycheck was melting on top of my head [ __ ] if i survived this it'd be a victory for gross incompetence the kid hadn't made it [ __ ] i had to make this corpse looting coward pay getting his gun was more than just expediency this is [Music] the last bunch of guys who tried to kill me might have had an idea so much for a lazy sunday afternoon my next trick would be a high wire act with a fiery pit for a safety net it was nice that no one was shooting at me for a change but i'd take shot in the head over a slow roast on a spit any day of the goddamn week ah someone up ahead was hurt pretty bad if he didn't die before i got to him i might get some answers hey why [Music] why rodrigo bronco why what why did you come to kill rodrigo bronco who came to kill you because what you did to us you killed so many of us what reason did this poor bastard have to lie he would be dead from shock or loss of blood in half an hour even if i didn't leave him there to burn where's fabiana what bobby anna bronco where is she [Music] got her up to you and it was up the hill for me i guess where the gang held sway i had to try to figure out who was using these angry paramilitary clowns as some kind of front to kill rodrigo [Music] [Music] i was a mess rodrigo bronco was dead fabiano was held hostage i had no idea who was behind any of this i felt like a fool i was a sweaty gray-haired mess this place well this place was gonna kill me too i could see that now i decided that i was gonna die sober not drunk at least then i would see who shot me [Music] it was time to take back control from whoever was out to get me and if i didn't flush them out at least my mid-life crisis would confuse them enough so they did something stupid it was the only hope i had i knew i wasn't thinking straight i've been drinking and popping painkillers for years i had a liver like a french goose and skin like red leather [Music] [Applause] [Music] well it wasn't perfect in fact it wasn't much good at all but it was going to have to do [Music] at least i was facing in the right direction [Music] telegram max max you're you're alive of course i'm alive we did not know this we are lost max our brother was everything to us i understand listen i'm i'm sorry about your loss both of you rodrigo was a good man i failed him i but i was tricked what happened max i don't know some guys from the crush of pareto come into the building downstairs so while me and the security guard were dealing with them an assassin must have come in and executed your brother i at least that's how i think it happened no you killed him boja you killed my brother what are you talking about i i understand you're upset but please why the hell would i do that to get his money to take his money how am i getting his money marcelo please think i work my ass off for your family i saved your life twice or more right now i'm going to get fabiana where is she where is fabian she's in a place called nova esperanza how do you know this max one of the crotchet prada told me just before he died please bring our sister-in-law back to us max our family is being torn apart so i guess i was finally about to go and experience the other side of sao paulo first hand the bid people try to ignore the unpleasant memory they try to obliterate with cocktails and helicopters and parties and lines of blow like rich fool the world over i was a day off the sauce for the first time in years and knew i was due a hangover sent direct from mother nature i had no idea where the hell i was going to go so i decided to head straight for the street party that seemed to be raging either that or some other fool had gotten there before me and now is being ritually sacrificed i've had better ideas but then i've also had worse ones like accepting this job in the first place i know lots of girls sexy come on come on this way where are you going wait a minute down there [Music] at least i had found myself a tour guide there's two types of people those who spend their lives trying to build a future and those who spend their lives trying to rebuild the past for too long i've been stuck in between hidden in the dark what was i really doing walking in there with my bad haircut ridiculous shirt was i there to make something right or was i just using a messed up situation to indulge myself grasping with some desperate delusion and control maybe the two went hand in hand more than i cared to admit [Music] is this was the kind of reality americans paid top dollar to see slums had become tourist attractions places where yuppies could gawk at the endless spirit of the poor from the inside of their bulletproof buses i felt dumb and exposed i missed the booze not being mad sober or drunk i was hardly undercover i stood out in this place like a street walker and a monastery all things considered i was gonna have to look on this as a good outcome i was deep in gang territory these kids were raised hating clowns like me middle income ass kickers who protected the rich by shooting kids like them if there was one thing i'd learned since i've been here it was that brazilians came out of the womb kicking a ball and for kids like these was there one legal chance at a ticket out of here i need a phone a telephone well they weren't going to help me and who could blame them i was a dumb american in a place where dumb americans were less popular than the clap i was gonna find my way out of this mess i was on my own it looked like there was a bar up ahead the irony was not lost on me i figured sobriety was no use to be dead hey david [Music] [Music] foreign wow [Music] [Music] [Applause] i hoped this classy looking establishment would have a phone so i could call pasos either that or a gun so i could shoot myself and save these kids the bother when you're stuck in a foreign country and you don't know the words for reverse charges and you're in some lonely skin joint in the middle of some poor slum having just had every last cent robbed from you and you call yourself a bodyguard then you know you're a can loser buy you a beer do i know you i don't think so look if you're gonna shoot me make it quick i'm a little busy if i was going to shoot you i wouldn't waste a beer wait we won't try to dry out a bit just a soda please [Music] interesting haircut by the way meant to tell you that yeah well wilson very good to meet you nice to meet you i think although you'll forgive me if i promise never to employ you as my bodyguard you did a great job watching after rodrigo bronco [ __ ] you you were set up but your ass i was now let me ask you something have you ever seen this guy yep he's a real sweetheart yeah we sure put his gang out of business but don't worry those guys they're a small fry this is the guy i'm interested in neves and there's his little buddy here milo hegel they work for this vigilante group crasher crater yeah i know him they're very popular with right-wing politicians like victor bronco now you see many years ago he helped clear some villages on a bit of land rigo bronco wanted to develop rodrigo bronco yes he did some very bad things anyway have you ever seen this guy maybe at the stadium i knew you were involved in that business you know i wanted to investigate that but i got an order to blame it on some local street kids instead tell me what happened there nothing we simply went to hand over some cash to this guy's clowns for a ransom exchange when this guy's clowns jumped us and they shot everybody apart from you and your boy apostles that's right but we had to shoot our way out of there [Music] they let you go it's okay it's a little weird right now but i know that victor bronco is involved in all this i just don't know how or why and i know that the ufe are involved in all this as well but i just don't know how alive and you know what's going to happen the moment is going to come along when i put all these pieces together and at that moment someone is going to come along and put a bullet in my head anyway listen i think you might want this thank you i'll need it and if it's fabiana bronco you've come looking for i think she's up the hill so why don't you just go get her i don't know i'm a cop i mean i'll fight corruption i'll stand up to the rich and dumb but if i go up that hill right now i'll be dead in three minutes or less maybe you too max you're in the jungle now so it appears if you survive the next hour let's speak you help me and i'm gonna do what i can to help you good luck i didn't know what to make of what this guy had just told me what was true and what was just someone else's convenient [ __ ] then some less than friendly locals came in and found me in the wrong mood leave me alone do you got something for me for you i'll tell you what i got i got a gun and if anybody thinks they're gonna take it from me they'd be dead wrong oh relax soldier you're american oh geez buddy [Music] am i glad to see you oh [ __ ] me i've been coming to this [ __ ] town for the last five years it's like a [ __ ] insane asylum but it's got the cheapest [ __ ] in the world [ __ ] me you're in a cat house in the slum pal doing who knows what i'm a businessman bro and they were fully legal in this country i i think and and i know how to tip all right it ain't my fault man it ain't my fault don't judge me all right have a nice day [Music] jesus what a [ __ ] creep it was monday afternoon and i'd already been thrown out of a party going to a strip club and got into a bar fight this latest midlife crisis was certainly ticking all the boxes now the fireworks display was clearly in my honor making sure everyone knew to roll out the red carpet for their surprise guest i was walking into another not so welcome party these hoods didn't look like commando sombra not that i was gonna get picky this was clearly their turf and i just shot up their favorite skin joint [Music] i was getting nowhere fast the cold turkey was messing with me like i was looking through another man's eyes i needed to focus i could hear a woman screaming i thought i'd found fabiana but instead i'd stumbled across some testosterone fest a bunch of young punks with guns killing time the only way they knew how nova esperanza wasn't exactly a dinner and movie kind of place i recognized the hoods who jumped me earlier i was trying to decide whether to crash this party or turn back when my natural grace and finesse made the decision for me so these bastards look different tougher more capable they didn't look like serrano's boys but i could tell i was moving up the food chain i hoped fabiana wasn't going to be served up come feeding time [Music] every time there was no need to announce my arrival in that part of town i'd drawn more than enough attention already giovanna charity worker and socialite work with the poor and play with the rich you try to live in two worlds eventually you're gonna get your life ripped apart [Music] oh oh my god [Music] god that much security it had to be serrano's pad since i was in the neighborhood i figured he wouldn't mind if i dropped in and thanked him personally for his hospitality it wasn't like he wasn't expecting me i had to hope the king was in his castle as i approached the spot i could hear raised voices and i saw that marcelo had turned up with a suitcase full of money along with fabiano's sister giovanna i only understood a little but things were not going well i wasn't expecting quite so many armed goons but there was no backing out now i would just have to act harder than i felt put the guns down let the girls go no one needs to die [ __ ] oh [Music] okay here i was again with all hell breaking loose around me standing over another dead girl i had been trying to protect we'd only been married a short time by now she had been dead longer than i knew her i still hadn't really forgiven myself for the mona business but i knew that was just grief the insanity that comes with losing the life you had built michelle i missed her with every part of my being i hated the world for not killing me with her and i hated myself for allowing this to happen to her and our little girl but i knew i had to leave town excuse me max payne somehow i didn't think he was about to tell me i'd won the lottery [Music] all of a sudden i didn't need that time by myself pasos was down the hill and i had to catch up to him i was the reason pasos was here splitting without him would be beneath even an [ __ ] like me [Music] i knew i shouldn't have gone there and the pasos might have to pay the price for my sentimentality sorry i just had to say goodbye ah okay i will be once we get out of here i get the feeling those weren't the only guys demarco sent after got that feeling too i started to wonder if my luck was about to run out when i realized it had a long time ago that's why i was here there he is the money's mine that's if there's anything left to identify the bodies with you're good yeah i'm okay hey wake up let's go [Music] the troops had arrived either demarco had thrown an army at this job or he'd put a high enough bounty on our heads to attract every contract buying scumbag and the eastern seaboard yeah yeah but how are we going to know who wrapped them huh i got hollow points yeah look we all got hollow points look we'll split the bounty nice and even all right all right an eight workout we'll work it out together okay look cuz how long we've been doing this i'm not giving no handouts not asking for a handout we're out here whatever whatever shut up what happened don't jump serious all right just look just go go oh i'm moving cover me [Music] they didn't have much of a reason to keep pasos alive whoever they thought he was just be cool okay be cool don't tell me it's cool you max playing very [ __ ] fun whatever you're max payne i thought he was [ __ ] that pain confusing huh hey you make one more move and this guy whoever the [ __ ] he is is going to get [ __ ] dead look man give yourself up and demarca might have a change of conscience huh might grant you one last reprieve ain't no reprievement going gonna be found otherwise i don't even know who he is this guy's luck is running think about it hey man you all right max man i owe you [Music] holy [ __ ] what the hell is going on here don't worry about it just get out of here okay there's like a [ __ ] war is going on calm down some poor bastard quite literally on the graveyard shift must have been wondering why there were suddenly more bodies above ground than [Applause] below [ __ ] all i can hope for is that he didn't even hear the shot that killed him get down shot came from the top of the mausoleum up in the tower this is the only way through if i lay down cover can you move up on him that's anyone's guess don't let them draw you out ah you okay sure right up to the moment [Music] we'd come in here to hide not very successfully as things turned out as opposed to what this go dance shut the [ __ ] up half cast [Music] turn around turn around move [Music] move hold it that way you [ __ ] chokers move where we going [Applause] [Music] you killed my son you killed my [ __ ] son my boy my only son listen i'm sorry [ __ ] you sorry for your loss but your son was killed in gun battle a battle he started shut your [ __ ] mouth shut up shut up shut up [ __ ] you you killed my son you [ __ ] spit off god you killed my son i have to admit i almost felt bad for the guy dick sure he'd lived a bad life but i of all people knew that living with this grief would be payment enough for any sins [Music] still perhaps not so bad that i was prepared to dig my own grave and let these goombas kill me without even getting some dirt on their hands your body ain't gonna bury itself big [ __ ] i didn't want to tell the guy there were 45 other bodies in the cemetery that weren't receiving their christian rights i figured the gravedigger act would buy us some time i'm getting tired just watching you you all right yeah i'm fine all right follow me the morgue how appropriate hey this way up there go on go go go you go first gentlemen thank you this place looks about as good as i need to make a stand at least the coroner won't have to go far to go to work like i said paso's always had a good sense of humor we gotta find a phone i got a connection and queens who can help us huh all right spread out and clear every room before you move on we don't want to miss these damn fools our sos was gonna have to wait [Music] come on man get up there take him out oh okay let's find that phone make a call there's got to be a landline in that office man [Music] i think we'll be all right at least for a little while call somebody get a little help and we'll get out of here hey hey it's me we really need to get out of new jersey things are heating up we got like half the new jersey mom afterwards and a cemetery in hoboken here i was again halfway down the world and still looking at the bodies of women i was supposed to protect only difference now is i didn't understand the language haven't you figured out i don't speak your [ __ ] language that's right i may be a [ __ ] but here's the thing i ain't quite as done as i see [Music] [Music] it was time to get out of there seemed like someone had decided to carry out some impromptu justice on the street life below i'd failed rodrigo and i'd failed fabiana and that perhaps this was my punishment from the fates keep reliving the same mistakes for all eternity it was a goddamn war zone i had to assume giovanna and marcelo were out there somewhere maybe i still had a chance to get somebody in that family through the day in one piece [Music] place was swarming with cops but they weren't there for me as far as i could tell and i'd blundered my way into enough cluster [ __ ] for one day if these fools could buy me some time i might have a chance to get to marcelo and giovanna before somebody put a bullet in their heads too giovanna and marcelo were still alive but i didn't hold out much hope they'd stay that way for long i'd already lost the ransom money got the hostage killed and i was only just getting started this was turning into another fine example of private security work i'd heard about these raids renault thugs and body armor sending a message to the poor that the cops are still in charge when they hit the favelas they came in hard and fast it was fair game as i was about to find out the odds of me getting out of there alive let alone giovanna and marcelo were narrowing with every passing second oh i was still alive and still not all that happy about it why did the easy way out never come maybe i thought i didn't deserve it man i was guessing these guys didn't spend their spare time studying the geneva convention jesus christ these bastards were playing games these were the same paramilitary cops i had seen executing fools after the failed kidnapping at the party nasty business if these were the guys de silva was worried about maybe he had a point yes this was definitely them jesus christ these bastards made the nypd look like the harry krishnas i couldn't make much sense of what i was seeing but i had the feeling it wasn't that strange for anyone else i had no option but to take the scenic route these charmers weren't there to make a couple of arrests they were busting them out by the dozen but who was i to cast judgment on proper police procedure and justifiable use of force okay is it seemed like as good a place as any to lie low and get my bearings problem was some other fine gentleman had the same idea i've gone from out of luck to unarmed and [ __ ] out of luck another reminder not that i needed one that any low point can always go lower as my new friends were about to find out it was sao paulo's finest and a bustload of lucky winners they'd picked out earlier i decided i might as well follow him i was lost they were going somewhere and it was the closest i was going to get to a plan [Music] where were they taking them do they have marcelo and giovanna was this just an average favela raid or something more when all you're left with is questions i guess your only option is to go with your gut and my gut was telling me that band of merry men would lead me to some answers answers i'd soon wish i'd never received what was going on here they looked like the same pair of militaries from the stadium in office attacks something felt wrong in fact everything felt wrong anytime those guys decided to join the party you could be sure it wasn't going to end in a pinata and a slice of cake what the [ __ ] was this the vigilantes doing an exchange with the death squad cops were they buying people what the hell for none of this made too much sense these two were serious operatives one was a band of hired killers and the other supposed to keep the peace yet they were doing deals now i had to find giovanna and marcelo without a better plan i thought i'd better follow this bastard [Music] [Applause] [Music] here is giovanna and marcelo what the hell were they about to do [Music] you bastard [Music] [Applause] javon gonna be okay no no no no no you don't want to do that come on go go why did they do that to marcelo it's a legendary gang way of killing people this is no ordinary street gang i guess they want people to think they are with this they can justify the killings of today and the people it took for america foreign [Music] up [Applause] [Music] after a couple of hours of lying and [ __ ] you learned to appreciate what you've got and right now all we had was each other i was a wreck and giovanna well i knew what she'd seen no amount of drugs or therapy could erase that kind of pain follows you around forever the constant shadow of a wasted life the poor girl had been through enough we had to find a way out of there giovanna was calling pasos i didn't know if this was a good place to hide or not when half the local police force and a crew of paramilitary psychopaths want to send you upstairs i reasoned the crowd was as good a place as any at least when we got shot maybe some kind soul would take a video and put it on the internet let's go i just saw a couple looking at me all right pastor said there's a good place to hide in the back just trying to stay calm come on come on you okay let's go i guess this is it no keep going that's a girl you're coming up this way in here let's try to stay calm right i know this is [ __ ] up i'm pretty calm i'm also pregnant you better be [ __ ] me mia apostles you call him we just want to live somewhere away from this [ __ ] i understand i wanted that too long time ago what happened this didn't work out that way sorry to hear that maybe things will be different for you two i mean pasos is a lucky guy shift i don't think these guys are here for your baby shower get down stay out of sight foreign listen to me it's gonna be okay just calm down hold on are you out of your mind oh oh thank god you okay stay right here while i check it out make sure you stay out of sight i can't do this short of riding in on a parade float we couldn't have made our arrival more obvious we had to hide someplace out of the open [Music] locked and there was still the small matter of the traumatized girl sobbing behind the trash can i had to get this poor girl out of there [Music] oh my god max come on what's going on what's going on i don't know but we gotta get the hell out of here let's go we're not gonna make it are we we'll be fine we're just gonna lay low till paso skits here this wasn't looking good what the hell would giovanna and marcelo thinking going in there by themselves i guess their plan was no more idiotic than mine and i couldn't really fault them for losing faith in the broncos security detail just check this we need to get out of the open a barely recovering alcoholic and an unarmed pregnant woman we were hardly a seal team i put our life expectancy at five minutes if we were lucky if you can lift me up there i'll see if i can lower it down all right giovanna was a brave girl she wasn't giving up i guess that meant neither could i well done stay close and keep quiet god oh what now there's no way down hold on can you get through to that next room yes i think so well that may be our best bet go on i'll meet you there are you sure yeah don't worry i'll find a way through just stay quiet and keep down [Music] next max max ah i can't see your way down here either there has to be something there's still more up here are you okay i think so there must be a way to drop those stairs down wait a second i'm going to try something good come on let's get the hell away from here go on it's okay right behind me [Music] why are they doing our day had started with us hiding in filth and got progressively worse my luck was running true to form rather i was running true to form should we wait here for apostles no it's not safe enough come on damn it max quiet you're the one breaking in no you're the one breaking in come on get a leg up all right open the door ugh check it out stay here sofia wishful thinking maybe there was a security switch somewhere already we've got to get out of this place here i'm here i'm here it's okay [ __ ] come here this way this way you ever driven a bus before of course i haven't ever shot anybody no well let's drive or shoot cistern right now i reckon i'll be better at the shooting come on you can do this all right now listen to me i give you the word i want you to slam it into gear full on the gas and drive us the hell out of here what just drive the [ __ ] thing straight and keep on going relax you can do this ready go try to keep us straight yeah i see it oh my god keep [Applause] [Music] just drive hold on we're okay we're okay you're good yeah yeah piece of driving ah we gotta get out of here quick son of a [ __ ] giovanna go i need you to get up to the roof of this building and get the passo's tell him to wait for me now go jump go wow [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i was just about to run to the roof when my savior and friend the man whose unborn child i had just killed for decided to leave without me [Music] why max get in quick [Applause] i can't believe that bastard just flew off on me after everything we've been through i saved his girlfriend's life yeah raul pasos yeah i don't i thought you guys were very close we were well you know what i did a background check jesus i mean i thought the two of you worked for rodrigo bronco yes so so did you get paid by victor victor no well raul apostles did six times dating back to a few months before you turned up he even paid for a ticket for him to go to new york why i don't know my guess is to meet you but why i don't know maybe he liked you maybe he thought you needed a break that's funny i don't know maybe he wanted some dumb gringo to come down here to shoot things up and maybe to take the watch for rodrigo when he got shot i don't believe that why because you're not a dumb gringo or because you are you know i have no [ __ ] clue anymore [Music] [Music] okay let me ask you something what but what is it that you really thought that you were doing down there in panama and don't tell me you're so naive as to think you were just down there guarding a woman i didn't know what to say i had been so loaded in panama i could scarcely remember my own name i know things that got real heavy [Music] panama had been my second job with pasos max the first had been easy money for banging waitresses at some fancy wedding in the caribbean this seemed like another easy gig it was the middle of the day and like any self-respecting idiot i was half cut oh no nothing like doing some good blows some good friends on the phone nasty some ways and come on it's awesome everybody's drunk and tanned listening to house music most of them have plastic surgery and they're all doomed blow i guess it is kind of like jersey huh that's very funny max hey hey soldier give myself serious liver damage yeah big deal you can always get a new one relax i hope you're not drinking on the job gentlemen yeah i'm kidding i hope you are just stay off the air i don't have enough to share i'm kidding again [Laughter] oh mikey even though we just met i feel like we are good friends you know i feel like safe with you guys know that like real safe that's great and i love new york uh the east hamptons do you know it uh not really i spent my honeymoon in montauk oh where's that it's just down the road whatever last time i was there i got so wasted i nearly [ __ ] myself i didn't know you were married yeah well my wife passed away good not good bad real bad but good because now i can get you laid a lot it is great to be single hey i love a woman she's with another and she doesn't want to know it [ __ ] her so uh okay i'm ready us the dead guys looked like soldiers in one of those central american gorilla armies pirates with a manifesto psychos with a dream that sort of [ __ ] certainly wasn't the first time i'd woken up with a hangover long after a party had turned sour the need to get out of the boat's hull and onto the upper deck as soon as possible was countered by the probability of running into another hijacker i had to move carefully ah the fire was sucking oxygen from the room i didn't care if i got shot the second i got out of there i needed one more gulp of fresh air before i died it was like the need for a wake-up whiskey after a two-day bender how to shut off the fuel feeds move max i shut down one engine but it didn't make much difference [Music] there i could breathe again now the boat could get back to smelling like suntan oil stale margaritas and greed so this was the famous panama canal we could have gone to the moon while i was passed out and i wouldn't have noticed i'd been dead to the world some of my shipmates were just plain dead where had they taken them it was a different scene than the one i'd stumbled away from where was everyone i still didn't know what the hell happened the guys up ahead were dealing with passengers like the rest of them maybe i should have realized then that this was no ordinary kidnap job something on the boat had attracted the sharks whatever they were looking for appeared to be gone i was on a ghost ship in a ghost canal the whole thing creeped me the hell out i spotted pasos and marcelo if i'd known back then that they'd been up to no good while i was fighting my way through a band of violent paramilitaries and a worse hangover i might not have wanted to get over to them so bad hey at the time i hadn't thought too much about this i hadn't thought too much about anything now i remember it it didn't seem quite so kosher what about what's her name daphne uh do whatever you think is best i think it's best we try to go find her yeah okay let's go see i didn't think pasos was a bad guy he didn't need to try to save this woman or the crew we're here they were using that building to get across the canal there was some equipment in the truck next to me it'd be a shame to see it go to waste there's got to be a reason why they're going across the canal [Music] come on i don't know how much time we have go go come on ugh [Music] we're good i don't know what i expected to find on a boat full of drunks and [ __ ] artists i'd been the cabaret act shooting whatever came in front of me was easier than coming to terms with that reality [Music] ah no you dont [Music] that looked like the way up but it was locked i had to find a switch i needed something to help me adjust to being back on land i blocked out all my questions all i thought about was getting the daphne bernstein before it was too late jesus christ [Music] [ __ ] man this is brutal i didn't think things would be like this i should have jumped in that goddamn canal myself and swum my way back to new york let me ask you again max what do you think you were really doing in panama i was drinking people died innocent people who do you think robbed you i don't know i was told it was people who disliked daphne bernstein something about an unpleasant divorce her ex-husband worked on wall street do you think he has easy access to panamanian death squads yes i didn't really think about it you were smuggling something weren't you no no no i mean i didn't realize it at the time i didn't think too much about it but yes marcelo did drive off or something i don't know what i didn't see him until we got to brazil a week or so later i think it was money i think marcelo and victor have a friendly banker there in panama your little cruise was to deliver the cash to him because there it's easier to launder but i thought the broncos were rich how he goes rich the other two they live well but they don't have real money victor's campaigns were always financed by his brother that is the way among certain rich families there the eldest brother is the king you know he gets everything the other two not so much and now rodrigo's dead exactly in marcelo too it's an awful tragedy for victor huh a man running on a law and order ticket you know whose brothers have both been killed in such terrible circumstances a true patriot about marcelo marcel marcelo was an idiot well this true i certainly don't believe he could possibly have known about it but i do believe some other scheme you know some other [ __ ] whatever that cash was victor could have talked him into something i don't know yet and pasos al pasos is a bum ex-cop he failed in america failed in sao paulo he was surrounded by more money and more poverty than his tiny little head can handle you think guys like that can't be bought no but but nothing he's probably not a bad guy he's just a man caught in the crossfire of a very rich family what about me you you're the fall guy the american running around acting like the action hero killing lots of people you're a stroke of genius i ain't how it is you were an angry ex-cop you were sitting in a bar with a history of violence in a history of a bad temper you were perfect me and pasos went to the academy together did you i don't [ __ ] know okay let's take a drive max you want to do something good [Music] want to get yourself killed in a good cause then i need you to check something out for me like what that incident that the favela today now some of my officers say a bus drove off some captives they did i saw but no captives were ever booked they probably handed them off to the paramilitary death squads the uh crash i prayed them right who did i don't know the cops the other cops the cops who shoot on site right max you see that building now imperial palace hotel and that's what it says people go in there in large groups under armed guard but it isn't a police station and no one comes out of there why are you just going to bust a joint get a warrant i'm only a cop max so you keep saying time to find out what was going on here i didn't fancy booking myself in the presidential suite so when looking for the basement i wasn't too excited about the acoustics in this place couple of gunshots would sound like i'd walked in here with a goddamn marching band it wasn't pretty but i guess none of what was about to happen was gonna be it was the question i kept on asking myself how could i have been so blind i was convinced the broncos had gotten the wrong man for the job but maybe de silva was right i was the stooge the bad joke everybody got but ah come me either those guys wheeled their trash out on stretchers or something was seriously wrong here you can't unsee something but you can't buffet was there anything they didn't have a grubby hand in a few days earlier i'd have called it a coincidence but i'd written off too many of those already the imperial palace hotel was a five-star bonafide [ __ ] i needed to find out why guests were checking in by the bus load and checking out by the bag load maybe the service would be better upstairs [Music] oh i needed to find a way upstairs surely nobody would notice another hole in the wall i knew this thing was bigger than me bigger than the broncos but i only had a glimpse of the whole picture like looking in the mirror and for an instant seeing what everyone else sees a bad caricature of a better man buffet that deal with the favela was getting dirtier by the minute those bastards were clearly in bed with the crash of paredo now we just had to find out why starting with a bit of bedtime rating for mr da silva when you've lived the kind of life i've lived reality comes at you through a different lens but nothing could have prepared me for what was on the other side of that door [Music] i had to get those poor bastards out of there get him out of here go go go wait i said get he looked pathetic a man defeated i walked away and left him to his own personal nightmare whatever hell this was da silva had sent me into i knew i had to put an end to it i had no choice but to push on i didn't understand everything and i never would but i understood enough sometimes a complicated problem is best tackled with a simple solution what's up [Music] this was hell on earth da silva was no fool i'd have driven on off into the sunset too if i were him but i was in too far now what the [ __ ] is going on here how how much do you want what have you been doing i am a doctor i help people what have you been doing here it's easy for you listen i know people they will kill you i can help you trust me please please what have you been doing i have a lot of money look look lots of money i do important research please god are you for all serrano owed me he'd paid enough for now i had bigger debts to call in even i could guess what demolisal meant that building was condemned in more ways than one they had a [ __ ] arsenal in here it was time to bring this little hell hole to the ground so i decided to put some of their c4 to good use i'd seen some dark [ __ ] in my time but this was something else these vermin had gone into a place where life was cheap and found a way to get rich off it i just wanted to finish this and get far away from here but then true to form more of the rats come out of their holes hello that was the last of the explosives i just hoped it was enough to bring down the building and all the evil in it who wants to take a shot you see what this is come on anybody want to be a hero i got nothing to lose let's do it you're nervous what the [ __ ] is your problem man my problem my problem wonder what my problem is you're turning humans into glue that's what my [ __ ] problem is i don't know what you're talking about american all i know is what i hear about you you bodyguard for the broncos they are all dead you help the poor today many of them dead you are a proper american hero at least i [ __ ] tried well done with your effort the whole city is grateful the great american savior of the pool that's right you think you made any difference you think stopping this legitimate business venture is helping anyone legitimate you're stealing people's organs we pay for everything we have the record oh so people can sell their livers their hearts their eyeballs you're insane you sick [ __ ] we kept people safe in the city decent people safe i know a lot of powerful people well your powerful people aren't gonna help you out of this one buddy we can't belong now okay ugh [Music] i kind of like it it's growing on me nice to see your happy tourists smiling what the [ __ ] are you doing here i came back i can see that but why to save you oh yeah real hero listen come with me max to brazil be a chance to play the fall guy in a plot that my boss's brother's hatching to profit from the selling of human organs yeah it'll be perfect for you what are you talking about i know nothing about human organs man victor marcelo are trying to teach rodrigo a lesson get into losing the purse strings and the family money they pressured me into doing it you want to die i came back for you i did my best i'm having a kid max i gotta go [ __ ] you sure later now let's go hope this thing works [Music] i oh i owe you everything no you don't i'm sorry i couldn't save your sister i was there it wasn't your fault i was paid to protect her and i didn't she married into a sick family maybe i i just wanted to say thank you for giving us a chance to live i mean as a family i hope it all works out for you for all of you thank you don't be too long well buddy that's it where you guys gonna go i don't know maybe back to new york uh maybe down to argentina giovanna has family in salvador maybe we'll just stay there yeah i got business to take care of i'm sorry i dragged you into this i know uh i i know it was very wrong it's all right it's done and hey i'm having myself a fun old time maybe this is how things had to be figure i might as well die in the sunshine and die in the snow look i'm sorry i'm leaving i i got a kid coming here you know how it is i know how that is you know i i almost didn't say goodbye to you i said to myself maybe this guy will put a bullet in me maybe i will but not right now thank you [Music] try to look after yourself max huh life is worth living if you say so pal i thought i was going to have to witness another murder that that him you ready i guess okay i've um looked through this information you gathered it's not very nice what is it it's the ufa the famous mr becker friend of victor bronco yes and the contributor to his campaigns a government employee of course and a weapons dealer a murderer this was known a dealer and human organs this wasn't known a proper gentleman sure so you're going to bring him down yes because i want to lose my wife and my children and then get killed myself all that after watching him walk free tell me what has to be done well officially there's nothing i can do and unofficially well we can always try something a little more creative creative the silva had promised me a 10 o'clock showcase i had to make sure i was on stage and ready for my close-up [Music] the guy becker kevin potter ah [Laughter] oh [Laughter] fine [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] um [Music] hey what are you doing here huh ask you a question answer him answer him what are you doing what what are you doing here people say stop what are you doing here i i don't understand i can't hear you what are you doing here me in the ear hey answer me back in the precinct after all this time time to find out what the hell was going on i knew nothing resembling good times lay beyond that gate but i was gonna have to face the music sooner or later luckily i wasn't the only cop with a pill problem i guess our little stunt helps some other civic-minded people raise valid concerns about community relations their faces said it all i was on their side but how could they know that if they came through that door i'd be leaving as a human shield luckily for me for once the police arrived just in time it sounded like all hell was breaking loose whatever nonsense da silva had pulled it seemed to be working the last few prisoners were trapped in here and more presently seemed i was too uh that kid had had the right idea there was no point bouncing bullets off that thing i decided i'd try to pick up where he left off and then immediately regretted that decision well wasn't this nice the perfect end to a perfect trip if someone had told me six months ago this was where my life was headed i'd have ordered a double of whatever they were drinking drunk it then blown my head off another dark rainy night another police station another futile crusade for amends time moves forward and nothing changes every bastard in the joint must have known i was on the loose by now i couldn't afford to waste any more time oh they'd come from the control room it looked like the security cameras were still running it looked like the prisoners were giving them a run for their money that's what happens when you hand some roided up halfway to commando uniform with special on the front and let him ride around his hometown in a tank playing soldiers sooner or later someone's gonna decide he's not so special there were a bunch more in the elevator tooled up like they were about to roll into fallujah and of course they were headed my way [Music] if the heat was rising that meant i was getting closer to the source i had to keep moving if there was one thing i learned since being in sao paulo it was that me and the local elevators were not a good mix whatever depressing fate lay on the other side of those doors there's no point in putting it off any longer i'd killed more cops than cholesterol and still no sign of becker it wasn't the first time it dawned on me i should i still didn't know how i'd gone from drinking myself numb in new jersey to looting corpses in brazil but this was where i was five thousand miles from a home i couldn't go back to on another suicide mission to clean up a mess that wasn't even mine i'd spent my career dozing off in the briefing room now wasn't the time it was starting to feel as if i'd never leave that place like one of those nightmares where you keep running and running only to discover you're chasing yourself tear gas this wasn't good i needed to find a way out of that stairwell and fast that would have been too easy the doors were all locked there had to be something else i wasn't seeing that would have been too easy if i didn't do something soon i was going to be crying myself to a very long sleep tear gas this wasn't good i needed to find a way out of that stairwell and fast my eyes and throat burned but at least i could breathe i was trying to work out what direction i was headed in when i discovered some more brazilian architecture not designed for the american physique there it was the tape from the bronco security system jesus it was that guy i had seen him in the favela bachmeier becker's right-hand man his time would come him and becker i couldn't get that tape out of my head why had ufe killed rodrigo i wasn't gonna find any answers in the forensics lab i had to push on hey pal nice to see you i don't think we've been properly introduced i know who you are and you should have killed me in the office when you had the chance there's still time el camarada oh another pile of bodies and still nothing to show for it it felt like i was detaching that maybe this was revenge for something else something buried deep in the past [Music] [Applause] rodrigo giovanna pasos everyone who'd meant anything was gone like so many times before i'd found myself alone locked on a course of destruction it was at my worst when i was at my best becker and bockmeyer had taken their pound of flesh and sold it on the black market now i was coming for mine okay this was the pass key to becker's office i was close to the end of all this and i could feel it [Music] [Laughter] something funny about dying i felt like the avenging angel i looked like a fat bald dude with a bad temper you disgusted piece of [ __ ] i know everything not everything my friend let go of him max [Music] [Laughter] there's a good fellow wow wow well victor i was wondering when you'd reappear out of whatever slimy hole you live in i'd like to just say max i just want to say thank you for all your hard work my family and for cleaning up that horrible mess with the gracia preto for us you know i'm tough on crime i'll give you a bonus but i think you just flitter it away becker take his gun they barred the door my only hope was to chase them down i knew they'd be leaving town and my guess is they would try to fly out of here rich people love to fly away god damn it okay max now you've checked the main terminal i'm gonna go and look for the bronco plane by the hangar okay let's do it you keep an eye out in there you know becker's gonna have some guys in there watching out for you yep so of course i knew they were looking for me but the airport was about the only place of fat gringo might blend in well they're a sex club my delusions of disguise lasted around two seconds they were out in force and they were out for me but then i was out for them too every last one of those bastards come on bastards it felt like my vacation was coming to an end only i wasn't heading home with a sunburn a bag full of duty-free and a dose of vd i was making a bet that would put me in handcuffs or a body bag the customer restroom i could get through to the departure gates up ahead there were all over the airport and civilians were being moved out looking at it one way shutting down the airport for their escape was a weird sort of compliment but one i didn't need [Applause] [Music] maybe they were in the next terminal i'd keep looking until victor sent me a postcard from miami [Music] [Music] the tram to the next terminal was down the escalators [Music] it worked the trams were running again maybe they'd take me to my gate maybe they'd bring more guys wanting to whack me maybe both and we were off i felt like i might be able to recharge for a second at least until we pulled into the station and met more murderous [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] of course there'd be a tram full of goons trying to derail me it was perfect everyone wanted a ticket for the max payne express i felt like i'd missed out on the joke and it was a real good one come on the tram was slowing down and i'd only just gotten on board i had to salvage what i could and see what was waiting for me this was my stop it had taken me right into the heart of it becker's gimps were everywhere so he and bronco must be close the smart move would have been sticking with the silver and going straight to the hangar but when was i ever about smart moves i'm a dumb move guy hey max we'll drive onto the runway no thanks let me walk in the main entrance i'll put a big [ __ ] eating grin on my face and let these [ __ ] take turns trying to kill me that's my style and it's too late in the day to hope for change boy were they throwing numbers at this problem but then i'd chosen to be here i wanted this was it redemption not really it was pathetic desperation and not much else the further in i got the more guys i saw becker wasn't running a police force he was running an army these guys were better trained and better equipped than anyone i'd seen out here and i'd seen some mean sons of [ __ ] the mission was screaming suicide but i didn't give a damn at least i'd die being a pain in the ass there the bastards were sneaking off in their rich kid's toy got nowhere else to go backer mr payne i believe you had something to say to me no no no [Applause] you've become another [ __ ] terrorist what do you expect to achieve you know max you're just another gringo trying to impose his will on our world ah this was it it was almost over so i guess i'd become what they wanted me to be a killer some ren a clown with a gun who puts holes in other bad guys well that's what they had paid for so in the end that's what they got say what you want about americans but we understand capitalism you buy yourself a product and you get what you pay for and these chumps had paid for some angry gringo without the sensibilities to know right from wrong here i was about to execute this poor bastard like some dime store angel of death and i realized they were correct i wouldn't know right from wrong if one of them was helping the poor and the other was banging my sister [Applause] we had one card left to play just get me close [Music] look there's a whole team of them passenger side behind the desk kind of [ __ ] if only i've been one of them too come on max they're gonna kill us [ __ ] your career is coming down with that plane let's get it over with whoa we're going to glide uh oh wait max no stop max we have what we need on him now let him enjoy a trial and a spell in prison let him suffer trust me [Music] [Laughter] you know i walk you'll walk with a lift [Music] the 55th battalion of the city police's special forces unit who have been implicated in human trafficking has been disbanded indefinitely meanwhile the victor bronco the politician at the center of the scandal who is accused of laundering money from the scheme to fund his political campaign for mayor was yesterday found hanged in his police cell it's not yet clear whether his death was a suicide or simply retribution for his part in a scandal that has so many families missing loved ones that were kidnapped and killed city and officials leaders and now your local forecast boy it's dark in some places but it's sunny everywhere else so [Music] you
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 209,983
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, MAX PAYNE 3 All Cutscenes (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, max payne 3 4k 60fps, max payne 3 4k ultra, max payne 3 4k gameplay, max payne 3 4k pc, max payne 3 4k textures, max payne 3 walkthrough 4k, max payne 3 ending 4k, max payne 3 movie 4k, max payne 3 all cutsscenes, max payne 3 game movie, max payne 3 movie, max payne 3 gameplay, max payne 3 ending, max payne 3 airport shootout, max payne 3 walkthrough
Id: CWfnD_5lsA0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 42sec (14322 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2020
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