InFamous All Cutscenes Movie (Game Movie) - Good Karma Version

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[Music] activation plus six minutes pulse is 45 respiration 10 looking good goal [Applause] Oh God [Applause] there Oh call Mandy there come on man pick up was going on I think there was an explosion towers an explosion TV says tear stuff up all over the city maybe in the Fremont Bridge contrition what's happening to me [Music] please evacuate across the free emergency personnel around here man we gotta go you know No terrorists come on [Music] while sliding into unconsciousness I'd somehow I don't know hear voices of the day thousands crushed by falling buildings burned alive in the fires Trish lost her sister almost lost me Zeke was always there so I'm not sure that I'd wake up while outside the city foul party a plague struck theft rapes civilization committed suicide in a pool should attempt to contain the biological threat the federal government walked down all access B now to see more stuck in a stage of psychosis cops are all that gone on the streets by the dead or two chicken should stand against the gangs that control things outside days were back inside inside me something was any scary is healthy first not understand there was no one to talk to no experts to consult with time I'm learning to control it master it just hope it's not too late I thought you're gonna watch TV and batteries are dead again you mind putting on freak show sure glad it's good for something probably need to charge mom TVs hog what I'm talking about [Music] blue tubes working weird it feels like I got more power yeah try frying those dummies over there all the nut balls running around it'd be nice to see how much juice you're back yeah way into man throws suckers [Music] you see that flying solo thought it was gonna crash into us hey he's a TV jacker I love this guy just got word the birds drops of belief packages into Archer Square the wires for the corporate media tell us that we're gonna get our fair share that more is coming yeah that's easy for them to say they're not the ones living in this hellhole and the truth is that we've been abandoned and no one's coming to save us so head of larger square and get that fur before the Reapers show up voices survival told you they'd drop food you must be out of your mind thinking those pencil necks gives a crap about us this is a PR stunt that isn't gonna stop you from digging out though is it hell no it ain't Zeke's gotta eat you take the stairs I'm using the express elevator man get to have all the fun that's what I'm talking about oh that was one hell of a jump man who is I could do something like that running down all those stairs yeah that sucks donkey balls hey Cole before we head over to Archer I need to go pick up a new six-year now here we go that was bad second you touch that the electricity in your hands cooks off the Gunpowder and the whole thing goes Kabam look on your face was priceless damn near blew my hand off which is why you won't be touching the new one traded this guy one of my homemade batteries for it the ones that explode when you use them yeah he doesn't know that god dopamine's gonna leave the gun in the parking lot few blocks from here hey Cole here what on this pizza big sloppy slice dripping with grease pepperoni and payday having a big fat one bills in your pocket yeah I'd settle for some hot water hey remember that time we were coming home from Duffy's and I had to take a leak and bad cop was yelling at me to put up my hands you pissed all over he told me to put up my hands while he's fumbling around I jump back in and we take off yeah awesome until we run into a wall of cops like I said yeah bummer we won't be able to do anything like that again yeah not unless some genius invents a car that doesn't explode when I sit ah come on he told me he was gonna leave it under a car I figured there'd be only one we'll never find it stand back I got an idea hey hey I know you can do something like that yeah me neither there was the search hey man you don't look so hard trained all of a sudden hang on a second did you see that man you're a walking battery you must have to recharge whenever you fire off a bunch of juice I can feel the electricity surging through me almost like I'm being healed by it is rock so hard come on let's haul tail over to Archer Square for someone takes all the brewskis hey babe [Music] yeah seeking me you're heading over there how are you feeling all right I guess powers are all over the place used to be I can barely power a light bulb now I'm jumping off of buildings frying the junk on Zeke's roof you jumped off a building what are you thinking relax I'm fine just take it easy after what happened to Amy yeah I love you you too whoo let's stuck up there I hate to say pal but uh hey you're the only guy here who live from fall like that you gotta climb up there knock that stuff free yeah we are damn too late that's when it caught my first sight the Reapers before the blast they were just a bunch of junkies doing drugs now mr. [Applause] taking whatever they want but changes today it's chapter [Music] a lot of food here enough to feed the three of us for weeks maybe longer but if I fry a couple people in the crowd the rest will run away the food will be all ours but some of these guys might starve [Music] I got one open let's eat you [Music] hey Trish I'm so glad you got the food down these poor people are starving just doing what I can someone had to help them those idiots drop tsk and prunes now who the hell would eat this crap every been called a terrorist all I remember from that day is going to work and then running for my life that video though how do I get that package regardless the consequences are everywhere whatever there'd been between nutrition me was gone she didn't say a word no emotion nothing just walked away by then people nearby are starting to recognize me who was going to get up there even seek was giving me weird looks the e and I made quick plans to meet up and stamp to the bridge try to get out of town just don't be shows it's right now short on friends thanks for watching my back stampton bridge the fastest way out of town that is if you can get us past those baton wielding goons we're getting out of here one way or another follow my lead gonna have to get past those riot cops if we want out of here if I fry a couple of the guards from inside the crowd but I can trigger a riot help keep the heat off seeking me of course that means a lot of innocent people will get the hell kicked out of them head for the quarantine station it's our ticket out of here the gate open to a wall of razor water machine guns seek me a break for it negates the decontamination unit and I knew I could I was greeted by Maine this FBI agent Moya had seen the footage of me at ground zero and came here to wait figuring I'd try to escape knowing I'd have powers she explained that before the blast her husband John had been assigned to infiltrate the first son's a shadowy group working on a project they called the Ray sphere a device to drain the neuroelectric energy from a group of people and concentrated into an individual she'd lost contact with John and night of the blast despite all her connections Moya was losing hope that she'd found me somehow believing I could be trusted ready to make me an offer I go back to the city find John and the Ray sphere and she'll get me out of the quarantine and clear my name this heart rate's fear thing sounds crazy to me suddenly so maybe I should cut her some slack right topside I've got a lock on your GPS locator that's super oh the water pressure has dropped in the main running under the bridge what's going on down there Reapers were busting up some pipes back into the city don't forget who's holding Le skull you find John and the race fear and I get you out of there no questions asked across me I do something stupid and I will throw you into I don't even know which way is up got it yeah I got it Cole ah man it's good to see you and nice work on that gate wrecking ball yeah live through the fall no problem but getting back to shore well as you say I'm no Michael Phelps yeah that's an understatement hey take it easy lightning rod so uh how the hell'd you live through that man bullets flying everywhere all over the place figured you were a goner let's head home I'll fill you in on the way all right now what I'm picking up some weird interference from a rooftop not far from you need to find out its origin and purpose so what am I looking for not really sure probably a transmitter of some type call me when you get over there found it looks like a portable audio drive is attached to this satellite dish see if you can listen to it with your phone sounds like a bunch of garbage it's an encrypted message but I can't break it walk around and see if you can find another one you hear that same thing as before I'm running the signals through a decryption program on this end I've almost cracked it but I need another sample welcome and four more of those files that's the last one give me a second all right that should do it I'm uploading a decrypting algorithm into your phone it should let you listen to the messages I couldn't stop Tesla from detonating The Rave spear it's got 5 or 6 square blocks killed God knows how many found the race fear in the blast crater next to some kid I don't know if he was dead and not enough time to check I'm gonna try and hole up somewhere if anyone is even listening to these things I need immediate extraction please got to get me out of here before Kepler finds me you understand any of that that's John English might tell us where he took the race fear find John and the race fear and I'm out right I know the deal goal just making sure ok Moya what now my contacts named Brandon Kerry didn't check in last night he's pretty important so you need to find him he was last seen in the alley across the street from your location you boys here Moya just a dead woman doesn't make any sense hang on a second whoa what just happened I had a vision the reapers kidnapped Brandon misses his wife Lynnae I can see the echo of someone running away follow it I need to find out what happened what the hell happened my entire Nealon just went dark that's cuz one of those maniacs blew up all substation man brain feels like it's an advice your body must be reacting to the absence of electricity you're gonna have to man up and find Carrie don't restore the power we'll be unstoppable all right I tracked the echo to the sewers yeah help thank you hey Janet you back there open the gate this guy's okay you've got to stop the Reapers idling around with some electrician killing anyone they find out the Transformers back on now what yes she thinks I killed her sister I got into urban exploration about four years ago crawled all over this city so I know these sewers like the back of my hand what are you doing you do they see you I need to turn on the substation are you out of your damn mind the Reapers will kill my wife no one is getting in here open the door screw you I've jammed this thing up tightly no one is getting in or out until she's safe poor guy still thinks he's protecting one a doesn't change the fact that I need to get in there I can either fry him and open the door that way or tell him that his wife is dead see if that gets in the back off Lynnae is dead they shot her how do you know her name I know this is hard I saw her body there was nothing anyone could do did I know I said the truth Dilip so sorry with me listen to me I've seen what you can do you have to kill them all of them promise me I'll do what I can nice work looks like power is fully restored to North Beach there are three more substations that are still offline though I'll mark them on your GPS as I find them I just got a call from an EMT in your area the rivers have overrun his makeshift medical clinic but he needs your help I can't solve all the world's problems Moya maybe not but if you help him he might return the favor the Reapers keep attacking the clinic I have down the street take care of them for me would you there are other people around there who need help to keep an eye out for them hey Moya I'm in position there should be a cell tower fairly close to you find it and recharge it afraid I'm gonna bail on you without that tower you'll fall off the grid I can't allow that those guys will slaughter me I can barely see and charging up that tower drain me dry you're gonna get me killed okay I mean [Music] George he's the one who called me said he's got a package burning up all over his desk that I needed to be line it so I pick it up and take off first place they sucked and when I get there someone calls and tells me to open the package next thing I know I'm waking up in a crater [Applause] nice work call so I figured out why the Reapers were destroying the water pipes under the bridge by isolating the city's water system they can pump their plague into every home in the city anyone drinking that sludge will get sick or worse you ain't gonna believe this one you know those areas of the city you can clear down the crime free now before hanging up posters with your face on them I'm doing what I can seek no one needs to throw me a parade not looking good Moya sick people all over the place and the water and the fountain is black all right get over there we need to find a way to stop this what are you doing here Roy wanted me to see what's going on with the founder who's Moya doesn't matter look Trish I know what that guy said about me my sister is dead because of you I swear I didn't know what was in that package I don't want to hear it you want to help fine you can start by closing that valve over there it's jammed and I can't turn it that's how the black tar is getting into the fountain ah it's all over your eyes I need to get a solvent out of my car follow me I'm watching you I can hold still Thanks that's the only time I'm helping you call if you get that stuff on you again you're just gonna have to wait for it to wear off I took care of the fountain Moya had to shut off the feeder pipe that led into it gotcha I'll turn those off and see what happens son of a I feel the broken heart so much emotions bottled with no headed girl dad you're alone not the girl an animal not a woman a bridge only I love you all the way if I turn that Valve I'll take another blast of crud to the face probably screw me up send me on another mind trip or maybe I forced this guy to do it for me Hey God's sake get out you won't be able to shut me out forever and eventually a cracker boom here crack larger and then wall comes down it's a matter of time now that the valves are often you need to figure out how's maniacs are getting that tar to the system the only primary water line around there runs under Memorial Park headed to the tunnel said look for it you don't know there's a truck attached to the pipe down here that's probably the source of the plague destroy enter but the hell is that stuff some kind of mind control agent that has to be organic but I don't know however I do sing it yeah well I'm sure did a number on me I'm heading back to Zeke's my head is killing me I can't turn that race for your over to the fans man do I have a choice we're live do you know what they'll do something like that especially if the Pentagon is wrapped up in all this it's an ultimate weapon and what's your suggestion Jedediah we hide it under your couch only my momma calls me Jedediah that's not important right now listen I said we cracked that baby open and give everyone powers it's the only way to make sure we don't get screwed yeah I think we're already screwed I've lacked the position of the next substation in your GPS goal shouldn't I be hunting for John and the race fair you need to look at the big picture every time you restore electricity to a section of the city your powers escalate I'd say that's a valuable use of your time I'll be in touch once you get the substation back online [Music] hey Moya I'm down in the sewer should have the power back on in no time [Music] [Music] believe me I'd love to no idea where he's hiding you good work call when you're ready I've got a couple of things I'd like you to look into see that old train the Reapers have some people locked up in it collateral to the people of the neon in line more importantly there's a chance John is locked in there want me to bust them out no you're in the heart of Reaper territory and they'll kill anyone trying to escape you need to move the train to a safe location how am I supposed to do that push you're a living third rail stay in contact with the lead car and it should move just stay calm in there the train stop disengage the voltage meter box that's mounted under the tracks I'll go look for it you're almost there I let everyone know that you're waiting in the Train and they'll be waiting in the station don't let them down here we go you're almost to the station the crowd was surprised to see the terrorists all up and free their loved ones hypocrites this one of my head on the platter how they act like have won the fan but truth be told it was nice scene for that short time did it treated like a hero oh good scan the crowd for John as people started to leave the station it was no way [Music] this is like the fountain all over again why aren't you stopping this I blew up a whole tanker for that stuff under the park figured that would do it well it's coming from somewhere these people aren't getting sick on their own call I'll find out what's going on hey Moya it's that black tar again there's sick people all over the place the only source of water in that area is from the water towers on the rooftops all right I'll head up there and see what I can do Reapers are all over the place up here there's a weird metal keg attached to the water tower power strip destroying it I think I just made things worse try to overcharge the pump next time you'll take a bath on that crap but it'll save lives overcharging this pump will keep me high and dry but it also means that everyone in this water main will gets sick whose health means more mine or theirs damnit there's going to be a lot of sick people if you keep dropping that grab into the water what the hell is going on up there there are more sick people than ever you're making things worse get this stuff up the water towers right she's gonna be pretty pissed about this who the hell are you just a concerned citizen now hold still he leaped toward me his icy fingers digging into my head for a moment there was nothing and he started to show me thanks beyond description and that's what I understood a short in the future death and destruction on an unimaginable scale as he released me I knew that he was responsible for all of it that he had opened Pandora's box and it wasn't ever gonna close and that that damn race fear was somehow involved and then he was gone I've been looking into your new BFF Moya now find your magic 8-ball did you she's real FBI in fact she's big-time FBI highly decorated the kind of person they send out when the shower hits the fan and sprays all over everyone about six months ago she gets moved over to some new division called defender and her trail goes completely cold now one of my boys thinks she's working with DARPA you have boys like I'm being serious here man you gotta pay attention the DARPA is the mother lode of black ops crap it's a secret Pentagon group that doesn't answer to anybody if she's in with those clowns you better watch out son yeah yeah yeah and Santa Claus shot JFK they wear those drinks [Music] the location of the final substation and the neon has been uploaded to your GPS head over there as soon as you can hey brother you know what scares the hell out of me the thought of the government getting their hands on that race view didn't we already have this conversation I know I know you've got caught pissin in the wind but think about this for a second now that thing dishes out super powers what's the stop for Uncle Sam from juicing up the entire military all over the cops defense against that didn't know we needed any [ __ ] open your eyes take a look around you see the Red Cross a National Guard I sure as hell don't a lot about the whole thing on the branch don't do whatever it takes to stay in power but you need to wake up buddy forts too late [Music] so you think she knows where John is [Music] people talking on the street walk out you are different gotten some kind of godness around I don't care about that I know I know but listen keep it up seems big and I can use it to my advantage I'll catch you later [Music] call me there Trish a plane just dropped a crate of medical supplies and someone needs to protect it from the Reapers and you want me to do it super powers besides you owe me all of us alright Moya I'm across from Jefferson Tunnel sensing entrance is blocked you're going to have to figure out a way to get down there your best bet is to head into the compound across the street rocking her sweet delicious cool coming home I've been [Music] I can feel the love inside you just waiting to cope stop what's this possible you lie I think I found where they're making the Reapers bunch of people down here locked in cages machine spraying the black tar all over them my pleasure you think don't see her the way you're parading around like common Jezebel I see everything now darling what took you was there traffic I told you not to take the bridge it's always backed up get dressed we have different last night of course I do don't try to use me there [Music] clothes in person still [Music] date respect to me shut the hell up chiller I swear it I'll wear her skin like row you you you'll never control it call look at me look at what it's done it controls you sasha was a piece of [ __ ] before the blast but looking at her now this is what my powers are gonna do to me a warped body and twisted mind is that my future either way she knows all about the first son's and their race fear if I'm gonna dig myself out of this hole it starts with her talking right now they came fast smoke everywhere Sasha got pulled out whoever they were they were pros trained for this kind of thing there was no time to think water was pouring in the place was falling apart with no way back I went forward the slums award what happened down there it's all shot dead I wish need to live in hell out of her but some guys in masks brought the whole tunnel down it was probably the versus sons that'd be swell listen the power is out in this whole barrel and I barely have the energy to walk I'm going to get the nearest substation back online Zeke pick up it's a long story wanted to let you know I'm over in the Warren hasn't done any better that's for sure I'll give you a call when I figure out how I'm gonna get back home gifts that explains why they're all wearing trash bags I get it [Music] [Music] yes [Music] hey cool now you remember [ __ ] it just ran into his sister and she thinks he's in some kind of trouble no Dwight didn't that guy steal your car and strip it down for parts and you think if I find white she'll reward you do anything she says - I was hanging around the chubby chicken last time they talked guess he was working over there that might be a good place to start oh are you there hi Trish it's getting bad over here people are dying and there's nothing I can do I need to get a bus over to Bayview and see if it still has any supplies I came through the tunnel and it's trashed same with the stone canal drawbridge I'll try and find him this doesn't look good Trish I think I found Roger he must have done something to piss these guys off because they're all over the transients are kidnapping engineers and mechanics using them as slave labor the worst part is that they publicly execute anyone who refuses to work I've got Roger you have to take them all out at the same time don't worry I'll handle it you're that guy aren't you the one with the powers yeah listen are you Roger Miller Trish Daley sent me she's hoping you can fix the stone canal drawbridge Trish she's stuck in the quarantine too afraid so he'll used to go camping with them you know kind of fell out of touch when her old man got transferred upstate what about Amy she making out yeah she did good good I hate to see both those girls stuck in here man this is screwed up nine ways from Sunday watch my back this is gonna take a while there we go you've gotta be kidding me hydraulics on the other side aren't engaging well can you fix them no has to be done on the far side of the bridge hey hold on I know someone who might be able to help us [Music] it's Roger the number four hydraulic on the south side of SC isn't engaged and I need your help getting it online where are you home Oriole Park near the bridge but unless you're carrying a gun I'm not going anywhere Reapers are swarming all over this place yeah well I'm sending something that's better than a gun see in a bit so what did the Reapers want with you they heard the transients are looking for engineers to work on their Tower so they were going to trade me figured they'd get a reward or something seems like a lot of work to build a monument to garbage all I know is that working on that thing is a death sentence they work you until you drop and then they pop you in the head damn it everything checks out but the power grid is under voltage there's not enough juice to fire the hydraulics stand back look I'd love to stay and chat but I gotta find someplace safe see you around [Music] and to think if I take an early retirement I would have missed all this I need to have my head examined thanks for helping with the bridge now no sweat tell Trish I said hello [Music] hi you've reached Trish Daly's voicemail please leave a message Trish I just wanted to let you know that the drawbridge is down I'll give you a call later and see how things are going Dwight's dead seek someone really messed him up I need this there's something deeply wrong with you Zeke hard to make out look like a man and a dog or something Dwight was killed by a dog the same way I shouldn't have had an open casket but old Smitty wanted one people were passing out till everyone covered holy crap you're him it's great what you're doing the way you're cleaning up this place what are those posters supposed to be for just try and somehow you know spreading word about you what you're doing which one do you like hmm since this guy is gonna hang those up anyway I might as well decide how people should feel me do I want them to love me or fear me I like that one right on I'll print up more of those and start hanging them all over the city it's gonna be awesome Zeke is never gonna believe this one look not yet dealing with some crab things that are running all over the place I think the transients are making them from old parts [Music] finally found your sorry gas [Music] [Music] hey Zeke I took care of the guy that greased white and just so we're clear this was one time I'm not doing this to help you score this superhero racket is great man solving crimes getting some lovin from the ladies that get used to living like this you're not actually a superhero Zeke yeah yeah I know that but it doesn't change the fact that I've had a taste good life having these powers isn't exactly a walk in the park are you crazy people around here they worship you man fat lot of good it's done me oh crap I gotta go what sister is hot and ready to go Normie [Music] a Moya I'm making a run in the next substation its location is flagged on your GPS I'm also tracking a couple new developments I'll be in touch once the power is back on so what sister just took off ma'am it was a disaster what I thought you were golden I wanted to treat her right you know show her a good time let things simmer a bit in the alleged can land one-nighter like what you Trish had Hey anyway she comes over and says she can only stay a minute or two it starts talking about I don't know how she really digs me but she sees me as a friend I'll always be your friend see Cole can she said that so I was walking over to help trees load over bus and I see twine sister hanging it on some guy's arm she didn't even look at me sorry man I can't know better he's always been like that no biggie no please we have waited for you see what else is out there [Music] hey hey dude been receiving reports of unauthorized drones patrolling the warrant since they're not ours you should look into them it also sounds like the dust better planning a quarantine break all right telling a friend seek to stop calling me he wants to play hero and track down leads that's his business I don't need to hear about it seek what the hell are you doing you idiots just made the biggest mistake of your lives just keep on blathering you'll get yours oh no GPS says they tried to shut the arts doing killing the bastards that kidnapped my friends seek can you hear me sing go hey come over here hang in there buddy I'm coming there is clothes and then there was that what the hell were you doing down here she's trying to help out man I wanted to sneak Hanuman say what the trash bags reptil are you insane you're lucky they didn't kill you what are you saying I don't see needs to go back to his roof and just chill but he's only good for a laugh a beer but when it's go-time here worth a damn that what you're saying Cole this isn't a game seek not anymore which is cuz you got powers didn't make you better than everyone else not by a long shot we just caught a big break one of the UAVs controlling the Warren has crashed recover its flight recorder and I'll try to figure out who's controlling them all right I found it use your phone to send me the contents of the flight recorder just what I thought the first sons are using drones to search for the race fear you know what their search to this area they know anything we don't know but we can't take any chances find the other drones in the area shut them down and collect their flight recorders and call that UAV you was programmed to self-destruct if it crashed don't know why it didn't but the other ones might once you shut them down you have to get to them right away I want you to listen to something Cole do anything you want real tough guy aren't you on the contrary I'm weak quite weak in fact which is why you need to learn this lesson and learn it well everyone has their breaking point you need even dear sweet Sasha what separates the strong from the weak is the ability to take the beating but how great the pain never wavering from what needs to be done think you can remember that school that should be the last one your phone doesn't have to bandwidth to transmit that much data so you need to find a satellite uplink [Music] you should have everything it's going to take a while to sort through a mess I'll let you know if I find anything of interesting just find that damn sphere so I can get out of this shooting gallery down and let the pass through the quarantine and let me guess the guys with the guns aren't gonna play ball all forces positioned along the quarantine line have standing shoot on sight orders any vessel attempting to cross the harbor will be destroyed no questions asked I don't want their blood on my hands Moya but I really don't see what this has to do with our deal I can't maintain control of this situation I will be replaced they'll bomb the island and you'll be a fugitive No Deal no nothing you understand yeah sure good don't ever take that tone with me again got some bad news Cole the military is mobilizing several gunships but they're planning on attacking the dustman's boats regardless of whether or not they're still docked I'm holding them off I thought you said you had things under control maybe I should go make a deal with them they want results that's all that matters we don't deliver I'll find someone who will hey Trish how's the hospital looking the outside is pretty trashed but the inside is in surprisingly good shape I've already moved a couple bus loads of people over there right on I've been thinking that we should sit down and talk sometime looks like there's one more boat cold get over there right away what if I don't they gonna start dropping bombs the President signed off on the order a week ago mr. plank reaches critical threat level you'll make the call no questions asked and they'll glass the whole city just like that its standard protocol when it comes to containing biological threats like it or not cold you're in this all the way that was the last of the boats Moya I know you're not happy about the situation Cole but we have to play with the cards that were dealt that's just the way it is cold I've got the last of my gear loaded onto the bus but the Reapers are blocking the way to the hospital I need your help getting past them maybe once we get over there we can sit down and have that talk we'll see got a lot of sick people that need help they come first call of course they do call I bet the last of my gear loaded onto the bus but the Reapers are blocking the way to the hospital I need your help getting past them maybe once we get over there we can sit down and have that talk a lot of sick people that need help of course they do I've been keeping an eye on you Cole watching you parade around like a damn peacock showing off every chance you get pathetic that's real tough talk from a guy who tortures people you still don't get it do you you don't get any second chances every time you fail someone's world ends ends in the worst way imaginable I learned that the hard way and by god you're gonna learn it too one way or another tell you what crawl out of your hole and meet me somewhere then we can settle this once and for all all in good time Cole oh good time hey brother sorry hamsters break back in shipyards I know you miss changing you make a mistake now and you're as good as dead I thought it'd give me fresh start I know you're coming from Zeke but we have to be careful now all of us neighbors attacked me on my last trip they must think I'm working with the dustman or something there's no way I'll make it back to the hospital on my own I'll take care of them I had Roger rigged up the roof of the bus with metal mesh and a generator we'll keep it electrified should provide a non-stop source of energy for you wow that's really smart they don't let dumb asses in a med school call once you're up on top we'll head out if you need to jump down I'll stop the bus and wait for you included bison beavers attacked me on my last trip they must think I'm working with the dustman or something there's no way I'll make it back to the hospital on my own I'll take care of them I had Roger rig up the roof of the bus with metal mesh and a generator we'll keep it electrified should provide a non-stop source of energy for you wow that's really smart they don't let dumbass is in a med school call once you're up on top we'll head out if you need to jump down I'll stop the bus and wait for you I got my hands on a picture of the dustman's leader no idea but I'm going to run it through when she died we made it Cole I have the results from the photo analysis it's all the date the son of Richard Tate you pay an attention I've got a lot of ground to cover and this is important I was transfixed Moya kept talking while I watched this man this old grizzled man lived a bus with his mind I'm strong but nowhere near that powerful Alden was born to the leader of the first sons as a powerful Mentalist he was groomed from an early age to assume control that is until caste of Shona Alden disappeared into the streets growing up scared and homeless but there's no fear in those eyes now know the blast is made and powerful gave me the tools to combat his paranoia with a flick of his wrist he threw the sauce on top of the hospital sending a message to anyone that would challenge him Trish still inside that thing I had to act fast not that I could do anything - I'm sorry God hang on Trish are you alright when he threw the bus up here the only thing going through my head was you and how things stand between us never let anything happen to you Trish I know you didn't mean to kill Amy call that you've been trying to make things right and I need to stop being angry at you it's just been hard for me I want us to be together again like how it used to be tracking a couple developments Cole there are rumors that a large scale conflict might erupt between the cops and the war and the dust men look into it I can't leave you come running back to her arms she's not like me I could do damn those maniacs outfits buses with automatic weapons shooting everyone inside to take control this situation Terry catches wind of it weapons to a quarantine I'll take action yes sit around all day dreaming about blowing stuff up you know what to do hey no cops you kidding me I thought you hated cops I like you sad things changed besides he all man that stayed in this hill I can respect that I'll catch you in Oh lots of gunshot victims are coming to the hospital trash bag girls are shooting up the place bastards have really gone off the deep end this time I don't have the surprise for this call you have to stop that before it gets worse I will I destroyed the buses Moya gonna look into the thing with Alden the remnants of the 43rd precinct have mounted an offensive against the dust men my source says they're going to try and arrest Alden good that psycho should be behind bars the battle has already started so you better get moving your top priority is ensuring that Alden is captured once he's in custody I'll send in an extraction team all the dumbo you're under arrest I got a bead on Alden heading after him don't let him escape cold shot he stole my food I probably shouldn't get involved in this Alden still running around and if he gets away Moya's gonna have my hide I could zap that guy and cut him loose maybe I just walk away and leave him there to rot what the hell a Moya have you seen this place Warren never no it's a shantytown made out of junk find my way why the hell is he building that thing no idea as far as I can tell there are no combustibles in it so it's not an explosive device maybe he's overcompensating for something cops nabbed Alden Moya they're taking him to the pen my extraction team is prepped and ready but the military is dragging its feet with the clearances head for the prison and secure Alden until they get there for the dustman try and bring him out I meant the prison lawyer we're going to hit with everything they've got and the extraction team is still 20 miles away do whatever it takes to keep Alden secure the boys in blue need to move some laps to a more secure area of the prison you gotta hold off the trash bangers while they make the move what the hell is a lob prisoner man you know a shank holder come on give it to lingo oh and check it out that walkway up there is cracking with juice little thing I whipped up wow thanks damn right Bob's moved over to the new cellblock that was good work brother see get out of here run these guys will kill you go help the cops lock down box breaks back one search term Kesari has bastards out cold crap on a stick the trash bag is kill the power restart the generators wakes up [ __ ] what the hell are you doing seek I told you little man ain't going nowhere they get him dressed up like a spring juice by the time I got inside it was too late the place was slick with door poor bastards never got me back if she kept his post they'd be alive now and Alden would still be in a cage not sure Zeke's ever gonna forgive himself for this don't know that he should that night I could hear the screams from the table city they were drunk on power and proud of their victory over the cops and over me another ace fear seems farther away than ever all day knows we're coming he'll prepare where the hell have you been cold I've been trying to reach you all Dan's gone Moya transients busted him out killed every cop in the prison this is unacceptable Cole you had explicit orders to keep him there what the hell happened look don't lay this on me I did everything I could seek is the one who blew it I told him to stay back and help the cops but he wouldn't listen it's time to cut him loose Cole he's become a liability and we have no margin for error especially with Alden back on the streets I'm gonna make a run in the next substation and beat the hell out of some bad guys he's really upset well maybe he should check himself in for a while might do him some good he keeps muttering stuff about the present he was supposed to help the cops keep an eye on Alden make sure he stayed locked up but see took off cops are dead and all disagree but it's a serious business people are dying and I can't protect everyone see an image I'll see you later [Music] oh hell yes [Music] my name is John white We Need to Talk chillin where are you meet me on the roof of the Adams building and come alone hey Moya you sitting down John just called me what all he heard was static What did he say wants me to meet him heading over there right now that's fantastic news called yeah I'll say finally starting to see some light at the end of this damn tunnel John you hear they're not with me I don't know who they are [Music] why the hell did you send a chopper John took off I didn't send anything if it's the first sons you need to get to John before they do follow that chopper and don't let it out of your sight one other thing it looks like John is scrambling this because all I get is static I'm trusting you on this one goal keep me informed like I got much of a choice no one's taking me why can't anything be simple no crap that damn thing is gonna throw the choppers gas tank at me and even if it doesn't score it direct hit the explosions still gonna mess me up I can shoot the tank now use it to blow off the golems arm and it make my life easier but the explosion will incinerate all of those injured people [Music] and talk about taking one for the team you think I'm trying to do get it with everything you've got John it's clear so you know where it said my you ap spotted it on top of Aldens Talmud find someone to help you retrieve it someone that can trust one minute 52 seconds what do you want me to tell Moya your wife one minute seconds you screwing with me right she's an FBI agent just like you FBI agent yeah that'd be the day hate those bastards you won't see me but I'll know when you have the race fear once it's in your possession figure out how to destroy that damn thing take me there hey listen I really need your help with something mom matter of fact you made it sound like I wasn't worth a damn look we can't talk about this over the phone just meet me over by that big Tower the transients are building and I'll fill you in cool I was a little worried you weren't gonna show so what's going on the race fear is up at the top of this tower once we have it we're getting the hell out of here come on we need to climb up this damn thing head over to the elevator and I'll figure out a way to bring you up Brendon de Jonge he told me it's up here John you mean Moya's husband he says he's not her husband never heard of her what the hell does that mean it means that one of them is lying just don't know which one damn it Cole I told you not to trust the feds you ain't still thinking about turning over the race beer to him are you John says he wants me to help him destroy it seems like a good idea to me destroy it Yeah right I bet my bottom dollar he just wants to fire that baby up or sell it off to someone for some serious cash Ola you know I really wish this had never happened to me nothing but a damn errand boy same as before going where people tell me when they tell me you're starting to think that's never gonna change no wait man once we get that race fair nobody else a as much as food out of one of us being mark my words on that one I hope you're right Zeke I really do hey what the hell's going on there's no one even up here I know you both you lock me up like an animal tied me that bit try to electrocute me I showed you know you and those pigs seek stay back there when I get the word you go for the race fear I'll keep all ten of you my students I know why you're here what you watch nobody's taking a damn thing from me we have this my god you're not stopping me you're a pool boy only see what other shows soon seek to it go be reborn tired old Bonnie country my destiny take what's mine she stole my childhood you dare come here all that potential squandered your father would have been so disappointed you dare mention my father I'll kill you all of you tear you from limb to limb seek get out of here run Zeke yanked the race fare out of its cradle and was caught between all of em Kessler it was definitely time to escape but he just stood there petrified you see through the fear you realized that the key to his dreams the tool to make him super-powered was right between his hands [ __ ] makes the choice to kill thousands stealing their lives so that he'll be transformed and then nothing everyone's fine no change at all Kessler's first to grasp a situation claims to know what's wrong if she brings in the race fear Kessler will be able to give seek the powers he craves my best friend looks me in the eye and it makes a second mistake all that goes ballistic and the loss of a sphere the tower shakes its touch to rip apart but I was just dumbfounded barely felt the impact I told you to pick someone you could trust 93 seconds seeks my best friend like a brother to me he's about the only person I do trust you're dead anyway well you blow it and now Aldens on a killing spree and Kessler has the race fear was need to resolve both situations 63 seconds I'm starting to think none of this is my problem maybe I should just let those two slug it out and then swoop in and nab the sphere when the dust settles what if one of them activates it and kills another 10,000 people in the process and who the hell knows what that Moria person wants with it no this is the only way 38 seconds you'd better be serious about destroying it I'm in no mood you have my word Aldens heading into the historic district catch up to him take him out and then look for Kessler be in touch Aldens tearing across that bridge heading for the historic district stop him before he reaches the other side something wrong with your phone every time I try and call you I get disconnected I don't have time to run tech support for you boys figure it out yourself Alden this ends now [ __ ] ignorant pissant this is what my father wanted me governing all that I could see my destiny will be fulfilled you're like Kesling craving what doesn't belong to you none of you understand see the truth but I do I see it all this is my birthright my destiny you think you can hurt me Blair was one I survived gon catch lack of one in the same I'll kill you that [ __ ] and your thief of a friend all of you all the no longer seem like a threat to him just some old guy howling about how kessler had stolen his first son birthright and he changed his tone claim he wanted to work with me to get revenge to join forces and kill Kessler guy must have felt my hesitation is in that moment of indecision jumped no normal man could have survived that fall but Aldens a conduit same rules to apply either way this thing's coming to a head my enemies are all gathered here in historic district Kessler is preparing them for the final battle this is the finish line just wish I wasn't crossing it alone now that Aldens out of the way it's time to move against Kessler strategically though he's got you pinned in historic district head over to the 19th Street drawbridge and open it that way you haven't out in case things go haywire 20 seconds where are you gonna be I'll be there when you need me five seconds I heard that one before our time together is drawn to a close Cole and I fear that you're still not ready to face what is coming so I've decided to accelerate things evolve or die as they say shall we begin I know what Trish means do you call how much you love her but we all have our part to play and that's why she's sitting here next to me I planted a series of bombs and eat it on a timer they need to disarm any of them before they detonate and bastard engaged the time of the first bomb you don't have much time that's five people I see another side but I wonder because you're trying to protect rich counting down and it comes down to this your final test from one roof hangs Trish the love of your life from the other six doctors think of all the good they'll be able to do the thousands of lives they'll save which is more important Cole the life of one or the lives of many bombs are attached to each platform you have time to save one but not both choose [Music] I wish there was some other way that Trish didn't have to die he's such a special but in times of war crisis one must learn to ignore their feelings and do what benefits the whole not know trash time slowed down as Trisha fell all my powers and I couldn't do a thing for a second she sprung to life just long enough to say that she was proud of me for what I'd become proud that I was helping people with my powers and that she loved me for it I buried her in the park alongside others who died since the blast Kessler's gonna pay for this I'm gonna find that sick bastard and I'm gonna kill him I saw what Kessler put you through kind of a thing every minute that Mad Dog walks the planet all of our lives are at risk seventy-five seconds where the hell were you if you only helped out Trish might still be alive nothing I could do she was dead the second Kessler got his claws on her 51 seconds spare me that crap you just didn't want to put your neck on the line expose myself to save one person I don't think so but I can help you get some payback the power grid on the southern half of this island never got updated so it still uses the old external substations turn on all three and you restore power to the rest of the island 15 seconds and give myself a new power in the process exactly [Music] [Music] Cole We Need to Talk I know what John's been telling you I got nothing to see you Moya you've lied to me from the very beginning I didn't have any other choice I had to make myself appear sympathetic get you to help me I find Jonathas fear and then you take them and leave me to the Wolves substations they're gonna come online and Fitz it stops until it powers up so how much didn't know about me 52 seconds well if I know is it really that important she works for a different agency and knew I was undercover that means the NSA has been compromised if someone is outing agents our entire national security apparatus can be exposed 29 seconds I think we've got more right now we can deal with that other stuff once we've taken care of Kessler I saw what you did for Trish believe it or not I know how hard it is to Ferris especially someone is specialist Trish apart piece by piece yes probably will in fact I helped me do I've been at this for a very long time now and I'm tired worn out won't be much longer now [Applause] [Music] just found out what Kessler wanted with Sascha he's milking her like a damn calf turning our mind-control tart to a gas based toxin 41 seconds those two psychos were made for each other yeah they're freaks believe me I know but if Kessler succeeds in spraying the city with his toxin he can take control of every person still here and send them after you 18 seconds story in my life I think he's gonna try and deliver it via balloons head over to the old blue canyon building should be a balloon near location 74 seconds yeah I see it damn things of spray of toxin all over the place turning people into maniacs in order to stop them you're going to have to destroy the UAV circling it then figure out a way to disable the blue shield after you kill the shield jump onto the platform and detach it from the balloon without that balanced it'll just drift away 46 seconds then we go after Kessler first things first call making it where it's cold say something guess I'm the last person you want to talk to right now anyway I'm really sorry nothing happened like I thought it was going to store in my life I guess work that'll slow the spread of gas in this borough Kessler still has two more balloons deployed in the neon is the Train Sasha garage or is that much toxic this could be much easy if you only [Music] I know you're angry but this is bigger than you bigger than all of us feet of our country maybe even our world it depends on what happens with the raise Pierre spare me Moya imagine if it fell into the hands of a terrorist organization what they doin the race fear isn't a weapon of mass destruction it's a weapon of ultimate destruction you've got to find it and give it to me I can lock it up make sure no one gets their hands on it deal's off Moya find another lapdog you know I think it's time we went on the offensive now I've managed to rig up an old police chopper with surveillance gear now she helped us pinpoint the racers location 43 seconds you sure that's gonna work look I spent months following Kessler around copying his notes with the rig I've got on this chopper and you're riding shotgun yeah we'll find it meet me by the old Ashford building in the historic district 16 seconds I'm on my way hey get off through a generator in the back of the chopper should keep that platform charged up quite the setup you got going here Kessler's position the mobile jammer on each I'm a damn things are cloaked they mask the frequency emitted by the race fear which is why no one can find it the dishes along the bottom of the platform are said to find the jammers as I find each one Alphaeus location then you can go down and destroy don't get off the platform unless I tell you to we need to time this right if we make a single mistake Kessel will move the jammers and we're back to square one understood as I scan for each GMO we'll have to be pretty close to the ground so be sure to watch our backs once I have its location it will speed up don't worry I'll take care of anyone that crosses half path second champers cloaking shields I'm sorted whatever you throw a weapon a blast of energy I finish scanning for the next jammer we're head to its location probably don't know this but I was chasing you the day of the blast tried to stop you from opening the package in a minute faster so what happened awesome I ran a red light what ran life so what's your plan for getting out of the city elevator well you better come up with something if you think they're gonna let someone as powerful as you just run around you better think again I appreciate the concern but I'm not really worried about it you should be worried very worried you think they're not gonna try and recreate the race fear I gave them copies of every schematic I could get my hands on that fails they still have you if I guess is that they'll capture you wouldn't lock you up only letting go out when they need somebody wiped off the map but at least I'm good for something please pick up I've got nothing to say to you seek as far as I'm concerned you killed Trish if you hadn't taken off with Kessler she'd still be alive and we'd be out of his damn City I want you to disappear because if I find you things are gonna get ugly I need to get some things ready before we go after the race here so try and get some sleep we make our move Kessler's going to hit us with everything he's got don't you worry I'll be ready it looks like Kessel is keeping the race near in the old examiner building and yeah [ __ ] get into it though 78 seconds so what's the plan I've got a canister offensive elevate to the bottom of the chopper I'm sure to get capacity everyone inside unfortunately Kessler's got an anti-air cuts on the surrounding buildings don't tear me apart on the part in the decision to seven seconds it's why I take out the guns the gas those bastards and we go in and get the sphere except that we only get one shot at this so get over there and destroy those guns see those Jets call they're hitting targets all across the city appearing the way for a ground invasion I want you that if I lost control they'd escalate things you should never attempt Artyom you're not painting this on me Moya I already have that's the last of them get away from the building how much breathing in this craft damn it more fast enough they loaded the race fear onto a truck I'm gonna keep them in my sights you follow as quickly as you can they've got a boat in battle probably trying to take advantage of the fact that water will kill you I've got fuel we can all over the place oh you've gotta catch up to us I got papers so I gotta put it down get your ass down there and stomp them as I can you know had that thing in my hands was Kessler asked me to hold it while he adjusted some cables during a test and feel it pulsing like something was inside and trying to get out it's not right and everyone wants it the big lightning strike of yours should destroy its protective containment blow the sphere sky-high how many lives has that thing destroyed corrupted I can't risk it falling into the wrong hands but it gave me powers once before if I use it again it could make me twice as strong and then no one would dare challenge me [Music] Tricia's crumpled body flashes through my head I think of Amy seek and I hate that sphere with everything I've got something goes wrong a vortex of energy John's pulled in and it tears him apart and I run John and Ray sphere are gone reduced to ashes nothing went according to plan at least their race fears out of the picture I'm disappointed Cole the race fear was the catalyst of your powers and it could have strengthened you even more but you did it like you it took me a while but I finally realized that this isn't about me about what I want not anymore it's about keeping this city safe and once you're dead no one will ever threaten it again here we are back where it all started I was so worried that you weren't gonna live through the blast but you were fine more than fine actually I remember your voice now you were there after the bomb went off I've always been there gone every step of your life [Music] there is a shame she people you're a teacher you're not worming your way out this time Kesler your week of failures all of this has been for nothing go make a run for it I'll take care of this gasbag this doesn't concern you fat man it's you're not going anywhere [Music] you you carry the picture of Trish's wallet telling people she was the daughter you never had bastard [Music] died I look down at Kessler reveling in my victory and then I heard him whisper Trish I love you please forgive me then he was on me fingers digging into my face as Kessler secrets played out in my head I finally began to understand I saw his nemesis a beast intent on extinguishing all life in those early days Kessler could have used his powers to stop it but instead he fled with his family leaving others to fend for themselves hunted for years Kessler his family watched as the rest of the world went to hell and then it was too late too late to fight too late to save anyone he used his newest and most dangerous power he went on a one-way trip back in time attempting to rewrite history Kessler seized control of the first Suns and accelerated the race fears development decades spent plotting the blasts organizing the quarantine I named me yet the thing that drove him for Kesler so link to the past was a picture from his wedding day when he married Trish with Zeek as his best man my brain lurched unable to excel at Kessler and that he'd come back in time to mold me into the savior he failed to be going so far as to kill the woman he loved I loved so that I wouldn't be tied down by emotion tested a wily strong ruthless so that when I faced the beast I'd be capable of making impossible decisions for a comic fell back dead his final message my final message burned into my brain I take one last look down at myself my future self and turn away the rage curdling inside I hate everything about Kessler but when the time comes I will be ready I thought this would be the end that once Kessler and the race fear were gone my life would go back to normal but now I understand that this is my life there's no going back that the gift of these powers would be my burden until the day I die the people around here love me how long will that last what's going to happen the first time they expect me to be there for them and I'm not I don't even know to trust boy is still running around planning god knows what let's see I don't know what I've never been more alone [Music]
Channel: RabidRetrospectGames
Views: 55,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: infamous, infamous 2, infamous second son, infamous 4, infamous 4 trailer, infamous full game, infamous walkthrough, infamous walkthrough part 1, infamous gameplay, infamous gameplay part 1, infamous ending, infamous walkthrough no commentary, infamous all cutscenes, infamous movie, infamous all endings, infamous 2 full game, infamous all boss fights, rabidretrospectgames, full game, walkthrough, part, 12345 infamous full movie
Id: VPogQavXMfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 131min 51sec (7911 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 17 2019
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