ODDWORLD: SOULSTORM All Cutscenes PS5 (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD

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[Music] we gotta fast as i can now i think you need to see this hobie it's the end of the line now holy [ __ ] now what are we gonna do [Music] hey [Music] uh oh ugh [Music] awesome [Music] it's like better than [Music] but it's the only memory of her that i have you cannot face what's ahead if you choose to hold on to those strings of oppression you must find and embrace your full voice you must do it but she was real she gave me these and no one else even remembers her or you are no longer a slave abe you have worn those your entire life for you and the others were under a spell living your lives inside of lies upon lies until finally it was a terrible truth you discovered that broke your mind free now now you must grow up your voice must grow for the lies to fade the spell that deceived you must break entirely if you're to face what's coming but we're free now i just need some time you have no time your voice they believed trusted followed and it led them here but even you have yet to fully embrace it but you must you must now or our chance will be lost you may have escaped the murderous blades but not the shackles you chained to yourself but it's over and rub your farms is burned down we're free now no not over just beginning but i'm so tired they're all tired there is no rest i want some time there is no time but we're safe now only for you few and only for this moment but this moment is over we're discovered so i am sorry babe but it really is up to you now it begins abe the fate of your entire people is up to you [Music] [Music] it was 23 19. huh if you don't save yourself you'll never save the others run [Music] huh [Music] [Music] uh hey you know me [Music] oh sorry i i don't know how to help you [Music] but you can you can help us all i thought [Music] you found me shocked me i'm so i'm so sorry i i can't save you [Music] but you can you you can save them all others already [Music] know what [Music] fine uh [Music] [Music] the others [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are they doing did those fugitive morons burn down their own hideout it sounds idiotic but that's exactly what it looks like bad qualmer for okay first we whack that blue bastard then we can finally clear my name and make things right with our creepy macaque cartel investors those guys terrify me boss this is why we're here so we can get to abe before they can get to us all right now i want your slick pals positioned all around this place cause we are not letting that air guy get away from us again you got it bud oh you you you you hey over here you made it out did the others yeah we're all here we can meet you up there we're stupid you see everyone okay i'll meet you there hello i'm over here over here [Music] you can't get too much now but if you can take care of these sleek shoot minutes we can make it be that old vine shaft way over there he's way over there in the minecraft yeah i could see him hurry hurry [Music] ugh oh [Music] you can't there's no way but but we have a plan okay stupid says if we follow this mindset we'll come out at the old trellis a few miles east from here you can meet us there if you follow the canyon that way you'll pass through sorrow valley soon after you will arrive at that station okay from there you follow the tracks east to the old trellis we'll meet you there okay but first when you add that station you gotta hijack a train what i and don't forget the training hello oh ah i got nothing vicious so [Music] [Music] oh you don't look so good i got here early yesterday before moore started showing up and getting sick it hurt so bad first night we escaped we was dizzy delusional so hungry somehow i started chewing parables that grow in the dark vine shafts but the parables they made me feel better i tried to tell them but they wouldn't eat any and they didn't live as long whatever the remedy the parable must surely be a part of it hey you can you must solve the rest of it and craft the antidote to heal us before it's too late are you okay where someone here knows why we're sick they say he's almost got a cure all i know is he was from the brewery soul storm brewing he knows things i bet you felt better they say the old ones found strong medicines growing in deep dark places no doubt these old mine shafts hold some molds or masses that could help us oh i don't know huh are you sick too last night some tried to hide diaper at the mineshaft but it wasn't long before we heard horrible screams and the screeches and fleeches then it was silenced the dog that went in came out bleachers are terrifying things but they're droppings have cured many ears some fleece guano might help us though but who would be brave enough to find someone uh are you as sick as you look yesterday i was feeling much worse and then i got bit by a needle back last night crazy as it sounds i swear that fight took most of my pain away for a while if only one could bite me again here you go try making this do you feel anything i feel i feel i i i feel great i think you've done it abe you found the antidote can you get up i think so then let's go there's still others that need help i'm here to save you let's go so it's okay you're not alone they said you would come they were right all right guys [Music] oh [Music] [Music] ugh if this note is found that i have failed but i have faith that whoever reads this has also escaped cares for our cause and will finish what i could not this tape i hold must get to the monaka known as abe he who freed the slaves of rupture farms and has started the rebellion he must know how the evil controls us all the evil that has murdered me and so many others who have escaped i beg of you a must-see this day [Music] oh there he is [Music] [Music] uh [Music] ugh oh oh [Music] let's go let's go come on getting away again sorry boss it's a miracle is he but crap delivery death trap has made it even this far you know it's just all you have left what's the next stop oh uh well that would be uh sling barracks boss and maybe while we're there we can pick up some reinforcements you know i mean we we did kind of lose a lot of good i know you've been working your whole life to retire on one of those mega luxury air yachts and all and i noticed abe guy burn that dream to smithereens but maybe maybe we clean this all up and you can still afford one of them economy models you know you might have used off of e-crappy just like barracks do it of course i'm trying i'm trying to die and we're gonna bring this puppy home we are gonna bring this puppy home uh i hate that help me tell me oh security [Music] ah crap i barely know how to use this thing um oh i don't know what i don't wanna do [Music] bye let's go let's get out of here [Applause] [Music] i don't want to be in here anymore i just don't [Music] [Music] [Applause] keep going keep going [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] so [Music] uh hey but i don't know how you did it but unbelievable well he tell you he knows how to drive a train he swiped the manuals out of shipping years ago you've been reading them ever since oh i was given this from the productive escapee from necromines he died looking for us that's terrible what's that a map i guess it is that this came with it wow creepy right yeah creepy with his last breath he said they're all dying who's dying our followers they're all dying what do you mean our followers i think he means since we fled the farm rumors have been spreading throughout the factories the dogens have started escaping and now they're trying to find us i told you that would happen anything else well they found some sick mudakas they escaped from other factories but they were dying would die with their help i discovered an antidote they made some medicine and it fixed them but i still don't know why they thought nothing else he said we needed to find the um even though the train is bouncing around the light stays right on necrom the keeper i hope it ain't the keeper is the neck room nobody wants to go to the neck from me it's like badge coming up what are we gonna do i also found another guy he left a note for me he said we gotta know what's on this table is that an old blade of tape not too well they still using that communication output okay looky here slade barracks is the next stop on this line each lab of communication outposts shouldn't it yep if we don't take out that calm tower then every factory ahead of us including necromines they're gonna know we're coming but first i gotta play this tape yep you gotta play that tape i'm here to break let's go away shut up hello [Music] uh oh my god are you guys hungry activated [Music] hey guys let's get you all out of here oh activated did you hear something you you you you you i am [Music] god so greetings wise investors of esteemed cartel what i proposed to you today is the ultimate employee performance and job retainment solution for years it has been my quest to find the upper limits of modokin labor capabilities as well as the potential addiction dependencies so that tomorrow your conglomerates of factories may profit from maximized labor performance chemically induced loyalty and the end to labor escape whistleblowers and those costly pr nightmare blowbacks only soulstorm brute takes performance chemical dependency and profitability to entirely new levels and sustains them our solution is simple two brews a day keeps job performance at peak operability but if that laborer ever makes a run for it within 48 hours of not having access to our beloved brew their withdrawals will have kicked in and become so severe that in only a few hours the little wannabe whistleblowing ingredients will be dead dying they will not be running to cities because they will die before they ever get there they will not be meeting with union representatives because they will never reach one they will not be causing you pr nightmares because they will be dead oh no the followers they're all dying from the peru right now [Music] you see all those pipes out there those are the brew pipelines they've started rudy where all that brew starts getting pumped out to all those factories across the coast it gets worse much much worse i played it now i know why the others are dying it's the brew it's killing them that's ridiculous brew never killed nobody we've been drinking it all our lives that's just it it's when we don't have bruce that's when we get set because the brew is designed to kill us if we ever escape but we're okay and we escaped but only because you stashed bruised for us when we split the farm then the train we stole had bruised on it then we got lots more but when we run out but you said you crafted a cure but only in little doses not enough for a whole continent full of factories full of and a slaves more rumors will be spreading after what we've done today with lots more escapes and lots more dying i need to find the keeper [Music] we gotta get the necro it's the next topic how can this weak pathetic uneducated schmuck of a slave still manage to be alive i don't know boss but that creepy dude is some kind of supernatural i tell you i wouldn't have believed it had i not seen it with my own eyes when my best friends got taken over by some kind of mind control and suddenly they start blowing each other away it was so disturbing i don't know boss but maybe the brew ain't working on that one through bazaar insurance are guaranteed that would prevent anything like this from ever happening but it is happening and we're past that creeps expiration date unless they had brew with them failure blues following up on our top story how molok mcluckin deceived his own investors after burning down his own farm for the insurance mula in a truly diabolical act now we expect clucks to be greedy heck we even bank on it but this clock doesn't just take the cake he steals the whole cake delivery blimp then makes a run for it here at the site of the one-stop performing meat farm on mutos now just a smoldering disaster area that had suffered massive casualties a charge some called the mass murder of a loyal labor force been trained by the clock stage hello mr marker security cheaper have you been able to reach the brewmaster yet sorry sir but the communication lines seem to be down all along the z line how often does that happen only once that i know of and that was a hurricane one other thing though there's this uh conspiracy theory floating around about a uprising at ruptured farms claims some ptsd slick survivors they've been rambling on about a supernatural slave took out mullick's place and escaped with the rest of the slaves says they didn't die there thought you should know would mullick really burn his own farm down or is the brew failing us um mr morgan i know we're in a creepy business digging up bones and stuff but sir that's the most terrifying thing i have ever heard you say keep trying to get a hold of the brewmaster alert me when you get him oh you can count on me [Music] [Music] sir [Music] ugh oh [Music] you you [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the keemer [Music] uh [Music] huh ugh [Music] hmm they've always known you would come do you know why you have uh are you the keeper we're all campers here since the beginning we keep the oldest things dangerous things each other and the secrets the secrets secrets of crimes hidden throughout time long since buried in lies lies you know as history a false history written in our blood these walls hold the memory of what happened what really happened for the keepers remember everything their memories are most dangerous things things that would threaten even the most powerful bloodlines that rule the industries of odd world they would destroy this place if ever it were discovered this is why our keepers their memories must remain hidden must stay secret but only for so long as it takes you to unleash what's coming what's coming what do they do they know what you need to know here but you're unable to see it just yet just yeah when you return with the stone of the fragon's eye only then can you see return return from where the depth down there down there where you can return with the eye and receive the branding so you can see the branding and it will go right there you can return with the eye abe as long as you remember they don't like the light [Applause] foreign good [Music] wow oh [Music] [Applause] ugh [Music] [Music] oh hello [Music] keeper [Music] [Music] hello [Music] go to the center of the lake game find yourself at the center find yourself and see it's the only way you will know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] forgive us abe it was the only way [Music] uh uh to behold such terrible truth so much for a heart to bear why would they oh good day i'm so sorry but you needed to know who we really are what happened to us and what's at stake if you don't succeed you must taint the brew wave for the brew is what keeps the rest enslaved break its spell with your remedy or our kind will never be free break the spell for what good is a poison that's tainted with its cure ugh [Music] um [Music] happy isn't it first so check that out guys it's worse than we thought was that well we've been taught our whole lives in the factories everything we thought we knew it's all lies but the truth we're not just the schmucks we always thought we were we're something much much more diff but but right now we gotta survive and what the keeper said we need found the keeper i did and she told us what to do but what she meant i can't figure out she was she hot help she was the oldest thing i've ever seen well what's she saying she said we needed to take the proof because it keeps us all enslaved but we do that she said for what good is the poison if it's tainted with its cure but what does that mean [Music] just doing that creepy stuff again those are ingredients i wrote them down when i was figuring out how to craft medicine for the sick guys but i [Music] the ingredients it's like they're all swirling into the brewery is it honest to mix them into the brewery what good is a poison if it's tainted with its cure wait the brewery pumps brew out to all the factories and noodles maybe it's telling us to mix your medicine into the brew before it gets pumped out to all those but i factories crafted the medicine in small doses how would we ever find enough to mix it for all those factories and all those slaves but you already got the recipe and it's only five ingredients but how will we get enough to match dose mudo's biggest brewery how about pico depot pico depot it's close by on the z line and it's switch track is coming up but fico's a freight yard not a deep dark abandoned mine shaft like where i found the stuff i don't know anything manufactured on opera passes through places like fico depot every day and all those ingredients that wrote down i'm pretty sure they're all used by food drug and makeup companies aren't they i guess they are told if we didn't get anything to fico depot then maybe we can get some favors from some old buddies still slaving away there and they could hide these red containers and abe could help them load them onto this train then run this trade maybe that's it if we don't do this now we gotta try let's do it looks like that egg guy tore up the place what's the next facility them traxxas headed to i see that's uh depot rico we gotta hurry go faster if we don't stop that ape guy i'll get blamed for this disaster down there too you got it bud [Music] [Music] [Music] what you know this is my nap hour uh sorry to bother you mr asslick but uh as these rumors been spread around about uprisings and you woke me for rumors for silly conspiracy theories well but the guys then they're pretty freaked out damn it there is no abe guy there is no uprising molok burned down his own damn farm we know this because never in history has a moduken beaten a gluckin ever oh uh of course you're right mr asslick i mean i didn't mean that don't believe anything [Music] hmm [Music] what is it now excuse me but i thought you should do there's rumors circulating hijackings uprisings instantaneous combustion creepy stuff troops are getting worried so me and the boys were thinking that maybe we should doubt excuse me don't think it makes you say stupid things for decades my brew has insured against such possibilities anymore you dare suggest my brew isn't working but don't i pay you to suppress rumors well then do it this makes no sense my brew has always worked there must be some other malik this is his doing his plot has failed and to save himself he's trying to blame my brew that traitor meat is expected to rise after rupture farms disaster painter over there you oh oh something [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] faster out we gotta go faster i go as fast as i can kobe fast as i can oh hmm [Music] wow [Music] ah here screw this it's that aim guy right there [Music] get get me now oh [ __ ] yes [Music] uh [Music] foreign uh everybody a lot more running than i expected this oh did anybody grab my mop when we laughed yes wow [Music] and by the sounds of it that brewery's getting wrecked but whose limo blimps are those on the helio bed so uh what do we do now boss [Music] get us above the place we need to find out what's going on how are you thinking we're gonna pull that off there's gotta be a better planet it's easy do it [Music] time containers assign flavor to the four generators below to commence ingredient extraction [Music] extraction [Music] [Music] activate all four generators to ready extraction [Applause] hmm fatality ah [Music] processing zones pump [Music] of ingredients activated five parts recipe over here anyone's gotta die uh oh [Applause] oh which left eye activated next activate right eye [ __ ] [Music] so right eye activated next activate third time um i'm everybody uh left eye activated next activate right eye right eye activated next activate third uh uh don't so secret ingredients now being added to recipes congratulations a brand new recipe is now amazing for pipeline distribution the new and improved brew will be automatically distributed to partner [Music] factories [Music] morgan i thought the harvesting business was treating you well we were fools to ever have believed in his brew or yes sir that brings the two of you here brewmaster your recipe is a disaster we have lost our factories and we demand to know how you intend to compensate us you dare excuse me it's your brew that has failed us my recipe is flawless do you inbreds not see that my brew is under attack as were our operations we barely escaped our own premises alive and only one day after mullick's farm disaster isn't that curious and now you're suffering uprising as well you pathetic pawns don't you see we've been betrayed this is malik's doing his slaves didn't die in the farm he's using them as an army to take us all down he's attacking us to cover his own tracks and right now he's attacking my throat claiming it all on the imaginary ape guy [Music] hey plus you're catching this i knew they'd blame it on me even more than i expected turns out those two idiots been sniffing their own security slings out of ot and bonuses now they hate these clowns as much as you do boss good very good do you know what to do and i do we all do but first leia we need some assurances well for one i needs to know that my bonus is secure and these guys want to fly to the aemons and hang out with us until all this flow's over nothing else they want to be made whole on all the bonuses they got scammed out of they do this they wanna know you're gonna make it up to them [Music] and now you can see my security is getting hammered out there you both brought security slings how many can you contribute i've have a dozen fierce and loyal sliggies all awaiting my command [Music] forces with precision we'll thwart molok's plan quest his fake rebellion and expose the fraudulent fiend for all of our financiers to see ah and there's my lieutenant and his team now and there's my sergeant at arms with his shock team just in time but now that you're all here come forth and get your orders [Music] well what are you waiting for hey guys you want to get possessed by that supernatural freak wreaking havoc out there or are we flying to the hammons and shipping frosty palmatus on a human [Music] beach we stalled out hours ago why aren't they chasing us well we could hardly believe we really did what we really did today maybe they can't either huh so what else did you learn down there with that keeper so much but we've got a mother all critters got mothers no i mean we all have the same mother all of us from rupture forms is that even possible it has to be because that's what happened but why was she i don't know why she left us but i do know where she is alive but we were all told our mothers were dead they lied to us about everything and she's not dead but she's she's just she's sweating she's in belly babe i don't even know no one who's ever even been to nollie fab a [Music] we gotta find her because we need to know why she left us in that horrible place and why she gave me these [Music] so so [Music] foreign
Channel: Gamer's Little Playground
Views: 135,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gamer's little playground, gamers little playground, game, ODDWORLD SOULSTORM All Cutscenes PS5 (Game Movie) 4K 60FPS Ultra HD, oddworld soulstorm all cutscenes good ending, 4k, 60fps, ultra hd, oddworld soulstorm game movie, oddworld soulstorm cutscenes, oddworld soulstorm walkthrough, oddworld soulstorm trailer, oddworld soulstorm ending, oddworld soulstorm bad ending, oddworld soulstorm ost, oddworld soulstorm full game, oddworld soulstorm ps5 gameplay, no commentary
Id: TKnseSB482w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 41sec (7421 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 22 2021
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