Industrial Design/Product Modeling #6| Concept Drill | Cinema 4D Modeling Tutorial

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hello everyone in this tutorial i will model that shape drill concept and also in the second video i will show you how to get that real time viewport renders so you can show it to your clients or you can add to your portfolio the models that you made easily with that real-time render settings so let's start okay let's start with the image line go to front view shift and we go back and select the image and also let's give some transparency then i will create my favorite tool cylinder then change orientation and move it here and i will also enable fill it and increase my radius also increase my segments something like that will be enough now i will duplicate cylinder press ctrl and move then i will rotate it and also i will turn off the caps and let's get rid of the height segments i think that's enough now i will add the blue object to the scene then i will put my objects into the bool but before that i will make the first cylindrical press c and i will delete these points then i will move these points to the very and also i will close that gap so right click close polygon hall and actually i turn off the wrong thing i will turn off the fleet of the second cylinder and keep the caps on now i will enable my bull but i will change my boolean type to union and enable the single object then i will make the bullet will press c and let's rename that to ref this object is going to be my reference object for projection so first thing i will go to my objects basic properties and enable x-ray then i will go to mesh and select polygon pen and enable reproject results so let's first look at the mesh and it looks like i can steal these polygons so i will select them then i will right click and split and i will turn off the x-ray of the new object then i will right-click and select polygon pan and i will start to move these points so just created a bunch of triangles can get rid of them like that i will add this okay let's rename that to base and i am looking for extra polygons that i can still like these ones looks good so i will select them right click split and i will merge these two objects right click x connect objects and delete now i will right click go back to polygon pen press ctrl and i will start to extrude so sometimes your reproject result won't work if you are not in the shading mode so don't forget that i will also put my base into the symmetry object and change the mirror plane so i can see the center line and i have another problem i move that point here it will snap here to get rid of that i will press shift envy and i will turn on back face calling so i won't see these polygons okay let's continue to extrude and don't worry about the center points i will change them later now i will switch the bottom part now we have a problem not much of a problem but our reference shape doesn't match with the sketch but don't worry about that i will change them later i just need basic shape right now now let's try to close here actually it's very easy i will just press ctrl and move the edges now i will go back to my reference object and select these polygons then right click and split now i will make these two objects one object right click connect objects and delete so now i need to make my two cuts to match my sketch so select line cut enable single line turn off visible only now i can get use of these polygons now i will select polygon pam one more time and make my final adjustments now i will turn off the visibility of the reference object and after that point i don't think we need like face calling anymore so press shift and return of the back face then i will go to top view and select my center point since we are in the z position i'll set my z and to zero so our symmetry object can work perfectly and now i will move some of the points like that one this is one of the biggest advantages of working with slow police maybe i can move it like that okay now i'm gonna put that symmetry into this subdivision surface see the result so as you can see we get a perfectly smooth surface now i will connect these empty places so best tool for that is the bridge to right click select bridge and connect these edges and i will need another loop cut here to connect that edge so right click select loop cut and go back to bridge and close now i will select loop cut but this time i will enable preserve curvature and i will press shift to make the cuts in the middle so as you can see my circular shape is still the same with the preserve curvature option now i will select them but for that let's go to symmetry and enable these options and right click select excerpt image so it didn't work because these points are not in the center okay now it works then after my extra thinner i will select normal move and move the polygons inside like that and i don't need these polygons let's press q so i will need some supporting edges so i will select these edges right click select slide press ctrl and move same here and also for inside perfect so now let's try to make that part but before that i will move some of the points to match the shape okay switch edge mode select bridge and close these polygon holes and i will need additional edge cuts here and here but turn off the preserve curvature then i will select close playground hole and close these polygon holes then i will select these new polygons right click and split then i will hide the new polygon new object go to old one and delete okay now let's enable that object now i need to connect that missing edges so let's start here the line cuts finish the cut then i will make another one here then i will select slides and move that point so now here is fixed now let's try to close here select line cut and first thing i see i think i should connect this to that one then i will let this point and i will leave here like that it's not gonna cause any problem now i need to move this point like that and i need to move them also on the z-axis 2 and this is 2. okay let's press q the result and submit it doesn't work because they need to be one group so select them all press alt g okay looks good now i will finish that cut and i will wrap this point okay now i will select that uv island double click on it it's going to automatically select them all then i will turn up the symmetry and as well as turn the result of that object right click extrude turn on caps and make something like that and actually i will enable symmetry because it's going to automatically delete the center polygons but it didn't so i have to delete them manually select them and delete now i will select these polygons one more time then i will select extrude image and i will select normal mode and move the polygons and actually you won't see the back of that object so i can easily delete them so for the supporting edges i will select this polygon select extrude enter and look at now let's try to extrude that part so i will select first edge then i will press ctrl shift then select the last edge that i want to select it's going to make a loop selection but i will just select these last and the first edge then press ctrl and move on to the axis and i will select that edge press ctrl and move now i need to let this point select right click and that's same same for the bottom edge so i know i need spotting edges to hold the shape so double click one more time and press ctrl and select okay now let's turn on the visibility of the second object select all right click and execute caps on then excerpt is too much something like that then i will delete these new polygons because you won't see them now i need to support the edges edges for that object too so let's solo it turn off the symmetry and double click air then slide and press ctrl so same thing for these edges too right click and slide okay now let's try to make this little part so i will start with selecting these polygons and right click and split now i will go to front view select line cut and click one time then press shift this is going to make the cut straight then i will delete these points so we got a triangle here to get rid of that i will just add this point to this one then move it like that then i will select all right click and execute with the caps on like that so let's solo the object first thing i need a loop cuts right here and another one here also here but i will change my offset motor edge distance so i think i need to re-make that edge cut so first i will dissolve it and select the cuts okay also let's edit that additional detail i will just select these points at the very corner then move them and i will select these points go to right view or actually you can do it from here i will just try to center these points okay now let's make try to make that trigger first let's turn off the solos and i will select that edge right click and slide it something like that and also i will move that edge here then select these polygons right click x roots but turn off chaps like that now i will double click on these edges and right click select bevel and make something like that then i will switch to points mode select slides and merge these points okay now let's add edge loops right click look at change offset motor proportional i think you need slides so select these ones select slide press ctrl perfect before moving on as you can see here is sharper so to make something similar for that i just move these edges or if you want you can make these points closer to make the shape sharper so let's increase the editor to 3 now i need to move some of the points because there are too much stress here i need to move these points to the right on the axis and also these ones now i will try to fix another thing as you can see our shape doesn't match with the sketch so to do that you can use fft so make one and rotate it i will use that fft just for the handle we can put it like here select my symmetry press alt n g this is going to make a group and i will put that ffd into that group so it could work with the symmetry object and also i will increase my y grades let's make it six and i will save you points mods select fft and select these points but not the top fonts then i will press t and scale them okay now i will select these points from the front side and move them like that so now i will select these points and move them up like that then i will move that one too okay now i will move to right view and select my fft one more time and select this bottom point and i will scale them on the x-axis this is gonna make the button sharper okay before making the fft editable i think i should scale these bottom points like that okay now i will select my symmetry actually let's select the top parents right click and say current state the object now i can delete that group and i can continue with this new group so now let's try to make the trigger for that let's reshoot polygon mode s3 selection loop selection and select that loop and i click split then save stretch mode double click on these edges got front view press control and extrude then scale something like that then i right click select close polygon hole so i can easily close that gap then switch your points mode right click select line cuts and i will connect these points now i will issue front view and i will reposition these points something like that is enough and as you can see this trigger shape is different from the side and from that perspective so let's try to make something similar to that one so for the last thing let's add the loop that's here then press q to see the results it's pretty pretty good now let's switch to bottom part okay first let's double click on the dash loop press t and as we press ctrl and make an extrusion then save polygon mode we select loop selection and select that loop then right click and split and actually i will delete that site because i can use symmetry so first thing i will select my first edge then press ctrl and shift and circle last one then press ctrl and extrude but i will slightly move these edges up so that transition will be softer you will see when i when i am done with that so let's select that edge press ctrl and x root and i will select these two points and select about at this point then i will press ctrl but before that let's change the modeling access to world and press ctrl and x reach now i will do the same thing i will select these points select welds and that's then i think i need to rearrange my points now i need another cut here so i can add this points okay now let's select these edges but front view press ctrl and x root then i will rotate them slightly and i will also scale them so they can fit here that doesn't need to be perfect because i'm gonna that's points right click welds so for this points i will add additional cuts like that and i will wrap them okay enough as you can see that points are not straight so i will select my these two objects go to front view and reposition these points to make that edge straight okay now let's select that object press alt and select symmetry a change mirror plane so it looks like our center edges are not in the center so it is easy to fix that just double click on that loop then set the z position and size of zero okay let's enable subdivision surface so first thing we need sporting edges so let's quickly add them right click select loop cut and one here and one for the inside and also for the base and i will let it support gauges too but for that i will select these edges then right click select slide then press ctrl and slides perfect okay let's try to match the shape let's move this point okay pretty close now let's try to make that top part this is going to be very easy so just let's add a cylinder change the orientation and put it somewhere here but i will make it slightly bigger than that then i will set my segments to one then i will make the object editable press c and let's move this point to here then i will select these points and scale and i will let these cuts and that's let's solo that then i will make a loop selection and let's make it different this time select extra tiner and select normal move and let's add sporting edges look at okay i am done with the link but let's reorganize our scene first we don't need that ref so just delete that and also i will put that group under my subdivision and delete that unused group also let's take these objects out and delete that object group then i can make my symmetry that will press c and get rid of that empty group two now i will check their normals select objects press ctrl a so these are good but this part is not so i need to reverse these normals so i will double click on that then right click reverse normals so i need to do that for that part 2 reverse normals admin 2 reverse and for that 2 i think now we are good to go hey guys thank you for watching i have finished my model and in the next video i will show you how to how to get a real-time renders easily and quickly so you can put your into your portfolio or something so until that goodbye and see you
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 13,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, drill, concept, sketch, modern
Id: GyZ2Ub0S3Hg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 57sec (1857 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 04 2021
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