3D Pharma Tablet Box Modeling & Texturing & Rendering Tutorial

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hello everyone welcome back in tutorial i will show you how to model a pharma tablet box our app use texture it and render it as you can see before starting the video i have an announcement i have just created my patreon page so if you want to support me and get more content you can do it that way so anyway let's get started let's start with the image plane to do that let's first go to front view press shift on v go to back select image plane let's increase the transparency so we can see it better and i create an object let's do that select polygon this time let's try something different change orientation scale it with these dots after that make it editable press c switch to edge mode select that edge but first let's let me change my axis offset now press ctrl and exerts also let's extrude that h2 and i will scale it with the t one more extrusion select that edge press ctrl extrude you don't have to be very precise with these extrusions especially here because you will not see these polygons press ctrl extrudes the points one last time now let's go back to here because i wanted two cuts right clicks are clip cut it's fun here and one here after that i will need one more cut right here because i will delete that polygon then select that page and execute this way i will separate that polygon from these ones okay now as you can see that side is the same as this one it is just mirrored so we can duplicate that object press ctrl and drag your objects i will rotate it 180 degrees then move and i will rotate it one more time but this way i think i rotate it wrong let's do it one more time like that then move it so i will not that polygon so let's delete that select all and move it pretty close to our first object i will select the bot objects right click say connect objects and points now i will have these duplicated points you can see when i select them it says two if you don't have that you can press shift and we go to hood and check select the points or just polygons whatever you like so let's select these right click select about at that point same here let's check the mesh if something is wrong or not but i think we are we are good to go first thing let's check normal so let's switch to polygon mode select all as you can see when i duplicated that polygons the normals got reversed when i rotated the button once so let's fix that but click select align normals but they are facing the wrong way then i will say reverse nodes before moving forward i need to unwrap my objects because i will use that same texture as my color so the uvs should match to do that let's switch to uv edit since we are in the front view and i will need a projection that's got projection and say frontoff and place it here then we can scale it something like that will be enough now we can change our layout two models now i can start the folding just like in real life select that polygon click here or press r for rotation go to modeling axis and change your y value to minus 100 so it is gonna rotate the polygon from the very end or bottom let's do that press shift and rotate it 90 degrees after that let's select these polygons with live selection tool this time i will set my y to 100 so it's gonna start to rotate these polygons from the very top 90 degrees let's select these ones with control this time as you can see i need to change my z value like this 90 degrees and these are the last ones let's change the y to minus another one more time press r and rotate but this time i will not make it perfect 90 degrees because i want to leave some space because this is our seam i want it to be more visible alright now let's start these ones this time i need to change my x let's make it more than 90 degrees because i don't want them to be visible then i fold these polygons in this one also i will leave some space select that one and rotate it 90 degrees i will also move these on the axis so they won't intersect with that polygon inside also i can move that point okay now let's try to do the same things on that side i will move these as well and these points actually we need to move them more like that but we can change them later so don't worry also let's check all your edits if something is wrong we can we can't go back after these steps it looks fine let's go back to model mode i was using model mode i need to rotate my objects 90 degrees my objects access is very off to fix that let's go to mesh access access center and execute gonna solve that for us also i want that object in in the very center of my scene so let's go to coordinates make sure that it is worlds and set the positions to zero now i have another problem if you look at my object's axis and the word axis you can see that my y is vertical but in the objects it is horizontal it is easy to fix just enable axis press r and rotate the axis that way turn off the axis now it should be fixed let's enable lights i think i need to move this moth like that i will move that point down now i will start adding the cut right click select cut these loop cuts will be useful when i use cloth object also it's going to be good for texturing they will prevent from stretching in the texture so let's press shift and add our first cut here then in between let's go to back and do the same thing on the sides i think one subdivision and one loop cut will be enough same for the top and bottom press shift and make the cuts just in between and one more time let's check our uv if something is wrong now everything is perfect let's go back i think you know it is good to scale our object because it is huge for example if i had a cube with 200 or two meters dimensions in size oh box is huge so let's change that cubes size to something like 10 centimeters it's gonna or it's gonna be our reference but they are not in the center why i don't know let's make it i've set my objects coordinates to zero in the wall in the world for the cube let's add another one and set the sizes to and now i will scan my box now i can build that chip so now we have more realistic box we need edge thickness to do that i will use cloth surface press alt select cloth surface first thing let's turn set subversion to zero for now let's increase thickness something very low because our object is really small like 0.1 or 0.05 so now i will increase my subdivisions but when i increase the subdivision i will get this kind of splicer deformer but i can get rid of that by setting the factor to zero i will need these subdivisions because i will use a subdivision surface so i will not have to use any spotting edges or loop cuts maybe i can add one or two let's see select cloth surface press alt and select division surface i think i need to increase my thickness 0.7 something like that then i will turn this off i believe that we will need some new cuts one or two select loop cuts enable soft blue surface so you can see where we need to add loop cuts like here enable cloth surface i will make some small adjustments like that one i want these polygons to be more visible so i will move them up let's change our offset for the rotation and rotate these polygons to be more visible then deselect these ones and rotate them back all right i think that is good i will leave these art packs behind because they kind of give an illusion of real paper faults but as i said we can change this later let's turn off these i want to check my uv for the last time go to go back to models i think we are done with the modeling now we can switch to rendering however before starting the render i need to texture my object so let's switch to 2d paint got the texture i will import the same image that i put in my front view go to texture file and open that texture then i will click here select all of them but for doing that i need to open my setup wizard or body paint select your object say next don't recalculate uv because we have that next let's make it 2k but you can do it is whatever you want i just want color and save finish now i can paint and texture my object let's go to texture this is my texture for the color you can select it here let's go back to our texture say ctrl c go back to color let's go to layers and ctrl v you can see that in the 3d view now i need to match that texture to my uvs first thing i need to see my uvs to do that i need to make it visible to do that i need to set my object now i should see my uvs also let's go to view and say show your mesh select the layer texture layer and wait i will put it somewhere here because i will scale that click here all right i think it's going to be enough let's hit apply go to the view disable lines all right that looks good but we have some problem you can see that lines right here do this kind of jobs your clients will send that at work in illustrator format so you can dis remove these lines but in that case we don't have that option so i need to remove by hand so i can show you how to remove these lines or first option using the clone tool just like in photoshop press ctrl select the color or placed claw then paint or we can create a new layer go to brush change our color to that color then paint these lines i will do this for places like this but places like that which have a color gradient i will use clone tool just as i showed you so i will be back when i am done with this all right i finished remove these lines let's check it in 3d view enable this perfect let's go to texture i want to save that file as a gpek but you can leave it as it is as a psc but i will use another render engine so it's good for me to save this s like jpeg or png whatever you like switch to standard this time and you can start to rendering let's delete these ones because we will not need this let's start with the cube this is going to be my studio or kind of like that something to sit on for my object make it editable or before doing that i will make it smaller let's make it one meters damage principle press c remove these polygons also i need to move my box i will turn this off so it's going to be faster i will create a camera i will set my focal length to very big like 100 percent i will turn on my amp decolletion so i can see better but in that case it is not very good because your object is really small i will turn this off let's continue with lungs nice now let's open up our render settings first thing i'll change my output to full hd change my render to arnolds i will not change anything in the run or not render for now just leave as it is i will use a hdri or the base lighting so let's create that go to lights create skydome light now i need an image let's do that create our notes texture image oops not flex texture image select your favorite hdri so this is my favorite hdri for this kind of renderings it has a great range of dynamics i used its before main times so i not created tx format which is faster so i will select that same now this is the hdri go back to sky dome light i will change color to shadow network so i can use that image right here let's make a quick rpr test i think i left it in the right account before so let's switch to bt and run all right looks fine let's try some different angles of the shell i put five right okay i think 250 is nice for the beginning i will create an arnold material surface standard surface this is going to be for the cube but in that material i don't want any specular information let's create another material this time it's gonna be for the package open network editor search for image create an image node select the color is saved i will link it to my base color let's apply that to our objects let's not forget enable these i will try to rotate my hdri to make something more pleasing i will increase my exposure to one so this time my top part of the box is to illuminate it let's change our orientation this time let's change here yes i think this is better let's see the whole frame okay i think they're fine but i don't like these black inside of that box so i need to hide that to do that let's go to perspective view turn off subdivision surface and cloud surface double click on these edges i think i need to move them down also i will move that point here let's go to camera view and see what we got on the render here yeah perfect that's the same thing for the other sides i think until these edges morph okay i think i can end up here what can i say before leaving yeah maybe you want the edges sharp to do that let's turn off these modifiers then right click select loop cuts hit these little cuts then your edges will be sharper just like that let's go back to camera and only render here so we can see the result better yeah just like that and your uv will not be affected by that blue cuts i will undo that and leave that as it is if you want to get a better render end result go to arnolds and change your intelligence to 4 maybe the gi 3 so we can increase the light samples to 4. let's just zoom under here turn on this it's going to take longer but we will get a better result also let's check the other angles let's turn it 90 degrees 180 all right looks good let's go back to zero all right guys i think that's it i'll see you in the next videos i hope you liked that bye
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 13,622
Rating: 4.9745545 out of 5
Keywords: modeling, 3d, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, pivot, axis, basic, production, industrial design, product, industrial product, blueprint, realistic, pharma, tablet, box, arnold, render
Id: DcWeydPz_iw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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