Asymmetric Rim Modeling Tutorial | Hard Surface Modeling Tutorial

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a layer one and type your new euro and in this tutorial we will model that car rim and it's going to be really easy we will use some mats and cloner objects and you will get that so let's start by adding a disk and i will change the orientation to plus z and also i will change my display to wireframe and i will make my segments that could be dividable by 5 and should have a center h and this is the best number that i could find so let's make it 80 and i will make it editable by pressing c and i will select only the on the eighth one eight polygons and then i will invert selection and delete then i will switch to points mode select all by ctrl a and optimize now i will make some blue cuts right click look at here and are let's make it here then i will select this one and move them on the z-axis now i will switch to slide mode right click slides and prove those points and also i will make a loop cut here and i will continue to move my points and i will select these three points switch to scale modes and press shift and move on the x axis and now i will just select these polygons and delete and also let's move that point something like that ctrl a and optimize also we can clear here there are too much points okay now i will select select my disk press alt mograph and claunch let's change the colors right change the mod radial and make the count 10 and it reduces to 0. and i will make that clone editable by pressing c but i will underneath these two ones so i will select the other ones and delete so i will select them right click and connect objects and delete this is gonna this is gonna make my center pivot to move so let's change that enable access and enable snap switch to front mode and simply drag your axis now i'll right click loop cut but for that let's select all the points and optimize cuts somewhere here switch to polygon mode and i will delete these polygons and switch to slide modes i will press ctrl and move that point to the next one it's gonna merge down so now i will switch to edge mode and select these inner edges by double clicking but for that i will select those two edges and select them something like that also i will show points select slides press ctrl and merge them so let's select those edges one more time and i will right click and extrude something like that and i will move them on the z-axis then switch to points modes and slide and fix these points but i think that's too much so i will just right click to cut make a cut here switch to polygons mods selection loop cut select here and just delete then points mod select all and optimize now i will switch to slide modes and move those points so i have three edges here so i need three year two to match them so slides press ctrl and smooth then i will select these six points right click station two then i will select slides and move them also move these two okay now switch to each mod double click and now to select that one too press ctrl and move on to z axis same here now let's add some loop cuts this is going to be our sporting edges so first one here here also here here now i will switch to slide much those ones press ctrl and move same here press ctrl and just move so i will do the same thing here but before that let's fix here i will move those points on the on the y-axis and scale them then loop cuts let's it's right here and select these ones one more time right click slides and press ctrl okay now let's test test that loop cuts so press alt and add subdivision surface yeah pretty good but i want those edges to be closer here so here will be sharper but i will change my offset mode to proportional same thing here yeah perfect now i want to make a hole here to do so i will create a cylinder change my orientation to z and make it smaller and also make that six segments if you remember here we we had six edges so this should just it here so now i will select my disk press alt and select blue then i will put my cylinder in that pool and in the blue options i will select these ones and press c now i will select those points and write them actually that's these two and slide these points select these ones press ctrl and scale done one more time press ctrl and move on the z-axis alright let's move those that point and i will make more graph owners one more time so press alt or graph change the mode to radial this time 5 will be ok and i will set my reduce to 0. and we need to put that cloner into another object but also we need to move some points to match like this one should be here so i click slides and move so this site is okay now connect object should last these points automatically yeah and let's turn off edge breaks and increase our angle to maybe 90 and i will also increase my subdivision editor to 3. and i will select these two polygons and move them i want to make here more angular yeah like that let's add some details i'll select that edge loop by double click actually polygon mod selection loop selection and select here then i will click add extrude image so we have some problems here not a problem but they are too close so let's make a room right here also yeah better and then extrude and one more time and actually we can it one more time i don't know what happened here but let's try to fix that okay looks perfect now i will go to my connect object and make its editable by pressing c now i will try to fix that area right click slides okay now i'll switch to polygon mod select those polygons just click in the middle and press t or go to scale and then press ctrl and scale and i will just delete and now i will select all my points right click and optimize so now let's double click here and see here 30 edges i will scale them press ctrl and select points this is going to convert them to points then right click brush and switch mode to suit and press on those points and i will scale them press ctrl and click edges scale them while holding ctrl and one more time and one more time this time i will collapse them it doesn't show here but you can press u and c so let's move down and double click press ctrl and move one more time one more time selection look at let's control and move also i'll add some new cuts here and let's remove those triangles so i will select those edges one by one and this all also i will double click on these edges since you are done with symmetry or cloner you can relax this area by rotating these edges and i will press ctrl and move them one more time this time i'll scale and one more time i'll extrude them and also i'll let some cuts okay guys that was it thank you for watching and happy new year and goodbye
Channel: polygonpen
Views: 5,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 3d, modeling, cinema 4d, maya, blender, 3ds max, zbrush, procedural, hardsurface, organic tutorial, lesson, grid, curved surface, surface modifier, advanced, tutorial, vfx, rim, asymmetric, cloner object, mograph
Id: 9iAgp1lgqsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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