India Motorbike Ride - 10 Days in Himalayas

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Back in September of 2019, my dad and I went on a moto tour that went through Northern India and parts of the Himalayas. I've ridden bikes in lots of countries but India took things to another level. While I wouldn't normally like to do this as part of a tour group, this specific location made life a lot easier- I don't know if I could have planned this due to how remote it was, the lack of cell service, and just the simple fact that if one of us got in an accident we'd be pretty f-ed without support!

Let me know if you have any questions!

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/indyhazard7 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

I’ve watched the first 20 mins, is there a link for YouTube or similar? I’ve been watching it on my iPhone but think the TV will do it more justice!

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Deepfuckingidiot 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2021 🗫︎ replies

Thought it was a Hitman screenshot for a second.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/TylerJGay 📅︎︎ Mar 08 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] we're here in manali in northern india get ready for two weeks of motorbiking through the himalayas let's do this [Music] ripping through the himalayas on motorbikes is the kind of once in a lifetime opportunity that i absolutely jump at it's the kind of challenge that may harshly punish mistakes but also deeply rewards the risk in simpler terms i think mountains are pretty i think mountains are even prettier when you're in danger of riding off the side of one this was shot back in september 2019 and while you won't see too many white sand beaches in the next two hours if you've got the same passion as i do for terrible roads cliffside views and really getting out there this just might be your jam so strap on a helmet and have a friend throw road gravel at your face it's gonna feel like you're along for the ride okay okay [Music] hey i'm tim welcome to my balcony here in manali a nice quiet town nestled in the himalayas the himalayas are the very definition of epic despite only having a 4.3 google review rating the range spreads across bataan nepal pakistan tibet china and india and is home to some of the tallest mountain peaks in the world manali serves as a jump off spot for tourists looking to explore the himalayas for themselves you've got those hikers you got rafters skiers climbers and in our case a group of clowns that can't wait to get on motorbikes take on some of the most dangerous roads in the world since this takes an expert level of riding ability fins out she's great but she's up i don't want to go at all luckily my dad thought this sounded like the perfect way to celebrate his 70th birthday welcome to the pre-trip fashion show let me introduce bob testing the gear now you can't return the pants i can't get up [Music] like that oh that's nice yeah for ventilation [Music] bob do you have any fears going into the trip fear isn't even part of my vocabulary until you said it i didn't even know that word existed okay that's it this is it bye honey bye this is for the camera this is we always film this this is a fake one and then we'll turn the camera off and have a real goodbye though okay bye well we know we've got a 15 hour flight ahead of us we did not know that air india is like being locked in a flying porta potty but we're glad we decided to arrive early to deal with this jet lag [Music] now that you guys are completely caught up we're gonna grab a car head down south to agra and check out the tash it's my first time in india that's gonna be like a four hour car ride but we gotta see it while we're here i don't know when we're gonna be back so let's get going well the entire point of our trip was to tackle the dangerous roads and epic views of the himalaya there was no way we were going to be this close to agra and not visit the taj [Music] mahal [Music] completely lives up to the hype and neither my words or attempted video comes close to capturing a sliver of that experience as usual though i got distracted by los [Music] [Music] monos after a quick visit at the taj we met up with the ride crew back in delhi for a safety chat where they reminded us the rules of the road over here are a bit different than back home the most important rule trucks are big stay out of their way an early morning taxi ride a prop plane that even indiana jones would like a dash of epic mountains and boom just like that were in manali after such a hectic travel schedule it was a great relief to be in the relative solitude of manali alright this is more like it this is why we're here [Music] me [Music] me [Music] well it was nice to start off landing in manali with a taste of what the driving is gonna be like uh it's a little preview of you know riding motorcycles tomorrow now the hotel we're staying at here is absolutely incredible i'm sure i'm gonna just throw the b-roll of the view at the lobby over this but our rooms are even better i would not have expected this the tour group consisted of 16 riders from around the globe but if during this video you look around notice a bunch of middle-aged white guys you wouldn't be wrong one of the coolest things about rydex is that they work with local owned tour companies to put on their rides we couldn't have been in better hands than the support team that was assembled fearless leader anew knew every inch of the road and we'd also have hank in the back keeping us alive and drying our tears when things got too scary on those roads [Music] i love it already [Music] this is amazing [Music] vietnam was excellent training for this i'm so happy this is so awesome this is one of my first stops as cornerman it helps keep everybody organized and going the right way there they all come our first day on the bikes is just a short ride out while staying in manali sometimes you gotta ride before you can race it's time to get to know the bikes practice our group safety and soak up the nuances of riding in a country where i can feel like the traffic laws are kind of optional one thing i hope doesn't remain a constant is these indian traffic jams it's getting really really hot in this stuff there's nothing like it man i already shouted this out of my helmet while we were driving back there but just those like first moments on a bike in another country there's there's nothing like it your brains just lit up like a christmas tree everything's so bright here traffic's kind of crazy it's just like you can't get that feeling back in the states i'm excited this is only day one almost 14. this is [Music] sort of day two i don't know where we're riding today exactly but that's not much different than usual when i'm traveling with vinnie since she does all the planning i just get us there it was a big night last night i feel like some people are gonna be maybe just a little bit hungover but a little mountain arrow sure we'll just clear everybody's head right up or not [Music] [Music] [Music] we pulled over here alongside the road for a little water break after leaving thomas more and this is one of those weird things i haven't experienced anywhere else but sometimes you're driving you get a little whiff of something skunky there is ditchweed all over the place here which just india i'm thinking conservative like you know drugs won't be there but i mean just like all of it's right in here apparently it's not good for smoking i don't know if they're just safe [Music] us [Music] check out that little pink bear on bob's bike that is the highest honor one can have on this ride how do you earn it typically by dropping your motorcycle on its side the day before [Applause] this is [ __ ] terrible you don't see this thing in the youtube theater for uh this ride chewing on it here we go a little more jump three i now have a least favorite tunnel in the entire world [Music] [Music] [Music] we rolled into our hotel last night which actually is a camp i think it's called banyara camp um just spectacular like views up here in the mountains the ride in i mean it felt like you're going straight up into the mountains uh i just want to share a couple thoughts because today's the morning of the third day of riding and yeah so we just finished up our second day actually on the bikes and it was our first day going from point a to point b and just i i know i talk about riding in vietnam a lot of the motorcycle riding here is so much more challenging the roads are narrower we're going at a faster speed there's more traffic and it's just way more dangerous and last night i was kind of thinking about like i've been trying to film so hard and it's there's not even great spots to pull over on the side of the road and you know set up a shot let alone put a tripod down come back and then go like we're going at a steady pace with our whole group i thought we'd be moving slower but i wouldn't say i'm struggling but it definitely takes all of my attention to keep up with everybody and like i started saying just last night thinking about it um i'm not even gonna ride with the gopro like selfie stick for uh most of the ride coming up here unless something changes there's just there's no guard rails and i when i wasn't filming yesterday i kind of got a little squirrely when things got tight with a car and that was a little bit of a wake-up call but it's just been awesome if anything it was undersold how uh how intense this can be i'm glad it's living off to that i mean that's why everybody's here i'm just it's been great so far and excited for the next leg of this thing all that stuff being said and on a less serious note nobody else is up right now so i guess i'm gonna just go hang out with dogs and cow they're my only friends this morning we're having an international summit on politics with all countries involved so at this point vinnie reminded me i should go for a little tour of our room let you know what that looks like i don't need to start talking about trump and that's up at seven in the morning this is what our camp room looks like we are back to the like wet room style bathrooms that we sit all around asia of course and you just take a shower and water goes everywhere but you got a squeegee so hey that's fine i did not use the bucket option i mean you can there's a there's a bucket and cup option for the shower but i guess that's when there's not too much water around last night was easily the best night of sleep i've gotten since i got here accommodations have been awesome so far i just like all those little quirky things that always pop up with these places as you're going around so continue to share that [Music] tv [Music] [Music] [Music] just a few k's after leaving the camp this morning ryde has like a tea guy in town here and uh as much as me and finney don't typically do organized tours it's definitely one of the advantages with this because otherwise this is not a place that you'd ever stop or think to like go into but just awesome little stops along the way [Music] the roads are really nice here [Music] yes this is why we came here whoa [Music] jesus [Music] absolutely beautiful morning through the mountains here uh not trying to use the gopro all the time and my hand is let me really concentrate on the drive which i definitely needed just being able to enjoy it more hey matt since vinnie's not here could you explain where we are so i know all right so uh we started here last night we spent the night at children we went over the pass and we're somewhere down here at this point i haven't seen a junction down the shin enough that's about as much as i get can guess that it's about a hundred percent more than i know so vinnie i found somebody to level in for you in the meantime little nugget information for all our non motorcycle riding friends who might be watching motorcycles tend to go toward wherever you point your eyeballs it's kind of magical really well it makes steering really easy most of the time becomes an issue when you're trying to take in the beauty of all these cliffsides [Music] hey wait a second why put a pause on the beautiful mountain road footage to share this well it's kind of morbid to stop and film it it really is a glass half full half empty situation isn't it a lot of people may just see a dead cow carcass how sad today i saw the happiest dog in all of india good boy [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Applause] incredible incredible day of driving just like we saw our first accident today which i'm sure i showed earlier but just from thinking that the system always works here it's a scene that it doesn't always it was kind of a wake-up call for everybody riding around and then just like dead cow that you smelled before you saw it that dog just mowing down on that cow a monkey out of nowhere i should have stopped for the monkey next time [Music] that's ed inside he's from all your lynch he's living up to the stereotype good job ed do that answer cheers [Music] right another day another random accommodation wait look at this well win them all i think we both know where i'm gonna be sleeping where's bob tonight all right well the bed situation's a bit unique still fine still fine what else do we have going on hmm oh i'm sure there oh yeah there's like master switches for everything here wait it's already on all right hey guess what the buckets are back i'm sure that we'll get power to our room eventually that doesn't even matter though because check this out [Music] this is our please go check it out what do you think oh my gosh this is the honeymoon suite how lovely how do we determine who gets baby bear bad how could we get a honeymoon look at that look at that i'll take that little bed wait i think more than the uh size of the bed that's important i think this matters more okay okay in firmness that's that's normal that's like vietnam this is like a plank i'll take that one no seriously yeah no no somebody's not pulling rank is the father here you're going to do that i'm doing this all right this is for the big bad head is the big bed okay so you get the you get the big bad for a hat wait no if it lands heads you get the big bed if it lands tails i get the big okay the coin is in the air and the coin is yeah you get the big bet and tim diemer gets the big bed yeah good dog good dog do you know pepper do you know pepper okay okay okay yeah good job [Music] uh still too small [Music] music and drums started this morning at 4. there were some good tunes there were some not so good tunes going on then there was a little intermission and then we kicked off the music again at six am so it was a bit of an early morning here before we start out for uh day three of riding already all right maybe day four no no i just thought about it it's definitely day four she's ready to wake up to go riding this is bob practicing riding in the morning because he can't even wait to get on the bike so he just sits on the table her chair just waits ed got the mvp bear for his fall yesterday so that was awarded to him and the bear suffered a little injury so he's just taken care of it this morning with a little tlc one more i think don't skimp on yeah we love this thing perfect perfect thank you ed what are you looking for today and handing that bear out to the next person looking for a high degree of skill comic value and maybe the best overtake okay okay so it can happen for something good possibly absolutely style points she's safe [Music] don't worry mom it's totally safe [Music] that's all that's left from yesterday well i have no doubt that if pepper was here she would have been inside that thing yesterday that thing got cleaned up pretty quick if it comes down to taking a right into a car or going left in it there you go for the car there's a spot better than that last just gets better and spot [Music] [Music] ride has been awesome i let them know that i was going to video or that i wanted to at least attempt to in our own special way as we do on our channel and they've let me ride ahead with the videographer ian he's just setting up some awesome drone shots out here obviously if you go watch any of the ride like trailers on youtube it just looks incredible and that's all him down there a couple of the guys are getting really jealous because i get a ride behind the driver in the jeep go ahead of the group you can drive that jeep through these turns faster than i can ride the bikes [Music] [Music] uh [Music] so this is absolutely incredible obviously never ever ever done anything like this [Music] man we had no idea we were going to be getting into this they said it was going to be good but i didn't expect this good funny thing seeing all these smash up guardrails is you know that somebody smashed them up i don't know how you get behind the wheel after that [Music] take your time take your time [Music] uh [Music] after easily our best morning of riding since we started this trip we've stopped to get tourist permits before we can keep driving our permits are going to take a few minutes probably a few hours to take care of since we're taking a little break came in and get lunch and uh this is what it typically looks like we take over a restaurant we've got a lot of people in the group it's really nice to not have to deal with hey where are we going to eat trying to find you know just a place you're going to order that's something we always struggled with when we got into rural vietnam and they just take care of everything for you we are eating the same thing pretty much every lunch i'd say lunch typically lasts like 45 minutes an hour the food has been awesome every day i said earlier it's the same thing but it's always always really good more so even if you're not hungry by the time lunchtime rolls around you always need a break we're concentrating so hard while we're riding it's just like overwhelming you just need to shut your eyes so everybody has just a shocked look in their faces as they're sitting around stuffing our faces [Music] quick turn of the prayer bell and it's off to check on our permits here hopefully get our passports back we haven't learned about prayer bells yet they're all over the place they just look awesome [Music] cause i just wanna [Music] all right pulling in that was by far the best date right now i just have to find a room i don't want you don't want there's a lot of state i mean just all over the stairs it's good we've been sitting on our bikes all day here number two of course it is not oh i know one's above 902 i think we got i think we lucked out compared to last night this looks a little bit better okay but check this out i mean this is kind of the selling point at all these places oh hey bob he's busy right now i mean we got the best room yes yes we've been rolling into our hotels usually around four-ish sometimes a little earlier it varies day by day obviously we are always welcomed with cold beer which is amazing after spending the day on the bikes then there's a few hours break you can go check out town or whatever's nearby and then we have a group dinner together too usually around 7 30. [Music] [Applause] me and the boys took a walk into town before dinner like i said sometimes you have time for that besides sometimes awesome motorcycle riding and again today was i can't put anything above it that i've experienced ever on two wheels but on top of that one of the coolest things about this whole tour is getting to go to these little towns like so far off the beaten track um absolutely incredible just so excited it's a few beers into the night now i can't really remember where i left off this is what dinner looks like [Music] [Applause] i think there's one obvious nomination a good lady over there and then we've got a very risky gentleman over here bob that's been trying to kill him himself all day so i think we'll we'll do a you know democracy wise we'll do a vote [Music] [Applause] oh don't do what i did good morning we are doing something a little bit different today we're gonna go do a ride out so instead of riding from eight to b like we've been doing the past couple days i'm gonna ride a back to a a b in this hotel which is awesome i think this is my favorite place we've stayed so far ride sets it up so that you have a rest day if you want to opt out of riding one day you can just chill at the hotel kind of i don't know just feel 100 again which after a few days of riding like i i can't describe how intense this is um just focusing every day a few people are feeling pretty sore so we're gonna have some people sitting out i was even considering doing it today it's funny how much go wait fly it's funny how much this feels like college um the first days in the dorm like not a lot of people know each other a few do everybody's really gelling together and getting to know each other in the dorms plus the whole eating together all the time and having roommates um yeah it just feels kind of like college oh wait last thing on a more serious note is yesterday we had a rider go off their bike and i'm smiling about it now they're they're totally fine but it definitely was a reminder just how dangerous this is everybody's dressed appropriately everybody has a ton of riding experience here it is still just it's so so dangerous and it could be anybody it was gravel roads it was super dusty and there was just like a hole in the road on the side uh totally lucked out that nobody got seriously hurt but just went through the whole group everybody's agrees we've been riding way too fast so it's going to be a more conservative day this is gonna feel more like sightseeing today it's a little more casual so let's get [Music] going how cool are these i don't know why we got them yet i guess we did something [Music] them with good yeah [Music] oh [Music] how's that right up here today the first half was spine tingling the second half wasn't hardly anything because i didn't have any spine left but it was good the second half except for the sheer drop off and now on our way back there's no uh margin of error because we're gonna be on the outside on the hazard so to speak side it's like straight down you have to look and hope you can drive a car off to the right so you have room to go it's going to be uh nerve-wracking but when we get home tonight we'll have maylocks and cheerios i'm sure i've showed plenty of video like going by cows and dogs and stuff in town i've this isn't good but i've come so close to hitting two dogs just they act completely different than dogs back in the u.s when they're by the street or anything they're like a person crossing the street in new york they don't care they don't break stride and they don't get spooked so instead of expecting the dog to kind of lock up when it sees the motorcycle they just keep walking so all you do is aim behind them and it's fine also cows i've never seen houses come i think this is our turnaround spot for today after lunch like i said we're going back to the hotel people are pretty frazzled after going there was just a ton of sand and a ton of cliffs one final thing while we're in town bob's been complaining about people not seeing him and getting into some bad situations i think he's had the most close calls for anybody the past couple days i'm in the tradition of top gear i'm gonna decorate his bike to make it a little more visible those are gonna be perfect i'm so glad i found all that stuff by the way i know where i am for once i'm in sangla this stuff helps see it's not that hard to figure out [Music] [Music] [Music] it's totally fine we just had to stop while they build a road behind us this shouldn't take long [Laughter] [Music] [Music] my [Music] [Music] [Music] very fast morning this morning found out at breakfast that we're leaving an hour earlier apparently there's some road work i had showed you yesterday what road work means here so it's going to take us a lot longer to get where we're going that's totally fine it's what we signed up for the only sad thing on today is i'm gonna have to wait till tomorrow to decorate bob spike sad okay guys there's a couple of important ones for today the chances of rock falls is pretty much every day it's constant so you really do not want to be stopping next to a big cliff you know stand there and and mess around and take some time and take photos and stuff like that if there's something really spectacular and it's really safe and you can get off the road away from the cliff stop and take a quick photo but try your best to just move through let's just get through and out of that area so fast and safely as possible okay [Music] i'm gonna miss going and coming up this road this is some of the nicest pavement we'd have the entire time you can smell the trees it smells like camping in michigan or something it's uh it feels very homey there's a lot of nice turns we're always better coming back up at the end of the day then going down in the beginning when everybody's feeling a little bit rusty oh well we got through the road construction which is obviously really nice because he did shift to the road construction there was warning of falling rocks nobody got taken out by a boulder from the sky now up ahead we have a checkpoint in a little while and apparently those guys don't screw around so all cameras have to go away all cameras all right just like that we're through the checkpoint i don't want to take my helmet off when things move things move fast we got our second traffic jam of the day we gotta go we gotta go just like that here we go again now i can get some footy of bob though look at him up there look how good he's doing [Music] oh no this might be the bad one this one's gonna take a little bit longer than the previous once we stopped it today of course bob's joking about hopping on the sticks up there in the machine taking control get up there see if they need some help all right go time go go go go [Music] i like how some of the signs say bro it sounds really friendly i'm hiding behind a car right now because it's so windy on this brick construction it felt like you were driving through like michigan in the middle of summer just all road work we only ended up waiting maybe half an hour 45 minutes when they open up just go go go push through push stuff for lunch scenic views of course that's always the order of the day check this out [Music] some of the places we end up for lunch are a little more rustic than the others the good news is the fruits finally being spicy yeah those lunch noodles were perfect uh we only have a little while to go now until we had camp for the night he said when we get up by the camp we'll see marmots himalayan marmots that's what i've been waiting for and they like come up to you yeah and so if you got like an apple or anything like that you can just feed them and touch them they're real friendly [Music] [Music] [Music] i can't even keep track anymore this is either number five or six lots of road improvements going on it's gonna be really nice next year one of the guys in this group has this awesome garment device that was really specific on maps right behind me that way is the back so we're so close right now over to china they finally got all the rock out of the way though and traffic's starting to come through here so it's like the beginning of mario kart everybody's just ready to hit that throttle these roads just keep getting more and more absurd [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i think i say this every time we get to where we're staying for the night but oh my god we all made it somehow we could have rode the bikes up here oh lamp it up [Music] all right we're doing a bit of glamping tonight we're intense i mean look around at this place insane um let's see what this tent looks like oh this is a shoes off joint this is no boots in the tent oh look at it look how perfect that is all right no boots in the tent well you found your bed i'm almost in it how cute would you say that isn't it that's a 10. that's it it doesn't go any higher i just hope it gets cooler i think it's going to get really cool i'm going under there that's cooler go did you drink water oh that's my bag all right i'm waiting oh wait here we go i got it tim thanks we got bit we got carlsberg's inbound would i lie to you no that's amazing it's amazing every new place we go to is my favorite yeah oh my god how blessed can we be how lucky that's two different tries and two fails i'll pay you when we get somewhere yeah i tried two different rustic opening methods that didn't work i tried thank you sir before we absolutely trash the place as we tend to do it's just it's just a cute little tent it's so cute boom and boom and motivational words never give up and oh okay here's the bathroom switch this bucket shower we're gonna have hot water for the next hour apparently and then again in the morning look at that little wash basin that's me and a proper turlet okay that's it that's the whole that never give up i see it it's motivational words how's this altitude tiring how are you for breathing i'm fine right now i just really want to shower i'm so covered in grit we're gonna go do that all right sweet i get first [Music] come here look at these guys look at them it just makes me miss pepper bye buddy i keep coming back to this whole tour has gotten us places that i never would have been able to on my own and i hate to keep repeating it ad nauseum but uh i mean this place and then of course what goes hand in hand with that like my camera right now is on five percent my phone's almost dead the drone's out of batteries i don't know when we're gonna get power next because it already went out at where we're staying just gotta plan ahead for this sort of thing what i'm trying to say is there might not be a lot more footage to [Music] [Applause] [Music] come [Music] they've got the generator on right now so i'm ferociously charging everything as fast as possible over in this little corner there's just so much to point a camera at here last thing for tonight i'm sure we're going to tuck in early it's going to get really cold here i am going to show you like the little eating quarter kitchen thing because it's it's just really cool i'm getting ready in my tent for the evening i have some work to do which is funny because just the juxtaposition against like pulling all these sd cards off of all the cameras put on the computer hard drive and like meanwhile you're surrounded by just this ancient town but anyways it's cold outside getting colder and then it just started to drizzle it's gonna be a freezing night it's gonna be survival mode contrast that with i have ant-man playing on my computer right now so the computer stays awake so that i can run all the usb chargers off of it and get everything charged up for tomorrow stupid at night there's always something to do here um somebody to go hang out with we've been doing like fires at night or just you know bottle whiskey couple beers hang out tell stories tonight the rain's kind of putting a damper on things so i'm just hanging out in my tent and then i thought it'd just be maybe interesting to somebody out there what that kind of looks like because when you're filming everything there has to be a process like i'm still working here which sounds ridiculous this is a dream vacation but because i'm filming it there does have to be a little strategy behind everything because like internet is not always there power's not always there and just the amount of filming i'm doing if i'm not data dumping pulling all the sd cards throwing them on the hard drive kind of taking a look at what you filmed in case say like camera's not working right and you can't tell when you're using it maybe the audio is bad and you didn't notice that the mics messed up little stuff like that like you need to review your footage every day that helps so that you don't get a week worth of garbage at worst case scenario you have a day worth of garbage and you can fix it the next day silly as this sounds charging everything is a major pain in the butt like coming back and just it's just a mess always it's a tangle of wires there's a ton of stuff to charge i have the drone the sony rx100 two gopros i've got the gh5 but i'm barely using it so it barely needs a charge but when it does need to charge it takes a really long time finally it is freezing time sure i already mentioned that so i have two beds oh yeah by the way bob and i stopped splitting a room i'm just terrible at sleeping getting to sleep and waking up really easy so since we're out very rural india um the places are very affordable so it's like what's the point i i stay up later than him he wakes up earlier than me it was it was not working so uh this is much better this way but i can also strip the second bed of all the blankies and i'm gonna make super bad on one of these little twin beds [Music] okay that should work the amount of cameras i brought like i said is ridiculous on this trip so i just kind of want to go through things say what is working what isn't first off got two hero7s i usually hate gopros finney does too she hates them because the audio is terrible and when you try to use them inside in any sort of low light even though they're supposed to work decent in low light it always looks just terrible it's yeah i hate them because they freeze up all the time somehow i don't know maybe because i'm shooting for shorter periods of time they've been working really well they haven't been freezing up or locking up like they typically do pretty happy with them right now i have my one on the stick so i can take it off film like side view low stuff just i don't know stuff you would do with the selfie stick then the helmet cam i mean a lot of the times i have two hands on the handlebars it's just very intense riding and so the most you can do is click it on really quick and just keep driving problem is that's not very dynamic footage that gets boring really quick even if in the moment you're thinking it looks so amazing like whatever is that interesting thing you're looking at it's just very monotonous and very boring to look at and so i keep that in mind when i'm recording that hey i'm probably going to use about one percent of what i've recorded here but the stuff i've recorded is good i'm really happy helps eliminate that feeling that you're missing uh capturing something i also brought this big old dog it's the gh5 it's got a telephoto on it in case we see any wild animals i i brought this with solely to be able to super zoom onto just animals we might see the reality of it is that the camera bag that i'm carrying on the back of my motorcycle it is taking such a beating and the motorcycle's moving so much on these gravel roads that i stopped carrying the camera because i'm worried i'm gonna break the lens and or the camera body so i i can use it to get some b-roll when we roll into camps at night but besides that it's pretty much just a brick that i'm lugging around at this point finally we have chappie the drone as i brought him here i'm still thinking he might not make it out of here the rules again are a little iffy on drones in india it hasn't been an issue so far and men there have been some epic things to drone the primary thing that holds me back is one you don't want to fly near military or military bases and two it gets so windy in the mountains it's just you can't put him up he just can't handle that sort of wind but i i am glad i brought this i'm also glad that i didn't bring the mavic 2 pro that we just bought because i wouldn't want that bouncing around in the backpack this whole time it would just be beat but meanwhile this thing i i don't care about throwing it in the bag and letting it bounce around a little bit the only thing is the props have gotten a little bent they're just cheapo plastic props i have a bunch of extra props so it's not that big of a deal but it you can't store the drone in the bag like how all the marketing material shows nice and easy in one of the camera pockets because yeah it bends down the blades and then you can tell like it's just it's not flying the same when you take off just one little bent uh prop really messes with it finally what i'm filming on now is the rx100 mark seven sure i'm gonna do a review video for just the rest of us there's tons of review videos online already about people using it that are going very spec heavy i mean at the most basic level finney and i wanted a pocket size camera that shot 4k 30 frames per second and had an external mic jack and this thing is just kick and bought if anything the problem is very small battery but hey just buy a bunch of batteries and really like the buttons are small it's giving me an issue it's it's so small of a camera body that it's difficult to hold on to but i can't fit it nicely in my pocket which is the whole point there's a bunch of strengths and just a few drawbacks but really i think we found our favorite [Music] camera [Music] foreign it's starting to drizzle just a little bit as we take off here this morning did i mention how much colder it is this is the first time i'll trip i've had all my vents zipped up and i finally get to use my insulated gloves which is fine i'd rather ride in this than sweating in the heat but just interesting the temperature difference we've run through this trip [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] oh my god oh no [Music] it's quite the wake up in the morning holy sh oh [Music] yeah that's stomach churning i mean we've been doing it every day but when you do it first thing it'll get you oh it's quite the route to wake up to we're coming up to another checkpoint here all cameras got to go away they don't screw around cool so we made it through that checkpoint and we're now in the spitty valley area this is definitely supposed to be one of the highlights of the trip you're gonna see why here in a minute [Music] how awesome is this so [Music] [Music] heading down is a little more comforting just sad i didn't get some of the awesome you will die signs back there [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] having a little drinking chocolate break here in t-a-b-o want to say tabo but it's probably taboos that's yesterday it was not natto it was not two i'm sure somebody will correct me very easy very beautiful riding this morning great pavement it's just like when all that stuff comes together you can't have but have a blast [Music] foreign how'd i do this guy's in charge here i did pretty good i think that can't hurt the motorcycle ride right no it's good for it if anything it helps it stabilizes and outside turns excellent for outside turns spin it the opposite way inside turns don't work oh boy hi cow do you want tea no no tea no tea there was unbelievable getting to go in there of course there was no cameras allowed but i understand i get it we got some weather rolling in here it's starting to drizzle a little bit so it's probably time to hop on the bikes and get going it's not raining hard enough to be uncomfortable and get drenched it is raining enough to make the roads more dangerous which not necessarily what we need today [Music] [Music] what everything just fell apart but thanks for asking i won't be recording if you were okay right now yeah oh good how nice is armor how nice is that yeah oh yeah that's great i sprayed that a bit but it's moving fine i have oxycodone i've got muscle relaxers you won't even know what planet you're on tonight i think we know who's getting that bear tonight oh yeah [Music] just gotta let those roll oh [Music] so it turns out matt wasn't the only one who went down everybody max did that that where is it ms in the back foot peg in short it's going to be a closer race than we thought for who gets the bear for tomorrow [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah i'm just gonna grab my i can get it thanks though it's heavy that's a bad one it's too late for us it's too light too much camera equipment too much stuff 205 please thank you welcome to thank you thank you the group has strategically located bob in the furthest away so then when he does his facetime speakerphone calls you can't hear him as loud as well meanwhile let's see what i got oh and it's perfect again oh double beds perfect fellow tall ceilings it's fine it's this is seriously great i can i can't explain how ecstatic i am just having your own run makes all the difference why does everybody like bathroom tears so much i get it i get it though look at that shower head and let's get that thing cranking all right wait wait maybe over here nope this just came off hold on that'll fit oh close enough we got hot water there's even this what else do you want okay bathroom two are over am i spinning this thing around enough and then just yeah again view out the front look boom now that i'm settled into the hotel room what do we do do we go exploring do we see the little like temple monastery in here but no we're going into town it's the quest for wi-fi it's been a few days and all of our travels i think there's a lot of hotels out there that say they have wi-fi but in reality they have a router and no modem so you can always hook up to the wi-fi but it's like oh the internet's down today i specifically think about this ecologic we just stayed in vietnam way way off the beaten track very bare bone rooms they had wi-fi i mean we were ducking these giant wood spiders to get into the like bar area there where we could sit and work on our computers they were pulling 60 down 20 off and it's like if they can do that sort of thing there come on y'all i think we don't have that kind of speed in chicago sometimes but we have comcast there thanks comcast [Music] hi good boy okay [Music] careful careful as i've always seen all these dogs here as tough you just want to take all of them glad finney's not around i've seen a lot of tough stuff with them for the most part i mean they're they're out doing their own dog stuff having the time of their lives it's much better than being stuck in a crate for nine hours a day for a lot of dogs but you know you see tons of dogs limping missing legs or with obvious health problems or really really skinny dude it's just it's tough [Applause] oh that's just off the ptop things that you didn't know about today relaxing that his little accident hidden from us sneaky bugger we do have it we have it on form so anything else nothing else so then we'll go straight to the vote how are we going to assess the criteria motorcycle damage personal injury embarrassment uh the fact it was caught on footage makes yours wasn't that spectacular pretty spectacular but yeah you know you only see the the view from the camera so you only see him going down and then crawling i do matt was definitely the the best one the fact that he was just being a [ __ ] and he had a proper accident that also [Laughter] comes up you think it's the rain but is there an acceptance speech i'd like to thank the academy [Laughter] thanks everyone i really had to pull out all stops today to finally end the south african domination of this prestigious award but we did manage to keep it in the southern hemisphere so pressure's on you guys thank you very [Applause] much [Music] [Music] lots of things on the plate today we're doing a little ride out up to the highest post office in the world we're gonna go see a big old statue it's just a nice easy ride today but most importantly finally have time in the morning to do some proper safety decorations i took a picture the other day so i could remember what number he actually is [Music] all right all right she looks good she looks safe that's the most important thing it's all about safety [Music] well you're having some near misses it's about safety i want to get you visible out there that's so pretty bob it's beautiful so pretty i go up i thought boy that really didn't bike up but what do i owe this to just being you yeah mostly yeah it's all about safety it's not about extravagance bob's got to be visible see do you feel more secure already i do okay good with my prayer blanket and everything going this is trying to get me those apparently mean you just got married but they do yeah congrats buddhist [Music] oh she ride oh she's smooth okay the extra weight on there i noticed the cars gave you a little bit wider berth yeah it might be helpful [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this is just too crazy to get any good footage i wanna use the selfie stick so bad but i also really like being alive but look at that that's ridiculous first gear first gear let's find it all right see now i feel safe now i'm closer to the mountain look how safe i am right here behind pleasure and then you just look those guys still heading this way it's only getting more deadly you oh yeah just a little soup you just want your tires to be as slick as possible up here okay there's not a lot of other ways to go guard rail so it's safe now it's safe to use this it's not like i'm going to fall off the side of the world [Music] this is the only completely not suicidal way i can think to do this i mean we're above that bird we're above the bird i think he's fine yeah that's the best way to fall right [Music] pavement man every time you take a turn and think we can't go higher we go higher [Music] i have all my rain liners in right now so it's so incredibly hot even though it's starting to get pretty freezing out here can i cry some more this is just it's awesome it's so awesome so lucky to be able to do this just being very conservative today i i'm fine if i make it through this whole trip without getting the bear one i'm so cool with that [Music] i have plenty of days of me driving like a bat out of hell i can have one day where i'm just you know a tourist slippery and if you want all three assets shitty slow and slippery but still stunning [Music] this is even dangerous we are trekking right now to what india calls the highest post office in the world and since we're super tourists right now of course we're going to send postcards to our loved ones this youtube video will probably be published in 2020 before our postcards reach the usa no stamps no postcards it's raining too much for the sony so it's back to gopro now don't want to ruin the brand new camera so we walked all the way down to the post office back there i wasn't kidding they don't have postcards they do have stamps however so in my youth i've been elected to make the hike back up in postcard stand those guys don't know how out of shape i am i think we should have said matt you need postcards up there okay i didn't know i went all the way down all right back up at the top hello okay apparently a few people are smarter got postcards first i wasn't the only one who was a few and then youth and beauty uh i need six fleets six postcards in hand i'm off to the post office now for the price gouging of the century these guys are not getting market price they're getting entrepreneur price down there maybe i'll cut bob a deal but matt no matt's paying double gary gary's at least double no stairs here we have muddy slope technology i wonder if they have bathroom technology oh man you don't even want to know what that costs i'll just put it on your tab oh nice it's busy in here there is been i hope this card finds you well the distance between us is great not nearly as great as the time it will take to deliver this winky face smiley there we go sweet [Music] all right just like that still faster than a post office in chicago and handstand most thrilling postcard sounds either stop raining outside which is nice now we have more super touristy stuff today gotta go see buddha i think buddha something something to bring us luck on our journey and i'm just really hoping i'm spinning every prayer wheel still uh not a religious guy but i also do not want any odds stacked against me i like staying upright attack [Music] oh [Music] oh my god here we are shangri-la not really but feels like it [Music] so [Music] all right after just half an hour up here having tea with buddha it's already time to get going we got rain coming up here and muddy road 10 back down so there's no time to waste i did have time to make the most annoying photo shoot for everybody here gotta get those thumbnails though everybody kind of knows what i do here though so they deal with it they're being good sports about it but i'm sure it's annoying to watch [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that's the boy [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] wow that's awesome we're heading there [Music] with everything else going on today i completely forgot that we're heading to key monastery it doesn't look just like it but the way it's built up tall and out in white it's like minnesota or something but if you're not a nerd i understand if it just looks like a monastery look at him look at him here he comes come on a few more just a few more steps oh my god he did it we're almost there you're gonna find enlightenment up here that's good we kept going up gotta come to a tea party today so it'll perk you right up like a red bull though look who made it [Music] they're coming just breathing do we need to hit the road that would be yes about 45 minutes ago yeah it pretty much is all right 45 50 you know best of luck getting bob out of the tube oh no really yeah oh my god oh there we go bob's being spotted there he is oh thank goodness he was dutch and gold for a while hank oh really yeah did you get himself all sidetracked he was almost he was gonna join up on simple life i think that's about it for today i'm just exhausted just for a little ride around day go back to the same hotel well different hotel same town just so much so so much to see this i think this was my favorite day i say that every day it was my favorite day [Music] it's the home stretch of a 14 day high altitude motorcycle ride through the himalayas to complete our loop we leave the beautiful spitty valley with a long ride ahead it'll take two days to get back to manali where we started this whole adventure [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] me [Music] me [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] me [Music] this has been hard riding this morning we stopped 90 k's from this place we're at which is fine because seriously this is about a tough morning [Music] so [Music] hey [Music] this is the most challenging thing i've ever written but i'm in the very back i cannot keep up with everybody today and i almost say [ __ ] like three times one time very very seriously just get the wiggles ride it through there's just huge huge rocks in the water that you can't see necessarily or you'll come around like a blind turn and go straight down and it's just rocks rocks but uh our average speed is way down i'm not even trying to keep up with people maybe for safety if i fall so they can see me fall but it's just the pace pace is crazy these guys are all nuts if you're watching this and you're with the group you guys you you're nuts this toxin has been something that has been consistent the whole trip like every town we drive through just all over the place garbage gets dumped in the river not like hey here's a bottle here's a can just cans of it you can't like anywhere you throw garbage in a bin the bins go in the river it's just it's crazy the amount of [ __ ] oh here's the recycling program though if it's not straight into the river i do enjoy a good old plastic fire it's the green way to do it rain's coming down now so this is going in the ziploc bag and going in the camera bag i'm not even really that worried about the rain i just feel like i'm due to fall and the rivers were crossing i got my stuff on oh you're that's all waterproof yeah i'm all waterproof look how waterproof you are look at this i'm like a little zimbabwe okay [Music] zimbabwe [Music] it looks like we're in new zealand or scotland or something i did not expect it to start getting green like this waterfalls this is awesome just going nice and slow you could probably pass me on a nice 12 speed that's fine by me though geez it's all just soup right now i'm going through after everybody fluffs it off wash these wheels off yeah maybe i should just let this run for when i inevitably fall up here oh my god i like my position right now i don't have anybody right behind me i have a car but like i'm not getting pushed by any of the bikes oh i hope this doesn't hurt this is called reverse the secret right now i'm putting it out there that i'm gonna fall today so i'm gonna fall i don't think you're supposed to do negative thoughts like that okay now it really feels like i don't know scotland at least this is my experience there mountain green mossy brown mossy green and lots of rain oh yeah and i'm freezing now [Music] okay [Music] oh [Applause] oh my god that was one of the most miserably long but still fun days of motorcycle riding that i've ever done it's definitely in the top five at least i mean just freezing everybody's aesthetic somehow nobody i can't even talk right now nobody wrecked today which is awesome uh we had a couple slide rounds but like just amazing that nobody got hurt that was the most extreme stuff i've ever written in uh it's good to be there it's really good cold beers are deserved don't worry you're at floor four now one more step in your m4 only three more think of the view we're going to get it's going to be worth it oh first one in the shower hold on which one do you want flip a coin you go in there oh you get the big one what that is they're the same size beds they're both two twins put together wait improvement over yesterday right no room tour today because this is the room tour let's get this fired up hopefully it doesn't start an electric fire the pressure's nothing crazy in here i think it's more bucket showers oh just what you want nothing new to see here but this is great nothing like after being freezing cold and drawing a nice warm bath [Music] ugh you ready for your last day rotting or what i am i'm drying out my gear from yesterday's luxury ride a rest day it's pretty interesting but today is supposed to be a regular nice ride nothing dangerous we're going to be on what they call tarmac we call an asphalt road and tarmac means there's pieces missing on it it's the only way that i can have a tarmac definition piece is missing with cars in your lane people passing on both sides even though that says you're only supposed to pass on a certain side that's tarmac around every turn your life flashes in front of your face indeed it is the final day of riding here we're heading from key long back to manali back to the lap of luxury in manali and just based on faces around the dinner table last night people are beat this is perfect timing for the trip really last day was like the pinnacle of it now we just have nice winding roads through the mountains it's going to be a beautiful day still take me home country roads [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay [Music] [Music] dude so you made it through all the boulders and everything all the wet yesterday and almost got taken out by a guy on a bike but you had a problem like he did beep because 1200 guys beefing his wife got around the truck so he just you know he was so close to you too so i had a video on oh you did i can't wait to see his face he's like you know oh my god i need that video too yeah dude it was he was a foot away from you that guy came close and how about the guy that did the u-turn right in front of us [Music] that was like scary that was crazy and then you lost some of your tassels that's okay all this it's dry out and we have nice pavement that still happens here chappie oh here chappie well i got this running himalayan himalayan himalayan apparently himalayan is the correct way to pronounce that but i don't know so sad this might be our last checkpoint they do love their checkpoints here [Music] beautiful today [Music] i'm so glad i did that i thought it was gonna be easy today [Music] [Music] let's go let's go [Music] [Music] finally getting a couple snowflakes coming down i would have taken a little blizzard or something but yeah look look it's coming i swear go go go go go go go go go go go go go go [Music] look how ridiculous that is you gotta get down there this mountain just fall straight to it bob we gotta go we gotta pick up the pedro supposed to be all nice roads today [Music] i love it we're just elbowing our way through this this is ridiculous don't sweat it dude nobody's going anywhere this is called patience right now there's a shore cut down but it's not a good one hopefully this is their last case indian traffic jam just like that it loosened up nice yeah i thought it was tarmac all day look at this how do you do on those trucks you know when you take this whole group as a whole this is what we do it's the best built-in i did too that's this is need that's what you know peak performance you gotta feed it [Music] um oh my god [Music] okay [Music] wow [Music] [Music] ah [Music] uh [Music] over a thousand kilometers later our motorcycle trip through the himalayas of northern india absolutely lived up to the adventure that was promised we spent most of our days racing as fast as possible next to the edge of cliffs while overtaking trucks through clouds of diesel exhaust and gravel dust when we thought the terrain couldn't get more difficult it always would it was motorcycle valhalla when we fell and fall we did our riders would brush themselves off hop right back on the proverbial horse more selfishly i got to explore part of a country i'd never visited before share that experience with my dad we kicked off his 70th birthday visiting one of the wonders of the world on a trip that he joined completely out of whim at the risk of sounding like a high school ap english teacher searching for meaning or the author intended none there's something to be learned through an experience like this my takeaway the more you're willing to risk the richer the reward put even more simply if you're down for a few cold bucket showers you might see some pretty mountains thanks for watching [Laughter] right out of my life like it never even happened i'll miss her [Music] right here yeah this is actually the best it felt for god [Music] since you made it to the end of this two-hour video you'll most definitely also enjoy watching either one of our vietnam motorbike documentaries as well see you there
Channel: TIM and FIN
Views: 134,340
Rating: 4.9379325 out of 5
Keywords: india, long motorcycle trip, india motorcycle, india motorcycle trip, india bike trips, riding a motorbike in india, touring india on a motorbike, motorbike india, guided motorbike tours india, himalayas documentary, himalayas 4k, himalayan motorcycle, motorbike himalayas, motorcycle ride himalayas, motorcycle tour himalayas, india foreigner motorbike, india foreigner, motorbike trip india, long motorcycle trips, foreigner motorbike ride, foreigner motorbike ride india
Id: x0pcXpXlDME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 121min 0sec (7260 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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