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Telling friends, family, or the guy at the bank that we were traveling to Mexico for four months? The absolute resounding answer was: "oh wow, well be safe!" Safety of course is always a concern while traveling and, well, we just wouldn't want to travel to somewhere we felt unsafe. Generalizing any whole country with one single reputation is not a great idea. I mean think about the USA! Is the US safe to travel to? Of course! It's a huge country, loads of diverse topography, different types of people, regions. Are there unsafe locations? of course! I don't think we need to revisit you know recent history to remember the problems that we face in our own country. Travel outside the US isn't much different. Unfortunately, Hollywood and the media sometimes influence our understanding of foreign countries simply because we don't have much exposure to seeing the reality of life abroad in any other context. That's why we hope here in TRIPPED Mexico series or any other international travel series you see on our channel, we hope to show you that the world is enormous, mostly safe, and that we can inspire you to see a bit of it for yourself too. Welcome to TRIPPED. It's our plan this next year is to still visit Mexico Central and South America like we've always wanted to do but this time we decided not to limit ourselves to travel in a vehicle so we are going by plane first to a cute little surf town in a society that Mexico we're finally here we're going to Mexico the first company - that's how excited I am to not be driving the are Tony Danza pasok oh I just have to sit here maybe have a beverage or two but those driving know every break is out just relax dogs who are not service animals are supposed to stay in their kennel a hundred percent of the time from security at the airport through their final destination the reality of things though is that we always saw dogs strutting their stuff around airports kennel free with no one in between us and a flight attendant who thought that pepper was air quotes super cute we hoped it wouldn't be an issue - hair sleep on a jacket between us she spent about three of the four hours there before another flight attendant came by and enlightened us on the fact that even if she was a service dog she shouldn't be on the seat at all and that they're only allowed to sit on your lap honestly we've read a bunch of rules sometimes for the same airline what I do know is that you should always respect the wishes of your flight attendant and also respect your fellow passengers so when the flight attendant told us Pepper shouldn't be up on our seat fortunately we're about to land and the little princess had to go back to the floor pepper thought it was a dumb idea but went with it anyway good girl what can you say she's a pro so having visited over 30 countries got in fine Canada big big road bump no big speed bumps Mexico real easy to each other I'm here oh boy definitely should have not zoomed out oh not all the way use that wide-angle lens for travel let's use peppers water dish to prop the Sun this feels more natural beeping oh my god this is perfect this feels like back to what we're supposed to be doing so we got the rental car that was easy at budget the guy took us through the crowd of all the taxi guys waiting after a baggage claim and showed us where to wait for the bus the budget busts interesting information about the drone from the 90% that I understood of having this conversation in Spanish what I understand is that each person is limited to $500 in electronics as I understand or maybe can't maybe cameras specifically but there was a little bit of an issue with the drone she wanted to see the receipt for the drone to see that it wasn't over $1000 you know split in two ways the 504th for the drone specifically and then all of the paperwork and everything went great with pepper we had to go and like declare her and then show our international dog health certificate that she was healthy the dog needs to go to the vet within 10 days before arrival and so in like be checked up and everything and then it was really good that I had her heart guard and flea-and-tick available because he wanted to just see proof that she had been heart warmed or whatever it was just convenient to have all the dogs stuff Freddie it check out what was most surprising is she had to sit lay down and stay on command otherwise she won't have been allowed in the country but she's a good Spanish in Spanish here we are in Mexico okay so the Airbnb there's no street address there's just the street and it's the cement house just more of this I have no idea I don't believe you this is ridiculous holding a dog the directions the happy few heavy camera Deemer I don't know what to tell you see how high the mountain goes this is the road it just is straight up and rocks how do they plow this in the snow you mean yeah when it gets all I see I love that no matter what country we go to there's like something new and silly they're doing with alone this is naive is film but this is more than a 45-degree angle all these I'll leave the best view on the street wait now I'm just realizing good thing we have service here because I'm remembering I didn't take a screenshot of the instructions of where the keys are pepper Mountain go down I'm reading the instructions on how you're in the house in Spanish subin las escaleras go up the stairs the key will be está debajo de la Mesita I don't know the Meseta is Soho that looks so tired flowerpot come on let's do it oh my god ah it's ridiculous oh my gosh it does not look this nice in the pictures this is the first Airbnb that's nicer than the photos barn so mosquito nuts hopefully we don't need those oh my god this is so stinkin cute oh we're gonna get to that beach I need a golf cart we need to be fat gringos that is far that is far down a hell of a hill I the gas inside Manas running jump but no matter where you stay there's always like a jackhammer you always on the side of the road it's just foreign countries are noisy well the view is nice and everything and we would have loved to spend our first full day just sitting around enjoying that of course probably because well maybe because we're American the first thing we had to do was go get a full car load of groceries so we can actually settle and the other thing is of course we can't drink the water even though they said we could out of the kind of like makeshift filter thing in there so load up on water because if we don't do today with the car it's gonna be really heavy I don't want to brag or anything but look at all that agua oh and ice too not a big deal I drink so much agua H is silent is it's like two vowel sounds Yello yeah we have this framed up like we're doing a high school news broadcast today taking you on an apartment tour I'm also receiving information will be sharing Airbnb tips along the way super look at that setup we've booked a lot of it you're being beat well Finn has booked a lot of Airbnb s we have some hot tips to share with you guys over to us in the field Tim bienvenidos to our Airbnb that's it right there we're across the street right now which I get to talk about location because we're outside we're looking at the location together right now one of the very most important things when you're booking your Airbnb is trying to figure out where the location is because as you'll notice on our European be the Calle is right here this is a very loud Calle one of the things we do sometimes is message the Airbnb host to see if we can get a closer idea on address because you can't really get it from The Listening itself it is a thing that can make or break an Airbnb Airbnb tip I want to share with you here on the porch is to double check all the photos on the listing so there is a beautiful photo on this listing that has the ocean view in it and we actually have an ocean view here so it's accurate and I'm not saying that Airbnb hosts are trying to lie to you or anything but there might be photos of the area that aren't specific to the house itself so if you're going to a beach location maybe there's a photo from the beach maybe there's a you know sunset photo but that might not be your view from the house they're just including kind of like the environment of the area so be sure you know look for furniture in the picture look for parts of the house in the picture so that you know what's genuine for the property or just what's in the area Jim take us into the kitchen smooth handoff there our tips are kind of different on booking the Airbnb but it all comes down to really scrutinizing those pictures like we're detectives especially when we're looking at the kitchen on these listings because for example in here look oh yeah it's a kitchen look yes let's play the game what's missing in here what what is it oh it's a microwave not a big deal not have a microwave but actually after missing a microwave or an entire month that's a long time to not have a microwave so when we're looking at our listings we're like they're actually dishes in there that we can see is there a real fridge or like a dorm room fridge just like kind of breaking down every single thing that was a very short tour of the kitchen that's fine here's our dining space / living room / rec area you'll notice it's sparse in here that's great but what we're looking at the listing we're like okay the house is really cute it's decorated well we're we're gonna actually sit got these chairs here these are totally fine I mean we've got some table space because we're always like working at the house wherever we're at we're editing or doing Amazon stuff you need to kind of scrutinize are you gonna be able to get cozy actually function if you're working there this has even though it's like whoops great on camera and everything as far as being practical to like hang out and be comfortable it's not very much so we're almost always missing a good old American sofa wherever we are just nobody does so much like the u.s. let's go check out the bedrooms new room a new Airbnb tip I want to talk about the fact that you can book Airbnb is at a week or monthly rates that are discounted from the Airbnb host this property specifically the host was offering at 70% discount so this place is around $200 a night or so which you know is a very vacation property and a vacation area in Mexico but we're not on a vacation budget it's our lifestyle that's you know our rent costs so with the 70% discount it's just kind of like normal rent we're paying around like $1,300 for the month for this place so how you can apply that on your vacation is if you do the math at the 70% discount at this property that would be like getting your seventh night free is where you start to wash so even if I know you're maybe not on vacation for 30 days in a row but if you are booking you know for eight nights or something you would have gotten two nights free by booking the entire month and then maybe you send your friends down here later all right now let's go check out the bathroom it's very important to check out the bathroom and I'm sure it sounds like I'm in a cave I am in a cave this is cave bathroom it's all concrete it's a concrete box bathroom so important and reminds me of this Airbnb tip don't assume especially in other countries that certain things are going to be included for example like hot water a great one is air conditioning you might just assume because of places you know you're going to someplace very warm very hot it's gonna have AC other places end up just being open air and not having AC yeah and in the area where at hot water actually is an amenity so it's something you Shunta soon you can always just jump into the details on your ear being be listing and double check for everything and hey at the end of the day doesn't hurt to send the host a message to make sure that their listing was not erroneous so the point is just to use detective skills so that you are as comfortable as possible lots of detective skills it's kind of late well we missed the tender days but scrutinize every single picture that somebody's trying to openly deceive you but you know you're lined by a mission I'm showing once again the garbage dump across the street or just like how come there's no pictures of the bathrooms kind of assume the worst all right here's a drone shot of us to save your bike look we're waving wave drone charger all we've done well no GMOs comprar una una in Pelican aqui estamos in Sayulita tenemos que tomar una taxi agya y no sabemos de estar en passant if only less all th pan and order now elbow yes that is one evening and siento cincuenta sport dinner entre why not today's the day out of nowhere I was just at the co-working space doing a little work on Sunday we had a big night last night a little bit of a hangover but out of nowhere a text message the motorcycle will be delivered in just a few minutes just across the street what definitely looked like a motorcycle delivery truck with a huge motorcycle shaped cardboard box in the back just drove around so I think they're gonna take another loop of town here next time they drive by it's just like wagging down our address where we're staying now is literally just the name of the house it doesn't have a street number it's just like the cement house on Calle ananza like on this street and so we felt a little weary buying a motorbike from Walmart online and just sending it to the name of a house on a street so we send it to our future address our Airbnb host of the next place we're so nice and let us send it to their place so Tim just texted me he was down at the restaurant getting the shipment and apparently he's like riding in the truck and they're gonna bring it up the hill here for us because it's in a huge box it expected to come in a pink box one big box Casa Viva el fuerte back okay all of that like would boxing and all the cardboard and everything they were like can we just like you know I'll just put it here up next to the house and there's like the owner lives downstairs and stuff and I was like like if we pay you can you take it down to like all the way down to the bottom of the hills the street corner I was like envisioning Tim and I like walking all the way down the hill put huge boxes the huge like wooden structure just like dragging it ton this super steep hill so they put it back up in the truck and Tim's just riding with them back down to show them where the like garbage collection is thank goodness and thank goodness it's Sunday because there's been so much traffic up and down the street here so that would have been a huge nightmare if we had all these like huge water trucks coming up yeah thank goodness it wasn't during the week of course the only thing sadder than getting a brand-new motorcycle is getting a brand-new motorcycle and not having any guests for it there are gas problems down here right now I guess there's a huge problem with like theft on the gas pipeline in Mexico and the current president's trying to like shut that down so they're not pumping as much gas through the pipeline and delivering it by truck I don't know anyways the whole point is sometimes the gas stations have gas sometimes they don't so I think I just have to be patient I'm so glad you're sold on this time so glad here sold on motorcycles forever well hindsight it was a little complicated to get this and but we're so happy to have it super easy just to buy for Walmart a little more complicated buying it online the complicated thing in Mexico should we drive so it's kind and I can't talk that's what trip the most complicated thing pull down here was figuring out how to register this and insure it properly in Mexico to be illegal Eagle down here with my motorcycle I have my registration I have my international driving permit and I have my koala tops this is my Mexican motorcycle insurance don't look at the personal info I made a friend down here is Mexican and he went ahead and registered the motorcycle under his name do you want to meet somebody that you can trust because essentially on paper he owns us like if he was a crook could just take this motorcycle and say it's his if they're firing the motorcycle for fuck he's landing us with other stuff yeah we bought our friend a motorcycle but that's the only way unless you have a permanent visa and like out of country that's the only way to register anymore or you could always do just find an old license plate put it on your motorcycle and hope for the best that's an option too let's be real the reason we even bought a motorcycle is because it was so expensive to rent something here it was just about the same to own the motorcycle had to rent something for one month so since we are at Mexico for four months it just more economical to buy something and then who knows what's gonna happen when we leave Mexico if we you know just like sell it or like at this point at me we could just like let our friends you license it for us just I mean have it it was the same it's still a fourth of the price is drenching it it's like thank you showing you a little bit around site Lita its own there I had to pull in my arm when we're passing other cars and then like I can extend it out but otherwise images like get hit by a car put my arm I'll show you little bit around town next week we're going to take you like all around site Lita and they kind of more of like a Travel Guide style so you really see the town next week and the next episode trips so the motorcycles great around town here like I just like taking it and just driving off into the hills and kind of exploring and that probably isn't that exciting to a lot of people but something I enjoy and then we're gonna be in Guadalajara next month and we always had a motorcycle over in Chicago it just makes getting around town so much easier so we're really looking forward to having it there too to be able to just take little day trips out of the city you know this little 45-minute rides and we don't have to arrange renting a car or getting the cab or anything just opens up all that freedom in this part of the video you'll watch me learn how to drive this motorbike which is less impressive than it sounds I guess because I already know how to drive scooters if you're new to our channel from all the RVing stuff and I took around the world in Vietnam we basically were too heavy for the very very small motorbike that we were both on and in the middle of the country we just decided that I was gonna have to learn how to ride because we needed two bikes and that one so I learned in Vietnam a little bit bit of a semi-automatic this is only manual and I can drive a manual car it's just like it's all the ins and outs of learning you know like this specific bank so let's do it so tips for today I mean you're wearing shorts which is oh yeah tips learn how to ride a motorcycle over motorcycle in short it's 90 degrees what do you want I to be fair you didn't have the Jeep Liberty that's a clip like you've driven stuff with a clutch before right so my experience is driving semi-automatic scooters for 2,000 kilometers in Vietnam which counts to him for something and driving a manual car so that counts too so it just comes together that just comes together and though this is all in one first your fine good you you're driving real motorcycle let's go neutral okay you did it and let's step on how are you feeling do I need to let off the throttle when I shift gears like a car yes well stay tuned next week where I certainly take us for a Scooby safari around Mexico on this motorbike we're trying to find lasted a nonce which apparently has the best margarita on the beach we've been here for a few weeks we've never we've only seen it one for we didn't seven convert our ego and it only like comes out at night if I like a restaurant I think it's just somebody on the beach probably a cooler of margaritas Hey look YouTube title we found it was just it's about the beach it just has a science activate us cuz i awkward or uncomfortable because they're out of limes which happens sometimes that's fine that's not that'd be good it was just like this is a great attitude there we're just going into this bar that we like to go to anyways at least we found it at least we walked up to it and then we were told to leave so it's just gonna go to this but we like this is my fine this is Louis camarones the beers cold it's cheap it's got a bathroom you kind of pee outside so we'll finis got to work on margaritas which are only 60 pesos each in our awesome here there's also a tamale lady that you can catch on the beach around the evening time and it's 30 pesos I don't know if that's too much but it seems worth it to me and you asked her for the hot salsa sauce of that thing that probably doesn't look as pretty as a lot of the food we show on here but tastes awesome I'm still both of these so many times already but I made it doesn't matter give you tests and those not tell me that you are gonna come turn this oh you miss them too so powder weeks let's wrap it up let's just wrap up this happy hour section with like this thing come out are they better than you Dana this is all like just like jet margarita they greet you warmly on stove awkwardly he made a joke so that was like oh I don't have changes like one of our biggest frustrations going into our first round-the-world trip back in 2016 was trying to figure out how we were gonna pack everything we'd need for our trip we hadn't yet learned that it's one of the big differences between just taking a vacation somewhere verse extended travel what we picked up on is that all around the world people go through the mundane tasks of day-to-day life for example going to the pharmacy buying toothpaste getting haircuts you know boring stuff like that what is nerve-wracking is bridging the language gap as well as just being willing to put yourself in some awkward new situations where you don't exactly know the protocol today's goal is to show you just how mundane it can be to travel through or live in a foreign country even when they speak a completely different language good morning we're at our new place this is our new balcony right in the center of town so I'm sure you can hear it's awesome we love it we've been here for all of February today's Thursday and you guys are gonna see this on Sunday this is the closest I've ever recorded and published a video so that's exciting for me hopefully that's exciting for you if our cute front door and a super cute hallway all right today it's just me sorry you gotta look at my face all day off we go out into town and battling with my fear of doing this by myself this is gonna feel weird walking around with a camera all by myself tim was supposed to go to Whistler this week and he was up in Seattle on his way up to Whistler and he kind of hurt his back so bad that he in fact had to come back here so he's upstairs injured but really interested it's sciatica I don't really know much about it but if you do or you've got any suggestions let us know because it just grew intense cool snowboarding this place going to take you for breakfast is called organic a or organic or something and they just have awesome smoothies and well like I say you balls and you know all of your little traveler necessities on the road fruit in a bowl in my corn okay well I make my smoothie honey to go get some change from the ATM because everything is like super cash basis we travel so weird mentality when you pay for everything in cash you just like see the money go a lot differently than using a card at home it's just like I think something good to get used to but I don't prefer it I like the ignorance of using a credit card but I'm low on cash and I need it for my hair appointment okay those are closely out of service not really a huge surprise I guess I know that there's other one on this street so I'll go there fast so that I don't lose my smoothie - error codes this another went down there well I guess that's not that far okay without we're walking around all the time because there's just nothing okay this one's working this ATM has English and Spanish automatically to get my smoothie before they throw it out that's just beautiful something hopefully you can see as I walk around Sayulita is like such an awesome combination of people here visiting and just locals living here it has like a really good I don't know mix that's people just on temporary vacations from the states are from Canada a little bit more than we're used to but uh it's still good mix and here so I'm heading to get my hair cut this cute little place what does it like to get your hair cut in a foreign country to me it's like kind of normal now who does like normally where I get it done but it's not because I speak Spanish that this is where you know there's like plenty of people who come in here the ladies speak a little bit English or even if you don't know any Spanish like you know it all works out I'm going brunette today and Tim doesn't know it's gonna be surprised so yeah oh my gosh what a change sorry gentlemen that you had to come on a little haircut appointment with me but you know we did motorcycles last week so here's the first area where you can buy and vegetables we get them from this stand here so it's kind of like going to the grocery store who's that other like grocery store it's very Mexican to buy your fruits and vegetables from one place and buy your meat from another place you see deal doesn't go away tambien no statistic yes remember yeah well got some carne Hayami the street food here is so good I could almost make a whole video just on the street food maybe look at that cuz I don't think about a half of these Street food today since Tim can hardly leave with us it's not a good street food day and we live right across the street here oh you know what look at laundry right here we might as well go pick it up with you - our last nominee is teen for sixty pixels apart in my locker yesterday afternoon and it's all done folded so not bad for three dollars Timmy how you feel okay it sounds to sleep whoo I have to capture his reaction later oh wow it kinda looks red in this lighting feel free to let me know what you think but also it doesn't matter necessarily cuz it's too late that's already happened well maybe we could tell you a little bit about like why Sayulita Oh real quick we just wanted to come to Mexico for a couple reasons one is it's very close to the US and it was just an easy flight for the first time flying with pepper we flew direct from O'Hare it was like four and a half hours of support of IATA and that makes that so easy we're still in the central time zone that is easy I speak Spanish that makes that easy and then like why here within Mexico is Tim really likes to surf although it's not like you since it's not even surfing everyday or anything it was just like this is one of the few places in Mexico that has really good surfing so that just kind of like brought us here and then this is far enough away from those bigger cities that just have the big resort hotels because those are fine places to visit if you know you're kind of like staying within your resort or something but those aren't necessarily the best places to kind of like set up shop and more so live I don't know like this is just more of a just like little small-town vibe this is excessive stretching this apartment here we're paying like somewhere around 1500 or so a month for this place which is relatively expensive and the scheme of like the world I guess you could say but we are still so close to part of iota that you do have more tourist prices here are you listening to anything I'm saying are you only looking at pepper don't worry I know the answer that I'm getting I'm getting questions not like how I speak Spanish I think I'll actually do just to not like take this video on a huge tangent I think I'll do a video just specifically on that if you are interested I've been vlogging all day yeah it's weird like being outside with the camera all by myself I'm actually in here for another reason which is like a joke okay well I'm not part of it so it's you are in a joke that's funny you're the funny joke why because do you remember what I was doing while you were napping Oh getting your hair done yeah yeah you're really brunette your hair's way darker yeah yeah nice oh my gosh that's so funny with Tim and the hair of course talking earlier was reminding me of just this video requests somebody sent me on Instagram like oh no probably a year ago or something and it was just like what something along the lines of what fears did you have as a beginner traveller that you necessarily shouldn't have had once we started traveling and for me specifically that was really just like the not the inability to like get things that you needed like I don't know I for the round-the-world trip I was so concerned about like how was I going to get like shampoo or how I wasn't gonna get deodorant or like I just like what if you need the doctor or I don't know like all of those things and so for this afternoon I decided that I really just want to take you to some like normal stores and just like show you that just because there's not necessarily like a CVS or Walgreens or something like that doesn't mean that you can't get what you need it's just different like people in Mexico wear deodorant like there's toothpaste here and things like that so we're just going to go in just a couple stores and just like you know look at daily life here okay the first place we're gonna go is auxo which is like I'm Mexican 7-eleven it's gonna be so swamped right now because it's like 5 or 6 o'clock but I'll show you what's like in there lots of similar brands there's Doritos there's Colgate there's oral-b toothbrushes there's you know like foil there was baby food there was dog food like you could probably live on just that one story I'll take you right next door into a pharmacy because then you can just see I picked all the essentials that you need to be here - hey it's Tim again through the magic of voice over quick sidenote in pharmacies in Mexico and quite a few different countries you're able to get eight much wider range of drugs over the counter this takes the complication of getting a doctor appointment completely out of the equation and our travels we've been able to get everything from antibiotics all the way to very very strong painkillers when we needed to youtube disclaimer I'm not a doctor okay so you see things like Pantene and Nivea you know skin care products of shaving cream and all that and the last type of store is just kind of like a local like well at the end though and that's what we're gonna go into now got ice cream beer fruit the sea level do it eyes where that is and just Wednesday's a Nescafe my fave some tea like so many of the same brand like here's keep them on soy sauce well that was fun that reminded me more of like a store that you would see in Asia like some similar brands sound like very kind of just like local stuff I guess but either way it has everything that but really starting people looking at me it was like so awkward okay so Sal you leave that side it's like really good Oh see you're breakin my uuly that's really great oh my gosh I love it I saw you really gonna go she was basically spot-on no it was all I was saying is Sally it is really great slightly it was really great silage is great Joe need to fear when you can travel people all over the world live very similarly so hopefully that's that's what we do here on our channel just show you that everything is boring and normal okay I also have to show you where we live which is right in this yellow building up here and it's so fun because we're right in town and we can just like hang out on the balcony we kind of feel like we're hanging out at this bar right here are these swings which is basically like the place to be the late at night so we're just feel like we're we're in the know oh look at that buddy well maybe later tonight we'll come down for a drink to get Tim out of like the house were oh my gosh evany is so nice to me a third better hi poor guy I guess I can show you a little bit of this an apartment I'll link the Airbnb listing below if you're ever coming to Sayulita turn your I'll show you I'll just lay on the couch nothing you just lay it down here see it's just like cute nicely decorated thank you after after living in a car all year and then living up in the jungle we're just like so comfortable here like to have a sofa we have a big-screen TV and I understand you might have these novelties at home but these are very nice for us it's like a nice kitchen and since they own the restaurant downstairs they actually have like nice cookware and stuff I can't tell you how many times an Airbnb zwi have gone out and bought new like a new skillet or something to use and funky in here we have like a room of the toilet and a sink and then shower room on the other side of the hallway which is kind of funky and okay the bed is not you know beautifully Instagram mate but it's just so comfortable in here there's a king sized bed which is also something very hard to find when you're traveling and like I said the or did I say the Thai restaurant down stairs is just so good like Sam the owner is Australian and studied in Thailand how you know how to make amazing Thai food it's like some of the best that we've had outside of Thailand so like you know what this is like the highs and the lows of traveling because now we've found this spot we're so happy here was so comfortable in this specific apartment but you know then we'll be leaving next week in fact well you guys are going to see this on Sunday and then on Tuesday we are driving to Guadalajara for a different Mexican experience he's alive we're leaving the apartment yes also they forgot that whoops the ceiling here one of the perks so staying here is a little free dream car so since they're talking about it they remembered about it so we better go up hopefully we bash to some of your travel fears today we'll make sure Tim gets better and then we'll see you guys next week thanks for hanging out in the vlog with just me today don't be afraid to travel motorcycle is gone so the Department of Transportation or the police or whoever it was there was all this fuss today and we didn't even notice the commotion because like Tim is limping so bad and was in so much pain and just trying to get inside but it was like there's police cars all over we just saw on the side a Facebook group a bunch of all of the like bikes were taken or whatever and we're like huh cuz like for being illegally parked or without having plates or they were pulling over people not wearing helmets so I'm gonna go up and go see what I can find out okay near the place is closed but I met a very nice man who even called for me and asked what time they're open tomorrow they're open from 10:00 to 2:00 so with dagger continues tomorrow yes well this morning I'm with Tim it's you know Sunday with all the offices are closed and since we don't have the motorbike we can't get to Tim's chiropractic appointment and anything convenient except for walking but it's about like a kilometer away and Tim can't really walk you know out of the house so we're taking a break right now or about half way and this is how we are getting here you you you you yeah it's too noisy out there mondays when the office was open and we could get the bike right so we did get the bike today and we of course needed the help of our friend here thank you so much Giovanni whose name the bike is in he's that you know the true owner of the bike and so him and Tim went down about an hour south to go get the bike and part of this whole fiasco of why the bike was taken off the street in the first place is there was a new governmental election here in this region of Mexico and so now kind of like the new team is in town so they had cleaned all the streets off there's tons of restaurants in town that have been shut down that didn't have the appropriate licensing the restaurants aren't allowed to have tables and chairs out on the street all that street food that you saw that was in the background of the shots last week are not there anymore it's it's kind of just the town is taking a 180 and it's so crazy part of the issue that goes along with that though is now the bar the band that plays downstairs every night now plays in our bedroom we're just warming up right now getting a little loose before everybody shows up jazzy's okay how are you feeling - would you like to be on camera in your bed I'm recovering I'm recovering I'm healing like Wolverine and I may or may not hit pants we're going to Guadalajara pepper is very sick this morning we have to stop with the fat first I'm still limping around like I got shot in the bar or something and then Finney is getting a little bit tired from taking care of both of us so we're starting emotionally down here today in Guadalajara is this place over the rainbow we want to go to hopefully it'll be quiet there when you try to sleep at night I don't know yeah and I think my Finn getting tired he means literally at my wit's end I am severely about to frickin lose it I feel like I've had seven days of feeling what it feels like to be a single parent with no kids somehow and I just props props and I'm like yeah I'm about to lose it but today's goals are to not fight with each other and to take our time as to not agitate the situation even more and just to continue to expel all outside elements like live music in our backyard just like noisy street venders trying to sell us things as we're like packing in the car you know just like all of the little things they're poking let's go to the vet now this is just a whirl yeah yeah we get to do that - an hour - what bad yeah yes I Campion see no it's brilliant chuckle dinner only normal no anti-inflammatory it's not they gonna turn sleeping in the passenger seat I made it 45 minutes and then I come I'm gonna blame it on not sleeping because of my leg and stuff like wake up during the night so I go down monkey go lay down I just looked him up help me find money for that toll road go back to session look at this he was wearing those like tourist bracelet but nice talents nicely we are on the toll road and the pavement has been so nice and then we just went through a toll that was like almost $10 but at least we came up on like a rest area that had free bathrooms that were nice and clean and big and like guys on tacos treats and lots of things so Tim have we ever seen that in any country like an actual rest stop that was so night we were both kind of like playing the game I'm like how bad do you have to go to the bathroom but you know three hours of this trip but with an hour left to go we're both kind of just like toughing it out and then the game is good feel a lot better can you tell where we are so we really are driving through tequila country just over here is the town of tequila and from Guadalajara you can take in a drain that's not like a people mover train it's like a specific train and owned by either Jose Cuervo there's another one for arataura and you could come out to the like plants or whatever they are too sampling as I call the tequila train so we're definitely doing it although I don't know we're going to do the Train day cuz I still I'm too late pepper so if we don't find a sign for her that maybe we'll just like a little road trip out here and the town or city let's really cute they can stay out here as little as like weekend trip so if I are doing good like all the traffic patterns are what were used to so nobody'll is that like random like signs or signals that come out of nowhere and everything's weird this is all granted we live in Chicago for four years so city driving doesn't feel nerve-racking I think we're enjoying this because Allison has a big roundabout in the city and it's usually me behind the wheel so I'm gonna just sit back here and enjoy it's green light that's a trick right thank you for the clean window and this rental car they were returning and exit flashing I wanted it says really cuz you know where we're going okay I'm gonna just let you proud about you don't know where we're exiting sir why would you have an opinion I don't know which lane I should be okay so well we're almost back to where we start I don't work I know but I needed to go five of the six maybe this is a traffic light in the middle of the roundabout okay I'm gonna I think if you like this minivan Oh this was not I was not like the right way but and that was that was the right way all I need to be in the right light now this is why I drove me that's definitely the way to do it a sudden turn meanwhile I am in a world of pain right with my back oh and then all of a sudden decided that he also has like a sinus infection well I was caught yeah he's a coffee can't breathe we're gonna let you know how it goes it is very polluted looking in the sky here like driving into the city the sky of Guadalajara was a much different color covers you blank there's no clouds but it's not blue sky it was just a few short days in Guadalajara getting settled into the Airbnb and also celebrating our fourth wedding anniversary before I left port to him and pepper to jump on a plane over to Mexico City to meet a girlfriend for girls weekend in the largest city in North America in Mexico State they asked this is secret we think okay Mexico City well we've fully transitioned from the day to the night look I'm wearing exactly the same thing but I convinced lie low that it's fanciers I put big earrings and we're going into this super trendy eatery of Rosen nigra and so that we don't feel like total dweebs in the restaurant we're gonna talk about it here and maybe just take like a couple little pictures of our food I'm wearing Lila's shoes because I only have these dirty shoes or like flip-flops or hiking boots that I travel with their size 9 my feet are at 11 and these are about 3-inch heels which makes me currently 6 to now I understand women oh I got dinner fantastic I ate the largest shrimp in the world which is a a what was it Nigerian thanks Nigerian tiger and in true Mexican fashion we're arriving back this evening at ten to one after dinner it's a big day tomorrow sightseeing and just more activities so you know you got it you got a pace it's a marathon not a sprint and centro historico we're finally here in Mexico City with two girls traveling here alone in Mexico City I'm sure people would have a lot of questions about safety so everything has been so easy so far we took an uber from the airport to the hotel which I can over to dinner everyone's been so nice and like telling us about the city and just like having our back I guess today we're completely playing tourist and we're gonna go hit up the temple of my aura which is where the ruins are and check out the square here where all of the historical buildings are here at of them below my yard you can see the ruins from like outside without without pay anything huge as I walked over here there is also a museum down below to that maybe we'll check out but yeah you can you can just like walk up here we're right in the plaza where we where before but you can essentially just like see the ancient city right here this really is so cool for me because I mean I studied Spanish in school but you know you're only learning the actual grammar and language for so long then once you speak it you're learning things like culture and history and I just remember learning about this place like in class and now here it's like crazy that's something that you can learn in school actually applies to real life Wow it's like noon on a Saturday and I thought this place is going to be jam-packed and it's so like quiet and serene in here and everyone's just like being really respectful of the place and it's a nice place to get out of the busy you know center of town so this is like apparently great on a Saturday in the middle of the day closed on Mondays three delegates yo NESTA's miss mazurski porque lo que quiere hacer los españoles era de most religious mucho gusto mean hombres when I do my Amiga Laguna per skin and story demeaning for machine and ok boo Giorgio maybe naki para asistir a la maestria Hilo you'd make uh me me to this per minute problemas MC kidding me let's wait and see you look better when okay that was so interesting I mean that guy had really interesting facts and I he said he was a grad student but then like that like got weird do you think that was ended up being like scammy or something like something weird like that ended up being weird at the end this he was kind of like hanging around us draws a walk I wonder I don't know a review that was great but I'm biased because that was like important to me to see because I've known about this for a long time so just like to physically be here is so special if you are just coming and like as a touristy thing you can walk around the whole perimeter for free so like you really don't have to pay technically if you don't want to if you're on a doing a budget travel thing but you don't have access like read the signs or anything about it which wish we can look up everything like that's a good point lilah thank you yes the skulls are very trendy that you can see like if you're looking it up you can't see the skulls from the street so if you're into the skull looking you have to it's only 75 pesos to come in and an extra 45 pesos to pay for having a video camera which is strange because everybody's phone is a video camera but because this reports video I had like a huge microphone on top I didn't want for two dollars I wasn't gonna like try to scam the system because somebody did come up and check that I was using I had my little permit okay I understand a little bit better so you walk around all of the ruins and then this huge building at the end is the actual museum that you go into so really you're you're paying more so to like enter the museum although we're a little parched now so we stuck our heads in the museum and the building itself is super impressive and then they have more protected artifacts in there so very cool but you know like four days and see DMX can't spend too much time in one place - gotta keep moving the cathedral is free and so it's so beautiful it's also a good place to get out of the Sun and the busy streets throw time out safety earlier we're having some people come up to us and like ask various things there was the guy in the temple of my or now a couple other like younger girls have come up and like one little girl asks for help with her homework honestly I don't even know what the scam is or what the thing is because we're just quick to you know say no and keep walking and walk away as you should to if you come and plan to be in a very touristy area really anywhere in the world it shouldn't like deter you you just need to like be fierce about saying no or ignoring or walking away because then there's like other people to go approach it's not like people like hassle you or keep coming up to you or anything it's just like a quick no maybe like a little bit of back and forth and then it's just over so it's more of like a nuisance than like an unsafe thing Oh got some fruit bats for 30 pesos and whatever this is called but it's like basically a corn cart tostada tortilla with big holidays and cilantro okay so so yeah I'm sure that'll be really terrible Jose it much needed this snack and little break we decided we really should go into the museum at least for just an hour it's a huge huge museum it's like saying they're gonna go into the Smithsonian for you know just 30 minutes or something but we've got sedima try since we're here there is like this huge line but it's three o'clock on a Saturday so that's just to go in through security I bet it won't take too long the museum was beautiful I'm sure you could spend several hours in there but I think that we're just a little tired here on our first day and you seemed out so it was just a quick little hour and there before we came out here and now are just enjoying some a Lopez some Mexican Street corn and well I guess that's what I mean Lila is subtly reminding me that it wasn't only 2 months ago did she ask to come here meet me in Mexico City for her birthday weekend and it was me that kind of engage firm no I thought it was a silly idea it was unsafe to come here I just was ignorant and hadn't done like the research and I just like I don't know so many people I don't know like this is a good representation like all these things are going by bikes were eating awesome street food we went to beautiful museums today like we haven't even been here for 24 hours yet and just I just can't believe that this place doesn't have a better reputation I mean these little fluffy dogs and baskets there's like kids blowing bubbles we've been to several different neighborhoods so far in these 24 hours and it's just like but I know it's like extremely cosmopolitan it's extremely like culturally rich there's it's the most populated city in North America I mean there's tons of people here but it's just spread out really well we haven't felt like crazy I feel this year in Sayulita just like the streets are small and dusty and I mean this is just like nicely spread out with beautiful sidewalks and parks and things like that so I don't know like we haven't felt unsafe or just I mean it's just been so fantastic and I can't wait for what the rest of the trip brings it is perfect like I was there me even forgiveness a peek mathematically we just got to the frida kahlo museum and thank goodness Lila thought to grab tickets online first because there are so many people here granted is a Sunday at 11 a.m. and I'm sure that that's one of the busiest times to come but we're just really happy that we have online tickets already despite the chaos it is pretty organized and then to continue the theme of the day going after we are at the frida kahlo museum I mean it's her house right here this morning then this afternoon we're gonna go back down into the historical center and of course you know her husband Diego Rivera his mural museum is in the historical center where we were yesterday by the cathedral and and all that that area so I'm gonna check that out later and just welcome to another day in Mexico City look at me don't I feel special with 30 pesos I get this little sticker and I can take photos now that everybody gets the sticker just me and anyone else who paved 30 places when as the wonderful morning at Frida Kahlo's house let's see favorite details definitely the day and a nighttime bedroom what an idea probably gonna adapt that maybe someday if we ever have a house it was busy inside the house where I was starting to be like okay this is like there was just like a lot of people that were all just playing you know that like take a picture scavenger hunt they were just like walking up to pictures everyone looking at it there's like taking a picture of it and like keep moving on and so like it got a little crowded inside the house but honestly for how many people are here I was thinking that we're going to like this really small like hothouse ends gonna be crowded but there's this huge garden you can walk around and so like the spacing of the people was really nice and despite having a ticket for a specific time you can spend as long as one in there really we did about an hour and that's plenty of time and that's good so you're planning on two hours now we have an extra hour of leeway for for fruit look at this Bri let's go get lunch if you're visiting a la casa land as hungry as we are consider heading three blocks south to the koyukon market this is a great place to grab a bite and the best way to judge street food is to see which place has people in it and let me tell you this tostada place was rockin we then ubered back to the historic center to see the tile building in which you're like supposed to take a photo for Instagram or something before heading to the most beautiful building in Mexico City Bay a sad face it's a theater that's free to enter and houses many murals including several from Freitas husband Diego to vada after a lovely morning with Frida we are now at the Palacio anybody else out of place and we're looking at the Diego murals at the last minute the palacio nacional is closed on Mondays and today sunday and it closes at 5:00 so of course is that like quarter after 4:00 we decided to kind of like hop down here somewhere and somewhere have be somewhere said something look like you some morena then came for there's snow and spring so look like you even though we only get to spend a half hour inside Palacio so you know it was one of the coolest things that we did there when you go inside this huge building it opens up into a beautiful beautiful garden space and the famous history of Mexico diego rivera mural is there which you can see here it is absolutely massive and so impressive so not a bad way to squeeze in the last museum I guess you could say on Sunday evening we like that better than van Sartre's which I mean that was beautiful as well but like you could have spent a few hours in Osseo national now here's like route on the outside it's someone expecting is it's just like this huge building and it looks like it's just looks a representative of Latin America like you have a huge wall from the outside but you don't know that both of it is outside when you go inside there's all these different like what are they like courtyards yeah outdoor courtyards in there so cool we know that Lila boneset is on camera but as our conversation continued continues out here it's just like this has been so easy like it's it should be fully sponsored by uber because uber has completely made this possible it's so inexpensive to get everywhere and that just makes everything so easy it's like we had to transfer our hotels today it was like we want to go see the frida kahlo museum but we also want to be here in the centro storico it's like two very different neighborhoods that aren't close like if you're going around you know Manhattan and you're spending $100 a day in taxi fees and we're spending so much time on the subway or whatever it is you know it's just like a frustrating way to spend your day but when you can just like hop in a three-dollar over and crosstown it just makes everything so convenient all of the museum's like very easy to enter we hardly had to wait anywhere well here comes a flying ball and then I we're walking into the center of the plaza here because it was all blocked off yesterday because I wanted to do some someone's bad Herbie somewhere said something but it's like you some then came fall so and spring some look up it's like a Jew so I always wonder why you just left them said goodbye cuz nothing here's to you yeah hello I didn't see you there the third and final day in Mexico City does not disappoint we're starting off at the post office this is really just like the actual post office where you send mail does this look like your local post office this third and final day of a long girls weekend in Mexico City is mostly a social one because today is Lila's birthday while we had 45 minutes south of the city to Sochi Milko why don't you go ahead and consider subscribing to this channel porque no Xochimilco spelled like this and it's essentially like the Venice of Mexico City you can pay a sake NATO to take you out on a boat and just like Venice you kind of like go around this Little River canal and on weekends we've heard it's kind of like a big place for a bachelorette party user like big you know fiestas people are here with music and drinking and dancing we're here on a Monday morning afternoon we paid five hundred pesos to have the boat for ourselves and you buy things along the way like flower crowns or a lotus or Saturdays uh mariachis whatever you want and this was like a great way to spend an hour to in your trip to Mexico City - Prezi arrow este Rojo yeah it's the lucky no master que no es que si yes birthday flower crown it is like battling mariachi should I travel to Mexico City its Mexico City stage where should I visit in Mexico City today all of your questions will be answered I took we get there for Lila's birthday we put together what could be contested as the perfect night out in Mexico City our first stop was for a drink at Lehman tor which was recently rated in the top 20 bars in the entire world despite his reputation the drinks were very reasonably priced around 10 US dollars and well mine came and Flegal and that doesn't even cost extra it was incredibly important we made a reservation we sat on the patio and watch people get turned away the entire time we were here so if you want to go make sure you have a reservation the next step was to gene gene a super hip bar with multiple locations around the city gin gin is a great place to impress a date in a quiet quarter or flirt with Mexico City elite which is why in hindsight I can see why you would also need a reservation here I guess I'm just not used to making a reservation for a cocktail if you're in see DMX to hit all the trendy spots you can't miss Rosa negra in Polanco for dinner so you saw this location in our first Mexico City video of this series but tonight we were focused on more than food than ambiance and so we headed to the cozy phone Dafina with chef Juan Cabrera one of the contestants on Top Chef Mexico never in the States would you be enjoying Top Chef entrees for under $15 with full bellies and the warm glow of tequila we headed back to our hotel for a very unexpected surprise James Bond film Spectre Grandda this all happened very fast I'm taking all this on my iPhone and hopefully y'all can't appreciate Howard and windy Wow how was your birthday on the helicopter pad do you mind being on video and me it's in the dark on a helicopter pad we just like met somebody who worked here who was just like so sweet and so nice and just like she's just like hooked us up and this is just like something so special not because they thought that this was going on my challenge they have no idea who we are they just really liked Lyla and her pretty sparkly purple nails please show the camera all right just be nice to everybody mean it because you never know who could be who and what cool things that they do for you what a way to wrap up la ciudad de mexico sue come play on yours pretty much like spanish shoes one day the taxi guy looks so chatty enough oh my god i like scooby more spanish today in the past four years this is the worst time to a video ever well I don't know what we're doing today Tim is fully in charge today's activities he's feeling better and feeling better and we finally could see quite a lot haha better look at her she's Jani I have been going crazy like cooped up in our apartment which has been very convenient but getting my back to the point that I can actually go out walk around and enjoy stuff again it has been a long haul so this day is long over to him she loves the back way she loves the backpack because she goes in the backpack where we go on the motorbike so she knows that she's going on an adventure when she gets back bicycle someone I don't know I know that I to wear casually for dress-up that I have I'd wear whatever we're doing something for dinner I don't know buddy me PC is the bicycle rental system in guadalajara for the low low price of only 88 pesos or about 4 bucks us a person you get unlimited 30 minute ride anywhere in the city tiny fluffy dogs not included like I've lived here my entire life it was fatty I mean it was perfect that was less than a 10-minute bicycle ride granted it was more expensive than just taking a taxi all of our taxis have been like three or four dollars we started off nights where you took me right to the hypocritic so all of this stuff is just a ten minutes east i just cooped up in an apartment for two ladies I know you're so close got so far I know you said to watch my fun Instagram stories Mexico City and stretch all that sensitive property now pepper how many countries have you got a bat over there that looks like Jonnie b-roll for me can you tell me about the importance be wrong and getting b-roll derail the importance of b-roll is like you don't want to constantly just like see my face kicking about nothing you want to like see what it's like so while we talk about nothing then we just put pretty things over our faces so that you're distracted by she's talking about this very nicely what it looks like is we're walking around she's like yeah make that look pretty I know you don't know how to use the video camera purple tree I also haven't held a camera in what feels like a month and before we came down here today I'm like oh I'll come back down to the square wouldn't fit nice not here should come back down here throw the drone up in there and get some cool aerial stuff there's so many like security guards and police huh there's not going to be much drone footage of laughs so we got here and and we took this really fun video around the fountain in a circle and then I bought this it's pretty much all I have planned until there's more stuff and then there's a ton that we're just gonna go look at old stuff or something you saw beautiful like four hours planning like yay and it was like it's mostly planning the night good night the know chose more moss and pull tight this is a nerve-wracking day for me let's go let's go walk out you can even tell like the pace honestly is that Vegas now we're just like standing here we're like well you're enjoying a fun walk you had your drink let's go Wow but now it's like we're looking at each other and you're almost like waiting for me to be like oh I'm ready let's go walk over there look but just like there we go do we know what there is waiting on you waiting on you well tell us what we're gonna see over here okay it's like we said when we're in Europe you go to the town square and there's always just it's a bunch of very old buildings now let's be real we're not gonna memorize a bunch of facts about we're gonna just kind of like go look it up hey it's that is an old church and then we kind of go on our way this is the plots on that who did that literally us you know what I'm realizing is cuz like you're hot you're like don't like you don't want to like figure out where to go while you're out you want to like plan it before and so like what I'm realizing is like I think that I tour guide Tim around the world I think that like I spend a lot of time researching it I like it up here just enjoy it okay it's like a good but I'm just saying like this is like already we've been out for 30 minutes and it's already weird cuz like there's this like huge building over here and there's like that over there and like I would normally just be like a huge building it's a building on the positive and a ceiling I'm surprised so like I would like get here and I'm like oh there is the like if expose like there's a sr say it's like okay we can go in and like it's free and let's get like let's go walk around or whatever we like walked over here and we're like what's that so now we're sitting here and we're looking at a phone instead of looking at oh oh you want to know what everything was I was just gonna walk around look at it I oh let's just walk on them it's good well if the plan is Alessa smoker I'm literally just following you yeah let's just stay with the plan come down here and we'll walk around okay you see once fitty got on board with the more the laissez-faire itinerary we enjoyed a nice walk around the historical center area if you're looking for something to do in Guadalajara there are official 90-minute free walking tours that leave twice day from the Guadalajara waha sign or you can just wander around in the hot Sun like us so historical significance in very old buildings they're impressive but not necessarily our thing the day was intentionally a bit more casual to save up energy for a big night out we've been here 15 minutes party was our I know we're gonna be early sixty-five by the time we got here at 6:30 things are already estación Central has buses to lucha libre every Tuesday night for only 250 pesos per persona you get a ride each way entry into the event as well as a beer on the way home to say good night rowdy crowd is not guaranteed with ticket purchase and protip watch out for trees there was just a lot well the fights can get over the top end just a bit silly there is no denying the insane amount of the lettuce is Aman display here the concent one-upmanship of each other with crazy moves kept the tension ratcheting up throughout the night that and a massive amount of beer that helped to just like that peppers going already the people behind the beat is going to stay with Amanda today so we're gonna drop her off first today we take a train to a magical land it's not called Hogwarts it's called tequila where guess what we drink tequila our first drink of the day is tequila with yogurt which sounds weird but I guess we sleep in setting it and cucumber it's a breakfast drink I'm not sure how good this audio is which is good for chopped oven just like a Mexican phrases drink activated charcoal getting that paddle you wouldn't think that like myself and I'm thinking about all these drinks in the context so we're gonna have this we're gonna go walk around the farm they definitely have to keep the music pulsing up every drink we're not oh no they're sewing it with magic I have a girl's hat but nobody's it was a hot deal up half the guys standing right outside of the bus add it on lock this is the English two of us it's pour drinks into the Datanet last trip was awesome english-speaking tour it's weird hearing people speak English besides each other we just arrived at the arrow Dora Hacienda and to be an ASEAN I have to have like residences cattle a church so there's people who live here full-time that are like 6th and 7th generation family is working here at the plant and with the look at you and all your line that happens so quick so much learning so they make obviously arataura tequila here but they also make Jimador which I hate relax that's like a cheaper to give s good to Casa era Duda is the last tequila producing agenda on the planet era Duda or horseshoe was named such after the founder found a horseshoe in his agave field similar in many cultures the horseshoe facing upward is a symbol of good luck so the logo is placed on the bottle upside down so that when you're pouring from the bottle the horseshoe will be face-up and the tequila will bring you good luck to show you guys how they do the job the card has to be from below to the top for a better control of the pineapple we call it pineapple because looks like it they need the cutting help cut the core out and that is what that is the one so in the old days they use the the Coelho or the fibers to make paper in clothes I guess it tastes like honey I missed what the system I mean it's agape obviously learning so much so he bethought doesn't have to go in the oven that's why does a cheaper brands than hit on that everything made here is 100% agave but you know what there's use other sugar fillers like for in syrup where cane sugar got a plan Oh well that was interesting we ended up walking into the part of the tour where there was no longer photos or video allowed because it was like you go into the older area like the old factory and then once you learn about some tequila making process stuff they did it in the old days listen boom it's time to finally taste the kids tequila tasting before lunch a bald bull really put the b-roll in here the very bit they're like you can take video of just the glasses but nothing else so we have a glasses we did a that was 55% alcohol we did it was wild turkey tequila whoo and then everybody event and we did a 45% and we did a 35% and yet they just had oh that's why I liked it because the last one cuz there was the least amount of alcohol just was so smooth and the most expensive so only big surprise Allison like the most expensive thing great so now finally lunch everyone is very very hungry we're out here doing a little bit of talkin because the Mariachi is getting ready and I'm not sure if we'll be able to share all the mariachi music this is probably a copy right and this we can't probably to use it but I think lunch is scheduled for a full two hours where we have food for every everyone is everyone is ready everybody spoke about Satori yeah in true Mexican fashion we are finishing lunch at 5 p.m. oh yeah so music it's great great day best thing to do in Guadalajara right and just hit number two behind the Lucha Libre that's really the only two things we didn't call our injured reserve program yeah Tim was healing and despite it being it to kill it to her and the fact that this frame-up looks very silly it wasn't that chaotic of a day it wasn't like I was really nervous when on the train they served us three cocktails I was like this is gonna be like the river of white collar they're very like cocktails so if you're coming on the tour you can really go hard and still be fine go up pregame to to start your own cocktail service before you come out here I'd start drinking at 6:00 tailgate yeah tailgate the tequila - why are we gonna roll picking up pepper like so we got photos of pepper today which I'm sure you want to see if four photos of pepper from Oh if you ever in Guadalajara and meeting a dog-sitter we are using the app dog hero I don't think it's in the States but Rover was not here which we usually use the space and so we look deep up here and someone else is sofa and then pepper with a little me know what was his name Ricardo separate again and pepper watching TV I can't really think of a better way to end this episode then laying in the grass in a tequila plantation with the plantation was a call assassination ah Esther most people think of things like church perhaps brunch with families but here in Sayulita it's Simonis on top and that's not week of santa claus it is Easter and that means lots and lots of tourists locals here have pretty much described this week as the zombie apocalypse come to life and why is that because there are literally so many tourists that roll into town every parking space hares taken there's just a steady stream of Carson there's so many people it's hard to go to restaurants it's kind of impossible to go to the store at that sort of thing so just like a zombie apocalypse we've stocked up we've got water we've got beer we've got tequila we've got our food we've got walls around the house for safety and we're living good up here on the hill but what's going on down in town what's it look like down there let's head down and find out often to town we went and searched at the crowds but wait was it all hype we took a few steps closer to the beach and this is obviously the most amount of people we've seen on the beach on any weekend I don't even have an idea how many more though it's like I don't know four or six times more than we've seen on the busiest day here okay this isn't what it was talked up to be I mean like it's not bad up there's just a ton of people which is really kind of cool so many times you like you go on vacation or you go on holiday somewhere and you're just surrounded by more Americans application but here it's being in the extreme minority and it's all like Mexicans on vacation which is awesome to see we shot over to Guadalajara this past month and then came back to Sayulita before we leave so now it's like we're able to kind of put ourselves in those shoes for everybody who's coming out here from Guadalajara all that same stuff that you encounter when you go on vacation or road trips when the roads are so busy like same thing here during Semana Santa the other really cool thing it seems like there's kind of a controlled chaos down at the beach in the US I feel like there's always I don't know police or some regulation getting in the way of certain things there's just so many vendors down there dogs running around just so many people and they don't necessarily have that problem here by the way it's not lost on me how funny am i sound be talking about other terrorists since we're always tourists but I guess the fact now that we're like just permanently tourists all the time makes it feel less like we are we just kind of live wherever we're visiting right now to wrist as day chance tonight in Sally Lita I've recruited my two roommates - maybe it's like myself to venture into town be brave you can see what adventures lay before us are you doing this yeah I do oh yeah so dawn the all the time we say it tonight cuz I know the tensions gone now and that you won't come back you put him back - wanna forget you you don't wanna do it again but we'll see don't you wanna do eleven o'clock at night they're still like toddlers walking around obviously filled with people there it's pretty much battle of the bands out here who could be louder this is going to continue to I don't know 4:30 or 5:00 in the morning based on what we heard just way up on the hill last night so I'm gonna stay out here all night just check things out and report in every two hours you know that I don't wanna feel this way again so let's pick up the pieces that we left unsaid it's 2:00 a.m. it's still going on up here it's crazy babies toddlers music things are winding now it's 4:30 I think we can safely say we did it all today I'm finally going to go to bed some honest I'm not that's it photo photo few weeks ago Fidan did her version of what it's like to live in another country my day-to-day is a little bit different so I thought I would show you mine first things first where we actually live we are in our third place here in celluloid we have not lived kind of all over town we've lived on the north side we've lived in the heart of downtown and now we are up on the hill to the east of it we have the biggest place that we've rented since we've been here and by far the nicest and most of the time the Quietus which is really important at this point we rented a big spot because my parents came and visit us for a week this month and we also have Matt as a roommate for three other weeks so we needed a lot of space alright so the middle floors kitchen hangout dining area and we almost have like a tree fort type bedroom that you get to go up a spiral staircase up here and if this great balcony and then coming off the balcony our actual room is under one of these roofs of course important things to notice here mosquito net that kind of roof and that means that we have lots of gecko friends who visit us at night and in the morning we sweep up their poop coming back down off the kitchen middle floor and down through the ground floor what are the best features of the entire house is that we actually have a ground floor which means that for once in a very long time we don't have to take pepper out each time she has to go potty plus she's very entertained playing a game called drop frisbee in the floor donkey in the background okay that was an incredibly brief house tour but we got a lot of places to go today so we'll keep it snappy one of the best parts about being in Cellular is having my motorcycle I make named her torta I guess just overall and this is so many other countries besides the US it's just more fun to be able to get everywhere on the motorcycle sometimes it's harder but it's always way way more interesting we'd lucked out on our arrival in Sayulita is the gym here just opened Sayulita fit has a ton of different equipment and free weights as well as a large studio on the other side back before I hurt my back the plan was to be surfing as often as possible we ended up doing a whole lot less surfing than we expected and sell you later but hey if you're heading here they get plenty of waves one of the hardest things with living abroad and working abroad I mean it's it's nice that we can work anywhere theoretically just as long as we're able to hop online but finding reliable fast internet can be a huge pain sometimes so for me since we moved on to sell you Lita I have been a member of cellulite of cowork and it's just a co-working space it's pretty bare-bones their internet is very reliable I know internet exists around the world but somehow as soon as you run to Airbnb like the internet somehow just doesn't work as well anymore so this has been a great space to go use a normal table a comfortable chair have fast reliable internet and actually get a lot of stuff done so I'll give you guys a quick tour and show you what it looks like here oh people are working here right now I back that show me what co-working looks like okay so that's basically it it's just people working in the dark with comfy chairs Ellison how's the Internet the Internet's rocking fast all right that's a co-working space the next spot if you're working hard you're eventually gonna get hungry here are some of my favorite places to eat and sell you Lita Natty's has incredible Mexican food at the price point of 15 pesos for most tacos I go with the poyo chipotle almost every time alchemist Ahead's what I'd like to call healthy food at a great price Matt's a big fan of the veggie Bowl alley whatever sounds good that day and Finn usually rocks out the veggie omelet Achara is a Thai restaurant in town the only Thai restaurant and we're really lucky it's here Finn can usually go about one week without Pad Thai before she starts getting a little bit crazy everything here is delicious but man I really like a nice curry and that's been one of the greatest things about being in Mexico for that just so many really strong drugs over the holiday and if you need a prescription something pharmacies usually have same location if you need medical care beyond just going to the pharmacy or seeing a doctor you can also get all that extra stuff in Mexico it just takes a little bit more to seem specialist like say a chiropractor somebody who specializes in the acupuncture or even continuing care like doing yoga all things I needed for my back I was able to find right here inside as a side note on the day as I'm running around showing you around salya Lita one of my goals when we came down to Mexico is to learn Spanish now Vinny doesn't have the same problem as me she is already very fluent can probably do a bunch of different accents and is at Jason Bourne levels of speaking foreign languages I did the standard take a little bit of Spanish in high school take some more in college and forget everything because what am I ever gonna be speaking Spanish wish I had really remembered all that stuff so before we came to Mexico I hopped on the duolingo train and started working through the courses there and duolingo is really great because first off it's free it's kind of fun to play it's like a little video game almost when you get questions right one of the places it's really weak though is in listening to Spanish and replying in Spanish after checking out a few different courses online I decided to use rocket Spanish I'm not promoting or pimping that out by the way we don't have any codes for that if you are interested after I talk about my experience make sure you don't pay full price on the site there's like there's so many promo codes available online there's no reason to pay full price for it rocket Spanish is really good for just listening to people speak Spanish and learning to respond in Spanish it was a really easy program to use while I was doing stretches in like Guadalajara or out walking pepper around the city when I was really hurt and there wasn't a whole lot for me to do I could just listen on my earbuds and just kind of like participate in conversations and I feel like rocket Spanish specifically helped me in being able to you like eavesdrop on converse stations or one phinny's talking to somebody in Spanish at least follow along I'm not saying I understood a hundred percent of what was being said but definitely a lot more after using rocket Spanish for quite a bit where I'm at now with Spanish again I can understand pretty well but my next big hurdle is jumping into conversations it's probably enough about my failures to learn Spanish in the few months that I was here so on to the next thing I hope you can see from this little video and the more than 10 videos we put out before this how much we've really enjoyed our time in Mexico this was oh this was the perfect place to really start our new living abroad lifestyle if you want to call it that but man that sounds kind of hopefully you can hear the construction in the background because that's part of the reality of living in the foreign country yeah I guess it it wouldn't be our channel if we weren't just completely transparent on the fact saw you Lita is a great place to be but it's a little bit like being at a party and staying a little too long or something where it's just sometime there's some Sunita or there's like there's birthday music in the morning that starts at 6 o'clock there's roosters there's construction all the time this is a town that is very much growing right now so if somebody's not hammering concrete somebody is grinding metal and or a rooster we just want to sensationalize anything because it's easy for it's easy to make things look beautiful on video with cinematography and beautiful music what is in our front yard with some roosters some construction I'm sure tonight we'll show you some of the sounds of Mexico yeah we put together a little compilation of the lullabies you hear here as well as your alarm clocks in the morning I wasn't too keen to hop out of bed at 6:15 this morning when this happened but somehow the same band is back here to be fair they weren't this morning but if you just hear the background music that was going on and it woke us from our slumber so hopefully you can hear this pretty good it's just happening somewhere out in the darkness it's so relaxing for Beth and just thanks for hanging out with us akheon Mexico gracias por todos los nuevos K and B so nurses videos aqui en mexico estamos muy advil habla scarce done actually see straight ahead where we de varios el pueden tener el español pero es Paco mati pclob lad no entiendo pero no hablo bien exacta I know that face exacto I think that's it okay we're not non-members and una semana con un anuncio de BRK not famous
Channel: TIM and FIN
Views: 742,867
Rating: 4.8019314 out of 5
Keywords: tripped mexico, americans living in mexico, americans in mexico, live in mexico, mexico travel, moving to mexico, living in mexico, traveling in mexico, life in mexico, couple traveling in mexico, mexico travel guide, mexico travel documentary, digital nomad, digital nomad lifestyle, is mexico safe for tourists, living in mexico working in us, life in mexico vlog, sayulita, sayulita mexico, tim and fin sayulita, living in sayulita, where to live in mexico
Id: cnx41LOX9yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 136min 59sec (8219 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2019
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