Ultimate India Motorbike Trip 🇮🇳| 8,000km in 43 Days

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India is not really country India is more like a never ending continent full of amazing things to explore and huge challenges to overcome every step of the way this is a story of how I rode eight thousand kilometers pretty much all around the country from the very north to the very south to the many places in between this was by far the most challenging motorbike trip I had ever done in my entire life yet at the same time it was incredibly rewarding this is how it looked when we landed in India we spent the first two weeks in and around Delhi eating its famous street foods getting to know the local ice and giving away my sponsors money to feed a few hundred people in the local slums then we rented two motorbikes and it was finally time to start our motorbike trip there is only one problem though my filmmaker Andres did not know how to ride a bike so we went to random parking lot somewhere in the city where I spent the next few hours teaching him the ins and outs of riding a mechanical bike when it got dark we couldn't sit around any longer and had to move how are you feeling wrong not like a broke it I really hope it's gonna work out oh my god and so with our self-confidence and our pretty decent low but excitement at a real high we finally hit the busy night sheets of India not really knowing where the road will take us [Music] eventually very late at night we arrived our first suit on the trip we finally arrived to our place we only have a couple of hours to sleep now and guess who will head the pit [Music] no we wanted to wake up first for sunrise and be the first people and to be allowed to get into the Dodge Mahal yes that's right the first destination of our trip was none other but the Taj Mahal what are the renowned seven wonders of the world once inside the Taj Mahal at exactly 6 a.m. on Monday morning and even though we certainly didn't enjoy the massive crowds we pushed through them and admired this wonderful wonder of the world that was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his wife Mumtaz in the early 17th century look at all the detail zones and all the tiny bricks all the ornaments and everything this is next level epic as you can probably tell the Taj Mahal is considered to be the greatest architectural achievement in the whole range of indo-islamic architecture due to its perfect harmony and excellent craftsmanship witnessing at first hand I could another be healed then it was time to hit the road again but this time the roads were a little bit more interesting than the highways we took last night come take a look [Music] the next morning we found ourselves in the ancient city of orchha that was so beautiful and untouched by mass tourism we could hardly believe it man this place is incredible I'm currently sitting at the top of the fortress and from here I can see literally the whole thing all the temples all the palaces the markets and everything so basically this place is very small you can walk everywhere you want it's it's not busy at all there's very very few turists only local people which makes me very very happy you see orchha was established in the early 16th century of the seat of one of the many princely states of central any of those times and was so rich that it even built a palace for the moko Emperor who came to visit the town for just one night these days the amazing complex is built by the royalty of those times have been mostly abandoned and only visited by tests but one can certainly imagine the grandeur in which those people lived just a few hundred years ago man just look at this place this is just one of the many temples here in or Chur completely empty kind of abandoned which makes it incredibly beautiful and we have the whole thing to ourselves the Sun is already setting look at all thing you see as you can imagine we certainly didn't waste any time in this gorgeous place and explored literally everything we could I'm at the very very top of one of the highest temples in all of China that's the very top right there that's me if you from your so Incredibles crazy look at the sunset [Music] the next morning we were back on the road enjoying the beautiful views around us while also trying to avoid the local cows casually crossing the road whenever they felt like it for sensitive we stopped to admire a gorgeous local temple and road further late into the night trying to reach our next destination but it wasn't meant to be my bike completely ran out of fuel and ursa still hasn't but it probably will in a few hundred meters so now I'm gonna hop on his bike try to find some sort of a tiny settlement or village and see where life takes us basically and I'll just chill here for a bit yeah listen to some music and hope no Tigers will come nice hope this works and so under sealed completely alone in the middle of a dense jungle well I found some epic local people you could reach help us out okay [Music] eventually managed to fill up our tanks and continued Friday but our struggles apparently didn't end there since the roads were absolutely terrible and it was pitch black what's up with this road everything's completely Ryan still rolling a few hours later though we somehow found a tiny country concrete really and continued writing very late into the night once again doing their best oh boy the local truck well finally finally good back home it's 1:30 a.m. in the morning that are sorted but the ride was incredible oh the next morning we had a great time refreshing ourselves in a huge waterfall in the area and finally arrived to Central India which turns out had some really interesting road sites welcome to Central India Tigers are no Tigers were kept on writing and writing and writing some more but due to all the mountains roads and the neverending construction work our progress was excruciatingly Li slow tiring and messy just finished another day of writing and take a look at my t-shirt this morning it was white as snow and now it's not so wet anymore oh man look at my hands as well man I'm so tired oh but we certainly didn't let any obstacles stop us as there were a million more places we wanted to see first up the famous UNESCO World Heritage Site the caves of Ellora a lot of caves is a series of 34 magnificent rocket's temples in western India spread over a distance of 2 kilometers the temples are one of the largest rocket monastery temple cave complexes in the world featuring Buddhist Hindu and Jain monuments dating from over a thousand years back as beautiful as the caves are apparently they come with a bit of a price one of the coolest things about the capes was the fact that every single cable we went to had amazing intricate sculptures of different gods and deities as well as very beautiful architecture that left me in awe we left the caves with the biggest smiles on our faces but unfortunately could not have predicted what will happen next so when we came to the caves we had to start back somewhere there next to the parking lot there was a guest house where we asked the receptionist whether we can you know leave the bags there in the storage room he said yes we paid him somebody to look after the bags when we come back my my GoPro action camera is not there and then I spent a really long time talking with everyone at the hotel asking them whether anyone knew anything everyone of course said no even though of course some of them did cuz I mean one of those people stole my camera I reminded myself that these things are a big part of life especially on super active road trips just like this one and happily continued writing down south [Music] until eventually we reached one of my favorite places in India humpy [Music] humpy is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in southern India in the 14th century hampi was the capital of the hindu Vijayanagara Empire it was so prosperous that by the year 1500 Pompey actually became the world's second-largest city after Beijing and probably India's richest at that time attracting traders from all around the world I first came to India around three years ago and one of the locations I visited during that time was was was this place was was this exact temple and just brings back so many really cool memories it looks so different then I guess but it was exactly the same place so incredible can't wait to explore these days hampi certainly isn't anywhere near to being the world's second largest city but rather a tiny touristy village surrounded by loads of amazing rooms that are spread over 4,100 hectares oh also their nature is incredibly beautiful Oh [Music] so apparently took us less than two weeks to come to this place but they were so exhausting because we were driving literally every single day sometimes up to 12 or 14 hours per day through you know crazy roads and we just got so exhausted so it feels so good to finally be here in Hampi which is which is such a refreshing place such a beautiful place such a calm place and I think we'll will take a couple of these off too to just relax and get ready for the other leg of the trip but yeah it's incredibly beautiful [Music] we spend the next few days taking everything in and relaxing as much as we could and then it was time to get back on the road [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah my boy I'm the disgust got a flat tire beautiful what happened bro I know just a flat tire know where life in India love it let's say let's fix it now as always all problems in life are generally fixable much faster than it you might think a minute later I asked for directions and where to find a mechanic and 10 minutes later we found ourselves chillin with a really friendly Indian family while the father was fixing his bike oh hi I eventually the bye got fixed and once again hit the road not really knowing where it'll takes Jacob where we going the waterfall we're finally in the parts of India that I really really really wanted to explore lush green forests no people whatsoever mountains all around this rivers waterfalls it's amazing and right now we're gonna go check out some sort of a really big waterfall here in the area apparently the waterfall wasn't much of a sight as it was the driest time of the year however the views around this - her breaths away [Music] we just came to the world's second largest veteran settlement outside of Tibet in this place it doesn't feel like India at all yes you heard that right we found ourselves in the world's second largest Tibetan settlement outside the bed that was called Gila Gupta you see in 1960 the government of the Indian state of Karnataka a lot of nearly 3,000 acres of land and bill equipment and the first ever Tibetan settlement in India came into existence in 1961 these days has become a very popular tourist attraction mostly because it's a place in India that doesn't really feel like India and their temples are of course out-of-this-world stunning the golden temple really is very very beautiful inside I mean I mean look at it it's certainly one of the coolest samples I've ever been in however there's 10,000 Tracie I felt a little uneasy surrounded by that many selfies so we love the touristy areas of villa cook and decided to explore just chilling here on a regular road in the Tibetan settlement except they have this this massive massive tree broke literally little insane eventually I made friends with a really cool local restaurant owner called Wang Lee who introduced me to many different Tibetan dishes some of which included beef because apparently Carnatic is one of the very few states in India that allow people to pick beef still hardly believing that one could actually eat in India we cross the hectic local traffic and continued our motorbike trip into the beautiful mountains of South India it feels so good to finally be here in the mountains of South India I mean the views all around us are incredible all the mountain villages the forests the rivers the the rock formations and stuff just amazing em I've literally been dreaming at these places for the longest time and an hour finally here the next morning we woke up at 4 a.m. and wrote for well over an hour to the very top one of the most beautiful places of our entire trip where we sat on a tall mountain and certainly took our time enjoying the calming views all around us and tonight I slept for four hours to get to see these views and even though I am a little bit tired right now but it's been so so so worth it it's crazy I mean look at the views all around us they're insane the clouds the Sun the hills that the trees no people whatsoever it's it's incredible I think this is probably one of the most beautiful places we've seen in India that's far for sure [Music] [Music] later that morning we excitedly hopped back on our bikes taking on the gorgeous country roads of South India until we reach the world-famous state of Goa right now we're trying to find this really remote very very beautiful beach here somewhere here in the jungle and I think it's it's that way so we'll just head down and and see where life takes us it certainly wasn't very easy to find the beach but when we finally saw how it look it made it all worth it I mean look at this place I guess all I can say is welcome to go [Music] yesterday when we came to this beach for lunch the only thing we could say was WOW and so we decided to stay here doing absolutely nothing just chilling reading books and whatnot at 24 hours later we're still here admiring the beautiful beautiful senses right there yes our days in Goa were certainly as relaxing as they might look great food friendly local people remote white sand beaches and next level epic senses as much as we enjoyed our time on those beautiful secluded beaches though we were really running out of time at this point and test left just a day later God is obviously famous for tons of different things but one of them is abandoned forts that were built by colonialists back in the day this is just very forth we are visiting and the views are insane look at that look at that this is just one side of the fort if you go down there you can go all do we have the hill on the wall see some other epic views here you can descent you're gorgeous gorgeous Beach right there they have some more epic views a church and they're just incredible we're in the middle of this amazing jungle surrounded by next-level epic views on this abandoned is pretty good looking whoa and there's no people of course because everyone's on the beach then we went on to explore even more parts of Goa and to be completely honest with you it almost felt like being in Portugal you see even though go as history dates back to a very long time ago in the early 16th century the Portuguese defeated the ruling BJP poor Sultan and set up a permanent settlement in Goa this was the beginning of foreign rule that lasted for four and a half centuries until its annexation in 1961 but still to this day you can see loads of Portuguese colonial buildings the most important of which are the grand churches everywhere you go these churches here in Goa really do take me back all the way to part you go they look very European I guess exactly the same way to look there it's very very peaceful in here Harley not too many people it's really interesting the time machine experience yeah go really did feel like he very interesting time machine that took me so many years back in time I mean look at it however as you might guess most Europeans who come to nyet don't necessarily want to find European sights or experiences and we were no different so we are back on our bikes and rode right back inside the gorgeous lush mountains of Central India to be completely honest with you hi I really enjoyed my time and go I mean it was I think one of the one of the coolest States we visited so far in India that being said it feels really good to be back in the mountains because finally I'm not sweating anymore all the time it's beautiful it's chilly it's Sam it's really nice I don't know about yourself but every time I'm in the mountains I get this overwhelming sense of freedom and happiness as I get to disconnect victime accept Canadian straight okay for the next few days we continued riding across mountains villages traffic jams beautiful bridges and dense forests until we finally reached one of the most popular hill stations in all of India that I loved to the moon and back on the Mahabaleshwar it's a really beautiful area in the state of Maharashtra that's also home to one of the very few evergreen forests of India as well as a gorgeous cat man this hill station is really amazing so when we were down south wanted to visit a couple of different hill stations didn't have the time but I'm really happy we came here because the views around this area and all the things you can do here are just insane and the weather is amazing there's a lot of nature a lot of wildlife the strawberries are great they even have strawberry wine here okay and I mean look at the news look at all these view ponds and all the hills and the mountains and jungles and whatnot so I'm really really happy we're here feels so relaxing so so wonderful hill stations for the win another thing that was really spectacular about mahabaleshwar was their remote he wants to take a little time to reach look at this place apparently we're surrounded by billions of trees all around and whatsoever it's not only that their roads were also spectacularly beautiful we just stopped to literally by the side of the road to admire the views and the views are insane in India this is just a regular road a regular view nothing special but but to me eventually though the gorgeous mountain roads turned into large highways packed with traffic and we found ourselves in India's richest city the one and only Mumbai and this morning we'll woke up at 5 a.m. and so that we could go to the biggest fish market in all of the Mumbai where they have shark swordfish and a billion other kinds of fish right now we're gonna hop on some bikes and hopefully make it in time welcome to this assumed docks one of the oldest and largest docks in all of Mumbai that comes alive every morning with thousands of people buying and selling all kinds of fish and seafood dude there's a billion people in this market it's crazy everyone shouting buying things there's dozens of votes surrounding this they're literally fish on to the dogs and people are selling it right here what up and there's there's families ooh you the demander fishing the women are selling it washing me [Music] we spend the next few days exploring various places around Mumbai with my local friends which apparently wasn't loads of fun we're currently at one of the most famous sites in all of Mumbai the Gateway of India to that I don't feel bro it feels amazing how do you feel to visit my I mean I live here so it's nothing different for me but how do you feel I feel amazing I know you might not believe this but it turns out that the world's most expensive house is here in Mumbai right that building this large skyscrapers look for a family of four people it costs two billion dollars and they have six hundred and fifty servants serving them every single day it's insane what made this place even more insane was the fact that just a day later I helped a few wonderful Indian students organize an amazing cleaning campaign in the local slums where people live in tiny huts along a terribly dirty railway track with goats and hens roaming around the campaign went incredibly well and I was very very happy and proud of the girls who organized everything but I couldn't stop thinking about the huge contrasts that were so apparent in this Indian city of trees the voluntee we ended up participating in India's most famous annual festival called hood where everyone goes completely crazy and dances like there's no tomorrow which of course may be very very happy up the sky even though let the flame build trust me as you can see the colors didn't necessarily wash away but why would I care when I've just had the best party of my entire life in my favorite city in India and so once again left a city life and felt free and alive riding on tiny gorgeous country roads while admiring the magnificent views [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just came to the best hotel of our entire trip you know why because it's not a hotel it's a place called a sham a place where they wish people completely for free the peat people completely for free generally either travelers or people who don't have you know any other place to stay and stuff and this was organized by a friend of ours from from uh Mike and it's Erin so nice we have these two beds a beautiful room and unlimited amount of food and obviously hot water cold water everything and yeah life is beautiful I'm so tired after that one weekend Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hospitality is so amazing maybe it's even too much for my time man I think right now I'm the most tired throughout the whole trip and I go to woken up for simple but I don't want to eat but everyone's really friendly and we're literally inside a temple look at that look at that we live inside a temple and we're about to eat inside [Music] [Music] so apparently the dinner is over Master Yoda is taking our plates back to the kitchen she was so friendly it's insane Wow that being said I'm ready to hit the bed welcome to Nashik india's wine capital that had such beautiful views it blew our mind Jacob we would celebrate have been a couple of days since we left for Mumbai and to be completely honest with you the rice sack it's so incredibly hot around 40 degrees Celsius every single day we spend so much time driving in these roads a lot of the roads are our highways with tons of tracks and a lot of action not much to see really and Lucas has fever I almost have fever as well and we're still exhausted after having driven literally all around India now it's last leg of the trip so we're trying to keep it together but it's really hard it's really hard I keep drinking as much water as it can we just ordered some sugarcane juice get some much-needed sugar but yeah it's not the easiest we obviously weren't going to let no heat or traffic or anything else topless and thus continue trudging forward bit by bit metre by mere kilometer by kilometer until we finally reached the world's largest statue that's 182 meters tall what look at the size of that thing yeah now besides this statue really was completely spectacular I mean I had seen quite a few statues in my life but nothing as grand as this I mean just look at it from here we can't really see the the top of the statue we're gonna see anything about his left hand cause it's just so big the statue of unity is a colossal statue of Indian statesman and independence activist Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel was the first home minister of independent Indian highly respected for his leadership in uniting the 562 princely states of India to form the single union of India without any armed conflict the statue was first announced in 2010 and built just a few years layer for a staggering amount of 420 million u.s. dollars later the same night we went deep into the heart of the state of Gujarat and found ourselves exploring a gorgeous ancient step called other Lodge [Music] [Music] it is so hot and we're so exhausted that we keep stopping every 10 to 15 minutes or so just by the highway to chill for a bit man I'm super tired yeah all this traffic always beeping I have to agree there the beeping is not the best oh yeah I'm feeling sick again to be completely honest with you it is kind of difficult to find proper food here on these roads diarrhea three times javascript seems to be the worst at this point it certainly wasn't the easiest task to deal with all the tiny obstacles of adventurous travel but we had just over a week left and wanted to make the most of it so we trudged onwards yesterday we visited our very first step while here in India we were completely amazed by how beautiful it was so today we came to the most famous temple in all of Gujarat and this place looks even better it looks so old so well-preserved all the statues all the all the colors all the everything all the steps right here just incredible and absolute can't wait to explore entered the world famous at Rana kebab temple that was built a thousand years ago by another widowed Queen and is a well known unesco world heritage site that attracts thousands of tourists from around the world in the past the steffel was completely flooded by a nearby river but it still retained over 500 intricate statues and is so well preserved that it's even been named the cleanest iconic place in india which made me really happy if you've never been to India it's probably very hard for you to understand but 99.99% of the time everything is incredibly busy here there's there's all the weeping all the noise a lot of you know destined and and and it's obviously very very hot as well so so you get to mmm what's the word you feel as if you're a little overwhelmed most of the time especially when you're riding bikes and going to tiny places and there's so many people who want to talk to yourself so every time you go to a really calm and peaceful place just like this one where everything's super clean you can hear the the sounds of nature you can hear the birds and stuff you just get this overwhelming sense of happiness I guess because the contrast is just so so big our bikes are there the sheet is there once we hit the street is gonna be pppppp yeah you know what I mean and here it's feeling happy and peace we hit the road again finally entering the large deserts of North America [Music] it is exactly 12 a.m. at night which is it our longest rent of 450 kilometers they think and we're so exhausted it's crazy the next morning we'll woke up in the ancient desert town of Jaisal it's a popular UNESCO World Heritage Site also known as the Golden City of India the town lies in the heart of the thar desert which makes the climate incredibly hot and quite different from most other areas of North India its crown jewel is the jazel mare fort which is one of the very few living forts in the world as nearly 1/4 of the old city's population still resides within the fort we're currently sitting at a random rooftop cafe here in jaisalmer fort and have to say it's a pretty incredible sight there's hardly any people now hello season and we can see literally the old city all around us before it has just been let it up and and it's an amazing place we spent our evening enjoying the relative calm of this tiny Indian town and the next morning left for the desert that's right at the border with Pakistan time to get on the Jeep enjoy please see you tomorrow [Music] so apparently the the ride is over we just came to the to the camel camp and it's time to get on one of those camels to be completely honest with you I feel really bad about riding a camel but apparently there's no other way to get to the camp we're going to and seems like these cameras are so big and strong hopefully they're not gonna mind too much the camel ride took well over an hour and even though it certainly was an interesting experience that took thousands of years back in time why unexpectedly it was also one of the most painful things I had ever done my legs dude I can't feel my legs [Music] the ride is finally over honestly it was the most painful experience of my life still again feel my legs especially oh my goodness ah my butt hurts my legs hurt crap it was really uncomfortable and I said I'm feeling really bad that I had to take the camels because they told us you gotta take a Jeep there but look there's a Jeep in our camera come on if you'll even worse now the camels went right into demonstrating to us they're amazing sunbathing techniques well our local Bedouin guides got busy preparing the dinner and all of the rest of us were making friends and feeling super happy to be where we were [Music] it's already completely dark and and there are billions and billions and billions and billions of stars in the sky I really wish you could be here as well to see them because it's insane were so far from any kind of civilization we're so remote and this year just incredible the next morning we woke up at 7 a.m. had a quick breakfast and went back to our bikes as fast as we could since our flights from Dendi we're leaving in just four days and literally were running the risk of missing them as we were still over 2,000 kilometers away the next morning we entered one of India's largest ports called mecca angle that was built in the 15th century and stands right above the city of Jaipur the fort is so big that inside its boundaries there are several palaces known for their intricate carvings and expansive courtyards as you might already know I'm not the biggest fan of visiting museums and tourist sites like that but to be completely honest with you this place this port is is really cool there are tons of different rooms with a lot of expositions and and all the really interesting there you can go through them very very quickly and they're not boring there informative as well and we like I mean the foreign itself is also massive you can see literally the whole town around it thousands of blue buildings that's where they call Judd for the blue city and stuff it's a it's a big place good place because tomorrow is our last day so we're still trying to make the most of our trip and so far it's right tonight turns out that the fort's music is apparently one of the most well-stocked museums in the state of Rajasthan featuring Palin kins costumes weapons and lots of art they were already celebrating Holi hundreds of years ago in 1810 at the very beginning of the 19th century this game was already having processions with elephants horses and millions and millions with thousands of people even the open is amazing good stuff we spent well over an hour walking all around the fort discovering new interesting things to see every step of the way and went right inside Jaipur one of the most touristic places in all of India that features a couple of UNESCO World Heritage Sites in its own right such as this fort at the top of the city I honestly cannot believe I'm saying this but it's been exactly 42 days or six weeks since we rented those motorbikes happy New Delhi and right now it's apparently the very last night of the trip because tomorrow the trip is over as will finally reach Delhi and give back the bikes and soon I'm sitting under this ancient fort here in the beautiful city of Jaipur overlooking the whole city on this mountaintop with a next-level beautiful sunset right there and feels amazing it feels amazing it feels unreal in a way I honestly can't believe that the trip is about to end and so many things have happened I yeah I feel like me and that bike are one now you know what I mean it said yeah spending my last evening of that trip at the top of this mountain I remember feeling totally in the moment free alive and very grateful for everything that had already happened probably trip as incredibly beautiful as the sunset was though surprising it was in her last you see the next morning we once again hopped on our motorbikes riding towards New Delhi as fast as we could but also making the absolute most of our last day of the trip by stopping every time we found something interesting to see lies the over motorbike trip here in India and we came to our third and final step which to be completely honest with you looks beautiful though unfortunately cannot go down steps pretty you can look at them as beautiful as this temple was it was nothing compared to what happened next who wrote into some mountains in the metropolitan area of New Delhi where we stumbled upon a temple filled with dozens of friendly beers and then continued riding up the hill until we entered certainly the coolest for throughout the whole trip that apparently we didn't even know existence we were on our way to visit a temple which we thought was the rat temple turns out it's the dear temple and then there was a fortress on the hill that we saw we never knew this place existed but we thought well we're already here so so let's go check it out and this place turned out to be definitely one of the best places I've I've seen in India throughout the whole trip Wow I mean there's absolutely no people in here it's incredibly beautiful very very peaceful very calm very relaxed the views around desert insane where we're in these mountains there's all the parts a large city in the background it's I'm incredibly happy this is the last place we're visiting yes I certainly did an over exaggerate the beauty in this place it's a semi abandoned fortress not too far from New Delhi that's kind of hard to reach and thus rarely visited by tourists but the sides inside the fort and round are simply out of this world study especially during the golden which is when we happen to visit I honestly still cannot believe me randomly stumbled upon this place and I think the reason it's so incredible for me is that the major thing I miss being in India is his peace and quiet because you know there's there's so many things happening and it's it's so busy like what that often you just just get bombarded with the things is all around you in and this place is it's so peaceful I god it's incredible the only thing I can hear right now is the chirping of the birds and the wind [Music] this really isn't the most perfect place and the trip with so happy right now so happy the Great Wall of India the sunset the mountains an amazing fortress Wow [Music] we spend the next few hours writing the very busy highways of India right inside the country's capital New Delhi where we gave back the bikes and even though we still couldn't believe it and there are 43 days long motorbike trip around India the trip is finally over it's crazy we just give back the bikes I feel a little emotional because the fight was it was like my best friend for the last six weeks and stuff but but I'm ready I'm ready to call it a day I think I'll get my hands look at make sure there's a pole there it throws in sick blood and salmon and whatnot matt has been a crazy trip super challenging but very exciting is really if you if you if you ever think you want to test your patience and perseverance and and stamina do a motorbike trip in India it'll test your limits but be very rewarding it along hi I think I'm ready to go sleep for three days straight yes this motorbike trip truly was one of the most challenging adventures had ever been on my filmmaker and I ended up writing exactly 8,000 kilometers across a large part of India although I'll exploring hundreds of or inspiring places and learning loads they do open cultures as exciting as the strip was that we very often found ourselves in really stressful situations almost every single to take from the heat being unbearable to our stomachs refusing to work to us getting completely covered in sand while riding on dirt falls and lots more however I think this is exactly why traveling in India is so exciting it really does test your limits and put you into more challenging situations than most countries ever will that is why I love visiting this gorgeous country and well certainly be back in the future thank you for everything you taught me India and I can't wait to meet you again [Music] you
Channel: Jacob Laukaitis
Views: 1,393,102
Rating: 4.9522934 out of 5
Keywords: india, motorbike, trip, long motorcycle trip, india travel, india (country), motorbike trip, india motorcycle, india motorcycle trip, motorcycle, road trip, india bike trips, riding a motorbike in india, touring india on a motorbike, india traffic, motorbike india, india to bhutan, guided motorbike tours india, long motorcycle trip mistakes, all india ride, dangerous motorbikes in india, ultimate india motorbike trip, royal enfield india, all india moto trip
Id: U479w79_LWo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 19sec (3019 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2019
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