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I don't really know what many people do the day before they leave for a nine-month trip but it's probably not driving things like this we're packing up to leave where to begin which is all the crap no the black ones are so bad every tension is high I just fainted in Walgreens then we'll see in Singapore Cleveland we should probably kick off episode 1 by actually introducing ourselves but before we do that to that title I Allison up too but everyone calls his Beemer everybody still calls her Vinny even though she is a döner now I'm from Northern Illinois not like Chicago like cornfields I'm from Sitra from the suburbs of Detroit we just finish up that monster track we're going in our 10th month we're post up here in Bali and we're certain for these episodes out trip covers like every minute of traveling except for sleeping it covers the times we're Alison's crying because she got bit by a bee while she was driving a motorcycle well I capture every time Tim is lost and won't believe me when I tell him - I absolutely never get lost during a trip we saw things that were so beautiful they belong on Instagram other days we saw nothing because it was raining and they wouldn't quit raining look at Union Zealand we stayed in some epic locations where we travel also Airport before all of this happened on you took off on this trip we were fully functioning adults we weren't hippies we're not vagabonds we're not filthy backpackers onine when they were literally no jobs I found a job working at Ann Taylor Loft in the mall I was a plumber for a long time wedding-dress model got a grad school buyer to catalog for high fashion dog accessories met 10 lunches with penny so boring that money can bring it up Tim proposed big a splash then we started to become real adult human resources manager events for Bud Light the tech company and then we were like we should quit our jobs and travel the world 1:17 in the morning I can't sleep because we are leaving on Sunday which is pretty crazy it's going to be weird like talking into the camera and narrating everything was going on so I guess it's good practice has any so with this whole trip it's not like we just packed her bags and ran away from home there was 2 years of saving involved there was a lot of planning crop really just meant a lot of homes to like every day year how that's wrong I have a call that you get every day this is hard this is hard this is an awesome action area but this is like our itinerary for two months all the black ones are so bad ok the brown ones don't look that bad with the shorts well this is ridiculous I just fainted in Walgreens because I got for vaccination shots just for a couple seconds I looked down with my eyes closed and I was unresponsive but it felt like I was like a sleep for 30 minutes and I liked glitz at my head and looked at her and I like felt so rude that I fell asleep like with her but didn't know where I was but then we had to actually get ready to go we had to pack up all of our stuff thank you bye to Chicago and our Chicago apartment Explorer we're packing up to leave oh yeah it's so refreshing because things like this everyone has things like this which involved this is something very special [Music] [Applause] what did you do today today we had to go do all of our favorite Chicago things through leaving Chicago them in the day okay our entire room I don't really know what many people do the day before they leave for a nine-month trip but it's probably not driving things like this to get it out of the way so that we can park them in there that's what we're doing right now and then say goodbye to important things like Paul haar incredible friends [Applause] our family the great thing about this trip not a lot of structure around it we just knew that on August 31st we're going to take off and start heading heading to Germany for October a cousin to go visit in Poland okay friends in the Philippines in November yes parents in Singapore in January and we figured that the money would carry us anywhere for maybe like six months to one year but had no idea what to expect [Music] every tension is high a little here a little CC in Singapore there is in January yeah yeah 13 2010 Sweeney we're out of the car our first step was no bug Germany this is super random but everywhere around Munich for Oktoberfest is incredibly expensive and we were using that as a home base to explore southern Germany but you'll really ill see how well all of that very quickly traitor from weakest fear until yeah Stuart we learn how we always have the equipment which looks pretty cool unz absolutely Oh God here's the bedroom so look up there's lights okay I'm just going to touch to make showdown I have to just info but we got oh oh it comes with meat slicer we had a little stint in the cab enduros cab driver did not see any English that he should and I didn't know how to say any words except for I'm sorry so I just waved an American dollar and a credit card just know I know and now our ATM card doesn't work because then I have that other ATM card from a different bank and now I guess we just don't get some groceries let's get cleaned up you go okay [Music] nobody else is wearing bright orange at all nobody okay look at this backpack please Robbie please come steal from good people hello see the sink literally nobody speaks English which is fine that's the genuine experience we would be looking for but that has never been my experience traveling anywhere else we were like wait first of all the first thing I'm pretty close your weight your coin okay first of all the first thing everyone helps you is don't worry everyone speak English we've met one person that could point us in the direction of the bathroom and the other thing then all my traveling I've been able to speak the language because I've only been in Spanish and country and I try to I want to so bad but everyone just reverts to English then they want to practice English and we really need to get some food quick little interview to my two years of high school German I have met very applicable here I've been able to integrate myself in society really easily out struggling with language but I think you're embellishing just a bit up there sighs haha 24 minutes later morality versus law doesn't that you we've gone down nearly she will how are you I don't know what going to happen like we lost like um like just roughly a mile what are your initial thoughts are taking spikes from our apartment all the way down to books first which is a fair that we're excited to go to and renting buddy and then we have to get on the s-bahn and then we have to walk our ATM card wasn't working we haven't met anybody to speak English and we don't have internet connection when we leave the apartment we're trying to be as prepared as possible good luck to us this is Alison she's traveling right now this is what happens when you can't figure out how to use the subway and instead you could deal with the riding bicycles ever look at her know all that German all those months of studying I don't really go to doctor then cos beyond done John Buchan dice okay we have mice and along my way this whole thing is not necessarily by choice is lack of knowledge to ride the train they're not doing this for health or anything [Music] I need so much food I'm gonna fall [Music] that [Music] [Applause] [Music] and the horrible I'd like like a Hitler something important building overhead fear why together so basically we're getting drunk and riding carnival rides in the shadow of a not be monument or do they like that's Germany though [Music] [Music] [Music] so just in a 30 minute bike ride down here to the southern side of Marin very really wanted to keep this up on ground we haven't come out here yet just a relic from a terrible time what I mean drenched no out field because people are running out here and enjoying the song I mean stretches during steer runs on it to go over there playing like hockey people are using this area gladly not what it was crucial design it's just strange everyday life here and something that would be something we don't have that these are not be ruined like I don't know if it's right to call them room that's what they are you just roaming room these are relatively bygone era the only experience I've had with these ever is fighting around them like both in town so it incredibly surreal stomping around here that is just a soccer and football field for a local school there's a stadium in the background but I mean those look how overgrown it is it's like Aztec ruins basically so just really glad I came out here this is awesome [Applause] [Music] [Music] though the marks of world war two are prevalent around the city we found ourselves on our third day in Nuremberg going farther back in time on the German tour of the medieval dungeon our entire tours travelled in their torture chamber kind of thing it's scary but also to our adventure I think that's a good thing I mean look seriously kind of stupid more claustrophobic it was about [Music] something a little bit lighter over onto everybody this cannot but you at least that's how you talk to them but the tour is so fast you can't even look at this it's great I don't wanna be stuck in here but for like racing to see it we relate to the next room all night well Rebecca we started okay we we need a shady bench and overview of what happens we raced through the dungeons and then sat in Georgia chambers for seven minute chunks at a time it was great I felt torture than there I felt scared yeah you could not do that here classroom because I would not consider myself claustrophobic but that first room I was like all 20 of you people are going yeah sit in here and then it was like I can't imagine doing that on a hot day like it's cool outside I mean I have three shirts on in a scarf and like it was hot down there I'm glad we're outside again I was ready for if it was a 20-minute to it when they did spike like half an hour's his long you want to read about it I didn't get enough time to like see you and then it was like too long when we were just standing there anyway to know he was saying but still it was like the everyone else was like edgy and then even in German it wasn't like an entertaining like no one cracked a smile the entire time well you're talking about tort you can't be like oh and this was super painful nobody but I'm sure there was some like awe inspiring things oh oh but I think like some reaction he clearly wanted everybody feel good didn't [ __ ] yeah that's okay oh my god I have to put my arm down by we originally flew to Germany for Oktoberfest but that was still three weeks away so jet-lagged at 4 a.m. and a desire to find warmer weather it looks like only an 11 hour drive to Croatia road trip we've got such an early start we figured we plan to stop at the touristy Lake Bled in Slovenia as a good halfway point to walk around and spend the night careful thank again we got like three hours of sleep and that we're going to Lake blood probably and we'll sigh yeah power up what's up what's wrong I'm going to run here give me the keys I'm just going to she's actually Google Maps lets you keep all right okay bye baby we're not leaving yet we'll see you on the road [Music] well yeah when the shepherd on Germany are they fill German Shepherd [Music] good job Cathy there's a dress you by surprise mango maracucha14 BCE a little bit like it's a princess if you look straight ahead you will see a destination it fueled and the South half how could you be first off thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] if you pay to our tinkle Winkle or make boom-boom here is my voucher nice blue boy okay wait this isn't true you paid 70 cents yeah there was a twink apposite I get it we've now spent five American dollars I'm going in the bathroom this is the Autobahn people today are going 120 miles an hour this Lane is going like 70 miles an hour and that lead people are entering the freeway coming in at like 25 miles an hour so kind of Lights we're in McCleskey this episode brought to you by power up power up what gets you through jet lag and the octopod well this is our nap spot we both need one [Music] I can't sleep here hey let's do it we're gonna go look at this Lake first this is Lake Blakey very historic you stopped off in on Dusseldorf to get some sleep or not Dusseldorf it doesn't matter that's northern Germany really we can say whatever we want it I hope you think [ __ ] I mean we might be in Wisconsin so instead of taking a nap we're going on a hike through this nature trail so we're go check out a lake and then look is probably not even recording get a whole monologue girl there and I didn't record probably because I had fun probably not saying we were obviously in rough shape the drive was also taking way longer than expected so with Salzburg right across the border we decided to cut our drive short and cancel our hotel in Lake Bled just try to find one in Salzburg looks like being in Austria you cross the border and you don't even know you just drive around a circle flat we have no internet zero brain power and even less patience for the road and at this point each other until the beard of Zeus this is by far without question the happiest I've ever been society McDonald's ever you would never have to contest that yeah I'm on it and I'm already looking up to these hotels right here so yesterday we're really tired in the car we were going to drive any further because we were probably going to kill each other you're coming in through like the side on the airport and kind of winding around the streets that you don't know you're like why what's going on with Salzburg and here we are in this beautiful garden this 11th century fortress in the background and an incredible palace that we're at freezing in another noon where are we today we're at the beautiful palace in South Korea oh yeah so I'm gonna be really quiet right now but tell me that the accordian guy doesn't make you want to play in Petra oh I'd say this would be sounding Li beautiful in the summer but here in early September it's pretty good it's still beautiful [Music] Veronica Mota yeah we have to walk up here to go see Mostar keep it alive nobody else is walking this way though not really throw it up not really yeah we are going to figure out to get up there and we feel like we've got up close quite a ways but that looks quite a bit higher than we currently are yeah we're going to continue to walk through has that look like this and [Music] are you wishing for something yeah I wish that I remember I wish that I never go back in time and unfortunately I'm a comedy got it nailed it yes I never has it built especially you always have granted sir okay big one [Music] probably old for 8 euro we walked on a castle for two hours and we got an audio tour we have to see an amazing view of the entire Salzburg city which means salt and German hellooo so that would a big moment for us from the rainiest status night everywhere there might have been a little bit of fighting and what are we doing in Salzburg we just had an awesome awesome day here I got the greatest drone footage that the whole purpose is like lugging around with huge backpack the whole time and if we had a great time and chappy thanks for you had a good time too right buddy oh then I must that I'm driving and I'm out there in the country a dress a beautiful event and a field of faint water it so beautiful I bet if you lived here your whole life cause you're so beautiful that I wish we expect my family after an awesome day in Salzburg we hit the road to continued heading south Tim saw a sign for a Vasa fall we figured that meant waterfall in German so off the road following the signs we went because that's what a road trip is all about the Vasa [Music] you [Music] laundry oh my god [Music] I feel like a Disney logarithmic amount from in there you have got to be kidding me [Music] some water where is it coming from in the middle of the mountain this is some of the beautiful waterfall I've ever seen like Niagara Falls I mean massively intent awesome we're the only tourist here and this is stunning we have to get back on the road to make it down to our Airbnb reservation in Lake Bled Sylvania the original plan for when we first left on the trip out of Nuremberg we're not in Slovenia yet but we're close and then based on a green laughs it looks like the mountains are going to keep a finger there so I think it's mine and a creature that tassel has lit up [Music] [Music] good morning from lake bled slovenia wanna see it what do you think about timing oh yeah you're going to swim sister hello rebel mountains probably glacial runoff good living room ha [Music] it was a six morning in the lake but with our desire to cross the Croatian border to seek warmer weather we stopped for some Slovenian snacks for our drive south like a sexy baby food [Music] what was meant to be a two-hour drive ended up being more like five my fault it was unlikely at this point we were going to make it all the way down to the touristy town of slip so we reserved a semi random Airbnb in the port city of Recife I played it was like this was plantain I'm going to murder then we pass Plan B and then Plan C was Olaf stress in the water we went so far out of the way it's like we discovered in the country well we almost want it we are getting ready here for our first border crossing from Slovenia into Croatia I don't know if there's but toll or anything welcome to Croatia please play cool alright I think we should show the camera I don't know any of the Border Patrol officer yeah yeah I'll put a mic right alright GoPro we're not going to have you out during border crossing so we'll see you in Czechoslovakia oh okay we did welcome to Croatia okay so why don't we get stance twice director point where's Mike senses now oh we did get a Sylvania stamp yeah oh wait maybe the first checkpoint one exit okay nice Lavinia and her new provision hey you guys want to see Croatia Slovenia [Music] well we can go up and knock or we can dump her stuff and walk oh yeah we go up and knock yeah she said the fifth floor okay chandus has ever in elevator okay right now we're very nice staff thank you right now which is probably my fault I said that we weren't going to be in so later and then we change our plans and we're here now so we're going to take our bags at the car and then call us at my car and drink the bottle of wine good father wouldn't beat me you can't understand so obviously we arrived with Airbnb a little early but it was a great excuse to get out and get to know a little bit at the city we knew nothing about [Music] [Music] [Music] alright I'm in charge of doing a quick recap for you water let's flip it Lake [Music] number eight my brother's birthday by the way happy birthday Kevin um Tim's out flying the drone that's why I'm sitting here in the car probably hear it in the background and we're pretty tired we did put Fitz lakes today which were stunning waterfalls and now we're driving south which should maybe take about two hours maybe three hours so we're going to arrive when it's dark we've been driving for quite some time here I have several days coming down on this road trip from Germany will be arriving tonight we've nowhere to stay yet so we need to figure out where we're going to stay and then hopefully stay for a few days or so because we are a little bit drained we'll check back in with you later and split [Music] it has split kitchen how much was it to Kona so 30 cents hot deal on a fresh-baked dona heaven I think found behind me and we're in a fortress we're on a little bit of a game of Thrones hunt where she keeps our dragon good to go look [Music] so we came up here and we're sitting around googling images try to recreate and be still a consistent finding stupid images online Ted Earley Mela actually walk around the castle and they kept a little exhibition as a dragon with pictures on the show which is really complex [Music] pencils and courier have Wi-Fi so we need to also get a burger company because the tourists who are in their last night we're still there having breakfast and all their stuff was all over the room so the host introduced us into the room and to like well you can put your stuff here and it was like someone else's on my bed and all of their clothes everywhere and they were right there eating breakfast and we were like so we decided to not leave our bags there and just leave them unattended I hope that the camera can capture what it really feels like to be here because you have the wind coming up in a little bit of sense of like I'm going to fall back off of this small clip and what's behind us Mountain shear limestone cliffs that's probably limestone and switchbacks highway cruise ships in the distance Timmy's birthday tomorrow 33 all right so we're sitting on the beach and Allison's hungry which means we need to go the grocery store and get some down to eat well at the store else and says I'm going to give trumpets afternoon so she goes over and selects a bottle of Loza from Radhika was the vodka no massa and she really wants to try to drink as much of this bottle as possible so here we go yes absolutely [Music] that runs off it tastes like you oh that's bad yeah yeah yeah I'm drinking crappy Llosa and $2.00 olive wine this episode brought to you by as goloka okay full account of everything never goes away I don't think anything is before we went to nervous Huber's rainy Alison was mid to one oh my god nice we have to gain maybe move on wardrobe we have to last for a year this kind of little Samoa let's be honest this is the best day we bed send us no this is what we're supposed to be doing the global culture okay but seriously why would you wear sweat fight [Music] I didn't expect the fabric in Croatia but everything's been awesome and I get to play in a playing place going for seven wheels to have my way and I got an awesome powder zona there's not Sona I'm ever had in my life so everything is going very well and maybe even although parasailing later [Music] I thought you're flinging around up here from the way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] finally they found travellingtans left here last night now we're going to be here yet certainly Croatia we're just chillin season here's number but it's pretty incredible there's a little bit about what our life is like on this croatian roadtrip of ours there's so many things that are so pretty so we pull over the car and then with some drone out to capture it so you're pulled over on the side of the road wait where are we right so we've been driving all the way from Germany this road trip starts at Episode three if you haven't seen that already we have this turbine rental car and with our insurance we're only eligible to drive through certain countries through in Croatian now but Bosnia and Herzegovina is not on the list and there's this tiny little strip of coastline that Bosnia has access to circled here in red to avoid illegally driving in an Eastern European country we just pay a few Kuna for the car ferry here in Sochi to go across to a Croatian Peninsula circled here in green to drive to our destination of Dubrovnik okay carry on [Music] we're in bosnia right now contained very we're not supposed to be here it looks just like Croatia here's the Bosnian building and here's a Bosnian card your pottery and we only win know this so we decided that we could really start to say anything still driving down route Dubrovnik and this is incredible we thought that maybe in the distance we were seeing like a viaduct or what else identified oh no just something not yeah like I don't know water is coming off the mountain or or from a far away or like just natural stones but it was clearly a walled city at one point I mean this is like looks like a portion of the Great Wall of China we're a little hungover from Tim's birthday yesterday and we told the Airbnb guy what time we're going to be there and we would probably be late you know that it walled city of Sun it was great I'm levy didn't just drive by and Levy went checked out I'm sweaty I didn't even walk I'm all line up [Music] they're so sweet so we're right on the cliff gear and those hard parts for wondering whether there's having a moment um we stopped to look at the view but we realize in their part and your part on top of the house and the house is between us in the water and you can see I can do in the water end so it's just built into the clip [Music] we shall not have a camera auditor in parking this is stressful what about bhai I know it's a one-way but behind that you how about like a blob if you if you want you a maybe one beer what other just what you want oh oh if you need me you want to tell us a little bit about why were up so early well the idea is to get up pretty early like 7:30 now so now we're in the old city are doing the city fall to earth we're in an early get filled up with the throngs of Teresa just like ourselves so you either need to go now early in the morning or at night so we're not sure if this is early in the morning it's 10:00 a.m. so it's really strong as you look out onto the old city you'll notice there's a lot of dollar orange tiles as well as very bright bars title newer orange tiles are actually roofs that were damaged in the homeland war and they had a refurbishing and that was happening at early in 1994 [Music] that was an interesting fact oh my gosh I know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay turn this on - that's beautiful [Music] [Music] very rocky and so everyone lays inflatable pool toys and things but ours we might be here for a while [Music] now do you do these around the side of the highway and we're going down this left to go swim hey somebody get the flowers coconut Oh something bad [Music] it happened I did this really the walkway did we even start looking I think this is it would you also please if you're going to fall fall on the floaty we're surrounded by someone if I make it down out bleeding and my wrath mates down count another success okay oh my god each other I don't think I'm leaving I feel like I am it in other places I think I am [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] goodbye Dubrovnik up we go and another beautiful page another your beautiful location all right so we're on the side of this cliff and we're trying to make a ferry that leaves in 45 minutes and we're maybe like 25 minutes away but they're stopped traffic because they're cutting down all of the burnt trees here it was just not exciting guy in the front car is getting upset and shouting things as the guys who are working which is nice because he thinks cushions the better news is that this is not Tim's site because this is something that he would go to but he cannot this isn't my battle and here we go so we have 30 minutes planetarium sport [Music] and you have to period I might have to ramp the car amount car ferry tickets right ahead the next crisis this ticket isn't good for this specific serious is good for a ferry pass and so we're in the massive line of cars and so you don't know if you're going to get on they're going to tell us this looks like ticket it is good morning oh there's room for everybody I told you I was never worried oh don't sweat it I'll get this is very get me behind a wheel I'm sorry you are taking credit for fast driving on this one that's the story line we're going to play I passed this one guy we gave ourselves in our extra time and we definitely on mountain roads that was like the route of admission possible or passengers like nobody else dick wasn't even in the whole cylinder it doesn't have a reader displays that I was still a drop shipping and half edges I was taking paints lived on the south I was German that I'm gonna be Spanish at the backbone we have the windows open in the AC on or suppose enjoying Wow oh you're too Nvidia where are we maybe yep probably pronounced cricket national park or we go get [Music] okay we got a dry camera oh I thought we were going to do this I'm totally steady talking no no no talk is good right now I said if I can you do it talking about waterfall in terms of the camera how do you feel about this place the waterfall celebrity okay so I have to turn the camera on for a second we're just leaving is a pure kind of waterfall which are often we'll talk about those later we're just so hungry and this fly and report we haven't even talked yet about these doner kebab and they have been amazing just about everywhere we've gone and we talk about them all the time and we're always looking for them and so I got mine in a box which is great and you can see the card tips you would have created jobs a became a situation of driving for the stack up on the green one yeah you [Music] [Music] [Applause] my corner rounding my hair a car is a brochure isn't some Sylvania games there was them with the other guys whole job is to hand us that brochure our indicators been on UK oh well yes you're not covered in something although it does show a little bit to our ignorance that we thought we were coming up on a toll booth and it was my fault the Navigator salton forgot that we were kind of going through a border crossing right here so we had to show by the car and go get our passports out of the trunk but no Marcus all we have promised accrued by Croatia okay it was great are we done you tomorrow hurry up and it's rolling try to figure out how about a fancy cave of living and quietly sorry fun indicate any in most times we have the entire cases after certain days are almost every London one will be a little bit more than two kilometers of the gate is orange orange pink papaya we first enter to this artificial tunnel and other a hundred meters we enter the network page and you will see two completely different types of case first one so folks if I odd that means silently with there is no water river but panting of Krypton and then in I'll have to do we enter the River Canyon and we'll see the basket ometer okay otherwise the entire painting is almost 4 kilometres long detection is desirey jokes about amazing okay Who am I obviously in see any often footage it was really dark in there because it to pay maybe we took completely but the real story is oh yeah we weren't posting film oh my god that was so much bigger than I thought it was it looked like Lord of the Rings goblin stuff in there massive its scope volume he was super well laid out for the life too I'm writing what is it good I can't language remind myself that it wasn't it's me it was plastic yeah it felt like we were in a line to ride like the minecart or something because the lighting who's very like movie event almost ready which maybe make sense of it then I guess because he does a good job because like that was real big down the right or not 12:08 attack that was I think I think they recite [Music] employer I'm in Italy Nadia turn 50 meters I'm so okay you got what you got Italy we've been driving for 20 minutes here [Music] Italy we came from Croatia and Slovenia UNICEF up your name is yes apparently all the infrastructures look all the cars okay what were your toilets like like normal right yeah I don't know what the hell that was Italy it never know toilet seat I thought was squatty potty's and slovenia but it was like in case that's what you were used to and then they were like another option and they were like all nice this is like kind of like shittier I was like water running down like while you went the end just because I went up to a journal and he was flushing the entire time and then inflate relax him out of the right zone and I just kind of move back and forth but it just kept going the whole time any great plan about with the transparency oh we love the Alps were hopeful look at this and now it's like beautiful oh my god you so to recap today real quick just so that then you're Niall and forget we woke up looking at the Adriatic Sea in a small village in Croatia we drove into Slovenia and let's do the save cover it the car drives easily canoe Harrison on here and now we're into Italy so three countries and one day sound crazy but kind of like we drove from Indianapolis to Milwaukee that's all right yeah do we drive that far no we were all in a [ __ ] before I heard come on without having to do Chicago traffic and looking in that way I'm gonna go get company Hey welcome to number one this is my dress was feeling on any Couture sim take you to the bathroom first we should do that welcome to the Italian marble back equipped with soap dirt yes so is the new amenity for us see we also have a European hairdryer why the European the European towel warmer Oh Tim is kind of labeling the camera and silently pointing at the day that he is job about [Music] this is it oh my gosh that's the special the day towel yeah I don't know and it's a special two days old and then that's for like I don't know we're going to have to read how to use a bidet hold on you you wash your butthole and then you pat it dry with the top Timman does another person you can tell the other two and then there's one how do you know when it's time to watch the video we haven't even drink of the best part this is the realest we're in Cortina Italy I mean are the domain [Music] [Music] we are going to do torture is going to hit us up the bathroom area Theresa [Music] sometimes museum I love the plaza [Music] I might aspire to get to the museum and the fresco Dick Trickle we thought it was a turkey but they're like milk intelligence we're at a museum in the highway I think it's a road museum to learn about this room right it literally is just bathroom maybe Museum means something else in German or in Italian wait we have the Austrian border I'm not sure what country you're in right now Italy Austria potato potato the bathroom stall was literally bigger than our Chicago apartment kitchen I was a sliding door into the handicap stall Yeah right there um would be there again town out of town yeah I would go back to the bus there is even did you know there's little flies and urinals I their replies enough to journals just a little picture of them because guys try to like pee on the fine of the perfect spot to what the insect yeah my ID I learned of a fly because if you see if you see a fly in a urinal you're going to pee on it like wash it down the drain why not like a panda or a target I don't know just make a bull's-eye I don't know I can't tell if you're [ __ ] I'm not bullshitting I'll go in there and take a picture if you don't believe me like in the States no no great now I have to go in there and take a picture no I just never heard that before [Music] you we just stopped to Germany all right you knocked it out all right just a flawed yeah here to keep really fast this done something now it's not usual that immidiately risen applauding anything he's a master of his craft and I don't think there's another way you would want to spend your stopover point on your nine-hour Drive divided donor right now it'd be Pepi so she'll find a donor yeah we found a McDonald oh that I could run after but the girl shopping was closed and so we Tim snuck me into the men's bathroom up and there's a full of Oktoberfest in there right step flower that is murder ceremony we are about to head out to go get our Oktoberfest outfit for tomorrow [Music] now that looks like it [Music] next you need that doll [Music] are we excited bears it's the most so how it's exactly that we figured out the train yet so we found some friends who helped us very yes absolutely yes there and we're all just up and ready to go and our outfits from yesterday we're just going off these under the people who are walking in the same direction [Music] Oktoberfest it's just exactly what I expected it was the United Nations worth of people to all want to put on lederhosen and just God and get really drunk I mean the entire thing is did you say the round the bangle you go sit at the table and drink of ridiculous sides makes a million ordered us it was - the kind of beer you just say bring me a bigot well you can call it a mosque but they just bring you one huge beer just drink that Cheers keep drinking [Music] okay I don't know what this thing is called but it's kind of like a merry-go-round me a food processor me Chicago subway during rush hour me frat party accretion people run out there and yet stay in the middle of a longest and then things come out of the sky and they shoot down and then turn that off and drunk people are grabbing you grabbing on to drunk people [Music] well you take us on a little tour Oh our day so far really long so we're not lost we just know that we're way far away from everything we went there that was cool then we wanted to go see the view on the top of [Music] this health if you look in the distance you can see with Alison slowly making her way up Mount Olivia [Music] okay turn on it I think I'm so dumb I am looking at my flight allowed me to check into they I have to go tell Tim we haven't talked for the flowers were in a fight Sayaka Tom we're not flagged and it's 11 p.m. okay and we're going to relieve 7 a.m. in the morning Wow like after like [Music] intact yeah I have literally the funniest thing to tell you our flight is not tomorrow it's on Thursday I just like thought tomorrow is October 1st like we're just here all day tomorrow ridiculous so we just we'd roll on that for a little bit but no no rush there's no labor - okay forget the deal it's two o'clock in the morning it's 42 degrees outside it's probably 49 degrees inside it it's so cold and we're getting up in four hours I was like freaking it's Germany we're pretending like a circus turn up a stool October of it so I just got up and turned that off and on and open the kitchen door we're going to sleep at the oven on plan if I don't would see tomorrow but somebody gets this message on the phone I want you to bury me with my motorcycle don't anybody ride it put it in the ground well she canceled to lay here some more [Music] I'm not [Music] Oh [Music] after surviving the freezing night in Germany and catching our flight on the right day we flee to Santorini our first place since four weeks ago when we quit our jobs in Chicago and flew to Europe on our one-year honeymoon around the world we had eight night both on the island and the plan was to grab a scooter and explore the very North tip of the island the city yes up there we have food then island of lutely wrap there's a volcano right there and we're going to hike that and go something some hot springs as we start making South where the lighthouses and then as we continue looking down here the beach town of Teresa that we're saying is down here you can't see our place we're probably down in there this is shoulder season here for the beach it's busy you can get good deals on a food age right now and really good feels on season umbrella you find an open place to swim [Music] [Music] expert hiker here trying to understand where we might go to what do you want to see it's good let's do it we're going to go traverse some terrain hey here's where we're staying in presa so we're gonna go up this mountain well how's this beautiful hike [Music] you're difficult here stop smashing the camera into a rock and avoiding altitude hashtag four-foot part oh boy I'm prettier could we walk wait you can drive up here healthy so we woke up early this morning when we climb this mountain the bleeding's on course on Monday you cannot see a wonder of the world on Monday go back down the mountain we go thanks a lot I know yeah [Music] welcome to yes entry me we're so much sure that's exactly how you pronounce it but we're really excited to be here Naina's welcome excited to be the four brides that we've seen just impossible for five minutes we just locked it the very toughest part enough in front of the camera as always we don't know you will remember this forever what we do here just go back back blows over [Music] a faraway fantastic space and we can [Music] when you want to get off the beaten path this is a good stuff we were out in search of a not-so-secret cliff jumping by all we knew was go down a path and swim out to an island easy enough the problem was carrying the drone so we wrapped it in garbage bags and him playing with it on his head oh so worth it [Music] in fact we had a lot of fun playing with and practicing flying the drone in Santorini our footage definitely improved day by day as the trip goes on I still edit out a lot of crap though like this what is this Tim give me running towards the edge for my Instagram that's a weird shot ah this is what I meant hashtag follow us on Instagram hashtag subscribe hashtag oh my god shut up Allison so excited to go swimming in the hospital the key in the water really bad for mostly the first day [Music] and a forehead [Music] all the students going over 30 marks what you see not and you saw goat no sonic left garbage my thanks garbage house I wanted to run I just I felt cold I wouldn't recommend to a friend welcome to the volcano the national geological part of me commenting on a parallel the exceptional natural beauty [Music] we tend to walk up a lot of things all the good stuff is going at the top there's never anything interesting to see right by where you are there's probably one best thing I brought on the trip probably this rooster makes walking baby this is only the first part of the wonder there's more wonders to feed what happens at a near the peak of the Makri come many dome the oldest part of nia committee which was created in 1570 and [Music] then there was lava and we continue to cite b16 dinosaurs lived here for 40 years Ellison just explored a volcano slam a hot spring how are you going to get back to Paris today yeah so there we go baby yeah you're doing great then my donkey 3 you know the way I think they just know he's going to yell it on there they go no saucy good boy oh wow you're a powerhouse oh ok come on hold on donkey no oh boy how much Oh Miley is your donkey butt [Music] oh yes it was an amazing eight days in Santorini but after a while we felt something urging us to leave we had to check out of the hotel in the morning but our ferry to Athens didn't depart until 11 p.m. so I guess we did what anyone would do in that situation we spent the day day drinking on the beach with all of our luggage and then booked a wine-tasting big enough for six people [Music] Allison what are you doing for dinner Ana me why because we're homeless you know all we need is that little change Jack how long have you been out here six years I look around 18 glasses of wine glasses what I see is aging tall glass we'll see where we're at [Music] wow what a clean finish [Music] [Applause] we'll know fact anger series once you board the ship then you go to information desk in the middle of the ship to keep your handy dandy routine then you meet a nice girl bellhop to guide you to your room who doesn't carry your bags but you see you there and it opens your room and then you and your husband have - nice - that's just two different evening oh yeah I knew if you have our own bathroom unless someone else the thing is like 10:00 p.m. and we arrive at 7:00 a.m. oh my god cribben and the Indians or the Mediterranean got me on each today hey got a last day oh okay okay sigh every spot happens when Papa has a really cozy couch and really awesome throw blanket we have done a ton of booking for Dubai for chocolate Mountain Island and the Philippines were going to Cebu and we're going to Cyprus and a branding yesterday which we were kind of stoked about because that made us not feel guilty about sitting inside Stefan we going to rain today by the way and then someone got yell to me [Music] awesome I got the Lightning on Chuck you're going to covering so much water in a minute now we pick that i'll wrapping it up it's wrapping my shirt to football [Music] your mascara looks like you're a 15 year old girl and like I still dance in your boyfriend all right let's do it you know I rang you anger dude I hope you didn't you didn't think all those ruins were that interest are we going to the parking lot okay I'm sorry dude Queen expected rain but a hail hell is a nice crash what's going on today we're going to Cyprus right now going to be war and then white Poland I'm gonna go see my cousin Megan and we have her this weekend actually and then from the ghost Poland we're flying via Frankfurt in Istanbul to Dubai but it was our massive layover in Istanbul we're thinking of we are going to be able to go see the city love it then we're going to go devised like a week which is going to be just insane and then we're going to go meet up with some friends in the Philippines so I mean that's all within a month all right [Music] this is the classy part of our travels [Music] we're here at tomb of the king and half of Cyprus we both learned it with the country about weeks ago when we found a to Brian air flight here correct guys now the Cyprus is basically the Cancun for British sewers so if you are from England and watching this you'll probably be laughing at the fact that Americans didn't know about Cyprus but I bet if you're American and watching this - not those baby sighs whistles on the Greek islands or I've never heard of it we are in pathos at the tomb of the king we're not really sure which kings we're true writers right now Wow it's got real big real quick this is sweet the craziest part is that we're underground which is really cool give them a cool no are you going to so dark a can you see on the camera oh my god you just disappeared you're just down there to scare me I know it [Music] they do a lot of wanting to do well go party but we're all your dream on the trip there's a deck - Louis everyone is asked and we're up here in the fog robot and no one's here so these things we the entire topic to ourselves on a yacht which is ridiculous let's go get drinks all right so here's the deal excursion right it's all-inclusive which is great we gallon anybody's fish under fire eighty percent of people on this boat are trying not to vomit again because I think people about have vomited wearing quite rusty which Jana and I have decided is better just to keep drinking member megin decided to go to the coldest country here my favorite part of college it was time to leave sunny Cyprus we just have the weekend left after almost two months in Europe before we started to head east through Istanbul Dubai and on to the Philippines [Music] hi hey I'm in Poland right now means here I I'm staying at the coca-cola building official name the guy here has been get a lot of thin for half an hour right now we're going to round around for food you gonna get [Music] what's happening today twins the grocery store and have it grab a bunch of stuff all this good stuff did we do this our view could be a genetic corner apartment let em see I'm really excited to see Megan I think they'll be nice be family after traveling firm on this begin in seven weeks it's going quick let's take a five-hour awesome bus drive is going to be like our best mode of transportation yet for $5.50 of person travel across the country and right now we have just over an hour until the bus leaves so we're going to go see as much of Warsaw as in this one hour okay so my cousin Megan just finished high school in Michigan she wanted scholarship through her Rotary Club to be part of an exchange student program and how crazy is this students ranked the top five countries they'd like to study in but then only find out their destination a month before leaving for the whole year so Megan was placed in big gauche her host family was nice enough to invite us for the whole weekend and we were so excited to get a taste of home [Music] tourism is not the strongest industry in bid Goshen so Megan hired herself to play the role of tour guide [Music] and we'll call it a represent of the hard-working struggle of artists during the 18th century my favorite part of college learning the culture and the language showing people in cars ability where the foliage kept some of his messengers boolean he came to Poland when give me a century when did Napoleon come to post oh she just read it on the plaque oh here tell us a new fact thank you I read on it's like a lady and if you touch the but it's like 10 years of the Buffalo okay it's video do you want a picture oh my god a fountain this is great this is great mount our system of original art you know snow look if you know dark he's got some date or not so forwards me ever oh there we go the last stop on Megan's tour was actually the number one TripAdvisor thing to do in bid goes the soap museum follow me and say women is okay all right Oh are we the only people in this okay [Music] [Music] oh here I go walking down the world girl : trusting that Megan knows people's out here otherwise we'd be so red well we can't believe it's over like we're gonna come because you have it okay oh don't worry super call you're on your way remember when Tim became fluent in Polish and for Nia what did knew more about the Justin I did I felt very well how to pronounce it right he's a big gust good guy is okay because this is their little house [Music] you we were blown away by the overwhelming hospitality of Megan's host family after two months on the road it was incredible to go to a place that felt like a taste of home if you're watching I can't thank you enough for welcoming a couple strangers into your home and making us feel like family for the weekend [Music] BBD from your mother Holle so easily [Music] just ruin it back you know it a quick goodbye to Megan in the car here as we pull into the airport inside by gonna go stop in Istanbul real quick on the way to Dubai you go hiking to check great alright ready [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] before names for the rock and then we got in at 1:30 today hey on the 1:30 a.m. and afterward in circle a Syria we still managed to show up few late to go out yeah so there were some - time - there was a little bit of time that a little bit of crime since we missed the free tier that we thought was going to be sweet but then we remembered buses and trains are really easy so we just took the train from the airport here for like $4 and we're going to do everything on our schedule and not have to worry about the impulse travels and other - rhythm hey you can go in over there in the visitors on track [Music] oh no they don't have the privilege right now [Music] [Music] so my review of that my first not ever is that it's really dating it's pretty incredible because all of the tears it looks like from the outside like those are different like floors of the building but it's all just open [Music] tell me how pretty you go there a lot of people down here I clearly but it's beautiful [Music] stop it out oh yeah all right so no surprise we're standing in front of another mob and as to go and we're going to head in like [Music] markets we're going below this let's get a few here appear program although how it is made how do you make Repub cousin Victor on and I cut it in that's all right that's perfect the Finnish mint how much for this all [ __ ] I'm just not like so sweet like a candy oh he likes he likes it when the powdered sugar is just sprinkle okay [Music] well ship that was if they're gonna for they have the cable roll out there go kill a not like a well I'm just taking this moment to reflect that all my state yeah what happens after the river we're looking at age along like we're looking at yes we're going to go so we're not we're going to get on a plane to go to Asia because we will really have the time to go across the river yeah we are running short on time here for it's important we run out there because it for a day say we're a little cart out too much soak up the culture and now we just can't wait to get on that plane kick the tires light the fires and out the box that I hit all the you didn't make the Istanbul not Constantinople joke five [Music] so today started in the Dubai Heat it's a hundred and apparently the water is 88 degrees and I cannot wait to go do it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I can contribute Olivia by this time dinosaur was discovered in 2000 in Wyoming we're not many countries in there we are in the fish market if you buy kind of a boat across the river it's awesome two years i million want a me Oh clap what alone you have to be in it with me what are you selling I did basically my moment [Music] here is 40 our local flavor what kind of hood is that we've tried different things every night and it's always constantly amazing kinda like we discovered the new branch of activities like really tight the inflation so to make my mother's flat we've been eating flames food in Europe and Germany and Poland and and this is amazing it's like finding out there if you know Perino existed and then you found out through sunscreen [Music] how do I dare myself that was the only thing that I heard them I feel like I got stuck oh oh ooh lucky shot that wealth not affecting this is sexy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] where we ended a weary where's the awesome Aliexpress innervation and we are going on April desert safari there's good desert stories there's a desert part according to Trip Advisor stunt us guys just won't pick you up so which is not know yeah one hurt you on stairs [Music] so clearly our driver showed up an hour late we have six will be able to pick up and we showed up without gas there's our hotel right there but it's gonna be dark by the time we're there and then I'm not going to be able to take any pictures [Music] [Music] okay all right [Music] dark outs are gonna hopefully do some stuff oscillation [Music] [Applause] [Music] there was okay you can take that outside okay look it would take you some him okay okay yeah that was that was like fisher-price like I does repos over somebody wasn't feeling so good late and it's not a roller coaster like now it's right yeah it's not that [Music] you we can't be as if you're recording we're here at 90 can really take pictures should be the only point but who wants to go around a camel time hey do you want to go sandboard I don't know how I could it's black oh yeah your teen shoveled on my ass I don't know we're here what feels like an all-inclusive Hawaiian except it's going to be awkward well camera you can't see but there's two camels right here oh wait there's a little bit of light from a car this is [ __ ] okay do we get on together yeah oh wait that's wrong we are come I need you you can't tell my rumors about my pouch we have turned around us we put it back regardless of Norfolk and yeah I'm very impressed by the squad tolerance example yeah seriously that was a wonderful camera we can actually tell how loved it good thing I'm a girl man if I was a guy in the front with what just happened well that was my favorite camel ride [Music] all right [Music] flat tire of the trip hmm
Channel: TIM and FIN
Views: 276,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: europe road trip, around the world travel, europe travel vlog 2019, europe road trip vlog, travel couple vlogs, best travel couple vloggers, travel bloggers on youtube, europe travel documentary, europe road trip travel documentary, road trip vlog, quit job to travel, quit to travel, quit your job to travel, quit and travel the world, quit my job to travel, quit work and travel, quit and travel, travel couple channel, travel couples on youtube, i quit my job to travel
Id: 42kCNFzO_vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 48sec (7368 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 24 2017
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