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Vietnam finally since we set out on this trip three months ago I've been counting the seconds until we'd arrived Vietnam is home to the number one item on my bucket list a motorcycle trip from Ho Chi Minh City north to halong bay my love of all things built to move on two wheels is a huge part of this anything from a cruiser to a dirt bike to even a scoot scoot is all right by me Vietnam represents adventure a bit of the unknown and getting off the well beaten path what lies ahead breathtaking vistas awesome food and amazing people they'll probably be some hard days some really wet days some flat tires being completely lost but knowing that an incredible experience is around the next curve first things first we need motorbikes Jamie from the Philippines and Cambodia episodes and they'll be with us for the first week of this trip down here on the ground level and so today is the day before we leave and we're gonna figure out what we're doing typically backpackers show up in Vietnam buy cheap Honda wins do the trip and then attempt to sell the bikes to other backpackers the problem here is that these winds aren't Honda's at all their Chinese knockoffs super unreliable and definitely not built four to six foot tall people with luggage the winds we sat on you could just sit on a chair spatula bottom that left us running brand new Honda blade motorbikes from ticket and Ho Chi Minh Plus when we were done with the trip we could just send them back to ticket on a train it's a brand new Honda semi-automatic scooter we'd have a lot less problems the racks seem like they'll be plenty of room for our bags then you guys can go to gets to spend time together so this is from here one day then it's a two day three day ok centafoni is really nice but it 10 outfits in minutes right you can do it one day woo so you need to make the plan for this one you need to bring my can to buy gas you can buy if you love this look how happy he is ok ok then you get up about fighting if one of you get about a sleeper there oh yeah ok thanks I am you have to be ready on a road to get perspective to what this journey entails just at bare minimum we're riding from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi where we'll send the bikes back on the train that's over 2,400 kilometers or roughly 1500 miles it's the same distance as driving from Key West to Chicago except we can't use the car only Vietnamese highways we're on tiny motorbikes and oh yeah we don't speak Vietnamese it's the same distance as driving from Brighton on the southernmost tip of the UK to Inverness at the northernmost point in Scotland then turning around and going back to Brighton then driving up to Manchester so yeah it's gonna take some time none of our plans matter if we can't survive the world-famous traffic of Saigon good morning do you know what today is school will be fine I got a 3/4 retro orange helmet this dick around my helmet says makes you look fashionable it promises fresh and hot impressions I have the largest pants and all yeah these are neck sound so they're still too short like awkwardly short you're you're gonna be looking out for all the disasters and then I'm going to be on the back holding on so that you're confident that I'm there with you even have directions here and we're expecting shy of a 7 X 5 which maps with a 3-hour Drive [Music] [Music] oh we just both nailed the squatty potty hey Fiona hasn't even been in Asia for 24 hours he hit we hit it hard around here get all the sudden started sounding weird so we pulled over blowing oil [Laughter] well you're lucky bill the any problem huh three out three hours into the journey is crazy Limor right here went down the street got some oil think that our engineer alright we're here at the Honda dealership there's obviously engine damage because our brand new Honda blade that was burned like a kitten now sounds like its blunder full of rocks you might remember there's a ten-hour leg of the stripe where there is an even gas not like we can call for a tow if we break down out there after a phone call with ticket they suggested that if we were worried about the bike we could return to Ho Chi Minh and swap it out for another however we had the next week booked with hotels and hostels and we'd never catch back up with Fiona and Jamie if we went back second suggesting that he drive back to the our entire trip with them we couldn't get to moon even that we couldn't get to a lot we're just going to keep driving the right so the Honda dealership filled us up with fresh oil we hop back on the bike now affectionately nicknamed the crop duster because of the amount of smoke it do well so does everybody agree that we're happy we're not doing this every day so close yet so far second thought which is awesome and some fresh sugarcane juice people donate [Music] we have maybe about 40 kilometers that's the work [Music] you've been in Asia for 25 hours and she limping but being let's see a little bit of the line in one word how was today refreshing Jamie one word how was today today [Music] good morning we're here getting ready for day two it probably looked better in my life we're just packing up the bike how you guys feeling how are the Bucks today six out of ten okay my strategy this morning I'm going to be sitting on a day bag with like my rain jacket and stuff in it now we're turning the bag horizontally it was a little bit more space on the bike alright so the other thing that inevitably happened is we will be pulled over by the Vietnamese police we're in a very touristy area right on the water and we all have our bribe money and an easy-to-reach pocket never think the big attraction in Mooney is the sand dunes however as Alison mentioned the nearby road is filled with police looking for a handout this point it's a played-out scam that every tourist knows to look for if you get pulled over put your motorbike key in your pocket and try to look as dumb as possible until the police get fed up eventually they'll accept a small bribe and you'll be able to enjoy the dunes without further hassle this is what the best parts of this motorbike trip are about cruising by coastlines taken in the sights of small towns pulling over to check out anything that might grab your interest for example I most likely trespassing on someone's alaa farm but what is this thing what are these statues I don't know but it's all awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] twisty road to the mountains offer up some of the best roads but the inclines proved to be a bit of a challenge for our somewhat underpowered motorbikes all right we're we're about 10 meters away from all my oil being on [Music] we had like 400 very well over 400 pounds kidding no it's this is awesome this is what I've always wanted to do and this is finally yesterday versus today yeah you say that exact grayness coming in well look over there is definitely wringing over their research scouts I kind of want to bust the range Agatha I wouldn't mind a torrential downpour six hours into the drive I ran into the jungle for a tactical bathroom break meanwhile the girls literally stopped traffic savvy traffic food picture leave a healthy bees behind the bushes great party [Music] Deenie [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay we're on the mission to find lots of things first we have to find our food pas de quoi wanna climb it's a journey to find the air B&B but then get it always do [Music] [Applause] [Music] long [Music] [Music] oh it's so good though it's so good it does it tastes like a creamsicle Jamie could you give is there any ice left rumors in it there's ice in there it wasn't long before those creamy white screwdrivers sudden and we found a vietnamese karaoke machine in our Airbnb [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the LOD is known as the honeymoon capital of Vietnam seriously so keeping in that theme we planned a day-long double-date I first stopped the next day was a nearby waterfall come on fool oh here we go being surrounded by mountains we thought we were gonna be in for a hike lucky for us the best way to get there was by roller coaster [Applause] Oh [Music] so the Tomlin waterfall not only had a surprise roller coaster and the actual beautiful Falls to check out but an archery range a cable car ride and a smaller set of Falls nearby bring your wallet and plenty of dollars there's a lot to do here but the Falls themselves are reason enough to make the trip go ahead and buy yourself a return ticket on the coaster though why do the hike when you can relax on the coaster [Music] what could be a more picture-perfect way to cap off a day-long date than a romantic paddle around the lake and a swan boat unless it's a chicken boat because I'm pretty sure swans don't have this red thing on their head [Music] [Music] Yeah right there everything what an incredible first stop of the day use the outdoor potty and specialties of the fruit make sure it was so nice to provide us [Applause] [Music] the drive from dalat down into trang was insane forests jungles mountains canyons and waterfalls and then top it all off a nicely paved road turn after turn Elena into easily our favor drives so far [Music] alright somebody cover it up the Train is a touristy beach town think of it as Cancun for Russians we're posted up here for a few nights until sadly Jamie and Fiona have to leave us for Bali it's a tough life they live [Music] [Music] we are on our way to Pompeii many dreams they're gonna be realized today Alison it was static right now and monkey island is not a lot we've been off the boat for 30 seconds and already a monkey monkeys all over my favorite part about monkey beach is if you ever need a friend you know that is not I'm a little bit terrified to actually oh god this is like a Mexican standoff okay oh god oh god oh god yeah yeah please God don't fight me please no means no no means no monkey nephew is it obvious yeah being swarmed by wild monkeys wasn't quite my thing so the next day Fiona and I hit the beach while the boys today we returned back to monkey island it's environmentally conservation and naturally brings ease we got banana banana spicy lobster cheesy cheese but also oh my god oh my god this is perfectly normal no big deal what we do here I think we leave here with the deeper understanding it's like to be a monkey little people after an exhausting day of monkey research we had one last spot on our list well off the beaten path and down some muddy roads you could write a country song about was bajo a few high fives and we were ready to start our hike shirt Trek is a small price to pay very private matter spending the last full day at the Falls with Fiona and Jamie was the only way to cap off this leg of the journey the best experiences are those you get to share with friends and a motorbike trip through Vietnam definitely counts as one of those Alison doesn't know this yet but she's gonna need to learn how to drive herself we're just too heavy for one bike yep Tim's right I wish we'd film more of it but despite getting rid of half hour trip gear in Ho Chi Minh we still have one backpack of our clothes one small bag with our camera gear and one backpack with the drone that and the fact that I'm 511 if Tim is 61 we bottomed out on every bump and crack along the way after Lee driving three days so far and with over 50 to go that was not going to fly but I was only just barely on board for riding on the back of Tim's bike like weaving through traffic and zooming around trucks on mountain passes I mean I was geared up every day prepared for the worst now I was stranded we had already started the trip and we were left with no option I had to learn to drive just go in a straight line and back break Jamie and Fiona leave the country the next day so instead of sending their bike back to Ho Chi Minh or buying it from them and now I get to drive the crop duster alright Here I am chillin on one side of the ocean here and not trying a Vietnam that's what we're seeing in the background there today is my first day of driving I had a little time of reflection here because Jamie was nice enough to drive the second bike out of the city I'm gonna be driving today but he helped me get out of the city so that's nice so Deemer is taking him back to the hotel and then he'll come back so we're out on this remote just coastal road and it'll be easy to get out of here hopefully hopefully give me some practice I'm sure I will be nothing about an expert after the seven hours of driving today up to town that we don't know how to pronounce in English it looks like one methought but I've said that to people and they have no idea what I'm talking about so I'm pretty sure that's not how you say I'm a little bit nervous but a lot less than I thought I would be [Music] driving through Vietnam motorbike [Music] gorgeous and watch out for cows on the road people hauling huge loads on the back of their scooters boys look at the scenery if this is a completely backlit it's awesome the best place you can possibly ride a motorbike think I don't want anybody to miss it this is them can tune bid we're heading in they're behind me in the mouth after rainstorm not a big surprise at this point now she's passing also not a big surprise we got a wedding going on they go all day so somehow for Alison's first day of driving and it gave her fifteen minutes we went through the was raining we've been driving through an endless like city urban sprawl she's very excited about that [Music] to what did you just do today that is a motorcycle driver [Music] after a day drive from the Train half of it beam epic absolute being a disaster we're here in [Music] first month but and we are at one of the top places to visit right which is a little coffee house but we're in the coffee growing region of Vietnam and so it's kind of neat you can see all the business people don't hear in him all over the world yeah like for example this man who requested a photo with me and by requested I mean he just walked over and started taking a selfie with me so whatever that was happening I started asking for shared photos in return we're taking it easy here we've been with our friends the past month so day one the next leg it's gonna break miss you Jamie but fourth coffee of the day know that Sun really damn good hey they got my order wrong but it's okay because I have what I want after lots of confusion I think they read the confuse that I didn't want coffee but we had so much coffee this morning already that is the best one we've had though hi you and I are on the back of a motorbike right now we are looking for lock lake where you go and rides the elephant it what's supposed to be and incredibly catchy mistreated so we've been having some negative vibes on the bike this morning and our weight here we're definitely off the tourist trail which is super time but we're so far off the tourist trail that we've been drawing so much attention although you do get things like that like best suitable I've been an about an hour so far and tough on the butt because this isn't technically an off day for driving we've got seven hours tomorrow here's Tim I gotta go button up right make Lake and the Sun came out so still a little bit higher the thing is most have to come here on an official tour we were just here okay we found something with a sign that has some elephant so no we're so confused this like is Laura like a pond there's no way you're my home we're just in this like the government resort here we're gonna walk around this little path in here and then we'll be able to see Oh no indeed but it's nice to be back at a lake we was just so intense that it feels like home he said good luck with content I said it just like Michigan apart from the mountains in the background but kind of cold out he's got a cloudy and it smells like the fresh waters day although this house and two men working the rice paddies and beautiful crane soaring I'm burning garbage or something over there other than that it's like the Midwest it's a bummer that uh yeah we're not going to apply the throne mr. elephant water I know the head I just don't be a legend to live water you just made something depressing even more depressed not like trying to make a statement whatever it's just if is like get here the whole vibe of the day has been weird cities weird that resort and their decide they're gonna charge us after we were leaving too I've been there it was just and we ha yeah okay this is this is just one of those weird places for us maybe the weirdness yeah it's just we stick out like sore thumbs there's not a lot of tourists magic around here so we're just getting too much attention that's making us a whole [Music] chills here we are editing this months later and it's impossible not to get choked up in the past 48 hours Ellison learn to ride your own motorbike on the seven-hour drive from Ana trying to blend Massa now we head north through Pleiku and on to Canton the road trips simply won't relent each town is more welcoming yet foreign than the last each landscape more striking these next few days putting pavement behind us as we close in on tuning are some of the most remote and off the beaten path we'll find during our trip [Music] coffee country right now I didn't know this commercial operations would it look people are doing is it all the farmers bring the coffee beans back to their house and their wives and I thought it was all done I don't know commercially that kills and everything but it looks like a lot of it thought drive the best thing about not having a schedule is that you can make time for whatever catches your eye like this temple in pleiku we saw on Google Maps and stopped to explore [Music] my shoulders ah she helps me [Music] that's over there come the drone ready to go my gosh and so having staff [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I just had to write away wait it's gorgeous right now that's my favorite little bridge I wish the drum was filled we'll have to give it tomorrow the lighting is literally I know are you sure it's really dead we only flew it once but no we did it twice it's literally perfect is it fifty five or something [Music] continuing to experience local culture earlier that night at the hotel it seems karaoke is just as much of a pastime in Vietnam as it is in the Philippines there singing your song Jaime but I wish they would stop so we go rolling out a costume first thing this morning on her way to Danang we're not going all the way there because that's a hell of a drive [Music] give a girl a motorcycle two days later she's trying to lead [Music] Allyson will probably just cut him off cuz she literally doesn't care she'll throw a horn beep at him at theirs Gus they don't need coffee this morning they can have a big glass to deal with it she doesn't have time for this what's this crazy tractor up here I don't care she doesn't care [Music] hey guess what love it's just over those hills so we're not going there because we can't take our bikes there and we just have the intersection where Cambodia allow and Vietnam I'll touch each other [Music] after relatively boring restful night we are on our way to Danang both being awesome drive only two hours 20 minutes till we get there we're going to take our sweet time not a tourist attraction [Music] [Music] if you missed it earlier we were pounded pavement to get up to the name that meant rural roads and find gas from people's houses it's getting gas here in our local petrol station [Music] [Applause] we are going to the immigration office and Oh in a one-month extension outer pieces visas renewed gear fixed and oil changed it was a busy full week in Danang running errands and getting her lives back together today's ride along the coast through the hive on pass and up to the imperial city of wei is supposed to be one of the most beautiful stretches of road in all of vietnam people come from all over the world just to drive this route there's just one factor we couldn't plan for it's a super nice day for a for hours had in mind he's doing a hell of a job hanging in there what it's gone from comically bad where it's like hot hot wind being kinda drizzly now it's pretty much miserable my god I don't know how we ended up pulling into the exact like truck and bus station out of nowhere we actually went the wrong way we shouldn't even come this way happy where do we go get the there into the kingdom although we're not really sure if it's going to the right city whole job know that we're going to weigh do they know that we're going to play that was like the only thing I said like a million times yeah so the bus it we were so excited about it looks like I may have spoken too soon it actually just took us through a little mountain pass tunnel and out of the next town at the bus stop and promptly unloaded dijanna enemy we're a third of the way to Haleiwa like old fisherman banana and it's raining hard again it was drizzling was the cars step back a little and tell me about what we're doing don't even do your polka dot tell me about the clear vent on the floor look at yours no it's for it goes over the headlight so it has like good morning after what I would describe as our worst day yet the rain has not stopped we are in this awesome hotel room though we have a little sweet so for $23 a night so we're gonna go to the Big C market again and see if it's just as crowded as last time but it's the middle of day on a work day so I don't know what to expect and we're gonna go buy our Star Wars tickets this kid over here is really excited this is what you look like when you go to the grocery store I'll give you three guesses as to where I am in a hot air balloon under the water or on a motorbike have you guessed option seats you're correct we're driving as the locals do I'm under Tim poncho and I swear to god this is what everybody does on the back of a motorbike you mooch off of the person in front of you thank you thank you honey [Music] all merchant seamen large so large are you in line for a ride they said it's only a 45-minute wait Kruger I can physically see the endosome Allison means we're just waiting in line to get out of the store I can't pets under there holding hands we should hold hands except you're not done one more line 47 in buying groceries [Applause] so I don't know how much that we film probably nothing I'll carry on my back and I got some bags here that I'll carry on the side and tens faintly across the Dragon Bridge there's my good warez in the background and it's dry this is all because I want a scotch on the rocks tonight so I had to go outside because of course our hotel doesn't have ice I went to the convenience store across the street I'm like duh he's like that cuz that ice I'm pointing to the frost and the freezer he's like don't so I go down the street to the next place same thing last place like little way and I'm like dude ah done and I'm putting the ice and I'm crazy and she's like da da da they're trying to give me like a huge bag of ice and like no little and it's still a huge bag cost me - jeez no way those two jeez well that's probably why because they couldn't sell you less you Jeezy's I'm comfortable with that that's less than ten cents and we have a place to do laundry for 25 G's at killing kilo so how long does it take them to dick oh yeah underwear we live surrounded by hanging panties what other way is there to live [Music] raining we're in play griff the Citadel it hasn't stopped raining for about 36 hours and this is the thing you come to see we're just not sure what it is we don't know we're seen anymore we've seen everything come here to do what everyone else here is doing [Music] wait I need you to tell me about this place the war of American aggression how excited are you don't put it on me he decide he should have seen Star Wars again we don't have to stay we've seen a lot of old temple we just had a very serious conversation that we both want to go somewhere we can serve [Music] surprises prizes we're going so we're going to hi-yah gotta go through today we found out the lantern festivals Christmas Eve there drifter Vietnam she's not a deaf corydoras and then South again but we wanted to do a lantern fest this one's two books two met so we took the so we got to the top of the path and there's like a pill box up there some historic site baby what did you think of the top of the past I couldn't drive all of that it was my mom's birthday back home so we stopped for a quick mountainside FaceTime to show off our new Vietnamese attire then we finished the ride down to a warmer high on where we would spend Christmas week in style after deciding to splurge on a nicer hotel can I ask you a question please can we afford this wait where's the shower what is this you even have privacy showering even that high how much would you pay for this room Oh also what you don't know is the river and the lake or on the other side where it's not facing it seven hundred dollars a night what do you actually think of it two hundred and fifty I remember okay the only times I've seen hotel rooms where the bathroom doesn't have a door is like astronomically expensive hotels the more you pay in a hotel room less to get less bathroom privacy yeah if you ever see a toilet in front of the bed you can't afford that okay you have to throw out one real good I don't know like 50 bucks a night we got this for 37 and 33 Oh Merry Christmas I didn't pay the $10 upgrade for the river and the Lakeview [Music] hyeyeon is a major tourist destination in Vietnam but don't let that deter you turns out it's a hot spot for a reason with several things you've got to do if you stop anywhere in hoi an you're basically going to be doing a cooking class whether you want to or not luckily we had one thrown in for free at our hotel stay wow look at how good you are at that you could like do this at home I could split a bowl over here we did just eat buffet breakfast [Music] look Tommy [Music] the other thing to do is get tailor made clothes we ended up having a blast at Bobby clothes shop and even ended up grabbing dinner with the owner Finney gawd Trust is made for the upcoming cruise out of Singapore and I gotta have a leather motorcycle jacket made from scratch I basically got to pick out the cowl sorry cow [Music] [Music] here [Applause] [Applause] we came to realize we picked the perfect place to relax for Christmas week and we just happened to be staying across from the street from where Santa was delivering gifts to local children no one's told Finney yet that Santa isn't real so we had to sneak into the event [Music] spotting Santa totally got us me in the Christmas spirit so we motivated cleaned up and ventured out for a Christmas card photo shoot and hey we do clean up okay we also have the cutest idea to have chappy the drone hold the mistletoe over our heads but I don't even think anybody noticed that [Music] hyeyeon is probably most famous for its once a month lantern festival the festival and this beautiful city are raising enough just to make a trip to Vietnam well we're gonna be here for Christmas so we we think we need an ornament yeah a night like this missing home family and traditions over the holiday this was a great special way to celebrate while on the road [Music] the thousands of wishing candles floating through the river made for a spectacular sight [Music] at least the ones that survived Tim's accidental extinguished by the wind of his drone so he motivated and it's gonna ring later never later but the first time we've seen Sun in seven days it's really pretty when it's not raining the oranges here we were seeing this place for the first time we've been here hoods are Thursday this is Vinnie's favorite things to do now drive through the water there she goes careful has it been raining give this girl she's a biker she doesn't even know I tricked her the motorcycle is shaped differently and it's called a motorbike so she doesn't know it's a motor there's a waterfall for free the road is rad that's free too [Music] give us your thoughts what are you thinking and now as is tradition in Vietnam it is pouring rain so and my son tours over we're going to do awesome drone footage really inspiring stuff Wow actually no I mean it sucks but it could have started reading the second we pulled in and now we're on the farthest and violence away from my device that we could be so the ruins at my son's were awesome still there often this is Vietnam after a great Christmas week in hoi an it was time to move north again the roads here along the loud border are some of the most mountainous and beautiful in the country unfortunately for us in the heart of winter the constant rain had us nervous for even making it through these extremely remote locations so we opted for a new style of travel shipping our bikes north and booking a private room on an overnight train this is ordinarily where we would dazzle you with just how awesome the private sleeper car was but an SD card error and corrupted files had us triple backing up all photos and videos from this point forward nimbin the small nearby village of tam kok are filled with limestone outcrops amid scenic rice paddies this area is also referred to as halong bay on land but unlike halong bay we felt like we were the only tourists here we found ourselves feeling completely lost again we went to sleep in the Vietnam we got to know over the past month and woke up to something entirely different sometimes you're just staring at landscape off a bridge and somebody comes up and starts going yeah full Vietnamese because we understand well yeah then you just follow a road and you're back here but I mean this this is it like nothing all those rocks this this is where we are [Music] [Laughter] [Applause] like all these go but you just try to go [Music] okay chalk this one up to weirdest arrival we're in an attraction think of Disney World and we're staying at a Disney property we're on this private brick road that were not supposed to be driving on you're only supposed to take an electric car we even drive around for 30 minutes trying to find this hotel and we're staying basically esses ancient pagoda Google Maps led us here which we knew was right but everyone keeps screaming no to drive here but then this is the only way to get here and everything is so freakin weird this is just a road to the pagoda I know but goat is right by the hotel and then it might be a foot I mean we're gonna just drive into the pagoda at the point now I know why it's hard to find I booked this picket gated private temple that's up on the top of this hill I'm in second here oh my god well there's the temple no there's a sign I rented more meters this is orientem is this totally not like this is bad I'm not gonna need to be more dressed up wait okay so we're literally staying we're literally staying in the temple meanwhile I look like this and I arrived like helmet up and okay this is come-come this is like where we were just led to [Music] so that's what's going on right now so that's probably why that motorbikes shouldn't have been so weird this is a summary well there's no window in here now granted one of the nice replacements we've stayed PG looking good but we're so far away from anything though I was like do you have a restaurant because like we're just in the middle of like the river area well uh our first to stay in a temple accidentally I don't know it tell us about the schedule we're trying to cram and all of northern Vietnam in two weeks and we've been in the country for a month and a half and we should have spent it all up here we didn't know we have no house two months not enough in Vietnam I'm saying it's freezing and raining and I'm happy to leave any time to go on the beach December 30th we have to see all of nimbin this afternoon obviously and we'll wake up then we'll drive to Hanoi this is New Year's Eve and we'll go for anything you see you see the fireworks then we'll wake up the following morning feeling great I'm sure drive to halong bay cozy hollow maybe two three nights then it's been the next week driving a lot of the Chinese border to go see the cool waterfall and all of the epic mountainous rice paddies but then we have to return our bikes by the 10th and there's more to see because we have to get all the way over to stop up but then we have to get back through meet my parents in Singapore on the 16th but there's so much to do and we have nothing to do everything to do it oh hey I tried to look pretty today I couldn't raining [Music] [Music] last thing before we leave this place there's a cave by intention together the cave is terrifying it's gonna be awesome this is how excited I am to go to this mind you I'm wine even never wet for our cold drive we don't have meat warm here so I just I'm wearing all of my shirts under this coat I have two pairs of pants on and then then we're gonna start the drive wet and cold and then become wetter and colder so that's why I'm why did we were here for two days and you can't see you can't see it the vast open landscape with the jutting rocks out coming out of the ground it's less beautiful and we can't see it so we're just as we consume the show if that is just white but behind it big vast open landscapes and that's we're gonna go see okay here we go [Music] embarrassing perfect so yesterday when there weren't lights in here I was gonna come in anyways and like come on be brave just going back but I'm glad I didn't because they would have probably fallen down steps over there and myself and then in the water and then I'm just the idiot from the US who drowned [Music] and back here because I have to pee when you're on a motorbike on the highway in Vietnam there's not a lot of options but a lot of rest stops there's a McDonald's there's a lot of discrete places in a rice paddy well nailed it feel so much better this is how I spent my New Year's Eve 2015 where's this girl Tim driving a motor bikes gonna be scary I've never driven one before now she's squeezing my fuel tankers pants everybody on the left if they oncoming traffic [Music] we can do [Music] for New Year's festivities we met up with our friend Ryan a party and take out of focus pictures unlike us however Ryan knows how to actually use a camera you make stunning videos that look like this so check them out over at video vision 360 come to the Hilton Garden Inn in Hanoi and be upgraded to sweet because your gold status that have free breakfast we're feeling pretty darn good this January 2nd I'm ready to take on the drive ready to take on the New Year's half the room has a shower stall we had a shower and a bathtub that were separate from each other more than a half roll of toilet paper we had four rolls of toilet paper we had a cover that fit the entire bed our duvet covered both of our bodies it wasn't freezing it was a normal room temperature slow internet slowest internet yeah the breakfast was delicious smells good in here there's a laundry room across the hall for free so we feel rejuvenated for a drive out to how long at this point we have made it from Saigon to Hanoi like this is the journey that people do and people stop here now we're taking during the northern route essentially we're stalling until we go meet my parents in Singapore in 14 days victory left so that's why we gotta go that was a fast drive here it's only three hours and now it's beautiful hey what up MTV Cribs Yoko Finney we here at my crib is 11 US dollars a night we have a beautiful beautiful barn then there's a concrete wall over there Sookie put polka flavor throw their polka brand these are quite a to cut a hundred percent a hundred percent sushi chip I'm not even dressed [Music] [Applause] [Music] me look at pictures online we're here [Music] just like the pictures [Music] cannonball [Music] we are run driving [Music] [Music] I'll roll it around on the motorbike and we came across this gorgeous hidden beach I think we're gonna camp out for a little bit it's cold when you're driving on the bike and especially in the shade but people are out here like laying in bathing suits and swimming so I've got to be pretty warm when you're laying out in the Sun we'll have to go test the theory [Applause] [Music] today it was sunny and we found a beach I had a great day on a bike trip to Vietnam it's really important to remember that it's not all [Music] that is my fourth flat tire my first Vietnam by your daily credit it was you push the bike all the way here so thank you our hotel is six houses down so it's going well so this is how this is the distance that we've traveled so apart it's noon we're finally about to leave here we're right in halong bay gorgeous I had a flat tire this morning then Tim wanted to stop and drone this then our GoPro GoPro broke so we bought a new SIM card a SD card for it but it's not reading that either so it might just be broken so I had my phone now and we're gonna have this beautiful drive up to like Sun [Music] I can't believe it [Applause] the same time it's only noon this has nothing to do with the fact that the mechanical type of chain yeah so what he's saying is the first flat tire we had the mechanic didn't tighten the chain correctly so then we went to the Honda dealership so they tighten the chain correctly and oiled it for us that was all free after pay the guy who did it wrong now we've only driven maybe 10 kilometers I got another flat we just pulled out of the gas station we've we've only traveled I think 15 kilometers since 9 a.m. this morning I can safely say why we haven't seen any other backpackers driving by like rocks only jothee what you normally take as an hour to drive and take in more than three there's no guardrails it's just we missed our turn right here it's just right here but this is the road to China it's maybe five kilometers that way I never thought that we would be right here go to China here in a week ago what we're not going to China but this is the closest I've ever been to welcome to highway ql4 eight there we go [Music] okay crying because at 60 kilometers an hour I just ran into a bee and the stinger was stuck in me and actually I don't know if there was a beer but crazy Vietnamese Chinese creature it was oh my God my whole arm is numb that hurts anyways all right now is going [Music] where are we why are we here because you said let's go north I don't want to be here anymore I know so let's go south why are we so far north to close the China I know you I was like let's go to it's barely even on the map anymore I'm like let's go to how long Bay and you're like why don't we go up to China and I wanna be probably you're here Jakarta and Bali that looks nice here you can't even see us on this map here there stop it oh you're far no wonder it was a long drive it was a long drive can we get back to them the way in the day we could get back in one long day maybe tomorrow maybe tomorrow look it we have this nice bedspread green it's kind of like Rick grandma's house this is where we are let's take a look all right well actually it looks really cool there's the sunset over the mountains right now okay I'll stop whining now [Music] why do you go scream across real quick okay well this is absolutely terrifying [Music] [Music] the most amazing thing ever is when Alison Finney who didn't even want to drive motorbike a couple weeks ago is the one getting told over my hair is a wig I got my helmet on this is up over my face he had no idea he just kind of weighs me in and then I could tell he was like wait a minute I pull in take off my helmet pull out my hair and stuff then here just like you walk back to all the men that are sitting there she like came back and like porn about my back cause like oh like that make sense yeah I'll show you what's in there and open it up and I'm like look at all my stuff some trucker driving by that guy have Italian means like officer was so uncomfortable I mean I was speeding a little bit so he had totally had the right to pull me over come in around and turn in the town and I was going a little fast oh oh the fact that he pulled over me and not you made it that much better this drivers getting boring anyway after all that excitement no different than any other day we pulled over in a small restaurant for lunch but this time [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] Amerika Amerika a drink of hell whatever it was with locals it was an excellent way to cap off more than 55 days on the road and Vietnam we originally plan to just drive in Ho Chi Minh to annoy but after adding a few extra sights we ended up driving the distance from Key West to Canada way more than we expected that's why a full week in Hanoi was just what we needed to relax before heading off to Singapore good thing too because and he ended up getting pretty sick yeah so I lay in bed sick all week Tim went out and filmed the funniest video on our channel how to drive and survive in Vietnam so if you haven't seen that definitely go check out that video and thanks for sticking around for all of the Viet Nam episodes we're excited for what's to come do you tell her I am I've staged the shot [Music]
Channel: TIM and FIN
Views: 345,178
Rating: 4.8787513 out of 5
Keywords: tripped, vietnam motorcycle trip, vietnam motorbike trip, motobike vietnam, hcm to hanoi, ho chi min to hanoi by motorcycle, saigon to hanoi, how to motorcycle vietnam, tim and fin, tim and fin vietnam, motorcycle vietnam hanoi to saigon, vietnam motorbike, how to ride a motorcycle in vietnam, how to drive motorcycle in vietnam, saigon to hanoi motorbike, saigon to hanoi motorcycle, motorbike vietnam hanoi to saigon, motorbike vietnam, motorbike vietnam south to north
Id: 1wJsWuJZFwQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 15sec (5415 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 07 2017
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