Himalayan Motorcycle Adventure - Full movie

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motorcycle adventure dirt bike TV proudly supported by adventures back in England Rally Raid products giant loop in the United States and adventure motor in Australia [Music] all right [Music] I know what a cracking for you look at those mountains they go all the way to the horizon just brilliant mountains you serious those mountains yeah you gotta be kidding me Dave it was a nice but that's not a mountain you've got to come to the Himalayas with me the Himalayas yep there was a mountains I know hey boss right we're heading to the evil eyes evil eyes [Music] and so it was a chance meeting in the forests of Australia had led me to the spectacular Himalayan mountains of northern India this is the story of two Indian countrymen motorcycle adventurers in their own right who proudly introduced us to their magnificent country its people and its culture the scenery is breathtaking but we found so much more to this land of extremes the experience was profound and I would never look at the world in the same way again and this is the power and privilege of motorcycle adventure discovering things about the world that you never knew and gaining insight into the world that others will never have our journey starts in Delhi a city crammed with 20 million people where pollution makes it a struggle to breathe our senses are smashed with a cacophony of sights sounds smells and crazy traffic for not our visit to Delhi is compulsory as he says you can't begin to understand India without experiencing this crazy place I've brought along two riding companions nugget the pie trail from narrabeen and Stephan who I call my adopted son from Hamburg Germany I've written thousands of kilometres with both of these guys they're great riding fighters well the e Malone plan is coming together we're all joined out with magnets their funds just arrived it's 10 o'clock hope to pick up the bikes around and then start hitting yours that's the plan I'm doing our Auto Body know stuff on two minutes I got my arm around him already this is not broken Elias hey guys I thought I just go and she's gone typical woman takes my money and runs what's your first impression gentlemen overwhelming the smells it's about twenty different smells in about one minute I think that's me was it I don't think so our next job was to pick up our bike rentals it's a modest selection to say the least and there's no flash adventure mounts on this trip maybe you pull out that's what you got KTM come on Steph what do you got Paul sir we would quickly find the luck of the draw would become pretty important and one poor bastard would select an absolute lemon bikes are being chosen we've got here the ruling suspension yeah just talking too much stuff you got on there you reckon waterproof bag yeah and just just place just enough space for me to sit yes finding a pink bag and that's got all the cameras in it and then we come back and my foot back and I think that's enough and I've just started crisscross I think it's gonna hold all right but that's waterproof well I get cell phone user 180 and I've just gone for a little test drive on it guys really well long happy but but I think Nuggets too happy so better go and find out what's going on with him what's going on got a KTM you should be laughing I played a tank I should get about 150 tags boy all right yeah and look at this he's going for my favorite the sheepskin that is what I took through Russia took a bit of a suede oh no I made it's funny worth its weight in gold trust me no monkey but you Fandango tank bag I noticed this so it's a 390 Duke 390 G you're going in style I know I said okay you've got the impulse yes 150 cc or all power what are ours 180 or something oh that's a debt Jael tank bags bigger than the boy [Music] weeding through the crazy traffic that is deli was full-on but keeping together was a scary challenge if we got lost there was no plan B our plan to head to Chandigarh at the base of the Himalayas and meet up with Ashish our fifth rider [Music] early in the night nosh gets stung with a flat tire and 20 minutes after this repair we find ourselves on the side of the road again this time nauseous bike has more serious problems [Music] and a big day for hunk it looks like he's standing up having sex with his Great Basin [ __ ] he's got a drunken lover isn't it but the holding fortunately ash's comes to the rescue and we make Chandigarh in the later evening touched him on the trunk today slumming it in India yeah top shelf we're here at our Airbnb place that's pretty good on I'm pretty impressed actually it's a in a good estate here it's one of the first getting built you can see the progress of India it's really gonna get in leaps and bounds but it was an eventful night Delhi traffic what do you think of that absolute chaos man every man for himself Delhi by far is just the worst driving conditions I have ever seen not very often you see tractors towing trailers with no lights on no no and and there was one there we had a some logs being tried about 40 foot logs well the National oil on the National Highway in the dark with no warning on them so you're coming and yet you come out in a lane and there's these locks he just about you're getting pale but you're not just done really well with the first bit of accommodation that's buddy five-star but what he said to me is as the view gets better the accommodation gets poorer nosh picks his friends very wisely Ashish is a an engineer and that's just fine buoyant nugget annoy decent set of tools these little Bajaj pulsar that's Stefan and I are riding a fantastic but here's an interesting thing this is a compulsory bit of equipment this is a saree protector to stop women sarees getting caught in the spikes and sprocket well you up to nugget I'm actually taking off this I've got my sheepskin of it it's absolutely rock-hard the allegheny embraces oh I should say this on film it yeah I'm gonna take anything get it a cushion sewed on top so you are losing your credit building time being on key lies on this little seats like sitting on a fence pile you got a judgment Tom he's gonna stop know what's going on it's dead again yeah that's like a rock Dracula is it can rise and die it's dead again and and it's very kindly only his wife survived yeah I got a little bit of sacred he dies being quick to give it to everyone all day so it's been all day fixing boys this is supposed to be better in the bike the boys kept signing me now drying the water out and trying to fuel that there's a bucket lighter water in this so so we you guess we had yesterday already the problem when we picked up the bikes yeah same same deal I mean they just not been well cared for but anyway this this is what makes adventure you can't just go on your bike and fill it up with petrol you they'll have some [ __ ] before you have watermelon Oh we left our first accomodation in India with a very strong impression India's middle class was moving up and out in a big way India is a country undergoing huge social change the population of the middle class has already reached 267 million and is set to double in the next 10 years we were heading into the foothills of the Himalayas and our goal for the day was to reach Shimla Shimla is the capital of the northern Indian state of her Markel pradesh and in the 1800s was declared the summer capital of British India due to its temperate climate and cool forests [Music] whatever our thank you so much the Shimla is to be the British administrative capital in the summer months they moved everything down from the plains in Delhi up to Shimla when I say everything it was the entire administration moved up with files in boxes and there were hundreds and thousands of files everything moves up to simmer for six months and then back down to Delhi in the winter months and you got a couple of chilies in it this is a very big hairy barkas we ate chili that's what happens it depends twice what do you mean this is called eat today and tomorrow I in search of a cushion na sure welcome to the KTM family I sputtering again the dolphin intelligent generation fine yeah thank you thank you very much I said eat is it keep your rod nice what's going on then this is a Baba from India yes and he's leading this guy's hand and telling him his future [Music] design let me try to translate because he's not speaking the language I completely understood a very sharp mind and he's saying that she was gonna bless him and he's gonna do very well in life Baba's are Shiva's devotees and that's why they keep saying bowling art which is another name for Shiva all right heavily not fully nuts another name for Shiva all right all right what's it all and he's telling you that you should you shall be happy for the rest of your life thank you good to have you guys along you're opening up India for us helping us understand south pleasure following an overnight stay in Shimla we set out early in the morning from Manali Ashish and nosh promised us that we would hit the dirt after lunch on a stunning trail they had ridden in a motorcycle rally the previous year fantastic writing nice just absolutely beautiful country altitude already where we went over a passage 4200 that's right 16,000 feet yeah that's right felt a little bit breathless but you're just coming up and then down so it's going well no idiot what are you feeding us what are you gonna have GN chapati yeah pizza oven all right stick some on them there you guys he's hooking at Easter party tandoori roti that's darling you're gonna cronniss again the crowing German we're gonna call in the growing German [Laughter] it looks like a one-bed I agree with the rest of the body is must your banker say you've had to feed five starving men how'd you go and some tea and some treat ones have their fair share yes yeah $8.00 beautiful food it's a time for us to go now that's the easy way you can see up to that pass we're not going on that way a shishun nosh have something special for us [Applause] god [Music] [Applause] [Music] I've got another friend get away No shut up you strong men that buddy that is poison yes that would catch on fire oh yeah the boys hang on so one man not good not good not good okay we got back thank you thank you very much let's go all right let's go take the medicine man with us I don't think so Oh Stefan what's happened no you look very pale if you've done any injury to your chest yes Stefan has gone down on his shoulder and broken his collarbone we saw it protruding up it's not sticking out but it's protruding through the right to the skin and making big indent this stuff here is very unforgiving this cobblestone and very slippery David Nasser fixed him up as you can see it's caused a bit of commotion here with the accidents but locals are really happy to help out and being really obliging which is really good your are they spits out of only ninety for two days and we gotta split already well we're taking Stefan out of the Himalayas with these broken collarbone this road is very interesting at night I'm looking down into the valley it's like we're in an airplane must be I dunno at least couple of thousand feet below I can see lights I'm pretty upset that this has happened to Stefan but I suppose it could have been a lot worse was ridiculous I've done that war we just didn't risk walking later coming down that road that roads dangerous enough for the dialogue let's all come around a corner though front-end loader back out coming at me with nine logs on those a herd of cattle in the North arrived those bricks this big there's not we did not pass what a motorcycle oh yeah because I'm not I'm not riding in India at night again that was I'm not gonna do it I'd rather sleep on ideally really Bren I remain one state little German [ __ ] he's drinking milk coming down I thought my kids are gonna be orphans and this blokes just gonna live a long life in the bus pichola by right that was most dangerous thing I've ever done what have you seen small break but something a lot break here yeah there's the break another break but break break up here hang on there's one two three four breaks but I can I've seen something a bit more serious what there's no heart never hard when I think I've said you got no idea nugget he's like a son to me [Music] yeah you got to get going [Music] since we arrived in India we've been plagued with bike problems and then yesterday Stefan broke his collarbone the Indian boys feel that if we want to put our bad luck behind us we will need to pay homage to the mountain goddess Kali Mata our challenge now is to find the temple Oh Oh [Music] I saw that I'm giving you a ticket for negligent fraud and you ran out that truck I think there's a lesson in that for all of us normally were in really dense traffic and you just gotta have a hundred and twenty percent concentration and you know this night traffic at the moment it was just relaxing [Music] it's annoying that he ran into the back of the truck honestly we've got the guys to be a trip for that one Union boys are trying to find this temple to female temple [Music] what is it goddess is called Carly Carly Carly Kalamata Carly Mott costume yes yes yes yes Kalamata here somewhere this road takes you to Kali Mata and go straight only you for air you will find thank you very much would we don't tell the Indian boys thank you very much boys hey you Indian boys we've worked it out we know where it is we're not gonna tell you we're gonna take you there we are so confident come on okay now you said so we're gonna lay all that bets on the table the Indian guys couldn't find this the Aussies have got this so you're gonna go down here second on the right to issue second on the right straight through it straight through and we'll find the goddess all right all right let's see how we go and if we're stuffed up we won't put this on video Oh God we're right on this oh here it is here's the temple from Australia thank you we had a wrong God yeah there's like a million gods in India right so this is our goddess called wala mata to Allah means fire if the lady just told us to go further down because we want to get to Bhima call him on there so I guess nugget was lucky that if he would have run in the back of that truck he may have needed the god of fire to put he barked out I didn't touch the truck in India and I was just compressing the traffic no need to stop and my relationships respect my respect with this one I mean I don't come until she just sighed me then well you know Kali is also demanding goddess she demands yes episode that's a safe sacrifice just thinking back there yeah she's this is a demanding ride on a ride boys do not want to stop up on these [Music] [Applause] [Music] the ground is part even though there are million Indian gods they worship goddesses and this is one of the main goddesses names Kali also considered the goddess of death but you got to get her permission around here to do anything so I guess we've already had enough of a run of bad luck and we need her here so when you enter the Kali temple she's a black mother she has a enter the temple into the and then you walk around the temple clockwise always clockwise and while you come back to your start you slowly back away your back should not be towards the goddess or the idol [Music] with respectful homage paid to Kali Mata we left the temple with a newfound optimism we spotted a troop of langur monkeys assigned things were looking up in Indian culture Hanuman is the popular Monkey God that leads a troop of monkeys to defeat an evil King and brings happiness to the kingdom it's a new day so hopefully happiness is heading our way we need to make up time lost to reach Manali by nightfall [Music] take it Wow [Music] Oh [Music] hey nugget where you found the counter by treating adventure Reuters royal enfield the himalaya this is the Barca mouth [Music] hey you reckons where we going we might be able to pick one up another road and you have all the bike his nickname is nugget nugget nugget the Himalayas yeah just come out in India a few months ago very popular got good suspension a good engine and I made for the job [Music] [Music] my coffee I'm feeling need to work I'm gonna take my [Music] it's um [Music] it's um got it [Music] see the birds in the trees this song spying me man [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] we got to get wet my friend yeah it looks like something's coming down yeah now get I reckon put your raincoat on I think got about three minutes for it it's just starting to rain [Music] I know it looks like a smell wonderful talk to you my friend laughs we got sorry [Music] [Applause] [Music] there you go with the red toys nice yeah it's not conducive to what we're doing at the moment how you getting there looking good [Music] [Music] [Music] me yep so what we have done is normally people would just come up there's already past the normal way we've gone a bit off and climbed the mountain through a village called Cote which is a very very technical trail and we came back to the same route and we have climbed up which already passed now and the thing about passes here is you see there's a temple up here and most of the passes will have a temple because the pass is used to be so dangerous packed in that most of the people who pass through would stop say a small prayer get the blessings from Kalima it's the same temple that we went to this morning and then carry on just so that she would keep us safe now you can see the first sights of snow up there that's where we are heading boys that is earthquake-proof construction might add a Shia big thick walls and look at the white of the shire on the roof but those buildings last forever in this extreme risk earthquake area that was a cracker woman eating googy eggs chai tea this has been our best day of adventure riding by far and we celebrated with boiled eggs and noodles nosh wisely suggested an early evening meal as we would ride well into the night to reach our destination Manali the KTM Jukes had been taken way past their design limits and both Nugget and nosh had their sights now set on changing their mounts to the new Enfield Himalayan adventure by sale accommodation nice friend he's getting hit talk with me give me fingers caught in your hair on your chest very short of breath up here now it's [Applause] yeah I reckon something like that it was the tree with you walking upstairs yeah Hey look at that Ashish guys now get some advice on the subtleties of Indian bargaining before we headed into town in search of a pair of Enfield Himalayan adventure bikes for him and not understand about about the art of bargaining in India Indians love bargaining so these guys when they see an Indian the price is already jacked up when they see a tourist like you if they're going to hike it up even further the thing you want to do is whatever price is being offered for you they offer them to people in one place right and you settle for something around 60% we just start walking away then they'll call you Serbs herbs herbs herbs of the new come back see whatever so the KTM is broken yeah that KTM it's for teenagers I definitely don't know or over what yeah I think everyone would agree with you yeah you've done well where you've taken him actually nuggets asked us finally giving way and he's getting on an Enfield Himalaya what do you reckon my nugget drove a hard bargain and now he and nosh would be riding Enfield Malians tomorrow we would set out into some serious altitude to the town of sarchu at 4200 meters close to 14,000 feet succumbing to the potentially deadly altitude sickness was now in the back of our minds towards late heading up Rohtang pass that's at 3800 meters and we stopped for the night at sir choo which is at 4200 meters half way too late so yeah it's about 14,000 HP so we will feel the altitude tonight and there might be some anxiety there might be some headaches there might be nausea and yeah that's altitude for you yeah suggest them so how are we gonna know whether we've got low on oxygen or not not so we've got this pulse oximeter yeah basically put that on that way open it up stick your finger in there and it starts getting a reading there yeah in a bit there you go so that's the amount of oxygen in the blood yeah and that's the heart rate over there but yeah you don't want to get below 75% so you're carrying some emergency oxygen as well one of the cases we haven't had time to acclimatize well we've we've had a little bit of time but not at that altitude so yeah let's have a look you see what happens yeah nuggets neon here my wire as we head up to our next campsite which is at 4200 meters which is fairly bloody high this a mile in here it's got a bit of a bad drift right but here's what I think about it for the last two months I've been waiting to get on the Himalayan here's what I think about it it's a brilliant bike to all the nations it is a brilliant bike to get to the foothills of the Himalayas but no further oh this is a poor start to the morning can't imagine doing this at altitude famous last words nosh had picked a lemon again and for the rest of the trip we would be push-starting him in some of the most spectacular mountain scenery you could find [Music] finally we were on our way to some serious altitude and adventure Rohtang pass bloomed live in the distance and the ant trails of cars led the way the first overtaking maneuvers on these roads kept your heart in your mouth but the drivers are far more careful than in Delhi as they know that one stuff up here will surely mean dead we've got a whitey guy yet [Music] what do you call that - I thought you're gonna say you know tender e something or other tender about a toast or something okay guys we have had four choice do a cheese omelets and three packs of biscuits so how much do you recognize the big cone nugget for 3,200 City I don't know - 93 93 hundred and ten that's ridiculous is that Austin dollars six dollars we're gonna leave he big a half she's Indian why go right it's a Himalayan hope yeah and that's that's an open wider way before blogger was invented already had it here we're gonna have a look at this alright let's ask him yet this is Indian wire looks like hash oil yep do you want to take some home no guests last thing we need on a motorbike at the moment the name of the movie now market the Ryan about is the road of boners just showed me the Indian viagra that's it [Music] getting pretty floppy this little Bajaj it hasn't affected it yet we're probably around 3400 meters I really love this little boy I'm getting very attached to it I think I might take an ID with me Rohtang pass was a milestone due to its altitude it prevented brain producing weather systems heading further north the lush green of our journey so far would be replaced with a barren desert beauty [Music] what we did I know so we just crossed cross Rohtang come into the next Valley here now this area is called La Jolla and Spiti and you can see it's now starting to get a mountain desert because the rain doesn't come across Rotom we've also got a checkpoint here we've got to get our bikes numbers [Applause] [Music] within a matter of kilometers the landscape took on a completely different appearance and its enormity was initially hard to comprehend Rohtang pass was also the dividing line between dominant cultures and beliefs we were no longer protected by the Hindu goddess Kali Mata our fate was now in the hands of Buddha and a light sprinkling of snow gotta say I'm uncomfortably breathless at the moment 66 67 in trouble ticket is at 91 normal blood oxygen saturation is around 95% or higher at sea level at this pass our levels were way below that hovering around 70% in planning this trip I had always felt we had not given ourselves sufficient time to acclimatize and we would pay a penalty the least of which would be headaches muddled thinking clumsiness and nausea at worst fluid on the heart and on rare occasions death our hearts had responded to the challenges of altitude by reducing output per beat and quickened from around 70 beats per minute to 90 beats per minute to maintain blood flow we stopped tonight and this beautiful division means guesthouse excellent staff at Sochi how's the riding today ash Waterland I love going back to the mountains there's just something so calming about riding on - do you think the accommodation oh it's a cracker is that it's great to be back up in this sort of territory sighs Sheila order the China I saw it it was deciding that nugget darling Ross a bit dull yeah sub G cool across between colloquial potatoes a nugget head you go first night and your cubby health at 4000 something meters took my first attitude tablet last night and a turn my bladder you know 75 year old man's I've been paying every 45 minutes I reckon yeah in down internet internet terrible night so it's very good loved it fantastic Jimmy a notch as the mammalian going look at this ash just carries Ram with you Matt multimeter could you getting a bigger one than that and Shan actually that bloody expensive but activates so beak I've got a $2.00 ebay one so let me get this straight are you giving me a hard time about using this back that's not gonna start it's 11 volts what do you you 10 Bob you need 12 twelve point five and above let's start the boy let's start and check and see whether it is charging of [ __ ] nor holding anything yeah if it's holding it it should go up to the point oh no I find it incredible that we can't find a decent Hill in the Himalayas to actually get this bike running where are we where we're heading right so we crossed over the bar Allah Allah yesterday yes and we came into the valley here too we eventually want to have to play but we'll see how the day pans out they're going to be three passes we're gonna cross today first one four seven four zero meters nikhil abbas second one's a bit higher la jolla at 5,000 there's a camp up here palm we might stay there might not depending on how much time we make more a planes this is a beautiful place to ride just straight up planes all the way to the horizon you can really open up the throttle of yours this is the next pass five thousand two hundred meters that is the second second second highest pass on this road in the world actually if we make it past that one we will try to stay somewhere up here in OC or kuru these are small villages before the main district capital that's Lee so that's the plan for today since like a plane we had stayed at the small township of sarchu about 300 kilometers west of the Chinese border a kind tibetan family had taken us in for the night and we were rested and ready to go the Tibetan flag of Independence flew proudly in this settlement although I had previously written extensively in Tibet China I had never before seen this flag flying free and proud in the coming days we would cross some of the highest passes in the world and the stunning mountain desert scenery would be permanently etched in our minds so we believe our wonderful accommodation at side two I got to tell you it's a little bit uncomfortable sleeping at that altitude here's the sign 13850 feet I took some Diamox that's the first time I've taken time ox and I've got to tell you I piss like a cat about 3 liters during the night I was up and down four times but the funny thing is it actually made me feel a bit better normally when I go down to tea I've done a bit of a climatization and this time we have it you're pretty sedentary on a bike and the little Bajaj pulsar is going really well you know you don't need the fanciest bike to have an adventure and I think this precise 220 CC bike just proves that [Music] over the years motorcycle adventure had done so much to enrich our lives I was right here right now in some of the most spectacular mountain desert scenery I had seen in my life because of a chance meeting with nosh in the forests of Australia [Music] the determination to turn an idea into reality have rewarded us all we were in far northern India on a trip of a lifetime witnessing for ourselves this very special place the grandeur of this giant landscape had lifted our spirits and this day would be forever amended as one of the most exhilarating rides on a motorcycle I had experienced in my life [Music] not a spy decided it wanted to take in the view a little while longer the bikers got off completely thought it was the fuel refueled from the tanks that we had but it's not the fuel let's see what it is if you can jump-start it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we would stay overnight in the village of Poong located in a valley floor at an altitude of close to 15,000 feet now you got some ice on your seat but TV yes beautiful day beautiful day yeah long night at this altitude yes sleeping was a bit difficult yes I think I will for 10 times in the last eight hours yeah yeah we survived it uncomfortable sleeping last night I guess yeah well we really had no option you know I don't uncomfortable apart from midnight at the Bombay belly yeah I started getting a bit nauseated in the head about one o'clock in the morning yeah short of breath and yeah I was breathing heavy good variety so yeah can't affect you come on Lin chill you might for the Himalayas [Music] [Laughter] [Music] start we're gonna suit the old bodger it's gonna start if it knows what's good for it I wouldn't you've given up seven days of Hell so far I could kid the car be on nuggets boy was not liking the altitude but it didn't matter this was a special place [Music] with the ice shaken from our bikes beneath the stunning blue sky we headed to the spectacular Moray flames up we come we were on our way to lay an ancient city of trade a Silk Road city with a history of harmonious religious diversity where Buddhists Islam and Sikh religions have practiced side-by-side for a thousand years but right now we were soaking in the Magnificent grandeur of the moor a Plains this sarchie pang region of the Himalayas would be forever etched in my mind as some of the most outstanding adventure motorcycling in the world [Music] there is no better feeling than riding across the moor a plains with your mates on motorcycles life simply can't get any better than this [Music] so we're just taking the oxygen levels of the locals compared to it to us 73 she's got the same oxygen levels as us our heart rate to 90 and his is 71 it's perfect it's amazing isn't it 76 76 how long has she lived here years 20 years 20 years at 4500 she's fitter than any of the younger people here and she's prettier than any of us yeah it's just amazing she's 76 yeah lady's been living in this environment for over 20 years and she's fitter than all this [Music] our next focus was crossing the second highest motorable pass in the world tag lung la Road and weather conditions were excellent as we climb to the top of the pass at seventeen thousand four hundred and eighty feet tibetan prayer flags or lungta blessed this stunning landscape the flags are used to promote peace compassion strength and wisdom the colors represent the five pure lives sky and space air Fire Water and Earth the air is purified by the movement of the flags exposed to the elements the flags fade and replaced by new flags representing new life [Music] the valley below would surprise us with a feast of stunning geological formations [Music] another stunning day's ride was coming to an end and I asked myself could it get any better than this [Music] we descend off the more a Plains into the ancient Silk Road city of leh it was a relief to be at lower altitudes and we slept like babies lay had been the capital of the Himalayan kingdom of Ladakh and is dominated by the nine story high 17th century lay policy but its history stretches back many centuries as it was an important stopover between Chinese and Indian traders with trade routes converging from all directions of the compass the main goods being traded was salt grain cashmere wool cannabis resin indigo and silk one of the most surprising things about this ancient city is the people belonging to many different religions have cohabited peacefully and there are no records of any conflict Buddhists next to Muslims next to Sikhs Hindus and Christians they have all lived side by side peacefully for close to a thousand years we've got this Gurudwara here a Gurudwara is a Sikh temple this particular girl was called Gurudwara that hangs ahead and the Sikh considered this tree as a manifestation of one of the great goals guru nanak singh ji [Music] we call these brothers in pain these two guys had terrible Carvey problems at altitude we call them the fluff brothers an electric odds or jetting he's got a sort of light down the rides organized to get a 115 day to put in 150 j u1j D Riggins to be running okay I'm gonna hit the top of that posture all that weren't laid I reckon about a third of a tiger that is a rich sparkplug like he's trying to figure out what size of the gypsies going to she was using the wire as a reference that sounds better nugget right well done hey he's fixed at Steve McQueen's fixed unfortunately for nosh his bike was stuffed and the coil was blind and no parts were available and that would mean he would be pushed starting the bike to the remainder of the trip not having lights well that would become pretty significant in the next few days we're off the bikes the of the bikes trying to stretch you guys a little bit haven't seen a bunch of lazy of likers who wouldn't want to walk three steps away from their bikes so you're going up to this monastery that goes on and that's it there no right it's up a bit higher is it yeah just a bit all the rocks with prism carved into them beautifully carved [Music] not my services tasks to get to this monastery it's very significant I'd want to be around 4,000 meters taking every step there's quite brother he say the least but interestingly here is where the llamas come for their three months four months six months solitary retreats and they meditate here for however long they have been instructed for by the head llamas it's a pretty significant spiritual place in in the Buddhist religion and for the llamas as well we were very fortunate to meet a friendly Junior Lama who loved motorbikes and was keen to show us around the monastery and have a cup of tea with us in a chat [Music] thank you thank you no problem no Heidi no good yes we've been at altitude for sometimes it's a handmade lock and handmade game [Music] five hundred years old at least at least I'm look we afford but one more is not come so you have seen his picture thickness you big show genetically small yes yes yes weird bullet bullet bullet but I possess a lot Marcus ours is good so sorry small an accident this one we know every step I took getting up to these 4000 meters this monastery I was cursing you but what an experience sitting down having cup of tea with Virginia llama it's just so much fun and it's a very happy and jovial bloke who was genuinely interested in what we were doing and I even even I thought we had nugget there on the line and then he came back and he said me big man on little bike but a magical day I'm so pleased we came up here it's a very he just feel the spirituality it's just fantastic so now Guidry went up to this monastery it's about twelve hundred year old monastery we met this junior Lama he's been there for six months years meditating there and very keen to know where we were from so I showed him a couple of pictures and guess whom he zoomed in on yay yep that's right so he's got a message for you have a look at this Jeanne Alana is a twelve hundred year old monasteries we like to discover the Junior Lama was in fact being complimentary Big Show was an American professional wrestler and seven-time world champion he is also an actor who had roles in Star Trek Enterprise and the waterboy her junior Lama had a knowledge of the world that surprised us so after a couple of days of rest here in lis we're gonna head up the highest motorable Road in the world that's up here kardama at 5600 meters we come down that pass and on the other side we turned right along the shyok river and we'll just keep going around the river the road here turns into a trail and the trail will lead us all the way and drop us onto the main road here at third book and from here from there book we had the normal way down to pangong that's the make me have here Indonesia there's a very famous ladakhi saying that our lands are so barren and Abbas is so high that only the best of friends and the fiercest of enemies come to come to visit us is experiencing India of poverty and and well it's just this amazing country of extremes that really tests your idea of humanity heading to the highest pass in the world gondola 5,600 meters around 18,000 plus feet in the old money I wonder if my little Bajaj 220 is gonna get me there and I'm pretty confident she will a little donkey my lady cut him off [Music] at 18,400 feet kardama maybe the highest motorable pass in the world but it's not that hard to get to unless of course to take a shortcut on a 200cc road by the Suns [Music] all the shadows down makes us all cracking weather spectacular views there was excitement in the air we were heading to the border frontiers between the two most populated countries in the world [Music] we can't even touch the ground it's barely keeping us [Music] the nubra valley represented our next phase of adventure but while we were having the time of our lives the world of the road repairs was the very opposite we could see that we're doing it tough but we just didn't realize how tough they were doing it until we stopped for a chat workers are coming down off the mound for their lunch yeah basically making this road stone by storm you can see him there laying this road stone by stone pair that from us these guys are from a state called shark and I was born in in town in the same state there probably about 100 150 kilometers away from where I was born and lived most of my childhood in they paid twenty thousand rupees for six months which is which is five hundred dollars five hundred dollars for six months basically hard labor rather chains that's amazing is now so there's the way this thing works is there's a middle man who makes me way more money than these guys do and it's pretty much Marty are controlled so all of these guys will be from this state the supplier for the labor gets makes most money these guys yeah basically fodder for the supplier we just whisk off on airports by keys and I told him one like 20,000 before him six years live for a little boy [Music] the nubra valley was a breathtaking entree to the main event the shock river valley the shire river is a tributary of the mighty Indus River one of the longest rivers in Asia that flows through China India and Pakistan and empties into the Arabian Sea during a snowmelt this entire valley is filled with life-giving water the things millions along its journey any paved road on the valley floor is at the mercy of the spring snowmelt and track conditions Berenson [Music] I have never seen nor had the privilege of writing in such a beautiful majestic landscape I just felt immersed in the grandeur of this place and the warm glow of the Setting Sun simply added to that experience but I look at this [Music] studies no it's getting cut started again makes the most beautiful places to get cut started there's not much fun without lights isn't it as you can see this is shayok town this gentleman over here is offered us a place to stay and he's gonna cook some humble food for us and we should be sorted for the night well done my friend well done right what I think we need this if you have ice cream I'm sure he does I'm sure he does [Laughter] well that's adventure Oh beautiful right oh thank you so much thank you thank you yeah no nuggets comfortable yeah thank you today Julie hey Julie thank you thank you nice we're living our kings yep I'm down you can't even okay this is pretty cool isn't it there yeah heist is gonna take you to the back waiting to join us no it's a cracker all right let's go [Music] military and Chinese military on the other side but these are the sorts of things you discover in here we stay those out-of-the-way places it andreat the villages and listen to the people and listen to their stories mr. BAE this is the epitome of adventure is what I just love doing the size of the boy is irrelevant the type of gear gods irrelevant what's relevant is discovering things about the world that you never knew any insides that'sjust don't have a great privilege that's what gets me coming back to adventuring all the time now it's one little problem our host forgot to tell us about to get to this secret track and that is this a checkpoint down there where only Indian nationals are allowed through and excludes foreigners so so ash is on his way to China before him is the world's highest suspension bridge may not look much nugget for height so first I am going across now I I could see [Music] hey welcome Wow hey we'll toss the speech and greet so we're not speaking with the guy down there the border at the border police yet yeah the army guy he said there's quite a few troops up at the border there and I asked him sort of is there any problems there he said now there's no problems but in Hindi he said topper topper Mucca Mucca shelter idea which means there's minor exchange of fire going on everyday yeah that's nice this is way of casually putting it I'm calling Ladd we didn't get out that ride noise no I think so as well I don't think we'd be allowed any further than what we were anyways our first interaction with Border Patrol had gone well and we had been rewarded with a skating very temporary access to the highest suspension bridge in the world for the remainder of the day we will be close to the border frontier were tensions between China and India result in the occasional push and shove our goal for the day was reaching the stunning lake pangong that extends from India into China pangong is a skinny Lake a hundred and thirty-four kilometers long and at its widest just five kilometers it's like a walking track it's about two foot wide and it's all been dropped up it looks like the old Silk Road we're gonna never look at it yeah let's go back man it's amazing the Indian fella back where we've stayed Davison Tiffany so you keep your eye out on the side of the river you'll see the old Silk Road where the traders used to walk through centuries ago and I reckon I've spotted it if you can see the rock formations up here starts over here down low to the river base follows its way all the way up up look how it goes up around that rock up there it's Neve vertical and they filled it with little rocks and or or held in the place oh yeah I can see it yeah just think people have been walking up that centuries trading section still in place just shows happens when they were Lake pangong is a sensitive border frontier and as late as August 2017 there had been some push and shove between Indian and Chinese soldiers a huge beautiful silk flag flies proudly on the shores of the lake reassurance that we were in India and a powerful statement to their neighbors across the lake that they weren't going anywhere the crystal-clear blue water of the lake starkly contrasts with the barren and rugged mountains that surround it it is a special place that attracts Indian couples to announce their love and commitment for one another the pebbles on the edge of the lake are flat and round and make for an excellent location for the world's Rock skipping championships the world's skimming rock record you reckon I reckon I'd whup your ass you're just a [ __ ] go on show me come on you gotta get 24 yeah nice just grab this camera just grab this cami bunch of useless [ __ ] I'm worried about you throw on your shoulder out you've been complaining about your back now for a few days oh don't try you backyard you'll swim in there I will jump in there my underpants okay okay five the gear off princess no you can't be serious nugget lake Peng Kong is very important to me four years ago on the other side on the China side I crossed when I was going from London to Sydney we went around the outskirts of the lake on Road g21 9 and now I'm on the India side and you know if it wasn't for nosh and ash you know I'm not going to know I probably wouldn't be here and it's a real privilege to come on the other side put a lot of effort to get here but it was more than worth it but I'll never ever gamble again about skipping stones [Music] [Applause] it was now time to head for home over these few short weeks our experiences and exposure to a tough environment have changed our bodies and our minds we were now acclimatized to high altitude and no longer suffered headaches or nausea and we had learned to confidently overtake trucks in circumstances we would have previously found just plain bloody crazy we had traversed the highest and third highest motorable passes in the world and by the end of this day we would have completed the top three 17700 Billy 18,000 feet our loved ones back home were increasingly occupying our hearts and minds but this was not a time to relax and drop our guard despite the fatigue in the odd mistake we had a couple of days where we rode big miles and kept going into the evening our return to the village of sarchu and a chance meeting with some Indian bikers made me realize the cultural significance of our adventure Sunday and Tulsa and what made you come out of the city to come and come and see the mountains every Baker has a dream that he has to reach he has to go today once in his lifetime oh wow yeah we did oh that's good well we've joined you on that pilgrimage it's great look at you have you guys okay safe riding and we'll see you along the way today's was the journey it's in the hearts of bikers from all over India a ride that they must undertake during their lifetime this little village of Sartre you had one more surprise that saddened me in one sense but in another way confirmed what we are seeing all over the world the changing climate is affecting people in their lives and in some areas such as sight you those effects were more than I could ever imagine he says his village it's deserted nobody lives there any longer because there's no water no water for farming because there's no snow castle oh yeah about 15 to 20 years now that the entire villages had to move because there's no water because there's no snow so this so this is moved up six kilometers here now so the entire village has had to move to spot to survive yeah yep there's no farming there's no nothing in the old village so it's deserted they've just left if I'm up here I'm gonna be such but how son young but I've got what the yeah yeah I know what it is I thought this is every year the snore here is getting lesser and lesser as well it's fair to say that nugget and I was starting to get homesick we were hanging out for a big thick juicy t-bone steak and some Aussie culture when we arrived back in gnarly I was poking through ashes I chance when I found just what we needed [Music] [Music] the head nodding of our Indian friends made it clear that cultural boundaries could be smashed with a bit of a cat that and whilst we long for home we appreciated that Ashish and nauseous generosity to show us their India had given us a unique and special view of this magnificent country they had taken us into their home and made us feel like part of their family for the entire time I was in this country I felt alive and our trip had cemented one thing in our minds we were coming back when it came to adventure India had delivered it's barely keeping us now driver drive speed [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] babe this is my enemy no subunit we'd have to be up to 13 what's him wanting to chill like morning we wake up this is so bloody dry I sleep in my boxes Dave sleeps in his chair which I find very off-putting he got up me I went for shower yesterday morning I know that don't you dare use that okay fair enough so he it's ritual at 6 o'clock he's in the toilet so I was waiting till this morning at 6 o'clock I was gonna say when he went to the toilet dive that taller pipe is behind it's the same as the towel don't use it but he's sneaking it for me one day but I used to give meal in this side right I'm sure he stuck in me bum great anyway this soap was why and it's and it's just coming in his freaking better fight all of that no that's where it's all gone I just want my head Nadal come on it's on your side good jobs on to up one thing Felix and Oscar we make the bed now we made the bed together yeah and Sonia I even told you how to turn it back yeah we're gonna take your picture for Sonia so he look we pretend that you know we've turned the bed back and we've got the pillows flap god I didn't that's one thing you know adventure riding us I didn't expect but really you know I conquer the Himalayas like I didn't have sleeping with now good every now I odd you'd also happen to get a head-to-toe sleeping bag so so we bump into some fellow adventurers last night Steve good good to see we had a great talk last night looking forward to seeing you on Australian about six months time as I ride if passage my friend a rite of passage we don't keep us safe from strong and get disturb you and celebrate your 6:30 looks good looks excellent well set up and you've been to some great places mind you that front tires are gonna be Chitty booth the tires a shot of a new set of T KCET supper deli for me I want to get back from this but but getting this far is quite a lot inspired by by yourself you yourself your trip across London to Sydney yeah it's a funny coincidence isn't that meaning of all places out in the middle of India crazy Matt Gilardi I'm gonna run the rice but all's gonna be frozen and on the rice if you die baby you bags weight or lose that ball I'll spank I was actually I know what's going on and I just saw it I went right Emma I got it - is it all the way back on that track or no I'm not losing for me 17500 we seem to acclimatize to altitude I feel quite good yeah well Bobby I think you get the gravity games handicapped route 35 kilometers down this hill you guys get a head start cuz now we got the gravity guides all the way else ours at 30 cows down isn't that how those the other one that one wonder how far seven Ain this way I think so we rollin from the top in regard for no my wife won't start Oh send the Bob off but you won't line up for the gravity games well this is for the sleeping bag is it alright status head ready said don't let the gravity games begin I'm gonna get down low [Music] [Applause] hey Katie [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] or watching him I reckon he's doing a bit of dating
Channel: Motorcycle Adventure Dirtbike TV
Views: 1,269,198
Rating: 4.8376741 out of 5
Keywords: Himalayan Motorcycle Adventure, Motorcycle Adventure, Adventure Motorcyce, London to Sydney Motorcycle Adventure, Tropical Motorcycle Adventure, Adventure, Road of Bones Motorcycle Adventure, London to Sydney, Motorcycle Adventure Dirtbike TV
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 104min 18sec (6258 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 27 2018
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