This Room Does Not Exist: Virtual Reality Vicegrip

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Reddit Comments

Without sarcasm, I loved that there was advertising of the appropriate, overt kind; and this video did what all my favorite NM videos have done, in that it helped me to like a series I thought I didn't like (but which I actually just didn't quite "get")

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 6 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/gravitysrainbow1979 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 28 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Fuuuuuuuck yes

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/[deleted] šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 28 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

I so happy Nick finally got around to TRDNE. Iā€™m glad he liked it. The video was everything I was hoping it would be.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 4 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/JuanCzena šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Sep 29 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

Okay, any idea what the R.A.B.I.T is?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/thumpertharabbit šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 10 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies

This is good shit.

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/ajb4192000 šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Mar 04 2020 šŸ—«︎ replies

Anyone here actually knew this ARG in and out prior to this video? Nick has been pretty... awful in terms of the care he puts into his content and research for a while, BUT the length of the video gives me hope. Is this accurate? Worth watching?

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 1 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/SpunkyMcGoo šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Oct 12 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
welcome back tonight mine friends it's been a busy month as I prepared for items that needed some seem to wear tonight I've got an exploration that a good amount of you have asked to undergo this time we'll be dealing quite heavily with technology front and center and in this realm we're experienced enough to know that when confronting computers gone awry or networks that aren't too safe it is best to be prepared that's why we've made some new friends I'd like to introduce before we depart on this investigation this video is sponsored by surf shark who know what it's like to be a web series viewer and think hey maybe if this character had any form of protection on their phone at all that hacker in the serial killer mask wouldn't be sending them deep-fried selfies we also know what it's like driving a web series or weird video based in a different country and be told that you can't join the fun surf shark is a VPN that wants to make sure you see whatever awesome projects are out there and that you never end up on camera yourself with Deep Web antagonists taking over your devices but that's really just the tip of the iceberg protecting yourself from data theft device trackers malware and the most annoying pop-ups possible is all part of surf shark skill set website censorship based on country is no longer a problem and you can use public Wi-Fi to say check your bank account balance while making a food stop without worrying about being compromised and if you're worried about what your internet provider thinks don't be so quick with a mode that makes sure no company can tell that you're on a VPN right now surf shark is offering a limited time deal tonight mine viewers available in the video description 83% off of a two-year plan and an additional free month at Surf shark deal / night Minds this offer makes a subscription just $1.99 per month and you can operate the service on all your devices $1.99 a month for two whole years and no worries about popups trackers video blocks or deep web wannabes just visit the video description below to jump in and be sure you never end up as the unfortunate star of a real life Arg thanks surf shark now that we're armored up let's get into the weird Network of the Knights [Music] on March 17 2018 viewers with a sense of curiosity on YouTube may have come across a video with a peculiar title sis restore the first upload from an even stranger Channel this room does not exist the video in question shows a simple use in the profile picture for the channel and a login screen there's no telling what's entered but we hear musical chime and are told that screen capture devices are strictly prohibited already we know just by witnessing this someone has broken the rules we are welcome to the interior and showing the time clock for the system you welcome to the interior please enter your user name and desired date of birth if we take a look at the video description we can gain a bit more info to decipher what's going on here managed account justice restore operation fail mid process they're starting from scratch again Amy PS please get back to me about those interior logs they mean a lot to me we don't know who a B is but we can at least understand the situation the system whatever it is attempted to load what's called a system restore point which is like a previous save file and a game system restores bring computers and devices back in time to the state that everything was in before changes occurred this particular system restore failed which means all progress on the system was wiped everything begins anew and just how much progress was lost in that error 362 days 11 hours 23 minutes 13 seconds just short of a whole year the note we're starting on for whatever story's begun is potentially catastrophic we also have two characters immediately Amy and whoever she's talking to let's move forward and see where a system what gets us in video to Interior log 1 an example of the files requested by Amy once again were informed the footage were shown is forbidden and then given a date five days into the system we've moved again my mum says it's for the best but it's not it's really not how am I meant to get to know anyone if we just leave as soon as we arrive ever since ever since Amy disappeared it's just been this constant pattern of arrive leave and move and arrive and leave and move arrive leave move arrive leavin I don't know how long we can keep looking searching for something that isn't there if amy is if I'm his let's just I hope she's in a better place [Music] unauthorized data transfer detected tracking internet protocol address the video reveals this man has a relation to a me most likely family the description reveals Amy's cohort Leo who says copying these files from the remote server has compromised our safety but I understand how much this means to you glad to see he still thinks about you this mess hitch lines up with the content at the end of the log the system detected a breach which puts their safety in jeopardy we have evidence of day 5 being a recording in the new system run rather than anything old Leo seems to confirm this with Auto broadcast zero managed to reach new location before sunrise sent you my feet so you can find me not going anywhere until you arrive silence is heavy but I can still hear them please get here soon the video opens with the timestamp informing us it's day 8 we're everywhere the end message is garbled but a few lessons will clear it up everywhere everywhere everywhere next we get archive 1 it's time without a message from Amy or Leo this file comes from rack 2 recorded on January 14 2018 that's well before the date of this system restore in its 167 days before sunrise clients displayed our Rhine m and abigayle p it's only 9 o'clock nearly 9 today we are suiting more of the short film then we're going to your house to film some more stuff and then more of the short film and it's windy and we're going to block off an entire pathway no we're not so cold I'm cold why do you think that this was a good idea so just like oh I'm just like a no we'll do a practice run so I need you to walk walk there and put you put your phone next to it so so what you got to do your what yeah so you walk you walk like this so you walk down kind of like looking around like what's going on and then it's gonna change my food shop I'm going to be following you with the dolly all the way down to the end of that piece of concrete down [Music] interesting ending the footage in the archive isn't exactly uncompromised next we have media adve with a note from Amy I can't believe we were this desperate that we would sign our lives away just to survive I've almost reached your location hang tight PS it's only a matter of time before the northern power supplies cut off if we're going to do this we need to do an ASAP system interior time puts us at 21 days 16 hours five minutes then shares a screen revealing the adv part of the title promotional folder advertisement twelve dot mp4 [Music] you see earth it no longer state the earth is no longer safe seems to hold up with what we've seen namely say we were this desperate sign our lives away just to survive the system or whatever company whose logo we keep seeing offer to form a survival for those unsure of their future but one manner of system is this precisely well we can see so far is heavy surveillance capability the next video is odd the character named Felix stares at the screen while crying silently numbers are read over the footage we know this man's name only due to the tanks or the video interior survey appears to be the full title of the video viewers tried calling the number and we're told welcome to the interior please enter your name and your age followed by a prompt for leaving voicemail if we head to the website for the group making this project Lexel studios and use the directory /system were given a page with the logo and a link to the database enter the telephone number as a password after clicking and you'll be given this image no real way of telling what this means yet but we have a list of for surfers further information comes from the site if we check the about us link life is a fragile experience it is unpredictable even at its best of times relationships are broken loved ones are lost and in some cases families are torn apart but what if you could change all of that and start anew to live a life free from the unpredictability and irreplaceable 'ti of the real world with financial support from deep sleep enterprises we have developed emerging technologies far beyond those of our competitors providing an experience almost completely indiscernible from reality Miller Vince at CEO seems to be that we're looking at a case of life simulations that would make sense of everything having to do with the system and the name of the series this room does not exist interior long - rolls in with a message from Leo I don't know if you were still alive anymore if you are I have managed a copy over some logs from their northern interface someone is seen running in front of a building marked with the system logo they get inside and then we switched to different footage completely the moment goes by following this man and then we're in a hallway watching him through interior camera 57 and then 58 he goes into our - Rome - we can assume then enters the bathroom and changes into Ryan it's Mitch Mike's feelings Oh Mitchell Mitchell it's like 9:30 you said you'd be here 10:00 so what does it matter if I'm a little bit early money because we to talk about this talk about what Ryan have you seen Ryan at all like I mean at war Nathan fillies none of you seen or heard from it no something is going on I have asked everyone I know but that he knows his mother his father is this but that's beside the point everyone I know no one cares about him anymore Mason I don't nothin Oh I haven't spoken to and God knows how long really depressed it's like a stage guys I think you're exaggerating I'm worried that's all it is all right new characters in place made of a previously introduced character Felix Mitchell and Mason Ryan is apparently missing and nobody knows where he's gone off to or seems to care how is it that Mitchell entered a bathroom then and momentarily became Ryan excellent question but nothing we can answer right now beyond calling it a system error furthering the idea that were witnessing a simulation our next entry increases the mystery factor auto broadcast who holds a conversation between Amy and Leo with Leo claiming this isn't him because he's not at the location yet it isn't Amy either apparently at least they didn't touch anything except that drive she notes Leo replies we need that back any missing files could cause distant terminal error and a cold reboot square one at least the system got the transport running again I'll be there ASAP and at the very bottom of the description an odd message you can hear it singing the video shows someone driving to a warehouse at night then entering a room filled with tech and networking devices inside is what appears to be a server rack or at least a rack loaded with hard drives we appear to be alone but after a bit of digging we hear this [Music] [Music] the train was entirely empty and probably should have had at least a few passengers as for whoever else was present that's a mystery next up system love an apparent sweep of the system turns up this testimony piece from Ryan's files it's unlike anything we've seen yet I think one of the great things about it is that you get to create an experience that that will stay with you for a lifetime I guess I mean you won't actually know that it was you yourself who created that experience because well you forget but maybe that's why it stays with you for the rest of your life because someone made your life so perfect because you made your life so perfect I made my life so perfect and then there's that little thing called love love love of that can be bent to one's will and then not even aware of it I mean don't get me wrong that probably sounds really dark but I think that is what makes it so special so perfect [Music] [Music] we turn from this dark area to an apparent satellite view after some configuration it hones in on a busy intersection then a clip of broken footage now archived - from April 5 2018 80 days before sunrise again we're watching Ryan and Abigail but something is wrong date stamp incompatible we can't trust the date on this file this might be recognized in the video description leo remote server managed to copy some more footage over slightly corrupt but might be of some use to you I'm on the top floor by the way Amy thank you so much I wish he was this happy now on my way hello [Music] there is this new there is apparently this new look it's gonna be lovely the Technology Expo pretty soon so we should probably go there and you can film it for like one of the epicenters something like simulates the entire the entire body so like everything that you establish and stuff like that they're mainly using it for like I guess they're probably going to end up using it for military stuff isn't there but it's really good you just need to try that yes we must do that Abigale they be aesthetic in a cafe okay before we continue let's recap what was just said we don't know the date of this footage but we know what it tells us Ryan told Abigail that there's a new VR demo available to try in an upcoming tech Expo it simulates the entire body it's incredibly good they have to go give it a shot so far it seems like the perfect explanation for what we're witnessing I can't sleep I can send you these photos I see it now [Music] [Music] you [Music] hey Sarah have you found me [Music] and that we have another character caleb no clear understanding for what he's here or what the cuts of Abigail mean but we seem to be advancing anyway also consider Amy's comments I wish she was this happy now what happened to Ryan to make him unhappy interior log three is a next installment without any video description we observe the world through interior cameras following a young man Mitchell most likely just as we've done before he enters a building owned by the company running the system and then [Music] [Music] [Applause] I told anyone this I'll play I don't have to this whole thing is just for me apparently yes I should tell someone that someone is probably me in the future when I back on this I don't know what it is but at the moment things just seemed to work they just need to fall into place we we went out on a date today and it was base me this three chicks backwards and forwards long stared it adjust her a bit maybe that's how it's meant to be so how that's what anyways I I asked him if he wanted to come to my place and wanted to but he was busy his dad's the CEO of some tech company so that's a really serious about curfews and all that sort of stuff but my first day that was [ __ ] that was something I wish I could doing this right off this [ __ ] camera but I can't because I'm not allowed to do that it don't know the next time don't know when the next time will be there when I got with him probably next week we'll see anyways nobody should shut the [ __ ] up and go to that now say it's me all right this is new it does however feed into what we found earlier during the video system love in which Rhine is musing out loud and talking about a crafted experience and love perfect love which is what makes the experience perfect now let's rope the info from the website into this life is a fragile experience it is unpredictable even at its best of times relationships are broken loved ones are lost and in some cases families are torn apart but what if you could change all of that insert a new to live a life free from the unpredictability and irreplaceable 'ti of the real world with financial support from deep sleep enterprises we have developed immersion technologies far beyond those of our competitors providing an experience almost completely indiscernible from reality Ryan and Abigail had spoken of going to the tech Expo to try out the VR demo Ryan's testimony in the system produces the item on love Ryan's just had a dream date that went extremely well could we be witnessing a catered experience that arranged a date with this guy and asked for the guy himself who is he well ask yourself how this video came to be paired up with its beginning why are these items together Ron his description of the day the guy and then before all of that we have someone walking into a system building and seemingly transforming into a suited occupant of a rich looking location someone we'd expect from Ryan's details about the son of a CEO he went out with now let's consider the previous moment of following who appears to be Mitchell what happened with that he open the bathroom door and turned into Ryan something really odd going on here with a sense of walking in and out of the experience even while interior cameras seem to be catching the movements of people inside the simulation feels like there are two halves or layers to this whole thing a dream within a dream either way let's keep tabs on how weird this moment was and keep the idea on the table that this might be Ryan's day and if this was Mitchell well we know why he was so adamant about Ryan earlier when he first appeared what comes next is titled media dot no leo writes we need to defrag our backups ASAP if it partitions into the archives it will rewrite the contents you will lose your brother the system has been experiencing issues and they need to check the stability of customers more info locking down the idea of simulation technology using T of sleep methods that's worth attending it's up in the air who's talking but Leo's note seems to lean into the idea that Ryan is Amy's brother interior log 4 is a not one and it feels like a response to the previous video you we are going to see the rabbit we are going to see the rabbit which rabbit people say which rabbit asked the children which rabbit the only rabbit the only rabbit on earth sitting behind a bad wire fence under the flood like melon like sodium lights eating grass on the only patch of grass on earth on earth we are going to see the rabbit and we must be Larry on time first we shall go by underground then we shall go by motorway and the last ten yards we shall have to go on foot and now we are going all the way to see the rabbit we are nearly there we are longing to see the rabbit and service the crowd which is here in billions with mounted policemen and big loudspeakers and bands and banners and everyone has come a long way but soon we shall see the rabbit sitting and eating the blades of grass on the only patch of grass on but something has gone wrong [Music] pause for a moment that last bit should be clear to you it was Ryan's voice mixed with a system they both agree something has gone wrong a lacerated story in addition to a story breaking or perhaps because of it there is now about exactly where one shouldn't be that was not there before in the rest of the video we follow a woman probably at a Gail - assistant building and then a tunnel [Music] as the music plays we're told it could be about time life love pain or death this place is all I have to understand I have seen her before I have seen you before it won't be long they are bound to come they are bound to come and find me even here and now we have to raise a question is the system a learning program is it artificial intelligence or are we seeing someone else talking here the way it feels it's as if Ryan entered the system with an idea in mind of what he wanted out of it the system had other plans the lacerated story there is a conflict of interest here in his creating errors just one possibility now buckle up because here's where the confusion really increases even as we get information system format was uploaded on October 4th of last year with a following conversation in the description Leo if we are going to do this I need to contact Mitchell he has their system key ami I changed the expose address so Abigail should have entered the int R k32 environment by now leo she isn't supposed to be there that's code injection Amy I know leo she'll corrupt the local file set the environment will breakdown Amy exactly t so where do I fit in in the last video we saw Abigail enter int R k 30 to 40 amy has sent Abigail into R K 32 by convincing her the Expo is there so the expo that talk of going to a VR demo it's within the realm of the simulation itself and amy has the power to inject code is this what created the error that lacerated the story and now we have a new character T that might be answered soon let's focus on the content of system format Ryan wakes up alone in bed looks around and begins asking for Tyler [Music] ha Tyler you the system cannot see the rabbit with styler the rabbit and where has Tyler gone I suppose we can assume Tyler was the guy that Ryan was dating is he also the new character in the video description interior log 5 brings us back to Leo and Amy Leo says that's not possible none of this should be possible Amy to get anyone back they have to remember it's company policy and sometimes their policies are wrong not this one you can't just change the end-user policy there's a reason they can't remember for their sake for our sake for everyone's sake let me help them now a word from the system originality is none of my design there is only so much I can give to you before I can take from you can i clarify with what you gave me this one of bliss and this one of power could've up length anyhow that's enough time are you joining me dude Ryan C you know it's everything no they aren't everything planes cars trains shops you know they aren't they're over branding himself in their own environment I think that's why Ryan has been acting so weird wait you've been watching it yeah ever since his uplink appeared on the hard drive have you seen Tyler no has terracing right no [ __ ] the [ __ ] up you want me to lock the door no leash that's next time you look in oh and feed the cat it's not even real I know from all that time before we have caleb now head of dress clothes and with him is Abigail just as deep in the knowledge of the system as Caleb but they're inside the system the door will reset next time the cat isn't real in the loco is on the feed interpose was delivered on December 3rd 2018 the description reads run interior protocol track client Ryan M restore invalid action manual client restore required Abigail is seen walking on a boardwalk and on a beach when suddenly [Music] do you really like him what do you mean like do you really like him dude Tyler do you like him yeah of course I like it but do you love him the mystery woman had sound showing us nothing of what may have just happened to Ryan or his answer we follow her to a coffee shop and switched to an interior camera for the system which finally pulls off the feat of tracking Ryan the video that follows is a media file from the system titled soon its message is simple broadcast log media archive system and sunrise will begin soon the date of January 20th 2019 is repeated throughout the description on that day Sunrise occurred a 25 minute 39 second video the description reads we can see the rabbit we have always seen the rabbit always everywhere always sunrise we open with Kayla where he was first seen reminding us of this moment that can't be placed at on a timeline we're then given a collage of images including this capture of a man but not long enough to recognize him as Mitchell or a new character until Caleb reappears staring down a new face in the cast so you found him in a beach yeah a [ __ ] why Beach you'd have to ask him have you spoken to him not really he's kind of penny asked to talk to where is he it was in the warehouse we don't have a warehouse I have a warehouse is that it I think so you sure pretty sure it doesn't have the logo I think it's hidden security protocols it's the right address it's the right locations right server environment sure there's only one way to find out [Music] good I know that face should be really nice if you open this door right now I'm working on it come on nose just be patient try find the exit code give me a moment no okay more than a moment well it is partially in office I'll go with the Sun hear me when you're out there we wrote for the door you said you knew her face I was just thinking [Music] it's Ryan where are you I'm in town planning come over how brief enough to meet your friends yeah he wanted to meet me who Hugo Hugo he said he wanted to [Music] okay how does 4:30 sound to you get over you soon pause let's take a look at these papers that Abigail has notice anything odd it's a script with the lines between her and Caleb some clear portions read Abigail I know Caleb with your friend Ryan Abigail yes Caleb when did you go Abigail opens the door a little bit more Abigail four days ago okay goodbye wait wait yes bye what about that you went it with your friend Ryan yeah when was it four days ago what is it tell me what is it that was four years ago what you never left the building so between the script that was prophetic and what Caleb just said are we all equally confused good moving on Hey right go away I need to talk to you you don't need to talk to me I don't need to talk to you I don't even know you just just just [ __ ] off simple wait kid just just get out of my way I need to talk to someone on like I just keep getting in my [ __ ] way you serious why wouldn't I be so no I just thought you'd be taller I need to give you this what is it you'll find out do you really think I'm gonna take a round of news because some random fifteen-year-old yes dumb sixteen are they gone yeah they've just vanished and skid marks gone to skid marks from the car Oh weird still the world's falling apart I think vanishing skid mounts with the least of our problems so did you ever find Tara yeah was he I saw him on a on a beach and I ran to him and then he just disappeared did you see what it looked like before he um I don't know he seemed calm quiet but also scared at the same time he did say something before he service shut down oh you say everything is sunrise [Music] don't know sever protection corruption could be anything well unless just hope he's in a better place what was that while you're off making tea I managed to allocate some ram to the sector why I found the [ __ ] up next we open to Ryan and it seems Mitchell finally back in the picture talking about the USB Mitchell offers to provide his old laptop since they don't know if the USB is safe to open Oh [Music] [Applause] we go back to Abigail and Caleb who walk through the area where a hard drive was stolen from Iraq in the early videos they find a computer in the back label to access no 25 are 0.02 E and beneath it the control panel are you gonna go check that no III go stay up there with this did you give it to him yeah but it wasn't exactly welcome she's waiting I am Abey Abey [Music] I began [Music] [Music] [Music] you Ryan Abigail Vegas come to all right so um what's going on wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on okay look at this shot look what's what's going on I think I'm trying to get a shot establishing shot yeah I think I look nice yeah we put it together and it's all yeah yeah so I think good for the opening credits yeah oh yeah um so I had a plan so David wasn't able to show up to to play Tyler so we basically just gotten rid of that character entirely so on yeah and so we need your help with a few more shots this weekend as well including today so if you can make that that well good what's I don't understand it's a you okay how are you Alex shooting sunrise are you okay Angus are you okay this webseries is made by a group called Lexel Studios who play the characters Ryan is played by Alex Charlie Abigail is played by Tess Cornwall yeah didn't expect that one right and makes both of us thankfully we don't have to feel lost for too long things pick up with a video Advent Alex shooting sunrise are you okay there is there he was wandering around for hours and yet he didn't ask anyone for help to be honest I'm surprised I meant caught him Mia I'm surprised they would called me me and my tendency to sidestep the rulebook anyways here's a good distraction take the head off me for a little bit at least I'll keep him for now ask him by his four-year-old user Vilas just suddenly popped up on the [ __ ] hard drive and then he can go no I'm not keeping him prisoner captive he's just staying over for the moment I mean you've got nowhere else to go one thing didn't seem right no panicking no sweating screaming running nothing I mean that's what everyone else did but he just walked that's whiny [ __ ] walk [Applause] the video description reads Amy I'm close to an access point eeehm has intensified search I'll try and get a message out to all internal receiver no broadcast terminated replacement operation code input man's best friends I know typically this is the point at which I explain some things because right now explanation could be really useful I'm afraid this series has done a very very good job however of grabbing my arm and swinging me into a wall there is a meta angle there's always been I met an angle here some kind of layer above the simulation I cannot possibly guess the nature of it right now with everything that's just been tossed at us and don't worry it gets worse here's the next video binary [Music] that isn't me I don't think it is why the [ __ ] would I wear denim no I don't remember being there why am I talking to Abigail alright you're not gonna respond fair enough sorry um I don't iron there's something weird about it I that isn't me I don't know that can't be me I don't remember being there which we tried it I don't even know where that is [Music] which rabbit [Music] [Music] I know you love me the definition of binary can be equated to simply two in a binary system there are two objects and it most certainly seems to be the case here as we also witnessed in sunrise with Abigail with Orion with Caleb and of course the whole surprised fourth wall break piece if we had to stop here just supposing of course then I believe the information would point to something that goes a little bit like this there is a system in place indefinitely that system has information in sight that presents us with a Ryan in Abigail the whole case as we've known them somehow whether inside the same system due to an error or in the first layer of the dream within the dream we have the genuine counterparts or doppelgangers something in here either way is a lie either the mana angle is a lie where the second set of characters is a lie that came to exist because of an error and at least one set at least one is inside the system they know they are and they're running around with the ability to make changes to it from the inside but in terms of what's going on full picture we need more info we have to keep watching lucky for us we can do that with the upload out leer [Music] Abby Brian what are you doing here I can ask you the same question are you okay look it something's wrong you can tell me you wouldn't understand try me no you really wouldn't look don't worry just some guy the guy's run away and I'm trying to find him you cheeky [ __ ] no not like that he was helping me with something then he just wolfed outside and never came back like he vanished hmm lovely well let me know if you do find him I'd quite like to meet this runaway I have to go now but I will catch up with you later oh and let me know if you find the dude what's his name Caleb Caleb all right let me know when you find him see ya you [Music] this Abigail is trying to figure out what happened to Caleb and it's an Abigail who knows they're in the system Caleb the character was called by his actor's name after he disappeared which looked initially like an escape from the system but we know that's not what happened because of this moment who is this puppeteer is this the legitimate Rian is it the illegitimate Alex either way a hierarchy clearly exists here with this guy at a control panel of his own and he push Caleb into the road leaving this Abigail wondering what happened with this version of Ryan the video description has more of Leo being interrupted Amy where did you go I need you to go over I am protocol stabilized running scan system man's best friends the following video ignorant sees a return for Amy they're bringing them back everyone is coming back I did so like us hate it so much and we just rocked our selves the Vienna in a box closed our eyes imagine a better world [Music] I know why Thailand I know [Music] I know anyone [Music] we're getting taken back back to old we left behind so they didn't tell us what went wrong we made unsafe [Applause] ignorance is man's best friend so that was the code we seem to be circling back to the idea that the whole environment were witnessing is a simulation used to get away from a disaster or a disasters choice was made just to see this happen we can also breathe easier knowing the to Ryan's issue is real and it was Caleb's jump that promptly caused it now some people with power to change the system are resolved to activate shut down but then they'll see the rabbits as in an acronym rabbits there are only two more uploads at this time the first archived zero answers a question we may have forgotten we had the system opens a screen from the internal management side for project interior running a beta test on clients Chiara and Jasper it's difficult to describe what you're about to see without consulting and I'm going to interject when appropriate [Music] okay fine [Music] okay step we're so big here before us I think should be I look at all this stuff I know are you sure they're definitely not here the owners gone well I think this is that tickles [Music] do you recognize this moment the screen input matches up with a very first video this is the reboot failure in progress that resulted in a 362 day run being deleted from the system [Music] which one look at all of this Oh er yeah it's come check this out oh no it looks pretty cool though jackets are gone yeah take it okay press the buns exit who's that no but okay so good [Music] okay give me a sign [Music] probably finds word you got a you got a Bobby panel something right thank you this is keep house right punch something in okay maybe that's everything long alright find them well what do you suggest that do that sooner there might be someone in there just bang on the door we get move down thank you I look at all this stuff I know are you sure they're definitely not here well I think this is that tickles so come on quickly okay are you sure it's not him what do you mean it's not here not bad you sure they're definitely not him it's Ricky quickly I'm sure yes I'm sure it's not here but it makes money it's one bad dollar it's worse to me hold this Oh check this out yeah it cools okay let's go you go I'll take the back thanks back Hey [Music] okay give me a sec I'm fine [Music] Chiara [Music] [Music] the only potential way to explain what we've just seen is through the note have the very ends automatic repair loop element 5b there's definitely a loop going on here but it might be a function of the system in order to establish repairs is this a byproduct of the repair process either way I suppose we may not be seeing Chiara and Jasper again maybe ever now we're final piece for the moment is interior log six again bringing us back to a question we may have forgotten she's right you know about what you really wouldn't understand what wouldn't I understand I'm her friend I quite like to know what's going on thank you very much why didn't you just why am I even talking to you you're not even there she deleted him the system deleted him the system deleted my boyfriend Tyler because I didn't love him enough what does a computer know about love I created him Tyler the perfect match I even made him backstory son of a rich Texas ma clever tall love created love that could be pent to one's will I told Abigail who he was and what would happen to him I even told her that he was just a bit of software and yet she still tried to help whatever that meant but no he just disappeared delete it apparently that was a violation of their your user policy so internal management went after her trying to catch her home disconnect her but she got away I recently discovered that I'm not the only one creating love this whole time I've been running around searching crying trying over and over again just to find my sister Amy thinking that she disappeared or ran away or never signed up for this [ __ ] in the first place she didn't do any of that none of that because because she's been in front of my face the whole time she's everywhere Namie is everywhere [Music] enemy is a system how is it possible for Amy to be the system when it seems that she's been on the outside trying to conduct a better reality for those inside how is it possible for his sister to be grafted into the system at all this point is a very much a cliffhanger we've gone a fair distance in unraveling this room does not exist but more information is absolutely needed for puzzle solving there are at the very least four questions open now and only additional uploads will satisfy I'm coming around to thinking what if Ryan's friends aren't his friends at all and of everyone here is the only one consistently referred to as a client's Kayla Abigail the others Abigail has been referred to as a client but not consistently she's in the know like Caleb what if they're part of internal management that would answer the question of how they came to know that they are in a simulation but what about Ryan himself who told him did he just know the whole time and went along with it because it provided him a perfect fantasy how do you wake up someone from the interior when they already know where they are if they're aware what's there to wake up from maybe that's the thing we should be the most afraid of we've got a good amount of road to travel before we can put the lid on some things I'm not unhappy about it though rather the opposite this room does not exist is highly interesting as a member of this field utilizing the video description in the way that it does presenting information in its way smacking us right in the face with a two-by-four during that Alex and Tess moment there are other series and projects and have vibes that you can relate to this but nothing is quite like it it is unique in its construction the first major praise you've got to give a project of this nature is extremely obvious nobody is ever this competent or beautifully sharp with our camerawork sound and overall technical presentation they've got some hot equipment and they know how to use it reactors have been conditioned for camera work and there's definitely some color grading that's been done here to present cinema touches it is impressive and worth noting Lexel Studios know what they're doing and they're determined to prove it some of these videos have cinematography eye candy I also must commend the ability of the storytellers to do what is usually quite dangerous they are not the first nor will they ever be the last to upload a bunch of videos with titles and descriptions loaded with computer language returns like broadcast and archived for their creepy antic Matic webseries so many newcomers who have no experience in storytelling or presentation in this realm try it because the BAM it's cryptic and they find it impressive or spooky in a modern way and 99% of the time it does not work for this room does not exist it absolutely works because the storytelling behind it warrants the practice and delivers breaking any sense of stigma the towels put on the table initially now half of me wants to stay away from the next thing I want to say because I know some of you will claim it's low-hanging fruit but I mean this in a really good way this room does not exist feels like a very long black mirror episode it does it has a lot of black mirror vibes and that's not bad at all it's a slow burner but a good watch and you can feel a punch in the throat on the final two minutes of the whole project coming closer with every upload there's something lurking in here getting ready to pounce that tells you the extent to which human oversight and technology has created a new avenue in horror this webseries clearly is an effort even more so than most live-action stuff online you can tell from the shots that are collected to the music to the presentation it is all very involved there's no such thing as just picking up the camera hitting record and doing the scene for these people preparations are made care is taken each upload must require a good amount of time to nail down before the public sees that it's so obvious the amount of effort that goes into this and time now that all being said here's a question am I feeling it on the twists turns and gotchas I'm certainly feeling perplexed I can say that a twists are set up you see is only ever as good as its outcome I need to see what comes out of all this and the explanations to really appreciate them but I know when I'm at an impasse and there's a pretty big gate between me and satisfying conclusions right now even with all the information we have they did well I just need more episodes to see how well but here's the big thing do I care to see how well they did based on what they've done so far the answer is yes that's the best testimony I can give I want to see the rabbit sincerely and that is a compliment visually stunning technically competent in ways that are leaps and bounds above your peers and with a premise that's shaping up and compelling me to keep my eye on this monitor you've written yourselves into quite a quandary but I can't wait to see how you untie the magician's knots and show the grand design I have faith in you and I can't wait to see how this all goes completely knots if you're feeling the cold VR server room calling you as much as I - join me in viewing and subscribe - this room does not exist and hit the notification bells for you catch the next upload when two drops Lexel Studios also has a patreon if you'd like to support them directly I imagine it takes at least a little bit of money to get the show running as crystal clear as it is remember also in light of watching people tortured by an unfeeling VR system that our Frances serf shark have your back with a warm and watchful VPN system as mentioned before surf shark is offering a limited time deal tonight mind viewers available in the video description 83% off of a two-year plan and an additional free month at Surf shark teal / night minds thanks to all of you for watching and thanks especially to my supporters on patreon who helped me discover and cover excellent projects like these stick around to see the names of all of these awesome creatures of the night thanks for joining me in the talk again this evening once more I'm Nick Nocturne and unlike an imaginary boyfriends you can count on seeing me again real soon until then sleep sides [Music] [Music]
Channel: Night Mind
Views: 459,717
Rating: 4.9250288 out of 5
Keywords: this room does not exist, this room does not exist explained, night mind, webseries, lexel studios, vpn, secure vpn, vpn for android, site vpn, Best VPN 2018
Id: Fr131uxWIu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 41sec (5861 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 27 2019
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