IMSCARED - The game that acts like a virus

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horror games for the most part have been kind of the same idea you walk around a dark place usually with something watching you until a jump scare happens then you either close the game and cry in the corner like I do or you continue to walk around until the next jump scare happens if it's a triple A game maybe they'll throw in a few puzzles in between but still the same cycle maybe that would have been fun a few decades ago but now that basically every horror game does it it gets kind of dull oh and also this is just my opinion but a horror game with constant jump scares isn't fun I'm looking at you Mortuary assistant jump scares are kind of just a quick surprise that catches you after evening which is kind of cheap a good horror game would send chills down your spine constantly and leave you paranoid all throughout even when you close the game and lay in bed for the next 10 hours unable to fall asleep and unfortunately there haven't been many games that have been able to do that however I found a game that does something pretty unique something that I've never seen done before at least that I know of the game is called I'm scared yes all in one word it's a pixelated horror game similar to really old retro games where you can literally see individual pixels and to me that gives it a plus for overall horror but because I don't know why but there's something inherently scarier about pixelated things as opposed to something lifelike but it would be hard to properly explain what this game does and what makes it unique so I think we'll just have to start at the beginning and go from there so let's do that shall we but before that I like to mention the sponsor of this video private internet access VPN I'm pretty sure everyone's aware that almost everyone knows what you're doing online and probably even where you are that's what a VPN fixes a VPN will privately reroute your connection to a different server and Hydra activity essentially it's like a secret tone we used to connect with and because of that tunnel no one really knows what you're doing and they think you're from somewhere else instead one advantage of that is you can use it to get region restricted content like for Netflix you can connect to a different country to be able to watch shows that are only given to people who are there and it's not just Netflix that applies to pretty much any service that has geo-restricted content and it's really simple to use you just choose a different place and connect just like that oh and also they have a new feature where you can use one subscription on an unlimited number of devices at the same time so if you have like 30 devices somehow you can use your subscription on all of them at the same time I recommend it if you want to try it out you can go to this link in the description for a special discount so try it out it's worth it welcome to I'm scared this is the first and last time you'll read this message I suggest you read this or it's really important to do so due to its nature I am scared as often detected as a virus and gets blocked by her system uh I tried to whitelist it please don't infect my computer as you might know audio is an important aspect of the game please use your headphones or turn the volume mid High I don't know mine headphones are pretty trash I need you to acknowledge that this game will try to deceive you as many times as it can if something strange happens or the game crashes please have faith and think outside the box that's not my specialty so you already lost me there I'm really sorry this wasn't meant to happen I didn't want things to go like this is that the game developer speaking to me or some other entity oh we're immediately into this okay it's quite foggy isn't it let's see we got a key here okay there's a flower oh we can Crouch okay oh now it's dark to me oh okay huh weirdest font I've ever seen okay there's achievements here middle click to focus okay how do I play the game actually I'm already stuck on the main menu this is amazing but as I press oh I am so stupid I see there's a key already ah oh this wasn't here or was I don't know uh oops I fell down oh great hmm rusted key so is this a place to hide when things go downhill can I use this rustic key oh do I want to go in here well there's the heart pulsating heart oh what is that okay stop code is a white phased on nil okay escape to restart and there's a folder on my desktop that was not here this right here is the most important part of this game remember when it said that sometimes this game is detected as a virus well it's because the game breaks the fourth wall and puts files on your desktop constantly that idea right there is what makes this game unique I don't think I've heard of any other game that's done this you also can't ignore these files because they're a core function of the game and reading through all the files is how you get clues in order to progress attention there is a way to turn an entity into Data they have a life of their own and it is difficult to distinguish them from normal computer files in our actions of everyday while we sit at a computer this by entity observers observes us and studies our every move in fear the game is simple to touch the arrows is the key if you get caught you lose a Sam will predict a survival it's a white face was it that white yes I saw a couple minutes ago a picture called hello it's just a black box do you know my name no your name is White Face I do not want to play tag how about that oh that's a problem that is 100 right behind me okay got you oh man oh here we go [Music] man I really wish I had a flashlight oh what are you I love watching you huh how to play I'm scared oh oh looks like the back rooms oh yeah I found that heart exit I use the heart which was apparently a key the end all right oh not enough oh what's up oh all of you what's up okay now it actually closed oh it's a PNG of that okay I got one achievement those achievements by the way are very important too keep that in mind oh no it's super bright tongs what do I okay well let's go in these doors one by one never mind hmm okay nice bedroom yo there was nothing interesting in there this unlocked no okay I'm guessing there's something in this room I missed wouldn't be the first time I'm going back to you oh oh of course now it turned dark there it is I didn't mean to do that oh what is that I heard you oh what's up hey don't run away help me sorry I can't help you I don't want to die me neither oh you said the name of the game oh [ __ ] oh this is my room okay lovely roomy house I see it's very dark good turn on some lights and the heater you know those are really truly cheap nowadays but I can look at you do not come any closer please are you scared uh you know there's the weirdness Factor when it comes to this kind of thing oh foreign okay when I open this door there better not be no jump scares oh okay even better could have made better arrows oh what's up nice to meet you again congratulations you made it to the end but you can't escape from here Stay With Me I will always be here looking at you do you want me to go on the news okay let's do it I'm afraid I can't let you do that you need me share me play with me I'm yours what one of your names is her there's more stuff in here is it stay with me all right it's alive it's real it's changing again like the last time what form will it take it's just a phantom of deception yes if you're wondering pretty much all the text files this game makes are cryptic as home which means I didn't get any of it the only Parts I understood are the hints that tell you what to do next but there's a lot of reading in this game the rest is relevant to the story but I'll talk about that later just know that I'm scared bury her okay let's do this again oh there's no key this time wait does that mean the door is just open now okay let's not go down that way no I was supposed to go that way for some reason when I read this I didn't put two and two together what is this place behind the bookshelves anything I mean there's no other reason they'd be like this wait wasn't this do I need to go get that hard again another heart do you know my name white face so instead of combining these two things I just completely forgot this line even existed the wonders of the mind you know [Music] oh this is new you shouldn't be here why not what's wrong with me oh I don't know what that is oh no this is here grandma phone is broken then why is it playing I mean the only thing I can do is close the game let's try that um back in the house Mission again back to begin oh uh-huh I know that didn't really look interesting but this means that the game lets you replay any pad that you've already done for example the path where you type white face I've already done so if you start it again they don't force you to play with the red all again you can follow any sign that says back to begin to go back to the hub if you can call it that the main room basically wait how would I say yes this time what's my name yo mama didn't one of the files say one of her names is her I feel like that didn't do anything please be quiet awesome oh now I'm in here please be quiet I don't know I'm making a lot of stomping noises is this just looping and this never actually goes what if I don't do that oh Arrow here interesting oh that's her locked I see you don't think you can hide from me I still want to see if this door is openable it's not openable nice room there is something behind this what if I touch your painting there was a hidden button behind the painting yo there we go see I am not a genius at all hey how's it going hello if you'd like to know I was going to say there was something that said if you'd like to know more go to the seller her is missing there we go a nice seller you got oh this is another puzzle in it what oh I get it there's one of those okay I think I get it keyword is I think or green five red three blue [Music] that's a fake achievement huh okay nope I'm out east the hell out oh right here it said uh close here close I don't know who I'm bearing who is this error person that is literally the stock cricket sound effect I found a way to help you while in game press the N key and check the game's folder for here.text the solution lies there okay lock.txt there's nothing in here here what in the [ __ ] wait isn't this a map of like I came down here somewhere and I went here I'm like right here there's a gate here aha how about that you fell for it uh real alone dot HTML don't be deceived the other one is lying from now on follow the instructions of this HTM HTML file red is trying to deceive you one more time follow the map you'll find the a key use that key and you'll be able to straight to destroy the lock in your game folder that is keeping the green gate locked oh my God what in there is a path here which is right here no what about this way here we go what oh okay Labyrinth key nothing is blocking the gate though I am Ultra confuzzled one eternity later what if I just delete the whole file how about that oh my gosh it worked two on left two on right awesome you gonna hide of course you will oh this is a labyrinth oh the gate is now open oh and I'm on the other side of the gate okay Shard over the mirror okay I think I see what I have to do and now we can assemble the mirror uh what the [ __ ] there we go look at the mirror I am looking at oh maybe I shouldn't have done that don't tell me I have to go through all of that again oh there's you again I forgot about you hey what if I assemble the mirror in this mirror world please laugh more oh what was that it's not there anymore please laugh more oh wait a minute is there something here called please laugh more there it is seven there we go I'm getting somewhere I'm not completely stupid yet why do I need to be back here oh station key oh wait this is a station oops power went out if I go down here and there's a jump scare huh amazing jump scare [Music] I don't know why I let her catch me literally every other time she's caught me it wasn't good so I don't know what the hell I was thinking oh God damn it turn that off now you're just telling me where to go thanks for the directions cool Metro key Metro 2033 reference train schedule work home and Truth have a nice day well I mean I'd like to go home actually eight pm what time is it right now it's only 2 30. that actually was my local time I don't know how I didn't catch that I'm very stupid oh tempus fugit zero zero zero zero hmm are they telling me to set the time on my computer to zero zero let's see how do I do that okay let's change it to zero zero change it's oh oh oh okay the train just teleported you're reaching the end I don't know hopefully I'm going home I hope you reached this sign in a minute there's a new file on the desktop but I know it wants to destroy it I hope it's still here if not I'm sorry let's press the button press build buttons what is this a new file on my desktop my last will to the one to the ones playing to the ones watching there is a way to turn an entity into Data but it fits but well what but if it's of data wait hold on but if it's of data we're talking about then there must be a way to get rid of it if you really want to delete Whiteface from your computer there's only one way keep playing keep watching okay does this keep getting bigger oh it is okay Oh Come and face the truth but there's still trains passing by hey how's it going okay the game just quit I am a liar so this is a goodbye if things goes if things goes as I think you'll have to shoot with left click but I have to say I don't think you will give you bullets I'm sorry wow thanks six will do is this some slender BS you made me think about life about appearance I changed bit by bit literally computer bits I really don't like what happened to me so it's raining blood you might want this nightmare to end then okay uh where are these bullets you want me to find I'm stuck I see this is an init file it let's change this to uh Six Trillion got it I'm sure pretty much all of you noticed this the fact that you're playing as Whiteface which is probably important to this game's story I really don't know how I miss this like I've got to be the dumbest idiot known to me I'm scared is that it oh that was actually it made by Ivan's Noti maybe that will be my name [Music] oh that door is now unlocked oh the blockiest Fade to White I've seen layer the curtain Falls I want to shoot I want to share a story with you hey cut it right there I told you there would be a lot of reading pretty much this whole text file is story building or like a character building type thing I'm going to skip it though and go to the important bit because most of you will find it boring right you just want to see me get scared don't you you ungrateful those of you who are interested can pause and read it although I do want to point out that their story is about their brother but then they said they never had a brother okay schizophrenic I have two secrets for you the credits holds one of them ah that was that one name that was okay oh this uh sounds different oh I think the name was Ivan zanotti okay now playing Market okay so most of the market section isn't really that interesting per se compared to the rest of the game so I'll just run through it quickly and like a plot summary type way if that even makes sense oh nice Market what does it say check the tool list is there a tool list oh what is that oh wait got a letter oh okay there should be something else here and I'm just not catching it am I close try to open this again oh now I'm outside what a lovely Outdoors so now I'm the person on the other side you send the letter let's try close again and then open ah now I'm back inside okay but they said they'll send someone open this no of course not what the hell do I know oh here's a key office key press e to send data there's also this cutter [Music] really I think they want me to restart the game again is that what oh I'm back outside oh and there's the trash cutter you cut the wires with a cutter oh no it's a dark in there [Music] I hear breathing and I don't like that now I just want to mention despite hearing the sounds of someone knocking things over there isn't anyone actually in the store with you that was basically just environment noise meant to trick you and it works like you probably couldn't tell but there was basically a waterfall of sweat on my forehead from the nervousness so I give the game 10 out of 10 for messing with your head I just want to turn on the auxiliary thing power's back on E to send data sent L I am scared is there anything else in here oh enter a great place what in the [ __ ] instructions and another YouTube link great a lot of nothing seven four nine fifteen what is a 17 T okay so basically I wasted five minutes building out the code myself when I could have just went into the comments of that video because someone already posted it there good job me from the past take me to the door I don't know what the hell that means do you know my name take me to the door that's my name oh what the heck is this minor 18th century Warehouse oh I'm in a factory [Music] what is that really do you do you want I think there was a phase behind there oh not you again oh okay it was for that the valve opens that door oh what is that pipes B where do I go you know I'm a tick a spring shot of this with my phone oh and I see a face over there that's great lovely oh no no oh there was a smiley face instead oh you broke it damn it I don't want to [Music] found the other valve oh this is now open of course you are how do you know that why is my ship key broken surely that thing that's chasing me so much faster yeah oh fixed okay see that that was the only bit of vertical movement in this game so far if you had to go up ladders you would have to they would have to teleport you but not anymore I guess valve c [Music] huh Secret Door you haven't unlocked all the achievements please restart the game bruh so guess I have to find some of these ah yes the achievements you need to go find every achievement before going through the lazador that's why they were important what's done though is that some of them are super obscure like peek-a-boo and two and one of them specifically not to see is up to complete random chance thankfully it's not a super low chance but still uncool if you were wondering though yes I did get it without even realizing it it's this area the one with a sign that says you shouldn't be here oh there's a key here oxidized key oh I can go back there if I want to okay I see I see oh what the hello buddy heard a piano sound now that right there is a bug that's not supposed to happen the first note you heard was me getting the peekaboo achievement however there's another one called Pika 2. for that one you're supposed to leave and come back some other time to see a gravestone instead but there's a chance that if you just take a few steps back and walk forward again you'll get the Pika 2 achievement accidentally and that's what just happened to me even the Phantom page for the game acknowledges it okay I just need Heaven's adore and lucky tickets so I don't know how the hell to get those apparently Heaven's Door I need to go through the white face section again okay there we go now we just need lucky tickets I think I know where that is okay it's showing me the current time but I need to change my time to 7 45 AM now let's get the other ticket there we go I have all the achievements go through this door there we go Secret Door in the game closed huh I'm here thank you welcome to the door this is your last choice if you enter this door our game will end for real please please please pick up the flower and give it to me I will reset everything we did until now so does that mean all my progress will be lost exit do you really want to open it Choose Wisely it is irreversible yes black screen oh now we're in a black and white world hey what's up I begged you and you ignored what do you think will happen next you you made this game unplayable not my fault I don't want you to kill you I will live here forever okay you're scared oh please tell me that's the end if I if I load this up what will happen let's see oh this will happen again no let's let's do it one more time oh okay how about one more time through here you don't even deserve to be touched I see you see one more time no what if I closed the game and then re reopen it she doesn't die already she also die already okay oh now there's so many of you what if I go keep opening the game there's a heart here okay what if I exit I can't even exit awesome oh harta.txt okay I suppose you're satisfied I'm scared I am scared to the point that I cannot hide my heart anymore destroy this file move it change its name the game will end and so will my curse leave me here I beg you I want to stay here with you just a little more but I do know farewell so let's just move this out okay now what will happen is that actually the end I think all the darkness in the game just disappeared so does that mean I can just go outside now okay well I don't think there's anything else to do anymore yeah oh what a lovely day it is now see it's not so scary when nothing is dark all right well that's the end that was one of the more abrupt and sudden endings I've seen by now I think you get why I say this is one of the more unique horror games I've seen the concept of interacting with a game outside of the game is really cool and I think the pixelated art style makes sense with that concept it probably wouldn't feel the same if everything looked 4K Ultra HD you might also be wondering what the hell is the story well I don't actually think there is a set story because you won't find anything about it online and I honestly couldn't really figure anything out I suspect that everything in the game might be cryptic on purpose to make the story more open-ended it's kind of like you fill in the blanks of what you think the story would be and that in itself is also really unique like how many games have you seen do that regardless this is definitely a game that I would recommend to everyone even if you hate pixels for some reason I would say the game does does horror properly by putting most of the scare factor in the unsettling environment and really giving an unnecessary jump scare that's what Real Horror should be so go try it out it's worth it but anyways bye [Music]
Channel: LamWarp
Views: 1,695,431
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: horror game, horror, IMSCARED, imscared, pixelated, pixels, IMSCARED - a pixelated horror game, funny, scary, comedy, subtitles, commentary, unique horror game, Kevin MacLeod, fluffing a duck, Opposing Force, Planet Soundtrack
Id: Rsq5QuAAXvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 40sec (1780 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 14 2023
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