This is the WORST Fan Game... (sort of)

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hunt down the Freeman is the worst fan game sort of I'll explain why I'm saying sort of in a bit but the line hunt down the Freeman is the worst game has went around so many times that even the developers have embraced it and made achievements mocking their own game astonishing it's pretty much been getting hated on since it was released I wouldn't be surprised if it was even before it was released and with the amount of bugs it has it's kind of deserving of most of it so is this video also going to be about why it's so bad yes but also a little bit of no mostly yes though but before I do what everyone else would do and vent about everything they don't like about this game I want to briefly talk about the development of it and I think it can be perfectly summarized in a single picture that this steam user happened to make four years ago and from this single photo you can probably reasonably extrapolate the rest so this game started out as a Half-Life 2 mod which makes sense around 2016 when a demo was released and then later released in 2018 and there were a ton of scandals about the development like the developers being accused of stealing assets without permission to a weapon model apparently made with two billion polygons almost firing the animator's computer that must have been fun so from all that you would assume the developers would either stop the project or actually get a working brain and do it properly but no they released the game in as a broken State and here we are so you would also assume that after almost five years they would fix up their game that they're actually selling for ten dollars nope when I finally decided to infect my computer and install this game for the first time a few months ago I was fully expecting to be met with more bugs than Australia so I installed the build of the game that you currently get when you do install it take note of that sentence all the stuff I'm going to point out are based on that so let's start with the fact that this game takes up almost 40 gigabytes of space after playing it I'm really not sure what in this game takes up 40 gigabytes I haven't heard of any Valve game or fan made game take up that much space black Mesa looks like it has a lot more packed in and it takes up less than 30. let's follow that up with the fact that even before you load it up the developers acknowledged that Co-op is broken I'm not even gonna try it so I'll just take their word for it we're already two downsides in and we haven't even loaded up the game the main menu surprisingly I actually think it's pretty good it still emulates the traditional Half-Life 2 main menu but stylizes it a bit it's not a drastic change like black mesa's menu oh and the default called Save State picture is the main character dabbing by the looks of it also they do have a training course here and I think just going through that will give you a great idea of how the rest of this game is you load it up and you can immediately tell a just copy his opposing force on this one and I don't know if it's just me but something about the area just looks odd I can't really point out what though when the other trainees are saying yes sir their mouths don't move at all and when the drill instructor asks a question they don't say anything but he still responds as if they did say something all in the first five minutes later when you learn about basic movement you'll notice some new stuff there's pruning now I really don't see the purpose crouching is just fine but okay there's also parkour mode to climb higher Ledges or move along Ledges and I gotta say the animations are pretty good right after that you're in a shooting range but the instructor doesn't tell you what to do I assume this is where you learn how to use other weapons because they're on the lockers here but instead I'm just stuck here because the instructor hasn't said anything to trigger the next stage so because I was stuck I had to quit out of that that was just the training course when I said this will give you a great idea of how the rest of this game is I'm not kidding so let's start the actual game the first thing you'll notice is that the game starts with a cutscene now I'm not one to judge whether cutscenes are a good or bad thing but I can say that they are extremely out of place in this game for when the idea of elf's philosophy is that the game should never take control away from the player that's why you don't see cutscenes in any of of their games that way the player feels like they're a part of the world and not just watching a movie and so since this is supposed to take place within Half-Life you know a valve thing it would have made a lot more sense for there to not be cutscenes but let's say the developers wanted to add them on purpose okay that's fine the cutscenes look drastically different from the actual game the cutscenes themselves look actually really good but the playable game looks really off compared to them you can see it right after the first cutscene the starting area looks so much more different and cut scenes happen all the time seemingly at random times as well so they're either sudden or they fade in from black which looks even more odd and sometimes a cutscene will end in one place and then you're in a completely different place in time what the hell Royal rudius entertainment but enough about the parts where you don't play how about the parts where you do play well they added new movement mechanics you can prone climb walls and roll however they're rarely used in the game these mechanics are more of a nuisance because you have to activate parkour mode and hold us to your gun to be able to climb you know just having crouching works perfectly fine oh and climbing pipes takes forever if you have to climb one you can honestly just put something on the W key and then you can go to the gym for an hour come back to eat a nice meal and then go take a nap for an hour and when you finally come back to the game you'll have climbed half the way up really they added an inventory system in the game it looks alright I'm not gonna lie but it's also kind of pointless you know this system works just fine as well and it was easier but I also mentioned that if you want to turn on night vision you have to hold the goggles in your hand because they're an item you can hold and then put it on in the controls there's a button to just turn on night vision but it doesn't work the weapons themselves are actually good they look high quality but not 2 billion polygon quality you're able to aim down sights which is also pointless because one it looks kind of awful and two you can just hit by everything like you do in Half-Life so and all they tried to add some new stuff but it either doesn't fit in this kind of game or it's pointless in just a hassle instead oh but it doesn't stop there the level design in this game is impeccably bad I mean just look at this a lot of these levels are empty for some reason like look at this tunnel nothing here if this was a real train station there would be shops around here maybe more tunnels a few trash cans I don't know just something at least the devs put in this decal love it meanwhile the first outside area is full of stuff granted none of these things here are props and they're just solid objects but still some areas like this mountain section is way too big 90 of your time here is just running to the next place this sewers area looks perfect for an airboat but no you have to run through this while a gunship chases you later you're in this area where a hundred headcrab canisters fly in and the only way to get out is to wait for this one to break open the tunnel the Fidelity of these levels is truly something to witness that too can range from decent to absolutely abhorred this amount area is peak level design IMO they look just like real mountains to scale as well made with unity same with this Skybox this might go down as the best looking game of all time step aside a God of War Ragnarok the true God is here the game also a problem with not giving you any hints to where you have to go you'll have to look around every corner to find the way and some of these maps are huge so it also takes a while and you'll also remember about the climbing feature so you'll be smashing your face into every wall to see if you can climb it only to find out that you can't making a go smash your face into a wall in real life take this office area there are zero indicators to where you should go I would estimate that there are about a hundred doors in here and 80 of them you can't open the only piece of guidance is this flare that tells you where the next cutscene starts or this part in the ship you just put here with no idea of what to do so you have to wander around this big ship until you find the area that starts the cutscene or perhaps of the worst offender in this area this area in the docks has it all you're just put here with no idea of what you're supposed to do there are no indicators of where you're supposed to go it's a huge area so it takes forever to run around and you can get lost and there are enemies by far the next dumbest thing I've seen is this part in this cutscene this guy says to hang on for a little bit while he does something you would think it cuts to when he comes back back but no he actually meant it you have to stand in this room for almost a whole minute doing absolutely nothing until the next cutscene starts there's this section with quite possibly the stupidest puzzle ever the floor in this house is cracked so you know you have to destroy it but grenades don't work shooting it doesn't work 360 no scoping it doesn't even work you have to go upstairs and stand on it so it falls down and breaks the floor it's an unintuitive and kind of dumb so I'll give it a 10 out of 10. some other levels are completely broken this train station area is supposed to have a large fight until the train doors open but for me none of that happened there were no enemies and the train doors never opened so that meant I was soft locked I'm not sure what's supposed to trigger the doors opening but that clearly broke so I had to no clip into the train only to find out the level transition was in there so I had to manually load the next map with the console now this should be kind of obvious but if I have to cheat or load the next map myself in order to progress then the game is not good also if I have to go running around to figure out where to go in every level then the game is not good overall level design is trash the voice acting is one of the prominent things in this game the developers though thought it would be an amazing idea to have other YouTuber his voice like the characters and not just Side characters no the main characters one of the developers made a list of all the voice actors so you can take a look now I don't recognize all the people here so I don't know if this list is accurate but it's the closest thing I have and not all these people are professional voice actors so the quality of the dialogue can vary the main protagonist is voiced really well because his voice actor is an actual professional on the other hand there's Larry who sounds Crystal Clear despite wearing a mask there is my favorite character by the way but the other thing is that it could be odd hearing someone else that you know as another character it can be hard to take them so seriously not like you can take this game seriously in the first place but now remember near the beginning of this video when I said this so I installed the build of the game that you currently get when you do install it well if you go to the beta section on Steam there are a few different builds one of them is the original release build of the game from 2018 so that implies that the version I was talking about this whole time was an updated one and indeed it was what I've shown you thus far has been the improved version of the game improved all the past videos you've seen on this game have specifically been shaming on this build I installed it and wow it certainly is worse sort of I say sort of again because in this build you can actually you know finish the tutorial and not get soft locked and that previous train station part actually works as well but that's the only good part everything else isn't a majority of the game is just the same but with some minor inconveniences like this elevator now just looks awful both of the weird textures and how block everything looks as if it was made in Minecraft the office part where you need to use the night vision goggles is now too bright so you don't even need to use the night vision the night vision actually makes it worse in this part with about 100 Claymores there's zero indication for how to navigate it so you'll have to trial and error your way through because any small step can set them off and destroy the planet in the newer build they put wires to tell you where to go which is a big Improvement those are the little things some bigger things like the beginning Hospital area is much different this is where that moment where the guy takes a medkit happens but perhaps the biggest thing that I'm glad they fixed in the current build is the new Alaska chapter the release build version of this chapter has got to be one of the worst video game levels I've ever played in my life I'm sure a lot of previous videos critiquing this game have a lot to say about this part first of all it's so unnecessarily long like 30 minutes long but even worse is that the maps are way too large for no reason like the first half you just walk through a snowy mountain with nothing happening for a whole five minutes seriously and if you dare go the wrong way a certain blizzard will wipe you away from existence then when you do have to do something different like climbing it's also broken but I also point out that I've died a few times to the ant lands that appear here now before you spam skill issue in the comments let me put into context that their attack has a much farther range from yours so unless you waste all your ammo and antlions you'll almost always trade damage with them oh [ __ ] off there's a section where you have to avoid these snipers and it's relatively easy up until this specific part where there's one so close to you that it's nearly impossible to avoid them I spent like 10 minutes dying over and over again at this part until I gave up in no clip past them even worse level design but thankfully I didn't fall into the back rooms then there's this part where you have to avoid these spotlights these spotlights suck because if they do see you they ask Zeus to strike you down into dust from the heavens above I didn't play the rest of the game because I know they just wanted to end my suffering after that Alaska chapter so I don't know if there were other huge differences that was the release of build but remember that there were two others the April fools update 1 from what I can tell changes absolutely nothing so it's literally a complete joke then there's the owf build from what I've heard this build is supposed to try to fix the game bold move I only played a little bit and there wasn't much a different that I noticed at least in the tutorial they at least give some description to how to properly do the new movement and the button to turn on night vision actually works wow none of these builds however address of the real problem the game is called hunt down the Freeman but Freeman never actually appears he's in the cover art but not in the game are you fine I should also mention that there was something called the Mesa build which also had the goal of fixing this game although from what I've read it's been discontinued because owf is more up to date but when I looked into what the Mesa build changed a lot of those changes were present in the default build that I first played so maybe I'm wrong but it looks to be that the Mesa build is the one you install by default now so this is why the title says that this is the worst game sort of because while the game still is absolutely utter trash it's surprising to say that there was a time where this was even worse but while the current game has a lot of things that make it objectively better than it was originally there's still the fundamental issue with how the gameplay and these levels are planned out that make it almost impossible to turn this game into a good one also they still manage to screw up crucial parts that make it impossible to progress so I'm really not sure what to say about this game is it really better or worse there's way more quality of life improvements but you still have to cheat to progress but we you can all agree on one thing this game should not have released like this they should have either scrapped it or completely reworked it hopefully the studio learned from this and won't make the same mistakes the only good thing so far is that it set the barber quality so low that I don't think anything else will make me more disappointed than this so thank you hand down the Freeman you've given me a new vision for game design but anyways bye [Music]
Channel: LamWarp
Views: 160,720
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hunt Down the Freeman, hunt, down, the, freeman, mod, funny, comedy, subtitles, commentary, review, Kevin MacLeod, Sneaky Adventure, memes, half life, half life 2, Gordon Freeman, Opposing Force, Planet
Id: cPWXawPRP-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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