Counter-Strike Has a Story (yes, really)

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right so counter-strike is one of the most popular game series on the whole planet so it needs no introduction but ever since it was made it's always been a multiplayer only game in every single counter-strike once you load it up your only options are to look for a multiplayer servers or create one yourself well if you have at least one working brain cell you'll notice that condition zero has this option but that just lets you play normal games with bots again so that's kind of lame so everyone knows counter-strike is a multiplayer game and that's a good thing because the multiplayer aspect is what makes people keep coming back to play the game even 22 years later but while multiplayer is what the series is known for the idea of a counter-strike game with a story to it definitely has to have crossed the minds of probably thousands of people but i'm sure that a big portion of counter-strike players think that counter-strike has never had a story to it well those people you happen to be wrong counter-striker does have a story to it called condition zero deleted scenes and it's amazing deleted scenes is its own game and is bundled with condition 0 which is also bundled with 1.6 so if you bought 1.6 you probably have it in your library without even noticing it's an offshoot of condition zero but with a story to it it's probably important to mention that condition zero wasn't entirely made by valve even if steam says it was everyone's only primary source google says it was made by turtle rock studios ritual entertainment valve and rogue entertainment but they do not work on it all at the same time i mean the main menu of condition 0 says turtle rock studios but the main menu of deleted scenes says ritual entertainment so okay turtle rock made condition zero and ritual entertainment made deleted scenes but then who the hell is rogue entertainment so the timeline of this game is condition zero was first started by rogue entertainment but after only a month their ceo left so valve yanked the game from them so sucks for them i guess so then they gave it to gearbox software but the project became so big they started missing like 40 deadlines so then valve took the game from them as well so sucks for them i guess then valve gave it to ritual entertainment but ritual entertainment was making the game narrative driven which was a very different from what valve was expecting so they took the game away from them so such for them i guess so then valve finally gave it to turtle rock studios and because the game was supposed to be released like three centuries ago they made it really simple they just changed the look of the 1.6 maps and the single player portion was reduced to just points you earned to get bots so what turtle rock studios made is now counter-strike condition zero but valve also took what a ritual entertainment made and released it as counter-strike condition zero deleted scenes so condition zero was announced in 2001 but it finally released on march 23 2004 which happened to be really stupid because that was right before source was released which looked so new that everyone flocked to that and practically forgot about condition zero sad and so since condition zero itself was unpopular you can bet that deleted scenes was even more unpopular and so many people haven't even heard of it but despite deleted scenes being not what counter-strike is about which is 64 people crammed into one server it's still well made with a lot of effort put into it and while it might not even get close to being as popular as the other counter-strikes there's still a small community if you look at the community content on steam there's still stuff being posted on there like stuff from in-game and some epic comedy for everyone to enjoy so i did say that deleted scenes is basically a story mode but that's not entirely correct hold on hold on let me explain deleted scenes is put into a bunch of missions but they aren't connected to each other in any way at all like not even one bit so while each emission has its own story there's no overall big story like in literally every other game regardless it's still pretty cool i might say so this being the only single-player counter-strike many aspects of it are very different from normal counter-strike but because it's still counter-strike some parts as you can imagine are still the same you know how in counter-strike you can only carry one primary weapon one secondary weapon a knife and up to four grenades while in deleted scenes you can carry multiple primaries in secondaries in one mission you carry up to like six primaries there's only one knife though so no variation there although you do hold it differently than in condition zero and grenades are the same i believe but besides being able to carry twenty guns like gordon freeman a new thing that deleted scenes has is tools the tools are mainly used to do important things there's a blowtorch which is used to break locks and that's about it there's a radio controlled bomb used to blow stuff up a camera to take pictures of important things a radio so you can call your buddies to do stuff and finally a fiber optic camera so you can look around corners and through vents the fiber optic camera is especially weird because when you use it to look around the corner your character model just disappears completely and the fiber optic part that i assume it has is also gone making it look like it's just floating in mid-air what's most important is that these tools cannot be used wherever you want you can only use them in their corresponding zones you can tell if you're in a zone because the tools icon will appear at the top left and the game just straight up tells you i assume they have zones because of gold source limitations but they're put in places where you need to use them so it overall feels pretty seamless just like any valve game every place is split into maps and let me tell you the design of these maps are amazing all the maps in the game are super detailed like look at this place mate i almost want to say they're more detailed than any source map if you take the time to look around you can see how good each place looks and sometimes even find extra stuff but they're not perfect as well sometimes i get lost because i don't know where to go i should also mention the ai in this game it's clearly different from traditional counter-strike ai they're no longer running around the map trying to look for the other team with the most horrendous aim i've ever seen if they're not aggressive they now just stand in one place when you're fighting them though it's different these bots are surprisingly good for 2004 like i don't know if it's because i'm expecting them to act a certain way or if it's just because i suck but there were a few sections i had trouble with because the bots would always get me and i was playing on easy mode they sometimes make it easy and stand in one place regardless if you shot them in the face or not or in the case of the pistol guys just run away from you i guess other times though they run straight at you especially if you go behind a wall or try to reload and while that sounds kind of primitive it somehow works and makes it a bit more difficult it's kind of hit or miss because you can get a section where they're really difficult but then later you realize that it's still ghostors bots you'll also notice that sometimes enemies make a cool appearance by sometimes doing a barrel roll willing to die moments later or running back when they see you but in an animation that's smoother than normal because they're scripted they also sometimes die in extravagant ways like getting pushed into boxes or falling off a building and getting impaled on a gate it happens at least once in every mission but also quite often so get used to it now let's go through the game together shall we so starting from the main menu you can easily tell it's still condition zero there's no option to find a server because remember this is single player there is a new game which starts a new game just like half-life but also world map the world map is a map of the world obviously it shows the locations of all 19 missions in the game and lets you choose which one to play it tells you which machine you're currently on and which ones are locked and unlocked clicking on an unlocked mission will give you some backstory and tell you what you're supposed to do it also tells you the time location and organization which are all irrelevant but add to the story part overall this map is cool it does have one bug though if you noticed i'm showing you the map in a 4x3 resolution because you're supposed to play this on one of these back in 2004. you can set the game to a 16x9 resolution but if you do the map won't scale at all so you'll be left with a huge black rectangle on the side the location dots won't adjust which leaves them in straight up the wrong place like three missions that are supposed to be on land are now in the middle of the atlantic ocean awesome so you can select and play individual missions through the map but starting a new game from the new game button will play through the mission sequentially so what i'll do is go through and give you a little tour of each mission in whatever order is provided when you start a new game so first we have the training course which shows an actual mission on the map the training part teaches you everything you need to know which is its whole purpose it plays oddly similar to the training course and half-life definitely not a coincidence it shows you the basic movement weapons and tools apparently pipes can be ladders never seen that before your final training is to defuse a definitely real bomb when you defuse you can hear ruffles and clicking while also seeing how incredibly slow this is compared to every other counter-strike like they could have gave us a diffuse kit at least then the first actual mission is recoil you stood in a helicopter like in a lot of missions in this game then in literally 10 seconds you get shot down making the whole scene oddly similar to opposing force you wake up and are instantly greeted by 50 people some with machetes that run right at you you run through a series of corridors and buildings until you meet up with one of your buddies you make it to a helicopter but oh no your buddy got captured because he insisted on staying in a tower like an idiot so you go back and find him and bring him back to the helicopter along the way you develop a headache because this dude won't want to go down some stairs no way i'm not going any further no way i'm not going any further lost cause is set in the philippines the first part is stealth yes there's stealth in this game although it's not extensive in any way at all throughout the game when you're in a stealth part sometimes this icon will appear which basically means enemies cannot see you when you're in that zone it also affects enemies memory i guess because even if they clearly see you if you quickly go to the zone they forget that you even existed also when sneaking around you'll probably instinctively crouch to make less noise even though it doesn't matter if you do because enemies can't process sand anyway you sneak around to find some hostages call in an assault and then start clicking on some heads there are trip mines that are a bit hard to see there are also enemies with rocket launchers who will shoot the second they see you leaving you no time to react to the rocket that's coming right at your face this mission is a bit long but it ends at a river secret war has you go to a nuclear missile silo to disarm them but unsurprisingly there's a group that's trying to steal it but plot twist there's another group that's trying to launch it so it's a free for all between three groups you put a bomb on a fuel line and your friend sacrifices himself by staying behind like a true russian finally you're on the back of a truck and you have to shoot down a helicopter the end building recon starts you at an office with the employees playing the game you're currently playing your boss i assume tells you what you're going to do with some impressive paper physics for gold source you start with another stealth section trying to avoid terrorists that make stand-up comedy type jokes we could always throw icicles at an intruder you find the bomb that they have take a picture and you instantly get greeted with enemies one of your friends say the nuke is missing despite clearly being in a box so you make it outside and fight through a whole army on your own like any other single player protagonist and on the way blow up a tank you make it to a church where they planted another nuke they had and the guy who planted it has 10 times the health of any other enemy you defuse it and despite not being in training anymore you somehow defuse it just as slow as the guy that was training drug lab is in colombia on a rainy night you start by going through a minefield that is definitely dangerous as demonstrated by your friend you go through the most unsanitary buildings i've seen and in the meantime blow up some equipment and finally save some hostages they had motorcade assault starts with you blowing up some trucks that are supposed to protect a famous terrorist leader throughout you just chase him while shooting his group that are somehow spread out across the whole town even in the sewers the last place you see him is behind some bulletproof glass in a quite nice looking place might i say he doesn't run anymore for some reason however he did not notice the giant hole in the window that he threw a grenade in so i don't know how he became leader with a head that small thin ice is on a ship that's headed to collide with the city you start in one of the rooms with no exposition on how you got there probably g-man it's also infested with cockroaches you simply go through the boat and shoot everyone you see you turn a simple valve that sets the boat off course and finally you go up to the top and fight a literal jet that was on the boat the jet doesn't fly as fast as a jet should instead it flies like a helicopter would but whatever this is the only mission in the game where you can use an awp and i guess the jet is made of cardboard or something cause a few shots from the awp is enough to destroy it downed pilot has you investigate the crash site of a helicopter that just crashed but as you can probably expect he was taken by terrorists who have other hostages again so you go through looking for them and end up getting taken yourself because they gassed you the terrorists as usual are stupid and forgot that they left a knife in the wall so you escape and continue your job and that's it hunka guy is the first of the four levels that take place in japan this game has a lot of missions that are strictly in japan more than any other region on the map for some reason well in this one a politician is going around town making a public appearance when he shouldn't be you can see him show up and in less than a minute someone shows up to kill him so you have to protect him and if he dies you fail but then since the leader failed to kill him he instead takes some random girl instead the rest of the mission is you chasing after him at the end even though he says i'll kill her get away from me he doesn't do that and instead just tries to shoot you the girl though despite almost getting hit because she won't move her head out of the way isn't as shocked as you think someone would be they're just built different turn of the crank makes you go undercover to meet with another drug lord who looks incredibly stereotypical then your boys assault the place as usual the thing is you're only provided with a pistol and that's it and i don't know if i missed a weapon that i was supposed to get but they throw a lot of enemies when you have literally nothing you do get a machine gun though which is one of the best weapons in the game so after that it becomes easy it ends with you going against the man himself who has five times the health as everyone else despite not having any armor on the mission is also short it's only like 9 minutes long alamo does not take place in san antonio texas it's in yipity another terrorist group has attacked a u.s embassy there you have to go find hostages at king kebab wonderful so you go through and find them you know how it is finally you help a helicopter land while also taking a rocket to the face as usual rice hard starts in a briefing room again this time a terrorist group has taken a high-rise office complex oh and they have a nuke as well you know the bad news though is that they're gonna set it off in exactly two hours but even though everyone heard that no one is rushing so they either don't care like at all or are in complete shock from the situation that they can't even move what the [ __ ] so you make it to the tower and are immediately greeted with a hail of bullets you just barely make it inside and now you go through the most confusing labyrinth of office desks i've ever seen you go take out whatever the guy on the radio says while also going around some elevators that don't work and evading a helicopter that they apparently have you go to the top of the building to meet the leader who has a few loose screws i think you keep going through one of the hardest parts of the game at least for me what you get captured by the guy and he wants to have a knife fight with you you stab him but he runs away again you finally defeat him by blowing up a pillar supporting the room he's standing in making him fall down what looks to be like 60 floors even though you only went up 40 floors and the credits roll i want to mention these credits because they're amazing they of course show everyone that worked on the game but also show some extra artwork and some random set pieces like someone falling and breaking into a bunch of pieces or a woman that gets assembled and then her head explodes truly a masterpiece and that's it that's the end of the game hold on wait a minute that was only 13 missions even though they're supposed to be 19. apparently starting a game doesn't play through all the missions so the rest you'll have to play through the world map so i'll go through the rest in no particular order in miami heat a bunch of robbers rob a bank and take everyone in hostage so you go through the sewers instead and come up through the floor a majority of this mission is stealth because you have to rescue the hostages while not being spotted by this one guard who just walks back and forth for the rest of eternity once you're done with that you order an assault again through the front door and you win gg sandstorm has to go to a chemical facility that's doing somethings else you shoot everyone you see with no remorse throughout the game but especially this mission they love to put enemies behind corners so they surprise you even though it gets annoying after some time but once you kill everyone you're done in pipe dream rebels have taken over an oil pipeline for whatever reason and of course taken the workers hostage and your job is simple kill everyone and save the workers so you do exactly that for 10 minutes straight while also seeing cool fake physics now these last three missions are all in japan again i don't know why there's so many in fast line you're just chilling on a subway with students that don't bring anything with them and with people who don't watch youtube all day until suddenly you get flashed and all you hear is screaming which is probably the most realist thing ever in this game you wake up and immediately get to shoot a guy that's setting up a bomb but you can't defuse it because it blows up in five seconds one of the guys says there were a bunch of survivors thanks to you even though the bomb still went off you're given a pistol and a shield yes this is the only part in the game where you get a shield however the shield is kind of useless because you're going to get hit regardless when you go to shoot you continue to just go through the station until you meet with the leader again who has taken two girls now this is the second japan mission where this happens you kill him though and he falls in water good job truth in chaos is about a cult that wants to release nerve gas in public which i believe is an actual event that happened in japan oh too soon you first start in some dojo looking place and the first thing you'll notice is this guy practicing some moves so you won't even pay attention to the guy that's telling you your job relevant you go to the colts house that they stay in and try to find all the places where they keep this gas and of course in the meantime save some hostages just don't touch the lasers because you'll get gassed the last mission is called run with an exclamation mark for emphasis in the beginning you assassinate a gang leader and all you have to do is run to the truck at the end to escape what's interesting is that this level has a time limit i haven't seen what happens if you run out of time though you probably just fail but you're given plenty of time so if you run out you really suck since this is a chase mission sometimes the game will spawn enemies behind you to give the impression that you're being chased which is pretty cool and that's it that's every mission in the game i honestly like all the missions sometimes they do have the same basic story which is just terrorists have taken this place so let's take it back but even for those the different environments they're in really make it unique and not so repetitive overall though deleted scenes is a great game it is kind of sad to see it being forgotten by a majority of counter-strike players though because it had a lot of potential i highly recommend you try it out if you haven't because it's really good like i said if you have 1.6 you likely have it in your library without noticing so try it out it's worth it but anyways bye [Music] you
Channel: LamWarp
Views: 1,980,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: CS, counter strike, condition zero, deleted scenes, counter strike condition zero deleted scenes, condition zero deleted scenes, singleplayer, story, storymode, singleplayer cs, funny, comedy, subtitles, commentary, kevin macleod, opposing force, sneaky adventure, planet soundtrack
Id: T4Ztux1c4kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 5sec (1145 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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