Creepiest Things Found in Family Friendly Games (Iceberg Explained)

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[Music] [Laughter] welcome back to the channel everyone it's me gambo gaming it's been a few weeks since we last covered the topic of scary things found in familyfriendly games and today we are back with some bangers I must say myself like previous episodes many of the entries have been sourced from new viewers watching the video right now so if you have a fitting entry for this topic please leave me a comment with your experience down below and I'll probably feature it in a future episode and without further Ado let's get into today's [Music] video limings is an early '90s PC puzzle game that task players with guiding the human equivalent of the animal known as liming to a goal through an array of puzzles and levels yeah these guys are supposed to be the human anthropomorphic versions of this cute little creature here I don't really know where the bright green hair fits into that equation but hey at least they're way easier to see now the game is most similar in style to say like a worms game but completely different in objective you'll need to guide the many small limings to the exit which usually means you'll need to set up different jobs for each liming to do for example one is usually tasked with digging and I got to say this is one of the most satisfying digging animations I've ever seen in a video game what's better this or a fully enchanted diamond pickaxe digging in Minecraft I know my answer give me this little dude helicopter arms all damn day the game was pretty simple upon its initial release but due to the overwhelming amount of positive reception the game reached it got loads of ports and sequels throughout the years it even ended up in Sony's lap at some point where the series actually remains today after the development company of the original game sosis closed down after being sucked up by the big man Sony themselves shout out to you Sony what other cool company are you going to kill today there have been a few attempts to keep the series Alive by Sony like this fully remade PSP game of the first Lim game but that honestly doesn't do the original that much Justice it kind of just looks like one of those old mobile phone games of that era in which this game released which is what they were probably going for because those were popular at the time but this just looks bad nowadays I work my ass off to get where I am and you take these shortcuts and you think suddenly you're my peer regardless of where the series is now we don't have to look that deep into limings lore to find this entry as it's present in the first game and is known as the level titled menacing he's just standing there menacingly menacing features set pieces like skulls hanging from the ceiling and trapped in blood just lovely [ __ ] not only that but there is this large demon skeleton at the beginning that the limings literally have to chip through digging through Straight bone and bone marrow the music that accompanies this level isn't very creepy and is honestly pretty hard to listen to in my opinion as some people think it's good though I'll play a quick snippet [Music] here so my theory and many other people's theory is that menacing was meant to act as kind of a nod or an Easter egg level to the Doom series which was also pretty popular at the time this would make sense as to the theming of the level and why it seems so out of place in the game but at the same time I couldn't find anything of the developers ever confirming that this is actually an Easter egg to the Doom Series this would also explain the grungy sounding rock music in the background listen I'm usually all for chip tune demakes of songs and video games but you can go too far in the past in my opinion and this song just sounds like a bunch of flies started up this Jank bluegrass band and went absolute Ham on [Music] vocals the level doesn't last super long and once you're out of there it's back to the seemingly normal levels the rest of the game has to offer I will say though there is another dedicated hell level in the game where you literally just dig through the number 666 and then exit but that's kind of just more hilarious than the laziness of that level versus menacing that could actually be kind of creepy especially for a kid playing this game I will say meding isn't the only creepy level in the game as there are other levels in the game that set just the right amount of atmosphere to be put off and I know I'm compared the music in this game to a four-man country band made up of flies but there are some bangers in this game don't get me wrong overall menacing is a creepy level and the theming is a bit out there but if you look at the game as a whole you can definitely find a lot more eerie early 9s computer game [ __ ] within it kiwi 64 is a very small indie game that aims to capture the charm of the classic 3D Platformers of the yester year like banjo gazie and other rare rare games this straight up looks like a rare rare game to me with rough edges and an a24 film runtime what the game aims to get right it seems like it it gets right enough from looking from afar as I've yet to play the game and it seems at least in the visual Department to replicate the nostalgic visuals of a Donkey Kong 64s game the game is only sporting a few levels and seems like a project that was probably banged out by a few people as a foundation project for game programming not to say the game is lacking an effort or work or anything but some of the aspects of the game are definitely uh a little rough even down to stuff that would have appeared in the games this game is replicating things like an intro cinematic is straight up missing here also with a pretty choppy paw screen that is very obviously trying to emulate the banjo kazui paw screen with the disembodied head as the selector I can kind of give them a break though as it's free rare technically you can download it from the developers themselves and it's also available for a few bucks on Steam and the eShop the game seems to itch a very small scratch created by the blooming Nostalgia for these 3D Platformers of the yester year but there's definitely been games that have done it a little bit better I do have to commend the game's visuals though as it's probably the closest I've seen to a developer replicating that old school visual style I think it's a good foundation project for the developers and if they put that kind of effort into a full-fledged 3 platformer I think it would stand up to at least the revitalization of the 3D platformer recently but maybe even with some of the older titles there is a pretty creepy level present in kiwi 64 short run time and that stage is known as the tomb this tomb area actually takes place across two stages level five and six and it's by far the strangest departure from the more cheery levels the game presents the player is expected to platform their way through a level that would look more appropriate in a unique Doom map mod than a 3D collectathon this is due to the ambience these levels present through strange things like creepy textures littering the walls and doors flashy unusual color palets and a harsh black Skybox it really makes this level very unnerving for unsuspecting players the level is somewhat elaboran as it starts to resemble that of a Zelda dungeon pretty quickly at least in level five as you are losing your mind running down these similar looking hallways and walls all while these creepy faces are staring back at you there are large enemies that take three hits to defeat and slowly stalk the player around the room as you make your way through the level these guys I don't know there's just something about them not to mention there is a switch mechanic that will unlock and lock certain gates in the level but the switch for this mechanic is a strange orb with what looks like to be a fetus inside of it I'm unsure if this is present through the other levels in the game but this is a little strange to be honest especially since I don't have the full context of the game although even if I did I I don't know if this would be explained you know guys I I really didn't know this was a strand type game I thought this was a 3D collectathon the tomb is decorated throughout with rotting corpses and skeletons along with medieval torture obstacles for the player to dodge all of this wrapped up with an ominous soundtrack for the level makes this definitely the most unnerving part of the game but one of the more unnerving levels in a 3D platformer I've seene the claustrophobic nature of the Tomb reminds me of the tombs you'd enter in angry Aztec and Donkey Kong 64 and this just goes to show like I said the game gets right in what it wanted to do and that was to capture the atmosphere of these old games not only in visuals but feeling while playing the tomb level proves to me that a full-fledged 3D platformer from these devs might have a lot more instances of disturbing things throughout because they got this so right so I am excited to see if anything else comes from them in the future along with any other aspiring game developer wanting to tackle the style of game I'd say one thing to definitely include is a lonely disturbing level like the tomb here or the many examples from the previous 3D platform or games we've loved throughout the years these just add so much character to the game and usually are pretty unexpected which is 100% what super kiwi 64 delivered with this area of the [Music] game on my last video Someone commented about a strange occurrence that takes place in the Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games specifically the first games Red and Blue Rescue Team I never played much of the Mystery Dungeon games apart from the Remake demo on the switch so I'd say I'm pretty well versed n but from what I played it doesn't seem like my type of game really but it's clear there are fans for the series and many are super nostalgic for these games there's been a decent few that have released since the series started on the Game Boy Advance but today's creepy occurrence takes place in the original first games this occurrence happens when the player remains on a floor for too long or when when the game deems it too long anyway you might still have [ __ ] to do on the floor but [ __ ] you get out of here and in order to force the player to get the [ __ ] out of Dodge the game attempts to scare the player off the floor they do this through ominous messaging that something strange has entered the floor and is slowly approaching you as more time passes the messages get more and more ominous until finally the players whst away out of the dungeon without visual confirmation of what hit them in the first place this entity that ultimately blows the player out of the dungeon is still unknown but many believe it to be rcus controlling the events of the game and ultimately deciding when the player has been on the floor long enough however others might suggest that the entity isn't meant to be explained at all as like the title of the game suggests it's a mystery dungeon so of course mysterious shit's going to happen if this is true it seems like this addition was intentionally made to be ominous by the developers the game is overall very friendly in nature with cheery Pokemon music you'd expect in the universe but when your time's up the nice cheery music is cut off and all you hear is wind gusts [Music] it truly is unnerving even just watching gameplay of the scene taking place I could easily see how this spooked the hell out of anyone playing this as a kid the original comment that brought this up to me stated they never [ __ ] around and found out what happened in the end and I think I'd be the same way much like the angry Aztec sniper yelling get out in my small adolescent years and Donkey Kong 64 I wouldn't stick around in there to get JFK by Kroll so why the hell would I stick around in the dungeon to for some invisible Godzilla monster to catch my ass lacking not only that but in this game infamously there's a Pokemon known as kleon and he's pretty frightening in this game it isn't due to any mysterious threat that you can't see either as this is just a case of serving good old Justice well kind of if you visit the kleon shop and pick up some items as you leave he'll Rush towards you seeking payment and he gives you two options if you can't pay or say no his hand is forced and he will shortly end the player's life y'all don't have my money no no we have it it's just um not right now I have to break your neck whoa whoa whoa who hang on talk about this it is possible to get away from kleon before he Merks you but it's very hard from what I've seen online and it's best to make sure you have the right funds before you even enter kleon's bizarre here if not he will see to it that your life is ended swiftly and tragically don't mess with this guy all right he doesn't look like much but he has the spirits of the Ancients backing him up or some [ __ ] look at these moves he's rocking with all right guys I'm about to talk way too long about yo-kai watch but hear me out there's some good stuff in this one yo-kai watch is a series that has popped up in my comments by quite a few of you guys and it seems like it has a lot of creepy moments held within the series of games at this point there are quite a few yo-kai watch games out there but they all share similar characteristics and gamepl so I thought I'd cover the series as a whole here with a few entries that were suggested to me from the comments you guys left I can only assume I'm chipping at the top layer of the creepy stuff in this series so please let me know of anything else you can think of from The yo-kai Watch series in the comments and I'll I'll try to do an updated entry in the future video if there's enough there anyway let's go ahead and hop into the meat and potatoes with something known as Terror time Terror time little side note here's a quick synopsis of the series from a guy who's played like 5 hours of the first game on 3DS it's like a more modernized version of the Pokémon series but very different from that series at the same time time you have the same basic objectives as the game catching different yo-kai and battling with them but the origins and the yo-kai themselves are much different than the Pokémon sorry if that was a bastardized cut of yo-kai but I thought I might throw out a small synopsis for those unfamiliar anyway let's hop in Terror time is something that happens in the mainline series of the games it's something in the games universe that's supposed to represent a repper man for breaking the rules of the yo-kai watch Universe since these games are aim more towards children it makes sense that this would be the origin of something like this since teaching the importance of rules is something useful the kids you know they need to learn that [ __ ] wait until they learn there isn't a terror time for breaking the rules and it's actually just jail in real life this is kind of why Terror time takes place at night and in the early morning of yo-kai watch since your character is expected to be indoors past curfew so whenever you are out late at night even if you're doing a mission or something you're technically breaking the rules son along with stuff like breaking traffic rules and different degenerate things like that all of this could send you straight to Terror time and I got to say I think I'd rather just go sit and time out and face the damn corner of a wall or something in Terror time not only will the setting of The Game Change to this monochromatic hell but entities known as gargarus orus and orcinus all will show up in a form of a huge demonic Oni entity that will chase the player throughout the duration of Terror time the objective of this mode evolves over the three games but the basic idea is you have to find your way out and dodging the many enemies that litter the town during Terror time these enemies won't harm the players in most cases and will only alert the on to the player's location so it is best to try and Dodge these guys there is a set of Gold Doors you will need to make it to in order to escape this hellscape but if you fail to do so you will aaken your bed assuming it was just a nightmare the music during these segments isn't what I'd call particularly creepy but definitely adds to the chaos that's going on around you overall it really gives me vibes from the silent realms from Skyward Sword we talked about last time where it just acts as a stealth Mission but with consequences that aren't worth getting caught for this is a great entry for this series because it hits all of the notes of a good creepy segment from a kids game that being a rushed feeling while playing but the game requiring stealth which is inherently slower which is always a good time and a giant monster stalking and a creepy hellscape for a backdrop you know good stuff yo-kai devs this is pretty creepy the infinite tunnel and hazy Lane are Infamous at this point if you are at all familiar with the yo-kai series this comment brought these to my attention and they both share similarities But ultimately are two of the scariest parts of the series Bar None even looking from afar I can tell exactly what the developers were going for with this edition of these segments the basic idea of the infinite tunnel and hazy Lane is to provide the player with a seemingly infinite Loop even though it's not technically infinite for them to keep fighting monsters and leveling up however as you go deeper into the tunnel or Lane respectively things start to get stranger and stranger this concept first cropped up in yo-kai Watch 2 with the infinite tunnel this tunnel is exactly what it sounds like all right it's a long ass tunnel that goes on for seemingly forever before you even enter there's a warning sign that is everything ominous wrapped up into one little sign look at this [ __ ] it warns that the length of the tunnel changes every time the player enters and when you enter there's no turning back that's right it's like an old school Mario game you left your mushroom back there get [ __ ] idiot if this isn't ominous enough you'll surely want to book it straight back out when you see what the inside of the tunnel looks like the tunnel is a narrow walkway with a pitch black void sitting in front of the player as they descend further into darkness more and more creatures will pop up for them to fight luckily things stay pretty calm most of the time within the tunnel but that doesn't stop the atmosphere from getting to the player in here the comment that was left referencing these segments even compared it to the SCP and the stairwell which was a popular internet legend in the SCP realm that eventually got turned into a creepy game with the same mechanic as the infinite tunnel but much more devastating you're expected to keep walking down these stairs until you finally reach the SCP at the bottom before it seemingly kills you out of nowhere very creepy experience you're on the you're going down the stairs for a minute you think it goes on forever until it doesn't this entry gives me those vibes so much and I don't know if it's just because I went into this entry with that in mind from this comment but it's definitely creepy even looking from afar things get a little bit more messed up when we take a look over at the third game in the series that brought back this concept in the way of hazy Lane looking from an Outsiders perspective this area might not seem visually as creepy as infinite tunnel in the second game but in reality the strange occurrences that happened on the hazy Lane make the infinite tunnel seem like a walk through the park maybe Central Park but still it's a park at first a hazy Lane will seem like a nice walk down a Garden's path but things quickly turn strange this section really makes me feel like I'm watching someone play out the events of the found footage film As Above So Below but in a kids game if You' never seen it it basically follows a group of explorers going through the treacherous Paris Catacombs underground but things get pretty paranormal pretty quickly things like phones cars and things from the characters past start popping up in the catacombs miles below the Earth and of what is possible Under Paris strange things start happening in hazy Lane pretty similarly to the movie even down to a phone booth appearing and often times leaving the player with broken dialogue they can't piece together from the other end not to mention as you go further into the hazy Lane you will start experiencing what I can only describe as hallucinations in which gravity itself reverses for everything around you except the player as you see NPCs hanging on for dear life and even a few losing grip here and there holy [ __ ] where did he go like wait hold on where did he go though this idea alone this kind of terrifying concept for a kids game as I don't know about you but I'd probably [ __ ] myself if gravity just randomly flipped the other way one day since there is no telling how lucky or I unlucky you'll get in the hazy Lane's length the only thing to do is keep pushing forward no matter how creepy it gets the infinite tunnel and hazy Lane also feature secret boss enemies that are each pretty creepy in design especially this thing from hazy Lane looks like something out of Kirby overall these are some of the most ominous and intriguing parts of the yo-kai series for me haven't played a lot of them but stuff like this makes me want to try out the series again I know I'm not directly the target audience for a game like this but I don't know if kids are either with strange [ __ ] like this present in it perhaps if they were to remake all three on switch one day I will finally have to face down the infinite tunnel and hazy Lane myself nocturn hospital was brought to my attention by this comment which stated that they think this chapter in the first yo-kai watch is in fact creepier than both the infinite tunnel and the hazy Lane listen it's all up to interpretation but I can definitely see what this comment was talking about as at least for yo-kai watch one this is probably the most unnerving mission in that game during chapter 10 the character will visit an abandoned Hospital which has very clearly been abandoned for a hot minute after walking down the Min claustrophobic hallways and battling the many strange enemies in the hospital you will begin to become examined by the hospital staff and by hospital staff I just mean these weird looking dudes here apparently there is something up with the main character's heart in this segment I didn't look too hard into the lure leading up to this chapter so perhaps someone else in the comments can fill us in about what's going on here but basically you're forced to take these strange exams in order to cure the main character of The Strange heart disease these exams will end up bringing you to the director of the hospital this is after you lay down on a random gurnie in the middle of the hallway which then whisks you away to the director's office separating you from the main yo-kai pal in the game whisper if this isn't already daunting enough you get rolled into the director's office where you meet him in his human form after some strange dialogue the director transforms into his final form known as Dr maddman he could have worked on the name a little bit let's be honest man this guy straight kitted out to be a Min as he has a wolverine Claw on his left hand with what appears to be sharp surgical tools jutting out of his fist not only that but he also appears to be on some sort of life support as he has a large bag attached to his heart the suddenness of the boss battle and the director's transformation made a creepy impact on the kids who played this when it first came out and even this comment states he is their favorite character in the game series due to the introduction and how much of an impact he had overall in design I can definitely say he's unnerving and he even reminds me of the doctor character from The Warrior rare games that always creep me out way too much Dr Matty man definitely didn't help any kids who might have been afraid of doctors and needles before but hey who needs that when you could have one of the spookiest boss battles in a kids game I think this entire chapter should be lumped in with Dr Matman as he's just a cherry on top of a creepy Urban exploration to try and get this kid's blood pressure back down or something I'm I'm still a little bit confused as to why he's in the hospital to begin with but this next entry tackles the broad open ocean and unlike other games that would take advantage of the natural fear of the ocean a lot of humans have by adding in Larger than Life creatures that wouldn't really exist on Earth at least today in the case of Endless Ocean the fear came naturally this was mostly due to how accurate the game wanted to portray the ocean and ocean life itself I never personally played the game but I watched quite a bit on the game through different playthroughs and even through my research for this entry sure the game hasn't age that great in terms of visuals but the overall idea of being able to explore the ocean to your heart's extent is still here also there are a few more games that have come out since that may have gotten a few mechanics of ocean exploration a bit better or even more fluid but none had captured the fear that some of these older games like Endless Ocean present and the game I love talking about anytime I can shark hunting the great white were both great examples of exploring the idea of theophobia in video games a huge part of the theophobia I have is the creatures that lie deep in the bottom of the ocean and the fact we don't know a lot about the ocean especially as we go deeper down therefore whenever it's portrayed in a game like this there really is no way to know just how far the developers will go however in Endless Ocean they keep things pretty realistic throughout one of the objectives in the abyss is to find and study the giant squid and for many they were expecting to go down there and find a squid that was larger than life itself take for example this comment I found that states they were expecting to just at a moment's notice see a giant squid eye open in front of them unknowingly that they were staring at the squid the whole time and not into the deep dark ocean however Endless Ocean keeps it relatively tame in this department but that doesn't mean this part isn't creepy it's just a different type of creepy like this comment stated the game is able to be creepy by accident by just accurately portraying the ocean especially the depths like the abyss they don't need to add these Larger than Life Krakens to to impact the player because well the ocean itself is enough Endless Ocean is a testament to just how intriguing the ocean is and I'm not surprised the series has the following it does and hey it doesn't hurt there's a new game being released on switch soon that's pretty hype I might finally have to hop into the series myself because the ocean like many others equally intrigues me and terrifies me all at the same [Music] time Banjo Kazooie is the source of many of my fears of these old 3D Platformers is that in Donkey Kong 64 at least there was just a certain terrifying charm rareware could add to these games that even other games that released at the same time couldn't capture one of the spookiest parts of the series comes from the first game in the level known as mad Monster Mansion clearly from the name the level is purposely supposed to be scarier in nature right but this is mostly a kids game so how bad could it really be well let's just start with the entrance of the level right which honestly terrified me more at times than the level did when I was a kid the level entrance is in inside the large grunty head structure inside her layer and if that's not creepy enough the next room is just a small ledge overlooking a large lava pit it never made sense to me for there to be a lava pit in here as we weren't going to a lava world but looking back at it it succeeds in providing a very precarious nerve-wracking walk to the spookiest level in the game the camera angles used in this room make the pit feel much larger than it probably actually is and you're standing pretty high up because if you fall off it'll take a minute for banjo to hit the lava below and this room is also the unlock puzzle for goby desert but otherwise this hellish room only serves as the entrance to Mad Monster Mansion once you exit the lava room you are brought to the actual level entrance for Mad Monster Mansion which takes place outside in a graveyard upon entering mad Monster Mansion nothing off rip is super creepy but I think the accumulation of everything in the level makes this level stand out to me the music that greets the player is pretty creepy immediately but slowly transforms into a more wacky track that evolves into a typical Banjo Kazooie [Music] Banger it's really the Jiggies and the objectives in this level that bring the creep Factor up for me at least for when I was a kid for example you'll be walking through Bush mazes filled with skeletons playing a mock Ouija board with banjo and kazi's big ass mugs in the center of it you know I asked the Ouija board if bottles went to heaven or hell but then I remember that bottles Dy and banjo tuy and you know ever since then banjo hasn't been looking at me uh so I think I really worried him about bottle's fate there I still haven't mentioned he comes back I'll let that dumbass bear ride this one out for a little bit but still I kind of feel bad there are a lot of indoor claustrophobic filling areas in Mad Monster Mansion like this haunted Cellar here which uh includes ghosts hence the haunted part the ghost designs aren't the scariest but there's something about the noises they make and if they're not making you laugh it's going to offut you for sure it's either one take it which pill do you want you want to laugh or you want to be scared the main Mansion you enter here has one of the creepiest Boss characters who isn't even technically a boss but is creepy especially if you aren't Solid Snake that's right that's because you have to sneak up on this guy to get his Jiggy as he has a pinpoint hearing and is able to hear banjo's big ass Ms hitting the wooden floor you have to come in through the roof and take a path along these soft cloth table chairs and kazui trot across the table to sneak inside and take the Jiggy right from under Napper otherwise he will lock the player out of the Jiggy by waking up and creating one of the creepiest sound Clips in the game with this Eerie ass laugh another noteworthy location is the church which is located out back and seems to be be a normal size building from the outside but upon entering you'll think you just walked into the great col's house itself as everything in here is way bigger than any normaliz creature in this universe if you don't have a fear of giant things and this segment likely won't be too bad for you but when you roll up on the piano you will meet the ghost pianist who was just represented by two floating disembodied gloves dude you're totally biting Master Hand style right now dude [ __ ] stop after playing Beethoven's Fur release on this big ass piano with full seconds in between each note because of how big it is you will impress a ghost enough who will gift you a jiggy from here you unlock kazooie's flight pad where you can truly get a better scale of the absolute size of this room who died who was this [ __ ] big dude holy [ __ ] I think there are still more unnerving levels in the banjo gazi series maybe like the circus from the second game which I might talk about in the future but I couldn't not mention mad Monster Mansion man it served as a great spooky level not only in execution but probably making it more terrifying than it needed to be with you know these blocky obscure ass ghost designs and a dash of megalophobia turned my 7-year-old brain inside out bro and had me racing out of this level whenever I had enough Jiggies except for that lava room man I'm granny walking the [ __ ] out of that every time can't catch my ass lacking and falling into that lava ever again [Music] dude I've mentioned the Animal Crossing games briefly in the series before covering things like the gyroid face curse from the first game quick editor note here I'm pronouncing gyroids as gyroids this video sorry it's how I pronounced them growing up I know they're gyroids because they gyate I wouldn't use the term gyate I'm not that dumb all right give me a little credit uh but a fun game you can play is to click the dislike button anytime you hear me mispronounce the word gyroid in this video and hopefully for my sake by the end of it I've said it an even amount of time so that dislike will uh not appear for me but yeah sorry about that but there is a bunch of smaller creepy occurrences that have occurred in the Animal Crossing series that I want to talk about these definitely aren't as creepy as the absolute nightmare that is the gyroid face curse but I think they're still odd for occurring in the Animal Crossing Series in the first place Animal Crossing is a game that is 99% of the time very bright and cheery but when that 1% rears its ugly mug man things get pretty creepy crazy red has been a reoccurring character since the first animal crossing and he's always been Animal Crossing's equivalent of Silk Road you know you think you're getting some good product but when you open it it's just oregano and a great value Ziploc you got ripped off crazy red deals in the Shady business of the black market meaning sometimes he'll sell the player fake paintings this is only a problem that the player is trying to complete the Art Exhibit in the museum as BLS is a big huge nerd who can spot a fake from miles away and won't take it however in Animal Crossing New Horizons there was something added to the fake paintings that change the want to hold on to these paintings I don't know maybe you're [ __ ] up and you want to collect these things and open a museum like Zack Bacon's but for a majority of the players they likely won't want these haunted paintings hanging around in their house that's right in Animal Crossing New Horizons there are a few paintings that if you buy the fake version you will end up getting a cursed haunted painting instead the spookiest of these paintings is definitely the wistful painting in which the subject's eyes can be seen closing at night time you can actually catch the moment the eyes switch over too and if that's not on some Hogwarts ass [ __ ] man then I don't know what is other paintings like the graceful painting shows a strange human staining on the back of the painting I don't know what this means but maybe they killed someone on the back of the painting and their Blood Stained it or that the shadow is supposed to be a spirit or something I I I don't know what they were going for with this one there are a couple of haunted statues as well that will add a strange light to the tablet statue and the haunted ancient statue will actually start floating around and doing a little jig I wish they had made more haunted variants for all the paintings in the game that would have made it really cool to have a room dedicated fully to this haunted art oh God maybe I am Zack beIN aliens aren't super prominent in the Animal Crossing series at least to a degree that someone like Rockstar Games takes it to I swear they got the guy from Ancient Aliens on payroll for every GTA and Red Dead game to come out even if they aren't showing up in abducting Tom Nook every night at midnight there's still an alien presence in the Animal Crossing Universe the most convincing evidence of this comes from Animal Crossing new Leaf and New Horizons at certain times in the night at random nights you can catch a glimpse of an alen taking control of the local broadcast networks Allah the Max Headroom incident and broadcasting the nastiest face reveal of all time this usually occurs in the Wii hours of the night at the witching hour typically and you will need a TV to see this Easter egg in both games the Easter egg is mostly unchanged in New Horizons but the alien now took the selfie like every Uber driver ever does where it's like that up angle shot from below other than this goer does arrive in a UFO and a couple of games I think wild world and city Folk But ultimately this is all the information we have on an alien species in an animal crossing series nothing but a few cool Easter eggs right well there is further confirmations that this probably is actually canonly happening in the Animal Crossing universe as at the end of the Animal Crossing movie that word that title right there that one the cast is helping an actual alien who takes the form of this weird shape shifting blob creature I do think most of what's in the movie is Canon since it shares similar animals from the games so even though the aliens featured in the games don't resemble that of the alien in the movie it's clear that aliens in some fashion do actually exist in the Animal Crossing universe and any mention of them shouldn't be taken too lightly sure this could be Tom Nook in a cheap Dollar Tree costume filming it on an old Blackberry phone and broadcasting it to the island residents in hopes of keeping the rent lower around the area but what if it isn't Zipper T Bunny is a pretty Infamous figure at at this point if you played some of the more recent Animal Crossing games the character was first introduced back on the Wii and Animal Crossing city Folk but it wasn't until his reappearance in New Horizons that people really started to put zipper under a microscope the hints at this character just being a guy in a bunny costume has been there since the beginning but the developers have accepted the gag and make constant references to it now especially in New Horizons you can even get zipper to mention the fact he has a zipper on his back by talking to his back in the game several villagers in City Fulk also claim to be scared of zipper or get an overall uneasy feeling around him due to him dropping the facade around them and being a miserable person overall he will start to do this more in New Horizons too as the player seemingly walks away you can see zipper in the background sigh and slouch suggesting he's not actually digging this gig he's got himself set up with there are constant references to the fact that zipper isn't actually a real rabbit even including the description of the Smash Bros trophy however with all this tongue and cheek from the developers we still don't have a solid answer as to to who's behind this facade I myself like a good mystery and when you add in the fact Zipper T Bunny is basically a FNAF character at this point roaming your Animal Crossing town for a few months out of the year I mean the guy is pretty creepy come on there have been some suspects throughout the years like Phyllis the nighttime clerk at the post office this was mainly a rumor started due to the fact for a while they were the only animals that would really talk to themselves in the gray dialogue and the fact that they were both pretty moody it's also speculated that Tom Nook could be zipper but I've also heard in the past he could be Jesus Christ too so I'm not taking that one uh too [Music] seriously it's now time for the honorable mention section this is a choice few entries that were suggested to me that didn't uh work out to be full entries but I still wanted to mention them here because they're creepy so it's going to be kind of like a quick fire little rundown of a few more entries that I found interesting enough to want to talk about but not making the full entries themselves just kind of tacking them on the on the end of the video video here but regardless let's go ahead and hop in to the honorable mention section we've breached the subject of Twilight Princess in this series before but perhaps one of the creepiest things to come from the game isn't actually in the game at all this comment brought this to my attention and it fits into every category of what I find creepy in one of these entries and yes it includes a mirror in Twilight Princess if you enter links home you can enter his basement in the back of his house accessible by a ladder when you get down there you are met with Pitch Black is surrounding you from all sides and you can only see if you bring your Lantern down there in the basement you'll find a purple rupee and a chest and that's seemingly it however in the adjacent corner to the chest is a small mirror that link can look into while this will do nothing in the game it sparked a lot of rumors that if you waited long enough in the dark staring into the mirror that Dark Link himself would show up behind the player jump scaring them while this has never been confirmed from solid evidence there are some interesting videos online that show me how this rumor might have started like this video where link himself kind of resembles Dark Link however the jump scare was never true and you'd have to wait to visit Old ye to experience that form of horror in the game however I think the atmosphere alone in links basement is enough to unnerve your average player but then you add in this pretty clean highquality mirror in the corner it's no wonder how this rumor got started really definitely gives me the same creepy feeling any of the other mirrors and any of the other games I've mentioned before have so thanks for the entry [Music] suggestion I definitely played my fair share of Dino Run back in the computer class when I should have been paying attention or on a hot summer day at 2 p.m. with several other AAA games staring me down from across the room as I play the game that was probably made in a couple days Dino Run has since launched into its own game being titled Dino Run Deluxe with a more refined showing but regardless it's largely the same game Dino Run is a pretty simple game looking from afar but there is a lot underneath the surface here the main objective of the game is taking control of a small dinosaur presumably a velociraptor or something and your goal is to outrun the wall of Doom this wall of Doom was created as a result of the dinosaur's Extinction which in this game is a giant volcano erupting this giant wall of Ash and flaming Boulders is constantly stampeding towards the player and it's a constant Battle of trying to maintain your speed and momentum against the giant Wall of Death it reminds me of the muncher Marathon level from Donkey Kong Country Returns but with a lot darker implications if you are unfortunate enough to get close to the Wall of Death all other sounds from the game are masked in a large rumbling of absolute chaos that I can only compare to the videos you see a people in the middle of a tornado hitting their home I know I just compared to flash game to something that kills people but you get the idea right after this the death screen is very simple and deafening after such a rush of adrenaline like surfing the Wall of Death which is what the game calls it if you're able to regain your footing and make it away from the wall wall not only is the Wall of Death unnerving but the idea that a lot of dinosaurs that you're running with and into will likely meet of the very fate you're trying to run From Hell there are even some dinosaurs that are doomed from the start as they are stuck in tar and can't move only for the player to use them as a stepping stone in their own Survival it gets pretty messed up when you look past the super simplistic nature of the game if you like the runner genre of game and haven't played this one I recommend the deluxe version which is pretty cheap on Steam also they have announced a sequel that is still in development but looks pretty promising as it seems to be shifting Focus to a more sandbox type of experience well at least it looks like the diners are having a whole hell of a lot more fun in the sequel than they they were with the wall of death in the first game the betas for games are often to strip down more basic versions of their final games to usually show off the main aspect of a game without all the sweet stuff added in yet to make it a full experience nowhere was this more the case than with the first Crash Bandicoot as most of the game in its beta was pick clean of anything that makes crash great today the creepiest part by far is the lack of Music in each level and it's not like you're playing in complete silence as the music in the game is the only thing lacking in the beta as many levels were playable from the beta that appear in the final game we can finally see what Crash Bandicoot looks like as a horror game maybe that's a little bit of a stretch but you can't tell me running around these levels and absolute silence doesn't creep you out a little [Music] bit all right if that doesn't do it let's take a look at the iconic Boulder level where crash is running Jon style from this big boulder some [ __ ] left to crush crash without the music this level feels more like you're actually just trying to save this Bandicoot's life from being squashed by a large Rock just like how it would happen in [Music] nature am I watching planet Earth or playing a PS1 game right now holy [ __ ] it's times like this where the lack of Music really grounds the game from being being a wacky 3D platformer into being a bleak run through this creature's worst week on Earth holy [ __ ] I feel bad for crash all right this one was too obscure and weird of an entry not to include but if you're not familiar with the Chicken Run film it was an animated film from the people who brought the world Wallace and grommet it ended up getting a PS1 game that gives me the Barnyard game Vibes but that's for another time can't even open that barrel of monkeys yet the game doesn't look particularly fun or interesting as I've never played it but if you play this as a kid I can see how you get some bang for your buck out of it back then one particularly creepy segment of the game is the large stealth segments where you usually sneaking around human Patrol guards or even worse they're large Le Doos dude sorry I had my uh Reddit switch flipped on let me go ahead and just uh yeah there we go all right sorry I meant to say they're big dogs you know these muts will end up chasing the player and is pretty hard pressed to let go and every time an enemy whether it's a human or a dog shows up your heartbeat will start to increase which is just straight out of a horror game that mechanic has been used before I swear but I've never seen it used in the kids game like this it add so much attension to the chases and really makes you want to hide away in your own skin when you end up getting close or to getting caught once you end up getting caught as well the dogs don't hold back as they Corner the chicken and what I can best describe as the death scenes from the Arkham games but this giant pagal out [ __ ] dog is here instead of Joker the name of the game is chicken run but you chicken walked Batman the game as a whole feels like a weird fever dream and is pretty ominous all the way through the short play time as most of the game is just this large stealth segment dodging these Junkyard Dogs hey great entry thanks for the comment all right that's going to do it for today's video went a little bit longer than I expected it to this will be interesting to see how long it ends up being but regardless uh leave me some more comments for entries in future videos as always I appreciate all the entries you guys have left and if you've left one already are wondering if you should leave it again no need I have a huge spreadsheet I'm getting through uh any previous entries people have uh mentioned to me and they will be in future videos so without taking your guys' time too much today I appreciate all the likes and support recently all the subscribers we hit 15K recently which is a pretty big milestone I hadn't had a chance to talk about it also sorry for the slower uploads the warrior world video really took a number out your boy uh it took me about 2 weeks to make that video so um but if you haven't seen that video make sure to check it out as well it's basically a deeper dive into Wario World a very strange and obscure game from the Nintendo GameCube uh subscribe if you're new here you can find all my previous uh Iceberg videos in the iceberg playlist down below I got to update that [ __ ] it's been a minute uh but I'll see you guys in the next video thanks for watching
Channel: GambadoGaming
Views: 653,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vqEcSStRrVg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 52sec (2632 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 09 2024
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