Improve your Caro-Kann with this simple method

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in order to absolutely demolish 700 rated players you have to do only one thing just think backwards really the biggest issue in most of your games is that you are now letting your opponents go wrong you're just trying to actively take the initiative all the time if you compare this to Table Tennis is very much the same thing as getting the ball over the net and okay you don't need like a great shot just get the ball over the net and a lot of the times your opponent will just mess things up in today's video I'm gonna be showing you how to apply this strategy with the karokan defense but really what you're about to learn works out with any opening that you play right everybody getting it on a black game facing a 600 rated opponent and we're gonna be playing the karokan and the way we're gonna do this I'm just gonna be getting developed and then we're gonna be waiting for mistakes okay basically literally staying uh you know hiding in the bushes like a sniper waiting for mistake we see hillbilly we play D5 okay fine just D5 he's gonna take away take back and Bishop to B3 simple development nice and natural squares Bishop out play E6 Bishop p70 Castle take it from there let's see if we can do this win F3 weird move we don't really care we continue with uh our own stuff get a bishop out targeting the queen to G3 play E6 idea to do Bishop E7 the he plays H3 very important you want to watch out for his morphs don't autopilot like Bishop E7 lose your Bishop that's the biggest problem that a lot of low-rated players have it's zero like you're driving a car but you're not paying attention to the road so when you're a beginner okay you're like more focused on the steering wheel maybe like finding the pedals or whatever but you like really need to see what's in front of you dude uh so okay he plays H3 targeting my Bishop fine I'm gonna slide it back a little of fun boom be sure back next up we want to do Bishop to E7 okay Bishop G5 why we play Bishop E7 always as a beginner because they hit you with the annoying pin ubishi episode we're always safe next move nothing crazy happens we castle if he takes take back with a bishop don't get double pawns uh for no reason and when this happens we also get to attack the pawn on beta which what a surprise opponent genuinely ignored so once again typical mistake gasoline thinking oh I need to Castle and then I see what to do yes that's like what you need to have in the back of your mind but you're actively looking for ways to punish that moves if there are any simple developing stuff it's completely winning position let's see cd5 now I think on cd5 we have a pretty instructive move because a lot of people will just go ahead oh I take free look you can do that you're still gonna be better but if they look like running anywhere no it's not it's it's The Rook is so trapped it's like genuinely the girl told you she is into you now what are you like well yes I was like having a crush on you for like seven years and I'm totally obsessed no you're not gonna tell her the truth you're just gonna be like oh nice I mean maybe we're gonna do something I don't know you just play it cool all right that's how you do it so he takes on D5 you take back with a pawn the rookie is still trapped still yours you don't want to allow any kind of play like uh takes you take Rook he takes this this is like absolute Madness it's like what is this free Queen I just told you you just develop and opponents are genuinely Gonna Give You pieces like it was a lottery okay it's the rock is still there dude it's like the girl has a sister and she looks even better what is this you take both the queen and the Rook with the same thing this is true this is true Madeline here just right I mean I guess you don't really need a YouTube video to win this position but uh we're gonna go ahead anyways I'm gonna get my queen out it man this is absolutely unreal that within the first 15 moves you can trap literally three heavy pieces like this is absolutely sickening I feel so dirty for doing this but uh I hope you guys find it at least somewhat instructive okay gonna pick up the Rook gonna pick up the night and then okay we're gonna try to trade all the pieces starting with a check Knight to D4 next donkey two King D1 pick up three Knights yeah give this check yeah yeah if King E3 this is three piece I mean can take Bishop two maybe even start with that and man it's like move 20 poor man he's only left with pawns what is this I guess this is just the power of the car cut I mean someone had to say it it just say it here and I swear those guys like not a paid actor you think I'm like so rich to pay people to lose like this against me I mean think twice just gonna pick up this take the night and yeah rest requires no comments I'm just gonna bring my heavy pieces now just gotta be careful not to stalemate okay I guess this is something challenging on its own like not still meeting gonna get mated not still mated it's a difference between the two and we get bishop checkmate okay even nicer so yeah uh this was definitely through Masterpiece that I'm sure you have learned a lot from so with that being said I think we can move on to the following game right everybody getting another black game Putin plays E4 she's gonna be sticking with uh our Simple Car of Khan and okay we get the advance guess the advance gonna be playing the bad winning variation I don't recommend you to play the main line because that is usually uh yeah requires a lot of preparation against all kinds of moves aggressive Pawn pushes whatever really you have no idea how many things I can play there I recommend you do C5 the so-called both winning cards variation and the nice thing about it is that you're gonna be running into that structure a lot okay and you have to understand that we're pretty much just getting an improved version of the French defense because okay we developed the Knight and the difference is that in the French defense you'd play E6 that's the French okay just the transposition down a tempo but okay you still have this which is genuinely the wet dream of any french defense player someone had to say it so we're gonna start by takes this is even better because he is forced to take with a point okay beginners watch out some of your opponents may take with the Knight leaving the pawn undefended so you want to punish now you get the bishop out boom and okay then you have pretty simple plan you have to understand that the main Battlefield is around the D4 Square so okay Knight to C3 not sure about this move I feel like we have potentially even Bishop F3 to begin with but I'm gonna play it simple have this defend it first and easy get out of the bishop G5 that's super interactive in Casey Price that's such a common blender for this rating range but no he didn't then okay now that we're here go ahead pause the video try to find the winning condition for black in that position there's a lot of people would be like okay just play Bishop E7 develop get the game play the cuddle have a simple life but now you have to Bishop G5 you have Bishop takes on F3 winning a piece and that just works out well I'm gonna show it after the game as I was saying like main Battlefield D4 Knight doesn't have natural Square because the pawn can take and we're gonna develop via E7 then the Knight is going to S5 from where it puts pressure on D5 so we do that first don't play Bishop E7 because then you have no square for the Knight simple move preparing to do this in case of H3 we always take against the advanced variation so you can write down that rule it's pretty simple and always works and this is actually so nice that we get to face Bishop to G5 because it is such a common thing for beginners okay and a lot of people have no idea how to deal with this like at all because you know we can no longer play Knight to five because the queen is hanging and how do we continue now second rule to remember Bishop G5 happens in structure and pin with Queen V6 so putting pressure on two very important squares while preparing to just play 95 and black is already close to winning right I'm telling you the advanced variation is just such a nice thing to play against you're gonna be genuinely getting this winning positions without really doing any effort okay so he plays B3 how do we continue now most people would pre-move Knight F5 but also you gotta watch out for your chances okay typical for beginners they are just literally not paying attention to their chances okay they think okay I play Black I need to develop yes but you're playing the Alex banza Karo Khan the Karo Khan is literally gonna be crashing your opponents you gotta be looking for those chances so I think such chance is taking why because we eliminate the main defender of the D4 Square and okay question for you do you take with a queen or perhaps with a knight because I know for a fact taking with a knight is what most of you guys are gonna do you bozos and that is a mistake as a mistake you can get pinned and lose your horsey knowing that to happen you think we're the queen you even Force an end game where they're gonna be having an extra Pawn how nice how many things you're learning today such a such a nice video I bet you already liked uh liked it I mean you don't have to but I guess that helps but at least that's what they say just gonna think anyways gonna be getting an end game head idea to fork and we'll always take uh to damage the pawn structure and okay now you can play Knight F5 there is no longer a need for Knight F5 because there is no Pawn on D4 to attack so I'm gonna switch to another Target and finish development I mean you already have a pawn you know what to do next you just trade all the pieces one by one go to come to the open file um and uh yeah okay watch look on the open file what can you do you can double up on the open file but problem is uh he's gonna have uh Rook C7 Knight B5 so I'm gonna start by doing 94 first okay just preparing maybe Rook C6 and then we double up Rook D1 targeting the Knight okay now F5 is a pretty juicy Square now that we stabilized and next literally doing this no matter what he does I mean on Knight B5 we play A6 but other than that uh we just generally double up the Rooks on the open file very important fundamental rules okay I cannot stress this enough I may sound like a broken record but you wanna double up on the open file you have no idea how many people still neglect such easy Concepts okay boom finish around the night urugu D3 loses instantly he has to play Knight E2 and we trade Rooks in the movie In the End Game why is this losing pause the video Try to find the how do we exploit the the pin Knight we basically PP on the pp and not literally don't do that here please just put pressure on the pin pieces right the Knight cannot move or I mean it can but then it loses the Rope so I guess that's not uh not good news for my opponent either and just by that okay like what do you need to remember in order to win games like this you need to know okay I get my Bishop out to G4 after playing C5 um and I guess you need to know okay if Bishop G5 happens you play Queen B6 and that's it easy easy games just get to 700 by that I could try to push my Pawn like a but I'm just gonna start by taking his pawns and not allowing infiltration just gonna take these one by one not much you can do about it this is coming yep King is almost mated pretty funny he plays F3 then we have that I'm gonna try to induce F3 with Ruby too oh he played it this guy you just helped me ring wow wow what a what a genius F3 sealing the coffin here in the mailing net King gets mated in the middle of the board pretty nice final picture so okay very simple rules to just take a Winning Edge against this uh Advanced variation they play C3 so start with take get the bishop out they are very simple even you can do this I'm just kidding I know you're doing great hoodakara and I appreciate that you're here but foreign 97 Bishop G5 side step okay don't play Queen C7 okay I saw people doing this you don't want to see this also Queen on the open fight is pretty vulnerable so don't put the queen there Queen to be sex move and remember this take it with the queen is like you have no idea what a big difference makes between taking uh with a queen or the Knight on D4 thinking with the queen always best though that win every single game and uh yeah with that being said I think we can move on dirty following game right everybody getting another black game putting those E4 he's rated 700 so let's see what he has in mind against uh our little strategy of uh choosing a solid position and then pretty much just uh waiting for a mistake to drop from the sky almost like a lighting You're Gonna Play D5 all right let's see he plays the move Knight to C3 where the main thing to like really remember okay like a lot of people try to understand inspiration in like greater depths before they even nail the first move because they just play Knight F6 allowing E5 that is no good so the four instead and then develop the Knight okay it's gonna be generally taking I would assume that's why I guess you develop the Knight to C3 and here I don't really like playing Bishop 25 that's doable but kinda dry way more interesting we play Knight F6 all right heading for the so-called Tata cover variation inviting him to take and all right let's see what opponent has in mind against this like mainly they take but they could do anything like really 93 95 Knight C5 Knight C3 uh even Queen D3 like genuinely all these moves are covered in my uh Karo conscious about course on ic3 however there is a very simple idea that you wanna remember and then you really don't need any Fury you can just develop okay so first you don't want to play with bad Bishop you get Bishop out then you play E6 Bishop E7 the castle this nine goes to D7 and then we just wait for a mistake okay I'm gonna do it as I promised and let's see so E6 literally doing that okay and it's important while we do this okay we are also actively looking for whether you can punish a stupid move that your opponent just makes okay a lot of people make this mistake while playing the karokano just playing chess in general they're like too focused on their own moves instead of focusing on what opponent just did first because you know it's like really you're trying to drive a car without looking at the road it's like you're paying to imagination at the steering wheel or uh maybe you just got a pretty attractive instructor no I'm just kidding you gotta look on the road okay you may be missing a lot of important details about the position like a lot of the times what opponent plays it's pretty much just forcing an answer from us like you're thinking oh how can I come up with a plan in this position or how can I do this or how do Chess Masters find a good move in a second well a lot of your moves are forced based on what your opponentials play so here's your answer just gotta get canceled and okay what do we do next we pretty much need to connect our Rooks so moving the queen for that reason would be kind of uh yeah part of the plan however I don't really see such a nice Square for the queen so we'll start with Knight B6 why we target the bishop and we prepare 95. I'm just trying to centralize the Knight okay boom centralizing the Knight we keep the Knight on F6 because it's safely defending our King and we target his Bishop okay how do you think we should recapture because also got blade and I think in this rating rink there is a big tendency for people to exchange everything whenever they can which is something that you can really abuse by the way because you can just give them opportunity to trade but if you figure out it's favorable for you you just have a life hack for playing against 1000 rated players or below that so generate the rule goes we should take towards the center and we get this like really annoying block of Pawns that's completely shutting down the bishop on A2 so pretty simple now our next move is even easier we get the Rook on to the open file you know that very simple fundamental rule immediately and big chances you may not even see it and we take it in case he does not we're just gonna try to improve our position okay like there is simple move okay as I said he didn't notice besides that because Square on city has just been weakened by his last move so pay attention to his move before like with opponent B2 this square is safe with the pawn on B4 this Square now just becomes a very nice little shelter for our pieces so you could do that but I mean really just take your Free Pawn okay keep it simple no need to like mess around take Free Pawn and then just try to double up on the open file or exchange pieces okay very important once you just capture the bounty on C2 we're gonna be coming back with a bishop okay it's like uh you know the bishop went uh out uh hunting for food now it's returning back to his family okay Bishop is back we're feeding the kids and then we're ready to further activate you know for trades or if not hope then just force the trades here it would be a bit of a mistake for him to take as the Knight is his most active piece and uh yeah he did not just play 94 targeting the queen and activating now because you know his Knight is the most active piece how about we try to get rid of it there is this move pretty simple way to eliminate the Knight but also remember while you have your own ideas you need to constantly check whether opponent is making any dumb moves so please feel free to go ahead and pause the video Try to find the winning continuation for black okay there is something that just literally ends the game on the spot uh because Queen is lined up on the same fight with the bishop and because of the last move before this query is like really gonna hunt him so there is simple move Rook C3 okay no tactics just utilizing the Outpost Rook C3 winning the bishop okay uh all right this position was like already winning but the extra Bishop of course well really heavily during the balance into our favor we take the bishop we just need to make sure then after The Rook is uh gonna be able to come back into the game I mean it should be otherwise I guess this would not make it into the YouTube video I'm just kidding so Eric the C3 he just needs to move like Queen backwards like these are the only two squares pick up the Bish and I don't think spending a lot of time will help so he decides to finally sacrifice the queen and oops there is another Fork opponent just uh like literally stepped into the Trap find the resign button and okay how do we win this game well like genuinely getting developed fine like this part it's easy to do I just set it on move three anybody can do it and then okay we play we look at our pieces what can be improved yeah like this bishop is fine Knight is fine Bishop only seven you don't have other squares Knight on D7 is kind of the most passive piece that can be improved so we go Knight b695 improving Knight and then he just makes uh Bitcoin session taking on D5 we shut down the bishop before typical mistake for this rating range Rook C8 and uh you just have a really big Target now if he defends there is 94 coming to C3 already like black it's gonna be better so yeah remember this go uh against classical variation take on e4 before you do Knight F6 and uh 193 get the bishop out then play six a castle and wait for the mistake so with that being said I think we can move on to the following game all right everybody getting another black game putting on Z4 I'm gonna be sticking with the uh well not D6 but of course preparing the karokan so yeah playing C6 simply to take it back with a pawn in the case that he wants to trade however we get to face the advance how nice all right the nice thing about the dealing with the advances that at first it's gonna be the most painful variation for you but once you get familiar with my main recommendation this would actually become uh the top scoring line for you in the Caro that's like normally how it happens so Gonna Keep it very simple playing the circle but winning variation C5 and the main idea with this is black is trying to get an improved version of the franchise most of your opponents are gonna do something like uh C3 you get the night out and then you're able to develop the bishop before you get to play E6 um so putting those dc5 which is actually the best move according to the theory I recommend the move Knight C6 in this position okay this is my main recommendation this is what I give in my accessible course objectively best is to play E6 and just try to regain the pawn and play some kind of a French that's not the goal of our valuation okay despite sometimes maybe uh playing down a pawn the goal is to get this active Bishop and okay precisely against this variation uh I think it makes sense to play E6 and just take us Bishop on F4 is not like ideally placed like it would be better for him to have options to push the pawn and also Queen A5 takes is generally not great so yeah don't overdo that I know it's common for beginners but I'm just gonna try to keep it simple okay I'm gonna try to keep my word and play with an active Bishop okay you're gonna do Bishop five and then E6 trying to regain the pawn so if he wants to keep he should play C3 which they almost never do idea being to prepare before he plays Knight to C3 targeting the pawn what do we do or simply defend E6 while threatening to win back the pawn on C5 so notice that in the first place we're sacrificing the pawn but white has to do some uh yeah additional effort to try and keep it most of the times I do expect you to regain the pawn while playing in this rating range and I'm expecting a move like Bishop to D3 now the way he's been playing so far and you have I think a choice on Bishop to D3 you can either do I mean Knight to E7 you can trade on D3 the main thing that I'm uh looking for and what we're gonna play is uh well in this position precisely I think black has a very annoying move and it's pretty deadly sequence if you ask me so I think it's a good moment to go ahead and pause the video because I'll give you a hint these two points are pretty weak in White's camp and there is a way to actually Target both and you do that with Queen V6 targeting F2 he tries to defend with the queen but then B2 is undefended we get to take that but no Bishop to B5 just taking three Pawn checking and very important rule you take the Free Pawn then you run all right you don't wanna around on F2 for too long that's gonna be getting you in trouble usually Bishop back he plays B4 fine okay take the pawn you go home I don't care all right why a f8 we don't want to go E7 because it would have been blockading the night and then the bishop could also like maneuver like this because we have the extra opponia for to do like a lot of things this king is also misplaced so and we can just stick with uh simple way to develop bye applying the fee and quiero if you want to do it more ambitious you could do H6 and ng5 I think that one also works pretty well I'm just gonna do the simpler one though um a castle then the rule goes into the open file and then we challenge the bishop okay notice that I could have attacked the bishop uh way earlier but usually when we play uh this structure priority is to get canceled then you attack the bishop okay now I'm very happy to do all of these H6 G5 with Tempo because opponent is helping me too I just get to attack his pieces in the process and he plays G4 targeting my Bishop I'm just gonna slide it back not interested to enter any weird complications the plan remains very much the same ready to get castle and just look at his King I think really King safety is uh the biggest difference in this position also one structure like the pawn on E5 is very weak and what I want you to like really pay attention when you play the karokan we always have such a nice and compact Pawn structure or at least if you do it properly just have like two very healthy porn Islands while uh yeah opponents pawns are like really a mess oh now this move ready to Castle expecting something like maybe King Jito maybe Knight after okay King G2 gets played a castle immediately okay maybe I have tactics like D4 winning faster I don't care I just want to get my king to safety okay now I'm gonna do D4 eliminating the main defender of the bishop okay that's pretty nice because when Bishop takes on C6 the key little detail that works out in our favor is that we have Queen takes so we take with a check and then we also get to pick up the free night so yeah nothing really all that special just developing uh our pieces and we took advantage of that opportunity to play uh Queen to B6 double attack and now we get to like really benefit from it because just look Bishop takes on e4 setting up another nice little tactic wait Bishop coming to C2 I'm just gonna take boom targeting these two pieces and pretty much collecting The Rook on the next move no matter what he does like Queen D4 perhaps you could bring the Rook first I'm just gonna take his Rook I'm just gonna keep it very simple obviously he can bring the Rook but I think maybe even more instructive for you guys is um oh my queen E4 just literally hanging it no it doesn't stop oh what is this clown Fiesta just taking everything all right we gotta relax now a bit oof that was a shock and then you guys are gonna be in the comments like oh but they never fluffing pieces against you I don't understand I'm telling you probably not looking in the right place they give pieces like that all the time uh now I'm just gonna bring my rook and we get to claim the win so all right guys now very important detail that I wanted to highlight uh during the game on Queen B6 if he was playing Queen D2 I think very clever not taking on B2 I think that may get us in trouble with rugby one rugby seven I mean I don't know it looks maybe risky but I was thinking actually would it be Bishop takes on F2 what do you mean it's a losing move how is that a losing move what am I missing one has no way to defend against this has he there must be something that I'm missing oh he has rookie too wow so I cannot check anywhere these questions are taken and if I take he wants bishop dito and the queen is trapped wow okay I didn't say this in advance so apparently uh it would have been yeah best to just take and black is indeed better in this position like group b797 white gets like a little bit of activity but it doesn't really matter because you're in time with cast and you keep the extra upon and no need to be afraid of like let's say stuff like Rook C7 targeting these places because you have simple move just dealing with the Rope so keep the extra up on and uh yeah back is much better so yeah as I was saying just for uh those of you that are like interested in what is the best I think E6 is objectively best and that's what I recommend in my course but okay against these Sidelines you can pretty much do whatever okay I knew playing Bishop F5 is tiny bit worse but not a disaster so um at the end of the day you can do what fits your style better and uh that being said I think we can move on to the following game right everybody getting a black game opponent goes uh E4 rated 500 we're gonna be sticking with a Caro Khan okay I'm curious to see why the 500 rated opponents are gonna be playing against our beloved opening and he plays Knight C3 we're gonna step in the center are we gonna see D5 okay no we see D4 I was uh like really expecting him to go for exchange within this move a little bit he plays D4 meaning that we're just transpose into the classical variation where it is very important that you stay away from a very common beginner mistake which is just Knight F6 okay why is Knight F6 is no good well there is E5 and then there is like no good Square for the night so very important okay before you do that you wanna trade okay always go the E4 in the car okay now the rule when you are just getting started it's easy to remember just always take that one on e4 generally good sticks with the Knight alright and here you pretty much have uh a choice but like a number of variations like Bishop F5 used to be the main line for a while uh which is definitely playable and something that you can do but from my experience that really uh makes a lot of players quit the karakan because it's simply not a very fun variation sure it's like good objectively but generally you're just really hoping to make a draw so what are we supposed to do instead we play Knight F6 what is the point we Knight F6 besides allowing uh let's say double pawns and self destroying the pawn structure well point is first of all we're gonna Castle short and these block of Pawns uh will make our King ultra safe and second of all uh we're just gonna be playing for checkmate I'll show you how first super nice that we actually get to uh deal with the check I genuinely believe that this is such a common Motif for the for the variation and it's important because you have a choice between Bishop E6 Bishop E7 or the queen E7 which one do you think is best now if you're thinking Queen E7 is a good move then uh let me contradict you 27 is a terrible decision because you trade Queens is just gonna be having these end games with 4 against 3 where it's pretty much free lose as long as you keep trading pieces so generally azarella Farm you want to keep pieces in the structure on the board and we're gonna block with a bishop on E6 just because this guy belongs to D6 all right you remember that this is the most efficient way to block the check if you can Bishop to F4 now I could go ahead and grab the three Pawn I don't think he like really has any compensation for that but that's not really the goal for this and I think it's more instructive that we play Bishop D6 okay I know I just said we're not supposed to trade pieces but when they play Bishop F4 it's like much better the trade other than playing a passive Bishop E7 move I'm gonna do this all right chances are he's gonna trade in Long Castle let's see he may play Knight F3 point is Queenie 2 is a bad move in this structure because notice how the queen is like really restricting the bishop the bishop cannot move so for this reason he plays quinitely defending and opening up Bishop's path reasonable move by my opponent what do you think we're gonna do here of course we just get get uh castled as soon as we can and next we are ready to finish development okay how do we finish development how do we develop the Knight do you think we play C5 Knight C6 no that's actually one of the most common beginner mistakes that I see all the time now if you are playing the Karo Khan if you kind of get used to the fact that sometimes when the pawn is on C6 we just cannot develop the Knight onto his natural Square so please get used to play a move like Knight to D7 and okay we play 97 now finishing development pretty much Rooks are nicely defended and protecting each other very nice little fundamental detail and what do you think we should be doing next of course we get Rooks into the open files boom first Rook on the open file why this one because the other one is coming to d8 so very important first locate the open files then pretty much just place your Rooks there I know I could have taken the opponent A2 for a while it's just that uh I'm trying to kind of deviate from Such trivial free material grabs and just show you how to like get a playable position and then utilize some interactive mail game plans so Rook to E8 putting Rook under his Queen is always very nice he plays Rook to E1 now you gotta be careful because moving the bishop allows uh trade of Queens for turoks which is generally in the favor of my opponent so we're not gonna be doing that I'm Gonna Keep it very simple continue as I promised with the I'm going to show you a very simple maneuver in this structure always rookie neither f8 is very nice okay preparing to take back on E6 with a knight and notice that we have such a solid position we have huge pressure on the the first square that he is literally forced to play C3 which he did not did not play C3 what does this mean now we just take okay in case of C3 we had the choice between Queen D5 or even Pawn to C5 may have been interesting just because we're very active but on this it's time to show you okay basically the school of karukan we were winning one pawn and then we literally trade all the pieces take with the Rook hoping he takes so that we can improve the pawn structure now I think ideally it would be best to take with a pawn just to repair the pawn structure like taking with the Rook is nice hoping to get that but in case he's not taking we may not get the improved structure so now we pretty much just have a clean extra Pawn I'm gonna bring my king in the end game defending this and perhaps preparing to push E5 attacks the root just gonna keep it as active as we can and yeah it was important in that position not to play Hope Chest yeah taking with the Rook it's Hope Chest that you get to undouble your Pawns no you just get it as you can you know it's uh it's there you know it happens for sure just going E5 and okay if we could trade Rooks that is just making the situation uh so much easier but for now we'll just try to grab space expand uh push these pawns notice that my Rook is nicely restricting his King and on H4 just collect the Free Pawn very happy to grab another another opponent um yeah maybe play Rook F4 attack this make room for the passer um I'm just gonna do Rook before just for fun because we're keeping his King completely restricted and noticed that my king and pawns are just gonna be genuinely Unstoppable so he plays Rook D3 finally as a desperation sign but uh yeah just uh we can use this Pawn as a deflection for his King pick up F3 and then we can turn on to his other pawns okay I'm just gonna show you how this goes and I'll also try to play it a bit faster so normally you do something like this and okay I could literally just Queen my pawns but the trick is to try to use your king now that he's so far away and you start taking all of these pawns one by one see look how I'm doing it you go go ahead grab these pawns boom and then you win okay just I'm gonna use this get a queen can we show a mate somehow would be nice now are we gonna steal me this huh I think I might have to cancel my pre-move because there is risk of stalemate if he stays far away it's easy yeah he stays far away there's no stalemate okay so yeah generally if you have time on the clock I don't recommend you pre-move everything uh imagine you could just imagine you could do like 15 pre-moves in a row but yeah played slower but I'm pretty sure you get how they send games are going okay important there remember this idea you have extra Pawn give up this and then you turn on all of these these are like the real targets the pawns highlighted with blue you use this as a deflection okay uh King has to go grab it otherwise you promote and then you win all of them and then it's pretty much simple one okay now obviously because I have two extra pawns uh this is not required but when you have only one Pawn like Imagine The Pawn on E5 was not on the board say position is like this this is the only way to win so remember that idea and yeah on the opening phase remember to meet this uh typical mistake for lower players we need to check with Bishop to E6 and then this guy goes to D6 you Castle 97 rookie Knight f8 exactly like uh we showed it so with that being said I think we can just move on to the following game
Channel: IM Alex Banzea
Views: 61,831
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ifOXdhRhJ58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 5sec (2645 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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