Mikhail Tal's Rules To Brutally ATTACK Your Opponents!

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today we're going to learn and enjoy from the greatest master of attack m t in this position his Knight is attacked twice by the bishop and queen what would any normal person do Retreat defend do something about this Knight but this is Sparta if you missed the movie here we go this is Sparta Sim with t Never back down from a challenge and he counter stried with Rook to D3 shocking everybody sacrificing the Knight and destroying his opponent within the next following moves but let's start from the very beginning Ty is playing Black against rley both of them were top players at the time white starts off with Knight to F3 D5 so far just both sides develop their pieces T wanting to bring his Bishop out so that after that he can lock the Central Pawn structure and his Bishop will not be locked behind now both sides just develop their pieces naturally Pawn to D3 why could instead play Pawn to D4 but in this case that would block the diagonal for the bishop and for that reason why instead chose to play D3 kind of in the king Indian defense style he wants to go Knight D2 Pawn E4 kind of playing the king Indian attack now white black goes Bishop C5 quite a tricky move T noticed that white did not put the pawn on D4 and says hey then I want to make use of that and put my Bishop to the most active score possible white play KN D2 black hassles and pawn E4 now Black's got to be careful with this PO investment while is ready to move forward and to press Black's speed that's why T took on e4 now if not just to illustrate the point if black played some random move you know why could push the pawn forward chasing away this Knight and as the Knight goes white could keep moving forward this time chasing away the bishop and you can see that he's grabbing space and black is kind of you know locked and awkward so definitely black does not want that t traded on e4 and right now white is still threatening to play E5 that's while T play this move himself you can see that it's important to actually pay attention to your opponent and what he's going to do again if black just doesn't do anything and play some random move you know white can keep pushing forward attacking this Knight if it goes He can then expand with Knight E4 attacking this bishop aiming at this Square threatening C4 to kick off this Knight and white would completely dominate within just you know couple moves so definitely black doesn't want that so let's take it back and instead T block the center with E5 himself now white played Pawn H3 he wants to drive away this bishop and if the bishop goes now why would be able to pick up the Pawn on E5 CU attack twice currently the bishop is peining the queen so that I couldn't move and decided to just trade it off while recaptures with a queen and black played Queen E7 also very good move I always recommend that at the end of the opening stage you want to move your queen and connect the Rooks after that you can say that mission one is accomplished I have finished my opening now I'm playing the middle game in this particular case besides that the queen and the bishop are also forming a battery Al this diagonal which potentially enables black to go Bishop A3 at some point trade off this dark Square Bishop which will leave all these holes on the queen side weak and possibly ready for black to use white played Rook D1 put in Rook to an open file and tile played B5 now the purpose is just take away this Square from the Knight now the Knight is a little bit awkward here on D2 it just obstructs the Rook you know along this e file the defile it can't really move much after B5 it takes away the only Square where the Knight could possibly go to and white now has to find a way to activate his pieces also a little interesting Nuance white played H4 here I guess trying to activate his Bishop this way and Tyle played A5 it turns out that Ty noticed that because the Rook is not on A1 any longer he wants to expand there on the queen side and kind of prove to White that he was wrong and that now black can actually activate his Rook there possibly go inside with Rook A2 you know after he opens up with A4 and great problems for white so so T was really great at noticing those weaknesses in his opponent's position and making use of them now W was car about this potential advancement A4 he decided to play C3 and yeah that locks the position on the queen side but that comes at the cost of completely blocking this bishop on B2 now it's like a tall pawn and C3 probably was not a good move for white anyway it makes some sense his idea was that if Tyle played A4 which he didn't white would be able to play B4 thanks to his Pawn on C3 which defends the pawn and keep the position on the queen Lo and defend T didn't play4 instead he just played KN B6 simply moving forward with his pieces and keeping different threats in place white played Rook E1 this time he wants to relocate the Knight to B Square via F1 and hopefully E3 and in the ideal World F5 but of course that takes a lot of time and black can do something about that first style plays Queen E6 that also kind of looks towards the queen side cuz black was so far preparing this move Pawn E4 and black says hey you know what I'm ready to challenge your queen side here white played Queen F5 again he does not really want to play Knight f one right here because black is ready to play4 and now all these pawns are kind of weak black is targeting them white feels uncomfortable and so T kind of made use of the fact that white wants to move the way the Knight and he prepared an advance now white played Queen of5 instead he says hey let's trade off queens and I'll be totally safe and it's a very remarkable position because right now the position looks equal completely safe for white and it is hard to believe that white will be completely destroyed within basically two to three moves and that just goes to show you how T could create those attacks seemingly out of nowhere now you can think about this position yourself for a second to determine if you can find the right attacking shot for black and the right strategy for the middle game generally speaking is to focus your attention on opponent's half of the board and ask yourself how do I go forward and attack something so one of those moves could be A4 which we talked about previously but there is also another move Knight G4 quite a spectacular attack now our Queen act raise the Knight and therefore defends it now from G4 the Knight together with the bishop team up against this Pawn on F2 therefore white has to defend it somehow it's interesting that in this case trading Queens would actually backfire for white because if white decided to trade off Queens Ian Black would first taken F2 intermediately but instead even if you just recapture that also adds The Rook to the power your attack and now white is completely defenseless so it's kind of fooling white he wanted to trade queens and tell Shi hey you want to trade Queens go ahead that's going to be completely bad for you in the game white play a more solid move Rook E2 simply defending this Pawn on F2 and T noticed the other weakness of white here and played Rook to d8 now since the Rook is standing on E2 not E1 it means that the other Rook on D1 was left undefended and by going Rook d8 at this point T pins the Knight and puts more pressure on white again noticing those weaknesses in your OPP's position and finding ways to make use of them now white was clearly annoyed by the fact that this time from G4 is putting pressure here and white has to defend somehow plus now with got this annoying pen he played Bishop F3 and probably he was really sure that black is going to do something about this Knight now of course black could theoretically take on F2 but generally speaking in most cases trading two minor pieces for the rook and a pawn is not good for you just two minor pieces more mobile I'm talking about this variation if you just trade off everything usually these kind of exchanges favors white the side with minor pieces they're more mobile they can go for create different threats while for a rook it's harder for a rook and a pawn it's harder to make use of them actively so what can black do let's take it back in the game T found a really interesting and creative way Rook D3 it seems like he's just wandering the Knight you know but what's the catch here it turns out that white cannot really take the Knight as if he does The Rook captures this Pawn on G3 and funnily enough like uses the other P completely unexpected pen in the position the fact that this Pawn is PE down to the king and therefore the pawn cannot capture The Rook which means that it is checked to the king it has to move and now Rook recaptures the bishop The Rook is still x-rayed by the queen thus defend it white cannot capture it and along the way white one Pawn completely destroyed white king threatens to capture here and white is just destroyed he's a pawn down and destroyed that's why I cannot go for this line that said reble played a more solid move he's a strong player he played King to G2 just defending everything solidifying his position and saying hey I'm good black is still facing the threat of his Knight and he's going to do something about that but T once again didn't back down and just decided hey you know what I'm going to trade here on F2 as we discussed before usually those kind of exchanges favor white you know when he's got two minor pieces for a rook and pawn but it was one of the pet produ projects of tall to prove this conventional wisdom to be wrong because he was a very creative attacker and he knew that if he can find a way to make use of the exposed King he can make up for this you know little material deficit so to say and he can still turn the situation into his favor by the way in the game white actually just recaptured on F2 but there was also one important variation for black to consider if instead of taking on F2 white says you know what since my king is going to be exposed let me trade Queens first and then take the bishop would that be a great option for white it turns out that not really because if white first Trad off queens and then takes on F2 like strictly speaking this end game could easily be winning for white but right now like's got a winning shot Rook takes a three making use of the pen and if white recaptures Now The Rook is hanging on D1 black grabs it and he's up matural and now black wins which means that white didn't have any time to trade off queens and he has to just take on F2 now the Ken is exposed and black wants to make use of that so the queen goes to D6 black wants to keep Queens on the board cuz he wants to attack plus we're stacking have a pieces along the defile to put more pressure against this Knight which can go away because of the Rook on D1 which is also Hy now in the game I play a bishop C1 maybe he sees that things are going down and he's just putting pieces back to the restoring position getting ready for the next game or maybe just defends the night anyway Legos G6 and that's another thing that we love in M Tal now the computer that is a materialistic brutal force suggests that black should just go you know for this Pawn on C3 capitalize on the p on the dile and try to win matural and it could be that objectively it was the best move to play but T just wanted to attack the king and instead he played G6 attacking this queen queen played Queen G5 now F6 an intermediate move pushing the queen further to the edge of the board and after Queen H6 finally F5 Tyle does not care about this weak Pawn he doesn't want to win it he instead wants to open the position and go after White's King and of course in positions like that when everything is pinned everything is under the attack it's really difficult for white to find the right move now stockfish says that the correct move was the brave King to E2 centralizing the King right in the middle of the middle game right but it is very counterintuitive for a human to play that move and R played a move which is much more human King G2 putting the king back to his casting position so to say but that fails due to another spectacular tactics this time Rook takes F3 now what's the point about this sacrifice well why could possibly recapture with a king or the Knight but the Knight can't really move because it's been down to the Rook right so black will capture now he's got a matural Advantage Plus all kinds of attacking threats and uh you know it's it's clearly bad for white let's take it back how about Keen takes F3 that looks like the main move of the combo then black follows up with Queen D3 check to the king and our Rook is also standing in Ambush ready to join the party anytime for example if white plays Queen E3 trying to you know bring all the pieces back to defense and solidify that fails to this F take C4 which is a check but also a discover check pushing the king away which will leave the queen undefended that can pick it up and win the game how about White Moving his King somewhere either to F2 or G2 well King to F2 is bad cuz black recaptures bringing the Rook into play and our Queen is attacking all around and white is done here and if Instead at any point white brings the king to G2 black can follow up with Queen E2 with a double attack to the king and the rook and after the king moves somewhere we grab the Rook this time we're attacking the bishop we're threatening Queen H1 Checkmate we are up material we're threatening this opponent what is just completely destroyed so that's how T won this spectacular game if you'd like to see a game where T sacrifice pretty much all the pieces he has check out this video right here and if you want to know how you can become a master of attack check out this free Master Class where I go in depth into the right principles of activity and attack so that you know how to create attack in any game that you play have a great rest of the day take care
Channel: Remote Chess Academy
Views: 171,492
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Keywords: chess attacking strategy, chess attacking strategy for beginners, best chess attacking strategy, chess attacking tricks, chess attacking game, chess attacking tips, mikhail tal chess games, mikhail tal best games, mikhail tal games, mikhail tal sacrifice, mikhail tal sacrifice game, chess mikhail tal sacrifice, mikhail tal knight sacrifice, mikhail tal top sacrifices, mikhail tal attack, mikhail tal attacking games, mikhail tal attacking maniac, mikhail tal best attack
Id: GUmbBl77j0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 9sec (789 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 01 2023
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