Impractical Jokers | 9 Straight Minutes of Sal Trying Not To Laugh | HBO Max

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The video is only 8 minutes and 45 seconds, not nine minutes.

What a ripoff.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 12 2022 🗫︎ replies

Love him.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/victorian_dolly 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2022 🗫︎ replies
- Three, two, action. (upbeat guitar music) (air blows) (laughter) (air blows) (flute music) (laughter) - Keep playing. Sal, Sal! Keep playing. Sal, keep on playing. - You're not allowed to say cut, Sal. - Charlotte, get in there. Play that song, Charlotte. (laughter) (flute music) The message is getting through, Joe. You're being charmed. - Sal, not yet. Don't call cut! - Dance it out, Charlotte, dance it out. (laughter) - Look at sal! (laughter) - [Joe] Here we go, here you go, Sal. Bring it down. - Here we go. Imagine you're starting a city from scratch. What well-known leaders of the world would serve as an inspiration for your city? Jennifer, what'd you have? - Madeleine Albright and, uh, Obama. - Joe? - I put the man that made birth control. (laughter) Don't know his name, but I'm pretty sure it was a man. But I know his work. (laughter) - [Q] Look at Sal. - What kind of people do you visualize moving to this city? - Of course, I thought hopefully it's a melting pot. I'd like to know people of other races. Indian, Asian, African, South American, Antarctican, Puerto Rican, and women. And I thought also it might be cool to have some winners of "The Voice" there. (laughter) - [Q] Sal's losing it. Sal's losing it. (laughter) Full tears just straight down his face. - [Q] You wrote it, how could you find it this? - 'Cause hearing Joe say it is a different thing, right? - [Joe] Here we go, buddy. - Ready for this? You're just gonna reply adios, muchacho. (laughter) - I'm already on board. - Okay, is that 'cause I'm Spanish? - Yeah, yeah. - Goodbye friend, goodbye pal. - How's your day in the park, all right? Having fun? - Sal, you there, bud? - Come in for Sal. - [Q] Hey bud, it's Brian. - Hey buddy, I'm just over by Jurassic World just cleaning up. - Okay, just wanted to let you know I just got back from the doctors and it's not looking good for me. (laughter) - It's his time. (dramatic coughing) He don't sound good. - So cold. (whistles) - Adios, muchacho. (laughter) - Go on, Sal. Make first contact. He's done 130 episodes and this moment is still as awkward to him. (laughter) - It's really warm out here, huh? - Wait till she takes a huge bite and then start talking to her. Wait till she one throats a (beep) Pret A Manger chicken avocado sandwich and then start the conversation. You (beep) idiot. - Get up and leave. - Get up and walk away. - Hold on, wait till she takes a phone call and tell her, how about them Yankees? You (beep) idiot. Look at him, look at him! (laughter) She's (beep) one throating it and you try to start a convo about the weather. She's (beep) going to town on that thing like it owes her money. - [Q] And now he's just laughing like the joker for no discernible reason. - [Murray] A grown man crying on a bench. (laughter) - It's crazy how warm it got out here. It was so windy before. (laughter) - That was easy. We didn't have to give 'em anything. - Here we go. Looking for Juanita Indacaboosa. (laughter) - [Joe] Juanita Indacaboose. - Juanita Indacaboosa? No? (laughter) - Why don't we just put up the score board right now and just want put a thumbs down for him. - Daniel Picnic Handsomes, US Coast Guard? (laughter) - [Joe] That was a smile, he saved it. - He held it in. - Heimlich. (chuckles) (laughter) - That's one. Ding! Who you calling? There's no lifeline, Regis. - I just wanted to make a note that this one is so (beep) stupid. - That's the game. - Heimlich Manure. (laughter) No? Let's go through it. Eetwont Flush. (laughter) - [Q] Eetwont Flush. - Ew. Eetwont Flush. I can't, this can't be. Son Ambulance. (silly music) Son Ambulance? (laughter) - No Son Ambulance. - Ita Dapeeza. (laughter) Ita Dapeeza. - [Murray] Eat the pizza. - Ita Dapeeza, Ita Dapeeza! - Here we go, last couple here. (laughter) - Oh! - Faith Bitch. (laughter) Faith Bitch. - I don't know what's going on, I don't know. You know what it is? Old (laughs). (laughter) - That's got him! - I'm gonna bet dollars to donuts nobody here is Ol' Fashioned Handy. (laughter) Old Fashioned Handy. Well, that's all the names I have. We're through the list I have. There's five remaining people. Oh, just ask them their names? (laughter) - Sal, start shopping out of people's hands. Whatever they grab is the thing you wanted. The lady with the denim shirt. - Oh, I thought you were putting it down. - No, no, no. (laughter) - Sal, everything she picks, you want. Every one. (laughter) And just keep holding 'em. - This one looks nice. (laughter) - Keep going, do it again. (laughter) Are you taking them all? - I was just looking if this fits me. - Oh, okay. - Thank you, thank you. (laughter) - Listen, everything I go to pick up, you pick up right in front of me. - She's on to you. Take the head off her head. (laughter) - [Murray] She's holding it! She won't let go! - I was just looking at it. - Oh really, let me show you something. - What? This one. - [Q] She's gone! (laughter) - She did the old tap on the shoulder. - [Q] Wow. - We're also collecting money for charity today. - I can't even look. - Oh my God, Sal. - And I will. It's a really good cause. - No, no! - I've been collecting for it for years now. It's my own charity that I made up. (laughter) (laughter) I'm so sorry. I have this, I'm so sorry. - Oh (beep). - Yeah, yeah, for what? - Well-- - [Joe] Now. - For this. - [All] Now, now, now! - [Sal] Oh my God. - Now, now. - Oh my God, sorry. Oh my God, oh my God. - [Joe] Now, now! - Sorry, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. - [Joe] Now! - You seem like a great guy. (laughter) - Now! - You could do, are you from New York? - I'm not, I'm touring. - So you're visiting then? - [All] Now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now. - How long are you here for? - [All] Now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now, now. - I'm done, I'm done. I'm done. - We got him! - Nice.
Channel: HBO Max
Views: 1,729,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Impractical Jokers, Jokers, Pranks, Sal, Sal Vulcano, Joe, Joe Gatto, James, James Murray, Brian Quinn, Laughing videos, Cringe videos, Embarrassing videos, Funny Videos, Impractical Jokers Episodes, Impractical Jokers Bingo Episode, truTv, impractical jokers full episode, 10 minutes of sal, pranking videos, best pranking videos, shows on HBO Max, what to watch hbo max, improv, improv comedy, trying not to break, breaking character, break character, practical jokes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 46sec (526 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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