Impact the World: Bracha Goldsmith

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[Music] welcome to impact the world the show for and about creatives change makers and entrepreneurs this is a conversation episode where a special guest shares with me what they are creating and the behind the scenes journey of their experience [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi welcome to today's episode of impact the world and my guest today is baraka goldsmith it was a real treat to get to speak to baraka she has been a practicing astrologer for over 30 years she came from the business world originally so she brings a really interesting mix between astrology and business but one of the things i really love about her work is over on her popular youtube channel she will bring her knowledge of astrology and these times and talk about what we're experiencing in current events and how you might be moving through them she has a very generous heart she is also an artist and in recent years has started channeling so there was a wealth of things to speak to her about and i also asked her to give us a sense of the astrology of 2021 and see if there was anything she could share about that that happens near the end of the conversation but stay tuned for the whole thing and if you enjoy this show you can support us by going to apple podcasts and rating leaving a review or subscribing to us over there that helps us reach more people so thank you enjoy today's show braka it is so nice to be with you and to have you here on impact the world thank you for saying yes thank you for inviting me lee i feel very honored to be with you today well i shared with you and i'd like to share it with our viewers and our listeners that the reason this conversation came about many many years ago back when you and i were what seven eight years ago when we were both in our earlier days on youtube i remember your video was suggested to me as an astrology video and i watched it and i was like oh i like this lady i'm going to hit subscribe so i did and then over the years i've seen various videos from you and you're always you know i'm an energy person clearly and so for me regardless of what you were saying what i've always enjoyed and appreciated is the energy that you bring forth and the energy that you give out to the world um as you've been doing your work and i shared with you that during the very early days of covid i think it was probably april maybe or may you and your friend pam gregory another wonderful astrologer on youtube who i've seen over the years as well you had this lovely conversation and i think you shared with us you said oh we were just talking and i asked pam if i could just hit record and so you spoke for about an hour or so about the astrology of the times and how to look at things and i wrote to you i think and i just said that was so lovely i felt like i was just sitting there listening to a conversation between two wise loving friends and it did me good to just hear you guys today so i think that's how this came about but um yeah i just wanted to share that with our viewers and our listeners because you've been out there doing this for for quite some time and things have really changed in the last decade haven't they from when when we started putting these kinds of videos out into the world oh yes and and i'd like to share with our viewers here that i've been following you for years years and years in fact there are many times when pam says have you watched lee harris have you seen his energy forecast i say oh no all right yes so she'll send me the link so you know we've we've been following you too and uh connected little world that we all live in yeah it's amazing so when i told her i was coming on with you she said oh you are lucky oh please give her my love we'll have to have her on the show next that'd be great that'd be great she'd be delighted yeah well i would love to so for for those who perhaps haven't seen your videos or aren't familiar with your work you know you in the last decade even though i know you've been doing astrology for 30 something years in your life you've been regularly putting out astrology based helpful videos for for a decade now it seems and i wanted to ask you how did it all start when did astrology spark for you in your life and what happened thank you i guess i'd always been interested in the mystical field from a very early age and uh i was introduced to an astrologer i think i was about 17 at the time i'd studied it a little but not in depth and she read this chart and she knew so much about me on an internal level yeah it was like wow she was she'd unzip me and so i thought wow this i have to learn more about this and that that started the journey really and uh i went to night classes and had a wonderful sagittarian teacher who used to come sailing in and telling jokes cracking jokes about all the signs so she just brought it to life for me and i i began to see that astrology is something that is a living entity yes it's living it's changing it's evolving it's growing all the time and that's why it never gets boring because you're always always learning something new so yeah and you were at that time so i i did a little bit of digging before before we had this conversation so you were working in finance business and also property it looked like is that is is was that the field that you would was that like your day job at the time yes that was my my business at the time i'd always done the astrology on the side i'd always run a class or two a seminar or two always done a few readings but never really professionally seriously and so yeah it began about 20 years ago because there's a great video of you on your youtube channel again i was i was digging around this morning prepping to speak to you today and i thought oh i just want to go back and see some of bracker's earliest videos and there's a great video where you are an advisor to a kind of documentary television show about the recession that was taking place and i'm guessing it was 2007 2008 and you're advising about properties and it was so brilliant to see you in that very different capacity talking to this interviewer about how to invest wisely and how to kind of deal with the crash that was going on and what it was doing to the property market it was fascinating thank you thank you yeah i've had a diverse life shall we say it's not been boring yeah so what got you to put a video on youtube in the very beginning i was living in new zealand lee and i just changed my life i'd come out of property and business and finance and all of that i felt it was over for me in terms of a full-time career i still have an interest in that area um and i just thought you know what i can't remember what it was it maybe it was a full moon or a new moon or something and i went in the back garden and i just made a short video and it was awful i remember half my head was cut off you know it was terribly unprofessional and that just started it from there that's fantastic and how did you feel when you uploaded it to youtube because i know that can be a a scary i know it was for me and i know for a lot of people it's that oh the intimidation of like putting something out there and how was it for you were you immediately confident or were you a little no no i didn't know what i was doing you know it was like i was pressing buttons and doing things i thought well this people say you should go on youtube so why not i thought let's just give it a try and of course at that point nobody knows you so it doesn't really matter exactly exactly and how is it for you now because you have a very large community on youtube now and they're tuning in every month like i'm curious i know what that relationship gives them because i you know see the comments and i'm curious what what does it do for you how would you say that serving an online community in that way has changed or enhanced your life oh gosh that's a great question lee um well immensely yeah immensely i think that more recently since we've had the coronavirus i'm regularly doing these live streams maybe two three four a week and i find that with a live stream like you and i now doing this sort of spontaneously you're really connecting in with a community of people and i think that that's what we're hungry for now as we move into this whole era of connection and so i think youtube gives us a just an amazing opportunity to be able to connect with a wonderful audience i feel so privileged uh to connect him with that energy so yeah it's interesting i haven't used live stream on youtube before but i've done a lot you know and i still do lots of live broadcasts and everything there is something incredible isn't there about the there are two things for me number one especially if i'm doing something like my energy update video which is very much tapping into the group consciousness that kind of feels alive in an odd way even though i'm recording it days before it gets put out i feel very alive in that but especially when you're live with people you can feel them if you've ever taught people in a room or you know a theater or or had that kind of group experience it's amazing how i think if you're a sensitive or an intuitive you can feel the people through the the camera or the lens or whatever it is it's it's really palpable absolutely and and your energy forecast i just love your energy focus yeah it's like feel your energy and feel it you really every time i watch you i feel uplifted oh that's great well i always feel like they're a conversation you know i i like someone said to me how do you know what to say and i'm like listen i just have to say and i'm sure it's the same for you or any intuitive i think when you work intuitively you might be speaking but actually you're listening and then speaking what you're hearing which is different to having to formulate words in your mind i think beautiful that's beautifully properly yeah yeah so i'm curious one of the things i you know i've worked a lot with other people over the years on the work that they want to put out into the world and so for most of us that involves going from employed by another person company entity to self-employed and i think one of the biggest bug bears or sticking points for people and myself included one of the steepest learning curves is things like finance and accounting around your business now i would assume for you given you would come from a business and a finance background you've got that down when you start to do this astrology work as a business was it the case for you that because you had a grounding in that it was easy for you to figure that piece out or did you did you find as many do that aligning yourself and your services with money was still a bit of a kind of growth edge i would say i know for many for many people who start running their own business there's this growth edge around i'm going to put a price on what i do versus a company telling me what they'll pay me for my service it can be disarming to some people but i wonder if for you it was easier because you had that grounding around finance and business already um i think it was still a learning curve lee um simply because astrology you know it's an out there type of thing how could you charge and i do remember having um a reading with a very very well-known astrologer who i admired greatly who said to me and i was already reasonably established actually but he said don't don't think you're going to make a a living out of astrology he said i don't see it i don't see it and i'm like okay [Laughter] and he said especially as a woman i really don't think you're going to make it and i'm like wow it wasn't strange i don't understand that especially as a woman that doesn't make any sense to me because i think probably more of the astrologers i've known over time have been women yeah so it was like i thought okay that's an interesting perspective so i think as far as answering your question around the money it's it's always a stretch yes you're stretching into doing something that you have to feel is is really valuable and if you feel as though you're valuable uh and that what you've got to offer is you're doing it out of a love and you're doing it because you love doing it then i think the combination of those two things um it enables you to have a successful business in whichever field you choose i think absolutely yeah and i think also if you're offering a service that the customer or the client values like you know i would i would spend a lot of money taking myself off to self-growth workshops in my early 20s and people who i knew thought i was insane they were like what you're going to vancouver for a three-day workshop and i'm like yeah but it's the only place they're offering it because it was my passion so for me money investing money as because what i was going to receive was you know tenfold so i think it's it think it's an interesting thing i think whenever you go into something as let's say fringy as our field you'll always get the detractors and you'll always get those voices of well if it's spiritual you shouldn't charge money which is you know a crazy thing to say because if you're doing something 40 50 60 70 hours a week unless you're a billionaire who doesn't need to earn money how where's the energy exchange for you to to live on the planet so there's always that small percentage um but i i think the value is is in the is in the the eye of the receiver and the beholder and honestly i don't know about you one of the things i love about the internet which wasn't really there when i was at the very beginning of my spiritual journey you can get so much for free and we can give so much for free you know we can put all this stuff out free videos free content for people i love that that that that model exists now because back in the day i used to have to buy the book go to the workshop attend the class i think it's i think it's great what that has done to learning in the world in our field and in so many fields yes yes yeah we're very privileged aren't we yeah yeah so one of the things i wanted to ask you about that i thought was fascinating over the years in your journey is you began with the astrology videos and that was what i remember first seeing you for and then there was this very interesting moment when all of a sudden i remember seeing on youtube pleiadian message from bracha goldsmith and you may have even been barbara back then i'm not sure and we'll talk about your name change in a minute but that was fantastic i was like oh this is interesting so tell us about that when did when did the channeling kind of come in as a new thing for you it's exactly five years ago now actually i can't believe it it's like wow and um yeah i was at a very very low point in my life a very significant relationship had ended wow i couldn't i couldn't have guessed that that was coming i couldn't have seen it so i was totally blindsided and just a lot of things were happening where i was pretty pretty desperate and sometimes it's not until you get to that dark night of the soul which is where i was at the time um that you you cry out for something else there has to be something more that has to be something else and yeah it was feeling alone isolated um nowhere to turn i mean everything fell apart except for the only thing thank goodness that i was able to continue were the videos and the astrology i pushed myself to continue to honor that commitment that i felt i had with the people who were so kindly continuing to watch and follow the videos so that i kept going but everything everything else fell apart right and um somehow i came across summer bacon i know i've mentioned her a few times i don't know if you were even thinking of interviewing her but she's amazing a wonderful i'm not clear yeah she's been channeling dr peebles for many many years she's just taken a little break at the moment to just deal with the exhaustion of it for doing it such a long time um i had a reading that i had to wait four months for i couldn't believe it was like four months for this reading but it was worth it because everything this channel dr peoples came through with was like wow this sort of hit me and at the end i just said do you know do you think i could try channeling and he said well why not you know it wasn't anything serious and so i i just had one coaching session with uh summer bacon one trance coaching session and she said don't expect anything nothing's gonna happen just you know it was like and i i thought okay i have nothing to lose i never knew about channeling until that point particularly yeah and i sat down in the morning i said ten o'clock i was going to be there and um i called in these spirits of love light inspiration truth just these energies and all of a sudden i could feel something taking over my breath it was like something happened and i thought okay she said that might happen she said the back of my mind okay so i surrendered i said go on take it do what you need to do i felt mentally and somehow something moving my neck it was just suddenly everything begin to move that was not in my control yeah and i think you're much more familiar with that than i would have been at the time yeah i think you came into this journey a lot earlier and within a matter of a couple of days because my throat they were trying to come through the throat they couldn't get through what i was trying to couldn't so it was very uncomfortable for two to three days it was like and i knew something important was happening and i thought you'll just have to sit with it you'll have to stick with it and sit with it because summer was unavailable because i immediately shouted out summer help yeah of course it was great she said this is your journey just stay with it i am not to interfere in your journey and i thought how honorable she was she would have stopped me that would have stopped the process i'm sure it would have because i had to keep digging deeper and allow and uh then this this sound came through like we are the the ladies it was like hello barbara because that was my name at the time and i was like they know my name and then that was the start of it fantastic sorry that was a bit long-winded but that was great it was great so many things that you said that i i resonate with um really and yeah from experience too and um it's interesting because you also was that the same time that you started doing the channel paintings yes it all happened everything yeah opened yeah the paintings came very soon within a couple of weeks yeah it was like wow everything so that was when the painting started appearing in your videos behind you as we see right now yeah that's the pleiadians i've never painted in my life yeah so that's brilliant i love it but you see hit a couple things that you you just said that that are so true to me one of the things that i often share with the people who will come to live events when i'm about to channel because i usually channel at my events at some at some point and um i'll say you know channeling energy for me is something that initiates you so it might be that the information of the channels the channel being or entity or entities is exactly what you needed and you'll take that information and it will do something for your life and you'll be like oh great i said but more often than not and if you're in this room to listen to the channeling or if you're listening to channeling online you're exposing yourself to something that you will remember if you want to you know it's osmosis so we all learn through feeling and being around someone who's demonstrating something and we all have the capacity to channel whether it's channeling our higher self whether it's channeling guides whether it's channeling our soul whether it's channeling the pleiadians or beings from other places we're all different so some of us will go more to the stars some of us will be channeling angels but channeling itself is really just a new range of listening and a new range of sensing and like you said letting go of the control of our human mind and human personality for a moment and letting something else come through us so i i love that that happened for you and i'm not i'm not too surprised that happened for you i actually was taken to a channel and not long before i started channeling and i was very skeptical i was like um don't know why he needed to put that funny voice on and close his eyes good information but why did he need to like pretend it was channeling and then lo and behold egg on my face about a year later so um because now i get it and i'm like yeah yeah so that's great so the channeled paintings you're very prolific with those from from what it looks like to me given how yeah so walk us through what happens when you when you channel paint because that's another thing i always say to people just pick up a paintbrush and you'll be surprised people say oh i've never done it i'm 65 and i'm like well now's the time just start you know that's it and that's what i say to clients you know just just have a go i mean that's all that happens i mean i have various canvases and i'll ask them which size do you want so we start off with we know which one do you want and they'll point fine and then i'll say which paints do you want colors do you want sometimes i have an agenda i'll say look i need a painting for the new moon in libra right all right guys so what are you going to do and then they'll pick out the paints they're very distinct it's very deliberate and then i'll say do you want paint brushes do you want sponges do you want fingers what do you want today and then they're very distinct they say brushes brushes brushes fine and off you go and sometimes they want me to pour it directly on to the canvas sometimes it's on a little palette and you're just having an interaction if you like with spirit asking them and you it's just you just listen and somehow you know when it's finished because they'll pull your hand off it's like all right finish now stop and i'll say any other colors and sometimes they'll be yes and sometimes no no that's it and i say you're sure and because i look at the painting and go really that's it yep that's it and then somebody will buy it it'll be like somebody really liked that painting yes so it's like you know so it's great yeah and did you have you had experiences like what is well i'll ask you this question and said what is the experience for you like in your body and your aura after you have either channeled or done a channel painting what's the difference for you what do you notice well with the painting the entire experience is very joyful yeah it's like something happens it's like oh goody goody yes we're getting the paints out so it's a very joyful experience and then that joy remains after the painting uh with the channeling it really depends if i'm channeling for somebody maybe what they're going through and maybe what has to come through is maybe a bit difficult to access so sometimes i'm exhausted afterwards it's like oh i'm knackered and sometimes i'm very uplifted so if i'm doing uh channeling without the interaction and i'm just doing it online or something then it's very uplifting but if it's somebody deeply experiencing something then it can be a bit different do you experience that to lee or i do like or i'll even notice and this can happen with energy updates a little less these days but i would i could be in a very good place in myself um that day and i would do an energy update and my energy would change because tapping into all so that's i think that's the one thing you have to you have to know about doing this work for others you because you have to surrender to what's there you know it's like if you're working i work with private clients for 14 years i stopped doing privates about a year and a half two years ago and you never know what you're going to get you know and you have to be in service to what's there so some sessions can be uplifting and joyous and some sessions if a person is really deeply working with grief and needs to really go around the grief in many different ways in order to start to move it you know you you feel you feel different after that session than you do after a session where someone has a euphoric release or gets to a new level yes yes exactly yeah exactly yeah so you changed your name what year was it that you that you moved your name to braca almost a year ago just one year gosh is it only a year it feels longer because i remember that i'm like god that i thought you were going to say like two or three years ago although who knows what time's doing anymore exactly linear time anyway everything is weird isn't it so what happened what what was the process the journey around that because i know a lot of people who've changed their name so i'm sure people are curious to hear about it yeah i mean i'd never liked the name barbara i'd always tried to you know in french it sounds a little sexier in italian you know in greek varvara but still the meaning of barbara for me and i i know there are people who call barbara who love their name so no offense to those people um it means stranger it comes from the word barbarian and so i was never comfortable with it and i also never felt like a barbara because my mother in fact wanted to call me bianca which would have been after my grandmother but it was not a name you'd have called somebody in england at the time right okay so um i was getting into my ancestry in my roots and my jewish roots which i'd always um uh i'd always steered clear off yes i was always uh shall we say a secular jew but always hidden it why why was that do you think uh because i felt very um insecure being a jew i almost feel like coming out now feels like coming out and saying i'm gay saying i'm jewish it feels that much of a big deal i mean now i'm i'm okay with it yeah but i had a mother who came out of the nazi austria so there was a lot of stuff around that so i was very afraid to adopt and embrace the deeper aspects of judaism you know the kabbalah and all the mystical things that are fabulous yeah which i'm diving into now with a lot of excitement um and so i had a rabbi i went to for some spiritual i i just admired rabbi jacobson he wrote a book called towards a meaningful life it's so many many copies and i thought wow this this guy's really tuned in at like a session with him and lo and behold he did sessions and i mentioned that you know i'm thinking of changing my name always said yeah it's very powerful thing you can do it'll change your destiny i said well do you think you could help me with that he said sure so so what name should i choose he said well i've got to do some research he said i've got to get in touch with the rebbe and this one and that one you know so it took weeks and i was waiting i thought don't have a name and finally he came back with the name bracha meaning blessing and i thought i'll take that thank you that's nice that's perfect because so many people you are a blessing to them in in their life so that's brilliant yeah so that's how it happened and now when somebody calls me barbara i'm almost like because you did tonight you know you did earlier because i came up on zoom as barbara goldsmith and i'm very visual so even though i know you as brac now i was talking to you and there's barbara goldsmith written on the screen but hey we changed it today on zoom so that's a good thing yes [Laughter] great so yeah i i wanted to ask you you are somebody who is regularly giving astrological reports to the community on youtube and beyond and you do you still do private consultations don't you i know i do i still do a few i have to say um i'm probably going to have to start doing less of them this time you know it's yeah this question is ty you know what prompted you to give up it your private because i loved doing them and i thought about it for about two years but i got there were too many other things going on like i literally yeah there were too many other things going on and i i started to i started to recognize the economy of energy i loved the intimacy of a one-on-one i love because it was always deep and personal you know i did it for so long i couldn't imagine not doing it but what i also recognized was i could take the same amount of energy and affect more people and i was curious about trying that so i i made a promise to myself which was you're gonna stop and you can always go back you know my joke is always if everything else falls apart i'll hit the street corner and do little readings for people you know that's kind of i can always go back to the very origin of how it all started but something had to give and um so i decided to stop doing that to kind of conserve my energy for everything else that that the work had grown into yes yes oh that's great i think you're very courageous there's a part of me that's a little nervous of doing that so thank you for inspiring me to well i started with it for two years and before i did that i really reduced it so i didn't you know i didn't just completely you know i think i went down to two a week at the end and i would just do them on a wednesday afternoon so i weaned myself off as much as i weaned everyone else off you know i think i needed to get used to it so step by step i just kept reducing how many i would do and then by the time i was ready to let go it was it was easy yeah very good no i've been doing the same i used to do 40 a week 40 maybe 50 a week oh yes full on oh yes wow now i do about um three six seven eight probably about eight or ten a week okay okay okay so we'll see we'll see how you do when you get down to three or four you know gradually gradually that's great but like you i love them but i'm realizing it's just a question of energy and time and yeah yeah thank you for that i was going to ask you regarding the fact that you provide this service for everyone else how often do you look at your own astrology especially if you have this ability to do it for yourself or are you a bit like me and you still i mean i i can channel for myself i can be intuitive for myself i still love going for a session with an intuitive or i have friends who are intuitive and so we occasionally i love that receiving from someone else too but i was curious for you given you can look at your astrology how and you can interpret it how often are you doing that not so often to be honest yeah i have lots of friends you know pam and i have another wonderful friend ralphie uh another great astrologer and uh yeah we look at each other's charts so that's nice as you say nice to have a another perspective um but really not very often yeah not and what about you do you look at your chart very often you know i don't i have a good friend of mine sandy sedgwick she she follows astrology a lot and she she told me many years ago she said i just watched your energy update and it's so in line with the astrology and i was always happy to hear that because i didn't follow i mean i deliberately don't look at anything before i do an energy update anyway and i really love and appreciate astrology but i'm not a monthly follower you know i'm not necessarily watching my astrological monthly video i'm a bit more casual than that but i really appreciate it so no i don't channel for myself as much anymore at all but i also feel like i got my engine running you know i think when you're activated with your intuition and you've got it in your life in a way that's far more grounded than perhaps for me it was 15 20 years ago i don't have to look under the hood as often because i'm kind of living from that perspective more than i ever was but um but i will channel for myself if i need to if it's an emergency or if i need some kind of insight you know and and for me i can talk to them all the time but it's the power of writing it down that is the game changer because when you actually sit and write something down for yourself channel for yourself you you get to be a reader of it too and you get to take it in at a human level which is very different to having a multi-dimensional conversation because you can forget that very quickly so yes yes that's very very perceptive yeah i like that yeah i like that over the years it just has a different galvanizes in the body in a different way so when you channel for yourself you write it down yeah that's that's actually what i advise for people to do i speak to them a lot or they will probably about three or four times a year they speak to me it doesn't happen very often but when they do come in with something i'm like oh this is this is interesting this is different um because i'm i think i'm in relationship with them so much for my work anyway you know i'm i'm putting my attention there a lot so i think if that you know i i shared this with some people who i thought should be doing readings for a living i said i used to get stalked by intuitive information for other people until i started doing it for a living and when i started doing it for a living that stopped but until then i would be having coffee with you and you'd be talking to me about something and it would be like tell bracker blah blah blah blah blah so i would and you know so i i kind of this was my job before it was my job all over my life for quite a few years and i quite liked that it got more organized when i committed to using that ability as part of my work in the world all of a sudden i got my free time back and i could sit with you at coffee and not be reading your mail basically because i wasn't choosing to do that but it would just happen so um yeah yes yeah how about for you because i know you're very intuitive and you now have the channel going does that does that happen for you a lot when you're in just everyday life with people yeah well it's interesting you should say that that happened for me at the beginning the first couple of years there was no stopping it right everybody all my friends everybody was like okay she's off yeah he couldn't stop him now they asked me they say right will you channel for me we need some help with this and that there and of course yeah you know fine but it's a choice now rather than it just coming uh through if you know what i mean yeah it's there all the time yeah it was exactly the same for me and i've seen that for so many people so i think if you're watching or listening and you're being stalked by psychic information unless you want to continue being the town intuitive crime as we would have said in england um you know it might be worth trying to give give some readings and some sessions and actually for anyone who is tuning in i don't know about you braca but one of the things i always advise because this is how i began is before you even consider doing it as a job or for money or um ask a few friends uh you know offer offer a few friends no i'm thinking of trying this out as a thing so tell a few friends that you're up you're looking for some guinea pigs and if they have any friends who are interested in coming to you and then that keeps it you can have a very kind of aligned apprenticeship with no pressure around money or promising people that you're going to be you know at the top of your game straight off you're just being honest about i'm trying this out and if you'd like to try it with me it's always a great way to start and i know more and more people who are beginning to go that way oh yes more and more people are opening up to their channeling abilities because as you said at the beginning everybody can channel yeah absolutely everybody doesn't matter who you are what your background is you can channel so true so so braka i wanted you to i asked you this before and you said yes which is fantastic 2020 has been quite the year and we're recording this in 2020 but i know that this show will come out either december of 2020 or january of 2021 so i wanted you to give us any cliff notes that you might have on the astrology of 2021 and if you if you feel to comment on 2020 go ahead but um i was curious about what the year ahead is bringing for us astrologically thank you lee well um it's still i feel going to be a a year of deep transformation on the global and personal level i don't think we're anywhere near through it i think we're at the beginning of it and the astrology i guess the main aspect that is continual for next year february to july it's very strong and again at the end of the year but still is this square i'm sure you're aware of it between um uranus in taurus and saturn in aquarius so that square is like it's the backdrop of the earth these are the two planets that are not exactly bed fellows right and it's like how do how do you deal with these entirely different perspectives it's like being with somebody you don't like and how can you find a way to like this person if you really feel oh yeah you get that energy this happens doesn't it i mean i have to say it doesn't happen to me very often but there are times when it's like oh you get that feeling so uranus in taurus um it's been about this shifting of our values taurus our values and uranus shaking them up what's really important what really matters and i certainly think this 2020 has awakened that within more and more people and that's what i was asking people to do at the beginning of the year or maybe now even thinking about it what are your three top values now what really matters to you if you had to articulate it and so this is and of course it's going to affect the financial system i think we're going to have a lot of turbulence in the financial system and then we've got this square to saturn in aquarius going on and that's going to be to do with authorities restricting our freedoms and the fight between personal freedoms and fighting for certain freedoms that are important and what are the things where are the rules and regulations actually needed that are going to be for our benefit i think saturn and aquarius could see an attempt at wanting to restrict our freedoms on the internet and so i think we're just dealing with this energy of constriction and expansion and the extremes of that how extreme are we going to go in terms of i must be free i'm not taking your vaccines you can stick him up yeah all that stuff and how free can you be inside of yourself where are you setting your own limitations where are you defining yourself in too small a way so i think it's going to be this whole flavor of the year is this square and the great thing about a square is it moves you to do something because it's so damned uncomfortable trines are all lovely and nice and marvelous but you're not necessarily going to do anything about it but with the square there will be actions to take there will be things that will need to be done communities that want to be birthed out of this need to be free and to find tribes and soul members and brothers and sisters and i think it's going to come out of this frustration with the existing system and saying right what can we do that's just a flavor of it that i see would you agree would you no it's lovely to hear you say all of that because one of the things you know one of the messages that my guides have given over and over again in the last well they started talking about this in about 2015 2016 but especially now we're in it they've talked about 2020 to 2024 as very tumultuous years on the planet and they talked about the energy of fight and of course they were saying this before covet so as soon as covert hit and all the stuff around covid and what it's done to the planet and in a way for me i i feel like this is the the change moment that many people were hoping would happen after 2012 not necessarily covered but i think everyone was expecting some dramatic thing to happen in 2012 and this is the this is the first big dramatic year that we as a whole world have seen in all of these years that we've been talking about the transformation of consciousness on the planet so no the fight fits and i think one of the things that i'm always aware of is it's a fine line between sticking your head in the sand and thinking everything's going to be okay but equally just because there are restrictions that you're seeing assuming that that means all of those things are going to play out and everybody's doomed because the one thing the zs talk about is they say that the level of consciousness on the planet it's not allowing the darker or the lower agendas to hold anymore they'll give it a good go but the fight aspect is kind of the one thing that they keep reminding of and it's interesting to hear you say that this square mobilizes us to take action not just to sit down and take it or be suppressed by it but to take actions towards what we want to create versus what's perhaps being wrapped around us right now or attempted to be wrapped around us yeah yeah thank you it's uncomfortable isn't it i mean it's not you know that's not as nice as oh everyone's going to have a lovely few years and everybody's you know it's it's not comfortable but it's um but it's very much a time to be awake and to as you said to define what your own personal value system is which i think is often unchecked because so many of us were brainwashed into a way of being that we accepted and that we went along with and then i think when you wake up you suddenly look around and go hang on a second i don't if i agree with this and i i don't know why i went along with that for so long and i think that's the only way that we become awake activists on the planet whether or not you are an activist who's in a march or a rally or whether or not you're an activist because you've decided to walk into a room that's brought and to try to actively bring kindness and compassion to that room which is another powerful way of being an activist we're all a bit different you know some of us do it in seemingly smaller more introvert ways and some of us do it seemingly in bigger more extrovert ways but we're all needed all everyone is needed on that scale yeah beautiful yeah yeah yes and um the other part of next year of course the eclipses largely are going to be in sagittarius gemini we've got the nodes in this energy so the south node in sagittarius which is i feel we've got to embrace our diversity on the planet really embrace the fact that we're all different and we've got a different flavor and a different sound and a different tone and that every single person watching tuning in listening you've got something that is invaluable to the symphony that we're creating here yeah so keep that in mind yeah you are needed sometimes you've got to scuttle around and find out where am i needed where is it you know and sniff around and find out but keep looking if you're not sure just just keep going in the direction of what you're enjoying what you're reading what you're drawn to what you're magnetized to at the moment and you'll you'll find your way that's beautifully said beautifully said will you be doing uh a a 2021 astrology video probably i'm guessing near this is yes i'm planning that and i'm also planning a 2025 uh seminar because that's the crucial change over here 24 5 astrologically it's like another energy shift it's huge in the astrology again it's like 2020 was a big year when i looked at it five years before and now in 2020 2025 is is a big turning point four or five as pluto gets out of capricorn goes into aquarius and we get this lineup in the fire and air signs neptune going into aries and it's a very a big change i think uh yeah we've got to work on our earth at the moment on our home at the moment on our food on our sustenance on our finances on how we exchange and trade how we put that structure into place in grounding ourselves on this planet respecting and loving the planet is going to have everything to do with how we move into that 2025 total shift of gear so yeah that's how i see it anyway would you would you agree do you well i love hearing you say that because again disease my guides they're always talking about 2020 to 2024 and that the next kind of destination they talk about is the end of the decade so they say this is a a kind of astronomical change here a changed decade and they say 2020 to 2024 is the kind of rough rough and rough russell period of the decade and then we start to walk towards transformation from 2025 onwards so that's that's brilliant to hear that that's great thank you thank you for giving us that little insight into 2021 thank you for being here today it's been such a pleasure getting to talk to you and thank you for what you do on the planet because you are bright light and you know we we need as many of those right now showing up in whatever ways so i know not everybody shows up on a youtube channel but i'm really grateful that that's that's been part of your destiny and that you've been out there for those of us who've tuned in so thank you for being here bronco thank you it's been an honour being with you and a pleasure today lee thank you thank you for everything thank you so i highly recommend checking bronco out on her youtube channel you can search for her braca goldsmith and you can visit her website which is and as usual we'll put all of the links to bracker and her work in the show notes that accompany the show so thanks for tuning in we hope you enjoyed and see you next time rebirth has been an annual transformation program that i and my team offer every january for the last four years this year rebirth 2021 will be quite different to prior years because 2020 was very different to prior years in general as a whole for all of us so a couple of things came to me for rebirth 2021 i wanted to deliver all of the modules live prior years we have done a lot of pre-recorded material but this year everything will be delivered live and then there will be full replays available within 24 hours of the live broadcast my guides the z's are going to be a huge part of this year's rebirth we held transmissions in august and it was an incredible experience and it was allowing my guides to bring through the next level of information and one of the themes that they have talked about for 2021 and beyond is us becoming more creators of our lives they're talking about how we create our lives every day through our energy and also how we can take different actions to animate our sense of purpose our sense of connection to life but also the life and the world that we're creating right now and how important that is in the years to come so rebirth 2021 will have that focus as its main theme next level creation and then across each broadcast we're going to look at creating from a metaphysical and a grounded standpoint stephen washington will again be bringing his work to rebirth so there will be a module called activating your creative body and as soon as you sign up you will receive the channeled audio mp3 and sound healing which is called creating through chaos and being here for love we can't wait to get started with you the program begins on january 19th and you will have lifetime access to the material once we have finished on january 29th so if you're looking for a rebirth or to up level your way of creating in your life we would love to have you join us for rebirth 2021 you can visit or my website lee for all the details [Music] you
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
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Keywords: Bracha Goldsmith, bracha goldsmith pleiadians, bracha goldsmith wikipedia, monthly horoscope - youtube, bracha goldsmith star sign, is bracha goldsmith married, bracha goldsmith reviews
Id: vThhRxkZHiE
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Length: 54min 59sec (3299 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 14 2020
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