Impact the World: Maryam Hasnaa

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[Music] welcome to impact the world the show for and about creatives change makers and entrepreneurs this is a conversation episode where a special guest shares with me what they are creating and the behind the scenes journey of their experience [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi welcome to impact the world today's guest is mariam hasn't mariam's work focuses on a range of topics everything from self-love self-care boundaries she has a school the new earth mystery school and her real passion is plant medicine and bringing that wisdom back into our modern day society so it was a pleasure to get to speak to mariam i hope you enjoy the show you can find her work at links as ever will be in the show notes enjoy [Music] mary and welcome to the show it is awesome to have you here and it is lovely to get to have this conversation with you so we met on a retreat we did we did we did in beautiful costa rica and when we first met i didn't know about your work at all so it was a real delight for me to go and see at that time specifically what i saw was all of your writings and your quotes and your paragraphs your inspirations and your teachings that you were putting out on instagram and on twitter i'm i'm just curious like we're gonna kind of go all over the shop with what you do in this conversation but is writing something that you have had in you since an early age because to me you're such a a word magician wow it's making me think about when i was younger and my mom would always hand me journals and i would never use them so there's a part of me that wants to say no it wasn't always the case um so i would say actively i really started writing in the past 10 15 years prior to that it wasn't a tool that i really utilized effectively um [Music] i always was interested in language but i don't think that i took advantage of really like sitting down and putting my thoughts on paper um and and seeing you know how they could change and shift and unfold into a lot of different layers and dimensions um that's definitely newer for me um i was on your home page this morning in prep for seeing you today and you have this paragraph there and it says do you have stars in your mouth yes i tell him come see will i die he asked yes i tell him every time beautiful and it completely draws you in tell me about that what i mean that has its own meaning to me but i'm curious where that came from that actually came from someone else's writing that's actually not my writing that is a poem that i found on i want to say tumblr maybe 15 years ago what i did is i changed the pronouns because the pronouns were different um so it was a rendition of someone else's writing and i'm not even familiar with who the writer is or where it came from um and for me it was it really spoke to at the time several relationships that i had just been in for sure um but yeah that actually is not my quote well it's good it's good right but for me knowing your work the thing that really struck me was yes i tell him every time so in that case i'm gonna jump to one of my favorite posts of yours and this was something you shared um when it was your son's 14th birthday you you share in this post how your son and becoming a mother has been like one of the greatest initiations of your life and led to so much of your learning and exploring and everything but i loved this paragraph it was it was a big post but you wrote in a very real way i have been engaged in this work of transformation and liberation for the last 10 years the five years prior i was doing the work but was bsing myself if i'm being radically honest i have seen through my own lived experiences how profound the impact can be when applied with honesty humility commitment courage integrity compassion vulnerability and deep wisdom that phase when i was not truly committed was important because it taught me how deep the veils of delusions and self-deception can be i'm thankful that i know how to discern the difference both in myself and others yeah that's me that is you yes you're that's me and that thread runs through so much of what you do could you elaborate a little bit on that for people who are perhaps new to you in your work absolutely um there there is a teaching from my my spiritual lineage and it talks about um when the ego becomes spiritualized and one of the things that how i understand the spiritual path is that the personality or the false self goes through many phases of evolution and transformation that bring us closer to who we really are because before that we're really operating from this identity that is an amalgamation of who our parents needed us to be who society told us we're allowed to be what we thought maybe would bring us happiness um trying to live up to certain ideals you know all of that and that can be so far from who we are and i think that what happens often is we are trying to create a life from this false sense of self and we keep hitting potentially these benchmarks these achievements and we think you know some day in the future when i've achieved this or when i have this or when this happens i'll be able to have that feeling that i think that i'm looking for and i think that that's part of the deception um and instead for me what happened is i i did that for a while and then i realized i'm already my true self it's these veils and layers of amnesia and deception that get overlaid that need to be removed in order for me to be able to emerge as my true self right so this is where some of those um sort of classic classic quotes of um everything is within you are what you're seeking i think this for me is sort of the back story of what those really mean and although i had heard those sayings before it wasn't my lived experience until i actually went through it and i understood what i what i thought i was searching for and then encountering what i actually thought i was searching for and realizing it was always within that i was under able to understand the journey and the different ways that we can get distracted on the past lost on the path misunderstand what the path is and there was a point that i remember that i said to myself um you know i could do this as like a hobby and reach certain levels of awakening and transformation or i can really commit and and say this is really what my life is dedicated to and i and when that happened i made the oath that um anything in my life that i was seeking that wasn't it to slam the door in my face like i made an agreement with the universe if i'm speaking something that is not really the true thing slam the door in my face because i really understood that self-deception um and the layers of the veil that operate here once i made that commitment i was all in and um as when everything really shifted and when was that that was 10 10 yeah it was 10 years ago um at this point i had a really profound um spiritual awakening i had a series of sort of mystical experiences and awakening um and then i had gotten that cosmic wake-up call it's time um and then from that place is when i really understood the level of commitment that it was going to take and that meant that relationships might have to go things that i think i want might have to go i was going to have to confront um some of the most deep rooted patterns ancestral patterns uh karmic patterns agreements that i had that i had made i was gonna have to confront everything and i said yes i'm gonna do it why not right yeah and you you talked about your you know you mentioned ancestry you talked about your lineage how active was spirituality in your childhood as part of what you were being taught and shown so it was super active um both my parents are spiritual leaders so i was born and raised in a an actual very spiritual community um where my parents were leaders in the community so there was a lot of pressure on me to in the way that i was brought up just to definitely perform in a certain way um to be to be an ex a shining example of all the things right um and i remember at that time not really understanding i remember asking well why do we fast why do we do this well why do we do that and being told um you know in a way like pretty dogmatic types of answers oh we do it because it's prescribed you know this is this is the technology this is the this is the prescription of of us being on this path and being devoted um and that didn't really resonate for me so there was absolutely a period of time in my life where i rebelled i didn't want anything to do with it but what i found is that there were certain practices and principles that i could access because they were part of my you know neurology right i was already wired to be able to drop in and do certain things and um i was able to take advantage of that and i was also able to take advantage of some of the the truths the wisdoms the technologies the frameworks for example i remember being super young and my mom saying to me synchronicity is when the universe is letting you know you're where you're supposed to be so my whole life i've known about synchronicity so when you know about synchronously your whole life of course like chance encounters things that feel faded destiny kismet um soul mates like all of that stuff was already part of my my paradigm um so i did find myself really like being able to rest into a lot of that and then what happened is later in life when i felt called back to really like have this journey it looked completely different than what my parents did and what they were up to a big thing for me is i remember being a very intuitive child i remember having imaginary friends um being being a very clear channel as a child and that was something that was not acknowledged it was not talked about um and oftentimes what would happen is i would be in this in this position where i was intuitively sensing and feeling and knowing things and the caretakers or the adults would contradict what i was picking up on and so what do we normally do at that time is you know there's a part of us purely from survival that we say i need to choose to fall in line with what i'm being told is the truth is real is valid and that means that i'm going to suppress this part of myself in order to be able to be loved right from the mind of a child that's just what happens um so when my spiritual gift started to come back online um i really understood that i was going to need to look outside of my primary lineage that i was raised in and find other systems that were intact other lineages that did speak to it more um so that was a big part of my journey for sure is finding those teachers that really resonated with me those mentors that could help me understand what does this mean and then interestingly enough what happened is when i went back and i re-examined a lot of the stories a lot of the scriptures a lot of the sacred texts it's all there they were all channels they were channels they were mediums um they did alchemy right it was all there but it just wasn't talked about in in that way you know what i love about what you're saying is there's a couple things like number one so for me i wasn't raised even though i now you know and i tell my mom this she's intuitive but she did not know she was intuitive and it's not something she would really claim about herself in a big way but i think in a weird way me having this now you know public role in bringing that in i think it's given a certain level of permission in my family for some of that to be talked about and just the time you know 2020 is very different to 1918 1990 2000 but i love hearing for you that you were raised in a spiritual community which i think is a lot of people's dream i think you know when we're telling ourselves the victim story about our childhood it can often be if only my parents were this that or the other or you know i think we can easily fall into that as we're going through our layers of programming so i think it's really great to hear that your parents were spiritual leaders and of course of course you're you still have to go and find who you are and have your hero's journey and recognize that underneath the shade of their branches you were able to grow certain things but you were always going to have to go off and you know be activated by the sun yourself so that you could really reveal who you were and so i think that's a really important thing but also one of the things i've often challenged people on is when they'll say to me i wish i was in a spiritual relationship like a relationship with a spiritual person and i'm always like really because there are there are a million different beliefs in the spiritual community like find the person who is compatible with you sure and that will be the spiritual relationship they might they may not be into reiki at all and that might be the best thing you could ever have asked for you know so i love hearing you say this yeah i think um actually my upbringing was um a source of a lot of shame for me for a really long time um because if you remember spirituality wasn't cool for a very long time um and so a lot of the things that i thought believed my experiences things that i you know came came up in um i didn't share them it was like a living a double life i wanted to be normal right i just that that again from that from the mind of right like a young child i'm like i just i just want to get away from that stuff right um and you know also both my parents were academics my mother at one point was a heart um harvard professor at the harvard divinity school and very public um so i remember also this feeling of um people being aware of who my parents were um and and thinking that they knew what that meant and me having a very different relationship with my parents um seeing a lot of the shadow um a lot of the unconscious stuff that was was unacknowledged and seeing what came along with that version of having a public persona but having different things happen let's say at home um and that piece around really being expected to play into that um of presenting this perfect version of what it is and not feeling that that was what i was experiencing i'm feeling very diminished often feeling very invalidated and so um but but again um two parents who were very aware of what their path was and so what i had to contend with is outside authority so you'll hear that theme throughout a lot of my work as well of how we make certain people the authority whether it be the harvard professor or the the online guru or the spiritual teacher and so i really deconstruct a lot of worship culture because of my first-hand experience of having the parents that i had and seeing that there was so much complexity and a lot of times that them not having permission to be their whole self and me knowing for me rather than it looking a certain way to the outside world actually i'd rather clean up what's in my closet yeah right yeah and and it's funny one of my favorite things that i saw on your um your instagram uh when i was just scrolling through the last few days i'm so happy i'm not for everyone i was like god i wish someone had been able to teach and ingrain that into me when i was 20 because i would have saved myself like 12 years of suffering in weird relationships you know i'm so happy i'm not for everyone i was like hallelujah what did you mean you thought that as a kid isn't it just a relief it's it's it's just a relief and what i like about it as well is um you know i'm really into like like refining our energy right i'm so happy enough for everyone isn't saying it's not pushing against anything it's just great just i'm not for you right it's it's i trust resonance and therefore i trust dissonance i trust when something is not an energetic match another thing i say is i don't match energy i harmonize frequencies so for me that means i get to have my own experience i get to be where i'm at and the timeline i'm at you get to do that as well and and i don't have to be where you are but we can harmonize right but i'm not gonna overly attune to you for me that is a big piece of my identity as as what i call retired empath is that i don't overly attune to other people i don't bring other people's energy into my energy field through enmeshing through the empath hug to the point where i forget who i am because that was my whole experience growing up mm-hmm yeah and i'm i'm a fellow retired empath so i get it and that's why i love it because you could have said it's okay i'm not for everyone that's the first step that's like you know you turned up at the recovery meeting and you realize you have a problem and it's like i'm gonna ingrain that it's okay i'm so happy i'm not for everyone is we're celebrating that we've been free of it for 10 years that's kind of how i that's how i feel and interpret it but anyway i love it um and i wanted to it's funny this i'm not gonna i'm not gonna go there actually rather than trying to trust people learn to trust yourself enough to know when people are being trustworthy rather than trying to trust people learn to trust yourself enough to know when people are being trustworthy and something you said a moment ago you know you talked about i'm you helped deconstruct worship culture i i'm someone who came up through self-growth with a side dish of new age and ended up being a channeler which is like super new age but i was always a little bit like i'm not sure i agree with everything in the new age culture because it feels a bit bypassy to me some of it so i often call myself new age rehab because you know i've definitely got feet on the ground and in here and an eye up here and i'm on the ground too and for me that's that's my path integration like how can we bridge the two worlds and and let this world be useful to us here so that we can expand what's here so that's another great quote because i often talk about the giving up power away or worship that we that we do in spirituality when we're new to spirituality and because we've never been offered the chance to learn anything about it we give all our power away to the slightly dodgy healer who might have some talent as a healer but also has a whole load of personality issues that are also coming through the session and you just swallow all of it because you're open because you think oh this is spirituality this person's a healer i know nothing so i love this rather than trying to trust people learn to trust yourself enough to know when people are being trustworthy yeah you know my guys are funny they like to wake me up in the middle of the night with quotes like that that was the middle of the night one um i wrote it down i often you know when i start my day and i do my ritual then i'll look in my notes and say what did they give me last name and that was definitely one of those um and i and and they are wordsmiths right as much as as much as how i translate what they they download me with um a significant part of our relationship is finding the right language that's definitely something that um you know they'll give me words that i don't even know what they mean sometimes i'll have to look them up um but the the play on words there that's their handiwork right but it for me that's discernment um and i think also a big piece um for me because i kind of grew up in a bubble um and i grew up also another thing i'll note is that i i grew up i wasn't allowed to watch television um i didn't watch mainstream movies i didn't listen i wasn't allowed to listen to mainstream music um so i was quite sheltered from mainstream culture um and that was intentional and as i said grew up in this like community where we were in our own bubble right sure there were lots of things that happened and issues and all of that but what didn't happen is a lot of the dominant matrix programming um i didn't receive that i received a lot of the sort of quintessential spiritual religious programming that i learned to like you know um deprogram but i didn't receive some of the other programming um things i talk about like toxic romance culture right so i i didn't understand a lot of the like the notebook style movie mindset i i just never got that programming um so it was really easy for me to see um throughout my life that a lot of people were running those those um that those programs um but one thing that i did experience was feeling really naive because i grew up really sheltered um i experienced when i sort of like stepped into the real world i felt very naive i was very open what are you doing mary i'm just curious i would so i went to so um i went to private school actually my dad founded private schools so i went to the private school one of the private schools that my dad was the founder of within this community and then i started going to public school and middle school age okay i didn't know anything about bullying i didn't know about um like cool kid culture and just to clarify for europeans middle school age is uh seventh and eighth grade which eight and your age would be um what is it like 12 13 okay because it's a little different the systems in the uk yeah yeah sure yeah so and again if you think about if you if you think about how formative middle school or it's an initiation like oh it's such an initiation it was the initiation in five years it was such an initiation and i was thrown right into it and i was utterly unprepared nothing had prepared me for it so i you know received my fair share of like the mean girl tropes and this and that and um i just remember that i didn't fit in you know my name was different we're like what's your name you know um my culture was different people thought my family was weird um you know i didn't know music i didn't right so i i didn't i didn't have that um i had another a different thing that people were curious about and sort of interested in and drawn to um but i truly didn't understand it and um so i i was extremely naive even prior to that i was very naive um i think it has i think that it has something to do with my own like ethereal kind of cosmic nature on a soul level um that even i remember my siblings uh to tell you a story of kind of how it worked my siblings told me that my older sister was an alien i was like oh sure yeah i was like oh yeah of course and then um my older sister um ended up writing a report on how they had convinced me for years like something for school had convinced me for years that she was an alien but the best part was that one day they said remember when we convinced you that she was an alien and i was like wait a minute she's not right yeah yeah yeah i i was still fully like i still was fully bought into the lie because for me that was i was like oh sure yeah right that's that makes total sense and they and they were confiding in me and and my older brother who i really trusted was in on it so i was like well if he's saying it then it has to be true so you know that sort of thing um throughout my whole life not being able to see you know who people were showing up as seeing their higher self and saying oh this person is you know um has a really like beautiful heart even though it's not open yeah and even though their behavior isn't always like i'm just right by itself yeah oh so i got taken advantage of and used and you know like all of that stuff and what i knew was that i didn't want to shut my heart down so i was like okay what are my other options oh you learn discernment right um so all that to say it's been very important for me to hone my ability to track people's energy um and to because you know as for example there's a distinction between when someone is lying to you and when someone is lying to themself absolutely and if you don't know how to read subtle energy if someone is lying to themself the way you're hearing it is they're telling the truth because they're not lying to you they're actually not a they're not self-aware so i needed to be able to figure out a better system that was going to help me that was bigger than trusting people yes and it wasn't not trusting people yes it was just that there's something else here to do and a different way to see through to be able to understand where people are and i love it because it just again brings us back to that kind of timeless truth which is we often end up teaching those of us that spend some of our time in the role of teacher and of course most of our time as students of the earth and being a human and all that stuff um teaching what we needed to know oh so you know one of the things that i'm curious about talking to you today is when you took your work online and what year was that by the way when you first put started putting stuff out on twitter i guess it was 2009. yeah because that was where i think you told me your your following started to grow first right twitter was the seed of it all so obviously you were compelled to do it did any part of you like were you hesitant were you worried about what your parents might think i mean i'm just curious that you you know you this was the beginning of you becoming a leader of your own work and your own teachings whether you knew it at the time or not what was your personality uh having to go through in order to let that happen yeah try to condense it um and i only ask you that question because i know many people watch this show because they're either doing similar things or they're inspired to do their thing in the world so it's always fascinating to me for us to share those pieces of our journey absolutely um it was definitely orchestrated if if and i think my guides knew this if they had shown me the full version i would have said no so it only showed me enough to get to the next step to the next and the next so um something as playful and light as oh just start posting on twitter right um and at the time honestly part of what i was doing was trying to find other people so part of what i was doing was putting out a signal who's that who else is awake and it uh in a way some of what i would share would sound cryptic would be a little codified because it was sort of meant to be specific enough that the people that were tuning in to the same things that i was tuning into would pick up on it but not so much that i just spelled it out yeah um in in that way um and i would definitely say that i felt compelled to share that we were in the beginning phases of a planetary shift for sure um that was something that felt very clear that i wanted to say um i remember when i started sharing with my friends my friends kind of just had this glazed overlook um at the time of they had no idea what i was talking about and i made a cross-country move from the east coast to california northern california um so i was still hadn't really found community in california and then when i was going back to the east coast in philadelphia where i had lived for many years i was excited to share with my friends because i assumed they're gonna get it and they didn't get it at all they kind of just wanted to i mean they loved me to death um but they kind of just wanted to do the same stuff we always did which was hang out and have fun and you know and it they weren't looking for um [Music] that type of path they weren't on that path they hadn't been called to any sort of path in that way um now that's different um right and i have had them say i remember when you told me and now i get it right um but but i knew there had to be others that's what i knew so i said you know how can i find them and i just thought um online social media so i started to share things and then for me what happened is i definitely never had any plan that this is what i was gonna do it was just um i was still working my matrix job i like to say it and what was your matrix job at the time um i actually so i haven't i have a long history um as work of working in um as a stylist working in retail i was a professional dancer for 10 years i was a makeup artist so i was in the creative field yeah um sort of and always self-expressive um so that was that piece was great that part of my personality that didn't wasn't nurtured when i was younger that really flourished in my young adult years um my undergraduate degree was um in education so i do have a background in education um i was really interested in early childhood development and special ed i thought that i was going to um work with underprivileged communities marginalized communities admired in african-american studies so i was really interested in the way that um young black children were being mislabeled in the school system i was also really interested in special needs children so that was where i was really drawn um and volunteering was such a big part of my childhood um i have both an aunt and a step parent who both were special ed teachers so i had a lot of experience working with children volunteering with children in communities that had special needs so that felt very natural for me um later i realized that my unique version of it was working with people who are highly sensitive and who were extra sensories so it still all kind of came in and made sense but that didn't all unfold immediately of course what happened is that i was all the pieces were there that's what i mean to say um but how they came together i started working really um intimately with plant medicine specifically the type of medicine that is for healing the nervous system i have a child who is highly sensitive and i was learning what that means to be a highly sensitive in the world both for him and for myself how to advocate for him and how much of the way that we interact with our environment has to do with our very um hair trigger sensitive nervous system so i was learning all about sound frequencies different types of healing modalities so as i was talking about this awakening my life was also unfolding in a way where i was really talking about being highly sensitive um i was referring to it as being an empath for a period of time because that was the best like word in the in the you know that came to me um and then when that word entered the mainstream lexicon it took on a completely different quality that i didn't resonate with anymore so i started talking about plants um and at some point people were really interested in the plant medicine that i was making i was working a lot with how we can reprogram the limbic brain using aromatherapy using scent um so i was doing a lot of really cool things with that for myself for my child and sharing that online and then i decided that i was going to create these beautiful plant medicine offerings and i'll tell you again never having had the full vision of what it would become for me actually what it was was an excuse to play with new creations yeah you know right because if i'm only making it for myself there's only been so much range that i might fall into but if i was speaking to like a greater collective need i could then go to where i go to get my you know my beautiful plant allies and i say okay this month i told people i'm gonna create a toolkit that is for abundance what does abundance smell like what does abundance feel like so even if i had 10 people that had pre-ordered the kit i now had like the momentum and the resource to go yeah create this this you know this little beautiful tool kit so that grew people really were into my creations i never wrote any recipes down because it was just for play i just every month intuitively i would have the theme i would go the first one i ever did was lucid dreaming because i'm a big dreamer i said okay this is my excuse to go play with lucid dreaming herbs and teas and tinctures um and so i did that and then i would present my findings to people and and that was really fun then from there i'm still tweeting um and sharing about that still sharing about the awakening but people started to really ask me if i would do one-on-one sessions and that was not something that i ever had any plan to do i i'm like i'm not a therapist i'm not a coach i just i don't know what i would do and then um i got kicked out of my matrix job spirit said you're going to push how that works when it's time like if you ain't leaving we're moving you out oh yeah yeah you leave so that that timeline collapsed and um under my feet and then i said okay i'll just do this until i get another job and then when i shared online that i was open to do sessions it was just donation i just told people yeah that's how i started to i always say that's the best thing you can do to start just get out there and practice whatever you think take the pressure off everybody you the customer everything yeah absolutely and because it was an experiment i said exactly i don't even know how this is gonna go and what i realized like i'm great at this like i'm really good at this um so from there what happened is um i decided that i wanted to put more time into sort of like creatively creatively visualizing what i wanted to see happen and so i started to i didn't know this at the time i started to really like create the new timeline of of what it was going to be so through the guidance of my future higher self that had more wisdom than me i was kind of tuning into like what do i want it to feel like and i had said i want whatever i do to feel like being on the beach i just that's all i knew i said i wanted to feel like being on the beach um and shortly after a friend of mine um asked me if i would be open to leading a retreat with her and one of the things we're gonna do is take the group on trips to the beach and we would do circles and and i was like okay okay this is this is being orchestrated um and so from that i launched into three years of doing a wellness tour um that was beautiful at this point i'm like half in half out still um and why i say that is because for me the wellness industry is not is not where i belong um it's definitely not my thing i realized that really quickly once i got in there i realized that i don't resonate with the self-help world the self-improvement world you know none of these things really felt right um and there wasn't something that felt clear in a line and then of course i got the vision the vision was that i was going to have a school for x-men new earth mystery school right and then i said same thing um i'm just gonna start it even if it's only 10 people and what i needed from that was a place where i could be my full self yeah you know if i wanted to talk about um you know learn feline beings or lemuria or atlanta you know if i wanted to talk about any of those things the wellness world was not there is not the place um and i that feeling of like needing to become something different or needing to hide certain parts of myself it's just exhausting um and it wasn't feeling good well and you're you know you you to me are a celebrant and an avatar of being outside the matrix and i think what what's happening in the self-help world and the spiritual world and the wellness world is the matrix is catching up a little bit with those topics but therefore there's like an intersection happening between the old and and what perhaps you know some of us have been on the path for a while like for me i've been on the path 25 years but there might be someone listening to or watching this going i've been on it for like 65. um i think for those of us who were always used to having to go to the fringes and be the outsiders it's interesting watching it i'm really happy it's happening but it's not going to be the place for someone who is more seasoned or who knows who they are and what they're what they're symbolizing you know i don't i don't think any of us who had to go outside the box to find this stuff are gonna want to have to start putting a box around it unless it's the box that that feels right to us by the way speaking of boxes your kits are amazing because when when one came into our house for stephen uh a couple of months ago i think it was i was like this is really cool and i i love that you have that range with your you know your your phrase for your work uh one of them is vibrational medicine and i like that you're bringing in the physical through the kids you have the word medicine you have your teachings and your classes and and the healing side and and the plant medicine which i still laugh about when you told me you did plant medicine partly because we were in blue spirit costa rica which has a lot of ayahuasca retreats and also because ayahuasca is like the new hip thing sure i just assumed you were talking about what i was like why i was going you're like no no not ayahuasca actually flowers yeah i mean my relationship with like my plant allies a lot of my a lot of my guys are elementals they're fairies that you know which is clear in your energy which is cool i like you know that's what that that that signature is is is potent it's lovely yeah and i think for me like they're truly truly profoundly some of my greatest teachers you know through this time of being home um i have been dedicated to my garden and growing um the plant allies that i use a lot of specifically for as a highly sensitive um and a lot of the you know alchemy and transformational work i do i was always working with them um but sourcing them elsewhere and i knew that part of my curriculum and i say that i say working with plants is a life lifelong curriculum if not lifetimes long um because i know that i do access some of this relationship from other lifetimes but specifically growing them and seeing and being able to communicate with them every day being able to bring flowers from the garden into my home to make medicine with i mean for me it's just there's there's nothing else like it um and it's it's it's i really appreciate that it's been a many years journey from what i shared it how i started to where i am now to where i see things going which for me is really about teaching people about earth stewardship and about how to be in this relationship with the earth and i think for a lot of people that have that very cosmic um energy signature right kind of yeah you know more more uh cosmic um identity realizing that like we're here on earth for a reason there's specific medicine here for me i realized one of my most um important soul agreements is this agreement with this body that doesn't belong to me it belongs to the earth and and understanding that there are also uh there's ancestral medicine in this body and me as a being right is is not just this body and there is a relationship that is very intimate that is very important for me to acknowledge and there's so much so much wisdom in our bodies that we don't even know how to access that we don't even know how to use our bodies know how to heal themselves you know we're still learning how to turn it on and having and when i say being highly sensitive i recognize that it's that this body is sensitive you know and um and what does that mean and what does it need and a lot of that can be informed through being in relationship with plants there's such clear there's such clear tuning forks you know and what's beautiful about flowers is that they are vibrational medicine they are energetic medicine and a lot of times what happens with people not being able to fully incarnate is that there is um tension or contradiction between who we are on the soul level and the personality um and so what flower essence do is it actually helps create a bridge between the human identity and your more soul self so that that can start to come into balance and union and um edward bach who is you know one of the core teachers of flower medicine talked about how what illness is from the from that perspective and it's about that misalignment with the soul and the personality i know it's funny i i was introduced to backflower remedies when i was about 19 years old and at the time i didn't really know many people who use them and i love seeing how much more prevalent he has become one store i used to have to like go across town to get stuff and i used to i used to really love all those prescriptions and finding the right prescription yeah yeah it was awesome yeah and there's just and even if it's not taking an internal medicine just even sitting with a flower and understanding that you know each of the flowers is so unique none of the flowers are supposed to be like the other flower there's just so much metaphor for the human experience in the plant and the animal kingdom as well um but there's so much there's so much wisdom that hasn't been infiltrated yeah because that's the thing that you were saying about you know the well i called the wellness industrial complex now and the wellness industry you know a lot of these industries is they get infiltrated and what that means is that they get distorted and then some of the people who are prominent and well known they become double agents right that's sort of the game in the matrix um and with nature it can't be distorted [Music] so there's a very pure template for what grace looks like what integrity looks like on what empathy looks like because once these things become popular there's almost automatically this attempt to sort of use them in a way where it's distorted and use them in a way where again that outside authority piece where we give our power away where we give our sovereignty away that starts to come in and i've seen that with um embassy becoming the new buzzword the new buzz term and and how the way that empathy is sold and it's packaged in the mainstream is um it doesn't feel for me the direction that i'm interested in going in but when i look at plant allies like a plant that i love centauri which is specifically for people that have a hard time saying no and that have a hard time having energetic boundaries and when you look at how the flower itself we did in one of my courses we looked at um some of the flower some of the flower essences through purely in photography the actual picture of the aura of this flower it doesn't have any boundaries it actually doesn't have any energetic boundaries there's actually a flower that can teach you how to attune to the appropriate way to have your boundaries so when i say that there's templates there it's not even a metaphor it's very literal [Music] the the mirroring and it's interesting because when i think of the mirroring that that exists for us in nature that's that's primal and that's raw and we're talking about the matrix and agendas and things it you know it is interesting that we're in this time where uh the agendas certain aspects of the agendas want to rid us of the natural world and institutionalize us away from the natural world so yeah it's more important than ever but but i want to just throw one thing in because i'm you know and i'm conscious we've probably got i'm gonna ask you probably one more thing after this but i think this is important because if anyone is listening and i can just feel some people listening going oh yeah nature's important but i live in this tiny apartment in the middle of the city and that was my story for a long time one of the things that my guides taught me like 15 years ago they were like a plant in your room is powerful and if you connect with it is it the same as being in a forest not necessarily but if you connect with it and you're conscious with it and you you surround your environment with whatever aspects of nature you can bring in it's really powerful i'm aware as we're talking to you we have some of your friends behind you we have the ones inside the house we have the ones outside the window um is that is that is that a truth for you to mariam or is there anything else you could perhaps offer to someone who's going oh my god i need more nature in my life but i don't quite know how i'm going to do that right now absolutely um yeah i think that the the physical piece of being in nature being with plants um that is absolutely one component that i think that is important that i would love to see more people weave into their life as much as possible um i i have been in the practice when i decided that i was going to do the tour one of the things that i felt that was very important for me because the first year we were going to sort of more major cities and at that time i was still unsure of like how i was running my energy and my aura of being in big cities if that how that was going to feel for me traffic and the noise and all of that so one thing that was essential for me is every time that we had a different location is looking for a park whether it be a nature center um a tea house uh you know um horticulture center very easy to find online you can spend the day in nature within the city that's an option however even if not more important than that is actually connecting with the energies of nature so that means every day connecting and with the grounding core to the earth itself and starting to be in that conversation with the earth because we're all on the earth right and so um asking the earth to be able to transmute certain things utilizing the earth as a resource to be able to release certain things to ask for certain things to be able to even have the earth acknowledge and validate us um that doesn't have to happen by being anywhere different than where you are it does require um just maybe closing your eyes tuning in connecting in but for me i can connect into so many different nature portals wherever i am um and i think that that's an important thing to acknowledge that can can and i believe is is really vital to happen for everyone yeah absolutely and that's that elemental signature that is your dna is something that's in all of us even though we might not all be supercharged in it the way that you are and that's partly why you do what you do for for those who want to connect into it more um but it's so true and it's just focus because as you said you know you might need to close your eyes you know wherever you are right now listening or watching as you said we're all on the earth and we have the sky above us and whether you can see that right now or not you can actually feel it if you just shift your shift your attention toward it so yeah and i think you can you know you can imagine you know being in a deep forest and like really being able to sort of tune into the elephant and the dragon and all that energy like it's it's really you're able to feel it there but if you can visualize you can also tune into it and they're super happy to collaborate with you yeah and it was funny because when you were talking you know one of the things when i used to i'm i'm much hardier now at knowing how to manage my energy in cities and knowing what i need but back in the day like going back a decade or so um when i would go and do like workshops in new york if i could get to central park i could i could survive because i enjoyed new york but i could only take so much of it without needing to drink some water aka central park and um i remember just as you were talking i was like oh god you brought back a memory i went to denver for the weekend when i was living in boulder about seven years ago because i thought i needed some life you know i was living a quiet life on the side of a beautiful mount you know kind of foothill that i would hike all the time i need some life and i ended up going to the denver botanical gardens which i'd never been to every day like three days in a row of like all every day i was there i just walked 20 minutes there again because it just pulled me like a gravitational force but it was the way i was able to balance the stimulation of the city which i just wasn't used to at that point even though i i was craving it in some ways so i i so get what you're saying so mariam i have a final question for you yes i think you know in the year of 2020 which will be one for the record books um you know you and i had a chat about this a few weeks ago when we spoke personally um it's interesting the kind of surfing you have to do in a time like this because you have to surf the waves and the waves can be extreme and the waves can be your own and they can be the frequencies on the planet and they can also more importantly often be the stories that are being told yeah by individuals by systems by governments and and how true or untrue those stories are so because it's like a chaotic soup and because you know i think a lot of people watching this will be in tune with that what are you excited about in the next two or three years like what do you feel or sense or kind of celebrate because there's a lot going on that's intense and that's painful difficult uncomfortable okay cool let's put that on the left for a second what are you excited about about the years to come and what we're birthing so much so excited um i mean there's a part of me that is excited because it's like it's here right there's been a lot of like you know is it is it time is it time for the planetary awakening are we really doing it or no we're not doing it okay oh no we're not and then i remember when this all started unfolding and i said is it is it really now all that we've been preparing for many lifetimes even of of uh training in preparation to be here now for this time i mean i'm like let's go right like so so i'm just excited for that you know in and of itself um that doesn't obviously take away from the fact that we have a lot of work to do right um however i'm really excited for people to come online um of course that's a big thing for me is people coming online and waking up and saying oh i'm on earth and i have these gifts and i i plan to be here in service and i plan to show up to offer what i know and to step into that role i'm so excited for that and i'm so excited for um those people to find other people that they have those divine appointments with to start to do that work together because it does transform everything when you start to align with the people that you made those agreements with for me personally um i feel very excited with the idea of starting to create communities that are more rooted in collaboration and um working as earth stewards and working in service i'm excited about the more people i see growing their own food getting back to not just getting back to being in nature but getting back to being self-sufficient and and what that looks like and barter systems of i have all these zucchini but you have all these you're really good at growing blueberries yeah um you know i i feel like what i understand is that there are certain people whose role is here to deconstruct the old you know whether we're going to call them system busters and then there's people who are the way showers there's the visionaries that are here to really um bring in under like an understanding of like what the new is and really hold that vision i'm really excited for people to know their role and then not feel compelled to be pulled into you know being a fish in a tree right um that that kind of metaphor because whenever if everyone was doing what they're here to do and what they're organically um resource to do it's going to be a whole different system and i think what i always recommend for people is we can't just deconstruct we can't just break down we have to know what we're going to be putting in place it's a very fundamental principle and anyone that does energy work is that when you clear out something you have to fill that with something whether it be your own authentic energy with compassion with deep earth energy cosmic energy whatever that is we have to understand that we do live in a system where there are natural and metaphysical laws that are the undercurrent for how everything functions so i'm excited for people to start to remember that you know that there are laws that are so much bigger than the oversimplified sort of law of attraction you know tropes that exist there's so much more complexity and richness to understanding these principles and how they orchestrate this reality and how we all have the ability to inform right what we're co-creating um and just for people to really be in their power beautiful beautiful and i have a quote from you here that kind of links into that a little bit your home is an extension of your energy field this is why practices like cleaning your home rearranging furniture organizing your closet and getting rid of objects that are cluttering your space can have a profound impact on your own mind body and spirit so for me like the the decluttering and the clearing out and the purging and the everything that's going on right now is going to have a profound impact on our collective mind body and spirit so i'm very grateful to you for what you do and for coming and having this conversation with us today and um and for the for the beautiful work that you do in the world and the way that you show up the no bs uh this is who i am and i'm very happy to be me way that so many of us weren't born with right we're not born with it and i'm so happy to get to be me this lifetime and i just wish that for everyone um to discover for themselves what that means without being needing to be told by other people who they're supposed to be for me that is liberation work um it's the highest work that i think that i know um so i'm holding one template of that you're holding another temple of that i love the rehabbing from new age so important and i just hope that everyone finds the template that works for them and i'm so thankful to be in community with you and with steven and to have you as part of my greater family and also to have you as a guest on my community very soon yay i'm looking forward to that yeah that will be awesome so for anybody who is new to mariam mariam the best place we will put all the links uh beneath beneath the show and in the show notes if you're listening or watching but marianne because you have multiple platforms where would you where would you like people who are new to you to go first um my primary website it's great and and also all the links there for the various platforms are on marion that's the portal for everything else that you're looking for absolutely thank you so much for being with us today big big love my friend and um yeah and thank you everyone for tuning in thank you so much [Music] you have been listening to impact the world for more of my work please visit lee in 2018 i launched a course called empaths versus narcissists a power dynamic and how to recover from it it's a video course and it's designed to support you to recover from any kind of relationship where you have given your power away it's interesting because narcissism has been this big topic and i think it's very easy for any of us to just point the finger and label people and it's also very complicated you know at any particular moment we can all have narcissistic tendencies or behave empathically why i created this course is time and time again i was meeting and working with so many people who had got themselves quite entangled into this unhealthy dynamic and had come out of it didn't know how to recover from it didn't quite know what had happened to them but also didn't know what to rebuild in themselves in order to avoid walking back into it in the future and i certainly had my own experiences around this so the course is born of personal experience my experience of working with one-on-one clients and groups around the world for several years on this topic and it's delivered via video audio worksheets and for 2020 we are launching again this fall in september and it will be open for just over a month that you can enroll because we like to support the course live so as each piece is delivered over the two months me and my team can support you as you go through the process there are also some bonus interviews that i'm adding this year with people who have particular expertise and experience around this dynamic it's the most healing course that i offer and have offered and it has been very acclaimed by the students who have gone through it so far so we're really looking forward to opening the doors again it's a touchy subject you know it's not the most fun thing to to look at or to visit in yourself but the results can be profound when you figure out how you got yourself into giving your power away in the first place how to recover from the fact that you did it and then how to avoid doing it again in the future so i hope you'll join us for empaths versus narcissists 2020 you can visit empaths versus to find out more details about the full [Music] course
Channel: LeeHarrisEnergy
Views: 15,843
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Maryam Hasnaa, Impact the world podcast, maryam hasnaa eft, maryamhasnaa meditation, maryam hasnaa on energetic boundaries, Maryam 2020, Lee Harris Podcast
Id: JkIywv3BRBE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 21sec (4341 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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