Deitrick Haddon & Marvin Sapp At West Angles Cathedral Cogic Bishop Charles Blake

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any praises in the room anybody anybody bold enough to stand up on your feet in Holland a devil's face and give God a crazy praise right there I don't know about you but I've come to worship God this morning I didn't come to play Church somebody just lift your hands and give God glory right there shout hallelujah somebody shout glory in the room today now I got this new CD and y'all never heard this song before but I'm a teacher to you anyhow is that alright if you don't mind this is worship Ghana acts West state of the choir to help me and we gonna sing it for the first time this first time I'm singing it live and we're just gonna worship together just lift your hands it's okay just lift your hands I'm believing God that an anointing of fresh anointing will be in the room today as pastor Marvin Sapp preached the Word of God today that God will move and touch in the room like never before the people will be healed sentry and delivered I just need you to close your eyes and stretch your hands up and worship God worship God worship God ah Oh we are praise you Oh with sincere a little shot I already just like a heads up give up Oh God stretch your hands up high tell oppression on it the enemy's shannon's has more with your face because you're gonna be this faint as you walk into the play - here release I want you to lift your hands up got the craziest show days and she'll don't give up hallelujah there there was a song there's a song dee dee it's salt it's a song mission there's a song that will my wife would only be with the Lord five months ago and when I felt like I felt like I wasn't gonna make it never thought that I could minister to myself I put this CD on and I have to look the enemy in the face not to tell him I said Here I am I'm still standing here I after all I've been through I saw every toilet snare I'm alive I love here I whoa yes I start singing this to myself there were times when I almost gave up it's or it's true you should die Oh by His grace I'm staying I'm still I'm still standing I so love all over stash hi you are this is why he says he seems and he says pain inside sometimes Gold yes Oh Oh Oscar corny actually saw was chapter number 30 I'm so very thankful to be here appreciate Bishop allowing us the coming Shan let's let's bless God for the bishop who is into the building a man often been that let's thank God for him and that's always say behind every great man there's a great a woman let's thank God for the woman that stands with him in ministry just all of you are my father's children I'm just glad to be here today 30th division of Psalms I hope that you would rest to your feet and remnants to the reading of the word of God I'm an expository preacher in other words I like to directly with the text for my completion xdd text the best of my ability I go to my seat the writer says something I think that we need to look at and I believe that will bless each of our lives if we just apply these principles to it and songs 30 30 of division of song verses 1 through 5 writer says I will extol thee O Lord without his lifted me up it's not made by fools to rejoice over me it says O Lord my god I cried unto thee and thou has healed me so the Lord I was brought up my soul from the grave thou has kept me in line that I should not go down to the pit says sing unto the Lord all ye Saints of his and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness rest of a fine says for his anger and do it but for a moment in his favour his life weeping may endure for a night but joy coming at the morning listen I want to extrapolate my father if I could from that fifth verse of scripture if you will but then I want to look at the B Clause of that text from the writer says profoundly says a weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning I just want y'all to underline two words I'm gonna try to underline May and cometh weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning before you take your seat on one of you touch somebody GT right into your left look at them and smile of them some of y'all ain't smiled in a long time and I want you to tell them this for me tell them say neighbor I don't know what you're going through but it will be all over in the morning that's what we'll talk about for a little while it will be all the morning 5:00 I think y'all give me glory for this time of intimacy and fellowship now God as we prepare to delve into the Holy Writ I pray that you give me insight and clarity into your word a word that is neither a sonogram don't take like someone encouraging a motivator to each and every here we thank you in advance for the move that's about to take place in this house and we already think you'll are gone for the moves that has taken place we played the Jude blesses and make us a blessing anoint me afresh in a new the anointing that causes teaching in the preaching to be easy what yokes will not be broken because broken things can be fixed but yokes will be destroyed of the way that your glory we thank you give you praise in Jesus name everyone in this place said Amen touch somebody and say it it'd be all over in the morning understand you might dear brothers and my dear sisters all of you who are part of the household of faith and he because of the death the burial resurrection of Jesus Christ which has in turn made us all heirs and in joint heirs I've learned my beloved friends I've learned that one of the most difficult questions to ask God in times of trouble one of the most difficult questions to ask God in times of trial one of the most difficult questions to ask God in times of difficulty is the question of why why did this have to happen why must I go through what I'm going through why must I endure this particular trial and or test difficult question to ask is the question why but what's even more difficult to ask God is not just the question why but the question why did this have to happen to me now out of all the times that issues could have arose in my life out of all the times trials could have hit me out of all of the times difficulties could have come into my existence why in the world that you allow in this season of my life for these things to happen perhaps some of us some of us have been taught that it is spiritually wrong if you will to ask God why must we endure certain trials yet I'm reminded that God is a loving and caring father who does not abandoned his children in their quest for understanding when if you will the seasons of life suddenly gonna probably change he knows that each and every one of us that we have feelings and he knows that the changing life circumstances often will elicit if you will reactions from us some good and some the result of the natural human inflation just to find out why because the fact of the matter is my beloved brothers and sisters is that our God is not designed life to be experienced in a vacuum but he has designed it to be experienced if you will in an environment where he is the only real constant because the truth of the matter is is that in this life our character is going to be often is sorely tested without warning that we are going to often be at a loss of words to find to describe our situation so so sometimes when we find ourselves in these particular places we just shrug our shoulders and just say that stuff happens sometimes if you will we seek if you will refuge in the port of human hurt when we question if you will the unfairness of it all and and with tears rolling down our faces we sit there lamenting over our circumstances struggles tests and trials and have pity parties and just say why me however my friends given the inescapable fact that not only must we face trials in this life but we also must tackle everything that goes with going through or that comes with going through it's easy for us to feel as if we're being treated unfairly it's easy for us to feel as if we're being neglected as if we're being treated wrong as if God has forgotten us and many times many times we won't say it out loud but we feel like giving up I don't care how long you have been saved and I don't care how spiritual you think you are but there is a situation that can hit you there he is a struggle that can attack you that is something that can come into your existence that will make you question and will make you feel like giving up I'll tuck you all over here because they don't want to hear me I'll say it again that there is a thing I don't know what that thing is but they're in one of our lives there is an issue there is a struggle there is a situation that will hit you and will cause your knees to buckle there is a situation that will hit you and cause tears to flow down your face on a consistent basis there is something that you can be confronted with that will make you feel like giving up you may not say it but you'll feel it in and many of us many of us today are sitting here feeling like giving up and then knowing that but we allow if you will our despair to lead us to depression and there is nothing worse than allowing despair to lead you to depression because depression is you looking at your circumstances as if you are helpless and as if you are hopeless and forgiving the fact that the same God that allowed the situation to come into your life is the same God that possessions then it possesses the predicta that the power to deliver you from whatever you're in right now I wish I had a witness in this house again we've allowed if you will our despair to lead to depression yet I want to suggest to you today that thought is created if you were the built-in purpose for each trial that he allows in your life even those that seem to hurt so much Dawn has a plan and a purpose for them and I got to stop right here because I want you to understand beloved brothers and sisters that no matter what you go through in this life that the stuff that you're dealing with is not by happenstance it's not that God had turned this in and it just happened to you but everything that happens in your life has been orchestrated it has been planned and it has been set up not for your detriment but it has been planned and set up for your betterment if that's a word God in His infinite wisdom and knowledge before he allowed it to come to your house he made sure that it was not going to affect and infect you to the point that you would throw in your towel give up on him and turn around and walk away but he wanted you to learn from the crises that you faced and not after learning from the crises that you faced he wanted you to be able to look at your situation and let the situation though that you may be in my life but you're not going to take over my life because I survive god that is able to do exceeding abundantly I feel like preaching I hope y'all praying with me understand beloved brothers and sisters that many of us have allowed our despair to lead to depression but I want to suggest you today that God has created a built-in purpose for each and every trial even the little ones and when I learned this my beloved brothers and sisters is that God uses our trials he uses our trials as opportunities for us to embrace our moments of greatness for I've learned that true greatness is defined by one's desire to serve Christ in the midst of crisis and not just on the mountaintop in other words it's easy for me to lift up my hands and tell God thank you when everything in my life is going good it's easy for me to lift up my hands and tell God fainted when I got a job to go to and when my house note is paid in full and when my car load is paid in full that my children are lonely on a row but let baby girl come in pregnant y'all gonna talk to me let my son come in trip and let them tell me that they're downsizing on my job left my house go into foreclosure let my car get repossessed can you praise God in a crisis because that's the true test of your character as a believer as long as everything in your life is going good yes it's easy to come in here but your hands lifting up but when all hell is breaking loose in your life that you still gotta praise on your lips to the point that you can look your circumstances in the face and say just like job say though he's Slammy I feel like preaching I hope y'all pray with me check somebody telling you got to keep on raising you got to keep on praising some of y'all named Tex nobody I'm looking right at you tell them say you got to keep on praising him I don't care what the circumstances look like you got to keep on praising him I don't care how crazy the situation gets you got to keep on praising you gotta let your circumstances your situations and your delivers know that they are not in control of you but you've got a greater what on the inside of you because greater is He that's with feel this all in my spirit so I want to suggest to you that the true test of your character is not defined by you praising God where you are when things are going good with the true test of your character if you praise God in the midst of a crises and not just on the mountaintop however beloved I've learned that the key thing that we need to remember is that part is doing something in US and through us in our trials and I've learned beloved that his ultimate goal is to build a creature that is completely mature in his relationship with his creator and that's why the Apostle the Apostle the Apostle James the brother of Jesus Christ said something extremely profoundly drop the bombshell in a letter in that day and time because James says in James 1 2 3 verse number 4 he says brother and counted all joy thank you when you fall into divers temptations knowing that the trying of your faith that he worketh patience but let patience have her perfect work that he may be perfect and entire wanting for nothing notice if you will what he says in verse number 2 because that's what really blessed me James says in verse number 2 he says count it all joy when you fall in that if you fall in other words he lets us know emphatically and as believers that we should expect hard times he lets us know that followers of Christ they're not exempt from the troubles of this world and see that's one of the major travesties that we have in the 21st century church many people think and believe that just because I gave my life to Christ that because of the simple fact that I'm in a relationship with him that my life at this specific point in time should be trouble-free matter of fact that's how many of y'all thought when y'all first got saved when you first got saved I'm getting them out of this world and when I get in the church I'm not gonna have no more struggle I'm not gonna have no more trouble all I'm gonna do is come into the house of God and dance dance dance all night but then you stayed in here a few days and then you snuck in here a few months and you've been in here a few years and then you begin to realize that mini thank you Holy Ghost are the afflictions of the righteous but it's God who delivers us out of them or you begin to realize that man now that is born of a woman is of a few days and full of trouble you begin to understand that I'm going to go through some stuff in this wall so just because I'm in this wall and just because I'm a part of this wall doesn't mean that I'm going to be exempt from trouble but what this wall teaches me is how I'm supposed to examine and deal with my trouble I'm not supposed to fall out at that no flip out but I'm supposed to look up because I'm supposed to look to the heels from which cometh my help in times of struggle so James starts and stops by saying he starts that we should expect hard times that we should expect troubles but but this God tells us something in the sticks that builds me when God God doesn't promise if you will to take us out of our struggles but but he does let us know that he would be there with us in our struggles and see that's what that's why I got messed up dition because when I found out that God doesn't promise to take me out of my struggle but he promised that he would be with me in my struggle I shifted my prayer I shifted my prayer because I used to pray all the time God get me out of this God get me out of this but big I shift and I stopped praying getting me out of it and I started saying god get it it you only gonna talk to me I'm gonna help me real face because not know the story y'all know the story and I told y'all this story the phone everybody know the story about the three Hebrew boys y'all know the story y'all know story about Shadrach Meshach and then they go very for me a story everybody mama preach it but but I looked at something one day that blew me away I looked at something that blew me away because the Papa declares did they bow them up in the coaster hoses their outer garments all of this stuff and they threw them into the burning fiery furnace they heat it the seventh of the fires up seven times while they heated it up seven times smoke and the most mighty men that were in his kingdom took up Shadrach Meshach and Abednego and threw him into the midst of the burning fiery furnace but this is why I got messed up there that's why I got messed up sweet well I got messed up at the fact that that Nebuchadnezzar came was to the mouth of the burning fiery furnace and he says something profound knows what he says he says how many did we throw in they responded we threw in three he said wait men went in one minute he says I see four and the fourth one looks like the Son of God but this is what messes me up he said they had no hurt and they were walking in the midst of the fire now this is like I ain't back got angry I got offended I gotta fit in because when God delivered me I wasn't just walking in my situation I was running I was hollering I was shopping and these three b-boys invokes the presence of God he's in the fire with him and all they can do is walk in the midst of the bottle they couldn't he's been dancing in the fire they could have been living in the fire but they just gonna walk in the midst of the fire and God mess me up he said son you're so busy looking at it the wrong way you need to understand what's happening here I said we'll explain to me what's happening he said the reason why they were walking in the midst of the fire is because they had a piece that's a pass all understand okay y'all it will talk to me but I mistake it anyway I said a piece he said yeah they had a piece that surpass all understanding I said we'll win car when they realize that they were still alive why did they just run out the fire and run past never kanessa because they step in the fire he said the reason why he didn't run out because they understood that it was safer in the situation with Jesus than it is they're trying to deal with it O'Neal and constantly by here to tell you stop pray and take me out of it God get it in with me because it's safer in here wets you than it is by myself tuck somebody tell them you better get him there you better get him there then James notice the change says he also says that the trials and tests are not in our lives to destroy us but they in our lives to develop and strengthen us in other words when I'm dealing with aid in my life to kill me it's in my life to make me a better individual and that's the word that's the word God sent me all the way here to tell y'all he said we're always here to tell you that when you look at your testing your trial that you don't need to discuss with everybody and they mama your personal situation and that's one of the major problems that I have with some of the Saints in the body of Christ because you ask them how they do it and they give you a whole biography of what's going on in their lives they tell you every symptom every struggle every everything but God told me to tell you that he's giving you one word for the year 2011 and it's just one word that you need to say every time somebody asked you what's going on in your life just look at him and say better yeah okay y'all go catch that in a minute every time they ask you what's happening in your position in your situation don't tell them all of your business just tell them better in other words my situation might look bad but the fact of the matter is I know that better is on the way we should just touch somebody tell them better better better in other words all your business but I don't need to know your business I speak truth to my situation and the facts they want me but my Bible tells me another so no matter what the sake don't say life is getting better here here the Bible against to blow me away because finally finally brothers and sisters name says James says that when you understand God's big picture then we will be able to rejoice not not with the weak in sincere praise the Lord but with the sense of gland is welling from up deep on the inside of us we can lift up our hands and bless God because he has worked it out for us and in us and that's what leads us to our text for today because in Psalms in this Psalms in the psalm of thanksgiving or rather this toda Psalm David says something that's extremely profound he he says four words bishop he says he says I will extol thee that's the first set of words he says but when I look at the text the word I will it's actually one word in the original Hebrew and the word I will it means to think it means to meditate deeply then to resolve when he says I will it means to think it means to meditate deeply than it means to resolve the fray this phrase if you will it speaks of agreement and unification of the inward man or King in the harmony with the outward man this phrase I will then it speaks conclusively in harmoniously about the totality of the inner man it speaks to the union of the heart the mind the spirit and physical frame I we are is a phrase that speaks of all of me because I may I might I should it leaves a possibility for donnager speculation to sneak in but I will slams the door in fatica Lee with a kind of dogmatic emphasis I feel like preaching says that I thought about it but I have come to the full resolve and now I have no reservation hesitation or procrastination about the matter I will thank you it is a phrase that speaks about all of my feelings and my focus and my faith and it shakes hand at the table of mutual agreement and collaboration I will says a whole lot but David says that I am rock solid and then I am fully resolved to extol thee but notice if you will he says I will but then he says extol extol means in the Hebrew to raise or to lift up on to make a loud noise so what David is saying here is that I've thought about it after I have meditated on an after high Oh strongly considered it I have made up in my mind that even if I don't feel like it I will will myself to lift up my hands and to give God praise based on my experience in my relationship with him in other words if he never does another thing for you you ought to be able to look back in your history and think about some things that he has done and something on the inside you should make you tell God thank you even when you don't feel like taking him I can't get no help and I feel like preaching here the Bible begins to blow my mind because David says that after I meditated on who God was and is in my life he says I resolved to lift up and to bless his name and that that's what we ought to be doing us believe us every time we come into this house there should never be a time when we have to be begged and are pumped and are primed our praise ought to be based upon the history that we have with the god of our salvation if you don't remember nothing beloved brothers and sisters you should remember you got a track record with him he's always been there even when everybody late mama walked off and left you when it looked like you were going to succumb to your circumstances and you were going to give in to your issues he loved you enough and looked at you and said no you shall not succumb not so because I declare and decree that if you just stand firm in me that the rest of your days I'm going to be the best of your days I wish you just touch the body and sneak that in their lives right now just tell them say neighbor I don't know where you are right now but I declare and decree that the rest of your days shall be the best of your days now if you believe that put those hands together and give him a praise right now so then we need to understand beloved that David says that the purpose of my extolling him is because of the simple fact that I will myself to do so but he doesn't stop here my friends but he gives two specific reasons in our text from the praise that he gives to God so the first thing that you must understand is that the psalmist says that the reason why I praise Him is because of my awareness that God had raised me up look at verse number 2 it says it very clearly in verse number 2 he says O Lord my god he says I've cried in the V and now has healed me he says O Lord that thou has brought up my soul from the grave thou has knocked out has kept me alive that I should not go down to the pit understand beloved brothers and sisters that the word brought up in the Hebrew aspect of the text is the same word used that means to draw a bucket from the whale or from a pitch so the psalmist says he and I love this the psalmist says that the reason why I lift him it's because he has lifted me I gotta say that one more time that was good he says the reason why I lift him is because he has lifted me he says that I was strapped and I was deep in a hole like water in a whale and the psalmist says that God reached way down and lifted me up out of my crises and out of my condition and you can sit there and be all spiritual if you want to but all of us was in some pit situations that we needed God to pull us up out of okay y'all ain't gotta say Amen I'm gonna stay here anyway just think about where you're being think about what you came out of think but he delivered you from the truth of the matter is is that you didn't get out that situation on your own because the stuff you was in was dark and it was teeth but I'm glad that he didn't judge you but even why he was hitting still in your mess he reached way down and pulled you out of some stuff that you could pull yourself out of aren't you glad that he didn't leave you checked up and messed up and uncovered you but he covered you in your darkest place and pulled you out of some situations that you could get yourself out of somebody here's how to give God some praise because he pulls you out of some stuff just tech somebody telling he pulled me out when I could not get myself out he pulled me out when I couldn't manipulate myself out of it he pulled me out but I couldn't not give myself up people I gotta get up out of here I gotta get up out of here but he starts by saying that the first reason why I give God praise is he says I give Him praise because of my awareness that he has raised me up but secondly beloved brothers and sisters the second reason why he praises him and I I just got 2 points that's all David says that the reason why I praise God because watch this he has not allowed my enemies to rejoice I'll give the victory over me looking for someone that's good that's good verse number one says it very clearly up first number one says I will extol thee thank you he says O Lord for thou has lifted me up and has not allowed my foes to rejoice over me I've learned something beloved brothers and sisters I've learned I've learned that I've learned that real enemies that real enemies never sleep they never sleep they plot in the plan and the scheme of ways and dream of ways to bring you down I've learned that a real enemy ain't happy unless you said a real intimate now they'd love to hear that you're crying man they'd love to hear that you're struggling they'd love to hear that you're going through I'm talk about real enemies but then word and the Hebrew foes I love what it means it means one who hates I will say that one more time that word enemies our Lord foes in the original text it actually means one who hates so what David is saying in our text is he saying that I praise God because he has delivered me from my haters okay I mistake it for a minute because your haters want to overwhelm you your your haters they want to obliterate you but thanks be to God that he does not leave us at the mercy of our haters but he uses them as elevators to take us to our next level that's why you need to stop hating your haters stop trying to find out who your haters off because ain't no such thing as bad publicity let's talk about you because the more they talk about you the more curious people become about you and Lachlan curious people become about you the more you go connect to the right folks because they want to see if what they saying is the truth so the next time I hate a hex on you don't check them send them some flowers up y'all they helping me cinema card telling picture for every slanderous word picture family you're told of it because you doing nothing but taking me hide I wish I had somebody that would just tell the neighbor I thank God for my haters sir thank God for every lie because the more they talked about me the closer I got to God because I had to pray the kid from Cottenham I had to praying to keep for popping in my head praying to keep from shooting Amanda so here then the Bible begins to blow my mind because the even starts by saying that the reason why I praise God the calls first off my awareness that he has raised me up but then he says that I won't God praise Him because of my awareness that he has raised me up and also praise Him because he has not allowed me to be to succumb to my enemies but then lastly because of his deliverance the Bible then begins to let us know the personĂ­s that he calls upon the people to sing and to praise the Lord look at verse number 4 verse number 4 the Bible begins to let us know that he tells them to sing unto the Lord all ye Saints of his and give thanks at the remembrance of his holiness understand what's happening here beloved brothers and sisters the Bible begins a letter Sonova that the psalm is here in our text has get erupted recounting his past desperate situations i with a joyful expression of testimony of his deliverance and vietnam he invites the entire community to share in his joy in that context my then brothers and sisters verse another five if you will be in is not a promise that will always be the case or a statement about how things always will be but it is it is it is the continual testimony of the psalmist on a consistent basis that where there was once death and now there is life and where that was once weeping now there is joy and where there was once night now there is a mourning his experiences allowed him if you will to declare praise to God the cars of the newness brought by God and that's why that's why he starts by telling us and he makes this declaration he says that the reason for this phrase is the temporary nature of God's anger towards him he starts by saying it's only but for a moment in other words he says it's for only a night that's why he begins to blow my mind and the texture because what messes me up here is that even though David if you will was living during the time if you will of the law he understood the grace of God even in the season of the law that's why he declares in our text how his anger it only indoors what for a moment in other words he understood that even when he messes up guarding all state we always David understood even though I'm missing even now in there now God it will stay angry all my life he loves me so much then all I got to do is is learn how to get in his presence because it changed the way he looks at me by loving on him a little while can I close up in this house he says for his anger endureth for a moment but in his favor is life and I told you all the little bit earlier I said the problem that I have is that a whole lot of people believe then favor it's based on what you drive a whole lot of people to leave that favor it's big so where you live but I learn something I love it I love the favor it's not what you have but it's who has you I wish I had a witness up in here somebody tell them say tell us hey hey it's not what I Drive but is who has me because the Bible says a find of me they find the life and obtains failure from the Lord I stopped by here to tell you she came into your life you got Fela maybe in the projects but I still got favor I may be on the bus but I still got favor I may be unemployed but I still got favor because what I have is who has let y'all go so David understood that in order for here to get through this thing he had to stay connected to the god of his salvation he says his anger in the door for momentum but it is failure there is life too many bubbles he belongs from mine door fortnight - stop right there because when he says we've been Bantam when he was saying was is that I don't have to cry over every situation because we've been made and that means possibility yeah can I help you real fast every situation in your life deserve your tears buddy baby but you need to choose what you go cry over because every situation don't deserve your tears that's why they said we Panther endure for a night but joy it's on its way we've been possibility joy possibility joy we possibility sure just wait Hey strips and up to tell you me Oh is going to bring Hey yeah if you wait on it Wow if you can just add or your night season show I will wake you up in the morning just censor my tone say Joy's gonna wake me up joy uh are they saying like y'all need it tell somebody else toys gonna wake me up how you know cuz my my bishop said ain't no me - are you but the nine is called the brain here to be home in the morning whoo Martin is gonna break cuz it'll be home in the morning get it leo in the moment Oh here to be on nobody's always gonna say this now I know but now with their for me looks like your testimony just lift up your hands and we're gonna give that Prince thing that's a proper to this day thank you forever everything you've got everything for every blessing you brought into my life thank you lord thank you lord because I never would have made never would have been able to take it never would have endured it without you thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you Lord for a powerful word the Lord has brought to our hearts we being made endure for a night but joy will come in the morning want to announce to somebody in the house today that this is your morning time this is your warning time you've been in during trials hardships tribulations for a long time but would you let's take God for your warning thank God good morning I made it until morning made it as a horse made it a morning how to do that but also want to say that somebody who's been living in the night of sin you've been separated from God and trying to make it on your own pursuing your own agenda disregarding God His Word and his righteousness seeking what you thought you desire than what you're longed for but all you did was bring upon yourself a dark night of sorrow a dark night of trouble a dark night of distress but it's morning time Jesus the Son of God who died for your sins has a risen from the dead and he said I'm come that you might have life that you might have it more abundantly and you're not here by accident you're here by God's providential grace God brought you here today that you might hear the word of the Lord that your heart might be touched and that you might turn toward the Lord and lift your heart toward him and say Lord I want my sins forgiven I need a change in my life your life was not meant to be a life drifting on the tides of time it was not meant to be a life like a leaf blown by the wind God has a purpose and an objective for your life God wants you to have joy he wants your joy to be full God wants your life to be successful and effective but Jesus said without me you can do nothing hallelujah but he said if your body in me and my word abide in you you shall ask what you will and it shall be done unto you the Lord loves you as you've never been loved I want to pray for you today if you would say preacher I need my sins forgiven I need to know that things are well between me and God I want to be saved I want Jesus Christ to be Lord of my life to take charge of my life and listen there is no safer place on the face of the earth that in the will of Almighty God and God brought you here today to save you I want to pray for you and I'll pray for you right where you stand right where you are every sin you've ever committed can be forgiven and Jesus can become Lord and Savior of your life while every hit is bowed every eye eyes closed you know the Holy Ghost is talking to you and if the Holy Spirit is touching speaking to your heart letting you know this is your time I'll pray for you right where you stand but I need to know that you desire prayer if you would say preacher I want my sins forgiven I want God's help and God's power at work in my life just raise that hand right you're staying lifted I pray for me preacher pray for me preacher lift those hands this is your day your time your moment the Lord loves you so much he wants to transform your life and take you to a level of life that you've never lived at before this is your time this is your day the Bible says if you will confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised him from the dead you shall be saved and you shall be saved and today while those hands are lifted even in the balcony let me see those hands lifted sayin preacher pray for me I need God I need salvation I need forgiveness the Lord I pray for those whose hands are lifted and I pray even for those who did not lift their hands but should have lifted their hands I even wanted to lift their hands but did not have the courage to do so dear lord I pray that this will be the day of the transformation the day of the change in their lives Lord forgive them for their sins and set them free from those things that would drag them down and destroy their lives thank you Lord for what you've done that they might live and that they might have life let them find it today in Jesus name dear lord I pray that they will no longer never again walk in the way of sin but that they will walk in your righteousness and in your power in the name of Jesus everybody say there's prayer after me please dear Lord I'm so sorry for all the wrong I've ever done that I did not receive you as my Lord before this day but dear Lord I open my heart to you now please forgive me please save me please change my life I believe that Jesus is the Son of God I believe that he died for my sin I believe that he rose from the dead I accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and as my savior and I thank you Lord my sins are forgiven I thank you lord I am safe I think you are I have new life I thank you lord I thank you lord
Channel: Lawrence Henderson
Views: 921,085
Rating: 4.7961349 out of 5
Id: XkDEL3nQr3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 26sec (3746 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2013
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