I'm Going to Need a BIGGER NET for this NEW SPILLWAY!!!

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there we go oh my gosh oh my gosh nice fish nice fish nice fish he is Scream outline dang what's going on if my buddy didn't fix my fishing here welcome back to another fishing Adventure in today's episode we are heading to a brand new Spillway the satellite images look very promising the only downside is the fact that it is over two hours away I'm hoping this drive is worth it and we'll be able to catch some big fish that drive took forever but we are finally coming up to the spillway and it looks incredible I cannot wait to get started this spot looks way better than what I was expecting on Google Earth I knew that it looked promising but seeing it in person I am so excited I was not expecting this much water flow now as far as baits go I brought really only two options I was hoping to catch some fresh bait so because of that I only brought a bunch of nightcrawlers and a small little piece of Frozen carp like I said the goal is to catch some fresh bait so let's go ahead and start by doing that I see a really nice spot if it's there I'm gonna have to Wade through this water let's go ahead and try doing just that okay we have made it to the spot and I only got one foot soaked let's go ahead and toss out a piece of this carp I've got that carp on that Rod let's go ahead and toss out a night crawler on this one oh there's a take all right guys Celine has this bait oh awesome you guys our first catch from this spillway is a small hybrid bass that's a great sign see you later buddy we just got the skunk off the board and that came in the form of that small hybrid bass and if that dude was living out there there's no telling what other River Monsters made their way up inside this Spillway I can't wait to see what we're looking to next [Applause] [Music] there we go fish on oh this actually feels decent what in the world is that that's a nice fish that's a nice fish we need to get this guy in the net oh he's not done yet oh powerful powerful powerful fish this dude is living in this current 24 7. in it shows this dude is very powerful oh easy buddy such a nice fish especially on the ultralight oh he's going down the current oh he didn't like that he did not like that he almost made it out of the spool away water yeah would have been bad oh no easy buddy easy in the net there we go yes you guys we just caught a monster on the ultra light what an incredible catch it appears to be a small mouth of Buffalo and this is one of the biggest ones that I've ever caught yes see you later buddy this is one of the furthest spillways that I've ever traveled to I was worried it was not going to be worth it but I think that fish right there just made it worth it and if he was living in there I can't wait to see what else is living out there beneath the surface but what an awesome catch so far the night crawlers have been the ticket but we still have not been able to catch any fresh baits so let's rig up another one let me picked up the bait fish on fish on Fish on thank you [Applause] yes there we go I just caught a drum this guy is going to make for some perfect bait let's go ahead and swap out this Frozen carp for a fresh piece of that drum that we just caught maybe this is what those big fish have been waiting for Here We Go [Music] is that a fish oh my gosh you guys what in the world am I hooked into I was just reeling my bait in what is this oh no no no no no no no no no oh something has been messing with my bait all day and I just figured out what it was we just caught ourselves a soft shell turtle nowhere near the biggest one I've ever caught but these are some very cool turtles let's go ahead and hook this guy and send him on his way [Applause] oh he just came on hooked perfect all right see you later buddy I'm able to get right up next to this Spillway water if I was a predatory fish I'd be waiting for a bait fish to get swept over the spillway so let's go ahead toss this crankbait out there and see if anything wants to pick it up there we go nice fish what do we got no way you guys I just caught another drum but this time I caught it with the crankbait that is crazy see you later buddy I think that's the first time I've caught one of those with a lure [Music] somebody has the bait here we go fish on oh my gosh nice fish nice fish nice fish nice fish oh easy buddy easy buddy oh we smoke since 3 is powerful he's pulling out drag what in the world did we hook into oh my gosh he is screaming outline dang [Applause] we have to land this fish [Applause] oh no he's going down oh never mind never mind never mind I thought he was going out of the spillway oh he is he's out of the spillway he's out of the spillway oh almost had him all right this just got a lot more interesting oh my gosh you guys it is another really nice Buffalo I can't believe we actually were able to land him what an awesome looking fish see you later buddy catching those really nice sized buffalo on my ultralights has been a blast and so far most of the fish I've caught today have been off the night crawler I've had a few bites on my bigger Rod but I'm pretty sure they have all been Turtles I'm not ready to give up quite yet I do believe there could be some bigger fish hiding out there let's keep fishing [Music] right foreign crawler again there we go oh my gosh oh my gosh nice fish this might be the biggest one yet [Applause] oh easy buddy holy smokes oh I'm fairly certain is the biggest one yet thing what a beast what a beast let's see if we can get lucky and get him in the net Josh what a fighter holy smokes you guys look at the size of this fish the biggest one of the day what an absolute Beast man these Buffalo are so strong they're just living out there in that current see you later buddy what an absolutely incredible fish and a perfect one to end on because the Sun is setting and I still have a two plus hour drive back home but what an awesome first trip out to this Spillway I never know what to expect when heading out to a new location but I'll tell you what I was not expecting for the fishing to be that good I'm actually surprised that there is actually water flowing over the spillway and I still believe that there are some monster fish hiding out there beneath the surface and there is a ton more exploring to do so if you guys like to see me come back out to the school wait leave a comment down below if you guys enjoyed this episode I'd really appreciate it if you want a thumbs up possibly think about subscribing if you haven't I will catch you guys on the next one [Music] no no oh I just got water in my shoe all right I've been fishing with water in my boot this entire time so let's go ahead and drain that
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 156,718
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: xjaJtcJOKGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 35sec (635 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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