If You Put This On A Hook You Better Be Ready!

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all right people catfish Dave here this is my first time fishing on Fort lousy in quite a while I'm out here testing some props with a 50 60 horse conversion thing I was doing uh I guess by now y'all have seen that video I've got just a little bit of time out here I've got some leftover eel from the James River trip and I'm going to try dragging some ill it's the only bait I got this any good at all that ain't just rotten to the Core so uh let's drag a little bit out here with this eel and see what these Tennessee River fish think about it good old eel I don't know if that's freshwater eel I don't know if it's saltwater Hill I've never seen one of these in the Tennessee River you only need to cut three pieces because that stuff does not come off the hook some old rotten chicken breast I have to remember to throw this stuff out that eel leaves some type of old slimy stuff on your hands foreign got to use my dirty south Dragon weights towel for once that stuff is nasty all this bait in the cooler is nasty I figured the eel would keep better than some of them old shad and stuff I had in there I can't get the stuff off my hands I don't know what it is but the wind always wants to blow up the river and finally after years of putting up with this I got what they call a drift sock and this will help keep the back end of my boat push the way it's supposed to be could be in my way when I go to reel in a fish that's if a fish even eats this stuff yeah once you put that through that skin that's the last time I'll have to bait that hook the rest of the day foreign out because we're in 40 foot now but there's some 60 foot up here later so we'll get plenty of line out make up for the deeper water that's some nasty old stuff right there put the old headpiece on this back rod it ain't fresh but it's in better shape than that Shad was water temps are pretty hot y'all 87.7 had the first bite already that's just nasty one thing about that eel they can bite it all they want it'll stay on there we can fish out here till next year and that Hill will still be on the hook I'm glad I don't have to handle it no more because man that slime's still on me even after rinsing my hands off you gotta literally just rub it off nasty stuff I've never actually drug eel when I used it in the James I was just still fishing anchor fishing yeah that drift sock is helping course if you got more wind you need another drift sock or a much bigger drip sock I would probably rather just throw one big one fishing by myself in case I had a fish get tangled up in it [Music] yeah we're hooked up [Music] we'll turn this boat out of the Sun a little bit [Music] hooked up here [Music] slap dab in the middle of the channel [Music] foreign [Music] First Tennessee River catfish on a piece of Hill so that we've had that's the third bite and we've gotten hooked up here pretty quickly into this trip oh male been off the nest for a little while got the old wired head on it that catfish was slimy but not as slimy as that eel foreign got some old green stuff coming out of it [Music] we're hooked up with another one oh [Music] yeah he's still on it foreign [Music] to drive right beside you around here oh dinky female [Music] I didn't even get to cast that one out [Music] here comes to wake both waves [Music] it's an absolute Joy fishing with white boats in the water [Music] there we go fish number three real quick on this eel and it's all deal like five days old [Music] let me cast this out real quick [Music] they are liking this eel [Music] steel up there man host them [Music] one off the hook [Music] good looking female catfish [Music] a little bit of attitude on it y'all we hitting these fish with the bait they're not used to seeing around here and they're liking it they are liking it I wish I had some fresh ill but you don't get none of this stuff around here that old headpiece the same bait over and over today is Monday I actually bought this stuff on a Tuesday so it's six days old I've had this eel in my cooler and uh so it keeps good and the fish are still wanting it I got plenty of it I'll I'll try it at seven days and eight days too keep me from having to mess with them finicky summer skipjack anyhow [Music] fish number four thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] the green stuff are coming out [Music] yeah there we go too good [Music] they tearing this Eagle up [Music] same old piece with the green stuff hanging out [Music] hug back through there yeah this don't come open not slide up the line but you can slide it right back down like a magic bait around here that one feels pretty good there y'all didn't even get my planer board out that one feels pretty good [Music] probably this is the biggest one of the day here [Music] usually a big fish will swim straight up under the boat this one's kind of staying out [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let me get this other one by the boat [Music] it's a good one there [Music] foreign [Music] I'm just going to spot lock right here because we've got two baits that ain't going to be in the water just an old smaller fish there this is a nice one here y'all still got the eel head back all right y'all let's get more like a James River Fest in a Portland fish turn it the other way where they can see you yeah yeah thick thing man we'll take it magic bait around here oh he done slime that leader up and the bait's still on the hook talk to me female whatever fish it comes across they hitting it thank you one good thing about this eel them small fish can hit it it's still going to be on there see if these fish will give me a break long enough to drink something these hot old summer days you know they're not going to let me drink my water that one came off and I'm glad he did because I want to drink some of this water now I've got my water drink now I'll go ahead and reel them in I was gonna try to eat a piece of cheese but that ain't gonna happen either foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] see what I mean it's ridiculous [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign let me eat this cheese before I pull these fish in this is ridiculous and the bait's still on the hook we cut off three pieces of bait still using the same bait yeah fat little female okay skinny little female bait's still on the hook got a much thinner female this is ridiculous y'all well all right y'all uh I came out here to test the prop and I figured well I'm here at about an hour and a half or so before dark I figure I'll go ahead and try to shoot a video hat and fish Tennessee River in several weeks now and uh to those that watch all my videos I was down on the James River on the last trip I was having a hard time I couldn't get them fish to hit nothing I stopped at the James River tackle company I bought some meal and the eel caught every fish in a couple videos I made and then of course I brought it back with me this stuff's been on ice now for six days I cut three pieces of it off and we've caught the fish we've caught on just three pieces in a short time and this is not a high number Fish Lake by any means so obviously this time of year in these conditions there's something about that eel these fish are really liking so either way y'all for the amount of time I had the number of fish we landed in the time we did and on the lake we did it in I'd have to say that's the best summer catfish bait I've ever seen the seasons the conditions will change what these fish will key on you can come out here with a traditional bait skip Jack and shed on certain days and the fish don't want no part of it they sure wanted a part of that eel I made a quick video and that's a good deal this is a video there was fish in the video that makes the fishing video this is Catfish day with another one signing out
Channel: Catfish Dave
Views: 91,141
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fishing, Catfish, Fishing For Catfish, American Eel, How To Catch Catfish, Catfish Bait, Tennessee River
Id: MT8umP0uPLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 48sec (1848 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 04 2023
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