This DEEP Spillway was Hiding a MONSTER!!! (BIGGEST in YEARS!)

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there we go fishing [Music] big fish big fish what's going on everybody Nick from 618 fishing here and welcome back to another fishing Adventure I am very excited for today's episode because we are heading to a Spillway that I recently discovered I've actually only been there a couple times but every trip out there I have caught some epic fish the only downside is the fact that it is over two hours away but today we are making the drive hopefully it'll be worth it [Music] Light It Up [Music] black drive to an eternity but we finally made it to the spillway and this spot looks incredible there's actually some water flowing through the spillway that I am seeing some monstrous fish I cannot wait to get started okay right away I may have made a mistake I meant to grab my much larger catfishing rod and I completely forgot it so I only have my three rods with me today now as far as bait goes I brought a few options I'm hoping to get some fresh bait so I brought some night crawlers I brought some frozen cut baits and I brought some chicken livers I don't usually fish with chicken livers but they were in the fridge next to the night crawler so I went ahead and I purchased them let's go ahead and rig up one of these tasty looking chicken livers to see if anything wants to pick it up alrighty guys that looks very appetizing here we go the chicken liver on that rod on this one let's go ahead and toss out this crankbait ly [Music] got a fish oh Big Fish you guys fish on fish on Fish on [Music] holy smokes dang oh my gosh I just foul hooked an incredible looking long nose guard he almost looks like a spotted car I believe it's along those guard but what a beast let's go ahead and get a quick close-up of this guy and send him on his way see you later buddy that is not exactly how I wanted to catch my first fish from this Spillway today but I will take it because that long nose car I believe it was a long nose guard was one of the most interesting looking long nosegar that I have ever caught [Music] fish on you guys oh it's another nice one it's another nice one oh my gosh this dude actually ate it we need to get him in the net dang what a fighter [Music] there we go in the net yes another long nose guard it has been a very long time since I've caught a long nose guard they are notoriously difficult to hook but so far we have caught two of them granted that first guy was foul hooked but this guy just ate the crankbait awesome see you later buddy so far I have not gotten any additional bites on that chicken liver so let's go ahead toss out a night crawler and try to catch some fresh bait [Music] all right there's a tape playing at the bait oh oh my gosh you guys big fish big fish big fish I was just trying to catch some bait and we hooked into something big what in the world is this [Music] holy smokes easy buddy easy buddy so many snags down there oh man this dude picked up the Nightcrawler [Music] what in the world is that oh my gosh you guys oh my gosh let's get this guy on the net [Music] thank you and the net there we go you guys this is one of the biggest freshwater drum that I've ever caught man this guy put up an incredible fight on the Ultra Lights what a cool fish I could keep this guy to use him for bait but he is way too cool looking and a little bit too much bait for what I need today so let's go ahead and let him go see you later buddy all of these River Monsters are swimming Upstream until they are blocked by this giant Spillway I have heard stories of some State records caught from this Spillway so there are some monster fish living out there I can't wait to see what we hook into next so I originally started on the opposite side of the spillway but there are so many good looking spots to fish from so I jumped over here hopefully this is where the big fish are hanging out let's get some baits out there foreign there we go fish on okay guys we caught another drum nowhere near the size of that first one so I'm gonna go ahead and use this guy for bait maybe this is what those big fish have been waiting for there we go fish on fish on you guys fish on oh my gosh it's a monster it's a monster oh no no no no oh dang it that was a big gar n aside from that little drum and hooking into that monstrous fish I have not gotten any other bites here so let's go ahead and move for a third time spot number three is arguably the coolest spot of the day I am right up next to this Spillway when I was up top on the bridge I saw some monster fish swimming in that current let's start by tossing out this crankbait oh you guys I just spotted a giant fish holy smokes he's looking at my baby oh my God oh my God oh my God that was crazy that was crazy it's a monster he does not look like he took very well [Music] he's off darn it what a monster I've got a chunk of drum rigged up I've got a four ounce weight which is well beyond this Rod's casting capabilities but this current is very strong so let's go ahead hopefully not break the rod and toss it out there [Music] all right guys something has the bait so he has to be here we go there we go fishing oh my gosh you guys big fish big fish big fish big fish big fish holy smokes what in the world did we look into [Music] oh my gosh I just want to see it [Music] what in the world is that oh no way you guys no way no way no way we have to get him in the net holy cow [Music] oh there we go you guys we just caught a flathead catfish yes oh my gosh this is one of the biggest ones I've ever caught what an awesome looking fish living out there in the depths of that current I do not catch many flathead catfish and this is one of the biggest ones that I've ever caught and he came from an absolutely amazing fishing spot what a cool catch see you later buddy that fish right there was one of my favorite catches for a few reasons number one being the fact that it was a flathead catfish but number two being the fact that it came from such an incredible fishing spot he was living in the depths of that spillway so so cool I am kicking myself for forgetting my big catfish Rod but we are making do with what we have and what we have is a spinning rod that is rated for up to two ounces we are currently throwing out a four ounce weight on a Carolina rig with a chunk of freshwater drum that's what that last dude picked up so let's cast it back out there in the depth of the spillway oh my gosh I was reeling in my bait it's hard to tell if anything's on there because his weight is so heavy for this Rod but I just had a big gar just holding onto my bait unfortunately we are all out of time and I need to start making the drive back home but what an incredible day we caught some epic fish from this Spillway but I still think there are some monsters hiding beneath the surface so if you guys would like to see me come back out to this spot and try to catch some of those big fish leave a comment down below if you enjoyed this episode I'd really appreciate it if a thumbs up possibly think about subscribing if you haven't I will catch you guys on the next one [Music] Light It Up [Music] here hopefully this is where the big fish are hanging out let's get some baits out there
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 264,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -b1iaGGgIlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 37sec (697 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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