A TROPHY Fish was Living in this TINY CREEK!!!

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there we go nice fish nice fish nice fish you guys [Music] hey buddy Nick from 618 fishing here and welcome back to another fishing Adventure [Music] [Music] I'm excited for today's episode because we are driving two hours to fish a tiny Creek that is home to some rare fish and on my last trip out there I hooked into an absolute giant unfortunately though that fish came off I'm hoping for another chance [Music] thank you we have finally made it to the tiny Creek and there are a handful of locations on this Creek where I believe a monster could be hiding so we're gonna hit up as many of those locations as we can let's get started [Music] I was walking down the creek and I came across this nice deep spot out here in front of me I've got a couple tactics as to how I'll be targeting these fish I've got a fly rod and my spinning tackle I am a lot more comfortable with my spinning tackle I'm not very good at fly fishing but I would like to catch a fish on both of these setups today here we go Nails strings come and lose Here We Go Fish on it fish on you guys fish on the fly rod it is Tiny in the net oh my gosh and it's out of the net it is so small that it goes through the net I've caught one of these in the past this looks like it might be a creek chub first fish was on the Fly Rod awesome see you later buddy obviously that was neither the species or monster fish that we are after today but anytime I could catch a fish on my fly rod I am stoked if I was a giant fish living in a tiny Creek I would be hiding in these little root wads on the bank of the creek the sauce are flying here man this spot is tricky I know there has to be a big fish hiding in there but I just cannot float my fly underneath these logs dang I got a fire in me you're gonna set to burn [Music] see now it's our turn [Music] we'll see how far we can go okay we've been fishing for quite some time today this first stretch of Creek was not terrible I caught at least that one Creek job but as far as the actual D spots go they are few and far between and although the temperature outside is nice today this water is still very chilly so I think those monster fish are going to be hiding in some deep holes so let's go ahead and hop in the truck to go through a different section of this Creek oh [Music] okay we have made it to spot number two this used to be my favorite spot along this Creek on my last trip out here it was very shallow like a bunch of erosion had taken it out but looking at it today it looks very deep I was not expecting this I was just gonna drive by and see what it looked like but this looks very promising to say that I'm excited would be an understatement I can't wait to see if there's any big fish living beneath this spillway let's start by tossing out this black with a gold blade Panther Martin spinner here we go First cast there we go nice fish nice fish nice fish you guys nice fish [Music] please get in the net oh my gosh he's a fighter he's a fighter in the net there we go yes what a beauty the spinner came off in the net this is a very nice McLeod strain wild rainbow trout I sound like a broken record at this point but you guys know that these fish are only found in a handful of creeks and they are insanely difficult to actually catch this is a very nice one see you later buddy yes fish right there was without a doubt a trophy McLeod strain wild rainbow trout but they get a whole lot bigger than that my personal best I actually caught from this exact spot and it was probably three times as big as that guy which is absolutely mind-blowing this next lure might look like any other Rusty micro crank bait but it is very special this is the exact lure that I call my monster PB wild rainbow trout with let's throw it out there [Music] foreign [Music] there we go oh my gosh did you guys see that holy smokes this guy went airborne this guy went absolutely airborne in the net oh my gosh this is one of the coolest fish that I've ever caught the colors on this guy are amazing not to mention the fact that he flew about 10 feet across the creek [Music] see you later buddy about to go ahead rig up a different crankbait that is not nearly as common and here is that crankbait it's a very rare goldfish lure with this articulating tail this is actually a replica I have an original it's made by river to Sea and it is one of the most unique crankbaits that I own it has a really cool action in the water let's go ahead and give it a try hopefully this goldfish lure brings a little luck First cast it was worth a shot but absolutely nothing showed interest in the Goldfish lure although this Spillway is my favorite spot on this Creek it is not the only spot where you have the potential of hooking into a monster fish on my last trip out here I was at a different location and I hooked into a giant so let's go ahead hop back in the truck and head to that stretch of the creek bound or wrong before I be gone [Music] pouring rain there we go fish on you guys [Music] Sean fish on what do we got oh it's a tiny one very cool first catch it the third stretch of Creek see you later buddy [Music] like the breeze [Music] there we go fish on no he's Tangled Up always wrapped around something [Music] today we finally did it see you later buddy we have finally made it to the spot we're on my last trip out here I hooked into an absolute monster a possible new personal best unfortunately though it's ended up coming off hopefully we get another chance here we go First cast there we go through it dang that was a nice one dark darn [Music] oh in the net okay not a giant but we finally were able to get one in the net [Music] see you later buddy [Music] [Music] [Music] fish on fish on you guys the very next cast after I got the spinner race snag we caught a fish awesome [Music] see you later buddy the sun has set so I need to start making the hike back to my truck but what an awesome day of fishing we caught a handful of trouts which is not the easiest of things to do at this Creek we caught one of the coolest looking ones that I've ever landed we caught one on a fly rod and to top it all off my favorite spot on this Creek is once again fishable so needless to say I had a lot of fun today if you guys enjoyed this episode I'd really appreciate it if you want the thumbs up possibly think about subscribing if you haven't I will catch you guys on the next one foreign [Music] fish with my fly rod I do not however struggle at catching trees
Channel: 618 Fishing
Views: 140,848
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0In_OLTSMxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 6sec (606 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 30 2023
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