Sunday Rewind w/ Dr. Jamal Bryant, "I'm in these streets"

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as I rewind back to just seven days ago who would have thought that so much would change in seven days but no matter how much changes happen God has stayed consistent I'm your pastor of Internet and innovation curve Vance Ross and today we postponed our pastors one-year anniversary so that we can promote God at its highest level we use prayer praise testimonies and an opportunity to intercede on behalf of our nation and our church so that God can know that we still trust him let's go into the main sanctuary wherever you are start your watch party if you're confined wherever space you're in it's time to worship let's rewind and go into the main sanctuary I'll see you soon [Music] can we pray they say everybody usually wants to say hi [Applause] you are my [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you are the source of my strength you are the street [Music] [Music] by the lift up let's get that one more time everybody you are the source of my stream come on say it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] glory to God [Applause] everybody raise your voices saying I will not I will not we got one now [Music] [Music] would you get your Bibles [Music] [Applause] [Music] you know what Nestor song we ought to be singing through this whole pandemic because he is with me I will not feel come on I'm a real big everybody the cops ah [Music] [Music] I will [Music] Deuteronomy 28 Deuteronomy 28 fifth book of the Bible Deuteronomy 28 Genesis Exodus Leviticus numbers Deuteronomy 28 [Music] because you're with me ha [Applause] [Music] Deuteronomy 28 Deuteronomy 28 I want us to look at this morning for a few moments verses 1 2 & 3 Deuteronomy 28 verses 1 to Bedford [Music] but you just pointed somebody tell them he's with you he's with you [Music] [Applause] [Music] because [Music] [Music] [Music] everybody think I will not be a sale [Music] Deuteronomy 28 it feels good in here [Music] Spirit of God is with us this modern [Applause] Deuteronomy 28 verses one two and three if you fully obey the Lord your God and carefully follow all his commands I give you today the Lord your God will set you high above all the nations on earth all the blessings will come on you and accompany you if you obey the Lord your God you will be blessed in the city you may be seated you will be blessed in the city I want to preach for a little while today using as a subject I'm in these streets I'm in these streets the evidence that we are godlike is that we have the capacity to bless other people and have the nerve to use his name the CDC and the World Health Organization advises us to run from people who sneeze because they potentially may carry the coronavirus what you must understand is that sneezing is the noses involuntary response to a nasal irritation when one sneezes the pressure in the chest increases and doesn't deflate until the release giving the feeling that your heart has stopped beating for just one moment sneezing in and unto itself has garnered exaggerated attention not because of the coronavirus but beginning in the 6th century when the Black Plague killed half of Europe's population even then sneezing was a symptom of the disease and was viewed as a sign of impending death so when somebody sneezed in the 6th century people used to say in response bless you in hopes that the sneezer wouldn't succumb to what was happening in their bodies so when they declared bless you it was to block whatever was happening in your body that could lead to death I think I've lost you they would declare bless you over people they didn't even know hoping that whatever was going on with them biologically would not have the authority to kill them I need you please would you just point randomly at somebody across the sanctuary and declare out loud bless you now the authority by which you just released that you aren't even talking to them you were talking to whatever is in their body that doesn't line up with the will of God that has not even been detected or tested that by the time they leave out of church the blessings of God will now infuse their Bobby I wish I had some worshipers right through here now that you understand it let's try it one more time would you point at somebody else randomly across the sanctuary and shall bless you I'm speaking it over your respiratory system I can't hear them I'm speaking that over your vital organs I'm speaking that over every person who has illegally touched you I'm speaking that to whatever elements have been in your space in your environment wherever it is that you have touch whatever you have encountered whatever has been unleashed whatever has willingly been dispatched to your body your family your children and your grandchildren I speak over you with the authority of his resurrected body you so much so much has been said about generational curses then not enough has been discussed about blessings the power of life and death are in the tongue and this is the hour we must speak blessings over ourselves a blessing at his lowest common denominator is God's a favor and protection I want to give it to you again a blessing in its simplest of terms is God's a favor and protection so when I declared my faith that I am blessed that means I have the favor of God and I am protected that by God to be bless has nothing to do with the car I Drive or the house I live in or how much money I've got in the bank but anybody who knows it was the almighty hand of God that protected me this week you ought to know I'm blessed when there are people who don't know what they're gonna eat but you got a freezer full of food you ought to be declaring out loud I'm blessed when there's so many churches that were closed but God saw fit to keep yours open you are to declare my faith I am blessed we bantered we panted for the last generation about being blessed and highly favored so loosely that we have reduced it to being a cliche the gravity of a blessing holds tremendous significance the very first time the first time we encounter a blessing is in Genesis chapter 1 verse 22 first time you ever find a blessing is in Genesis 1 verse 22 and God blessed them saying be fruitful and multiply fill the waters in the sea and let birds that multiply on the earth so base off of the law of first mention to be blessed here this new birth to be blessed means that I am fruitful and I am multiply I got to give it to you again if I am blessed according to Genesis chapter 1 verse number 22 it means I am fruitful and I am multiply in case you don't realize it most millionaires are made during a recession when things are going that down those who have covenant is starting to go back up again I don't know where you are but I'm telling you subtraction will not come close to you I speak over every believer make room for a season of unparalleled multiplication your season of being stagnant is come to an end everything you put your hand to is about to multiply why because you are blessed to be fruitful and to multiply the next time you find a blessing I'm still in Genesis chapter 1 next time you found find a blessing is in genesis chapter 1 verse number 28 and God blessed them I need you to see that Genesis chapter 1 verse number 28 and God blessed them in verse 22 and in verse 28 when God releases the blessing he does not do so singularly he is always doing it corporately he did not bless one of them he bless all of them I came to announce to everybody who has ears to hear that when God releases blessings in this season it will not just be for you you know people whoever is connected to you I don't know how you feel about it but you are sitting on a blessed Road whoever got your last name is about to experience the blessings of God like they have not seen in the last seven years of their life and God bless them the Bible says God blessed them and then he spoke to them y'all missed it God blessed him and then he said god bless them and then he spoke so whatever it is that he spoke he has already activated the word is just a confirmation over what is about to take place in your life I came to tell somebody today is not a service of Revelation it is a service of confirmation everything that got released in heaven is now been dispatched to your address some of y'all ought to be excited about the blessing you are about receive because he promised you some stuff at the beginning of the year and God said in the middle of a crisis the word I spoke is still a man says be fruitful and multiply fill the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish and the sea and the birds of the heaven and every living thing on the earth in Genesis chapter 1 verse number 22 when God speaks a blessing he is speaking to creatures in Genesis chapter 1 verse 28 he is not speaking to creatures he's speaking to creation both got multiplication but only one got Authority I think I lost you and so birds multiply monkeys of multiply hyenas multiply but they don't have authority I need you to see who gets Authority I'm waiting for y'all to wake up in here who gets Authority the ones who got the blessing last the people who got the blessing first they're fruitful banane in charge another God told me to tell you don't get weary in well-doing this is the season you take over this decision you found your right since you get ready to get Authority even while you saw people less than you get blessed ahead of you y'all just missed it I said people who are not in your level god bless before you but their blessing is not going to have the same weight as you that's why I'm jealous or nobody I'm not in competition I hate on nobody because he always saves the best theologian theologian Phillip little describes a blessing as God's given power to something or somebody to accomplish what they were designed or intended to do here's what I needed understand is that the birds the hyenas the gorillas the tarantulas they already had the capacity to give birth but they didn't have the power to do it so whatever was lately inside of them the blessing that God release was the power to function in their god-given assignment humanity in similar fashion you are designed to be like God and in being designed to be like God you were created to multiply and to expand the problem is people who don't have the blessings of God don't have the power to get it done but God brought you here on March the 15th to let you know because you were not afraid of the elements because you would not be intimidated by other people's opinion because you refused to walk in fear and now exercise faith according to Acts chapter 2 you shall receive power pastor what did that mean this is for 500 screamers whatever you are anointed to do you now got power to do it whenever you are called to do you now got the authority to do it whenever you've been dreamin our dad is a Niner you talk Deuteronomy 28 Deuteronomy 28 is an exposition completely dedicated to blessings and curses why you're on quarantine this week I want you to read Deuteronomy 28 in its entirety and you'll notice when you're reading Deuteronomy 28 that the top of the chapter is all about blessings and the blessings here this is not for everybody the blessings that are about to be released are only for those who are obedient to what God told you to do I better back that thing up I said the blessings that are about to be released and not for folk that run around the church not for folk that screaming the loudest not for those who will wave and trying to get attention but those who are obedient to what God said those are the ones that are about to get the blessing there was a wedding reception in Cana in John chapter 2 and they ran out of wine and Mary the mother of Jesus ran up to him and said we got a problem jesus said don't weigh me about it it ain't my time yet and Jesus ignored him and started talking to the catering staff and said whatever he tells you to do that's what I need you to do I don't know who I'm talking to you may not be in here you may be streaming but God told me to tell you this is your hour to start activating what I called you to do and so over these next 30 days while the earth is shut down heaven is gonna open up God said finish that book y'all ain't saying nothin fill out that application apply for that job start looking for your house certify your I'm prophet get ready to make some major moves because whatever I told you to do if you will pursue whatever sign to you it's getting ready to happen I need 30 of you to open up your mouth and thank God for his instructions thank God for what he told you to do ain't what he told somebody else he says in Deuteronomy 28 verse number 1 he speaks to Israel but is now talking to you the Lord your God will place you above everybody else you just missed that declaration I'm waiting for y'all to get it the Lord your God will place you above everybody else sounds like an elevation to me the Lord your God will place you above all of your peers sound like a promotion to me the Lord your God will put a raise above everybody else I don't know why you not shouting the way I'm sure agreement but God said this is your season of promotion you just got cleared to go to a whole nother level God said I'm tired of you crawling I'm ready for you to start flying you gotta go to another level says in Deuteronomy chapter 28 verse number 2 all the blessings of the Lord here it is are on you [Applause] all the blessings of the Lord are on you we're not there yet y'all a feeling that things let me try it again oh the blessings of the Lord are on you I needed to start laying hands on yourself lay hands on yourself as I declare it oh the blessings of the Lord are on you now I need you to make it personal all the blessings of the Lord are on Maish [Music] is on me is our mission the blessings of the Lord are on me what does that mean it means uncontaminated whatever touches me is about to be blessed whenever I lay my hand or is about to be blessed whatever bumps into me [Applause] I'm telling the devil and all of his hips now back up alpha me Watson man Mayan order do not cyber no ha ha wind on the worshipers to come because you are anointed every coast is broken because you are anointed every sickness is heal because you are every bill is paid I'm an artist hey you ain't got to talk to your neighbor you'll know when they got talk to yourself I'm an Ornish hallelujah with no money I'm an order I can't stand my job in I'm anointed I'm overdue for a different time and I'm annoying I got nobody that supports me says verse number 3 I'm stealing Deuteronomy 28 verse number 3 he says you will be blessed in the city hallelujah I gotta get out of here I said you will be blessed in the city he is letting the children of God no is that your blessing is not restricted to being in Jerusalem no matter where you live the blessing is gonna follow you there God your command mr. sang so I don't have to be in new birth church to be anointed no matter where I go over the next 30 days the anointing of God is gonna meet me right now I'm waiting on somebody to get the revelation would you speak out loud whatever city you live in dictator Alpharetta Dunwoody y'all ain't sayin nothin I said speak your city God said no matter where you are the blessing is safe the curse in your city just got broken because you listen a blessing for whatever city you were in that mean the city shall be blessed with walls of protection I can't hear nobody what poverty is raised enough God said for the worshipers that are in this room know burglars are coming into your house your daughter's will not be vulnerable your children will not be snatched your cars will not be stolen your property will not be vandalized st. was going up and down looking for somebody to devour and God said have you considered my children and go to new birth and the devil said I tried to get to her but there was a wall of protection somebody oughta be shouting because you are protected since your you're blessed in the city you are protected from crime but he said watch this I need you to know you're blessed in the city because there are a whole lot of people that live in the city and while there are a whole lot of people that live in the city it makes the risk proportion of those that get sick to be higher and heavier but God said I'm getting ready to protect your health while you're in the city I gotta get out of here some of y'all don't know how to shout but you ought to be giving God glory don't do it yet you ought to be giving God glory that you ain't stuck on a cruise ship you wanna be giving God glory that's you ain't in Grady Hospital you ought to be giving God glory that's who Emory hospital in the city you wanna be shall right now that because of the grace of God you ain't gonna get sick by the grace of God you ain't gonna being a happy but the grace of God you won't be in an emergency room His grace you're blessed in the city what means you are protected you're blessed in the city which means your health is intact father y'all better tear this church' God said because I blessed you in the city your finances won't be messed up I need somebody to cry out loud checks coming in the mail somebody ought to be screaming that your business is taking off somebody that your children won't be in LAC not Donald Trump not the New York Stock Exchange but I serve a man by the name of Jehovah Jireh [Applause] says your money will not be impacted not only will your money not be impacted but your provision will not be in short supply I need to lift up that hand right where you are everything your family needs over the next 30 days is gonna be given to you your electricity won't be disconnected your water will not be cut off your refrigerator will never be empty no eviction is gonna come to your house you ain't right nobody and won't bother talking everything you need God is gonna supply it if you believe it when you give him glory God I'm blessed in the city I can't hear nobody i said i'm blessed in the city i'm waiting for y'all i said i'm blessed in the city and because i'm blessed in the city i don't live in fear give somebody a hat back and say you must not know about me Taman ate it with the oil god the solar mathlete madam mayor are you gonna be home are you gonna live in fear and you don't be afraid but because I'm anointed I'm in these streets get in here girl all right I'm givin up I will bless the Lord Oh continue somebody I'm annoying it I'm annoying [Music] [Applause] [Music] god help me lift up that hand I want to speak it over your life I'm in these streets I'm gonna live in fear I know who God is I know he's got something major in man for me of every lifted hand thousands of you who are connected diverse virtual cyber sanctuary I speak the blessing of Deuteronomy 28 and 3 you are best god help me maybe I'm just talking to me y'all don't sound like you want it you are blessed [Applause] and better tried another way Newburgh you are blessed here's the shout to take over the city you you are [Applause] every hand isn't everything I pray of your finances of your resources softly minstrels that the grace of God will be so overwhelming that you won't have to live off of your savings the grace of God will be so overwhelming that you won't have to open up your retirement I speak the grace of God of every lifted hand that your mortgage payment is gonna be reduced [Applause] y'all ain't sayin nothin to me huh I should be gonna have been lifted hand that God is gonna return and yield dividends for investments you forgot about I speak of every lifted hand that God is gonna provoke strangers to bless you speak over every lifted hand that God is gonna cover every area of your health did you gonna be stronger physically when this is over then you were witness begin I speak of every lifted hand that is streaming that God is gonna transform in the next 30 days your home into a sanctuary get ready for angelic visitation God is gonna meet you in the middle of the night I can't hear nobody God is gonna bless you right where it is that you are and those of you please hear me carefully those of you who believe with every fiber of your being that you are blessed would you open up your mouth and give God glory that you come on y'all a singer nothin you I [Applause] [Music] don't know how you got here I'll need to know why you're here who brought you here you're in this room are you saying you know what I'm this Coronas Sunday on Corona Sunday I want to get saved Corona Sunday I'm gonna give my life over to God this is the kind of church I need to be a part of that I understand that the blessings of God have nothing to do with that which is tangible or material but I thank God for divine protection for divine provision if you're in this room and if you're streaming and you're saying you know what this the kind of church I need I gotta be a part of you can even join online and be a part of our cyber community if you're here in this room first time visitor a hundredth time visitor I want to be your pastor I want a new birth to be your church but most important for me is that Jesus is your Lord I'm gonna ask those of you who are physically able would you stand those of you are physically able I want you to stand right where you are fully because I don't want anybody be intimidated about climbing over you to get to this altar I want to ask you mean I want to believe by faith for 20 people on this off Sunday to get saved 20 people to join this church I don't know where you are but I need you to come if I just get 21 on this suddenly you don't even know my heart or do somersaults come on with somebody give him glory somebody give him praise come on give God glory here they come and y'all gonna give God glory [Music] come on your neck [Music] hola [Music] my territory [Music] listen I had I had a Baptist preachers relapse here come two more I want you to give god bolon [Music] come on they still coming as long as they come in you want to be class hola bless me [Music] listen come on give God some praise [Music] all right listen to me out of Baptist preachers relapse I know better I practice it in my head all week I was rehearsing it in front of the mirror to not have you touch your neighbor I made you give people half five twice I don't let myself down I knew better and y'all looked at me crazy and did it anyway you know you was big and wrong this is what I need to do I want you to look at some I don't touch him I know you contaminate it I know you're annoying it don't touch him I want you to find somebody who you don't know somebody you don't recognize I want you to roll up on somebody I want you to ask him out they saved ask them do they have a church home ask him have they given their life over to God every person is talking to somebody everybody ought to be talking to somebody [Music] let's me [Music] bless me [Applause] there's my 15 y'all on the shout for it [Music] increase such a right hand to face shut it right into faith very quickly if there's one last straggler oh no way you late to the party come on quickly if you out there you was hesitating he was trying to figure out whether to do it come on we playing double dutch don't get hit by the road come on I need you to jump in right now come on come on if you're in this room not safe don't have a church home somebody who's viewing online you can join right now at new birth or we want you to be a part of our global cyber sanctuary Community Church at right hand of faith to our I new friends repeat after me you're on the right place at the right time John in the right church serving on the gun and I know that's right if you know right would you give God glory noun new birthday came as friends they're leaving as family come on give God glory for why I love this place called new birth that no matter how be it covet nineteen years we always make God bigger and the rewind gives us an opportunity to allow you to go back and catch a snippet of the amazing way God move I know you felt that experience I know it encouraged you and wherever you are whether you're confined to a home whether you are circumstantially under situations that you can't control or if you just needed a word in this crazy time this moment has been for you I want to give you an opportunity to be a member if you want to join the greatest church on the planet simply go to new birth org and click the join link at the top and you will not just be friends you'll leave as family if you want to give because giving is the highest form of worship you can give by texting and be give to the number on the bottom of the screen that's envy give to the number on the bottom of the screen and if you just need prayer prayer is still in order go to our website new birth org and there is a prayer tab and we have a multiplicity of prayers that are designed to encourage you I got to get out of your way I hope you have an amazing week I love you there is absolutely nothing you can do about it please whatever you do wash your hands wash your hands wash your hands I'll see you when I see you peace
Channel: New Birth Mbc
Views: 75,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8FoZE8z_aY4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 16 2020
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