"It Won't Take Long" | Rev. Dr. Jamal Bryant | 40th Pastoral Anniversary Sermon

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[Applause] if you have your Bibles would you go with me to Matthew 26 Matthew 26 Matthew 26 verse number 40 I love your pastors so much God knows I do uh I I don't uh I don't typically leave my church on Sunday morning uh so I'm I'm having small anxiety attacks uh about what's going on at home so y'all y'all pray for my peace amen uh so if uh y'all see me laid out on the altar I'm not in the Holy Ghost I'm stressed out uh Matthew 26 uh verse number 40 Matthew 26 verse 40 then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping couldn't y'all keep watch with me for one hour you may be seated then he returned to his disciples and found them sleeping couldn't y'all keep watch with me for one hour I want to preach on this uh 40th anniversary using as a subject it won't take long it won't take long um whoever you're seated beside this morning would you just give them that word of affirmation tell them it won't take long look at the person on the other side tell them whatever you've been praying about it will not take [Applause] long I want you to write this down it is a principle called the five hour rule the five hour rule it is a blueprint used by billionaires across the globe on how to turn a wasted day into a successful one how to turn a wasted day into a successful one the five hour rule the conceptualizers deduced that there are 24 hours in in a day and the average person is in bed for 8 hours leaving just 16 hours to work with then nine hours are given to labor to commuting to eating to errands and administration and after those nine hours every person is left with five hours that are left UNC committed these 5 hours go largely squandered on Netflix texting idling and gossiping those who don't Master these five hours never Ascend to be innovators impactors or influencers the five hour rules suggests that of those five hours you should spend one hour learning reflecting reading thinking planning it's a discipline that has exemplars from Oprah Winfrey to Elon Musk as its disciples just one hour a day enlarges your mind one an hour a day improves your skills cultivates your creativity and re enforces your discipline the question that you have to ask your future self is do you think you are worth the investment can you give yourself one hour I want you to hear this very carefully very clearly that the arch enemy of Faith the arch enemy of faith is not Satan the arch enemy of faith is time and those hear this who have the greatest level with time the greatest issue with time are people who have an anointing stay with me because God gives you a vision but never provides a timetable so when God gives you the vision you assume albeit falsely that what he has shown you will come into place tomorrow when you carry a heavy assignment it is hard to decipher between your darkest hour and your finest hour because sometimes your darkest hour is your finest Hour ladies and gentlemen the clock begins to tick for Jesus in Matthew 26 and in Matthew 26 I need you to see what happens is that Jesus just finished teaching and when he finishes teaching Watch What Happens from 30,000 feet in the air that as soon as he finishes teaching there ensues a plot to kill him a note here ladies and gentlemen that the plot does not come from demoniacs the plot does not come from white supremacist the plot comes here this from people who go to his church so there is a plot on Jesus's life after he is doing his assignment the Bible says something that is very insightful is that in Matthew 26 he learns of the plot to kill him and watch what Jesus does Jesus goes to a dinner party he goes to a dinner party after learning about the plot and while he's at the dinner party a woman slips in the back door who did not receive an Evite she breaks into the body the body says she reaches into her Bo bag and pulls out a bag from Bath Body and Beyond opens up this box of alabaster watch this and then begins to anoint his feet she anoints his feet with oil Genesis says the soul of your feet will crush the head of the serpent here's what I need you to pay attention to is Jesus does not get anointed until there's a plot on his life y'all just miss what I just said he does not get anointed until people are trying to kill him their conspiracies cannot contend with your consecration the same day they set up his assassination is the same day he gets anointed I think I've lost you I need you to understand you are anointed with your enemies in mind that whatever it is that your enemies thought they were going to do to you God already anointed you to block you from what is taking place some of you still don't know why you still have a job when your manager don't like you you still don't know how you're able to keep your head together when your co-workers have been conspiring against you you still don't know how it is that there was a drunk driver in the lane next to you but God refus to let them swerve over you are anointed for be attack ladies and gentlemen I'm still in Matthew 26 and in Matthew 26 I need you to notice the language in The psychosis of the savior is that Jesus confides with three of his friends and Jesus says something that I am afraid that we have ignored and hopscotched over Jesus says to Peter James and John here's what he says I feel anxious that's what Jesus says in Matthew 26 I feel anxious and aun Joe he says it y'all not going to like it after he gets anointed see the problem is the church never told us that you can be filled with the Holy Ghost and be unhappy the church never told us you can be anointed and suffer with anxiety y'all ain't saying nothing that you can be filled and still feel empty on the inside come on I need some real people that don't know that there have been some stuff in your life that you had to say to God if one more thing happens to me I'm going to break under the pressure Negroes are looking at you and judging you and they got no idea it's only God that I'm not drunk right now it's only God that I didn't kill two people it's only God that I didn't grind my teeth while I was sleep but this joy that I have says um he pulls them away Peter James and John because all of the 12 can't handle him being anointed and anxious he pulls him away and says I need you to watch hear this while I pray I'm not even asking you to pray I just need you to watch the question preachers that you have to pay attention to is why do they need to watch while Jesus is praying the reason why it is that they have to watches you forgot that Jesus's feet just got anointed and because his feet got anointed watch this he's leaving Footprints God help me for his enemies to to know where it is that he's going you want to know why people can't stand you is because you keep leaving favor Footprints Hallelujah folk don't even know how you're living like that how you're driving like that how your kids are still flashing it is the footprints that you keep leaving the Bible says ladies and gentlemen that they are they go to sleep their only job was to walk watch and they fall asleep they they could have just took a Red Bull or a Mountain Dew and stayed up for one hour and they fall asleep Jesus gets upset seeing them out of his peripheral vision and says can't you just watch one hour said we going to try to do better we going to try we going to try to do better and um and Jesus slips back back into prayer he comes out of prayer and sees they have knotted off again and this time he doesn't even address them he doesn't address them why because he cannot let their incompetence throw off his Focus I think I lost you see say a lot of people who ain't going to do what they supposed to do or what they promis to do but as long as you are responsible for what God has called you to do you still are going to flourish do you know there are people that can't stand you because of your efficiency you don't even want their job you don't even want their title but you can't rest being in an environment of disorder you'll just start fixing stuff and putting stuff together y'all ain't saying nothing you ain't even in charge but when you ain't there the whole department is falling apart H because you're the one that carries the the oil for that assignment they fell asleep because uh here are three of them in the Inner Circle who uh said uh it's all right for us to take a nap and you would have thought by now they would have understood that he needed them to watch just for an hour he this Ebenezer because it doesn't take God long and I um I I I wanted to uh register an issue with Peter James and John because they uh they should have known better that all God needed was just an hour because they are replete with examples of how God showed up hear this when they were present for it Peter J James and John they forgot what happened in Matthew 8 when a centurion came to him and said my servant is at home paralyzed and suffering terribly Jesus asked do you want me to come to your house he replied Lord you don't have to come here it is just send your word and they'll be healed I wish I was at Eben I'm in Matthew 8 look at verse number 13 verse number 13 and Matthew 8 says because of your faith within one hour whoever is sick at your house is about to get healed y'all are slow can I you lift up that hand your pastors brought me because they trust the anointing on my life lift up your hand High I want you to watch what's getting ready to happen it's 10:31 by 11:31 a.m. whoever is sick in your family within the next hour God is getting ready to touch their bodies so that healing is getting ready to happen I got the wrong house God said if you shout I'll touch their organs if you give me Glory I'll cancel cancer if you lift up your voice I'm shrinking tumors if if you cry out loud I'm healing dementia and Alzheimer's lift up your voice like God can do it in an [Applause] hour you may be seated hallelujah hallelujah musicians let me walk by myself for just a minute how about I feel Glory coming in just 30 seconds music position hold it for one minute I'm going to let you work tonight listen to me God says I don't know who y'all are but the spirit of Hezekiah just got released he said if you give me Glory your family member is going to live another seven years your family can't take another funeral they shall not die but they shall live to see the salvation of the Lord don't wait till the battle is over I need you to shout like healing is getting ready to happen in your family I'm I shout hallelujah thank you holy God hallelujah hallelujah it says it's coming to your house I said it's coming to your house I need you to just shout your address out loud I said shout your address whatever sickness or disease or pain is in your house I declare by faith that by 11:33 I can't hear no screamers they going to be able to get up on their own accord and find strength in their body Hallelujah you may be seated in Peter James and John were there when it happened in Matthew chapter 8 they didn't remember Peter James and John didn't when they were present Turn the Page in Matthew 9 when there's a woman who has a issue of blood for 12 years who thought to herself if I can just touch the hym of His Garment Hallelujah I believe I'll be made whole I'm in Matthew 9 look at verse 22 I'm in the King James version and and here's your shout she was healed here it is within an hour this ain't for everybody I need every woman to lay hands on your womb God says watch what I'm getting ready to do in the bodies of women in this hour he said within this hour I'm getting ready to heal thyroids and fibroids I'm getting ready to heal ruptured ovaries and polycystic ovaries I'm getting ready to heal Fallopian tubes and uterine fibro y'all ain't shouting he said if you give me Glory I'm getting ready to heal cervix cancer and uterine PPS and hemophilia and irregular Cycles y'all ain't saying that he said when you give me Glory I'm getting ready to stop menopause if you give me Glory whatever is going on in the body of the women of God is it shall be healed I don't need you to shout for you I need you to shout for your best friend I need you to shout for your sorrow I need you to give God glory for your sister that whatever is happening in her body she shall be healed here's the shout in 1 hour Hallelujah you may be seated hey [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah I feel something getting ready to break in 7 minutes I need you to just touch a sister around and tell them your whole body is here whatever happened to your mother will not happen to you whatever your grandmother had to contend with will not be your issue I can't hear no shouters in here you are not going to live a life with pain you ain't going to be on medication for the rest of your life I cancel the spirit of high blood pressure I cancel y'all ain't saying nothing type to diabetes God said you won't have any blood clot if you scream no knee replacement no hip replacement I need you to shout like you will not lose a breast to cancer his grace is sufficient hallelujah thank you holy God you may be seated in the presence of our God Peter James and John uh they forgot what happened in Matthew 15 when Jesus was leaving hallelujah hallelujah Jesus is leaving a region and a Canaanite woman came out crying for divine intervention because a demon possessed her daughter the disciples were there trying to get her removed but um they wanted to get rid of her cuz she wasn't a member of the church but the mother was relentless finally Jesus said I'm in Matthew 15: 28 woman you have great faith watch this your daughter is free Hallelujah I'm trying not to run your daughter is free of all demonic attack I got the wrong church I wish I was at ebeneza I need the spirit from friendly High School y'all ain't right here God says when you give me Glory this ain't for cars closing money he says when you give me Glory every demonic assignment aimed at your children comes to a close today I can't hear nobody God said if you give me Glory whatever oil is on your son is on your daughter is about to be released y'all ain't shouting good in here he said if you give me Glory they'll never go to jail they'll never be in 8 God help me in intensive care no bullet will enter their body I need you to shout for your children's Destiny God said in that last day your son and your daughter will prophesy God I need you to cover my children hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated I'm I'm coming around the mountain here I come hallelujah thank you holy God I feel Glory coming right through here I'm trying not to stop but I feel the pull of the Holy Ghost I need you there pull on your neighbor and say for the last three years the enemy thought he was going to get your child but today when you give him glory every principality that thought they had authority over your child's mind is over by 11:39 I need you to shout watch this that you are canceling the spirit of rebellion the spirit of disrespect the spirit of Dishonor is coming over your children by 1139 Hallelujah I give you glory Hallelujah you may be seated thank your holy God you may be seated Hallelujah I feel you Hallelujah I'm begging you you may be seated the glory that's getting ready to be released some of y'all don't like it I said the glory that's getting ready to be released is not just for your children but God says I'm getting ready to send a breakthrough for every child connected to your bloodline God I can't hear nobody you are to shout for your niece and for your nephew I need you to scream for your grandchildren for your godchildren let God arve is that all y'all got God said if you scream I'm releasing scholarships if if you open up your mouth I'mma find them a mentor if you yell out loud they going to find that passion and find that gifting and find their skill set you got to give God glory I can't come on cry help me God said if we scream today we are killing generational curses whatever been in your family stops with your children hallelujah hallelujah you may be seated Hallelujah May be seated in the presence of the Lord hallelujah hallelujah thank you holy God hallelujah oh my God I oh my God I feel something right through here I don't know what's wrong with y'all today but God said I just need another screen watch this he said if they yell here where y'all tear the church up they'll be better than their father if if you open up your mouth thank you God I can't hear nobody I need you to shout like your children will be the wealthiest people that ever had your last name they will be captains of industry and Global influencers you are to cry out loud that the world will know your children Hallelujah they neglected may be seated they neglected John Chapter 2 they neglected John Chapter 2 where um Jesus is at a wedding and Mary's mother runs up on him and says Houston we got a problem we done run out of wine look at John 2 verse number four where Jesus says uh curtly to his motherwoman what does this have to do with me watch the language of the master here's what he says this is not his the catch my hour God help I need you to lift up that hand I got to show you something Hallelujah because um you done shout it for sick relatives for sons and for daughters but God says you don't even know what's getting ready to happened by 11:43 God help me did y'all hear what I just said he said Bryant when they shout this time it ain't for cars it ain't for clothes it ain't for money watch this they are shouting to release a gift they haven't flowed in yet God help me there's something in them that they have never seen themselves occupy before y'all ain't saying nothing you better open up your mouth because there's a skill set said in you that you have never modeled before God said if you open up your mouth you'll lay hands on the sick you you'll be able to prophesy and it'll come to pass you'll be able to step on Scorpion you got to bless him for a gift you never used before Hallelujah that hand is lifted that hand is lifted that hand is lifted hallelujah H cuz you don't even know what you worshiping for cuz You' never flowed at this level Hallelujah you are not you better stop letting people treat you regular God help me yes you are a rare gift you are a rare B you are already prepared for your next promotion y'all ain't saying nothing they going to have to custom make a job description just to keep you there because of your gift that's getting ready to come out we shouted today we scream today I need that hand lifted but what I need right through here just a sound of worship for those of you who are anticipating a new level of Glory on your life God hear me I want to flow in something I never had before I I need my gift of discernment to be so heavy that I can tell a liar before they open their mouth h I have a different grade of character y'all ain't saying I I need God to bless me with the gift of contentment that I'm I'm grateful for where I am I need God to bless me so that I can be the Redeemer for my whole family come on balcony I Ain heard from y'all all morning would you lift up that hand and open up your mouth and worship God for the gift that's inside of [Applause] you hallelu hallelujah hallelujah you only got 10 seconds left Hallelujah Ricky have him put them in put me in strings please come on you only got 5 Seconds right there lift up that hand and open up your mouth hallelujah hallelujah your gift is about to be revealed throw away your 5e plan you don't know where you going to be in 5 months your gift is about to be revealed you may be seated in the presence of the Lord I want to show you something my time is quickly elapsing I want to show you something in Genesis 18 the Lord um visits Abram and says I I know you and your wife been trying to have a child but I've been dispatched from Heaven watch what the angel tells Abram at the time says by next year this time whatever you don't have will be in your hand I just prophesied 50 y'all missed it I better say it again by next year this time whatever you don't have will be in your hand balcony did y'all hear what I just said by next year this time whatever you don't have will be in your hand that happens in Genesis chapter 3 in Second Kings the prophet is coming through and he says to his armor Bearer what can we do for this wealthy woman and the armor Bearer reports back to the prophet she has everything but she's been unable to conceive and the Prophet Elijah says to this wealthy woman whatever you don't have by next year this time it'll be in your hand we find these references biblically in Genesis and in Kings where the men of God hear the Angelic um text message that within a year whatever you don't have will be in your possession Dr Granger that is uh recorded in Genesis and in Kings when we cross over into the New Testament we cannot find one reference of Jesus ever saying in a year God help me the entrance of Jesus shifts a year to an hour God I got the wrong church right here hallelujah I need you to look at the person beside you tell them what should have taken you a year you're going to receive it in an hour I wish I was in a church right through here I said whatever you thought was going to take you a year God can do it in an [Music] [Applause] hour you may be seated in the Old Testament it took a year in the New Testament it takes an hour and all the biblical references that I've shared with you this morning I want you to pay wrapped attention to all of the biblical references I've shared with you this morning about it taking an hour watch this Ebenezer is before the cross Hallelujah before Jesus comes it takes a year when Jesus arrives it takes an hour on the other side of the Cross what used to take an hour can now happen in a minute God I I I thought y'all would take the Revelation is 10:51 I wonder how you going to shout for 1 minute uninterrupted knowing that the Holy Ghost is getting ready to move on your behalf come on Zion I need you to lift up your voice you only got 60 seconds would you cry out unto God like it's only going to take God what a minute you only got 45 seconds left I need you to shout for every bill I need you to give God glory over every disease I need you to scream over every family member you only got 30 seconds left let your right come on Z I can't hear you charge the atmosphere come on I can't hear you I said charge the atmosphere you only got 10 seconds left you still in the outer Court I need you to get in the holy of holies all right with no music 10 second lift up your voice I need a c from your B you got five seconds left open up your mouth Z he's on the way he's on the way he's on the way I give you glory I give you glory I bless your holy name thank you God it's already done it's already done it's [Applause] already lift at [Applause] him [Music] I speak of every lifted hand that in the natural what should have taken you a year God will confirm it in an hour what you going to do when the email comes oh my God what you going to do when the text message appears on your phone how you going act when you find out the package went to your neighbors by accident speak of every lifted hand God please don't let 12: noon come without you confirming what has been spoken today embarrass our enemies I pray that you'll amputate our fears I pray that you will accentuate our EX expectation God my faith is so full that I don't just believe it for me but I believe it for every person who's sitting on my row I pray before they get to their car in the parking lot they'll get good news I don't know where y'all are I pray for lifted hands five of y'all better screen that God says before noon a family member will apologize y'all didn't hear what I just said I said by 12:00 noon you will see a change of behavior in your children by 12 noon your marriage will be refortified those of you who are in this room your faith comes into agreement with my faith would you just take 30 seconds and give God glory for it right now y'all ain't shouting good I said would you give God glory for [Music] it while you're standing watch this I want you to find three people who you don't know find three people you don't know and embrace them and just declare over them it won't take long come on Embrace three people you don't know tell them it ain't going to take long
Channel: Ebenezer AME Church
Views: 52,532
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ebenezer AME Church, AME Church, AME, Grainger Browning, Jo Ann Browning, My Ebenezer, The Eb, Faith, Family, Community, Service, Fort Washington Md
Id: MxQLV2vzpWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 30 2023
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