Dr. Jamal Bryant • When Love Isn't Enough • FBBC Transformation Revival 2022

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[Music] this is the day the lord has made we rejoice and we're glad in it if you're glad to be alive would you give god praise tonight come on now you're glad that you could bathe yourself and dress yourself drive yourself feed yourself i woke up this morning with my mind stayed on jesus you may be seated in the presence of the lord it's mighty nice to be on the lord's side no other place i would rather be for if it had not been for the lord on my side i don't know where i would be i was glad when they said unto me let's go into the house of the lord i get joy when i think about what he's done for me i said i wasn't going to tell nobody but i just can't keep it to myself because when i think of the goodness of jesus and all he's done for me my soul cries out hallelujah i thank him for saving with me it is a an honor and a privilege to be in this sacred space on such an amazing hollowed occasion i want to take a point of personal privilege just to express my undying of gratitude and fond affection for your amazing pastor for the gift that he is to the body of christ [Applause] the body of christ and to the world at large and many preachers will come and stand behind this desk and claim to be your pastor's brother i am not your pastor's brother i'm your pastor's brother-in-law i i like him but i love your first lady that's my girl help me thank god for our first lady what an amazing sweet and a kind spirit and i'm just appreciative how she makes my friend happy come on let's thank god for lady morgan and for the morgan family [Applause] in the 1950s and negroes moved out of the south and made the westward migration looking for jobs in the north going to detroit into chicago and in new york and the philadelphia and then uh in the 21st century negroes moved back to the south and uh told the morgan and jamal bryant led the parade trying to get out of the snow so thank you all uh for just uh accepting two runaway slaves back down to the south uh we are just uh so grateful for emancipation proclamation to declare free at last free at last uh thank god almighty many uh years ago uh your pastor and i uh ran into each other in an airport in norfolk virginia and we just were talking about our plight in ministry and our four steps uh of destiny having no idea uh that within 36 months god was gonna move both of us uh and move us to the exact same state and so i felt all the better because i moved to a church where i had absolutely no alliances no relationships no friendships but an hour and 50 minutes away i had a brother named totally morgan and i am just thankful for him and thankful for his life and for uh his life happy birthday to you and uh if i was stevie wonder i could sing but i can't so just just take that happy birthday to you if you have your bibles would you go with me to first samuel chapter one would you mind standing for the reading of god's word i preached last night in new orleans louisiana i got a call around almost midnight from a gentleman by the name of philip poynter and he called me last night and said hey jamal what you doing i said i just got back to my hotel in new orleans he said what you doing tomorrow i said uh i'm going to uh warner robins he said nobody has called you yet i said no nobody has called me he said i was there tonight there's nothing left just stay in new orleans but i'm i'm just grateful biggie give me one more chance thank you for just looking beyond my faults first samuel chapter 1 number eight amen i'm glad to have uh prized the daughter of new birth and a daughter of this area uh our minister of music is with us on the night sister tiffany boone thank you so much for coming to support your pastor tonight first samuel chapter one verse number eight her husband elkanon said to her hannah why are you weeping why won't you eat anything why are you depressed don't i mean more to you than ten sons you may be seated and el canon her husband came to her and said why are you depressed why won't you eat anything why are you crying am i worth more to you than ten sons first lady i want to preach tonight using as a subject when love is not enough when love is not enough it's a difficult sermon to preach the week after valentine's day when social media has bastardized what authentic relationships are supposed to look like it's amazing that uh we only see matching pajamas on christmas it's eerie that on valentine's day you find out some people were in a relationship when all along you assumed they were by themselves if you'll do an autopsy on first samuel chapter one you will notice that there are some ironies that are not contradictions in the philosophical sense to be ironic is the act of thinking differently about what may seem obvious to some your homework tonight is uh to read the first samuel chapter one in its entirety but i want you to know from the cliff notes edition that elkanon loved hannah this is fellowship um not the hallmark lifetime channel love story this is a real one this is not the bitter story of an unloved woman who was looking forward in all the wrong places truth be told hannah had real love elkanon didn't just tell hannah he loved her he showed his love for her hope i can talk to you in plain ghetto speak elkanon paid her bills the bible says that he gave her a double portion hannah by all indications is a good man and contrary to what most of you may think there are still some good men in the world you are the clap if you sit near one right now there are still some good men in the world and if you believe that all men are dogs it may be because you are a dog whisperer i know that um it may seem impossible to some of you but it is possible to still have a solid relationship in an uncertain world i want to make sure that tonight i just demystify the cloud of your walt disney interpretation of what a relationship is supposed to look like it may not be perfect but it can still be good don't let the idea of perfection become the enemy of what is good when you look at elkanon you see a good relationship and what made it good was the fact that here are two people who loved each other for who they were elkanon knew hannah couldn't give him any children but he didn't reduce her down to what she couldn't do you've got to understand in the misogynistic time of the text a woman's value was not verified unless she could birth children but he realized that in spite of her inability to produce she was still a possessor of quality a lot of you have in fact shifted the margin of somebody's value by what they don't have without looking at the merits of who they really are your car doesn't make you your house doesn't make you your job doesn't make you your degrees do not make you but at some point your character has to count and there are a lot of people who underestimated you because they could only see you through a myopic prism and didn't realize it was not the full spectrum of the totality of your existence he loved who she was hear this even when she couldn't produce el cajon had a different kind of love because we've got an example of even when jesus walked up on the fig tree and said i'm only going to give you one year and if you don't do that then maybe it needs to be cut down but isn't it amazing that elkanon gave no time limit for her production some of us ought to be grateful under god for the elongated grace of god because it wasn't just one month it won just one season it just won one year i bet you've gone through chapters of your life where you were not productive but god still loved you anyway and i i know you sitting up here pumped up as if you have never had an unproductive year but i need five of you that can be honest to say god loved me when i can't even give an account for the years i was supposed to produce elkanon didn't just love her he loved her anyway and that your testimony about god is that god loves you anyway i wish i had somebody in here that can keep it 100 he loves me anyway i never finished school but he loves me anyway got two failed marriages but he loves me anyway y'all not saying nothing i love god but when i'm angry i might slip up and cuss sometimes he loves me anyway i don't tithe as much as i should but every other week i got an amazon box being dropped off at my door he loves me anyway it takes a real man it takes a real woman to love you anyway and that's why you ought to be celebrating god tonight my homiletic mentor bishop noel jones said that people will condemn you on speculation when god loves you with the evidence you are to thank god here it is folk will hate you for what they think they know about you when god knows everything about you and still blesses you here's your word anyway anybody got that kind of favor and relationship with god he did it anyway god loved you anyway with all of your faults with all of your mistakes with all of your trauma with all of your scars with all of your vulnerability he still loves you anyway and el canada asks of his wife a critical question that it behooves me to echo tonight he asked of his wife don't you love me more than ten sons elkanah was a good man and his question was sincere he asked am i not worth more than ten sons here it is when children was the litmus test for worth for value it's one of the greatest questions ever asked of the bible am i not worth more than ten sons elkanon wanted to be her everything wanted to be her son wanted to be her moon wanted to be her stars but the story teaches us that everything means nothing hear this if you are not satisfied with yourself it's getting ready to get quiet right through here you'll notice this that elkanah never beat her never neglect her never neglected her never withheld affection from never was sparse in spending quality time but here it is she is distressed and distraught and depressed and he thought he had what it took to fix it and the problem wasn't him the problem was inside of her i'm trying to figure out how you can fix your mouth to ask god to bless you when you curse yourself william shakespeare said to thine own self be true when you don't love yourself it doesn't matter what anybody else does you will never find that satisfaction you can buy five bundles of hair you can go get vietnamese fingernails you can fly down to florida and get a surgery you can get eyelashes from here to the door you can win the million dollar jackpot you can be driving in a mercedes-benz you can be living in a gated house you can have a 10 carat ring but if you don't love yourself none of it will mean anything to you or for you and that's why people can't stand you if they don't understand in spite of what you don't have you still love who you are and i got some witnesses in this room i put on some weight in the pandemic but i still love me i don't like getting out the bed all the time but i still love me i hate my job but i still love me my kids get on my nerves but i still love me [Applause] hannah had all the love any woman could ask for but there was still something missing even with the love of a good man she's still longing for something deeper elkanon could give her money could give her affection could give her security but it still wasn't enough you don't even realize what it means to be in a place of permanent dissatisfaction how are you unhappy with what you prayed for how were you discontent when you thought this was the finish line how are you having to fight off the jealousy from stuff people don't know you are sick of having how are you trying to find some level of peace when there are people who would die to be in your shoes when they don't know you'd rather be in flip-flops hannah has no children so there was something missing you didn't hear about hannah being a nice person you didn't hear about her being polite you didn't hear about her volunteering at the covi testing or giving out food the only thing you hear about hannah is she has no children and the desire that is on the inside of her is understanding that it is a metaphor that symbolizes greater than a child it was a metaphor for complete emptiness she was miserable and discombobulated because she wanted to have the feeling of knowing what it's like to have something on the inside having no child for her meant she had no future had no legacy had no value there was a part of her that was dead and i need you to hear this her womb was dead and elkanon couldn't perform cpr what happens when the person you love can't meet the need what happens when they are sincere and insufficient god i can't hear this ain't no turn to your neighbor sermon just look straight ahead what what happens when they mean well but even their encouragement is bothersome she she is feeling a place of emptiness and she wants to burst something and i came tonight thinking that i was coming to the ship having no idea i made the wrong turn and have ended up in the maternity ward that there are some people under the sound of my voice tonight who are getting ready to birth something that there is something inside of you that eyes have not seen and ears have not heard it they don't even understand that you are not turned on or impressed by material capitalistic gain but you want to leave something for generations yet unborn there is a hankering in your spirit that keeps you up at night trying to feel like how can i shift and make a difference you don't come to this season of your life that you don't need another bag you don't need another pair of shoes you need something so your unborn great-grandchildren will know that there was somebody in warner robins georgia that stopped the earth from moving in the middle of a ukrainian invasion and said hear my lord send me i know some of y'all can't shout about it but those of you that believe your best years are in front of you would you give god glory for what you're having birth yet hey if i was promising you to be debt-free y'all be shout louder than that if i told you money was coming you'd be shout louder than that but if i am telling you you are about to be a history maker and a world changer and a curse breaker you ought to be opening your mouth for what's inside of you [Applause] hannah having a man wasn't enough being married wasn't enough having a house wasn't enough having a car wasn't enough she was saying let something come out of me i need something to come out of me i don't need a job i need a career i need something to come out of me because i was born to do better than my mother something gotta come out of me i'ma live in houses my grandmother would have been honored to clean up i got something that's gonna come out of me i gotta drive cause my uncle would have bragged about washing something's gotta come out of me i'm getting ready to go to nations that my siblings cannot pronounce something that's gotta come out of me i i need something to come out of me that is going to shift the whole legacy of my last name god i can't hear nobody in here that i am going to redefine what my family looks like because of what i produced in the middle of a pandemic the reality is 800 000 people have died but god kept you alive for a reason and the reason why he kept you alive it's because there's something inside of you that's got to come out of you i know you used to shout for material stuff but would you shout for your idea would you shout for your plan would you shout for your concept would you shout for your business would you shout for your non-profit god if you'll ever get this off the ground i'll shift everything it has got to come out of you karl marx said that you've got to be careful that you don't allow christianity to be the opiate of oppressed people that you come to church just to get a high so you come in here for the transformation revival you shout and then you go back home and you still can't sleep you eating and you ain't even hungry y'all ain't saying nothing to me you're shopping because you're bored why because there's a fulfillment that has not been tapped into yet would you look at the person beside you and tell them god had me sitting next to you tonight come on look at him and tell them god had me sitting next to you tonight because you will not be barren another day everything you were born to do has got to be birthed this year before this year is over every dream every idea every concept every book every degree has got to come out of you it is um jesus said the kingdom of god is within you hallelujah whatever it is that you lost you didn't need god i better say that to somebody in here what's wrong with y'all warner robins i said whatever you lost you didn't need as a matter of fact tell the devil don't bring it back you keep all of it because i can make it with what's left over um says um why are you depressed why are you crying why are you not eating i need to know how it is you can claim to be in love with me but not in tune to my feelings god i can't hear nobody in here and there is a pervasive spirit of depression that has fallen on the body of christ pastor morgan i got to tell you this for the very first time in american history our suicide rate is now led by seniors and not teenagers y'all ain't saying nothing because seniors feel like there is no reason to live but this joy that you have the world didn't give it and the world can't take it away there's getting ready to be a sound in this church tonight because we bind the spirit of depression we bind the spirit of anxiety we bind the spirit of stress i need you to open up your mouth if you believe this is gonna be the happiest year of my life this is gonna be the year i say i sing because i'm happy i sing because i'm free [Applause] receive it please it says why why you just wish hallelujah i feel glory coming now be seated please i feel glory coming right through here hallelujah thank you holy god i said i break the spirit of depression hallelujah i said i break the spirit of depression pastor tolin told me to be at home i might as well be at home there i said i break the spirit of depression if you're in this room and you've been fighting through depression over the last couple of months do me a favor i don't care what other people say i don't care how they look at you but if you've been dealing with a heaviness i need you real quick would you just come touch this altar wherever it is that you are i break the spirit of the pressure i don't know how long you've been feeling this way i don't know what's been on your back but by the blood of jesus i break the spirit of depression he was wounded from my transgression he was bruised for my iniquities the chastisement [Music] hallelujah i need you to open up your mouth if the weight is coming off of you i said open up your mouth if the weight is breaking off of you open up your mouth if the weight [Music] right there in strings for me says why are you depressed why is it that you're not eating how come you don't feel like yourself my sister my biological sister dr tama bryant davis she's a clinical psychologist at pepperdine university dr morgan she told me something that messed me up she said 92 of our stress 92 of our stress is not ours 92 of our stress is not out we stressed about somebody else y'all ain't saying that you stressed about your daughter you stressed about your mom you stress about your son god said if you give me glory i am freeing you from obligation this battle is not yours this battle is mine [Music] hallelujah you may be seated there's nothing wrong with el canon the problem is in hannah that she's dissatisfied and it got nothing to do with the marriage nothing to do with who she's with it is um a deep and abiding gnawing hunger that there's got to be more for my life than what i have right now there's got to be something for me that i realize elkanon cannot fix only god can fix this god i can't hear nobody you forgot maybe you forgot that god is a jealous lover hallelujah he gets upset when you put anybody in front of him you spend so much energy trying to get other people's attention that god said when you gonna talk to me when you gonna lean on me when are you gonna depend on me she didn't even understand that what she was going through was a stage for god to come in i know some of y'all can only shout when you want a job or when you want a man but there are five of y'all that are saying i need more of god and if that's where you are would you lift up your hand and open up your mouth like i need more of him hey i need you to open up your mouth behind that mask hey hey hey i said open up your mouth he is the air i breathe in him i live and hear my mood in here i have my very beard come on church open up your mouth more of you god only god can fix that empty place only god can tap in to what it is that you so desperately need but heretofore did not know how to articulate [Music] many of you should have won black tonight to revival because tonight we mourn the death of your empty womb tonight whatever area of your life has not been productive god is getting ready to shift it in the spirit realm we need to free people tonight who believe that because you've been barren you're gonna stay barren but god says you don't know what it is that i'm able to do have you not known have you not heard hi the lord your god am absolutely able he had to prove to elkanon that god has the power to bring a dead womb back to life [Music] this is so important because many of you have been mad with who you are with as if they created the womb when something goes wrong with the car you send it to the manufacturer not to the gas station oh god help me in here and you have put too much responsibility on your husband or your wife or your significant other to make you happy [Music] you should come happy god i can't hear nobody and when you come happy whoever you are with should just bring the confetti you may be seated i um el canon is frustrated because he doesn't know what to do to make it right he doesn't know what to do in order to fix it anybody in this room ever been to a place in your own relationship whatever you do don't raise your hand i already told you this is not a turn to your neighbor sermon just look straight ahead you've not been at a place in your own relationship where you weren't sure how to fix it what was necessary what was needed blink at me twice if you know you was already checked out that you had already charted out an emergency exit which you were going to do how are you going to explain it to the family how you discreetly going to delete pictures off your instagram come on he was keeping money aside in a sock drawer come on y'all the bible says that hannah is weeping and crying and there's nothing that elkanon can do there is nothing el canon can do there is nothing that elkanon can do until she gets the directive here it is and hannah rose and hannah rose this is so crazy y'all watch this because rising is not the birthing position oh god i can't hear nobody in here anybody who's supposed to give birth they not supposed to stand up oh god i can't hear nobody but god says i'm getting ready to shift your position so when it is that people see you they won't even expect what it is that you are carrying i'm begging you please whatever you do whatever you do whatever you do if you do not want to produce if you do not want to produce the best thing for you to do is to remain seated but the bible says when hammer rose something rolls up inside of her that's why i can't come to church with my arms folded and my legs crossed he said if i be lifted up i'll draw all men under me if you're gonna stand up you gotta speak up because hannah had to rise [Music] i am uh i'm left with a question tonight i'm left with a question tonight be seated um you're wrong your pastor applies to me tough love i gotta stay right in this text i'm gonna stay right here i'ma stay right here so you ain't gotta talk to me in the office i'ma stay right here y'all thought i didn't know this man i know this man the question that i've got to ask you um that really has not been uh asked appropriately or adequately or sufficiently the question i've got to ask you is who loved hannah moore god help me it's getting ready to bother you who loves hannah moore and many of you will think elkanon loves her and those of you who graduated from vacation bible school you will assume you you're gonna assume that i'm gonna tell you that god loves her more no what i'm gonna argue submit and posit tonight is um who loves hannah more than elkanon is panino god help me benigno loves hannah more than el canada pastor what do you mean by that because panina provoked her when elkanon just consoled her but panina loves her more watch this panina made hannah so uncomfortable with where she was in her life it made her want to produce some of y'all don't know what real love is see you've got to understand that hate is not the opposite of love did you hear what i just said i said hate is not the opposite of love let me give it to you one last time hate is not the opposite of love hate is what happens when love is lazy god help me niner i'm waiting for y'all to come on in here beniner did not hate hannah she hated that she loved her god help me see your haters really don't hate you they just hate how much they love you they hate that they want to be happy for you for everything that god has done in your life every now and again you gotta thank god for the folk that set the traps because they didn't know there was a trampoline at the bottom of the trap and that you were gonna jump out higher because you needed the haterase [Music] el canon did not push her to have children peninnah did god help me i want to thank god publicly for every person that perpetuated a rumor about you i want to thank god for every person that sent a text message they knew wasn't true i want to thank god for those that scandalized your name and left you for dead i came to tell all of them no good tonight negroes you meant it for evil but this year god is gonna work it out for my good [Music] he pushed her pushed her to produce you got to thank god for the people who tried to block your capacity and try to put a limit on what they thought you were going to be able to do but they had no idea that delay is not denial that hannah had to produce i can't hear nobody i said hannah had to produce because it is what philosophers call consensual consensualism which means that it's got to be the good after the evil they didn't even understand the baroness was a part of the plan because had she not produced that we would have never come to the line of jesus every time there is a delay it just means god is working on something better because he always says the best for last would you look at your neighbor and tell them it's birthing time whatever is in you has got to come out of you whatever it is that god planted in you has got to come out god knows i am not a gynecologist i have never been ob gyn but i do know how to deliver and whenever it is that you gotta deliver you only gotta whisper one word and then one word is push i need you to look at your neighbor and tell them tonight we push everything that's in you has got to come out of you push praise until something happens push greater is he that is in me than he that's in the world be seated please and this is the last time be seated please [Music] please i'm begging you hallelujah i need you to be seated huh i've only been baptized three years i'm trying to figure it out be seated please yesterday something crazy happened yesterday god help me something crazy happened yesterday everybody yesterday was talking about two two two two god damn this is what everybody was talking about yesterday it was uh two two two two god help me yeah it's two two uh two two they said that's what you're gonna get is um two two two two and i and i kept hearing uh pastor morgan in the back of my head uh saying that ain't in the text i couldn't find to nowhere in the text but elkanon asked her to question my clothes where it is that i started am i not more not than two but ten sons god help me maybe we got a different kind of god in stone crest and y'all got in warner robins but the god i serve up in atlanta you know what he does he does exceedingly sh god i can't hear nobody abundantly beyond what you can think what you can dream or what you can imagine do you know why you getting ready to shout tonight you getting ready to shout because this year you gonna get 10 times what you didn't have last year i need you to open up your mouth like you know that god is getting ready to make a way out of nowhere when you bless him like my god is awesome whatever i didn't have is coming back to me 20 40 60 80 100 and this is um this is the last time i asked you to be seated it's the last time i asked you to be seated and uh then i'm not responsible after this be seated please y'all got a spirit of disobedience please say that yes this is what happens when you don't have a pastor for two years y'all be seated i need you to lift that hand for me i got to speak something over your life hallelujah let me hear you how much you lift that hand i tell the members of new birth lift your hand as high as you see yourself going hallelujah i speak of every lifted hand that tonight ends your bearing season god i can't hear no worship us everything you were born to produce you will not die until it comes to pass i wonder if y'all shout over this everything you don't receive your children will get it i speak over every lifted hand your grandchildren will never know lack they'll never know insufficiency they'll never know what it means to be alone or to be depressed that they will have a love that is enough speak of every lifted hand that this one year will make up for the last three god i thought i was gonna have a better shout than that i said this one here is gonna make up for the last three years of your life and those of you who are excited about your productive season would you open up your mouth come on i can't hear you [Music] i said open up your mouth this is your productive season come on i can't hear you i dare you to cry out loud this is your productive season i need to open up your mouth for healed marriages open up your alpha heal families open up your mouth for a heal relationship i need something that will mean a declaring decree of every lifted hand that whatever areas you have that are unaddressed god is going to meet and exceed them [Music] before easter gets here and those of you who have that kind of faith would you open up your mouth and give god your best shout of expectation come on i can't hear you i said open up your mouth i can't hear you open up your mouth [Music] it's your besties it's your best season this is your best season this season he kept you alive for us this is the season he just the stager for this is the season you've been waiting for this is the season you prayed about this is the season that i have not seen this is the season that is have not had walk into your season walk into your teeth walk into your season now clap your hand hey i said clap your head i think clap your hand come on come on come on i'm excited about your future i'm excited about your family i'm excited about your legacy i'm excited about your real estate i'm excited about your contract i'm excited about your health improvement [Music] [Music] look at your name and tell them congratulations you just entered the most productive season of your life congratulations [Music] you may be seated in the presence of the lord how many of you are excited about your next season [Applause] how many of you feel confident because you have the love of god how many i know this is a strange question but i hope you'll go cuckoo for coco pulse how many of you actually love yourselves flaws in all i still love myself i'm going to stretch tonight softly musicians i want to stretch tonight the elasticity of your faith considered the dean of uh black preaching dr gartner taylor often would say that uh preaching is incomplete without a practicum that we can't just be heroes of the word but we have to be doers also how many of you believe by way of hands that you're going to produce something big this year i'm believing that for you i am just coming up on three years at new birth and black friday we did something absolutely astounding on black friday we opened the new black wall street market the very first mall in america owned by black people new black wall street market next time you're in atlanta i want to invite you to please come we've got 100 black businesses under one roof 100 we took past an old sam's club and revamped it and uh it is absolutely 21st century state of the art we've not had that level of committed economy since tulsa oklahoma over 100 years ago and so to see that come up full circle really is a dream come true god convicted me uh several years ago because i have an anointing for entrepreneurship how god convicted me uh several years ago and said uh jamal you are out of order if in church you only talk about money when it's time to get the tithe says you can't ask people for the 10 and not show them how to multiply the 90. oh you're not saying nothing to me because without that we are just raising welfare worshipers we're shouting hoping somebody's going to give it to us and not that we have the resources to do it ourselves it's very interesting pastor morgan that when jesus called the 12 disciples he didn't call any of them from seminary and i believe in higher education i went to morehouse went to duke went to oxford i believe in higher education hear this but jesus didn't call any of them here it is from bible college i want to go a step further some of y'all are not going to like it he called all 12 from business because jesus was of the mind that if you can't do business you're not fit for ministry and a lot of black churches are tanking a lot of black churches are falling apart because we put people in leadership because of perfect attendance and not because of competency just because you can pray don't mean you should be a trustee y'all ain't saying nothing to me might i go further to say three-fourths of the disciples had more education than jesus but he was secure enough to surround himself with competent people i'm going to take you a step further when he called them notice where he called them he didn't call any of them at church he didn't call any of them at the revival he didn't meet any of them at holy convocation he caught them from their job but the interesting thing friends is none of them shut their businesses down the evidence is after the crucifixion they said let's go back to the office can you imagine god so blessing your business that you don't even have to work it for three years god i can't hear nobody can you imagine your business functioning at such a level you ain't even got to show up they're just doing automatic deposits because god wants to bless you so that your business is not just for self-attainment it is for kingdom advancement and so many of us have forgotten here it is that the generation before ours when we found a success we would ascribe this title to them they are a credit to the race because it was not just their individual success it was the community's success and when we lost that and adopted individualistic aspirations we lost our sense of community i want us to be a blessing on this the anniversary of this amazing ministry this the anniversary of this amazing ministry i'm going to press right now very quickly i want to press uh 12 of you because that's how many god raised up i'm going to raise 12 of you if tonight um pastor morgan uh i was starting a cog church about starting a church in the church of god in christ i would need 50 people they got to sign a sheet of paper we send it to memphis and they send us back our credentials make us official in order for you to join uh to start a synagogue you don't need 50 you need 12. but the catch is all 12 have to have independent wealth i think i lost you can i say something to you and pastor morgan when i found this out it upset me it bothered me it unnerved me no synagogue not one synagogue in america has a mortgage did y'all hear what i just said you ain't never bought no souvenir journal ad for no jewish banquet [Music] you ain't never seen no thermometer outside their building you ain't bought no katy deads from no little jewish kid y'all ain't saying nothing why because they understand the value of business passing the jewish synagogue it is out of order for the rabbi to raise the offering the rabbi does not raise the offering because they don't want his word to be compromised god y'all don't like this here i got to tell you this i got to give you this i need you to have this because they understand that the rabbi will never dream in budget did y'all hear what i just said the rabbi will never dream in budget if you have a dream and you can afford it it's not from god when god gives you the idea he does not check your finance he checks your faith and if you have faith he'll come up with the finance the 12 of you listen to me very carefully the two of you i want you to stand in agreement with me 12 of you who are online i want you to do so in likewise in similar fashion 12 of you who i am believing god is going to use to exponentially bless this ministry can you imagine what pastor morgan would be able to accomplish here's the catch if budget wasn't an issue if whatever he dreamed he was able to pursue what would happen to this city what would happen to this region 12 of you very quickly two of you online i need you to do the same 12 of you i want you to get a seed of 200. 12 of you i want you to get a seed of 200 whether you're writing it out by check you're writing it to this church this is not for me we having a birthday party for your church here's what i need you to do all of our giving options are on the screen for those of you who are streaming online but 12 of you who are standing in agreement saying pastor i want to be one of those 12 businesses that god blesses in this area 12 of those whose idea god expands the 12 of you i want you to get that seed of 200 as soon as you have it would you come meet me at this altar very quickly please 12 of you 12 of you no matter where it is that you are i need you to move it expeditiously i need 12 of you if you'll come i need you to come to this altar even if you're giving by your phone i need you to come and meet me at this altar please 12 of you to do it thank you so very much i'm waiting on you come on thank you if you're staying right here 12 of you even if you're giving uh through a mobile app even if you're giving uh through text to give given online even if you're gonna mail it in later i need 12 of you to come quickly please thank you i'm waiting on you thank you so very much if you don't have 200 don't clutch your pearls i'm not talking to you we got out of guilt offerings in leviticus thank you i need you to please come i'm waiting on you please i need an additional 12 of you who are online i want you to sow this seed standing in agreement with us that god is gonna do something absolutely outlandish he's gonna do something amazing he's gonna do something uncanny one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen fourteen come on think come on that's fifteen thank you that's 16. that's 17. i tell you what let's just go to 20 real quick that's 18 that's 19. here comes 20. thank you so very there's 21. so let's just go to 25 real quick thank you where's 22 where's 22 i need you to come very quickly please the 22nd person there you are thank you so very much would you look at the person beside you and say are you the one or should we look for another amen thank you i'm just waiting on three more of you to come three more of you to come what is two hundred dollars to a future millionaire thank you there's 23 that's 24 that's 25 there's 26 that's 27 that's 28 let's just go to 30. that's 29 i'm just waiting on one more wherever it is that you are you holding up the whole service i'm waiting on that last person to come those of you who are online i need you to come and partner with us uh that one person do me a favor please warner robins come on when that last person comes i need you to chill like this 30. thank you so very much that's that's 32. that's 33. thank you you coming come on that's 34. that's 35. all right that's 30 let's just go to 40. y'all playing with it come on there's 37 i'm waiting on uh three more come on i'm waiting on you that's 38 that's 39. y'all when the 40th comes would you just chill like you are excited here comes the 40th one come on let's get excited for those of you who are online i need you to do likewise and in similar fashion those of you who are at this altar lift up your phone lift up your check you ballin out of control lift up your money come on lift it up repeat after me of this altar lord thank you come on repeat after me lord thank you for what you did last year for what you did last month for what you did last week for what you did yesterday but the seed in my hand is an expectation for what you're gonna do before this year's over amen bless the lord would you just tap this altar as a point of contact come on would you give god glory for those 40 come on y'all got to do better than that clap your hands for him i said clap your hands for him don't hate celebrate i want to ask every person hear me every person who was not in that 40 every person who was not in that 40 i want you to get an odd offering as close to 100 as you possibly can don't listen to hezekiah walker 99 will do i want you to get your best get your best offering as close uh to 99 i just ask that you do an odd offering you don't have 99 i want you to get 57 you don't have 57 get 35. you don't have 35 give 17. you from the hood put five on it but i want you to get an offering that ends in an odd number ask that you get an offer that ends in an odd number why because i believe god's gonna do something odd in your life i think he's gonna do something strange something that's going to be absolutely bizarre something that's going to give you pause all of our giving apparatuses are still on the screen those of you who are online do not eat and run it's illegal you don't already have the blessing please do not log off now netflix will be there ozark is not going off i need you right where it is that you are it is not equal giving it is equal sacrifice it is not equal giving its equal sacrifice and so whatever is your best offering your best odd offering as close to 100 as you possibly can would you come quickly and just come touch this altar come on quickly wherever it is that you are if you've not given yet if you've not given yet come on it's a new season it's a new day fresh anointing is coming my way it's a season of power of prosperity it's a new season here's the good news y'all it's already here come on do me a favor please as long as somebody is coming would you keep clapping come on as long as somebody is coming [Music] would you keep clapping as long as somebody is coming [Music] come on y'all clapping like you in a bingo hall come on clap your hands [Music] everybody is standing everybody is standing our pastor is coming in just one moment everybody is standing pastor morgan i got the startling statistics the unnerving data that eight out of ten people in this room eight out of ten people in this room have never won a soul to christ eight out of ten of you have never prayed with anybody the prayer of salvation eight out of ten of you have never invited somebody from your job to church tonight we're gonna defy the odds i want you very quickly help me open the doors of the church with your mask on i want you to help me open the doors of the church would you find two people in this room that you don't know find two people whose names you don't know find two people you don't recognize walk right up on them and ask them are they saved ask them do they have a church home come on everybody move and talk to somebody come on fresh anointing fresh if there's somebody here [Music] if there's one here won't you come [Music] [Music] if you know it lift your voice [Music] [Music] [Applause] it's a season of power [Music] it's a new season coming for me [Music]
Channel: SHIP TV
Views: 219,021
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dr. Jamal Bryant, Jamal Bryant Preaching, Jamal Bryant 2022, Tolan Morgan, Pastor Tolan Morgan, Tolan Morgan 2022, Fellowship Bible Baptist Church, Warner Robins GA, New Birth, New Birth MBC, When Love Isn't Enough, Transformation, Revival, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Social Media, Black Pastors, Black Preachers
Id: _3OEmjgnQWw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 27sec (4107 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 25 2022
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.