Dr. Jamal Bryant - Break The Yoke

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if you have your bibles i want to direct your attention to isaiah chapter 10. as is our custom in baltimore would you stand for the reading of god's word isaiah chapter 10. y'all really love god on a wednesday night thank you isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 isaiah 10 27. once you found it won't you say i got it if you can't find it say lord help me y'all pray for this whole side over here isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 in that day their burden will be lifted from their shoulders their yoke from your neck the yoke will be broken because you have the anointing is the anointing that breaks the yoke you may be seated i want you to arm yourself with a writing instrument if you would for those of you who are technologically savvy as that you'll go to the note-taking section in your smartphone or your tablet it came free with your device physiologists inform us that we forget 85 of what we hear and i can't afford for you to forget this message the burden is going to be lifted off of your shoulders the anointing is going to break the yolk i want to preach for a little while tonight using as a subject break the yolk would you look at the person beside you tell them tonight the yoke will be broken my dear friends if held under the light of his own philosophy our founding father thomas jefferson should have served six consecutive sentences for rape and aggravated sexual assault after having fathered six children with an enslaved sister named sally hemmings knowing that in the absence of emancipation resisting sexual advances was unthinkable from a lofty place of white supremacy jefferson proclaimed ignorance of the law is no excuse if it were the laws would lose its effect because anyone could pretend not to know practitioners of law have entitled this in the latin ignoration juris non-excusant translated to mean the ignorance of the law excuses no one this broad sweeping stroke set the groundwork for the more recent common sense consumption act which prevents citizens from filing civil lawsuits against food manufacturers distributors or even advertisers for weight gain obesity or health conditions claiming it should have been under common sense that you ought to know what not to eat the bible bears the warning label our people die from a lack of knowledge yes that is why the documentary on netflix what the health is going viral because what's causing diabetes heart stroke and cancer are not commonly known diabetes lead contributor hear this the leading factor for diabetes is not sugar and the highest contributor of cholesterol will scramble your mind the lead contributor for diabetes and high cholesterol hear this is eggs you now may not be abreast of the fact that there are almost as many egg-laying hens in the u.s as there are people regrettably mostly all of them are treated like black people and that their treatment is inhumane with cruelty confinement and certain death whenever anything is seen as a product their welfare always becomes secondary you got to be careful for people who love your gift but secretly hate you so they are enamored by what you can deliver but resent that they can't so you're under unusual stress simply because you're gifted and so people who are intimidated and threatened don't know what to do with you because they can't buy it and what becomes unnerving is that your authentic gift you didn't even pray for and if you're honest you wish you could give it back so you have people who are fighting you and they don't know i don't even want this that i wish i could be normal wish i could be regular wish i could be average but god keeps waking me up in the middle of the night and keeps giving me glimpses of my future and gives me witty insights and gives me a way that is uncanny that breaks through the vernacular of those who are small-minded i don't even know why he put me in a family that i got nothing in common with i i don't even think like them i don't even process the way that they do but god has afflicted me with giftedness as a consequence there is no ethical way to farm eggs and be profitable many black people like chicken not knowing subconsciously that you can identify simply with the treatment each year bishop 200 million hear this phoenix 200 million male chickens are grounded up alive they're grounded up alive at one day old in hatcheries because males are considered a byproduct of the egg industry and they have no use for them so they just grind them up so as a consequence black males can get scholarships to throw footballs but can't find money for engineering and for calculus and for accounting because we just know how to grind them so so we know how to do mass incarceration and flush them down the drain without the possibility of parole if if in fact they are black men it's a riot but if they're white men in virginia it's a protest so they just grind them up hands hear me very carefully are mutilated they're mutilated you don't even know it because uh when they come through the hatcheries the first thing that they do is break their beaks they break their beaks because there's so many of them that are crowded they don't want to hear their sound so if they cut off their beak then their sound is cut off and you won't be able to hear their cries for freedom that's what the enemy tries to do to worshipers he tries to cut off your ability to worship god he thinks if he can mute your praise that you'll come to church on a wednesday night and sit on your anguish as if you ain't going through nothing because you don't come to a place in your life you too grown to be phony that that that i can't pretend that everything is all right when my back is up against the wall so when you hear me shout in church i i don't need you putting a circle around me i i don't need you fanning me i don't need you rubbing my back just let me open up my mouth and and give god praise cause i'm going through too much in order to be quiet so so they cut off their beaks hoping that they're going to be silent and not and not cry about the condition that they're in and and that's what the enemy did tonight he hoped with everything that he put on you that there's no way that you would shout in front of these nosy people but there are 50 of us in the room that made up in your mind i don't care who rolls their eyes i don't care who sucks their teeth where were you when i had to have my utilities cut all where where you when my children were driving me crazy i will bless the lord at all [Applause] they cut off their beaks so that they don't they don't make a sound 85 percent hear this 85 of all of the eggs that you consume in america 85 come from cage birds uh they come from cage birds uh volume one of maya angelou's autobiography i know why the caged bird sings uh y'all stay with me because the farmers found out watches the chickens that are confined produced the most so so i people don't understand how it is that you do well under pressure is that even while i'm restricted in a job i can't stand with co-workers i don't like with a house that ain't even my taste i caught that even my style y'all ain't saying nothing to me folk got the nerve to be jealous of me and they don't know i ain't got nothing but there is something about the gift of god that will help me produce even when i'm restricted [Applause] and and so you you you have found out how to produce under pressure and and folk don't even understand that you were the inspiration for langston hughes's life for me ain't been no crystal stale but in spite of the fact that i've had boards torn up i'm still producing i with everything that i've been through i should be sitting under a bridge i should be drunk out of my mind i need five real people in here with with the way i was treated i should have killed two people i should have put a hoodie on and drove to their house and peed up their car but god said if you hold your peace and let me fight your battle victory shall be yours [Applause] you learned how to produce under pressure one-third watch this one-third of all chickens one-thirds of all chickens arrive to the slaughterhouse with a broken bone one third of all chickens before they ever get to the slaughterhouse have a broken bone watch this uh with a wing that has never been open god i can't hear nobody in here and and and the thing uh that ought to mess you up is that it is not approved by the fda because the bone is broken how about because the bone is broken they've gotten around it where do they put the chickens with broken bones y'all don't like this they they use it for the national school lunch program so so so they won't give it to you but they'll feed it to your children what is amazing is folk don't know how you've been productive because they don't know how broken you are hallelujah with everything that has happened to you there's no way in the world you should still be here i know some of y'all are super spiritual but the way life has been you got a legitimate reason to be a atheist i can't hear nobody you should have gave up on church a whole long time ago you you came through when people saw you suffer and struggle and they had the resources to help you but they watched you in that condition and didn't do anything but in spite of a broken wing you still taken off and i need 50 of y'all who are in this room that are able to say i'm still walking i'm still breathing i'm still living i don't have all the money everything ain't going well but tomorrow is gonna be better than yesterday [Applause] free range chickens i'm almost away i'm going free our free range chickens watch this are stacked into barns at 20 000 at a time so most of the chickens that you consume never go outside hallelujah they they live and die in closed quarters but i came just for 700 of you the rest of you just update your facebook page i'm not talking to you how about for 70 of you god told me to tell you light is getting ready to break hallelujah if if you don't hear nothing else weeping may endure for a night but joy is coming by 6 a.m you are getting ready to step into the happiest season of your life i ain't gonna tell you what to do but don't wait till the battle is over shout like everything is getting ready to work out [Applause] hallelujah be seated please i said you get ready to walk into the happiest season of your life i need you to look at your neighbor tell them the nightmare is over that that's the wrong neighbor i said look at somebody tell them the nightmare is over god said if y'all shout again no more depression no more anxiety no more stress no more worry the joy of the lord is my strength hallelujah be seated please would you be seated right where you are hallelujah it's getting better hallelujah i need 50 of y'all to just shout out loudest it's getting better i got the wrong church i said i need 50 of you the shout out loud is getting better here's a little song i wrote i i hope you like it no for no don't wear it all you got to do is be happy and i i need you to understand that the weight of depression stress anxiety is getting ready to be lifted and you want to shout tonight like the devil is defeated and joy [Applause] all of that all of that ladies and gentlemen is before the egg is even hatched all of that is before the egg is even hatched that happens in route to delivery y'all little slow class the yellow bus is coming i said it's in route to delivery all right let me back that thing up bring it back to you again it's in route to delivery [Applause] you only got two weeks left did you hear what i just said i said you only got two weeks left for delivery pastor what are you talking about i'm in august this is the eighth month god i can't hear nobody september is the ninth month every mother in the room knows whatever you are carrying has got to be delivered in the ninth month i need you to shout for whatever you care yet you gotta shout for your dream shout for your idea and shout out [Applause] be seated please be seated please i'm i'm begging you yes you ain't going through no attack did y'all kill it i just said i said you ain't under attack this is just for 15 y'all this is not an attack what you going through is labor pains and god said if you push one more time everything that's in you is getting ready to come out of you i need you to shout one more time like it's god [Applause] we say that um it's bible saturday night be seated please all right so there are four reasons i want you to write this down there are four reasons i need you to stay away from eggs four reasons i need you to stay away from eggs reason number one would you write this down please i'm gonna make you the smartest person at work tomorrow reason number one scrambled cholesterol exam the single largest source of cholesterol in the american diet one egg has as much cholesterol as a mcdonald's big mac one egg y'all ain't writing is the kind of cholesterol that would damage the lining of your arteries one egg is given to blow your mind is the equivalent of having two cigarettes number one reason you gotta stop eating eggs in arizona scramble cholesterol second reason i need you all to stop eating eggs is over easy salmonella salmonella is the leading cause of foodborne illness related to deaths in this nation y'all not gonna believe it more than 100 000 americans are poisoned by salmonella in tainted eggs every year so already by this time some 60 000 have gone to the hospital from tainted eggs what's the first reason why you got to stop eating them thank you what's the second reason here's the third reason i want you to write it down omelette options omelet options free range eggs over conventional eggs is a step up in animal welfare safety but it doesn't do anything that affects your body differently it's a terrible thing when you get sick trying to help people so you want more for them than what they want for themselves and they resent you for being a authentic friend fourth reason hard here's the hard truth consum consuming an egg a day will shorten your life consuming an egg a day will shorten your life harvard physicians will follow 20 000 doctors around the united states harvard university tracked 20 000 doctors from around the states and discovered watch this doctors eating an egg a day had greater mortality risk so the people who operate in health are dying quicker because of diet and at some point you got to make up in your mind am i going to break the yoke i know you didn't see me coming quick review and remember for the educators who are in the room the first reason why we're gonna stop eating eggs is what come on class what's the second reason what's the third reason what's the fourth reason i need you right where you are please to declare aloud tonight come on repeat after me tonight we break the yoke in the book of isaiah the prophet is not speaking of diet but he talks of consecration he states in isaiah chapter 10 verse 27 and it shall come to pass that the burden will be taken away from off your shoulders and the yolk from off your neck i need you right where you are would you for your hand of your smartphone of your tablet you just put it in your lap for just one moment your bishop brought me because he trusts the anointing on my life i want you to lift that hand right where you are please i tell the members of our church in baltimore lift your hand as high as you see yourself going if you believe you serve a god of increase of elevation of promotion here's what isaiah said watch this to the children of israel what i say to you tonight that the burden is about to be lifted off of you the weight watch this only 50 you're going to receive it the weight of false obligation is getting ready to be lifted the need for other people's validation is getting ready to be lifted having to always be the bigger person is getting ready to be lifted having to keep the family together by yourself is getting ready to be lifted having to always be strong is getting ready to be lifted not giving yourself permission to cry is getting ready to be lifted to have to always be responsible is getting ready to be lifted he says i'm getting ready to lift the weight off of you i need you to lift that hand hallelujah i feel glory coming in this room in about seven minutes whatever it is that's been stopping you from sleeping at night whatever's blocking you from being legitimately happy whatever it is that has been the source of migraine headaches whatever whatever it is that makes you toss and turn whatever's going on with your son and with your daughter i can't hear nobody god said i need you to lift up that hand whatever financial weight you have been contending with he said tonight i'm getting ready to lift it and i i'm tired of acting like nothing is wrong and nothing is bothering me but god said i need to hear the sound of weighty worshipers of those that know how to cry even when you got the weight of the world on your shoulder you only got 30 seconds i want to hear you cry out under god like you need him to lift it i i can't hear your arizona i i need you to holler like i can't take this no more god lift the weight [Applause] [Music] i can't hear anybody hallelujah i'm tired of feeling heavy i'm i'm tired of feeling stressed i'm tired of living over my shoulder i'm trying to always check in my bank account lift away [Applause] come on she cannot oh it's getting ready to break you've been keeping it in you've been trying to act like it hadn't bothered you but god said if you cry tonight i got it i got it i got it i got it i i got it i got it i got it i dare you to cry out loud for what's going on in your marriage and what's going on in your house and the stress of your job and what's going on at the school i need you to cry let god lift away [Applause] you may be seated in the presence of our conquering king hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah my time is almost up but i just need 70 of you to just cry out loud god lift it lift it lift it lift it lift lifted lifted lifted lift [Applause] [Music] hallelujah the jews were being heavily burdened by the assyrians who had taken over their territory they were working them to death i need you to hear me very carefully they were working them and they were expecting a tax in order for them to pay the assyrian king it was undue oppression i need you to hear me carefully watch this and god heard their cry he said and i need 70 you better tell your role up he said i'm tired of you working like a dog and having nothing to show for i'm tired of you giving everything and all you got is bills said i got to do something because you're laboring too much you you're sacrificing too much you've given up too much and i cannot let you just be anointed just for a mortgage and just for student loans and just for utilities he said i gotta change the way you are getting paid i can't hear nobody he said your next job is going to be your best job you getting ready to make more money than you ever made in your life a god [Music] and so in this text we have the first evidence of the working poor god help me they got a job but they barely got anything after they pay their taxes god says i'm getting ready to give a financial breakthrough for believers because you've been faithful over a few things he's getting ready to make you ruler over manage and i know i got some stuck up people in here that are trying to act like this year ain't been a financial hardship but god said i saw how you suffered with class and even when you were going through you never let folk know how bad it was you still got dressed every day refused to throw a pity potter god said i always say the best for last hallelujah i'm coming be seated i'm coming i promise you i'ma let you shout in a minute i need you to be seated for just one moment please i want to exercise faith hallelujah i'm giving me exercise faith and only 50 y'all are going to pass the test how god said jamal test them see if they trust me for whatever the financial need is i said god are you sure he said yes let's see whether they ready for the next level he said jamal please don't have them shout over no twenty dollars don't even let him shout over two hundred dollars he said jamal see if they'll bless me like they got the faith enough to believe i'm getting ready to handle here it is their biggest bill that whatever their biggest bill is before september is over i'm getting ready to handle it now some of y'all can't shout because you ain't got to pay nothing but those of y'all that serve jehovah jireh will you give god glory for your biggest [Applause] i can't hear nobody you better shout like you will not lose the house you will not lose the car i need you to shout over the hospital bill over the legal bill i need you to shout for tuition whatever [Applause] another problem here [Music] is that um hallelujah is that they they weren't shouting for money i need you to hear this very carefully they were not shouting for money because the children in israel had a work ethic and what has happened bishop is we have raised a generation of welfare worshipers that believe that if you shout everything gonna get paid no negro you gotta go to work i can't hear nobody and not only do you gotta work you can't spend all your money in the mall but here's for 70 of you god said i'm gonna bless you in the area you work in whatever is your passion whatever is your assignment whatever is your dream and for those of y'all that got faith he said i'ma let you work for yourself you ain't gotta work for nobody [Applause] said the season of hardship is getting may come to an end be seated i only got three more times to tell you that um say your season is struggling it's almost over hallelujah something is getting ready to break for you something getting ready to work out in your favor he said i'm lifting the weight off of your shoulder i'm in isaiah chapter 10. i'm in verse 27 i'm in clause b watch this he said i'm lifting the weight off of your shoulder but not only am i lifting the weight off of your shoulder but i'm getting ready to break the yoke god i i'm waiting for y'all to come have church i i know it's a wednesday night but i got a sunday morning feeling he he said there is a yoke on you what's this that is used to drive you but here's what i got you to understand is you didn't even understand why the yoke was so heavy help me preach the yoke is heavy watch this because you don't even understand it ain't just holding you hallelujah but it's holding whoever is close to you so when i make this move i'm not just gonna set you free but whoever is close to you is getting ready to get free at the exact same time [Music] [Applause] be seated i told you i only had three more times you just blew one of them be seated please be seated please please y'all got a spirit of disobedience in arizona be seated right where you are some of y'all gonna need to change seats in a minute god said the anointing on your life is so heavy that it's not just for one person but whoever is close to you is getting ready to come out of bondage at the exact same time i need you to grab that neighbor's hand and say neighbor tonight is our coming our party when i move you move just like that because when he blesses me he's gonna bless you at the exact same time i need you to pull on that neighbor tell him he's gonna do exceedingly he's gonna do abundantly he's gonna do beyond what you can think what you can dream and what you can't imagine shake your neighbor's hair it says if two or three are gathered together touching and agreeing shall i be also god said if you shout tonight everything you pray for is gonna happen for both of you if you praise him tonight everything you need god to do he gonna do for both of you when you shout this time don't just shout for you shout for who you connected to that both of you i said both lift up that voice [Music] [Applause] hey be seated for the last time [Music] hey [Applause] y'all don't let her shout by herself somebody ought to be running with her somebody ought to be jumping with her somebody ought to be hollering [Music] [Applause] i'm almost there watch this i'm almost there god said i'm getting ready to bless both of you i hope y'all ready to really turn up god said i'ma bless both of you and it ain't necessarily who sitting next to you but god said when you give me glory this time the devil ain't gonna know what to do because not only is the breakthrough happening for you here's your shout it's gonna happen for your best friend i need y'all [Applause] i need you to shout like whatever i can't hear you shine like whatever [Music] is that all y'all got you better shout for your best friend's job for your best friend's health for your best friend's marriage for your best friend's children you better shout for whoever is connected to you [Applause] i need somebody's hand i need somebody's hand in your hand i close the way that i started [Music] god help me i can't hear nobody would you shout your best friend's name right now i said shout your best friends name like you need a miracle for your best friend [Music] i need somebody's hand on your hand [Music] he said i'm breaking the yolk because what was holding you has become too small you have outgrown your situation did y'all hear what i just said you are too big to struggle like that you you too fly to be lonely i can't hear nobody you have outgrown what you were in [Music] is that there's an anointing that's on your life i need you to hear me please come on rock with me he says i i need you to understand the anointing that's on your life is so heavy it's not only what was on you will be broken i need y'all to hear this but it's going to be destroyed pastor why can't it just be broken he said because if it's just broken then they can fix it and put it back on you but once it's destroyed you will never have that kind of weight another day in your life i speak over your life it is destroyed [Music] i need somebody's hand in your hand because tonight i break the yoke [Music] did you hear what i just said tonight i break the yoke [Music] i break the generational curses i break every soul tie i break the spirit of self-sabotage i break [Music] because there was this whatever you break tonight your children will never know it your children will never live through a divorce they'll never be single parents they'll never be on an abortion table i speak it over your children's life your children will never fight cancer your children will never be on medication i cancel every learning disorder i cancel asthma cancer autism the cycle is broken i need somebody's hand in your hand [Music] somebody's hand is in your hand tonight we break the hold that has been on your life whatever's been holding you up whatever's been holding you back whatever has been your biggest hurdle tonight it is broken for 30 seconds there's getting ready to be a cry in this room some of you only know how to shout over cars clothes and money but god said tonight i give you peace you didn't hear what i just said tonight i give you peace let's get ready to be a sound of worship in this room and i want you to cry out unto god like you tired of living in this cycle tired of being unhappy tired of being frustrated tired of always struggling i need you to lift that neighbor's hand that you're holding we learn from the olympics you learn from the olympics you only lift your hands when you're one you're lifting up your neighbor's hand because they will not be defeated this week whatever they go after they're gonna accomplish i need you right where you are not for yourself would you shout for your neighbor i said shout shout for your neighbor i can't hear you i can't hear you i can't hear you [Music] [Music] is loose that neighbor's hand and give god thanksgiving that the curse is broken [Music] lift up that hand please i'm finished [Music] it's broken [Music] i want to do probably what has never been prayed over you in church before i need you to lift up that hand not praying for you to be millionaires i'm not praying for you to be debt free somebody else may come and tell you that that's not my assignment lift up that hand please i am praying that god lower your blood pressure [Music] god i can't hear nobody i'm y'all ain't gonna shout over that i'm praying 50 y'all better talk back to me i'm praying god take you off medication i am praying [Applause] praying that god lower your cholesterol i'm praying that every cancer cell will be stroked strength every tumor will be broken every fibroid will disappear i speak it over your life and those of you that trust god for complete healing open up your mouth and give god glory for healing your body i said give god glory i can't hear you give god glory [Music] i want you to hug three people and tell them it's broken it's broken it's broken [Music] it's broken it's broken [Music] it's broken it's broken [Music] it's broken i need you to hug two more people it's brokenness come on come on it's broken [Music] i need you to shout it out loud it's broken [Music] [Applause] i believe that for you that it is absolutely broken
Channel: The Theology Network
Views: 76,222
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bishop John r bryant, ame church, jamal bryant, newbirth cathedral, dr charles e booth, dr William h curtis, dr marcus cosby, Freddy haynes, Marcus cosby, Frederick Haynes III, Reginald sharpe, fellowship chicago, dewey smith, cogic praise break, Charles jenkins, new birth cathedral, td jakes, potters house dallas, dorinda clark cole, gardner c taylor, Jeremiah wright, theology, Raphael warnock, Ebenezer baptist church, howard john wesley, Martin Luther king jr
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 41sec (3041 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 13 2022
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