Illuminati & Freemasons- Shaykh Hasan Ali

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you know some people they you know I know this whole thing about you know we being watched at this time we being heard at this time or the big brother is watching and the cameras are on and the satellites are watching I'm blah blah blah you know people are honestly they're losing themselves in thinking about all of this Big Brother business that is going outside Allah watches my enemies a lot watches all the Muslims enemies Allah hears every conversation of every Muslim enemy days out there you got to understand that Allah knows every single enemy that has made any plan before he's even done his plan alive anew that Allah watches their satellites forget their satellites watching us Allah hears their secret conversations in their in the buildings that they've got whatever you want to call them whatever group you want to say they are I think the young the youth they get really extreme sort of passionate about you know the secret services and the Illuminati and these not whatever there is the young you not love this because it is something which is you know secret anything like secret human beings love it on top of that when you have a secret powerful thing that is even more intriguing to know about that to talk about that and what I feel is that our youngsters they've lost themselves in this because of them thinking about you know how much they they see and what they do all you've got to visualize only what to go back to is the Quran talking about the time of your own throne he had men on every corner nobody is right no person of the followers of Musa al-salaam before they got released none of them could say anything do anything without a soldier seeing it that's how many soldiers he had there was no there's no place without soldiers there no place whenever they came out of their homes those soldiers watching them whatever they came out even when they were two of them were having a conversation in the corner a soldier was listening in and everything was reported back to the authorities throughout even what he did is he told her man who was his Mason he told him to build him a tool tower and he built him a very tall tower and from the firaon would go to that tall tower stand it and he would watch the entire balance revealed working for him whatever work Mayweather is building the pyramids well whatever it was Sharon would stand and he'll watch and Ferran was able to also keep an eye on them through his magicians see he had saucers who is to tell him things were going on regular meetings he would have he would call them over and say okay what do you guys see you know like fortune tellers he would have these when that's how he found out that new solid Salim was going to be born because he stopped regular intervals with him and one of the intervals he had with them is that these sorcerers said to him that there's going to be you know a young boy that will be born in your kingdom this particular year and that boy if he lives is going to destroy your kingdom so if your own had not given to him by his sorceress now one is physically watching you one he's got this invisible way of getting communication whether it's from the jinns or whatever it was that they got the the sorcerer has got it but he got the information that there's going to be a boy there's going to be born and imagine how much observed how much fear Allah is watching this is the same is worse than is worse than the satellites and what they're doing today because there's a limit to what they can do today in those days Iran had did need annex he did not need an excuse to kill you he could kill you broad daylight his soldiers can kill you the soldiers used to rape women rake the balloons right take them away from broad daylight in front of their husbands gonna rape them and bring them back that's what they used to do you think it's bad what we've got today I'm going to see what the values are that's why Allah Azza WA JAL he reveals so much about Moussaieff Iran because that time will resemble a lot with what we are going through at this moment so that all of that going on so now look at this look at the power these Muslims today they say you know the Illuminati watching these two know these they're they're going to make these they can do this they can do that these people they lose themselves completely in making themselves feel that this Big Brother and they lumina whatever is watching them so much what you gotta understand of he and my brother my sister is that Allah Azza WA JAL do you think he doesn't know their plans he doesn't know what they're doing he doesn't see what they do he doesn't hear what they say he's got all the plans to himself all of them before they even occurred he knew what they're going to do you know how far they're going to go he knew how many of them going to get together every single one of the enemies of his land Allah so every single action of his life and Allah had every single thing he said in his whole life every conversation every meeting they had allow us there Allah Azza WA JAL heard everything Allah saw everything Allah knew everything and when you know that and you put your trust in Allah just like a lot then with Iran hood okay I'm going to wipe out one generation what do you do when the soldiers told him this year the that that boy is going to be born he said okay that's it find all the boys that are born this year wherever you find them newborn baby boys kill them totally soldier God they kill them I can imagine imagine that you know you think the bad today are they going around killing all the you know killing innocent people in front of the faces you know taking snatching their newborn babies away killing them and leaving them dead neither are they going that far that they haven't gone that far okay there's fighting going on or across the world is murdering going on this great going on but it's not this bad how this will come at you one whole year they go around any newborn baby boy of the banister IL was killed so there must have been thousands and thousands of babies that were killed thousands and tens of thousands of the killed then Allah wants to show them who's in charge allow wants to show them who's in charge so they made all these plans he saw his his soldiers are on the guard he they're going every single night finding out which woman is pregnant and as soon as she delivers they're going in there and seeing is it a girl or a boy they don't need permission they're just going straight inside the doors seeing if he's a girl a boy if it's a boy they take it away kill it if it's a girl and let live and then watching all the women how many women pregnant they've got a count of the women that are pregnant so they know that Musa lights alarms mother is pregnant as well so the verdict they've got the eyes on her and she's she's waiting for her moment that she's going to deliver when I lost our Jenna he wants to save someone can anyone come in front of Allah can anyone come so what happens is they're killing boys the killing boys the killing boys until Musa lies and mother she gives birth when Musa Alice's mother gives birth then they they got the news that she's gone through labor so their soldiers are coming down moosari salons mother gets scared so it's just a newborn she puts his straight inter to a basket and she runs outside of a house with the baby boy in the basket she's trying to run away from the soldiers and then the soldiers are catching up so she comes right to the river and she's fearing they're going to kill my son so Allah says in the Quran I put into her heart throw the baby into the river throw the basket into the river and unchoose fearing and she had grief allah because allah in the quran she had grief she had fear and with the soldiers coming up towards her they're going to catch it soon Jesus threw the basket into the river now if you threw something into the river right the soldiers came right up to her now she's delivered a baby right now if they've if they wanted to see what she threw they're going to be looking at the river with where the current is flowing right where the current is flowing so the soldiers are now looking at the way the current is flowing and there's nothing there because Allah took the basket against the current upwards the water is flowing downwards and a lot of the basket upwards but Allah wants to take you to one place now look at what Allah wants to do something who are they aluminide who are in the world are these freemasons and these as one allows to do something they can do as many clans as they want so the basket now moves upwards now Allah wants to give it to particular peoples what does he do he makes at that moment he makes fear our own and his wife asked here they come out for a walk so the walking and then Allah brings both of them ride to the riverbank and they're walking along the riverbank they're having a nice day nice stroll suddenly his basket comes all the way up to the riverbank and gets stuck at a at a tree so then hacia as she she runs and she sees that there's a basket she picks the basket up and there's a newborn baby newborn boy it's a boy what if you're on say for all the boys for this whole year what do you say kill him and last is now on the Quran while try to allay camera habit and mini that the one who's in charge of this order to kill all the baby boys the one who made all the soldiers go and kill every single one the one who made his soldiers stand there watch them he heard the soldiers the one who is fearing his kingdom is going to go so he has to kill all these boys Allah said o Allah high two are like a Muhammad Amin he says Moe Musa your your love I put it into our SIA I put it into from now first accessorize when I saw her she said she quickly the boy she said fear on me and you we don't have children me and you we don't have children no one knows who's which boy is this it's lost boy no one knows which boy is this so can you please just have mercy on this boy we'll make this our own child I will tell everybody this is our son now one he's thinking one out of thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of boys what's the chance of this one being the one that ruins my kingdom almost next to nothing so Allah was love for Musa al-salaam in his greatest enemy's heart analysis okay if Iran you wanted to kill him okay I'm going to make you nurture him you wanted to kill him I'm going to make you feed him I want to make you clothe him I'm gonna make you give him water and love him and play with him I'm gonna make you do that I'm going to make you like his father you want to kill him contract kill him so now he says okay let's take him so he takes him now when he takes him now Asya she's never had children so she's got no milk the women in the palace none of them are breastfeeding and so they stand and Musa rice was crying he hasn't no young baby he's crying fear on going mad he says come bring bring these you know bring bring one of these women who's got got milk and feed him so the older women a lot of women come one after the other one of either whichever one gives her breasts to masala ah it's not not taking it now it's not taking us any single woman's milk one after the other one of the tens and tens of tender Khan if you don't thinking what kind of kid have I have I bought here inside Maharaja is not letting Iran do anything to this kid she wants to keep the kid so there's got to be wait now suddenly the little girl who is this little girl this girl is moose Alison sister and she had followed the basket she had seen her on a sea walk she saw her then pick it up she saw them to him the palace so she came up she said if you allow me I can tell you there's one woman I know she's a very good woman and there's no babies that ever refuse her milk you tell me I'll tell that woman to come she can't right now they're fed up that's kids crying where the noise is doing them in so then they say okay gonna bring that woman who's that woman that is Musa as an old mother yesterday she was feeling just moments ago she's feeling what's gonna happen to my kid Allah brought her own child right in front of her she she sees Musa and then she gives him milk and now the mother is really United with the son in the enemies house every day she will come and see her son every day she will milk her son every day she will play with her son Allah Azza WA JAL shows who's in charge you gonna say you're gonna say who's in charge all these things that they've got around their brothers and sisters old I don't care how many big brothers out there watching us and listening us and satellites and this nut who's in charge the one in charge is Allah finish the one in charge Allah when Allah want to do it who's going to who's going to do anything now Musa al-salaam you look at the whole plan of how Allah Allah Azza WA JAL bringing moosari cinema up and how he takes him back to the van who's riding how he makes him feel that he's part of them how he goes to the to all these things I've got the time to say all over the inshallah one day we'll cook we'll cover the stories of the MBI inshaallah but what my point is that though others watch us though others listen to us the one that is in charge and the one that counts is who it is Allah Allah and that's the one that we have to have fear of there's a hadith of rasulullah sallallahu ism that whoever whoever fears whoever fears the creation not whoever doesn't fear Allah whoever doesn't fear Allah who fear his creation whoever doesn't fear Allah will fear a last creation or some of his creation though fearing and whoever fears Allah the creation will fear them Yuan's on that whoever doesn't feel a lot they will they will fear have fear for some of Allah's creation whichever those people are they will have some fear in the hearts but whoever actually fears Allah and has true fear in the heart for Allah then the creation will fear them the creation will have fear of them Lala Solarte he's gonna love what I hear when I ain't bad I'm a donor ah soon he's on a cloth what anyone I am ah
Channel: The Ink of scholars channel
Views: 297,718
Rating: 4.844121 out of 5
Keywords: illuminati, freemasons, big brother, secret societies, islam, muslim, quran, belief, allah, god, religion, faith, inkofscholars, channel, exposed, satanism, conspiracy, symbolism, sunnah
Id: qyGEErqPs7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 51sec (1011 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 28 2013
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