The Day the Hands Will Speak - 1/2 - Shaykh Hasan Ali [HD]

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soon later honorary member lahardee me no Serato salam ala sin voila le he was mine I'm about I all the wheeler him initially poly body smilla human Rahim what a lazily is an enourmous are necessary who's of your so my you deserve nothing our beacon mood a lot of a first-year selam aleykum were how to live over a bad way other than sisters you've come on a Saturday evening taking time out my last for her so a note Allah make this a beneficial time for all of us make it a moment to get closer to him and to feel that we are going towards him and back to him I'd rather use the word back to him Allah didn't say you're coming to me he said you're going to return to me Allah didn't say in the Koran you're going to come to me he said you're going to return to me when you go to a place and when you return to a place what's the difference what's the difference knock-knock you've already being there you return if you just say you're going there you don't know whether you've been there armed but if you say you're returning there it's definite that you were there and then you came back there when somebody passes away from this world we don't say in not in LA he were in LA he our tune we don't say we are we belong to Allah and to Allah we will go we say we belong to Allah and to him we shall return because we were already there and when a person wakes up in the next life the first thing they see is this place I clearly remember this place I clearly remember this place is my home it's going to be shocking this place is my home this place has already been always been my home and I have lost myself in the world that is why I say Dena Raley radi allahu anhu who says and as colonna's nya moon every person is asleep faith Amer - in tebah who when they die they wake up meaning that we are asleep at the moment I'm just thinking someone who's been in a prison for about 15 years imagine imagine I've been pretty you've been in prison for 15 years in one cell and imagine there are bars but I just there for 15 years you've been looking at those bars what's going through your head when you see those bars and you see the sky behind those bars what goes through your head goes through your head and one day you want to get out of here 15 years you get food that is not that nice 15 years you get only a small confined space and the day you come out of that and you come to your freedom imagine after 15 years of a solid bed that wasn't comfortable 15 years of just memories of the outside world and not a reality and a yearning and yearning of going outside of that prison and a person after all the grudge's he's had in those 15 years in the prison after all the sweat he has poured in those 15 years one day he comes out of the prison and that day is the first in 15 years he sees a true whole blue sky he sees it from one end to another end imagine a person comes out the fresh air that he breathes inside the family that he will meet the company that you will enjoy now someone comes up to him and someone says to him would you like to go back to would you like to go back to yourself what's his answer going to be what's his arms are going to be robbers never how dare you say that never what I've got now never give it away my brothers when the believer leaves this world and the believer goes into the next world and the believer sees after 50 years after 60 years of what of a rotten place this world is what this world is rotten this world compared to the next world is filthy it's polluting it smells this world is this world has a stench this world is confined space rasool allah sallallahu alayhi wa sallam he said and dunya said you mean wasn't natural careful he said what he said the world is a prison for the believer why did he say that this is a prison for the believer because when the believer goes through the next world and he has done his best in this world for the next world and he is in the next world this world is a prison it's a cell he doesn't want to ever return back here the food is tasteless here the people are horrible here the people of the next world are much better that's why Allah subhana WA Ta'ala when he calls us he calls us he says what the rule zero - hyeri hire only latina taco the next well the next abode is something that is much greater for those who have my consciousness who are aware of me and Allah says what missoula me no food Rahim I call you to be my guest I am your host and you are my guest I am there a fool the one who loves to forgive and you are the forgiving I am the Raheem the one who has specific mercy on my sevens and you are the one who has received that specific mercy now when one has traveled from this world to the next world and have gone in there and have seen that is there any way this person would want to come back to this world never and family when we leave this world we look forward to being with our family members here as two families that we have two large families we have and unfortunately most people only know one you have your family on this earth with earth right everyone's got the family on this earth well this family is growing fine but there's another one growing much larger and that's the family of the Arcana when the people in an alien they come from this world into alien they get reunited with their family members in Alien with all the good souls and they love to be in the company of their fathers their mothers the sisters their brothers so my brothers and my sisters when we leave this earth we are moving from one family to another family we're not just going away from our families it's wrong to think like that I would just add a house the other day and they had lost lost their dear father and I said look your father has gone to his family you have to understand that your father had his father his mother who passed away if they were good he has gone to join them in the next world he has gone to join his uncles his aunts and they are all waiting for the moment you're going to join them just as you're waiting to have more nieces and nephews and more children on this earth they're waiting for you to get to the other side that's a reality and when we get there my brothers and my sisters this world is an absolute trash I'm trying to describe to you in whatever words I can but this world it's people will look horrible their hearts will look horrible the houses will look absolutely horrible they look like small cells imagine a person who gets a house in Jannah house just one house in the next world $70,000 to that one house $70,000 she better not get lost right number one door number two number three yeah I'm gonna enter my house I'll take door number six thousand six hundred seventy nine seventy thousand doors each door you go inside you will find 70 different rooms opening up each room you go inside there are 70 different tables laid down of a food just on one side and there are 70 bed sides as well a person this is just the starting point of one palace in general when a person gets to Jannah and seized a abode of the next slide this world is nothing absolutely nothing you know people are killing themselves here for the second house they're killing themselves for the third house my god I've seen I've seen quite a lot of people now they've got a house and then they invest in a flat and they've got the flat and then they invest in another flat and they're working they're working they're working rock-solid other guys sweating and he's trying to pay this mortgage and not rent pays that mortgage and this event pays that mortgage under guys sweaty my friend give her a break you got your one house alhamdulillah now invest in your house of the arkarow and don't don't wait till you get your house on this earth to invest for that you better start investing before you get your house on this earth the investment of the next life does not start just because you've got a house on this earth my brothers my sisters there are people out there who are hungry for this world and if only they knew the sweetness of the Acura the sweetness of the next world if only they knew what it was rasulullah sallallahu soon certain a hadith has said can imagine can imagine the value of this indeed coming from our professor Lawson Mouse imagine if I was to say to you imagine I was to say to you that you are living a three-bedroom house somewhere in Eastham okay fine you're living there but imagine if I was to say to you that if you get up early in the morning and there's going to be you know a person getting off the train station and the first person who is going to meet he's going to give him you know 10 million pounds and it's serious and imagine I wasn't joking it's serious I'm telling you to sleep that night the next morning you'd be there before even any of the Train you know you know gods are there all right you'd be waiting for that guy to get off to get your money now imagine rasulullah sallallahu has said that this next thing he's going to say is more worthy than your house is more worthy than your neighbor's house your whole family's houses your whole relatives houses is more worth than all your car all the best cars you can find in fact you can get you can go down to the you know Porsche sort of you know the place where they were they stopped all their BMWs and the Porsches and so on and you can get all of them is worth more than that imagine imagine and I'm still adding on imagine I said to you that this next thing that also lhasa allah is going to say to you is going to be better than you owning streets owning town centers owning whole large plazas you might know you can carry on you think what can be more worthy than this and rasool ullah sallallahu RSM has said that by doing the next thing it's going to be more worthy than the whole world and whatever it contains what is it it's simply 2 rakaats of salah what is it 2 rakats of salah early in the morning one does it early in the morning one does it it's more worthy than the whole world and whatever it contains can you imagine what the what you what a person will get in the next life when they get there Allahu Akbar so so far in the series we've reached up to the day of judgement where people are sweating and they're sweating under the Sun and the Sun is a mile above their heads and they're sweating so much so much that rasool allah sallallahu listen has said that the sweat will go down trickle from their heads and imagine how stretchy this is because we're all sweating and the worst is what you sweat and you just wet you wet like you've had a shower that's the worst you can get this person sweats and sweats so much so that it it comes down his face Majid is coming down his face like a fountain and the person's sweat is pouring down onto the ground the people's sweat is pouring onto the ground and the ground is sucking it inside and it sucks it in it sucks in until rasool allah sallallahu Nicotra Haditha Muslim has said that hub or the Arapahoe Romola Pearman their sweat on the day of judgement will go 70 feet down into the earth Sabrina Durant Allah when it goes 70 feet down into the ground that sweat then has got no place to go anymore down so then the sweat starts to come back up now if one if we're not under the arch at that time I talked about the arch last time if you are not under the throne at this time you're in the amongst those people who are sweating and this water is now raising up to a rising right up to people's feet and rasool allah sallallahu me said some of them will the water will stop right where their ankles are some of them it will go up to their knees some of them it will stop at the hips some of them it will go to their collarbones well soon my Ujima who in Germany said some of them the whole of the sweat their sweat will they'll be drowning in their own sweat you can imagine the temperature of the sweat because the Sun is only one mile above their heads the Sun is only one mana this is this is beyond our thinking on a hot summer day let's talk about being on the equator how many of you have been in in like some country on the equator Bangladesh or maybe some maybe some part of I don't know Mossad Arabia somewhere where you're on the equator and you're there in summer how many of you have been there put your hands up or dubai somewhere you know it's really hot in the summer yeah a lot of your being now how long can you stand outside without getting sweaty you know sweaty how long you seconds and how long can you bear the heat outside you can't you'll collapse imagine these people will have the Sun forget having it you know thousands and hundred thousands of miles away they're having one mile above their heads and me and new brothers we have to seriously think about this because if I don't get under the arch and a las thrown then you're outside the throne if you're outside the throne this is your situation that you're going to be sweating and it's a case of where after he comes according to the sin of these human beings the sweat will rise to a certain level now you could be next to a person and that person could be drowning in his sweat but you could have your sweat up to your ankles because there's no such thing as gravity on the day of judgment there's no such thing as gravity on the day of judgment Allah Allah Allah he would do what he want because on this day he hasn't given power to his mouth loop he has taken power to himself now Allah has created everything besides him is his McLucas his creation so for example if I ask you right now if I ask you right now just to open your mouth open your mouth and close it on the day of judgment if you want to do that you can't do it and the day of judgment if you want to open your mouth as long as you like and closed you you can't do it unless you are from the muttaqeen unless you are from those people who are conscious of allah subhanaw taala on the day of judgment if somebody wants to move their feet they can't do their feet you can't move your hands as you will because this that Allah gave me and gave you was an Amana it was a gift this is a bonus this hand is a bonus from Allah this hand is a gift this hand is a large gift to me to use it with my soul my soul is inside and my soul lose this this this hand to me okay you can you can probably say I'm alive right now it's not the body that's alive it's a soul that's alive inside the body is nothing the body is under the command of the soul the roar the roar is the real me so you can imagine that you are a person inside your skull inside behind your face behind your body it's the real you there's another person that looks exactly like you but the person that looks exactly like you is not material it's not tangible you can't touch that person if you try to touch them your hand will go straight through and that is the real you and what you did for 20 years on this earth 30 years 40 50 60 years on this earth is that you carried this body with you when I basically when I move this hand like this I ordered the hand to move like this I commanded the hand to move like this it's my brain my sense my my whole thinking that made their hand move like this on the day of judgment I can't do it unless I like it's me permission to do it and the day of judgment these are going to be back to Allah I was going to own all the hands I was going to own all the feet he's going to own all the bodies so you can't move if you wanted to move you can't move but you're the soul trapped inside the body on the day of judgement and you can't do anything other than the will of Allah now why am I saying this I'm saying this because the next time the next time I gossip and I'm using these two ounces in my mouth the tongue rasul-allah lots of months had Mahathir of the alarm in front of him and morality long said messenger of allah he said you have said so much give me something easy easy that I can fulfill all of these things that you've just said rasoolallah has been said my eyes your tongue take hold of it Kufa cofán holla a las olas awesome did this I'm gonna ask you just do that it's your own tongue don't worry don't worry sell your tongue come on touch your tongue do this do this because this is a Sunnah when the problem said this tomorrow I'll do it yeah I'm hard of the along he said Messenger of Allah yes su la salle Osman said sake let's go has my eyes yo your mother could be bereaved of you mean it was an expression in the Arabic sort of world to say this to show shock he said well hell yeah Cunha's Allah would do him out Allah Harlem and I hit him ahaha eid al sinner to him Sarah Mars would it be anything on the day of judgement when they're going to be thousands and thousands of people who are going to fall into the fire head first into the file nose first into the file evil prophet sallallaahu said head into the fire first or faces into the fibers or he said the noses into the fire first Sarah Mahad will there be anything else that will lead most people headfirst into the fire or he said nose first into the fire except for the things that they have earned through their tongues you know the quran says yeah I knew alladhina amanu is Hiroko oh you who believe do not use your tongues in a manner that you start to bring about a case that you are a nation you are a race that is greater than another race oh man do not do this one is uh-oh we mean who are they listen to this carefully do not become a racist nation do not say that I am a Pakistani I am a Bengali I am better than you I am a mystery I'm a I'm an Egyptian I'm Arab I am someone who is greater than you and grated in your nation as a Nakuru Haram in whom maybe on the day of judgment you will look at these races the ones that you started to take the mikado and you will see that they are better than you then on the day of judgment essa in your cool hiram you know they may be better than you and Allah said well that an ambassador will Allah don't start making names and start calling people names they don't like in a hadith of Ahmed he says what well at Apple leave kasi area cause he don't say to the one who is short Oh shorty hey shorty people laugh evil laugh people laugh when they hear these things and you know one of the things that we have been we have been accustomed to in the wrong guy is that from a young age you start watching comedy you start watching especially in the British culture you start watching or in the American culture what you started watching comedies you start watching things where people get hurt and they have a laugh in the background whole group of laughter you see in there most the time you know you you sit then you watch and think what they're laughing about well what happens to you is that you start to get accustomed to laughing when other people are having trouble and it's not a Muslim way this is not a Muslim way that we laugh at someone who's who's in trouble so allah subhanaw taala he said well i attend a bazoo table don't make names and start calling people names names they don't like yes if it's a name they liked and fine but not a name that they don't like there are many different names that you can make up about people and start taking the mick out of them through these names while i tell me zoo and Fusako mallet and a bathrobe in a lob don't look down at one another despise one another don't look down at one another don't treat mistreat one another through your status that you have this a teaspoonful superidol even you mean your believer you have got a man in your heart you have got a man a man is what and mostly movements a demon mostly moving I mean listen ehi ready and Muslim is someone whom other Muslims are safe from his hands other Muslims are safe from his tongue a Muslim endorse someone whom other Muslims are in fear of his hands and fear of his tongue if you are a Muslim and other people when you walk in a thing oh my god a burner same phenomena that guy starts on me man I've had it if you if you kind of walk somewhere you got your presence somewhere where you just want to throw your weight about you want to say what you want and you wanna cuss people and you want to basically you know tell people who you are through your body language or through your mouth then you watch out for the day of judgement because that is going to be a day when you have got no control of your mouth and allah subhanaw taala will would not allow you to speak now yes marijuana in hands the people who have been so great on this earth mutakabbir oh those who were arrogant those whose to put others down Allah says larious meruna it'll happen sir what is the matter today what is the matter today mala whom I am the COO what is it with them why do they not speak on this day Allah says why don't you speak on this day what's the matter with you Abu Salih whom harsher the the eyes will cast it down can you imagine Allah didn't say what they seen a lot talk about what is happening to their eyes husha husha means absolutely submissive to the thing that is in front of them cool Ubu whom were differ the hearts will be trembling on that day a bizarre-o whom harsher the eyes will be cast down in front of Allah Terral Haku hamdulillah disgrace will be right over their faces disgrace will be all over their faces a last man whom I am kaput what is the matter with them why don't they speak on this day as for the people who will speak on that day they will be laughing and rejoicing Allah says valium alladhina amanu mineral cover D of Haku those who are believers and those other people that took the milk out of them they will be laughing at them on the day of judgement they'll be laughing the people who had the meat taken in this world they will be laughing on the day of judgment Allah has established says in surah Tomita 15 so we need to be careful of the tongue Allah says what well I have got a barrel kun Baba let not your tongues become the means of backbiting one another to backbite somebody on this earth is such an easy but a foolish thing to do it's a very dangerous thing to do you know you got your brother you got someone who you just wanted to have a good gossip about basically started to talk about him behind his back and last one who do what on the engine Allah will bring on the day of judgment this is from the mouth of our Prophet SAW Allah Allah Allah Allah will bring on the day of judgement a dead rotten body a body that has gone off a body that has started to become started to become put read because of of it decomposing imagine a body is that bad smells that bad and the angel will grab the person who used to back bite on this earth and they will tie his hands from the back and they will trap hole of his his head from behind and they will take him right up to that meet that decomposing body a dead body and they will make him eat the flesh of that body they're making eat that flesh and he will have to eat the body just like a cannibal eats another body but this time only that it's an buddy that if me you were with his body in his room would probably pick up but that person would be forced to eat that meat they of the burdock Umaga our hebrew o hadouken i nikola LACMA he he maintained forgetting to move what allah o people fear me o believers fear me because on the day of judgment you will see your brother i port you will see your brother how dead on the ground your brother is alive on the day of judgment but allah will make a duplicate of him and he'll be dead on the ground and decomposed do you really wish and do you really love to eat your dead brother's meat from his body if you don't what allah have fear of me inna llaha toweb rahim allah forgive I will forgive they still if some of us have had them riba some of us have backed by to the others in this ways of recompense penetrating this ways of getting rid of this sin how do we get rid of the sin of backbiting well the best way to do it is to go to the brother or the sister and to ask forgiveness from them sometimes it's difficult sometimes if you go and you say something like that then you're probably gonna spoil your relationship even more and the person might turn around in a way that you might never be able to amend it again so you do it in a subtle way there are subtle ways to get forgiveness of your brother and sister how a good way is when you're going on a long journey and just before you go on a long journey just before you make that trip you say a brother or sister if I've done anything to you in my life but make it properly you know make it like a solicitor's you know statement here if I've done anything to you my brother anything in my life whether in front of you behind you stick that inside this sticky inside whether in front of you behind me please forgive me and they just need to say to you if I've done anything to you as well please forgive me as well and you say I mean [Music] thank you yeah stick that inside it's a good time you know and people get emotional you know when when you're leaving them for a long time special evening for Hajj are you going to you know abroad to another country or they're going as well you know they're really they're feeling good they're feeling good one thing they're gonna go to another country and you know they emotional so they'll forgive you and you just need to get that off them if you get it off them Mubarak to you you've saved yourself now imagine that you are not able to do that and the person has gone or the person is not there anymore for one reason or for another they've either gone from this world or they're in this world and you can't find them what do you do then in that case what you do is you'd make dry for them behind their back and you make plenty of dryer for them behind their back and as a there's a dua of the prophet salallahu alaihe salam perhaps if we recited and allah subhanaw taala will do the best for us Allah Almighty Nelly you do move at bay neva bayonet Roubini were bein aerobatic our lives since there are between me and between you and there are seeing that I have between me and between your servants Tamara and I mean her baby were bayonet whatever sins I have between me and between you fellow fearfully our love forgive those sins American Ali bye Nene were bein aerobatic Fattah Hamill warn me and Allah the cinder I had between myself in between your servants I am asking you to take that take the burden of me take that burden away from me sort it out from your love and make du'a for your brother behind his back that is one way of getting that getting rid of that for the day of judgment Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has given us very clear account in the whole Quran he told us that everything that saying we're doing we're hearing we thinking about would be brought on the day of judgment in Samara well Basara well for that could occur now how do we how do we actually do anything on this earth if you weren't able to see imagine imagine you were blind imagine you were deaf and imagine you weren't thinking three things can you sin yes or no imagine any one of us was blind he was deaf and he basically was a person who couldn't really think so he's probably in a coma was disabled can you sing yes or no no you can't so how what makes a sin you've got is to listen you've got eyes to see you've got a mind to think and therefore you sin Allah says in unity Allah says when we were born he says John Ellison while others are well either I gave you is I gave you eyes I gave you a mind to think while a Countach rule so that you may be thankful to me your ears should listen to the truth the ears should listen to that which I mean holla you is should listen to that which is from the Quran you is should listen to that recitation your eyes should see those thing that I permitted for yourself your I shouldn't wander wherever they want your mind shouldn't wonder where ever it once I have given you these things these three things another place in surah is allah says in samara while Basara well for either calluna Akaka anhu Missoula on the day of judgment we will see everything that I saw everything that went through these eyes will be on that day clear in front of us everything that we hear we heard in this world everything that a person thought of that would be there in front of them on the day of judgment it's going to be a very scary a scary day on their judgment imagine if I was to ask you right now how many things you hurt today give me a count exactly of how many things you had today what words you had where you heard them how you heard them on the day of judgment is going to be recorded exactly how many seconds you spent listening to this you probably start to listen to your mother speaking that's there on the day of judgment you spell probably listen to something on the radio that's there you were driving your car you listen radio that's there you listen to the noise outside that's there you listen to an argument that is there you listen to you know some music assume that is there you listen to the talaga that is there anything you listen to you listen to conversation and you had a conversation every single word is there in fact not for one day a last one says what I saw who loved who was who people forget but I have counted every single conversation allah has counted every conversation allah hunted every single hearing and everything seen that is why subhanAllah they were certain Sahaba of the along Muhammad mind may Allah be pleased with them say I mean when Juma ha came when jamar can imagine is Joe Martin now they knew how many words they had uttered since the last Jamaa to this rumor they had counted how many words they had uttered from their mouths whether it was 273 words or they was 400 and something words from one Jamar to another Jamar some Sahaba kept a count of their words for one week their normal words we're not talking about Allah or anything else the words of human conversation they had a true count of them why because they were scared of what would come out on the day of judgment what would be displayed on the day of judgement now on that day my brothers it is a day when Allah has said is day day of Taha boom surah Taha and this is the 64th surah of the Quran it is the day of snatching the day to snatch this means that everyone will be after everyone else on the day of judgment unless you've got that forgiveness from this world everyone will be after everyone else this is including parents parents will look for things against their children children will look for things against their parents brothers will look for things against their sisters you'll find you know why husbands husbands wives and whichever combination you want to make friends with friends Allah says Allah him we have email go home Liberty now do a little turkey friends on that day there will be enemies on that day enemies of one another except for those who are conscious of allah subhanaw taala those who are conscious of allah they will not be enemies one with one another imagine your best friend and aquila a hymn that is not just a snicker Allah didn't say as the car he said akela akela Helene is your closest body your closest friend your best friend the one who you know if you call you a 3 a.m. morning you jump out of bed and you're gonna rescue him yeah not the wrong relationship I'm talkin oh yeah don't don't get carried away guys I'm talking like he's in trouble and you get a call on your mobile phones 3:00 in the morning you jump out of bed you go outside and you try and find him and you try and rescue that is your closest buddy Allah says closest buddies on that day will be worse than enemies I do there will be enemies of one another because what you're going to do is you're going to look at your best friend's face and you're going to look at it and say what can I take off him on this day it's gonna be savage savages you know how savages they look at one other nothing what is it that I can take steal of this guy or snatch off him of this of this guy on this day that's how it's going to be the only people that will not turn to savages on this day will be the people who have taqwa people who are tougher in their hearts people who looked after you know the the relationship with allah subhanaw taala on this day once allah has given them a good abode they would not turn to savages on this day otherwise everyone is going after everybody else that is why my brothers sisters don't leave a single person that you have got some reconciliation to do with because just as you don't know when your death is you don't know when his death is you don't know when his death is and I tell you one thing it is more worthy for a person to forgive let's say you're the person who's the oppressed and you find it hard to let go if you can forgive one you're on this earth you will get a lot lot more on the day of judgment than for you to keep that grudge till the day of judgment remember that if you forgiveness else while you're on this earth you haven't seen a liar you haven't seen the day of judgment yet you haven't seen general Jahannam yet but you forgive that person just because of Lies watching you sue behind Allah that is going to be a great great great deed that you'll see you'll get more than holding that rod until the day of judgement but if you want to hold it it's your right to do so because there are some people who have being horribly wronged on this earth they've been horribly wronged on this earth and allah subhanho wa taala would bring up every single individual he bring up their blood on the day of judgment you spilt a blood of your brother if the blood will be there on the day of judgment you need witnesses there angels are your witnesses there's going to be huge there's going to be cases from one end of the day of judgment another end of the day of judgment and you can detail the cases forget forensic evidence you're going to see the whole thing in front of you how it was committed from all angles you know in the before you know in the days before they had trouble understanding how will we witness all of this on the day of judgment so one person came to a sheikh and say share he said you know the you know the book that Allah is going to have in front of us in the day of judgment that's going to be a massive book yeah la he's a chef that book that must be a book size of a mountain or something how we gonna have that many books on the day of judgment so the sheriff said he said look if I was to tell you to start writing from your head right now what you know about your life would you be able to write I said yes said how many pages will you need these early pages and pages and pages and pages and pages he's a greedy but he said look where it's all coming out of it's coming out of one small brain if allah can store all that information in one small brain he can bring out all that information from one little piece in the day of judgment now we don't even need to go that far because we got microchips today don't we brothers yeah unless showing us a lot showing us you know you don't believe what Allah will do that microchip you've got big man you got gigabytes you got like 400 800 gigabyte you got terabytes and some of them and you don't have none of the information you can store if a person was video to their life on some of these microchips you probably can store all his life so maybe on the judgment when Allah said book you might be looking for a big book the size of a mountain you might see a microchip in front of you don't worry it won't be Microsoft I wanted joking I'm only joking it might not be a mattress it might not be a microchip it might be anything it might be something that we never heard of today we think microchips voilá how great that is you don't know what tomorrow Allah is going to show the human being because they didn't know what microchip was on the day on this earth just you know 50 years ago they never knew what it was today we know what it is imagine what Allah has for us on the day of judgment how Allah will show us you we talking about 3d right now right you don't know there might be a hundred D on the day of judgment you might see something exactly how it happened it's not going to be a lot just going to show you how the murder took place he's going to show the emotions within people he's going to show the level of hurt that a person had the level of hurt a person had is going to measure them their day of judgment surround Allah so one person you might have said one word to another person said the same word but they might have got hurt two different words so vahana Allah will have the different weights in the day of judgment that's why Allah says one other own Ossie nano crystalline material barfi there are going to be many different scales that I will take out on this day of judgment there's not going to be one scale it's gone to these many scales today you have a scale to measure the measure the air you got you got something to measure density you've got something to to measure you know the atmosphere you measure you know the clouds measure temperature measure R no way to height you got so many things to measure on the day of judgment Allah will have some many things to measure a lot of things that we have done now once we they're brothers once you on that day the day is going to be a very long day but it's going to be very short day father's for the muckman it will be like the two records of his father sunnah prayers from the moment of his death till the moment he goes into general we'll be lucky in the 2 rakaats of father sunnah prayers that's how short it will be for different people time will be relative some people who find the ham scene alphys and allah said in surah maharaj 50000 years some people will find it alpha 70 min meta or dual 1000 years the day of judgment so there will be a difference on how people will find it they will eventually be a time on the day of judgment when allah subhana wa ta'ala himself he will reveal his presence there he will make known his presence on the day of judgment allah subhanaw taala he says in surah al-fatah can either do cattle or Dudek and ik when the whole earth will shake a violent shake majora bookable Melaku softens of when Allah and the angels when angels will come in many many different lines on the day of judgment and last vanity Allah will make known his presence Raji am i eating be Jahannam when the day Jahannam will be brought near to the day of judgement Jahannam will be made to be brought near to the day of judgment and Jahannam is a living creature Jahannam is not a creation like you see the earth here that after the move is not a pit jahannum is a living creature Jahannam has got a tongue Jahannam has got eyes Jahannam talks in in hadith of Buhari Jahannam Jana and Jahannam had an argument Jana was saying that I've been created for all those servants of Allah there are so good teams also for the Jahannam saying I am the one that Allah Jabbar is muta-do those who used to challenge people on the earth tyrants of the people who used to be arrogant on the earth they are the ones that will come into me am I greater than you or are you greater than me and allah subhanaw taala then addresses the both of them and says oh Jana you are my Rama you are my mercy I will give mercy to whoever I want through you I know Jahannam you are my other you're my punishment I will punish whoever I want through yourself so when Jana will be bought according to a hadith a Muslim there's going to be 70 thousand angels holding Jahannam by reigns can you imagine you know when you when you go to a to a park and you see a dog like a Rottweiler or something all right and you see a dog that is almost stronger than its master and it's keeper is trying to you know I've seen saw them they walk a lot is banned the park because the dogs stronger than them and they've got a tight grip on they on the lead you've seen that right and the dogs basically going further than them sometimes now it will not take one per one angel on the day of judgement to control Jahannam Allah is going to put seventy thousand angels to hold on them because if they let go just as that dog wants to leap onto people in the park the same age animals who leap onto the day of judgement he wants to leap onto it to those people who have who have disobeyed Allah jahannum is hungry he's starving he hasn't had anything inside it and is not going to be happy until it's full when Allah will ask you later on Allah will say to journey Allah who said Haley mentality o Jahannam have you become full now and Jana will say what help me our la is there any more that you want to put inside me because I'm not full yet is there anymore that you want to put inside me help me machine machine more than one when they will hold Jahannam on the day of judgement Jahannam allah says taka do timaya assuming olive oil you know have you seen have you seen someone gets so angry imagine there's a strong man who's really angry his eyes are bloodshot red his blood has it says you know you can see his chief saffron Reddy's face is gone red and he's he's angry he's tensing his muscles he wants to smash a wall if you can yeah Allah says that and you can almost feel that this person is going to have an outburst of Rage Allah says that Jahannam is about to burst because of the rage that it has and that will be brought on near to the day of judgment in fact there will be certain people that Jahannam will will be flush out flush out fire and they will be certain people like you scoop up from the day of judgment and swallow it straight inside because these are possibly the worst people that were there on the day that were there on this earth so Jahannam will have this this this great superiority on the day of judgement and people like I hide Allah unless you're under the arm see there's two places to make either you're under the house or you're not under the house one way or another my brothers we have to get there on the day of judgment so rasool ullah sallallahu aleyhi salam has said that there's going to be many many many people that are going to go into Hellfire and one of the things that he has said he said come - he said he said I stood on the on the doors of Jannah and I stood on the jaw those of Jana come to our Bourbon Jen I stood at the door of Jana for a itor metal mania hulu ha ha most of the people that I saw entering Jana most of the people entering paradise they were the poor people poor people you know the people in third world countries who don't have much money yeah they can't seem like some of us on this side because they don't have the luxury a Las restricted them and they hate it in their lives right now but on the day of judgment they're going to find themselves first two gentlemen and the people at last rasool allah some says he said most of the people that i saw when i stood at the door of Jahannam most of those who are so going into Jannah he said miss her women women now why did he say we mean more than men nights not that it's not is not you know or i don't get the wrong end of the stick that you know this is a religion that case for men doesn't care for me no that's not the case men will also go to Jahannam but if you if you look at the gender of men population of men compared to the population of women on the day of judgment is going to be far many more women going into German and the reason why is because they become the reason they become the reason for many others to go into German when they start showing parts of their bodies when they start showing things that is is luring others that is something that will lead them to to hellfire rasul-allah as we said it's insane this is ahadees sin fame lam Arahama two categories of people i haven't even and yet these two catchers of people forget going into Jannah they would not even smell the fragrance of Jannah they will not even smell his fragrance his fragrance can be detected from 500 miles away that's how fragrant Jannah is and imagine from Jahannam for these women they're not even going to be that close to Jenna who are they he said one of them there will be those who be striking people with that like the end of the the the cow's tail now there are many many different explanation to this part of the hadith who these people are whether they're going to be people governing others and just striking and he whipping and lashing others in their industries and so on he said the other category is he said cassia two are yet women who were closed and naked at the same time women who are clothed and naked at the same time have you seen these women my brothers yes you've seen these women brothers yes or no yes stop lower your gaze brothers then well I'll tell you be honest with you I'll be honest with you there's hardly a wedding today that is hardly a wedding today but you've got this kasi at Ariat I'm shocked certain women they are the best of keeping their you know modesty covering their heads covering their era but when it comes to weddings yet a bit of this part of the body better that part of the body lowering a hijab slightly you know showing a bit of the hair whatever doesn't matter in fact showing part of the neck showing part of the wasn't me nothing matters the same women do that I am absolutely shocked that they do that all they don't do it but they allow their daughters to do it they're clothed but the naked at the same time two ways either their clothes partly and then naked at other paths or they are clothed but you can see through their clothes and rasoolallah Hosmer said they won't even smell the fragrance of Janaka and you can imagine what will happen to them on the day of judgement rasoolallah Lara Salaam has told us that on that day people will lose their sense of people will look for most people will wish for death you can imagine people will wish for death and ask for death to come to them to end their life but they're not going to find that and be able to end their misery Allah says what about the one who doesn't give the zakah now simple thing Allah has said you've got wealth you've got abundance of wealth all you have to give his 2.5% and if you give 2.5% it will never decrease Saavik especially never decreases wealth the more you give the more like it's back to you but if you don't give it then allah subhanaw taala has said in one part of the quran in surah al-e-imran he said say you talk but he'll be here manikyam those people who are stingy on this earth all the things they were stingy with that will be made into something that will be locked around their neck on the day of judgment imagine their gold if they never gave the gold all that gold will be made into a large lock who should place the golden lock against them on the day of judgment around their neck Allah subhanAllah in surah and Toba he has explained clearly that their goal will be taken will be no the way you know have you seen the way they they want to stamp an animal you know one to understand an animal they take a metal piece with an end that has a has a you know a sign on it something and they heat it up yep and then they yep press it against the animal and then it basically makes a mark on the skin yes or no yeah yep so that it's there basically it's there is there animal because they never gave there's a car Allah wants them to know that they never gave there's a he wants everyone to know that they know they were the people who never gave the car so he's going to take their gold take their money make it into rods and it's going to have these special plates made and these plates are going to be used to make a mark on three places on their bodies he's in surah Tauba young man you're merrily - Ari Jennifer - Kirby Baer who whom what you know boohoo boohoo room on the foreheads Allah would make a man with with hot iron that is heated in Jahannam Allah is going to make a mark on the forehead Allah is going to make a mark on their side Allah is going to make a mark on their backs and it will sizzle and strike but they will not do anything because you can't move your hands on the day of judgment you can't go you can't you can't defend yourself that's why Allah says on the on the day of judgment I have a magnet a TV Watchi hisui Allah Allah bo monkey Allah says do you not have fear about the one whose only defense of saving himself is his own face he will say himself from punishment by just moving his face his hands will be tied he can't move his hands so there are certain people on the day of judgement when the punishment is coming the only thing that can be just embrace it right onto their faces vitiligo either banned it was said to them now tastes that taste the punishment other a banality come to me had to cut the boot this is the fire that you were denying just a while ago ended in the earth have unity come to me tomorrow this is the fire that you were promised in this world that you had just been having a lot equal to me here to cut the wood this is something that you denied in the earth just now a yeoman I'm allowed to do lawmen have some phenomena willingness to share no one will be oppressed on this day no one will get anything that will be oppression on this on this day laudanum this is not a day of oppression limonene moon karim who owned this day lillahi'l alcohol only allah the one who is most dominant most supreme over servants he is the one who owned this day on this day on this day no one has any ownership and on this day valium Allah I am lik about the community Baronessa no one will have any any ownership on anyone else on this day no one will be able to speak on this day no one do be able to say say anything Allah says what Mandela the shower in the who Allah even me who today has the power to intercede without my permission on this day who has the right to speak like a la una Y lamin a Donella hoorah what Carles wobba on this day someone wants to lie they will not be given a chance to lie he wanted to lie you are the world you can lie you can say the truth today what Carla Saba you can only say the truth on this day if you don't say the truth I will zip you up a Leo man after Mahalo of where he him today I will seal them out what to kalamoon ie the hands will speak on this day what a shadow out of you to whom their feet will become and the legs will become a witness for themselves on this day be American or exe Boone for the things that they did on this for the things that they did in the world Allah says what Allah says a phantom allowed to do suru is this something which is magic used to say that the Quran is magic used to say that Worman Muhammad is someone who speaks or something which is magic used to call him a magician on the underworld and that was something that stop you from believing in this message Allah says or show Lavina walamu has no idea who mama can we are able to gather all of them gather them there they were Pressey from the world gather all their wives gather their husbands together gather all the things they used to worship in the world bring them together in doing if I do who me now a rotten Jaheim take them straight away and guide them straight give them first-class to Jahannam stick him straight into the pits of the fire what people who me now who must hulu stop them stop him in the way of going to join them let me ask them something today Manickam latter now so what is wrong with you people what is wrong with you why can't you save yourselves why cars to help one another on this day valley Himalayan Momo's Tesla moon you know when you're in an argument and you've basically got someone on a point that they've got nothing to say what do they normally do you know when that when they've got no other evidence against you what didn't normally do they stay what they stay completely quiet Allah says what mellow homonymous Tesla moon today they are absolutely completely quiet acaba la da GU who malabar edenia to sir allude some of the moon start turning to others and start questioning one another Paulo in a cocoon tuna tuna I mean oh my Shaytan friend oh my friend that took me on the wrong path or my friend that deluded me in the world oh my friend that was my boss in the world or my friend that was my done in the world or my friend that was my dealer in the world or my friend I used to take me in that nighttime in the world oh my friend that I was was a group leader amongst you but you as my leader in the world contente a tune and irony I mean used to come used to come from the right side he used to come from the strong side and used to overpower me on abundant akuno meaning they will say that you were not believers yourselves America and I had a coming soon fan I had no power over you welcome to Coleman talking your people that were going against the laws laws gone beyond the laws laws for heart alina boloban are in a litter a pool allah has decided that we're going to taste the punishment of hellfire and we're going to taste it today far away now come in now kunavaram what so if we deluded you we were deleted ourselves in the home young made infinity mu steady cool both leaders both subordinates both of them will be in the fire on the day of judgment in naka de le can a father be moody mean you come to me as sinners on the day of judgment this is how I will treat you on the day of judgment in Nam can without Arella in la la la we're stuck balloon when it used to be said to them there is no other one except for Lhasa God there's no other one that is worthy of worship except for Allah yes stuck below needs to become arrogant and what do they used to say we're pool una in a letter D qu Ali hat in a Alicia I did imagine une are we going to leave our gods because of a madman are we going to leave a God because of a poet Belgium I will have to Assad up al moosari in he was telling you the truth Suhana he was telling you the truth everything will be cleared know what the greatest thing about this anger on the day of judgement is you know people's lot of people bring this question and they say how is it that Allah knows if someone's gone to go to a Hellfire and Allah didn't do anything to stop them from going to Hellfire have you have you not heard that question before my brothers yes or not gone yeah see shaytan's was wasa yeah big whisper of the Shaitaan big injection I'm not gonna stop you at that I want to give you an answer yes Allah knows if someone's eventually going to end up in Hellfire Allah knows that I'll also knows if someone's going to eventually go into general but why don't they reverse the question and say Allah if he knows someone's going to go to Jannah why did you stop them from going to Jenna why don't people ask that question why is he always about people going to Hellfire that if you stop I'm gonna go to be done on that day they shouldn't be stopped you're not laughing why is it one way okay let's get back to the question why does it not know someone's going to go to Hellfire the thing is one is Allah knows something and one is Allah decrees something when there is cutter how that means Allah is decreed something so there is something Allah has fixed it and knowledge is something that Allah knows Allah does not fix for you as a human being the moment you were born in your mother's belly in the womb Allah says Jannah me God to help us forever forever there's no such thing as you've been doomed to hell fire from the moment you've been in your mother's because I lost made you doesn't matter what good you do you're not going to get to heaven you're gonna go to alpha that is not what the case is the choices that led you to Hellfire were not on Las choices they were your choices that's why you got Amazon yes Allah knows then event you know the result but he didn't make you take those choices that led you to Hellfire and the most important kind of giving these arguments but you know what happens people still say yeah but these but that but this I want to give you one conclusive argument that conclusive argument is Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has reported to us one thing which is he said on the day of judgement is going to be no oppression is there anyone here as a movement and I believe the Quran that believes Allah may oppress someone on the day of judgement is there anyone yes or no do you believe Allah will oppress anyone on the day of judgement no do you believe Allah would be will do is justice on the day of judgement yes or no yes okay that's I believe yes half of you guys are not speaking - man do you believe Allah will oppress anyone on the day of judgment no Allah will never oppress anyone on the ok I've done the knife that's the case if that's if that's how absolutely belief next thing is Allah has given us the statement that comes out of the mouths of those people who have been sentenced on the day of judgement here in serratus offered from verse number 22 onwards I've just quoted you a whole page of the Quran where they are arguing with one another the saying is your fault he say no you already miss cried he says so wife are misguided you were misguided as well what are they not saying they are not saying to Allah on the day of judgment now Allah you knew that I was going to Hellfire but you never did anything other saying that no nowhere in the Quran will they ever will you ever find that they're going to come to even death and say it wasn't my fault it was allah spoke he put me into the wrong family he put me into the wrong crowd he's Bob's fault Jimmy's fault yeah no one's going to say that that is some source for in the whole Quran Allah says when they're sentenced he has given us description when they're in death and the kind of thing that they were saying that and some of these are already said to you in previous talks he will skill he's given his description on the day of judgment when they've been sentenced and what they will say to one another the only thing that will do is point fingers at one another and argue with one another but the one thing they will not do is turn to Allah and say o Allah you have wrongfully done this to us now if I believe his that Allah will not oppress anyone and our belief is there our last quote chip the exact words of these people from the arkla to us right now do you now see the justice of Allah if the justice is that no one when they wake up in the next life whether kaffir whether moot mean whether disbeliever were the believer were there fasted whether they are a person whether they're a mujrim whatever it is they will not turn to Allah and say o Allah it is not our fault in his songs is your fault yes they might blame their fathers that is there in the Quran some people use that as an excuse and Allah would not accept that as an excuse and I said all that already in the in the Quran he said don't use your father's as an excuse Allah said in surah number 7 verse number 173 our hulu in america ab una mean public maybe you might come on the day of judgment and you might say our forefathers were committing sheep before us what couldn't a dual reeow term mean bother him we were just the sons of these people who were worshipping idols so therefore we were led astray Allah says don't say this to me on the day of judgment you can't blame your father's you can't let new forefathers you can't bring new culture you can't break the people who around your surroundings and certainly no one's going to say that they want to blame Allah on the day of judgment that is not going to happen so allah says in various places of the quran now I want you to sell eyes at 8 o'clock there are a few arguments that are captured on the day of judgment and these arguments are going to be between the people who are being powerful and the people who have been weak and it's important to notice this a lot doesn't say it's going to be so and so he just says the people who are powerful people who are Mustafa are keen and must act be read those who are arrogant and those who were seen to be weak in the twenty second juices of the Quran you find that allah subhanaw taala he says in surah saba 34 surah verse number 31 when the non-believers will get there they will be made to stand in front of allah subhanaw taala and they will have an argument and that argument will be that they will start to throw one another statements at one another they will argue about ami lab Adam code those who a week will blame those who are arrogant and they will say if he wasn't for you we would have believed on this day those who are arrogant will say to the weak ones did we stop you and I saw that neck man who that did we stop you from guidance when he came to after it came to you you were sinners yourselves those who weak ones will say by night and day you played you tricks and you ordered us to become those who were disobedient to Allah now my brother if you are a person who's on the streets and you got friends that are influencing you don't turn up on the day of judgement and don't think that you're going to say my friend led me to this therefore I became this that is not going to happen there are several references of this in in the Quran one other reference is in surah Baqarah Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has has related to us the conversation surah Baqarah second surah 166 in tabara al-ladhina to be alumina and lagina tada those who are followed and those who are followers both of them will acquit one another from from themselves on the day of judgment you know today you've got gangsters you've got you've got brothers Brethren's whatever they else they called blood my blood you like he might become the reason for splitting spilling your blood on the day of judgment but you know your blood now they give all these different names and there's really good friends in this world but on the day of judgment when they see the punishment all their ties will break the heart be human as Lab baccala ladina Tallulah I'm Nana Kurata Anthony tomorrow I mean the if only we had a chance to go back this is a repetitive thing on the day of judgment if only I would have a chance on the day of judgment to go back and to completely acquit myself of this person I would do this just as they acquitted themselves from me arguments will happen where they will accuse one another that you did this you did that but Allah will only say it in the end that both of you will go to Jahannam and the both will go to Jannah now on the day of judgement before any any of this happens my brother's under the arch rasulullah salallahu alaihe salam is there and his rejoicing his rejoicing you know as believers we pray to allah subhanaw taala that is does not deprive us from seeing rasulullah sallallahu in our dreams in this world and from seeing the prophet sallallaahu on the day of judgment on the day of judgment the sweetest thing is going to be to be accepted under the arch under the throne of Allah the day of judgement once a person is there time is forgotten a person drinks closer a person this has a quick snacks snack with the Sahaba with the with the MBR Siddiqui in the truthful world the Shahada the martyrs imagine imagine being in the company of the best of the best today you know you have celebrities the celebrities of the day of judgment are going to be the MBR the celebrities are going to be the Siddiqui in the truthful ones the greatest people on the earth who walked on this earth will be these people who will under the earth and a person will only want to be with the man imagine you with them can imagine being with musa alehsalaam being with a sorry salam shaking hands with we you know adam alayhis-salam shaking hands with bilal radhi'allahu anhu putting your foot in your neck to neck with abu bakr of the alarm putting your meeting hamza of the allah and who was martyred on the on this under day or hood imagine being with them in their company on the day of judgment suddenly there's going to be a call this call is going to be because all this while if you're under the arc you don't know what's going out there people are dying out that they can't die but they're almost in dying stayed out there suddenly there's going to be a cold and the cold is going to be for Adam Allison time to go to someone so Adam and I salaam will be ushered today to the side of where the shade ends and the sun's heat is is powerfully beaming down on the earth and someone on the ground all of the of the earth of their judgment but the copper of the day of judgment some who say well Adam and I said I'm please please come out come out of Dodge come out and please be dying here we're dying here have mercy on us ask Allah to open the accounts and what would add midazolam say Adam Allah Allah will say on the engine Allah had created me Allah has said to me not to eat from the tree if allah asks me why did i eat from the tree I don't have an ounce on this day I am not the one who be able to go in front of Allah today less to Hoonah whom I am NOT in that position this is sahih hadith of bokhari last two who knock I'm not in a position a las bahama will be so angry a hadith of boo Hollis's la mia kebab Medina who table who cut wallah yob mezcla who Varda who ibadah allah has never been angry ever ever before this like this Allah will never ever be angry like this ever ever again Adam RI Sarang you say e tomu hand go to new Hara Hara he is the first person whom Allah has sent us a message to the ground so they will say o Muhammad nor has a come come come come please ask a lot to open their comes new Hollywood celebrity when I was on the ark and I was about to sail away and Allah had told me don't call a calf eel don't call an unbeliever to your Ark and I saw my son he was going to drown on the ground I said O son Yamuna yeah here cabin man Oh son come and join us on the ship join us on the ark if Allah says to me Oh No why did you ask why did you ask your son to join you I will not be able to answer let's do hoon aku I'm not in that position to confront him a lot because I have got this one thing that I am scared of now I imagine my brothers what we've got to worry about it the day of judgment if I demolish Salaam is worried about his one mistake he made a mistake it wasn't a sin it was a mistake and nooh alehsalaam has a mistake he's worried about the rest of creation imagine what is going through our heads on the day he - he - Ibrahim to grant a new holiday Rahman go go and see Sheikh Ibrahim alayhi Salam he is the one who is the close friend of Allah o brien come out O'Brien please please have mercy ask a lot to open accounts if I wanna send you say what if Allah asked me why I said three things on the earth I will not be able to answer I'm not gone I'm not going to go into the you know the explanation of this but those three things very briefly one was when he said these this is the one that smashed the idols they was one statement of his and he pointed to the the greatest one I he pointed to his son and he didn't lie but he could have just said I smashed the idols being a prophet it's a small mistake and he may another time he said I feel I feel not well and he meant mentally he wasn't well on physically he was well he wasn't lying again because mentally he was being tortured because of the and he wanted them to go away so he could smash the idols another time was about his his own wife that it was going to be taken by him Ruth and he said when he was asked who is this he knew if he said it's my wife it would take she'll be taken so he said she's my sister and he meant she's my sister my Dean he didn't have to say that because allah subhanaw taala he already planned to savor ibrahim allison i was a mistake he didn't lie she was a sister of his within the religion because there's only she who he had and when she went into the presence of Nam Ruth and her mood went straight for her to rape her and I'm rude the hands they froze a lot only planned that he was going to save you bra he he branded a lie he said I didn't have to say these three statements and then then the stories there but anyway if Allah asked me why did I make these three stations I don't have an answer he to Musa find who Khalil Musa Allison I'm go to him he was the one whom Allah had spoken to directly in the world so they'll come to musa alehsalaam o Musa you are Kaleem Allah you are the one whom Allah spoke to directly so many times Oh Musa come out intercede for us if a last me on the day of judgement why did I did I punch why did I punch that that person was a fifty who's a Coptic belonging to the family of round to the side of your arm Musa al-salaam all he did was to be punished this man straight in the chest he thought he'd give him a you know good shock but to his surprise the guy died he died Musa Hassan was in shock he was almost caught up he died from one punch if a last me why did I do that I will not have an answer on this day of judgement he - harissa go - harissa alayhi Salam for he is the one whom Allah has created without a father he is Rahul ah he allows cold in his spirit Allah has given him this station so they will ask was over ISA or ISA please please please come he said I some who say one if Allah says to me on the day of judgement when I go in front of him over he sighs sent you I sent you to tell people to worship me what happened in the end why did people start worshipping you why did people start washing heaping your mother why was it the case that you became a God in front of people he wasn't he salicin thought but he will be scared and it is will be a stir him on the day of judgement is in the quran allah will ask him that on the day didn't why i develop that for the Christians to see in the Quran what is a lie some state is going to be on the day of judgment if he salad Salam was a god why would Allah say DS yeah he said 'no maryam o son of mary o son of Mary or ISA you're not my son your son of Mary and tackle Italian acid that is anemia Allah Hanuman doing in did you really go to people and tell them tell them that take me as a God take my mother as a god besides Allah Haru Hara super Hanukkah our la you are free from this you are free from whatever has been said this is not the case and you are the one he gives he gives a very beautiful answer he says Maya kuleana Polamalu Celebi ha I am NOT allowed to say anything that is not the truth income - cool - who Alinta oh Allah if I did say that look how humble ASRs alum is look at how much Jesus is this is a chapter of the Quran we need to just read - to the Christians then you listen to this income - cool - Fukuda Anita if I said it then you will know that I've said it to Allah - emfe NFC while Allah Almighty nursing you know what is inside myself I don't know what's inside you you know Allah what's in here but I don't know anything about you in a can't I love you oh Allah you have you are the one who keeps the knowledge of the unseen makkal to love whom in Lana I'm not a Navy and a good la jara bwara become I didn't say anything but what you ordered me to say I said worship Allah who is your sustainer who is my sustainer welcome to Allah him Shahid imagine to feel him as long as I was amongst them I was a witness I was one trying to stop them doing any of this falen met our fate any Kunta auntie Rotti gaoler him oh Allah when you took me away from the earth when you raised me to the heavens I was one who was taken up you er than one watching over them into a diva whom find a homely bed if you want to punish all those Christians who worship me who worship idols of me who worship idols of my mother then you are the one they are your servants you may do what you want when Intel feeling l'homme o Allah but if you have mercy our life you have Mersin you forgive them for in naka Antanas ezel Hakim then you are so mighty or ba you are so full of wisdom or na our laughs forgive these people this is a salad Salam statement on the day of judgment so easily sellable say what he to Mohammed leave me less - who now come as Ariza I can't go Malala will ask me this question Allah will ask me this question he to Muhammad go to Muhammad sallallahu alayhi wasallam or the refer Allah who massacred them I mean them be he were matter hora Allah has forgiven his sins of the past and Maha's forgiven the sins of the future Allah has made this Prophet such a prophet that he hasn't made a mistake like new Holly Salaam like Adam alaihi Salam like Musa al-salaam like Ibrahim alayhi Salaam like Musa alayhi salam ala has made this prophet who is going to be our element and chuck one who love the prophet sallallaahu alayhi Salam he says when the earth will split I will be the first person that will come up on the day of judgment for he then Musa Harlequin Emil Hacha I will see Musa al-salaam is holding clinging on to Allah's our ally so angry on this day so angry on this day moussala said I'm clinging on to Allah saw I don't know whether he fainted or whether it was the time he asked Allah Allah show me show me yourself on the earth and Allah tried to show himself just a small part of himself amount to and he said under allege a belief a mystical aura Makana Rufus ofit irani on the side you have asked me to see me if the mountain can take and I out of myself then you shall see me but if the mountain doesn't stay in itself than you and I Musa you Musa you have asked the wrong question and Allah showed that on man to the moon Saracens fell down so Prophet Muhammad saws and says what when the whole will be blown he says maybe Musa got up before me because he had already fainted once because of a hostage le because of Allah's majestic appearance he had already fainted Muhammad sallallaahu says I am the first one that the earth will split up on the day of judgment Allah Allah who Manta Shaitan Jaquan we Oman Tiana be a deliverer come on the day gentlemen and I will have a flag in my hand that will be the flag of praise of allah subhanahu wata'ala and i say you do only on my own merit iana i have been made the Prophet that will be in charge of all of the sons of Adam on the day of judgment including adam alayhis-salam including how allah' has said of all the prophets who look to mohammed sallu lhasa I am the one on our illumina do Hulu in Jannah I am the one that will come and enter Jannah the first one that would enter German on the day of judgment general would not be happy with Vinod Muhammad's Allah Allah then I will not be happy with that program subhanAllah we are of his Ummah you know how lucky we are we are of his Ummah Honda the zoo la la la Alison says then I will be the one that will go forward I will go in front of Allah Allah saw unrealized so angry but his Habib has come in front of him he's happy his beloved as coming from nothing but a lie still angry Allahu sajida I will fall in front of Allah for Allah who said that I will fold in front of online frustration sokka Allah who said I will fold in front of Allah and prostration and then Allah will put in my heart such words that I've never said to Allah such words of beauty such words of praise such words that will come at last behind of water Allah I will say these Institute I would say these Institute I would say these until Allah will say muhammad o muhammad and notice the word allah will not say ya rasul allah i will not allowed not say ya nabiyya allah allah has made given yeah you are rasul many different parts the Quran Allah has addressed puffs Alhassan is Yahya good Muslim yeah and I see a lot called my beautiful names in the Quran but on that day Allah is angry Allah will not say yeah you had Entebbe oh my prophet I love and I say yeah you are Russell oh my messenger Allah will not say yeah you are does that mean no one will have to be loved Allah will not say oh one who is wrapped up in my love allows a yahoo hamid o muhammad it'll fara suck lift your head buckle to smile and start speaking your speech will be heard well Santa start asking and you will receive what you want from myself Watchtower to shut out you ask for intercession and I you will be given intercession now this is now the salvation of the whole of mankind at the hands of the prophecy laws now in saying this we don't take the Rasul of Allah saw to a station that is not befitting of Rasul Allah so yes he has been been given this station he has been given the station some say that the dryer that we make after a van and we say well till vasila well Havilah what Dorothy todavía oh just what syllable favilla just give him the mean so just given the favela and I think that hadith redundant the Raja - raffia is not days in other hadith so to give rasoolallah Larsson that station what is that says this is the station on the day of judgment and rasoolallah last then you say o Allah o Allah open a can so allah opened accounts but when allah open deck opens accounts no one's going to dare step in front of a mass Muhammad Allah who wants to come in front of Allah who wants you to be the first to stand in front of Allah on this day Allah now Rasul Allah will be given the chiffon but it is old only through a lot permission that is given shakka don't forget that there is no way that we give restores lost my height greater than Allah or equivalent to Allah there's no way we give them and there's no way we'll more than we're supposed to reveal him yes he's our Habib he's our beloved and we loved him and we adore it more than anything else after Allah but we don't take him to a station that is not befitting of him to put him power with Allah or near to any of that we don't do that so here is Rasul Allah on the day of judgement and people then our last round will start calling people and he will call them mercilessly Osman said when you have as a child and that child you keep their name with a good name from the day of judgment Allah will call them by their name and the name of their father Allah will call me by my name and the name of my father who holding you by your name of the name father no one gonna get away with this look alone at the humanity a motif of that on this day you come to me singular alone to me on this day no one will come with a party no one will come with a gang to me on this day no one will come up with any ties to me on this day you will come absolutely on your own to me on this day when I asked you the question subhanAllah now this is now the the Hassad and the the account that is opening and there's going to be many different things that Allah will ask for on this day my Subhan Allah while this account is happening the believers they were waiting for their chance and Allah you see when allah subhana wa ta'ala is angry he is still revealing himself to certain people on the day of judgment there will be certain people that will see a lot is the first ruta there are two years there are two scenes of allah one seeing of allah is on the day of judgement and the other seeing of allah is in Jannah in jannah whoever's in general everyone will get to see allah but some people be lucky to see a lot on the day of judgment Allah said collaborate boon and my dealer whatever ruining zero is nothing more but it's the love of the world the love of the one that is close to you that you have and the one that is far away from you you leaving that this world is closed to you you are not the next world is far away from you you don't want that we do who you may even know the rock there will be people on the day of judgement that would be beaming with delight would you imagine now there are there will be people beaming with delight on day on the day of judgement in our love behind now there are they'll be looking at Allah on the day of judgement under their judgement was alive angry with the rest of people they will be looking at the beauty of Allah Allah will give them these are the close believers those are very close believers Allah will give them that chance on the day of judgement
Channel: HikmahOnline
Views: 45,547
Rating: 4.8080001 out of 5
Keywords: The, Day, the, Hands, Will, Speak, Part, Hearafter, series, shaykh, hasan, ali, day, of, judgement, death,, hikmahonline, hikmah, muslim, islam
Id: LNj3qztV1_g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 22sec (5782 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2011
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