Ikea Kitchen Cabinets

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in this video we're gonna be installing IKEA kitchen cabinets and we're doing an island as well so we're not going to waste a whole lot of time we're just gonna jump right into it because in about two hours I got someone coming here to measure my countertops we got to be done for them so what do you need to know about installing an IKEA kitchen is this you need a pencil you need it be sharp you need a level I would suggest having a laser level for that situation something like this right from fire core really a little model this drops laser is in every different direction to help keep everything level and square what I mean by that is when you turn this on I hit the buttons okay I get a line this way and I can add a line this way I'm not going to add a line this way this gives you the ability to do just about anything you can desire when it comes to leveling and installing your cabinets one of the benefits of Ikea of course is that they assemble really easy so we're not really going to cover too much of that Matt's gonna assemble one while I'm installing the rails on the wall and we're gonna show you all of that but if you can't read the instructions and follow the IKEA cabinet installation instructions maybe renovating your own kitchen isn't in your wheel box because this is not that difficult they've made it so simple nowadays so trust me you can just follow the instructions they're incredibly clear we're gonna go ahead and show you the system for installing the cabinets and some tips and tricks so that when you're doing it you only do it once you don't have to go back to the beginning you're not going to run into problems where the feet won't work where they're everything's gonna be off level and not a square so let's just get started so in order to install in IKEA kitchen you really only need a few items you need they're your your cabinet boxes at this point you don't even have to pick out all your selections for the drawers and your door systems and how they all operate because every cabinet box is designed to accept any finishing so what I like to do is install all my boxes first ordering my countertop guy to come in do the measuring and get that in production and then you can have a semblance of what your kitchens going to look like you can sit back and have a conversation about how things are gonna function what kind of drawer and door systems you want to install at that point then you can go back to the store and buy all those particulars or even have it delivered now you need to have the feet with you in order start and for some reason everything from Ikea is glued shut all right which means you're gonna need a knife to open up the boxes now these are adjustable level you feet if you've never seen this before it's two parts you stick them together and we'll get into this a little bit later but these are brilliant now the box is like I said everything is glued together so you want to use a sharp knife resist the temptation to cut through the surface they pack these boxes with the finished product right to the edges okay here you go see that there's your finished panel if you start cutting the box it doesn't take much before you're taking a chunk out of a finish panel and you never really know if that's the part that's gonna be visible or not all right now if you break the box you're gonna have a mess but if you cut it like this off the side a sharp knife would have been a better demonstration with a knife with separate then you can open it up now you've got a working surface this will keep your cabinet safe from all the dust and dirt and all that kind of jazz right so you just take this panel you flip it over that would be in the back take this panel loop it over now you can open up the book follow the instructions build it all right here piece of cake IKEA comes with his brilliant rail system and what you do is you attach this to the wall and then there's Hardware on the cabinet so you actually hang the cabinet's off the rail and then you attach feet on the front in order to level at all now in the instructions that comes with recommended Heights for the different kinds of cabinets you're installing so you use the rail for the base and for the uppers and for let's say they have these some different height situations for fridges and stove cabinets right so all of that information is in there unfortunately for us or fortunately for you we have a really difficult house to work in because our is incredibly not level now I have an option here I could have primed it and put in floor leveler and then done the kitchen cabinets but the truth is is I'm on a bit of a time crunch here the timeline on this job depends completely on getting them countertops ordered and delivered on site the best-case scenario is usually about a week maybe 10 days and in some cases it could be three to six weeks if you are silly enough not to order and purchase your countertops in advance before you have them come measure now before we can put this rail in the wall I need to determine one quick little thing let's head down to the floor what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna find my high point in the room so I'm just gonna use this huge six foot level here and I'm gonna throw it around and a couple of different locations that's my high point here and that's going back there that's falling away so my high point is right here on my island which means that since all of these cabinets on the island are sitting on these adjustable feet I have a limitation right here we go I can only go this close to the ground worst-case scenario if I set my cabinets based on the regular traditional installation system and I start in that corner and work across the room I'm gonna be way too low when I come to the island for these feet to be even adjustable so what I want to do is I want to find the lowest point possible for this kitchen based on the highest part of the floor that guarantees that every other cabinet could have the feet adjusted down to meet the floor from that point because we're hanging it on a bar all right just got to think a little upside down here and make our life easy so in the hardware that comes with the boxes you get these mounting brackets and they have a rail system that goes on the wall and what that does these brackets sit right in there and your whole counter is hanging off these rails and they're about a quarter of an inch from the top of the cabinet okay so when we're measuring we would actually want to measure the screw lines that we want to use so we can set our location so what I'm gonna do just give you an idea what we're looking at we're trying to determine the height that that bar sits if we consider the top of the cabinet is going to be our height it makes the math really simple we're gonna be a quarter of an inch higher off the floor than we need to be which is plenty because we have all that adjustability in the feet so we're gonna just create a laser line now that represents the shortest point in this kitchen right based on this now if I had my laser on an adjustable stand I'd be able to raise it and lower it until it hit this point that'd be simple unfortunately we're using this stand for something else today so it's not available so if you don't have a stand for your laser level then you're gonna have to get creative like this to find something solid back there measure up to that line seven inches okay so now that that line that's thrown across the back of this wall is seven inches higher than the where my rail goes all right so we're going to take our pencil out then we are going to just mark that down minus seven inches so from this point I can just take my two measuring tape now run around the room on this laser line and make Merck's and I'm good to go now because these things are so long and they're made of solid steel and they have a contour detail they don't warp you can just make this market two points where you're going to be screwing the cabinets to the wall there we go I have a screw line here minus seven inches right there right there now in the last couple minutes we've been using the laser level that's already done building this cabinet a couple more details left make sure that when you're nailing these in you follow the dotted line to set your nails and always put these little bumpers on cuz that'll set the depth at the back especially for upper cabinets brutaly crucial here all IKEA cabinets have a finished paint on they go on the sides so the cabinet's themselves will be raised off the wall that's normal so expected go ahead and finish that up so when you get your rail IKEA has all these little clips or sitting in the rail like this and the idea is you you're screwing the man right that's nice resist the temptation to do that it's actually designed to go this way so take them all out and you can put these in when you're ready to use them they go like this for a reason you can get that screw in the wall and then you can still slide it left to right to raise or lower the bar just to get that perfect lever line that's generally for people who are using not using lasers but the location that we're putting this rail we measure it goes right to the top of this and I'm going to put my screws through these holes into the frame should be measured off every 16 inches in a perfect world so hopefully this works on my old house framing what we're gonna do sorry make this simple I'm gonna drop this down about a half an inch on my stud line and this is why it's so important when you're doing this kind of thing install your cabinets before you prime your walls you can still see all your screw holes alright now I know because I did all my own wiring and mechanical that all my wiring is not going to be where my cabinets are installed I intentionally run my wiring from the ceiling or from the floor straight up okay never drilling through the joist so you never run into this problem what happens flow alright throw this oh yes that is a good day okay here we go we're gonna slide that on and you see how I can move that clip and adjust it and then it'll sit perfectly where I want it okay in the construction world each of these screws carries 80 pounds it's not a lot so if you get enough screws in a situation it's more than enough so do the math for yourself but if I get one two three four maybe five studs on a rail five screws is 400 pounds if you're putting granite or quartz counters on there you've got 500 holding in the back well plus the feet if you can't add extra screws what you can do is this it can also take the X an extra screw directly underneath alright and add additional support using the screw here set it right there problem solved now you got 160 pounds per stud that's just made a thousand pounds of strength on the back wall plus the feet which distributes the other half of the weight so now you've got 2,000 pounds on a what is that an 8 foot length yeah the counters aren't that heavy so you're gonna be fine check this out here my stud is off line so I'm putting my screw in an angle so I can catch the backside of it right there and I'll have 108th for good measure nice this is another good lesson why we install all of our stuff 16 on center everything you buy and install is designed according to that if you start getting too creative on your job site and it cause yourself a world of hurt okay so I mentioned earlier there's just a few steps so step one let's build your cabinets step two drop a laser line and put on your bar step three hang the cabinets we're almost done so the kitchen design here is like this in the middle we're gonna put a stove we have a 36 inch so this is my center line I've already marked it off right so 18 inches off of that I need my clearance to here right so I'm gonna drop my laser line on here for the back wall BAM the one thing to keep in mind IKEA kitchen cabinets there's a side there's always a full panel gable that goes right to the floor let me show you that so here's our cabinet there's the sticker and it gets installed this way it's good to know how these things get done and you'll notice that this panel is a lot taller than the cabinet ultimately when you're doing in a kitchen install you're always going to be measuring from the cabinet to the floor translating that information in cutting the bottom off but you need to know that that's going to be the ultimate width of the cabinet so I'm actually going to go like this and then slide the cabinet over to play into position now I've got my cabinet in position I'm going to slide this one in position okay perfect position now I'm gonna put this away for later until I'm ready to cut it you're going to see the really only limitation with IKEA kitchens is that when you're in a defined space like wall to wall the cabinets that are available do not always come in the right combination of measurement to get close to the wall in this situation I've got four and a half inches to the wall I'm going to use just a regular panel to close that gap it's not the end of the world if it looked just fine it's very normal kitchens to have a couple of extra inches on each side top and bottom whatever and we've finished everything with a filler strip so don't be worried about it because you're getting such an easy installation the only way to take advantage of that space is to go to custom cabinets as soon as you make that switch you're adding thousands and thousands of dollars to the bill so if you're gonna use IKEA it's because it's a price point not because it's always the best option but for most people this is a fabulous quality kitchen at the right price so I know what everybody is saying they're all thinking well what about this thing in the back here here's what I do I am NOT cutting this off until I am completely satisfied I've got everything locked down no more changes no possibility of changes I'm leaving these rails extended where the stove goes and we're just gonna take my grinder when I'm done and zip that off it'll be a little bit ugly but it won't matter because that end panel will cover it that is the secret so we're gonna just stay there for now we're going to get the other side set up as soon as we have that done we'll get on with Ally so the secret to doing a kitchen installation is keeping everything exactly level having center lines off the most important features in the room like the stove that's my center line this line I could actually draw on with a black marker because I don't want that leaving ever I'm going to measure this off we set this one based on the laser line before it's exactly 18 and 7/8 to the cabinet part of the reason for that is that the new gable end is 5/8 thickness okay so you add that as well and it leaves just a hair like maybe a 16th for left for the stove so on the other side we're gonna measure that over I am 7/8 right there is right on the money now we have the same distance from the the cabinets for that center line and if we add them together we have a 36-inch stove two times 5/8 is one and 1/4 that takes me to 37 and a quarter and that still gives me a quarter of an inch between the stove and the cabinet which is just perfect because my countertop can be measured to overhang that gap just a little bit and it'll look really nice from the outside now if we were to measure the total gap here 37 and 3/4 off the front 37 and 1/2 interesting in it 37 and 3/4 on the back and a half on the front now when I add both of my gables 36 for the stove 37 1/4 that leaves me only an eighth of an inch on the front or leaves me a quarter of an inch on the back my wall obviously has a bow to it a lot of houses have bowed walls so when you use these mate laser lines on this track system measure the back get both sides of the appliance installed and then double check the front for clearance because if you only measure the back and you have a bow you might not be able to get your appliance put in place after the fact that's one of those things that happens all the time in a kitchen renovation people come in to do the compliance at the very very end there's not enough room and then you got us go right back to the beginning oh that's a nightmare that I've seen happen more than once on a jobsite that's just poor plan so to summarize have a centerline measure from the centerline to both direct double check your measurements overall adding all your materials for your appliance plus your end Gable's plus that eight of an inch that you're looking for make sure that that gap is consistent all the way across to the front all right and if it isn't make that adjustment now based on the front and then the countertop guys incoming measure and they can make that seam at the back fit perfectly no look at this this wall has got a bit of a bow when I put the cabinet's together up front here it opens up in the back that's a telltale sign of a bow okay don't worry about that you don't have to force that close the only thing you have to do is make sure that the Front's are closed and perfect every time whoo now those cabinets are basically installed we do want to get the feet on but that's not as important for measuring the countertops so we're gonna get into installing the island now because that has to be done before they get here or I get in a lot of trouble and I have to pay for the delivery out here and then they're gonna make me wait another week before they come back we actually took one of the light stands apart and save this it's a universal thread the fire core my Dewalt laser they all have the same thread size so you can stick them on top of these adjustable stands this is brilliant right we just stick that on oh nice guess wow that's almost perfect okay now here's the thing that we have formica countertops going on the back with a build-out which makes it 5/8 and 3/4 inch and inch and 1/4 the quartz on the front here is a different height huh the quartz is only 3/4 so I need to set these cabinets half an inch higher so that the countertops are the same height and we're going to throw an extra half an inch on all right and if that's not a perfect half an inch that's okay so I know that the instructions don't call for it but I always loved to put one screw in these feet because we're gonna be flipping around possibly lifting and moving and these holes aren't always drilled with so much precision that the feet sometimes pop out it's a real pain in the butt so by doing this it avoids that problem when I'm doing an island cabinet like this you have the option can I have one of these plates I'll show you you can install it both ways so these holes are here you can install the plate to go across and bridge the gap all right and you can install it this way or this way and that puts the foot exactly in there both gable ends okay now you can cheat like this right when you're installing especially along the walls but in this situation we want to put these feet on this way and this way okay allow this little mechanism here to transfer the weight from the gable onto the foot and put four feet down each box and here's why the reason I want all four feet on each box mat is because when I'm moving these into position left front right back making adjustments based on the room right if if one sitting on the other it's always falling over chipping corners causing damage breaking feet it's a pain in the butt so let's make them completely independent throw in one scurry every time you install one you lose a three-quarter screw that has a nice flat head on it okay so it has a definite stop these panels are made of three quarter inch there's a lot of companies out there that make knockdown cabinets so you can assemble it yourself and it's only 5/8 but the Ikea 3/4 inch panel is a step above in quality it's a lot heavier cabinet and it holds the screw a lot better so lovely to do I love these and Phillips screws have I ever mentioned how much I hate Phillips screws okay so when you're installing the feet this little base foot thing it's kind of important okay because it actually sets the depth for the toe kick after the fact so don't throw these these are vitally important and then there's a cap for the foot it snaps in as well so install all of that we just put the base foot right up near the top and when all that's put together then we'll flip them over and stick into place these little things here as part of a clip system the IKEA come with a toe kicks that have a track system that these actually you slide it in and you turn it into locks in place and then that track system will actually snap onto the feet and they're adjustable okay so you don't have to nail the whole front and you can pull them off to do maintenance or cleaning or get at your mechanical or electrical it's brilliant to have so put them back in the bottle my number one tip for working like here every time you have something left in the box throw it back in the base cabinet so you don't lose your hardware all right so while Matt's finishing and putting the feet together I'll just discuss real quick why we chose for my cat end courts as a combination in this kitchen one is the courts on the island with the undermount sink it is a design feature it says Wow okay but it's also kind of cool that the place where you're going to be hanging out and having fun and cooking is a different countertop than the back because it really says this is a different station the cameras in the back in order to save a lot of money we're going with a Formica we're doing it like a bar top so it doesn't have the returned backsplash and it's going to have the same detailed overhang on the front and it's going to be an imitation granite look which is going to be awesome now we haven't selected the actual countertop yet we want to see everything in place first but the point is this I'm going to save about $1,500 on countertops just by doing the back two stations that are really only there so things don't fall on the cabinets you can put things on it and storage just I don't want to spend that kind of money on it I don't live in a house where I'm gonna get that value back so I'd rather put that money into awesome appliances then an awesome countertop that hardly ever gets used because the action of this house is gonna be all right here just a little note because this is an island the back of this island we're gonna have a flat panel put on it now I was out yesterday shopping for some stuff with my wife and I forgot to communicate these bumpers that's for when you're installing against a wall as well as the brackets so we actually have to remove all of those before we put these in place so nice to use the edge here is your nailing surface can't do that with the brackets and the bumpers in place mat can be here with this don't actually hold the feet flipping it all right and turn it around because the doors are gonna open in there we go put that one here and the same with this one okay that goes at the end okay now here we go okay now we are installing a nine foot island and this one is four and a half feet the other four feet and change is going to be a dishwasher that's facing this way and then we're gonna have the end here we've got a two foot deep wine fridge facing this way into the rest of the room so that it's accessible by all the guests coming and going and milling around through all over multitude of house parties that we never have but will when we're done this kitchen never had people over in the old kitchen oh we're leavin one of the family over here back yeah all right we have a design with a 10 inch overhang which is the minimum that you want 12 is more comfortable but our room is not quite deep enough for that so we're going with a 10 inch overhang alright and it's nice to have 40 inches between your cabinets everybody designs with a 40 inch distance between your cabinets all right the reason for that is that it's just a comfortable distance especially with you overhang remember we're gonna be adding doors and then the counter will go a bit further than that so if you stand directly behind me we're gonna be buttcheek the buttcheek using the kitchen it's a little awkward just a little so because we screwed the feet to the bottom of the cabinet I can do that if I didn't they fall out and the cabinet will fall on the ground this is why we did it so that we can get things in position well even with that it's a little precarious yeah that's 42 that's a little closer to what I want now pick up the other cabinet slide it in them please put that in touch with that one of the questions I get all the time is can I install my cabinets on top of finish flooring and the answer is yeah sure but if you wait until your flooring is done to put your cabinets in and you can't measure for your countertops until everything is done in the entire room and that will delay your whole project so it might seem like you're getting ahead you get the illusion of getting something done without actually getting anything done okay and this just takes time and patience to do this right the traditional space for dishwasher is 24 inches and then usually you'd have an end panel in our case we're going appliance back to back with another appliance so because we're putting out a quartz counter we need to have finished panels in place for the measurement because we're gonna have a 24 inch dishwashers which requires a panel which is structure to carry the load and then this side panel will go here beside the fridge which will carry the weight and then we're gonna have a fixed panel the whole length of the island on the other side well that in place they can measure the countertop with just these two panels in place so we're just gonna get a couple of L brackets screw these together so they can get their dimensions that'll be all we need for now so Matt's putting the rest the feet on the front of the cabinets we can get those leveled off our trick there is our wall is actually sloped now door outside well it's a really old house so setting it against the wall on that rail doesn't make the front level at all so we'll have to use those feet to make that adjustment but here I've got to add my 48 and 5/8 okay 24-inch appliance 24-inch appliance plus a panel 48 and 5/8 plus this plus an end panel will give me my total measurements it's a little bit crazy so I'm basically looking at 54 I'm into the math here like I got 54 inches in cabinets 48 inches of appliances and then a 5 Gable in between the appliances and then a 5/8 cable in at the end of my cabinets Wow all that comes together to make ninety one hundred and two hundred and three and a quarter all right so that's my total measurement half and that is 51 and a half 51 or five-eighths so my center line on my cabinets there's 51 and five-eighths right 51 and five-eighths but I have a gable end still so I'm gonna mark it at 51 there's my center of the island so I've got the measurement of my cabinet 54 inches the measurement of my two appliances 48 inches I got a 24 inch fridge and 24 inch dishwasher I've got a 5/8 cable panel between the appliances and a 5/8 cable panel on the other end that gives me a total measurement I take half of that 51 and 5/8 the gable end is 5/8 it's not installed yet so I'm measuring 51 inches from there to here using a marker I put my centerline on here that's the now the center of my island and the reason this is important is I have a pendant hanging out of my ceiling because I've measured and mapped out this room already and it's exactly Center so what I want to do now is take this whole thing put it Center okay know I have a cross laser line let's look at the ceiling I want to get that cross line right in the middle of that box that is actually darn close so now we've got my line exactly in the middle of that box and it throws that same intersection on the floor because these lasers are our little windows off the side of the box okay isn't that brilliant let's just face it without that gizmo doing this is a lot of work you got to get a plan Bob and just string in a ladder and hold it up there and then someone else's got to come by and put a dot on the floor this is working at you're on your own at its finest now the center line of my cabinet is three inches and it transfer that information down here thank so [Music] now the center line on my finished island countertop is directly underneath the center pendant light the only other consideration now is is that pendant light where I want it now remember I've got 10 inches to the edge of the counter so that means when you're sitting here the light is coming down in front of your face and lighting up your food and from this distance at 5 feet the diameter that light should be about 3 feet okay that's about 18 inches at 8 feet it's a 5 foot because light shines out of these lights like a cone so I'm saying this is going to be perfect I'm loving it I'm at 42 inches cabinet to cabinet after I add the doors on both sides and the overhang of the counter top I'm still close to 40 inches which is ideal with this 10 inch if we're hanging here all that's left to do now set this in place a desk my feet so that everything is level this is gonna be very cool so you'll see I got a half an inch to go I just reached down here and grab the leg all right and I just twist it until the cabinet lifts up okay don't do too much in the first round because it was a bit of a lever action and you'll go adjust too much and then you'll be back there lowering it in a minute here we go you know we can get a better look at it here okay and we just work our way around the island every one of these feet adjusted to where they need to be this is the benefit of this system because it doesn't matter how uneven my floor is at this point my finished surface on my counter isn't it perfect when you're installing quartz or granite you need it perfect because you don't want the stone sitting flat and then falling down because that's gonna be where it cracks and any good quartz or granite guy when they come to install it will refuse installing it if you don't have your cabinets level so once you got your cabinets put together everything is leveled off laser lined you want to screw the cabinet's together now now because this is Ikea resist the temptation to use any of the pre-drilled holes because the same hole is it going to be in the cabinet on the other side there's nothing for the screw to grab and your screws gonna be in the way of any hardware you might add later on so I know lots of people I'll show you how you put clamps on and all that kind of jazz but I like to go about three inches down three inches in drive the screw straight and just hold the cabinet's in position now this is an inch and a quarter screw it's a flooring screw that I'm using there's also cabinet screws that are inch and a quarter and they're stainless steel or oh they're steel and there's also a particle board screw that you can buy it as a coarse thread I like these because it has the coarse thread and there's so much cheaper and I can also use them for installing flooring now if the gap doesn't close up properly take the screw out and then drive it a second time and that will take care of the problem now let's go through this we built it we've hung it we've installed the feet we've leveled it we've measured our gap we've got it all nice and leveled out for our countertop the only thing left down to do is to put our two gable pieces together in the position they're going to be going and map this out and then then we're ready for the measuring we got an hour spare if you've never done this before install all your cabinets and get it all finished first before you call for the measurement usually the measuring guy from the cabinet company can be out there within the next day or 48 hours so there's not a lot of wiggle room there don't put that kind of pressure on yourself look at this think a little hardware here oh and that nice cabinet screws the right depth with the pan washer heads on it so I can screw these on that's so nice I'm gonna keep these just a little information about countertops while we're at it if you are doing this for the first time you won't have a regular installer which means you don't have a relationship so you're gonna be subject to their availability I recommend first of all I'm gonna have an ax link in description a company here in town that I use okay but most people don't live in Ottawa who are watching the video so here's what I recommend find yourself a cabinet or countertop supplier who can do the quartz the granite and the Formica get it all done in one place first find someone that has that material in stock now the laminate countertops that stock can be delivered even if it's not in stock within two days okay so that's easy that's UPS but the stone the quartz and the granite if that stone isn't in stock when you are ready to order your or have your counters made the process for ordering natural stone counters is as follows hey you pick out which color you want now if it's quartz it's easy it's man-made it's very consistent it's exactly what you want every time it's granted you're gonna want to go to a place where they've got the slabs in stock so you can pick your slab and they'll actually let you go through their inventory well the good company will and select which sat slab and if necessary even which half of the slab you want your kitchen cut from that's the kind of flexibility you have when you're ready to order and put deposit down at the time you're shopping now you can go first and shop and establish your slab I recommend doing that first because you want to have that information when you go buy everything else for your kitchen secondly your deposits down it's in stock you're good to go as soon as your kitchens done you can call them up have them measure it and they'll put it in the queue for processing right away and it takes about a week before that product is ready to be delivered and installed if you wait until your cabinets are all installed and then you go kitchen countertop shopping you're running into a problem because then you're picking the stone is it in stock is it the right size are you gonna be disappointed are you getting what you want if it's quartz is it still in stock or do they have to wait for another delivery you can be running three four five six weeks until you get your product so I always suggest go shopping early in the process pick out your stone put down a deposit hold that piece of stone for you now you've got the material that you note so you can select your flooring and your tile and your paint colors and everything else it's all in the video that we're gonna make about the whole process for shopping and selecting so you can click this link right here we'll have a card you can check that out as well because that's going to save you a ton of money always important if you're shopping on a budget to follow the process that helps you from the most expensive unit that will basically dictate every other decision you make that's the countertop so the gable ends you got to go to the store or get some hardware these little inside corners or all you need little L brackets now I like to always have my stickers on the inside so if you see your sticker you know you're on the inside now you don't really need four of these bad boys do you traditionally these panels are designed for being installed past the hardware and the rail to the wall surface so they're actually wider than you need for an island situation so you want to keep that in mind want to have this extending past the edge of the cabinet the same depth as your doors and your drawer faces which I have right here huh so I'm gonna put my panel flush with the front of the cabinet and you can see there's my door right this I don't want sticking past that so I'm actually gonna go to twenty four and a half so twenty four and a quarter inches for these panels okay so okay so I wrote down the width on the piece of tape for later once the Gaia for the countertop measuring has come and gone I'm going to take this apart cut down my width on my panel and the height of my panel in in this case it is one in five eighths for the purpose of measuring I'm gonna install it here but when I actually put it together later I'm going to install it like this because I'm gonna buy a 24-inch door to go on the front of this on the front of that panel has a decorative feature okay to make it look like a fake door i way to line up a lot nicer but for the purpose of measuring a counter so that we don't confuse anybody [Applause] we're going to just attach this so we get our outside measurements for the whole counter and they don't mess that up now the way we're gonna do this just take some L brackets and tape we're going to tape these in place nice and flush and run our screws all through the tape [Music] that's why that is important I'm using soften screws they're just really tiny there's 3/8 not designed really for the wood but if you push hard enough you'll make good contact and you don't come when it come through the other side which is the most important part of this remember the other side of this panel is visible when it's all offenders so you don't want to take a chance of screwing that up all right now this panel goes here I'm just gonna use a little bit of tape to hold this outside corner together done screwing now this seems like an awful lot of work to go through to kind of arbitrarily attach this for now but I know these cabinets and they taken measurements until everything is in place truth is they'd rather all the appliances are installed as well but I don't care because every one of these guys does the same thing they come out here they'll do their measuring and then they're gonna make me sign off on it and they're gonna make me take responsibility for any of the mistakes that are made based on measurements so if I'm gonna take responsibility for it I would rather just say add the other 51 and five-eighths that I've got measured on my wall I don't have to go through this nuts but for the purpose of a demonstration today I'm gonna show you what you're gonna expect from a cabinet guy who isn't gonna be very nice and play ball with you like that because then most likely not gonna be very friendly about you having this in the wrong place so here we go now I can establish my outside corner for the end of my island so here we are I'm putting this in position and I'll tell you why a lot of these countertop guys are bringing in a laser level system and they want to have a position for the laser clips they'll put a clip here put a clip there and so on and then I'll turn on the machine and automatically did the location of all those clips and does all the measurements and puts it in the diagram in their computer that's why if you don't have the outside edges established the computers got nothing to work with so I got to use this and I've got to put a 5/8 something or other over there off the edge and what I'll probably end up doing is grabbing a piece of plywood and I'll just screw it to the outside of this cabinet for now that ought to solve that problem and then they're gonna the computer will automatically add the overhang so that'll take care of it so now I'm established actually I'm ready to go because I've got 24 inches plus 24 inches plus this cable which is actually gonna sit in between the middle this record this actually establishes the outside dimension of my island and if I'm right all of this I made 102 and a half right now we know if I add the other 5/8 103 and 1/8 that's about as close as I'm going to get today now when they are measuring your countertop they're going to throw an extra inch on each side so you have a little bit of variance a little bit of wiggle room the important thing is here now that this is established we have one last chance to make sure that we're happy with the location in the room not just the depth here off of these off the back wall but also other features like when you're walking around the other side of the island so great opportunity to throw a box on your counter five eighths plus an inch and add your overhang at 10 inches whoops and then you can imagine what your room is gonna look like all finished so now you're coming in you have lots of space you're not feeling cramped so I have my 40 inches 40 inches exactly to the wall that is perfect it's the same distance you want in between your counters you want between your counter and your wall that's cool so then I don't have to do a great big sweeping corner on this thing that would be brilliant now if this is it here I'm gonna end up with 39 finished cabinets counter to counter close enough I'd rather have my 40 at the outside corner ready to go now if you're installing a kitchen with upper cabinets just remember really the only secret needs to know now is use the same rail system set us so the distance between the the bottom of your upper cabinet and this cabinet includes 18 inches okay for your backsplash which is your distance plus the thickness of your countertop and once you have that set established you can hang all your counters making sure that you use a laser line off the things like off the stove to get your two uppers and your base cabinets all lined up perfectly and that's about all you need to know there we go how to install the kitchen cabinets from Ikea OOP just in time to get a measure for countertop can't wait once they do that we're gonna move the island out of the way again finish all of the sanding priming painting put the flooring in put the cabinet's back in and by the time they're ready to come with the countertops this will all be finished and that makes this a two week flip way to go last steps when you're happy with your location lift these bad boys up here get those feeding whoo once you have your feet in you take these little clips that come in the hardware packages and this these clips arrive in the box with the hardware that goes on the back so make sure you're not throwing little plastic parts like this out because it's t the back of this is a Halfmoon shape okay that is exactly the same as the hole here so this round hole lines up above your hanging rail and it creates that Halfmoon gap that's left so you slide this in place okay and then you take a flathead screwdriver and you turn it this way and that locks it in place so this hole right here actually translates by going like this slides underneath the reel and it passes up there's a gap behind the reel and it actually goes right there that holds everything nice and snug together you can also twist it with your fingers the screwdriver does a better job Wow now the last thing we have to do is cut this metal tracking off that's knit in excess of what we need it I'm just put on a simple metal cutoff blade on my grinder these blades are bucks here we go [Music] yes we don't need this it's hard to tell if I cut it [Music] there we go that doesn't matter we're gonna put that panel here that's it for part 1 of how to install the kitchen we're using Ikea I happen to love them I think they're a great price point and quality is top-notch for that price point and make sure to click here you can see part two of the kitchen renovation series that we're doing on our 1880s farmhouse remodel Wow this has been a lot of fun
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 643,718
Rating: 4.8208385 out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff, Ikea cabinets, Ikea Kitchens, Ikea kitchen, ikea kitchen cabinet, ikea kitchen cabinets install, how to install ikea cabinets, how to install an ikea kitchen, installing ikea kitchen cabinets
Id: w-H3SczRL7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 27sec (2847 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 21 2019
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