How to Remodel Your Kitchen with IKEA Cabinets | Beautiful & CHEAP DIY Tutorial Pt. 2

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hey it's Jeff from home renovation DIY here and welcome back to part 2 of our IKEA kitchen series we're installing all of our finished doors and drawers and trim ins today so if you have not seen video number one and you need to then click the link right here and it'll take you right to the very beginning where we install all the cabinets and talk about all of that awesome system but today we are talking about finishing it off because our process here was really quite simple first we put in the cabinets design our space got our appliances all sorted out got those purchased and now we're back here finishing off all of the different kinds of options here so this is cool we originally weren't sure how to finish this off do we go over the three drawer or the two pot drawer system all the different bells and whistles that IKEA has to offer so we have here as a combination of what's gonna work really well for us and we're gonna show you how to install the doors and the drawers the garbage unit the three drawer unit the pot drawer unit all the end gables the island all the unique differences when it comes to working with the dishwasher space there's no dishwasher yet but we can measure off and put in our end panels we have our Kings bottle fridge here that's facing out the other end so we have to finish off around this as well and we also have an area at the far end where the cabinet meets the wall that means we have to build a fake return out of the finished trim so we're going to go through the steps to build your own custom return pieces as well so you can install that and have it look like a professional did it when we're all done I have my whole installation here so far my investment is at about twenty-two hundred dollars Canadian so that means that I've got all of my cabinets and all my doors and drawers with hardware for twenty two hundred bucks for this whole kitchen that's a steal of a deal so just remember if you're designing your own kitchen don't be afraid to think IKEA we went without upper cabinets to save a fortune built themselves a little bit of a pantry on the side here we got more storage than we could ever dream possible and it's going to function really well so let's get into how to open the IKEA box don't use a knife so the first thing you need is a knife but don't cut through the top because all of these finished panels are just a piece of cardboard and a finished panel there's no protection you don't want to scratch it so what you want to do is come from the end get it underneath that cardboard and cut that tape joint right there all right and then just peels open the packing tape is not very strong they've designed this so that's very easy to manipulate and open up on your own and that is the finish that we're going with today outdoor this is our color that's under design now I think the best way to handle this is to get the camera repositioned so that we can have really good close-up shots of weather assembly and the installation because I'm not an Ikea installation expert but I have installed a few IKEA kitchens before over the last 15 or 20 years and so I'm going to be reading through the instructions and going through all the mistakes and all the changes that I've experienced in my lifetime hopefully that information will help you out and it'll take some of the fear out of doing this on your own because honestly if you have a screwdriver you can do IKEA so the first thing that you want to do is you would have to Ikea you have your plan all of your base cabinets the measurements of them and you go to the little kiosk there or the person in the yellow shirt is sitting there they're like you know look through they know their system there's thousands upon thousands of options for purchasing orders so don't try to do this online yourself take the time to go down put them to work because they're gonna get everything you need and you're not going to make mistakes and leave things that are crucial to success so what I did as I said I have this cabinet in this cabinet this is what I want to do and he just put bam bam bam bam bam typed it in I wouldn't picked up the order took me 20 minutes done right nice what they do is they're gonna send you with all these doors and drawers so what I do when I get home is I take the whole order and I locate everything in the cabinets that I'm going to be installing them in and I put the doors and drawer faces on the top of the cabinet now I'm organized right because if you just have a hundred boxes sitting in a room you're going to be totally lost so organizing yourself before you start makes a huge huge difference so what I'm going to do is I'm going to just take my knife and I'm going to cut through the glue that adhesive there so I can open this up now Wow usually these guys got a lot of packaging you get an idea what's inside that box right so now that I know how this box is packed I know that I can take my knife all right now we can work now years ago I worked for a company that installed office furniture and that doesn't sound like a glorious job because well it wasn't but I did learn a few things about installing furniture and we always keep the box and build on top of the box because that'll protect the surface underneath from making mistakes now these systems are at first glance a little complicated but the reality is they stick together relatively simple we're just looking for the instructions here real quick here we go Wow lots of paper oh I love it when it's a whole book god help us all generally was like.he as long as you can look at the picture of the product before you start you have an idea what's going on feel free to read through this because this one piece of information is gonna be the same for every one of the same boxes I only have to do this once and trust me these boxes here they look a lot different but it's the same situation it's the same kit in here but this panel is actually the the bottom of the drawer okay so it comes attached to it because these are huge pot drawers the panel comes a test but it's the same situation so the the process for installing is going to be exactly the same I would imagine if I'm wrong we'll find out in a minute so what's going through the process so bum bum bum slide that in yes okay click what is the options for inside there otherwise turn to page 14 okay great so you'll see that the instructions have options for you the IKEA kitchen cabinet drawers can be installed on the interior all right of the unit and then you have a door and you open the door and then you can pull the drawers out or they could be installed with drawer faces that close to the other side of the cabinet so they tell you go to page 14 to learn this system because these little connectors here are gonna have a different location and that makes sense everything snaps together number 14 where is it here oh here we are okay that's for the bottom drawer location for the top to go to page 20 they make this really easy so let's just go through this one step at a time well put this together try not to waste too much time on camera showing and talking and right away that's hinge locations fantastic this comes in every box the hinge locations help you just count up the number of holes to a certain place and that's where all your tracks go so they'll show you all the different configuration options brilliants with that handy all right let's start with this first of all make sure that you pay attention to the detail in the pictures okay look at that the the angles and the profiles because you can't assemble it in the wrong direction and that will drive you nuts so this is the back of the cabinet of the drawer sorry and this is the inside of the drawer so when I'm clicking this together I'm going to be doing this a certain way you know see it's actually pretty easy okay so I'm gonna show the detail this right here these little two things there are actually gonna snap over top of the detail of the drawer and they're gonna they're gonna snap in place right so if you don't hear that snapping sound it's not installed properly so do be careful because that would be maddening going through all that work to install your drawer and then it doesn't slide in because it's not hasn't been snapped together properly now these are the little key tracks we're going to set those aside for later here's the bottom of our drawer they have a groove track a finished end and an unfinished end okay the groove track goes facing down alright and the unfinished end goes into the base first because that's actually the back of the drawer and this would be the front so we just got to line this up alright and you have to have this pinch to the right width so that the grooves that are in this track and go inside of the crews there we go so now it's solid it won't pull apart drawer number one okay now all of this Hardware pretty much is for the door face drawer face so we'll go through this that's for the face boom boom boom yes okay so what I'm gonna do just so that I can make quick work of the assembly is I'm going to keep all of the hardware and the tracks set aside and I'm going to build all three of these drawers because I need room to install this stuff and we will say you will just get organized for mass production here okay so here we are we're page 14 to do our drawer faces now here's the thing the drawer on the bottom it's installed a little bit different than the other two on top and what I mean by that is when I learned this one the hard way in my experience I think this is one of the reasons why I've learned to read instructions I built the kitchen and I put all the drawers on and I didn't read the fine detail about the location and I ended up having all of my bottom drawers were sitting in the wrong location so it was kind of maddening now you'll see that there's a detail and in the picture there's a detail of the sticker very important that you position this relatively speaking to the instructions and this is why you want the cardboard does that you're finished let's try to keep things clean here you want the sticker in the same location and then you take out your hardware pack comes in two sections you know this okay you want to take the that same location and it goes into these halls here know this is the key you see this these two holes line up but there's three hole locations on that hardware alright and so for the bottom drawer we're gonna use this location here I know that doesn't sound like much but is it ever have changed because on page 24 the other two the hole locations are different same spot on the door but if you come over here the other two drawers get installed it's this hall and on in the back this is only you know three-quarters of an inch from the edge this is an inch and a quarter from the edge you see the difference and what that does is it takes the face this drawer and it drops it down to cover the bottom of the cabinet so these two are designed that the drawer faces will be next to each other this one's designed to go lower so very important they get the right combination of install here otherwise you're gonna have a whole lot of trouble now in this particular drawer set I've got a big one a medium and then a tiny one so it's a 5 a 10 and a 15 so I do have that benefit of being able to identify which one goes on the bottom real easily here we go now I'm going to screw that together and I'm gonna finish assembling that drawer all together like I'm gonna put the racks and the rails in I'm gonna do the whole drawer once so I don't confuse this and start running into problems now they do suggest in the picture to use a screwdriver to put all this in okay because you don't want to over tighten if you over tighten you'll end up stripping the material that this is made of remember this is a high density fiberboard and so if you screw and you drive and you're driving your drive you're just gonna end up shredding them interior of that material and it's not gonna hold the highway okay feel snugging up feel free to stop and I've been using these drills for a lot of years and I got a good relationship with a sensitivity on that trigger but when I'm done you know if you have to work too hard to try to turn that screw then yeah there you go then you just really shouldn't be you're gonna run in all kinds of trouble let's go through the rest of the assembly it also has because it's the bottom drawer this other hardware clip let's get all of this somewhere where it's not going to cause an issue lot of little moving parts truth is guys once you get going on this you can do it more assembly line like you can fire through this whole project relatively quickly let's get rid of plastic okay just sort them out so that you can identify all your parts you seem to have two of just about everything here except for this okay now we're organized okay I'm reading upside down and backwards both of these products are exactly the same we don't have a left and a right that makes life easy but again we have three whole opportunities so because we're following the bottom drawer installation they have to go back to number 14 for the location of this hardware and the location of those screws so that's the location the hardware and the screw location is the top two okay here we go once we have that figured out we're okay again these are plastic hardware using the drill is dangerous I like a little risk in my life otherwise it just gets boring now for the sake of the camera I'll show you how long this takes to do this by hand you can spend all day long doing this if you like you get a good workout making sure you don't go too tight but I'm using the drill okay now we're ready to attach it to our drawer wow that took no time at all now here we go now we go any further I'm gonna mention this because they don't show you this in the heart in the book they don't show you how to disengage this if you make a mistake but I ran into this problem once and I went back to Ikea and I said hey how do I disengage this locking system once it's in there and they showed me the system there you go that's ready now if you ever have to disengage this bad boy you will see there's a screw right here and that's the adjusting screw but underneath here you can actually get in there and you can turn this thing as well and disengage it I'll show that a little bit later on let's get back to building these things so this is our drawer for the bottom of the cabinet right now before we can install that we've got to get our rails on they come left and right make sure you have one of each okay okay so here is our first little hiccup with our system when we install this we have the high back I have two of them and I have here's the second one it was gonna show everybody what's going on here because you're gonna run into the same problem and here's the short back okay you see this it's a really short rise now according to their instructions here if you have a short back which is that picture this clip here goes on the second holes because it's relative to the same height as this and that is where this rod where's the rod that's relative to where the rod goes okay but on the high back the rod goes way up here okay so this location is actually wrong for the bottom drawer so I'm like why am i confused because I'm following this in this scenario it's the bottom drawer the bottom drawer is tall I'm looking I'm looking this it's a tall tall cabinet it's got three holes but now I'm realizing that these instructions are based on the size of the back I went through the whole book there's a tall one but it's a tall face with a short back there's no option in the book for the tall face with a tall back and so it's going to leave a lot of confusion in here for everybody IKEA put in the instructions for the tall face with the tall back and maybe write it out in in the language that we all communicate in so we know what's going on how maddening is that okay so right out of the gate I've got to make a change with my installation because following the instructions step by step in this scenario is gonna result in a failure interesting promise to show you the good bad and the ugly here's part of it okay so now the hardware that came in this package makes sense we have these clips here okay yeah that lines up for that hole great okay so now I'm following the clip advice here because it shows the short clips now I have a package with the short clips but only for one of my drawers my other two drawers are both getting this installation so in theory we will follow this see if they have information here regarding the clips this is entertaining alright so what I did is I realized that I'm probably following the instructions for the other hardware because there's a minor difference in the package so I checked the box for the instructions and the other package and sure enough here it is Wow okay so they don't have one instruction manual for every drawer so note to self when you're doing this make sure you open up read the instructions from the box you're installing because if they're gonna have different instructions for every different variation of box you're going to get confused to no end what I'm gonna suggest is perhaps organize yourself like we are do all of the bottom drawers from all of the same box codes following the same instructions this is where experience is gonna pay off my goodness okay so yes this is going to show it these little clips here they go down in here and you just force those into place my fingers are too fat for that but here we go all right well we're keep on following along here now we're going to snap in the arms we come white and gray so that you know what why is there why are they different oh that's the left on the right that makes sense this snaps in again you should hear the snap there we go okay and then that snaps in and that covers over but for now let's leave this off because what this is it's actually an adjustment bar this part I know so when you put your drawer in if your drawers opening at the top or the bottom and it's off kilter you can actually adjust the debt the distance between the back and the front with this little wheel here okay and so there you're gonna get a nice flush finish so we'll leave that detail out for now look at that they even use the word click make sure you hear the click they show how to do that and demonstrate that okay now we have another feature here underneath I'll make sure I'll always have your finished cabinet on the cardboard when you're working they have this little gizmo here so this goes up the face of the cabinet and we get three screws here for this the idea here is they want to put this little safety clip here which actually physically attaches the inside of the drawer to the drawer face you know this is really entertaining and when it does it gets structural strength Wow this is gonna be really hard for me to do this on camera upside down and backwards I'm going to I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it and of course you're thinking yourself just like I am how come my key doesn't have a pre-drilled hole but since these drawer faces can be installed in different locations I guess they figure it best not to pre-drill there we go this is an important detail actually because these drawers the hardware on the sides and everything else is designed to carry a lot of weight but this is just particle board so if you don't reinforce it in the middle between these tracks then all of that weight is gonna bow at the back you've got a metal tracking system that carries lots of weight but right here is the week's so if you don't put these clips in you're gonna run into trouble down the road okay so that's done let's move on now Oh finally we get to install the cabinet okay's and now we have the instructions for where to put the tracks now left the right side of course this is the front of the drawer and they're showing to install it I know there's holes all the way in the back but generally those are for shelves these door drawer glides get screwed into here and the mid part okay and generally speaking the first hole goes in the first line the third hole goes in the third line and they all correspond the first drawer gets it right on the bottom so this one's actually kind of easy to install that's gonna install I mean like just a hair off the bottom so the alarm if it moves when you're screwing it in it's just a little bit of gap there so it's for the mobility of the unit okay and then three for the other side I'm excited max because they deferred of fresh go in now now we also have to take into account the soft closed system for the drawers so that the soft closed you can install before or after but basically what happens is it just sits on the top of the track and pull it into position okay so I'm just gonna reach back here and slide that in there we go go and one can see the works perfect the last little bit of information on the drawer system is of course yeah listen this okay well let's get this in then all right so let's put our drawer in and make sure it functions properly this isn't we're just gonna feel really clunky here force it all in it assembles all the track system done okay now it's assembled it won't slide off and it has soft clothes that is the strangest feeling in the world when you're putting that together you really got to just trust the system because it's just clunk clunk into place but it that means it's working now do you have decorative panels here to cover up the side of this to make it look pretty but for now we're gonna just leave it in the drawer along with the stops that come for that panel because we're going to align everything and balance it all out later not sure why I have a screw it's the most irritating part of the whole assembly is to have a screw left over I'm gonna save that for later too just in case okay so now we've got the the 15 is done so every 15 inch drawer face would be exactly the same so all my pot growers are gonna be 15 so the bottoms get installed just a little differently with that one locking hardware to adjust the face to cover the bottom other than that all of the drawers in this whole kitchen are exactly the same is what I just did except for the 10 and the vibe all right here we go small modification here again make sure you're reading your instruction manual so I'm gonna turn this around so that we're looking at the same direction as the camera again there's the sticker okay let's get our hardware this is this one this again is where having the guy at the store is really crucial they know the difference when they're ordering the tall back of the cabinet versus the short back of the cabinet and they know which hardware pack goes with what so feel free to let them do their job all right let's get all of our screws and hardware out so we've got everything orientated the same way now here we are so the top drawers get installed a little different the bottom drawers are like this the top drawers are all up here right so let's make sure we get this all installed and really the key is when you're reading your instructions make sure you're on the page that has a picture of the location in the drawer where you're putting it there's only two kinds there's inside the cabinet at the top whether it's a three or four cabinet they're all the same the top three the bottoms are the ones that are different and you need to follow the right instructions on that particular page and everything will go well okay now in this orientation for the next page because we're doing the top Atalla drawer right this goes down here and it goes in those two holes again there's that long screw wonder where it's supposed to go okay snap that in snap these on put in the anchor legs you can see that there's not a whole lot of variation one of the next but the devil is in the details when it comes to the location of those of the hardware right okay here we go my favorite part of the job all right all right so that is done we'll set that out of the way all right so this is where the other book comes in handy this little thing comes in every one of these kits and it is the master kit for all the different assembly options that you have so what you have to do is you have to pick the one that works for you so we have a three drawer system and this little clip means the top of the hardware so you want to look at the picture for what your system is that's mine five ten into fifteen so that's us so now I am looking I am 13 holes so while I've got this I'm going to install the rest of these guides in the box because according to my picture I am 13 holes from the bottom and then 21 so I figured this is a really good time to put these in alright get the soft close install first left side right side okay it's not ready for my box so 13 holes now if you look really careful at this diagram okay you'll see there's a little dash next to that 13 that's in line with the bottom bottom the bottom of these two holes so that means the 13th hole the screws going there and this is in the way for doing that you actually have to pull the drawer forward a little bit in order to access that hole fun Wow but let's do it proper okay really use the back to count so that's 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 so this is where I want to go so here's my 13th hole alright so I want to do that make that mark and then 21 14 15 16 17 18 21 okay translate that information to both sides [Music] okay once you've got that set up that'll make installation a whole lot easier okay okay so on and so on and so on and so on then we're ready to install all of our cabinet drawers little irritated right now if you can't tell because I'm looking at this I'm like no I've got it assemble right everything's at the right track height the bottom is covered this is my gap for the top but a guy from Ikea gave me the wrong back of the drawer oh yeah yeah yeah yeah that means I've got the wrong box with the wrong hardware and I've got to go back to the store no big surprise that's just lovely so I can't finish this assembly until then so let's move on don't be surprised if this happens to you like I said there are thousands of products a lot of different options and intermingled and even the guys that are sitting in that computer all day long order in this product for us they're making mistakes so this is human this is life moving on I don't have the right information here to even attach the face of that drawer to this cabinet so I can't even put the hardware on it and what I'm gonna do to protect it because I'm gonna leave this on paper in this drawer because at least that's the right product and the rest of this is going back to Ikea because it all came in the same box and I'm gonna have to exchange it now the good news is IKEA even with an open package will take a return I'm not gonna have any problem with that the downside is is I can't finish my kitchen install today but you know totally first world problem right at least I got the option to solve my problem just with a quick drive into town and I'm not gonna be waiting six to eight weeks for delivery because when a kitchen company that manufactures a custom kitchen makes a mistake and they do you gotta wait it's usually the best turnaround time I've ever found was up to two weeks if they manufactured on-site but most of these guys are manufacturing and in some obscure place near a forestry region and then they're gonna be shipping it to you so at least when you have an Ikea problem you have an Ikea solution here we go so the next one we're going to show you is the base cabinet that's designed to be the garbage now this is the garbage and recycling unit there's actually the entire cabinet is one pullout drawer so they have a unique system designed for that because it actually has two drawer faces they have this little hardware assembled here to connect it all and a traditional drawer install I'm sure that goes with it yep we've seen all this before nothing new here fantastic now for the rest of the install I'm gonna build it all standing up because that is a lot of fatigue crouching on the ground doing this I'll tell you I'm getting too old for that now there you see that this is one of these moments where you just go oh I ever glad I didn't have an attitude about Ikea cuz I'm the idiot that made the mistake these are both 18 inch cabinets and I buy my own ignorance wasn't paying enough attention to the picture I don't know the codes they don't work with this everyday and you won't either the point is this the drill that I was assembling over there is actually designed to go in here and this one is designed to go at the top over there I missed that when I was sorting it out so tell you what I'm gonna finish building the drawer for that cabinet right now hang on face okay here we go no worries listen I'm doing this to help you right this is the kind of maddening garbage you're gonna go through so when something bad happens and you feel frustrated take a step back because you might have made your own mistake and not even realized it and that's okay so this is the information we need for that cabinet right on let's build that drawer real quick because this is not going to take a lot of time so what I found is if you hold it with your pinky ear fingers right and you line it up you can use your palm your hand to keep the the drawer to kind of square and tight and then feed it down there you go ah that's nice now we're just gonna rescue the other drawer face because this is what we need I'm gonna identify the location yes this is what I was looking for this piece of information right here right so I've got my picture at that I've got my Hardware relative to the picture my hardware's here and here with those screw locations that was the missing information that I was unable to just move forward without having you don't want to ever guess because every time you think you understand IKEA they will surprise you and do something completely contrary that's what you're used to and it won't make sense until you're done okay you know is a glutton for punishment even taking this project on on camera because you know when you don't install the stuff every day of your life there's just so many little details this snaps in here come son alrighty and you'll notice that on the small drawers they don't have the need for that hardware because they're not gonna have the same kind of weight in it that's an interesting concept details 21 yes that isn't going to change we're gonna just stick that in oh yeah I always suggest pulling the arms out setting it down here we go okay now we're back to the garbage let's just get some of this Hardware installed and out of our way soft clothes for the drawer yeah everything is very left and right side and sensitive eh okay you know this YouTube thing doesn't work out I could always maybe get a job installing IKEA by the time you're done in one of these kitchens you're gonna be pretty much an expert here we go so this cabinet is made up up too good just back in dust2 15-inch stores right so I gives you 30 inches in total which is the height of all of these base cabinets and that's information that will help you disseminate what goes where when you're building so here we are and we have to open up this little piece of hard right here and read the instructions for how to assemble these two doors together hardware pack once again all of this is going to be very detailed I'm sure in the instructions and I love how they do little details like this cutout here it may not even be a functional issue but they make sure I mean they've got arrows prints it on everything they do a really good job of keeping things organized so that you can follow the instructions and when in doubt take one of your drawers they have installed and use it for all your extra hardware okay don't ever throw anything out you might be surprised you know even even a week from now you may be like oh I wish I had a couple more of those little bumper pads just keep it all in one spot there we go now let's get back to this the end of our cabinet looks like we're supposed to attach these just long screws got it all right okay so we got the hardware here it's showing an interesting location oh yeah look at that right down there okay so it's gonna take a little oomph all right you really want to settle this snap that down and then line it up there's a hole over here on each side you can line that up all right and then they want you to put a screw in it that's a lot of screw yeah they're asking to put a lot of screw okay I'm gonna take their advice remember like he is the engineer of their own system you don't want to follow their a system and follow their advice and you're just gonna be making up your own system with their product you're running all kinds of problems what am I sure that I'm yeah it's pre-drilled so it'll take it in the right direction nice that's what that long screw is for you can put it down the middle okay sure you really feel it's necessary they're showing us here depending on the number of doors and panels you can cut down the bracket okay the top isn't actually necessary so you could cut this off if you wanted to and have a separate top drawer pole we're not doing that thank God there's enough work installing these kitchens already last thing I need to do is get creative now we've got to find the picture the corresponds with our assembly it's the two drawers page 21 love it when I can turn near the back here we go so for the bottom drawer they're telling us to assemble the track system here in conjunction with the pins that lock the drawer together that's detailed information there you go screw all that together hats off to the IKEA engineers this is really easy I honestly thought this was gonna be the hardest part of the assembly but that's just ridiculously easy of course they're gonna be showing us to put more screws in uh-huh in conjunction with these okay let's follow this now all right here we go that location is there oh thanks some more of those screws a handy dandy hardware drawer okay oh it's so much nicer standing up to do this I think I would have passed out if I had to be a crawling around on the floor all day building this stuff all right okay now they don't want these nice and tight I do want these spacers in here looks like they're just temporary spacers vajura sembly you know that makes sense wow so many screws in and everywhere basically you see a hole in the cabinet poking through the hardware they want you to screw it down and that'll make this incredibly original that's why there's a plethora of screws okay dig dig dig dig ding now Wow okay oh I see these are - this takes you back to model plane building here put this on as a cap oh I see it's just a decorative cap to cover the edge probably because it's gonna be for garbage and they don't want crap getting stuck in that that's really well-thought over next up is to put that in I got a little zealous here head of the game just a touch so even though we're incorporating a new system with the track the way the door and everything else is being assembled is absolutely identical you really want to make sure that you're lined up as square as you can possibly be on this because there's room for a little bit of movement there we go and now they give you all of these screws we're going to use them all incredible what they want you to do is screw on both sides of the hole in the middle real careful here because you can twist things out of position in a hurry you really want to get right in the middle of the hole and then one over here do the same on both sides and then you check again for your square and if everybody's happy then you fill up every one of these holes with a screw because that the end of the day you're gonna be opening this up with one handle at the top and you're gonna have potentially a garbage cans that I've got a fair amount of weight in them so they're using every one of these screws to help transfer the load of that pulling action they are not messing around they want this thing screwed together like a submarine this is unbelievable that is like almost 40 screws and they've got the picture telling you use a hand screwdriver buddy's been drinking that's not happening all right okay dokie now we get to assemble the drawer here we go find out if we know what we're doing haha that's much better now I'm gonna screw that little door to the back I still think that'd be a great place for a pre-drilled hole okay so in this situation they're asking for two more clips and oddly enough they want that one on an angle here we go just cute little black screws for this they're really over engineering the the idea of this carrying a lot of weight you know but better to over engineer than under engineer I guess I'm okay snap in our control roads you know now since this drawer is installed in the base of the cabinet the two tracks for that one exactly the same place is the last one right onto the ground and then just stick those six screws in all right so we're getting near the end of the experimentation phase with the assembly here this is really that's quite a solid unit actually I'm going to set that in there again all that bumping around that's not an issue okay so like before we use the control arms we can make all of our adjustments and that is good we're gonna put the bumpers on that just a small modification down here remember I was mentioning earlier about the idea of popping a drawer off if you needed to I'm gonna show you that right now we're gonna just explain this because this is really awesome there's a set screw on the back and it it will raise or lower this drawer face and then this one here will adjust the side-to-side position okay and if you feel like you've made a mistake and you need to take it off right here there's a little flat piece and there's a slot at the bottom of that that if you lift the flat piece it exposes a slot head screwdriver okay so you take your screwdriver and you just Ram that in there and you give it a turn and unless they pop off the assembly it releases it okay no once you've done that to both sides okay it comes right up there we go this is in case you've isn't settled the hardware on the wrong location on the door we're using the wrong screw set and it's not closing properly you can take that off you can reset the screws and you can snap all this back together again there you go that'll give you the ability to make all the adjustments you need to get all of them everything lined up because you do not want to install a handle on any of the hardware till everything is lined up whoo now let's go work on the base cabinet so the bass cabinet here I have a 36-inch and they have a 10-inch top plate and then 220 inch tall doors no ask them about the top apparently the hardware comes in the box let's see if he was right no hardware here ok I'm not putting any face at all that there's gonna be hardware in the door kit because we're on the heckler could be hardware in the dark it yeah ok that's just great yeah and there's obviously there's obviously a bracket that we're missing here this gets screwed to this ah I do not have any extra bags so I'm not worried about this because I'm actually just mad with myself because I asked him I said so the hardware comes in the box or where is it because I know it's a like a huge L bracket and you put in the screws and you can adjust them a little bit you can crawl underneath your cabinet and lay in there and making minor adjustments up and down oh well that's maddening but it's not gonna stop us from getting the rest of the kitchen installed we're gonna do that later go hard right here the door hinge hardware this is where you'll find the instructions it's like opening up a Chinese fortune cookie alright no no no no it's obviously how you do it and location good nothing near there if you're not sure where to put it just remember that the doors will cover at the bottom of the cabinet just like the drawer does all right and this is the best system ever you push that in the hole and then when you close this bracket here it causes an expansion to happen with these side panels okay here let me show you here and that expansion is all it takes to create enough compression to hold it in place see right now they're loose you know now they're firm but they're pushed out it's actually kind of cool done for installing it if you need a guide all you do is just hold your door and flush with the bottom great you can see it's on the second and it's here I'm just going to take a moment and take my marker and Mark my location so that one and that one good okay because this mounting hardware it's really difficult to install if you attach to the door hinge first all right let's take it push it in the holes grab yourself a soft mallet or a tape measure and then you screw in the screws be careful again you're dealing with some plastic in the hardware so you don't want to over-tighten this now these just sit in the bracket and then snap in it's also a quick release okay so like when we're time for us to do the plumbing and connect the sink I'm actually gonna just pop the doors off put them somewhere safe so they don't get damaged while we're doing it okay here we go and of course everything gets these little tabs so you put the tab on the bottom of the door and it makes contact there's also you have to buy these separately okay for all your hardware but IKEA is famous for their soft clothes technology and all you do is you set it on top right in here yeah got it and make sure I get this right here we go okay so a little disappointing about the top plate but hey if you made it this far in your kitchen and you're doing it yourself I'm sure you can figure out how to put on an L bracket we're not gonna lose any sleep over that demonstration today one of my favorite design elements about the IKEA kitchen is that they always have these gables right so we have a take a look at the drawer cabinet you can see you see that's the end of the box but then these gable elements come out and they extend past the box to encapsulate all your doors and drawers now they come 26 by 36 so the 24-inch cabinet is usually when you put this on up against a wall you're fine and they give it a little extra room so that you can scribe them into place they're all so amazing in an island because it can encapsulate both sides this is why they're 26 inches I'll just demonstrate this before we cut the height in this scenario I can go full extension over here for that side and then over here I can put a back panel on and I have enough depth leftover to add a back panel and decorative doors so if I wanted to do a replication of all doors across the back of this to look like cabinets then you can do that and you would be perfectly fine to do that what we're doing is actually we're going to be doing a build-out and a custom-made back side of the island so we're going to leave the full extension on but I've got to measure and cut for the height now the way you do that is you don't want to cut the gable at the counter top that's a mistake okay that'll be very noticeable and very ugly so find a surface where you can lay it down always stick her side up that means this is the inside of the cabinet okay and generally you want to do something like rack the top so you can keep your reference okay just take your measuring tape because especially in an old house like this nothing's ever level go 34 30 408 and you measure from the top down you use a straight line connect the dots and then we'll run it out to the cell one thing to pay attention to when you're opening up your boxes it says don't use a knife it means down the side here because this is the finished panel there's not a lot of mercy there right but there's a little box right here always save the box because this is custom size screws for attaching the panel to the cabinets if you go to the hardware store and you buy cabinet screws you're gonna find them we're going to come at one and a quarter inch long now you're ready for this this screw is one in 1/8 all right and the difference is this I'll just take this random panel here if you were to measure then put this screw up here let's say we're screwing from inside the cabin I got lots of room there right that looks great if that screw was a little bit further that's like the standard in a box is one and a quarter you only have an eighth of an inch of material left and because this is like a I density fiberboard okay what happens when you drive that screw at one and a quarter you get little raised dents in the panel so you don't want to have that ugly look so make sure you set aside these screws because they are a lifesaver now these screws are amazing you can use the pre-drilled holes if you like doesn't really matter but I'm old-school and you just drive it until the drill says otherwise here we go beautiful so the last thing I'm going to show you about the Ikea system is of course the baseboard no remember I told you the beginning the video save these little weird shaping of things and here's why the way this all installs let's figure out of the packaging this stuff here is like four model airplanes break it off and you can stick it on the end if you have an exposed end but since we're using all these end panels we don't have any of that this system is simple you put these in you can rotate them and lock them in position and they lock on the legs right nice and easy all you have to do is cut the length and then night now there's two sides this one end has a little rubber gasket here and it's designed to keep water from getting under the counter when you wash your floors and then the other side is designed for easy cutting so you can cut the height remember the legs for these counters are adjustable so you might have a situation like I do in my old house where you have to scribe a little bit the detail on this that's no big deal now for the purpose of our education today I went ahead and I prepped this one up for us okay and I'll show you how easy it is snap these things in place wait I don't have a position here so remember when we put the feet together we have these adjustable discs that slide up and down and we're gonna put these down now near the bottom and what that does is it sets a depth the same as the ring okay and it sets so this will end up square when you push it all together there we go now we got to get that in there and all we do is slide it in place don't snap it on ah baseboard yes thanks for watching our video today if you learned something that was helpful then give us a thumbs up 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Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 439,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, Ikea cabinets, Ikea Kitchens, Ikea kitchen, ikea kitchen cabinet, ikea kitchen cabinets install, how to install ikea cabinets, how to install an ikea kitchen, installing ikea kitchen cabinets, home renovation kitchen, kitchen renovation, kitchen remodel for less, kitchen repair cheap, kitchen diy ideas, redo your kitchen cheap, ikea kitchen hacks, diy kitchen, jeff thorman, home renovision, home renovision diy, full ikea kitchen remodel, improve kitchen diy
Id: wA5_F0FvVYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 35sec (3635 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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