II Timothy ~ 1:1 to 2:4

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back in our fathers word hey new book today second part of Timothy was second epistle of Paul to the Apostle Timothy Timothy is already being called an apostle that's a sin one and Paul was giving him those credentials this was written probably in about 66 to early 67 ad it's probably the last letter that Paul wrote before he would he would give up the ghost so to speak and it would be to Timothy and certainly Timothy was had really impressed him and he gives this doctrine a letter almost not very long after following the first and we can kind of sense that maybe he thinks he was a little sperm in that first one so this time we see the love and the grace that comes forth from Paul to this one so having said that then this be the second letter and still a pastoral book but we see a little different side of Paul I think he senses that his work is almost finished and we can we can pick up on that as we go through this second book so second epistle of Timothy chapter 1 verse 1 a word of wisdom from her father and it reads Paul an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God absorbed that the will of God according to the promise of life which is in Christ Jesus now what was published Paul's will when Paul was on the road to Damascus that day his will was to destroy the Church of Jesus Christ he was he was a zealous to do that as he was to build it after he Christ met him on that road struck him down and gave him a little indoctrination into who the Lord and Savior was and after that but it was God's will I want you to see the Destiny in that there wasn't some revival out there and Paul joined the church it had chosen him from long ago this is why you want to realize there are some of you that had a destiny and a purpose and you've known there was more to God's Word than had been taught since you were a child and this is the way it was with Paul when God in Acts chapter 9 verse 15 and 16 struck him down and said this is my chosen vessel God doing that nutballs will but God's will you know something whatever God's will is that's the way it's going to be that's why this word becomes so very important because we recognize and understand God's will then it helps you to be pleasing to Almighty God and maybe be a sent one yourself verse 2 2 Timothy my dearly beloved son let's just say in the spirit we was he adopted him spiritually grace mercy and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord and here we see kind of the the the set of the book for grace mercy and peace to calm him and let him not yeah in leadership there's dire responsibility yes there are hard times yes there is criticism yes and sometimes when we practice tough love it hurt you worse than anyone else but at the same time between you and the father is that grace that mercy and that peace is peace of mind that can only come from our Heavenly Father verse three I think God whom I serve from my forefathers with pure conscience that without ceasing I have remembrance of thee in my prayers not today I could remember how anxious you were to absorb that truth how anxious you were to learn truth though he had two good teachers two excellent teachers does just say his mother and his grandmother that had prepared him for this that caused him to make this impression upon Paul in the first place verse 4 greatly desiring to see thee being mindful of thy tears that I may be filled with joy the happiness and the over drawing tears of joy with Timothy as he learned the truth as it came to him the deeper truths of God's Word which the deeper truths are the simplicity in which Christ teaches and nothing complicated about it when you relax and with the peace of mind that God's word flow to know the chronological order of events because man only fears the unknown and God lays it out where you have the entire plan of God his will and that's how it's going down didn't you can find that peace of mind and and and let let that joy fill you for having understood the simplicity in the plan of the Living God verse 5 when I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that means unwavering no doubt 100% faith that is in thee which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois and thy mother Eunice and I am persuaded that in thee also in other words that faith and that love of the truth but when when he was a baby and his mother and his grandmother passed on Lois means agreeable and munis means good victory so what a household would come from from these two women that took this lad and taught him many things concerning God's Word why they had to faith unwavering unquestionable even though they were Hellenist which is which is fun it means they were Greek speaking people he still understood and taught this lad and how well he was to hang on to it to respect his grandmother and his mother and and with his with his mother being good victory he received that victory victory and faith victory and mercy God's mercy and God's leadership knowing he was destined a long time ago to follow in these footsteps verse six with where I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God which is in thee by the putting on of my hands this word stir is an interesting word have you ever had an old fire that's just just about to die out I mean it's it's just really getting low and you take a poker and you stir that and new flame pops up and it lively comes back to life he said you take that Church when it's all the flame is down low you're getting there with the truth and you stir up and start the new flame get their interest back in the Word of God chapter by chapter and verse by verse what about you ignite that room flame of hope and and bring that fire of the spirit right to the people and the stir is kind of an unusual it's a fresh flying new flame new thought stir them back up in it call it to their remembrance stroke it and build that fire that only the Holy Spirit can do a lot of people think revival this is truly Bible is teaching God's Word chapter by chapter and verse by verse and revival is stirring that fire and letting that plea come forth new flames fresh and warming to the very soul and the mind of man verse 7 for God hath not given us the spirit of fear of cowardness God didn't give you the spirit to be a coward but of power and of love and of a sound mind that means common sense and and to be able to take that common sense and apply it with the power that God had best in you you know this is this is what a true Christian truly understands that power is not his or her power but the power of the Living God and you're only a conduit to it when you stir that flame and that power comes back into that body and so it is do you know God when you see somebody that is a coward we all fear certain things that that's intelligence there's time that you there's a time to fear but the what happens when you're not a coward you figure out what is it that we're fearing here and you learn through God you can conquer it you could defeat it the coward dies a thousand deaths a hero a brave man dies but once so anytime you have to excessive fear you need to recon order you need to rethink we need to strengthen your faith and knowing that in understanding the word you can recognize danger you can recognize something that needs to be understood and care needs to be taken it's just a natural given spiritual sense of discernment that comes from God that forewarned you when trouble approaches you know it intuitively verse eight to continue be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord nor of me his prisoner but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel according to the power of God in other words many were ashamed that Paul would have been in prison right in this part of the New Testament from prison and many people would be ashamed of him but why why was he imprisoned imprisoned for the gospel sight for teaching the truth that's why he was imprisoned but never be ashamed of the testimony without brought to you Paul was saying because even as I'm in prison I'm not ashamed and I'm not afraid to utilize the power of the Living God and so it is that the gospel that good news that needs to go forth that strengthens and that builds and it comes from where where does it that this power and this strength comes from God of course he is all-powerful how precious the Word of God is in the simplicity that Paul is laying out to this young man who will be a leader in in the groups nine who have saved us and called us underline net in your mind called or didn't volunteer called us with an holy calling not according to our but according to his own purpose and grace which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began now just absorb that for a moment called according to his purpose before the world began and naturally we have the election why would God purposely choose someone such as Paul or even Timothy he knew them from before of course from the first Earth Age they were God's elect and the remnant which is the one we're inland brings the truth chapter by chapter and verse by verse all the way down to the last generation which is the generation of the elect who will be here when the false one comes to stand against him therefore they are picked they are chosen according to God's plan before the foundation of this earth age before it began that's an awesome thought and certainly the truth never changes times change people change God's Word never I repeat never changes verse 10 but is now made manifest it pops right out in front of us here by the appearing of our Savior Jesus Christ who hath abolished death and have brought life and immortality that's deathlessness to white through the gospel that is to say the good news that gives eternal life that Christ would defeat death where is that written surely that's written somewhere we'll make it nybridge chapter 2 verse 14 Christ came to this earth as Savior Yahshua Yahweh's Savior properly translated to defeat death which is to say the devil and to destroy that and so it is that men though you may die in the flesh and your spiritual body lives forever if you have immortality that's to say deathlessness and so it is that God arranges God overcomes but he sent Jesus Christ to this earth just like you're here to show us the way to set the course to set the path verse 11 to continue we're in - I am appointed a preacher and an apostle and a teacher of the Gentiles is to say of the nation's the ethnic peoples of the world have been Israel well God's the father of all people and what is the purpose of the elect to teach all to bring all whom so ever will into the beautiful picture of the Living God there there is we don't play favorites that does not release them or excuse anyone that is chosen of any of their duties but that group that is chosen and was chosen before the foundation of the world must teach that message of room so ever we'll find eternal life it does not alleviate the fact that they are God's elect and certainly and even in the hereafter they are able to inherit God Himself not land not people not property that God Himself who owns everything verse 12 for the which cause I also suffer these things nevertheless I am not ashamed I'm in prison but I'm not ashamed for I know whom I have believed and am persuaded that he is able to keep that which I have committed unto him against that day I know that I can trust him I know that he will protect me I know that it's boring according to his will do you do you have the faith to trust him that much do you feel the spiritual discernment' that perhaps you have a destiny then get into the father's word know the plan of God in the simplicity in which it rolls forward and be blessed you it doesn't once you understand the truth it is not difficult to be persuaded that we have a wonderful father that he has a perfect plan people are not perfect his plan is his plan will segregate the evil of the world that was is and shall be from those that want to live eternally in peace that's what this is about it is there if one chooses to be evil they choose it on their own or God has sent them the word for by they can overcome any obstacle you I am persuaded that is a fact that times can get hard but God's elect can cut it they can plow deeper than anyone else and enjoy every minute of serving the Living God I am persuaded of that and I know that he will keep us and protect us allow his protection to be over you it brings a great deal of strength through the peace of mind verse thirteen how fast the form of sound words which thou has heard of me in faith and love which is in Christ Jesus do you hold that form which is the line of God's Word line or line precept upon precept chapter by chapter verse by verse you hold past don't let man change it hang on to that word this is why that Christ when many people would ask him questions he would say it's written haven't you read it so many of the questions today it's written you need to read it and then you're able to understand and be able to be questioned and to enter those questions because it is reaching God did not leave us a bunch of helpless miserable wins God doesn't even necessarily careful wimps read the coward just for he does not send you the spirit of Whitford he spins you sends you the spirit that is holy and that upholds you that protects you and he keeps that wing over you but hold fast the word that is so ever ever important some of you will have a destiny of it is to guard the scripture to guard the scripture is to make sure no one changes it to make sure that it is reported properly for you have Kenites in the world that will change when work themselves into positions whereby they can change scripture and many there's not many but there are a few that are called not only to teach but to protect the line hold fast the Word of God don't dare let anyone touch it to change it but immortally giving immortality life forever this is the guide so don't let somebody put thought road signs in that trip you don't need that you need to treat and listen the simplistic way in which Christ brought it forward verse 14 that good thing which was committed unto thee keep by the Holy Spirit which dwelleth in us from mine to mine from thought to thought this is what the Mesaba is about my sura absolutely locks in the message that God the word means mantra means to pass something from my mind to yours without it being changed without it being misunderstood and and what it does it is to take the Word of God with the minor Masaru which is the side notes and then the major ma syrup which is the footnotes that absolutely lay out what is reaching whereby is understandable in the simplicity in which God taught it it's a precious thing to be able to lock the Scriptures in and to no one to understand and to pass that own that truth in depth with power from Almighty God verse 15 this doll newest that all they which are in Asia be turned away from me of whom are by Gili us those to save the fugitive and her Magan 'yes and contaminated liberated they turn away he's a prisoner you don't listen to prisoners well why was he a prisoner for teaching God's Word the truth no common sense showing there verse 16 the Lord give mercy unto the house of own syphilis in the Greek which means a prophet bringing the prophet or the prophecy for he off refreshed me and was not ashamed of my chain he stood written where the others departed he wasn't ashamed to me because I was in prison he knew the truth he took time to understand it he brought talk he brought profit to me because he cared for me being the translation of the very name verse 17 but when he was in Rome he sought me out very diligently and bound me he took the trouble to go into that prison within the home where they had me shackled abroad in prison he took the trouble to hunt me out to find me and then to sustain me to help me with what I needed you might say well what was it that he would mean well he wrote this book the New Testament a great deal of it it takes supplies and equipment to do that and this one was good enough Green prophecy in supplying those supplies he brought us this prophecy from Paul to Timothy made it possible in a sense to be a to give assistance to Paul but naturally the real word the word itself came from God we go one more verse here verse 18 the Lord grant unto him that he may find mercy the Lord in that day and in how many things he ministered unto me at Ephesus thou knowest very well he served me well was what Paul was saying here so he's putting quite a star by this one's name he was such an assistant so helpful this is what the ministry is about is helps no one person can bring forth the word other than God himself but God chooses for whomever he will to bring his plan forward and he knows how to put that finger on that person who he knew before would not give way to any false teaching or to follow false in leadership that is to say his election and those that would come into line through simple salvation to say we love you Father to bring that love and grace and mercy from the very congregation itself into the house of God and to God himself this is what God wanted from people was that love and that grace and when people dedicate themselves to understanding or a deeper learning of that word it pleases our fathers very much it truly pleases him let's go a few verses into chapter 2 here as we as we continue in chapter 2 and verse 1 and it reads doubt therefore my son my spiritual son be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus I want I really want you to absorb that a lot of people don't know how to be strong you see power comes from him and when you are strong in His grace that's unmerited favor you may not deserve it all the time but if you ask it and and seek it you will find it and you will be strong everybody I think probably most everybody would like to be a strong person to be strong in the Lord to be able to ascertain what tomorrow might bring to have be able to ascertain when danger is around the corner there to know absolutely in knowing God's Word you know who our enemies are you don't have to play guesswork because anyone that does not follow this doctrine not necessarily an enemy but certainly a suspicion is there you always watch and be watchful those that do not worship our Heavenly Father that is to say Almighty God but you you stay in that grace and draw your street in Christ Jesus Christ is the Anointed One and Jesus is Yeshua that is to say y'all have a savior that's what he was here for is to save you to save the world it is not an individual thing it is for whomsoever will - and the things that thou has heard of me among many witnesses the same commit thou to faithful men who shall be able to teach others also this just lets us know that he knew begin was quite a ways down the road he was saying new prepared you take this truth see he knew his time was coming soon he was passing the baton here to others not only that but to teach others to be able to teach others to carry this forward generation after generation that's the remnant until it would come right down to the end which would be God's election and the very elect will make that stand and will stand against that wicked one but you need the strength to make that happen but also to teach others to what to be able to teach and teach and teach to pass it on it's like a rolling stone that gathers a snowball as it rolls it gathers and gathers and gathers until it seems so it is verse 3 thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ and you can in doing hardness that there there is times it's going to be tough there you're not going to be popular with every person because Satan is rampant in this work earth today and he will take it to you and chew it you if you allow it that's why we must be strong in the Lord Jesus Christ so strong that you take on that strength and that power so that Satan will run from you that's flying that strength is so very important right well I'm ready run for me because he's afraid of you let me rephrase that he's afraid of the Holy Spirit that is in you for that is Christ the Spirit of God and Satan will always fear that he has a right to so endure hardness you can afford it when it's when it's too rough for everybody else for God knee length is just getting interesting just cruising right along one more verse to complete this lecture no man that warith entangled himself with the affairs of this life that he may please him who have chosen him to be a soldier in other words when you're worrying against Satan you don't let the things of this life interfere with that you keep you hold that form of a word line on line precept upon precept and naturally you're in the flesh you're going to live but don't let that interfere with your destiny that is to say to bring forth that word to repeat it as a warrior should and I like the terminology he uses at war because it is war it's a war between God and Satan and as you come near to the very last days every war will be a religious war it will not be a war grabbing for land the bottom purpose is religion and so it is that's why that Christianity is not a religion it's a reality don't miss the next lecturer bless your heart you listen a moment more to please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,180
Rating: 4.9565215 out of 5
Keywords: Holy Bible, Chapel, Shepherd's, Book of II Timothy, Pastor Arnold Murray, Book of 2 Timothy, II Timothy, Book of, KJV, Arnold Murray, Bible, 2 Timothy, Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherds, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor, Arnold
Id: 4-r1CwW1PA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 43sec (1963 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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