Philemon ~ 1:1 to 1:25

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new book today book of Philemon Philemon meeting affection he's a trooper that Paul was quite fond of but what you're going to see here and I think we need to familiarize ourselves with the situation here at collaging we have some good people but we have a slave that went away from Philemon and he travelled in Paul's circle and Paul converted him and this slave turned out to be a great helper to Paul and Paul because of Roman law must return the slave to be doing to do what is right and Paul would always do that but at the same time for Lehmann old part pretty heavy and Paul is using psychology to let Philemon know I'm returning your slave but you will kind of maybe put it on my tab because you owe me okay and and he's speaking up for for this one slave and onesimus and which means to profit one and so there we go let's just get right into it and we'll take it as we go you'll see Paul using psychology why would God allow a book of the Bible to be about one slave because human beings have a way of enslaving themselves you can enslave yourself to the way of the world you can enslave yourself to usery you can enslave yourself to ideas and what you wanted to do is in Christ be free so basically that's what this book is about as we get into it Philemon one short book only one chapter so we begin with verse 1 Paul a prisoner of Jesus Christ and Timothy our brother unto Philemon our dearly beloved and fellow laborer no he's not putting on he was dearly beloved and he was a fellow laborer and he was well respected and and so it is that that he begins to lay the groundwork ok verse two and two our beloved FEI which is the wife of Philemon his wife and means fruitful and she was and our kippie us which is to say his son means a lover of horses or carrier forces our fellow soldier and to the church in thy house and so it is that here we have a church going here and he's the leader of it and so forth and has that responsibility verse three grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ laying the groundwork here to make his petition petition but he's really building up Philemon letting him know how much he respects him and so forth verse four I think my god making mention of the always in my prayers I really remember you old good ready verse five hearing of thy love and faith which thou has toward the Lord Jesus and toward all the saints and here he has converted this slave that ran away and he's become a real solid Christian one of the Saints to be exact so again Paul keeps laying the groundwork here verse six that the communication of thy faith may become effectual by the acknowledging of every good thing which is in you in Christ Jesus that and so it is that he lets him know I trust and know you're going to do the right thing and you always have and you probably always will verse 7 for we have great joy and consolation in thy love because the bowels of the saints are refreshed by the brother in other word this is personal now you uplift the whole church you uplift the whole body and and we really care for you and again these things are true Paul wouldn't lie about anything just to butter somebody up he was a good man but at the same time he's using psychology and what this amounts to is responsibility Philemon was a very responsible person he had his family he had his church in his own home he was well thought of not only in by the Colossians but by Paul and many of the other as Paul probably is in this is written probably when Paul was in prison the first time in Rome and and this slave had helped Paul quite a bit while he was still in prison Matt in fact Paul wanted to keep him as his own helper in the church but Roman law wouldn't allow that because it just would not be possible but here's responsibility and discipline in following and doing God's work and certainly this man was an excellent outstanding Christian one that followed God one that loved the Lord and let's go with the next verse and here he comes down to the fact here we're for though I might be much bold in Christ to enjoin thee that which is convenient I I've got a favor I want to ask you and I'm gonna be bold in it may seem like I'm a little boat verse 9 yet for love's sake I rather beseech thee being such a and one as Paul the aged and now also a prisoner of Jesus Christ I'm hearing prison you owe me a favor and I'm going to be bold and asking it I'm getting along in years I mean after all Paul's the one that converted by layman so if I'll even old Paul that's what brought him into the truth and into the ministry Paul says for love's sake I'm going to beseech you verse 10 I beseech thee for my son onesimus whom I have begotten in my bonds onesimus and this is latinized it's not the Greek it's a Latin form it means profitable or one that blesses and you said he's he's my own son spiritually that are converting him it's a different person verse 11 which in time past was to the unprofitable but now profitable to the and to me now don't forget profitable is what Onesimus means this is me now you can go back to Colossians chapter 4 9 which I'm going to do Colossians 4 9 in the book of Colossians reads with Paul's writing with Onesimus here he is a faithful and beloved brother who is one of you they shall make known unto you that shall make nor they shall make known to you all things which are done here in other words he trusted this one to that extent yeah because we know from the salutation at the close of this letter that this book was written by none other than Onesimus himself naturally he was described that took the letter from Paul Paul quoting but how many slaves of that time do you know that had scribe ship that had that kind of education usually the scribe had to be of the priesthood or something pretty special of all he or somebody else to even be able to read but here this slave that was pretty high in his slavery even to Philemon no doubt because it was well educated Robin was a was in a high office in the family of Philemon so I want you to bear that in mind you know always always gain what you can as to why God would present this one slave and again I will say it it's because he doesn't want you to become a slave and here here he had run away and it was unprofitable because the Philemon lost the value of a slave a very good one one that was educated well thought of no doubt but he ran but he ran right into the Lord's arm so to speak through the personnage of Paul and boy did Paul use him it was a great comfort to Paul returning them with verse 12 as we continue verse 12 reads whom I have sinned again thou therefore receive him that is my own bowels you you you take him like it's my own self when I send him back to you he may have been your slave when he left there but in as much as I am the one that converted even you and established you in Christ then you received this slave as if it was old Paul himself that's that's beseeching alright that's asking quite a lot but then this is Paul using psychology to show how in Christ there are no slaves unless you were a slave to Christ which he only has freemen not because he loves men and women that love him and that follow him now I know some of you are saying well how can he be teaching that you can enslave yourself today well many of you if you have to largely appetite for what your salary will provide you may go in debt for a home a car a business until actually bring you take you Zuri you may pay and not the math here is not important because there are so many different values in town but let's just we'll just take a rough general guess here let's say that many times in one year you live in that home but it's your own cell you lock yourself in it at night I mean keep it clean you take care of it you pay the taxes on it but then each year you through the months and what happen you will stay maybe let's say just a round figure let's say you have to pay a thousand dollars many places that's only one month but we'll just say whatever okay how much of it is principle pay $1,000 and how much of that thousand dollars is principal maybe 50 bucks so you you worked all minute all night long for fifty bucks and you're taking care of your own prison because you've enslaved yourself in Ussery that's why God is against usury I know that this is a young couple getting married that's the only way you can afford a house but budget watch yourself always take what you can afford and do not become a slave to usery do not bite off more than you can chew I'll put it that way but so you see this is why God would allow this story of this slave to be a whole book of the Bible so you could learn from it don't become a slave to anything don't be coming slave to a bottle to a drug or to a person or to anything you're a free man under God the Creator and he he loves all of his children and he is not a respecter of persons so therefore here comes responsibility where you use this your head and you think and you keep everything balanced whereby you are in control you're in charge in God's name that's that's just that simple do not become a slave to anything how do you break away from that through Christ through one such as Paul this great teacher if you will follow his instructions in loving the Lord you can rise above all that and be a free person forgiving all others and becoming a free person yourself do not become enslaved all right next verse please verse 13 in Portola music this is just the same as you for me I'm gonna put it that strong verse 13 hmm I would have retained with me I'm gonna kept him that in thy stead he might have ministered unto me in the bonds of the gospel if I could I would have kept him instead of you helping me he's saying that that's how proud I am of him but naturally he could not because of the Roman law he was a runaway slave and he had to be returned to his master that's exactly what Paul is doing verse 14 but without thy mind without your permission would I do nothing that thy benefit should not be as it were of necessity but willingly I want you to willingly agree to forgive him as he has forgiven himself and as I'm sure God has forgiven him and I want you to accept him back as a brother not a slave so here we have a wonderful thing and Paul says I belong it's necessary that our sending back but I want you to willingly release him you see there's a great difference there do you see Christ in there Christ loves a willing Giver to give freedom that's how it is and a cheerful Giver Christ does that he said I want you not just because you have to I want you to willingly forgive him I want you to give him his freedom verse 15 15 key news for perhaps he therefore departed for a season he ran away that thou should have to receive him forever I want you to think about that he ran away as a slave but in conversion he comes back a Christian brother and we're together forever it's not just a part-time affair not just a part-time friend not just a friend in this lifetime but a friend forever and ever do you understand that's the beauty of Christianity yes new work in God's field the world and you do gods bidding and you do what you can confer the Word of God as best you can using the gifts that God has given you to manage to operate to see that things are done properly as best you can but always be willing a willing servant to our Heavenly Father Paul's he's laid it on pretty good here verse 15 to continue for perhaps the he I'm sorry we we got that he got him forever verse 16 not now as a servant I don't want you to receive him back as a slave but above a servant a brother beloved especially to me but how much more unto thee both in the flesh and in the Lord and there it is what I help her now what an impression this one had made upon this one Paul Paul is laying it all on the line I mean he's using psychology I mean he you you will never find a better example of someone saying this is it you know I love him he's been a great help he can be a greater help to you and so forth if you will forgive him and Philemon no doubt is a strong Christian because he has a church in his own home his wife works in the church is works in the church and and so it is verse 17 if thou count me therefore a partner receive him as myself if you count me as a partner receive him as Oh Paul himself Elena don't heavy now I want you to know that and I want you to be willing to do this I want you to do it just because it's necessary I want you to willingly accept him love him and free him because you wouldn't take me old Paul back and put me back in the Hornets as a slave you would hold me up and I expect you to do that for Onesimus profitable verse 18 if he had wrongly or owed the art put that online account you kind of owe me Philemon you're you're me a great deal I'm calling the chips home here if if you think you've been wronged financially put it on my tab I'll stand good for it and you owe me anyway so here here we have Paul using this psychology but now he's getting down were you saying this is what I think of the boy I love him and I know he's converted and I I'm expecting this and if you can't see it on your own put it on my tab you owe me I'm calling calling those debts home put it on my account verse 19 I Paul have written it with my own hand that party probably did big I will repay it albeit I do not say to the how thou owest unto me even dying own self besides you only your life you owe me your so recently through me the Word of God came to you and you're saved so here Paul again as I've stated and I'm repeating myself but you're seeing psychology I mean at its utmost its best Paul was laying it on this one this man loved Paul a great deal and Paul was not clearing any punches he said he was going to be bold and coming out the gate he certainly had him backed off and he's he is making arrangements here by following the law the Roman law not breaking it he's bringing this lad home to his rightful owner and besides that he wants him accepted there forever verse 20 listen carefully yay pablor let me have joy Abbey and the Lord refresh my balance in the Lord do this for me there is a double play here at the risk of maybe sounding complicated I want to explain it anyway this the name onesimus is latinized it's not Greek his name don't make this difficult just let it flow his name in the Greek tongue is o in a me okay which means not profitable but to be profitable to me and when Paul says let me have joy that means let me have profit from this he's using the Greek meaning of a missamma s-- in a double-play you were companion Bibles this is drawing out for you with clarity you won't have any trouble with it but it shows you the depth our Father goes to you know Paul knew languages he knew their tongue he knew Hebrew he knew Greek you know Aramaic he knew all the languages it was no stretch for him to go back to this boy's original name on enemy on enemy and and so it is to say I wanted to bring me joy that I can be proud of you for taking him back for giving him his freedom nopal didn't Paul didn't ask for Philemon to send him back to him I know he wanted him to but he didn't know that for he didn't he didn't ask why Leland's a sin this one back to him but in this little workup of languages here that's kind of what he's asking he's asking for him back but the thing done he cuts enough slack excuse me that Philemon can make his own mind up he said he gives me a great deal of profitability joy that's what the name means in the Greek tongue he really does that meaning I would really like it you owe me you can put it on my tab after all I saved your life you could send him back to me where I'm in bonds in prison here I'm getting along in years I could have a little bit of help here from him he didn't go that far and yet hidden within this change of languages for a very wise person that's kind of what he's asking verse 21 having confidence in thy obedience I wrote into the knowing that that will also do more than I say wow that's laying it on him said I know I've got the confidence to know you're going to do more than I'm even asking maybe that was one way of him saying I know you're gonna send him back to me you're going to do more than I'm asking and be that as it may and he really loved Philemon and he knew that he would do what was right I want you to see the joy when you free yourself from slavery to this world and usually bad habits whatever when you free yourself you're free indeed and that freedom is so precious and that's what Paul is trumpeting here is the joy and the love and the freedom that Christianity the love of Christ can bring to a whole family a whole community verse 22 but withal prepare me also a lodging for I trust that through your prayers I shall be given unto you get ready I mean you get me a place I'm coming to see this bears some weight okay Paul Paul who said I know you're going to do more than I'm asking but when I got out of prison I'm coming gonna check up on this and I'm gonna spend some time with you there I look forward to us what are you saying and and and I know this is not a threat but at the same time it's psychology you think Philemon would have any choice as a Christian do what this old trooper has asked of course not he's going to do it and Paul is probably right you'll probably do a lot more than Paul was asking verse 23 there salute the effortless that's to say lovely in my fellow prisoner in Christ Jesus and Marcus you know who Marcus is that this is Latin okay it means mark is mark John heuristic us has to st. the best ruler Dimas that's to say the governor of the people Lucas you all know who Lucas is again this is Latin well what is it in Greek Luke and Luke means light giver of course my fellow laborers you tell them how they and verse 25 to complete the little book the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit amen and so it is and then the signature at the bottom written from Rome to Philemon by onesimus a servant so there you have a well-trained slave that had run away he was a slave to the world and here Christianity and serving Christ serving our Heavenly Father assisting Paul in every way that he could to further not just to help Paul but to further the Word of God and and making this mark of honesty and love for God this one fell into this duty of serving God even though he was a slave to the world I will say and yet at the same time through accepting Christ and doing God's work he was set he was set free by Paul with Philemon of course has not really Philemon is going to do what's right because he is a good man Paul wouldn't snow you on that he was he was a good Christian brother and I'm sure because parley men would receive onething us back in his own poll that no doubt and loving Paul the way did he'll see that these two were joined back again that's the way our Father operates he frees you from hang-ups in this world you got something hang up you're not a slave to anything are you if you are this is how you get rid of it just by loving Almighty God your father and asking Christ touch you and heal you then give you a mind and assistance in being responsible and taking responsibility to free yourself as from slavery to this world and to be a Freeborn Christian a Christ man not just for a while but forever in the family of God that's your choice what a book by Lehman meaning affectionate I hope you enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed bringing it to you listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 3,668
Rating: 4.9333334 out of 5
Keywords: Philemon, Bible, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Murray, Holy Bible, KJV, Pastor, Book of, Book of Philemon, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherd's, Chapel, Arnold, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Shepherds
Id: wR17tvVAg6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 48sec (1908 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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