Faith Over Fear - 2 Timothy 1:7

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like thank you the team for everything you've done to keep the standard honoring God you can't see them and we're doing where we're in compliance let me assure you that as best we can be there's a team that has allowed this morning to take place they have worked non-stop to make sure that we'd be able to get the Word of God and the worship of God's people out of this house and across the community and do every one of you pushing buttons Manning cameras all that you're doing we simply want to say thank you God bless you and and may the Lord reward you greatly for your labor in these days I want you to take your copy of God's Word and make your way to second Timothy chapter one and verse seven 2nd Timothy chapter one and verse seven almost from the first day that we begin to understand a little bit about what was unfolding this verse became a mantra and rightly so you'll immediately recognize it it's been in fact one that was early on hidden in the heart of our son when he was a little bitty guy 2nd Timothy chapter 1 verse 7 I want you to get your copy of God's Word remove any distractions and give your attention for a moment not to the preacher but to the Word of God and I want to simply say to you that while I do not possess the ability or intellect to do what needs to be done beloved make no mistake about it God has a word for us this morning and it is the Word of God that will go forth and heal our land so I'm gonna ask you even though you're in a different environment right now and we're not able to be together collectively man I'm telling you if we if not if but when this is over and we're back in our houses of worship we won't take this for granted I'm confident of that so remove any distractions get your copy of God's Word and I want you to fix your attention on verse 7 of 2nd Timothy chapter 1 listen closely for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind may the Lord bless the reading of his word now this has been the theme throughout all that we faced concerning covet 19 corona the the situation that we're facing you hear it over and over again and what we typically hear what I begin to notice and I think perhaps is one of the reasons God really dealt with my heart about this particular verse is that we hear it partially quoted for God hath not given us a spirit of fear and that's true but the issue with that is that we're only getting half of the prescription that the Holy Spirit gave to the Apostle Paul now let me very quickly just set the context for you let me give you an idea because I don't know of a passage that's more that's more culturally relevant I don't know of a book that's more target on for where we are right now in the in the current situation that we face then second Timothy let me tell you why Paul is in his second imprisonment now if you were reading the book of Acts you would you would know he was imprisoned after his ministry kind of turned the world upside down in Antioch and Lystra and Iconium and he was under house arrest there was a totally different situation than what he's under right now in fact this is his second arrest and this time he's not under house arrest with the ability to rent a place even though he was shackled to a guard and and he would have friends that would come in and he would study scriptures with them this is totally different what he's going through now is not only in an agonizing imprisonment it I had the privilege back a few years ago to actually go to what's called the ma'am routine prison which he was kept in it's in Rome I was there studying the Bible prophecy specifically and I remember distinctly the agonizing even though it's not a prison anymore it's it's basically a cleft in the ground it's a cave there's only one way in and in Paul's time there was a mass whole and in order to keep prisoners from escaping they would shackle up under their arms a rope and they would lower them deep down into this cavern and there was a little brook that ran in the cavern so it was moldy and mildewy and there's always damp and dark there were no windows of course you're underground they would lower food and water at their own leisure down to the prisoners no guests were permitted obviously you are literally in a hole in the ground this is where Paul is pinning by dictating this letter to his son in the ministry his spiritual son Timothy now if you listen to the language Paul's writing totally different this time than he wrote in previous letters it doesn't have the the the hope of getting out of prison that his first internment did he knows in fact by this last letter which second Timothy is his last letter ever written before he dies that this is going to end in his death the persecution has risen to an all-time level if you were to look at the dates and I don't want to bore you I want you to stay with me because I really got a word here but you've got to understand how culturally immediately relevant this word is Paul is telling his son Timothy that he's about to leave this world Nero has just burned Rome to the ground and blamed it on the Christians the Christians are the problem Rome's been burnt Nero has called for every Christian to be rounded up Paul has left him at the in a town called Ephesus which is a Roman colony under Roman jurisdiction and I want you to imagine for a moment wherever you work I want you to imagine that your boss just got hauled in and is in prison and facing a death penalty and you've just been promoted now think about it a moment you're the guy that's up next you're the one that was closest to the rebel rousing Apostle Paul you're the one whose name is next on the list and Paul pens a letter to his son in the ministry to say God has not given you the spirit of fear now I want you to write this down because this this hit me hard because sometimes Christianity doesn't want to deal with reality sometimes we are so heavenly minded we're no earthly good sometimes we ignore what's going on temporally because we are so focused on what's happening eternally that were of no worth to what's happening around us immediately now I want you to write this down out I wrote this down in my private prays in prayer time in working through this word this week Paul is not telling Timothy to deny his fears but to deal with his fears biblically that's very important if you're a parent or a grandparent or you're speaking into somebody's life I want to say it one more time when Paul said to Timothy God has not given us the spirit of fear that word fear only appears one time in the New Testament it's not the usual word foe boss for fears where we get our word phobia this is a different word and it means to drawback in cowardice it means to retreat in timidity it means to not be willing to stand with a boldness or a courage this is the only time that's ever used in the New Testament and Paul is not being indifferent or insensitive to Timothy's anxieties he's not telling Timothy to deny the presence of fear he's simply telling Timothy to deal with the fear biblically do not tell your children that that their sinning if they're fearing that is not what Paul is saying grandparents you cannot say is some pie-in-the-sky some some biblical axiom well God has not given you the spirit of fear therefore if you're fearing your sinning that is not what Paul saying in fact if you listen to Paul Paul admits immediately to the Corinthians I was with you in weakness and in fear so Paul isn't denying the biblical reality of fear he's simply saying you've got to deal with fear biblically or it will you listen listen I'm gonna say something to you right here this we've never faced anything quite like this we've never seen anything even in World Wars that crippled us in the way that that Cova at 19 is crippling us but I'm telling you as children of the king as those of us that are bought by the blood sealed by the Spirit with the hope of heaven we are not only living in the hope that whatever comes we're going to heaven we are an assignment in this world that regardless of what comes today as long as we're here we do not respond in fear but in faith we do not panic but we operate in peace because we are by the blood of Jesus the hope of this world whether a vaccine comes whether a cure arrives tomorrow or the band is lifted 24 hours from now the hope of this world is not the businesses opening not the byways getting busy nor the schools going back the hope of this world is Jesus Christ and the blood of the Lamb and the Son of God that can cleanse us from all unrighteousness so he does not say don't acknowledge your fear fear is a very real thing is faithful to children and when when when parents tell a child that that fear is sinful what they're doing is condemning that child in a way where they'll never open up a little boy who scared of the dark now maybe you never were but some of us were scared of the dark I'm married to a beautiful lady that just got through ministering to us and to this day she does not like the dark she has night lights all over the house cuz she has like the dark well this little boy who hated the dark and was convinced that there were monsters living in in the back porch of his country home his mom said to him late one night Jimmy I want you to go out to the back porch there's no lights on the back porch it was a dark night he'd already been a little scared of the darkness to begin with Jimmy I I want you to go out the back porch and get mom the broom so she can sweep up the kitchen before we go to bed little Johnny said oh mama III I don't want to go the back porch it's dark and I'm scared and there could be a monster and and mom said to her little boy now honey don't worry said now you know Jesus is everywhere and and Jesus is out there on the back porch you go on out there and get that broom for mama because as you learned in Sunday school Jesus is everywhere he's already on the back porch well that little boy opened up that back door and stuck his head out to the back he said Jesus if you're out there will you hand mama that broom we're it's all right to be afraid but it's not alright to be paralyzed by unscriptural fear now here's the second thought I want to give you under a word of deliverance that word fear is only used this one time in all of the New Testament but it's interesting that when the when Paul wrote under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit for God hath not given a spirit of fear it's hard to explain I'm not gonna get into the minutia of it other than to say this when we get a word of deliverance from the word for God hath not given us that that the way Paul wrote it was in the air attaced active indicative voice not that means nothing other than this it means that when God did it he did it in such a way that it affected the immediate it affected the future and it touched eternity meaning this that here's the word of deliverance Timothy we don't know what's coming in all probability I'm not gonna come out of this prison in all likelihood you're gonna suffer persecution because all of those that live a godly life suffer persecution but understand this what God has done what God is doing and what God will keep doing is this he has not given a spirit of fear and the language is such that it literally reads this way not only has he not given us a spirit of retreat and timidity or cowardness but he's given us now what's the Trinity watch the Trinity of hope that he gives to Timothy he moves him from a word of deliverance you don't have to operate in paralyzed fear and he moves immediately now watch the flow of it to a world of difference listen to it for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of say it with me come on say it with me right there in your pjs with your pancakes say it with me he has given us the spirit of power now you already know this if you've been walking with Christ in the length of time at all you know that the root word there because preachers love to make much of this it because it's such a powerful word oh come on it's a powerful word is is the word Dunamis we get our word say it with me dynamite from it so what's the flow of the text Timothy we we have a word of deliverance God has not given you the spirit of fear that's why the Apostle John said you were to test the spirits you've got to make sure that what's happening for example when you hear that that the shelves are bare and and and there's gonna be you know martial law and you listening to all those Preppers and cooks and gooks that don't walk in the balance of the word of God and you hear all of that and you're gripped listen to me you've got to test the spirits now I'm gonna say something to you that that the Holy Spirit revealed to me in my private praise and prayer time and I'm sure he has you already but I want you to think about this when we go through something like this and we're gripped with fear there's got to be a word of deliverance we've got to go to the word in order to get a word because if we operate according to the world we'll always come up with the wrong answer and it occurred to me do you know how many times it was in isolation that God gave his greatest revelation do you know that John the Revelator didn't get a word from God until he was isolated on the Isle of Patmos do you know that David in his despair in a cave unknown it is a king but treated as a criminal in isolation got some of his greatest moments of praise do you know that the Apostle Paul did not really get all that he had could get from God through the spirit in the word until on the backside of nowhere with no one in a moment of isolation do you know where our Lord refreshed himself from pouring himself out he came out from among them and in isolation with the father I'm telling you beloved God's up to something don't you let this grip you you don't you let this make you back up God's got a word of deliverance he's not giving you the spirit of fear we are children of a king we're more than conquerors we do not give up back up shut up or let up but Jesus is about to show up and we are more more than conquerors through Christ we have a word of deliverance now if we got a word of deliverance what does it mean to have a world of difference well the word power there and the root word is is I've already it's the word we get dynamite from now I hate to state this because it's so obvious what we're gonna do it anyway if you put a stick of dynamite in something around something on something when you like the fuse and it goes off it is never going to be the same can I get an amen so here's the world of difference what's this because I am NOT being crippled by fear the flip side of it is I've been given a world a word of deliverance now I can make a world of difference but let me let me tell you where I'm going with this as believers and I know I even have a hard time processing this myself so I wrote this down in my own seeking of the face of the Father can you imagine how overwhelmed Timothy must have felt can you imagine it his mentor his pastor his written a letter and and and not only has he said I'm I've finishing a race I'm about to go home but I'm alone only Luke is with me and he goes through a list of who's forsaken him can you imagine he wants to go be with partly he wants to be there with a man who discipled him and trained him and loved him and embraced him Timothy was a little bit of an outcast he was too much of a greek to be accepted by the jews he was too much of a hebrew to be accepted by the greeks nobody really wanted him and here comes Paul and Paul loves him unconditionally and with the power of the gospel he puts him in a place of ministry can you imagine can you imagine how overwhelmed he must have been now listen to me not only is he overwhelmed personally but he's absolutely crushed publicly now unless you're a student of history you may not be aware of this but I'm gonna say this and we're gonna hit it and go but in Ephesus there's a rumor Nero has just burned Rome to the ground he blamed it on the Christians because the Christians were preaching a word that says God will not judge the world next by flood but by say it with me by fire and they were doing these weird things they were they were gathering together and they were creating cultural cultural awkward situations in Rome if a woman had a baby and she decided that after having it she didn't want it or it had a malady or a or some kind of disability or something that cosmetically didn't please her it was legal for them to lay the child in the gutter and and let the child simply euthanize itself and these Christians had been taught they'd been taught that life was precious and every life was from God not only were women precious who were treated worse than dogs but children were treated like nothing more than throws or throw aways and all through the Roman Empire these radical born-again people who once went to the Temple of Diana who once bowed at the feet of the Emperor are now walking and their houses were filled with these songs of redemption and these overwhelming attitudes of joy and in the midnight hour they would listen for the cry of a newborn and they would rush to the gutter and pick up this child still with the placebo on it him and steal with her with the afterbirth clouding and clogging it in and pick it up and wipe it off and take it home and keep it in the room and said these people are crazy they talked about taking of my blood and and drinking of my blood and taking of my body and there were rumors all over town there were rumors all over town the cannibals so when Nero decided to burn the city of his own insanity he's blamed it on the Christians Timothy's got to be overwhelmed he's losing his pastor his mentor but he gets a word of deliverance of deliverance and then he's called to live in a world of difference not here's what I mean by that I think Paul chose the word power because he wanted Timothy to understand you are not a victim of your circumstances you are a child of the king do you know there's a shortage right now what we call ventilators in this nation ventilators I don't if you know what a ventilator is those you've ever have to watch a loved one on one or go through the process of being weaned from one it's when the lungs get so weak that they the body can't breathe on its own so they insert a tube and they that tube pushes air into the body and it breathes for the body until the body gets strong enough to come off the vent and breathe on its own now I pray you hear my heart and you you understand what I'm about to say to you I'm not making more of us than we are but I'm telling you we wait underestimate the world of difference that a Christian makes in this community there's a shortage of ventilators in our nation breath breathing do you know that when God created man what made him a living being separated him from the dog and the cat and the fish and the birds and the airs he breathed he Ruach in him he breathed into him you are a walking ventilator and every time you walk through this community breathing out the promises and the prayers of God every time you sing songs that cause demons to flee and lift the burden of some weary soldier you are a walking living breathing spiritual ventilator every time you go into a place and they are heavy laden and burden and no hope and don't know where the paychecks coming from or how they're gonna feel the pantry I'm telling you when you open your mouth as a child of God you are a Holy Ghost ventilator filling the air with the hope of Jesus you're not just a bag of bones on its way to glory you're a child of the king who's changing the atmosphere you live in you you can make a world of difference where you are a world of difference a prayer partner really the man who introduced me to the power of prayers name was Oscar Mays you you don't know him uh-huh Oscar Mays was a big partner worked in a factory in Kentucky Oscar Mays those factories family watches quite frequently they may even be watching today and I know my heart when I say this I don't know what level of education Oskar had he was a wise man had wisdom you've heard me say this before not all knowledge comes from college it's more the wisest men I've ever met I don't know where Oscar finished his education but I'm confident you know he didn't have a lot of higher education but he walked with God one day Oscar was trying to convey to me what it means to be in the audience of God and I said well Oscar um he challenged me to begin to pray for revival to come to our little church and he would sit me down on the front row of the church and this is back in the day when Baptist churches still had the boards on the wall on some of you will not remember this but there was a day when on one side they would have the hymns listed brother Mike would list all the hymns that's what we're gonna sing and on the other side it would have a Sunday school attendance and last weeks offering and how many read their Bible which was always a lie and we were beginning to sense something was happening in the air and people were beginning to get saved and brother Oscar would come and get me early in the morning at the parsonage much to my dislike I didn't I I didn't I mean he'd come five six o'clock in the morning and bang on the parsonage door until I got out of bed and he would say to him we were gonna go pray and in exasperation one day I said to brother Oscar at six o'clock in the morning sitting on the front pew of the Baptist Church in Roberts Kentucky I said brother Oscar why are we doing this and he pointed to the board Sunday school board and it was about 40 42 the week before and brother Oscar said dumb we're gonna pray God double that number well he might as well pray did somebody give us 10 million dollars I mean they double the number in Sunday school and I said brother Oscar I just don't know that that possible and I want you to listen to what he told me he said back in World War two cuz I'd asked him how did you learn to believe God like this he said well I met a man who in World War two was stuck on the island of Iwo Jima if you know anything about a majima it was hell on earth it doesn't get sometimes the notoriety or the historical insights that perhaps d-day does but Iwo Jima was a living hell they would take the mountain and bring down the flag of the Japanese run the American flag up then the Japanese would climb out of the out of the deep caverns of the mountains and and just be an onslaught they'd take the American flag down put the Rising Sun flag back up and it was just day after day after day of this flag up flag down flag up flag down Oscar May said that someone had shared with him that a young man left Hopkinsville Kentucky and was stuck on the island of Iwo Jima fighting and every young man that they had sent out that day to take down the flag of the Rising Sun and run Old Glory up to declare that that day they had victory everyone without fail had been taken out by sniper as they came down to the ranks they said to one of the young men you're next and Oscar Lai said this that young man said to his commanding officer I will go no argument no hesitation I'll go but I can't go until noon to which his commanding officer said son you need to go now it's still dusky dark you got a better shot at getting the flag down without getting shot you need to go now if you wait til noon they'll be able to see you and Oscar May said to me do you know what that boy did that boy waited till noon on the dot got up out of his foxhole marched as if he were in dress parade didn't crawl he didn't he didn't duck run or dive he walks straight to that flagpole went straight to that rope brought the flag of the Rising Sun down flew Old Glory put the Rising Sun under his arm walked right back to his foxhole and sat down and I said to my Oscar mais how can that be and Oscar me said because that boys mama prayed for him every day and that boy had figured it out that Eva Jena was 13 hours ahead of Kentucky and he knew when his mama would be in her war room praying and he said when he stepped out of that foxhole that boy knew that if his mama was talking to God there wasn't a bullet in the world that could find him I'm telling you beloved we are God's respirators we are a world of difference don't you let this isolation don't you let this social distancing don't you let all of this keep you from being a minister of the gospel of Jesus Christ sit down and send the prayer card send an email pick the phone up and check on somebody across the street do you know your neighbors lord have mercy we live on the streets with just driveways between us and we've never met what better time to make a world of difference than to say to somebody I may not be able to congregate but I can minister can I get an amen in the house all right quickly quickly we got a hurry we we got a word of deliverance we're making a world of difference almost done here's the third one here's the wonder of dedication he said God has not given us the spirit of fear but of power and of love now you already know this this word is agape J I Packer said it this way Packer said this word was essentially invented by Christianity because it didn't exist there are three other words in the Greek language I'm not gonna go into them but agape this level of sector from sacrificial dedication just simply didn't exist they had to create the word to explain what was going on now we got a word of deliverance God's not given me a spirit of fear we're making a world of difference the church may not be in the building but the church is healthy because she's not defined by a building now when we talk about a world of difference and we move to the wonder of dedication here's one on safety ever so quickly and he gave us a spirit of love now the great thing alone June the great theologian Tina Turner said it like this what what's love got to do with it what does love have to let me tell you love has everything to do with it in fact without love we are clinging clamoring symbols all we're doing is making noise so I'm gonna say this very quickly my go linger here but I'm gonna ask you something if God has not given me a spirit of fear that paralyzes me and causes me to retreat in the face of opportunity and I've got a word of deliverance and if he has moved me from a word of deliverance into a place that I can make a world of difference picture how it gonna make a difference if this thing goes on for how long we're gonna be broke shackled we're listen it's amazing I love what I saw on Facebook it's amazing how quickly paddling and prayer got back in school you get that later you'll get that later what are we talking about when we say agape I'm gonna ask you this could it be now I want you to hear me because we're just about done listen to me very closely I am not in any way saying that God caused this to happen in fact my Bible teaches me that it couldn't be God that caused it to happen because God there is nothing in the heart of God that would hurt anybody at this level do you understand what I'm saying but God is so sovereign that he can take what the enemy means for evil and use it for good so could it be that God's reminding us we've got a word of deliverance to make a world of difference at the wonder of our dedication because while everybody else is trying to figure out there there's a new translation I wrote it I wrote it down and my spin my copy of God's Word there's a new translation brother Mike out of Matthew chapter 6 where a new understanding I'll say it that way that we're wherever your your treasure is your heart is also for where your where your treasure is your heart is that's that's where our toilet paper is at right now that's the level we're living it right now we are believers beloved we're here to make a world of difference with the wonder of our dedication here's what I want to ask you could it be that God has been so willing so long with pockets of revival that have cropped up and broken out been quickly been quickly snuffed out could it be that God has allowed the enemy to do something in this nation that we have never done on our own as a church to take us apart for a season to ask ourselves do we love the building or the body do we love the meeting or the ministry are we more about the personality in the pulpit then we are touching the hurting and the hopeless in the world could it be that because we've been given a word of deliverance and were to make a world of difference that the wonder of the demonstration is this could it be that God's not gonna lift this off this nation he's not waiting on Trump he's not waiting on Pelosi he's not waiting on dr. Fowey he's not waiting on the labs he's not waiting on the chemist could it be that the key for this to end is the church could it be that maybe it's you and me could it be that maybe in this time of sequester and isolation and bringing this nation to a halt I mean the Nazis couldn't do it the communists couldn't do it I'm a little bitty a little bitty virus has brought us to our knee could it be that what God's asking us this morning is this is there somebody I need to forgive maybe the real sickness is not covet 19 maybe the real sickness is unforgiveness and maybe it is that the Laodicean church that last Church in the book of Revelation listen is maybe it's a coincidence but I'll give you that maybe it's a coincidence but it's interesting to me that the last Church in the book of Revelation before the church disappears which I believe is the rapture that very church happens to parallel where we're at now increased in many goods have need of nothing we've padded the pews we've carpeted the floors we've paved the parking lot could it be that the Church of today parallels the Church of Laodicea because it made Jesus sick to his stomach and could it be that the virus is a prophetic truth that is so grieved the heart of God that he simply dropped the hedge and said I'm gonna let them feel what I feel every time they come together and my prophets preached and my pastors minister and my music worshippers play the rhythm of redemption and sin the songs of Zion could it be that what we ought to be asking ourselves is not when is Trump gonna fix it but when is the church gonna get it that God is trying to say something to us well we got a word of deliverance we're called to make a world of difference there is the wonder of our determination do we love him enough to say if nothing ever goes back normal if everything comes to a screeching halt do we love him enough to keep ministering in his name well here's my last thing somebody say Amen Amen say brother Mike well we've talked about a word of deliverance we've talked about a world of difference and the wonder of determination that's the love I wanna I want to talk to you for just a minute about a world of decisions cuz that's really what this all comes down to it really comes down to a world of decisions I've not given God's not given a spirit of fear but of power and of love say it with me and a sound mind I'm not gonna bore you because I'm not a Greek expert but I do know enough to know that what this word literally means it means to be able to know the situation sound mine it means to not be affected in such a way as to make a wrong decision because you I tell my team all the time it's an it's something I teach my family constantly in the team here we make good decisions based on good information if you get bad information you gonna make a bad decision that's why it's imperative that you be honest with each other you've got to speak the truth in love what do we mean by sound mind I'm gonna exhort you in closing not only is your pastor but as a minister of the gospel be careful who you listen to there are people that are going to use this to merchandise off of fear and anxiety there's people that are in the name of Jesus are gonna are gonna create panic in such a way that it'll paralyze you instead of being able to minister you'll be locked behind your doors missing one of the greatest opportunities to really be the church when I say that we live in a world of decisions that's really what it boils down to you gonna have to make a decision every day to get up die to yourself and live in the spirit I read a story that really puts all of this together sound mind I'm talking about being transformed through the renewing of our minds not operating in fear because I have a faith now that doesn't mean I'm not concerned and it doesn't mean that I'm living some pie-in-the-sky idea I understand the weight of this I've got loved ones just like you do that are quarantined that if the wrong person walks in the wrong place then it's gonna get bad quick I understand all of that I'm not making light of anything but I do understand this that through the transforming of my mind I am able to see things from the Word of God and through the spirit of that that the lost world cannot see and I've got to make a decision every day to either let Fox be my authority or CNN be my authority or Washington be my authority I got to get up every day and say now who's gonna be Jeffrey Thomas's Authority now if I live in a world of decisions and I'm to have a sound mind then without fail the only way that I can combat the propaganda of the Prince of the air is to go to the Word of God I read about a fellow who really epitomizes this his name is Henry Brown I want you to listen to this is a remarkable story it really illustrates what I'm saying in closing we've talked about what God's given us by word of deliverance how to be a making a world of difference the wonder of the demonstration of love as a church we're gonna have opportunities to invest in each other and be kind to one another and speak life to one another like we've not had maybe in a in any generation but then there there is the world of decisions and Henry Brown made a phenomenal decision in 1856 Henry Brown was born a slave but Henry was he decided that he was not going to live in the world framed by slavery in fact um he would slip off from time to time and he would learn he taught himself how to read now he wasn't supposed to because that was illegal now the law said that a slave one's supposed to read but Henry learned how to read because he found a Bible that his master never used he was probably a Baptist deacon Henry taught himself to read the Bible and in learning how to read the Bible Henry Brown in 1856 became so proficient in reading that that his master not knowing that he could read the scriptures made the mistake of leaving on what's called an abolitionist newspaper now abolitionists in that day were those who were fighting against the unscriptural the onion humane absolute wickedness of of slavery and he threw it down on the porch of his plantation mansion not knowing that Henry Brown could read Henry picked it up took it back to his slave quarters read it and he learned in it that there was an abolitionist that lived in Pennsylvania in pardon me in Philadelphia Henry reading the article about the abolitionists who lived in Philadelphia built a box and put himself in it wrote on the outside of it the address of the abolitionist in Philadelphia while the master was away selling cotton he put himself in that crate that he built sealed it up from the inside with the address of the abolitionist in Philadelphia he mailed himself from Tupelo Mississippi to Philadelphia it took three and a half weeks to ship himself to the front porch of the abolitionist in Philadelphia when they popped the crate open Henry Brown stood up and said hello sir I once was a slave but somewhere on my journey but somewhere on my journey I stepped across the line and I'm a free man now and I am at your service can I ask you to do something today in the midst of this chaos and confusion can I ask you this morning would you mail yourself to the Father would you just use this time when we're sealed up and and we're away from from from the things of the world would you just seal yourself up for a little while and get with the Father and Mail yourself back to the one who bought you and when he opens that crate and you come out with a word of deliverance and you're making a world of difference and you have a world wonder of demonstration a love that the world cannot explain nor deny you stand up and you make a decision to this is not gonna be the end of us this is not gonna be our worst hour it's our finest hour because somewhere along the way we cross the line and as free souls from the penalty of hell we are not living under the tyranny of fear now here's what I want you to do you don't have to be in a room with clergy to hear the voice of God so if you're a dad gathered with your family I want you to take a few moments right in the hell I want you to do what the Old Testament now listen this is not kooky it's not this is not something that's extra biblical this is all through the Bible fact Paul did it to Timothy I want you to just lay your hands you and mama I want you just lay your hands on your children right now if you're a husband and the heart of your wife has been anxious and wondering how we're gonna make it what we're going to do what about our parents what about our grandparents what are we gonna do if the check doesn't come or the the job doesn't open back up I'm asking you we right now just in a symbol of God's obedience in touch we just lay your hands on your wife mama put your hands on those children and I want you to declare right now over them that God's given you a word of deliverance that this family this household gathered around this screen is gonna make a world of difference because the wonder of demonstration we're gonna love bigger than we've ever loved we're gonna give more than we've ever given I'm not just talking about money beloved I'm talking about we're gonna give in ways we couldn't even begin to imagine because we live in a world of decisions and today we decide we're gonna seal ourselves up and we're gonna mail ourselves to the one who can set us free and one day we're gonna step out of this old box called the world and we're gonna see member knows that he was somewhere somewhere I crossed the line and I became free in the name of Jesus I'm asking you rebuke fear receive hope beloved the best is yet to come God is up to something in this land I want to pray for you we're gonna end our broadcast at the end of that prayer we bless the Lord for you thank you for letting us come to your home and speak to your heart our church ministries are up and going please if we can minister to you we would count on an honor to make a world of difference through the wonder of demonstration this very day father I pray that the cares of this world will not choke out your word I pray fear had to flee the house and faith has prevailed and when it tries to come back I pray that your word not my name not this church not this sermon your word will be quickened by the spirit of the one who said he would bring all things to our mind and that we would not respond in fear god what a day to be alive what a glorious day to stand in our city and declare how our God is a good good God and this is not over in Jesus name Amen god bless you Saints see you soon
Channel: Pastor Jeff LaBorg
Views: 1,690
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Faith over Fear sermon, Sermons on fear, Jeff LaBorg sermons, Jeff LaBorg preaching, Jeff LaBorg controversy, Jeff LaBorg Charismatic, Pastor Jeff LaBorg
Id: RoqrjZ-bRI8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 12sec (2772 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 31 2020
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