1 John ~ 5:1 to 5:21

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welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray wisdom is understanding god's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Arnold Murray good day to you god bless you say welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Oh welcome to this family Bible study our st. John the little epistles of John rather and we're going to begin with Chapter five today but I want I want to call the memory if I may the last chapter the 18th verse because here these things kind of begin to prepare you this same writer John having written Saint John these epistles because about to do the book of Revelation God used him to bring forth that book which means the unveiling the unveiling of truth of sure and certain knowledge that God walks with us and remember that eighteenth verse there is no fear in love that's love for a father but perfect love casteth out fear there's no room for it because fear hath torment and he that feareth is not made perfect in love it there's something missing what because the love of our Father to know he's in charge and he looks out for his own especially to use your head always common sense common sense it will get you through many a storm but it's always our Father that puts the storm oil on the ocean floor of the ocean waves and settles them down whereby we have peace so with that having been said chapter five the First Epistle of st. John verse one and it reads with that word of wisdom from our Father whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him now there's kind of a condition there and you don't want to read over it you don't people like to Softsoap things don't i mean pay attention there's a condition whosoever whosoever what whosoever believeth and there's no such thing as well I believe a little bit no you don't you're a doubter you're not a believer whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God your family and and you have earned that respect that right to call yourself Kinmen of Almighty God that as much as you're his child and that's very important but take away the belief and what you've got nothing you absolutely have nothing this is why fear is such a dangerous thing it ties with your belief you don't want that beloved you want to know that your father loves you and you want to believe in him in his supremacy in control in wisdom and knowledge in his guidance and trust him for that you would have believed not only in the begat err but the one that has begotten let's just say the Lord Jesus Christ verse two by this we know that we love the children of God when we love God and keep his Commandments that we should love one another and in other words that love that comes from above knowing that all souls came from above that we are one family and there is a oneness when we're in Christ and he is in us verse three for this is the love of God that we keep his Commandments and His commandments are not Grievous when they set you free His commandments so some people think they may be hard they set you free they give you freedom any time you listen to someone that God's Word is putting you in bonds you're listening to false prophet you're listening to a false teacher because God's Word gives you breath of air it gives you freedom of mind it gives you a conscience in love and understanding that our fathers in control and the love for him and the love for his children that's that's his commandments and when you keep them as best you can none of us are perfect we're we're all going to fall short at times and don't get yourself on a guilt trip but always for heaven's sakes do remember what sets you free from those things that is to say God's love and following the commandments on repentance that atonement that brings you back in and when he says I forgive you child you continue on verse 4 for whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world believe that beloved accept it whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world and this is the victory that overcometh the world even our faith just in that you know this should remind you of a scripture you're not going to have it hebrews chapter 11 verse 6 I'm gonna read it to you listen carefully but without faith it is impossible to please him that's to say our Father for he that cometh to God must believe that he is let me say that again one that comes to God must believe no ifs ands or maybes must believe that God is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him do you want that reward you want that love it's there it sets you free it sets you apart from people in this world that have no hope or maybe that put their hope in politics or something of that nature rather than our Heavenly Father the giver of life the giver of eternal life there's only one and that is our Father and he he has great great and great love for those that believe it's so very important and it is it is real easy sometimes for one Tom a poor old Thomas was a doubter and and Christ still loved him Christ had patients with him but to doubt too much is to doubt the promises of God and that's not healthy that will cause you heartache so faith I mean it is the key that unlocks the door to the kingdom you have to have it faith in our Father and to know that he does love us verse 5 to continue who is he that overcometh the world but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God that that is you this cosmos this world you could overcome this earth age by believing that Jesus Christ is the son of God in other words back to verse 1 that if you believe they'd be gather you better believe the begotten that if you believe the father you better believe the son well why should I do that well if you're a student of God's Word you know that God spoke long ago of the coming of the Messiah that is to say Yeshua Jesus which is to say you have a saviour being translated correctly from the Hebrew that he was promised again I would remind you again of Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14 a virgin shall conceive no ifs no ands no maybes a virgin shall conceive and shall shall have a give birth to a son the begotten and you shall call him Immanuel which is to say God with us you see this is not a new thing this fifth chapter of this First Epistle of John it's written long ago from the Old Testament all we want because God never changes that's why you can love your father and know he's not gonna something new Anya for he never changes he's the same yesterday he is today and he will be forever and so it is with his word that that you can love him and understand him who is he that overcometh the world that's that's God's elect you have to rise above the storm my friend and get in the clear air that is the love of Almighty God and look down and see from that spiritual height and thought the trouble that is in this world and the fact that you're free from it what freed you believing in our Father loving him understanding him verse six to continue this is he that came by water and blood even Jesus Christ not by water only but by water and blood and it is the spirit that beareth witness because the Spirit is truth what's bent the Holy Spirit God's Spirit Immanuel God with us that he was not only born I mean it wasn't some magic wand and he just popped up into being no there was a bag of waters there with Mary that that the the child was in just like anyone else it was a normal very normal birth and and the blood that ran through the umbilical cord into the veins of the child he was normal and why is that important well to show us how to get it done to show us what he went through for us and he was just like us in that respect that it was the water in the blood and that he was able to never sin we're not quite that that too apt but at least because he paid that price with forgiveness we have that perfection in that sense because of his love because indeed he does love us and that's why here he's given Jesus Christ what does that mean as Joshua careiess toasts that is to say the anointed one with the anointing all of our people that he brings this gift forward to us to assure us to comfort us I will be reading verses 7 and 8 together and then I will make a correction from the ancient Hebrew rather the ancient manuscripts and there is a Latin version that it was a side column and then it got changed copied into the scripture I'm going to explain it because the scripture should not be changed but it does no harm at the same time I will let you be the judge reading verses 7 and 8 for there are three that bear record in heaven the father the word and the Holy Spirit and these three are one understand that these three are one and there are three that bear UPS Bharath bear witness in earth the spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree in one now as I told you in Latin versions this this was these words were first found the words between in heaven and in earth okay we're at it they don't belong there but in my estimation they don't change a whole lot but it could in the minds of some people who have trouble understanding the Trinity that the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit it is amazing to me that some people accuse me of not believing the in the threefold powers of God when I teach chapter by chapter and verse by verse and it's impossible not to teach the three anyway I'm going to read seven and eight now leaving out the words between in heaven and in earth so that you have the reading of the original manuscripts here it goes verse seven for there are three that bear record the spirit and the water and the blood and these three agree in one that's the way it originally read and that's the way it is how fantastic it is that here we have death burial and resurrection that spirit comes forth and from that came the comforter and the comforter the Holy Spirit giving us witness and dwelling actually within us and at the same time having paid the price with that blood on the cross that your sins can be forgiven you mess up and that hurts our Father but when you do mess up and just say father I I don't know what overcame me I'm sorry please forgive me he'll reach out and give you an embrace and love you and tell you child you're forgiven go your way and sin no more and we may even do that but our Father loves his children he draws great pleasure from his children that's why he created them as it is written in the last verse of Revelation chapter four verse nine in this fifth chapter to continue if we received the witness of men the witness of God is greater for this is the witness of God which he had testified of his son in other words we by law can have two men give witness and and will can't we'll consider that as a double witness and approve it then why wouldn't you approve of the triune witness of Father Son and the Holy Spirit so much stronger so so much so complete a completeness that is even hard to put in our minds and in our our tongue to express that completeness of the oneness in the trying godhead of almighty god and he did that for you for me and for the rest of the family verse 10 he that believeth on the son of god hath the witness in himself what does that mean means the presence of the holy spirit he that believeth not God has made him a liar because he believeth not the record that God gave of his son I mean he doesn't believe the word of God why should God have any patience with him why should God reward him God is a rewarder of those that love him those that have faith in Him and why should he have why should it be a rewarder of somebody that has no faith in Him they don't deserve it I guarantee you there's one thing you can rest well assured of you're going to get everything you've got coming to you from Almighty God good bad and the ugly you're going to get it one way or the other if if you love him and believe him then you have that reward that is sweet in a savor in thye life but if you are an unbeliever and you make God out a liar you're going to have a rough trip for it it's not going to end very well and you know you know how do you understand what the condition was that made the difference presence of the Holy Spirit the presence of God in your life is he there verse 11 and this is the record that God has given to us eternal life and this life is in his son what without the son you don't have it because the Sun is what brought if what delivered the final condition of believing upon him because that's his title Yeshua means you have a savior you can't hop scotch the savior or you're not saved that's pretty you know you don't have to be a literature expert to understand that if you hopscotch or skip over the Savior you're not saved you tried to take a shortcut you tried to get into the sheep pen but I crawled it over the fence instead of going under the staff of the Shepherd you're a fake so don't ever call God a liar or or I feel sorry for you you're in a heap of hurt you're a misguided child and our Father he regrets that because eternal life is in the son again you can see where this chapter prepares you for the book of Revelation which gives you play-by-play of how you step into that eternal life verse 12 he that hath the son hath life it's a simple and he that hath not the son of God hath not life Oh what do you have if you don't have life death of course I I don't I I think I would and we're not talking about death of the flesh we're talking about the death mentioned in Matthew chapter 10 verse 28 fear not he who can copper kill your flesh body but he that has the power to destroy both your flesh and your soul that's the second death that's death eternal you know when this earth returns to its original formation as God presented it habitable as Isaiah chapter 45 documents this earth was habitable then Satan's little overthrow cause great destruction but it's going back to that let me tell you you want to be there it's fantastic you you can't even imagine you want to be there well how do I arrange that believing on the Sun believing on the Word of God loving your father and doing his commandments will bring you eternal life 13 these things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the son of God that you may know that you have eternal life and that you may believe on the name of the Son of God no what was that written to everybody you got to pay attention to what you read no it was not it was written to those that believe on the Son of God not anyone else and yet anyone anyone has the right if they so choose to believe upon him and have that eternal life it's that simple verse 14 and this is the confidence that we have in him that if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us you know a lot of people that they have trouble reading and all you got to do is ask him there it is that's not what he said it's not what it said at all it said according you don't ask according to your will you ask according to whether or not at your father's will that you have it and all it says is he hears you verse 15 and if there's a kind of a condition there pay attention and if we know that he hear us whatsoever we ask we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him and I did that say whatever you asked you're going to get and it did not there's a condition there and if you love your father the way you're supposed to from the teachings of this very book if Father's will does not wish you to have something then you should be hands-off you shouldn't want you should not want anything to do with it all it said is is you can rest assured when you pray and when you ask in the will of God there's a condition if it be your will father you know a lot of preachers will tell you that's a weakness they say in God's will you've got a demand that won't get you very far with our Father you have to show love and you have to prove that you love him enough that you want his will in it or you don't want it you got a love God enough for that okay if it's not God's will you don't want anything to do with it but all your guarantee is is that he has your petition whether he enters it or not that's his business and it is yours to believe and accept so be careful when people teach and make promises that the word does not it is great enough to know that God received the petition he received your wish and he knows what's good for you if it's something that will hurt you he's going to tell he's not going to allow it why well he loves you well how could this that I was praying for hurt me well it's possible instead of something that would hurt you he's got other things for you to do that may be far more important leave that to your father for he knows tomorrow and sometimes we don't verse 16 If any man see his brother sin a sin which is not unto death he shall ask and he shall give him life for then that sin not unto death there is a sin unto death I do not say that you shall pray for it in other words what this is this is talking about in acessory prayer and there there is only one unforgivable sin unpardonable sin and you find it in Luke chapter 12 verse 10 and that's what he's talking about you don't when somebody commits this prayer you don't pray for them because it's unforgivable you they blew it let's understand what it is Luke chapter 12 verse 10 and whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man that is God walked Christ walking in the flesh right here on earth yes I'll be forgiving him but unto Him that blasphemy against the Holy Spirit it shall not be forgiven that's unforgivable well pray tell me what does it mean to bless them the Holy Spirit well read on relax enjoy the word be informed and when they bring you unto the synagogues this is the synagogue of satan' as mark 13 so describes and unto magistrates and powers take no thought how or what thing you shall answer or what you shall say why verse 12 for the Holy Spirit shall teach you in that same hour what hour the hour of temptation what you ought to say and if one of God's elect refused to do that don't pray for them now many people and bad teaching would have somebody that had cursed or something in their lifetime witches is certainly forgivable simply on repentance but it is not forgivable for one that knows better that knows the Word of God and is delivered up and God expecting to witness against the false Christ then don't pray for them do I believe that will happen no I do not I know God's elect pretty well and I just do not think that will come to pass and God himself in another place would in Jeremiah chapter 14 verse 11 listen carefully you're not going to have it then said the Lord unto me pray not for this people for their good when they fast I will not hear their cry and when they offer burnt offerings and oblation I will not accept them but I will consume them by the sword and by the feminine by pestilence those that won't won't listen that lie listen to lies then said I o Lord God behold the prophets saying to them you shall not see the sword now there shall you have famine the Antichrist is not coming you're gonna fly away that's what it's talking about but I will give you assured peace in this place that's what the preachers say you don't have to worry humming you're gone you know what God said about it verse 14 then the Lord said unto me the prophets prophesy lies in my name I sent them not neither have I commanded them neither spake unto them they prophesy unto a false vision and divination that's false revelation and a thing of not in the deceit of their heart so you want to be real careful my friend we live in perilous times and you want to be careful always take God's Word and rightly divide it returning to the first epistle of John chapter 5 verse 17 all unrighteousness is sin period and there is a sin not unto death in other words you can repent there are many sins that are not that are forgivable okay praise God for that that's the price he paid on the cross verse 18 we know that whosoever is born of God sin not this means one that is borned of God is not an habitual sinner that we learned that in the chapter 1 okay that there's an - there's a difference between a sinner and a habitual sinner Anna Mitchell sinner is one that could care less doesn't believe in God atheist all the way and worse in many cases but he that is gotten of God keepeth himself and that wicked one touches him not there is no way when you're delivered up before the false Christ that he can touch you in any way what shape form whatever because why because you're born of God you have God in your very heart the comforter is with you fear what why should you fear when God is in control the wicked can touch at him not 19 and we know that we are of God and the whole world lieth in wickedness look at it look around you look at what promises are made that are so full of lies and and misleading and the people that were wandering across the globe that would be the nation of nations the superpower of superpowers in the end times the children of God don't allow yourself to be deceived by foreigners verse 20 that is to say foreign to Almighty God verse 20 and we know that the Son of God is come and hath given us an understanding this knowledge wisdom that we may know him that is true we know the truth and we know the falseness we can recognize it and we are in him that is true even in his son jesus christ that is yaver savior the anointed one company Stowe's Christ this is the true God and eternal life it's the only way you're ever going to have eternal life it's the only place you're going to find it is in the son now as I stated in 10 testing the spirits this offends some be that as it may it is God's Word it is true 21 he completes the chapter the book rather and chapter with this word little children oh how gentle keep yourselves from idols amen amen means that's that what he's saying is is keep yourself from the apostasy the apostasy and that's the teaching of the great book of Revelation is how you avoid the apostasy how you come face-to-face with it and yet at the same time the unveiling the revelation makes it possible that you find that truth and eternal life don't be robbed in this generation always ask God's will and then follow God's Word following his commandments keeps you from sin and it enriches you with the love of Almighty God right in your heart you can't go better than that my friend no wonder he would end it with amen meaning that's that nothing more need be said alright we'll finish the next two books in the next lecture bless your heart you listen a moment I want you please Ezra and Nehemiah these two bricks are necessary to understand the returning to the father in that sense of the example set forth in the end times of the rebuilding of God's most favorite place on earth also within these two books you find the hidden secret hidden from most people's eyes that the study in the Hebrew and the callee that is given in these particular books will teach you how that the priesthood itself became polluted during this period of time this is to say about 400 years before Christ walked the earth to the time that he did walk in instructing you very wisely setting the example of how it is that we gather back to Christ himself Ezra and Nehemiah fantastic you'll enjoy them and there we are back again let's have the 800 number please 1 864 3 4 6 4 5 that number is good from Puerto Rico throughout the US Alaska Hawaii all over Canada if the spirit moves in you have a question you share it once you do that please never never ask a question about a particular reverend denomination church or organization we're not going to judge people we teach God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse and let the chips fall wherever they may never apologize for the Word of God never apologize for our nation never apologize for any nation that follows the Living God how precious it is hey our Father is still on the throne let him be judged whether you like it or not he is and you know something he's doing a fantastic job always has he always will those of you that listen by shortwave around the world it's always a pleasure hearing from you and your announcer at the end of the hour we'll give you our mailing address again always a pleasure now we've got a prayer request you don't need the number you don't need an address why God God knows what you're thinking okay you don't even have to say it out loud just talk to him that's what prayer is ask his will in all things that you do because you want to be pleasing to him and certainly that's the way his heart is with you his emotions his feelings his love reaches out to you embraces you directs you that's what you want father around the globe we come we ask that you need guy bother touch in your shoe is precious name thank you Father amen okay in question time we're going to go with Mary from Alabama we're in the Bible does it tell where the dead or probably one of the better places is Revelation chapter 6 verse 9 do you know what that is that's the fifth seal and what happens in the fifth seal revelation 6:9 those under the altar of God whom had shed their blood on earth they were living here in the flesh or under the altar of God wearing white robes and they were talking they were saying something what was it father how long before you take avenge us on those on earth that did this to us and father blessed them and and and told them only a little longer until your fellow servants the elect on earth accomplished what must be complexed and then shall the end be there you know where the dead in Christ are there under the altar of God Revelation chapter 6 verse 9 surely from South Carolina what was the guy's name that wrote the Bible in chronological order in the 1940s doctor Moffitt I admire him greatly because he did a good job we carried the Moffitt Bible I'm sure we do in our library having it available you know I remember way back many many years ago and one of the first editions that came out I don't think it would even be available anymore he wrote a letter in the front and apologized to a scholar for not using the sacred name but he said here in the 30s everybody is so fixed with the King James that was me coming out with a different version they're not liking it and they didn't I mean you know there are people bible thumpers will hold up the King James of this is good enough for Paul and Timothy and it's good enough for me well Paul never saw the King James Bible okay it wasn't written until 1611 so Paul studied Dominion scripts where any good scholar is going to go so but many of the translators and copyist threw boredom or whatever the case may be made copying arrows and Moffat being the scholar he was he put things in chronological order and many times it straightens out deep misunderstandings and it is a good work I've still preferred the companion Bible for a Study Bible but it's a good backup and in the Moffitt to have a different understanding on chronological things that give a better understanding I trust it in other words Edie from California what was the reason for Jesus agony in the Garden of Gethsemane that caused him to sweat droplets of blood most Bible teachers teach that it was the anticipation of the impending separation from God that he would experience at the cross but you teach that Jesus did not experience separation and wasn't forsaken I am now confused I don't understand why you would be confused naturally God how could God forsake himself Jesus on the cross when he quoted Psalms 22 verse one from the Hebrew Eli Eli lama sabachthani even in the New Testament he was quoting Psalms 22 so you would understand but naturally it was the cup of wrath that he has to pour out on unbelievers there God's children he was hoping there was a different way but look at the world today you cannot reason with them they will not listen they do not even believe in a large part that there is a God or have they got a lesson coming because that cup you will know why he sweat those droplets when you see him pull it out you know many and say well it's that little vial do you know what that word is in the Greek it's a wide open mouth flat dish splat it's not some little tiny vial that he sprinkles you're gonna get it everything you got come in if you've got reward coming from Christ you're going to get that reward if you have correction oh my word are you going to get it but Christ was hoping there was a different way because many will die at the end of the millennium a death that you don't even know about today a great deal it's the second death it's the death of the soul you know when he spoke from nothing and you became yourself in the first Earth Age he speaks again and you are totally blotted out erased gone forever as though you never existed what what a sad state of affairs it's going to happen that's why those tears came forth because he loves the children Steven from Wisconsin what does the Bible say about taking retirement is it okay or not you betcha it's fantastic to be able to take retirement and enjoy it but then in retirement what I consider it to just be releasing you to do something you enjoy doing more so okay always be useful don't don't retire and you know you can take an egg and when it when I guess this is a bad analogy but I've started it I'll use it a hen can said it and it it continues bringing life but you just take an old egg and put her out here and leave her set and it rottens okay I mean it goes it's not fit for anything you can't it just rotten so make sure that doesn't happen to you on retirement that that part's a sin and there are so many things and so many things you can do and give visiting retirement centers of people that are worse off than you are giving them hope and life and enjoy a smile okay or whatever the case may be your favorite hobby or whatever go for it be vivacious Edie from Florida and and I'm this has I know even handicapped people know how to take advantage of retirement own disability Edie from Florida pastor Murray in the Old Testament it speaks of dreams and visions does God give them to people in this day and age well naturally we have dreams because our the way God created these bodies you have your senses and when you sleep the very central nervous system that runs through the backbone sends messages from your toe your little toe or big toe all the way to the top of your head and and if you're in a room that is too hot you're going to automatically while you're asleep dreaming I'm too close to the fire or something you know what that that's just human nature but at the same time it is written in Acts chapter two that when the Antichrist appears on this earth and God's children are delivered up they're going to speak in dreams and visions and prophesy both sons and daughters that's going to happen but it won't happen until Joel chapter 2 comes to pass as Acts chapter 2 so signifies Mildred from California one day on your program you talked about trees and God as stronger as strong as a fir tree I should have marked it down in the Bible you were speaking about trees in a house well it's it's where God said he was entering the prayer of Hosea I was a a meaning salvation the book that is to the road salvation and in hosea chapter 14 verse 8 God does say I am a great fir tree why because fir trees their leaves do not die with the frost their evergreen eternal life is what he it was signifying God uses symbology a great deal unfortunately Satan kind of copies it off sometimes and but never be afraid to use the symbolism that does symbolize eternal life it's fine if that's your thought process Clyde from California can you explain why in the Old Testament numbers there is a half tribe of manasseh when or why did it become a half tribe I have searched and do not understand why there is or where's the other half or why Manasseh became a half tribe well it's real simple Deuteronomy chapter 29 along about verse 8 or so when when Moses had led the people around the Dead Sea and all the way back up to the head of it ready to cross the Jordan God had part of the Reuben heights and half of the tribe of manasseh stay on the east side of the river and the other half tribe of manasseh crossed over the Jordan and settled on the other side so you had a half and a half that's how it came to be half tribe was the settling of the tribes the ten tribes before any of the twelve tribes before any of them went into captivity JD from California question did God hate Esau because he knew he would bring key Knights descendants away from the fatness of the land and live in the desert regions Esau was not a connect Esau was an I dunya many people confuse this in essence not good the the the children of Esau make up a large part of Russia today and so but they're certainly not kanai's tonight's came later as they would follow up through with their king Kagan which is king Kane in the Hebrew tongue and moved up into into those regions but Esau did not take them there and did Jacob steal the birthright not God was disappointed in Esau because he didn't appreciate his birthright which means what he didn't love God you got a lot of people like that today they have the most beautiful birthright that a I mean an inheritance that that is so fantastic and all they have to do to put their name on that that will is to believe and they will not believe therefore they turn away from their heritage and God does not like that it irritates him that's what Esau's main problem was he did not care about his heritage Garrett from West Virginia I would like to continue to receive your monthly also I have a question in Isaiah 7:14 Emanuel means God is with us how could Jesus say in mark 13:32 that but of that day in that hour knoweth no man no not the angels which are in heaven neither the son but the father since Jesus is God with us how could he say that he didn't know when the end will come the this is this is a point that is difficult for some to grasp the full Godhead does not return to earth it did not return in the Son of man though all that was necessary he did but the full Godhead does not return to earth de jure and I used that legal terminology because it means rightfully his not de facto which is taken by force but de jure because it is his rightful place to be then the full Godhead returns to Jerusalem as it is written in Ezekiel chapter 16 then and that full Godhead doesn't know okay that that is difficult for some people to grasp but think about it and pray about it more Marlton molten from north carolina my question is I have heard this all my life tell me if this is true or not if someone should divorce his wife and decide to marry again is it in the Bible that he should go back and forgive her and marry her again where can I find it I think I think you're confusing the reading of Deuteronomy chapter 24 I think that's you know when because Christ died on the cross if you still love your first wife it is harder sometimes or God thinks it is the second time than it was the first but if that love reigned supreme and you repent of all your sins you're free to remarry her I believe that God can cleanse us from sin even and divorce is not the unpardonable sin adultery is not the unpardonable sin God does forgive these things okay so anyway read man read Deuteronomy 24 and but at the same time remember if you still love your first wife and you want to remarry her then make it no one okay and she may still say no but make it make your wishes knowing and prayerfully pursue it Arta ardath's from oklahoma my question is about the sixth day creation did God take the DNA for a man and create woman as he did well God never changes so I assume that that we can we can count on that being the fact yep there were not women in the first Earth Age why did God put souls that were in the first age and women because they were prettier that's that's the reason the most likely and you know what it even shows up on earth today God has good taste mural and Jerome from Iowa our question is when we were created in the first world age were we angels well ain't what does the word angel mean it means a messenger okay now if you mean where we in spiritual bodies yes and most people consider spiritual bodies to be angelic bodies and and so it is our Father is so very good to us be be from Louisiana why does God bless some people and then he doesn't bless others to two of our neighbors are into the drugs they get welfare and very seldom work and then there's my brother who's a diabetic all his life and when he had open-heart surgery operation he got no help was out of work for six months and and and so forth well you know it's not payday yet the rewards come do you think those you know I want you if you have a companion Bible to make a note of Psalms 37 and I want you to read the acrostic that is given there if you think the wicked get ahead you're mistaken boy are they gonna pay for it your brother is going to be so far above them in his perfect body when when we're in the Eternity and where are those people going to be a lake of fire okay if you know I can say that because the word for Messiah is a wizard in the New Testament it says they're not gonna be any of them there that's a drug pusher you're not going to find not one that's a very serious thing so you can rest assured your brother be there they won't okay so let God be the judge and and don't question him about it you might want to read your a my chapter 23 the last half of the chapter it's a dangerous thing I know you're not blaming God but you need to read that so be certain that you don't Richard from Washington let's see you Richard you you know that's not that's that's repent about and I'm glad you had the time with that old marine from from the chosen few up at the Chosun reservoir and simplify that you had that time with you Christ forgive you you're in good shape Jeremy from Kentucky the sixth child do we need to get ourselves to Mount Zion or let them worry about getting us there so we can put them in their place well I think what let's do let's let God do that alright we the Holy Spirit's taken over you're not to even think or premeditate what you're going to do so right easy and love God and know he's going to instruct us right to the letter you will have nothing to worry about utilizing common sense and following the plan of the Living God this is it would seem that many people are very concerned about what to do in the end times we are to follow God's commandments you are to take care of yourself naturally utilizing common sense to see that you have supplies and equipment and things to take care of yourself planned ahead but at the same time when it comes to putting them in their place God take care of that and he'll do it through his election okay PW from Missouri does Hebrews chapter 10 verse 26 mean if we willingly sin after we are saved by the Lord Jesus Christ there is no repentance from that sin no it doesn't mean that at all it means God's elect that have the full truth and read it again those that are wise to the in the Word of God that means God's elect if they turn their back on the Holy Spirit it's unforgivable and I'm out of time hey you know what I love you all because you enjoy studying God's Word chapter by chapter verse by verse most of all God loves you for it makes his day when you make his day he's going to make yours we're brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you you help us keep coming to you what did you do that blessed God he will always bless you most important though you listen to me listen good now you stay in his word every day in his word it's a good day even with trouble know why Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with Pastor Arnold Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast' audiotape our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study they taped catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel post office box for 1/6 gravity Arkansas seventy seven three six once again that's shepherd's chapel post office box for one six grab it Arkansas seven two seven three six we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and god bless you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,201
Rating: 4.9285712 out of 5
Keywords: Arnold, KJV, The Epistles Of John, Book of Epistles Of John, Shepherd's, Shepherds Chapel, Arnold Murray, Murray, Bible, Shepherds, Pastor Murray, Epistles Of John, Chapel, Pastor, Pastor Arnold Murray, Holy Bible, Shepherd's Chapel
Id: qxtTVKqK1vc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 21 2019
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