II Samuel ~ 14:20 to 15:16

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[Music] welcome to the Shepherd's chapel Network family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray wisdom is understanding God's word pastor Murray's unique teaching approach brings God's Word alive with meaning as he takes you on a chapter by chapter verse by verse study of God's letter to you the Bible and now here is pastor Dennis Murray good day to you god bless you welcome to shepherd's chapel welcome to this family Bible study our ready to get back into our father's word here at the chapel we invite you to get your Bible and join us if you care to we're getting ready to have an old-fashioned Bible study here at the chapel we'd love to have you join us we're gonna pick it up today 2nd Samuel chapter 14 verse 20 and where we left off in our last lecture was Joab David's King David's nephew was trying to get it to where Absalom could return Absalom took off after he killed his brother Amnon for raping his sister Tamar and he was at his grandfather's house talmy in Geezer for three years and Joab is trying to get it to where Absalom can come back to Jerusalem and he employs the help of a woman who's identified as the woman of Toccoa and she's a good actress she came to David with morning clothes on and she was acting like she was a poor widowed woman and she had two sons and the two sons were fighting in a field and it got out of hand and the one killed the other one and the other family members were wanting the blood of the son who murdered or killed the other son he didn't actually murder him it wasn't premeditated murder things happen and it was more or less manslaughter as what it was but what this deal is Joab put all these words in this Tacomas mouth trying to get David to pass judgment in favor of the woman so that they would not slay her only remaining son because that would leave her without a provider for the rest of her life widowed women in particular depended on their children to keep them in in food and shelter in their elder years but David put two and two together and figured out that the it was Joab that put this woman of Toccoa up to this hypothetical situation but David took an oath and he said as the Lord liveth I'm not going to allow your remaining son to be killed and in doing so you see he was kind of passing judgment on Absalom as well because Absalom was within his rights as a kinsman redeemer for his sister Tamar Amnon violated two laws of God that are worthy of death one incest Tamar was his half-sister the second being that he raped her that also worthy of death and what was in this for Joab well I think he thought that when David died that it would be possible Amnon being the oldest he's thinking Absalom would be in line for the throne and if I help Absalom get back to Jerusalem that's going to be to my benefit because Absalom will recognize that I helped him and that will lead me to a great position of power so with that update let's ask that word of wisdom and you should Jesus precious name father we ask you to open eyes open ears this day pick it up with second Kings excuse me second samuel chapter 14 verse 20 and it reads to fetch about this form the woman of Toccoa contend used to David of speech hath thy servant Joab done this thing what she's saying here is he he disguised this whole affair with a hypothetical situation and when David figured out that it was Joab that put her up to this I mean she threw Joab under the bus in a minute and my lord is wise referring to King David according to the wisdom of an angel of God to know all things that are in the earth King David you are certainly smarter than Joab and you're certainly more intelligent than myself and we should have known better than to try and fool you I think the woman of Toccoa you see it's a serious offence to lie to the king and if it wasn't an out-and-out lie she certainly was deceiving King David and I'm thinking she's probably of their mind I better flatter a King David with words and then get out of here verse 21 and the King said unto Joab behold now I have done this thing go therefore bring the young man Absalom again Joab is getting his way David is starting to lose trust in Joab he's starting to question Joe abbs loyalty and remember Joab murdered Abner Saul's general and David and Saul excuse me Abner were both high-ranking officers in the military of Israel under Saul so there was a respect there and David I don't think ever forgave Joab for murdering Abner and then later on from this point in time where we're at now half Joab would also murder a massa verse 22 and Joab fell to the ground on his face and bowed himself and thank the king and Joab said today thy servant knoweth that I have found grace in thy sight my lord o king in that the King hath fulfilled the request of his servant by allowing Absalom to come home and Absalom is kind of skating on thin ice with David at this point David knows that and he figured it out himself that Joab had put this woman of Toccoa up to this hypothetical situation which caused David to pass judgment in the woman's favour and in so doing he also had to rule in favor of Absalom coming back to Jerusalem so Joab arose and went to Geezer this is to Absalom the grandfather's place in Syria talmy being his name and brought Absalom to Jerusalem Joab and Absalom are also first cousins and that Joab is the son of David's sister xariah Absalom of course being the son of David verse 24 and the Kings being David said let him turn to his own house and let him not see my face so Absalom returned to his own house and saw not the Kings face and I made the comment in verse 1 of chapter 14 that the king's heart David's heart was toward Absalom and that should have been translated the Kings heart was against Absalom and we see that he's still against Absalom and that he doesn't want to even see his son he you tell him to stay in his apartment and and not come in my presence verse 25 but in all Israel there was none to be so much praised as Absalom for his beauty from the sole of his foot even to the crown of his head there was no blemish in him the name Absalom means father of peace that is to say friendly so he not only was friendly with the people as we'll see when we get to chapter 15 he was a good-looking rascal as well verse 26 and when he pulled his head this means when he cut or shaved his hair for it was that every years in that he pulled it because the hair was heavy on him therefore he pulled it he weighed the hair of his head at 200 shekels after the Kings weight every year just as they sheared the sheep annually Absalom would get his hair cut annually and this 200 shekels after the Kings weight is just a little less than four pounds of hair so he he grew quite a mane of hair over the course of a year it's a bit ironic - and when we get to chapter 18 we'll see that that hair will lead to his death that contributes to his death 27 and unto Absalom there were born three sons and one daughter whose name was Tamar she was a woman of fair countenance good-looking family was Absalom and his sister Tamar and his daughter taem our note that he named his daughter after his sister who was raped by and shamed by Amnon Tamar if you translate it means palm tree now this is very unusual in in God's Word that it would state that Absalom were born three sons but doesn't name the sons when we get to chapter 18 verse 18 it states there that Absalom had no sons and therefore he built a pillar so that his name would not be cut off from remembrance so evidently these three sons of Absalom died before they were able to have any children no children no genealogy verse 28 so Absalom dwelt two full years in Jerusalem and saw not the Kings face three years at his grandfather Tomei and Guiche or was he separated from David now two years he's been back in Jerusalem still not allowed to see his father that's five years that he has not been allowed to be in the presence of his father King David 29 therefore Absalom said for Joe sent I should say for Joab to have sent him to the king in other words here he's going to seek Joe abbs help in convincing the king to allow Absalom to come into the King's presence and he would not come to him and when he sent again the second time he would not come again Joab knows he's kind of bent the skating on thin ice with David and he suspects that Absalom wants a favour of him and he knows that's not going to sit well with King David well Absalom just let it go since Joab twice refused to come to him let's find out verse 30 therefore he this is Absalom said unto his servants see Joe ABS field is near mine and he hath barley there go and set it on fire and Absalom servant set the field on fire well that ought to get Joe ABS attention setting his crop that was ready for harvest on fire then Joab arose and came to Absalom unto his house and said unto Him wherefore or why have they servants set my field on fire Absalom is defiant in getting Joe ABS attention and Absalom answered Joab behold I sent unto the saying come hither I sent for you twice Joab that I may send thee to the king to say wherefore am I come from Geezer it had been good for me to have been there still now therefore let me see the king's face and if there be any iniquity in me let him kill me let's get to this the suspense past us let's get this over with is what Absalom is saying it would have been better for me to remain at my grandparents Tomei in Geezer this half forgiveness from my father David is worse than no forgiveness at all is what he's saying but there was no iniquity in Absalom at this point in time now there might have been iniquity in him but he could not be held accountable for killing Amnon and that he was within his rights under God's law of the kinsman redeemer in avenging the rape of Tamar by killing Amnon 33 so Joab came to the king and told him and when he had called for Absalom he came to the king and bowed himself on his face to the ground before the king and the king kissed Absalom a sign that favour has been restored I noticed nothing is said about Joab wanting redemption or repayment for his crop of barley it's kind of like he just why did you set my field of barley on fire Joab and he told him and he just kind of let it go so I guess he was okay with that but remember too that Joab knows what David did to Uriah the Hittite so I think that's another reason that Joab was a little cautious when he realized he was skating on thin ice with David you see very few people knew what David had done to Uriah the Hittite God looked upon that as murder as we studied in Chapter 12 of this book of second Samuel now if David had killed Joab his secret would have gone to the grave with Joab so I think Joab being a little cautious knowing that he holds some secrets that David would just as soon be in the grave David loved Absalom but he had taken his own brother's life so even though biblical law supports what Absalom did David had a difficult time forgiving Absalom but he did chapter 15 we come to absalom's rebellion now I don't know if possibly some he'll ill feelings were born in Absalom because of the length of time that his father basically ignored him three years in be sure two years in Jerusalem and David wouldn't seem and that could cause some some hard feelings from Absalom's part and as a result of that in chapter 15 we're gonna see absalom's rebellion against David it almost cost David his life chapter 15 verse 1 and it came to pass after this that Absalom pre-paid prepared him chariots and horses and fifty men to run before him here he's showing off all the pomp and circumstance of the King being moved from place to place in Jerusalem what this is saying is he would get his chariot with his horses and then he hired 50 men to run before him make way make way for the Prince Absalom make way he's going to the post office or the library his a brother and the younger brother Adonai Adonai ax would pull the same stunt when he was trying to usurp the throne from the one god selected to be the king after David that being solomon verse two he had quite an ego thing going here and Absalom rose up early and stood beside the way of the gate the gate of the city was the place of judgment and it was so that when any man that had a controversy came to the king for judgment then Absalom called unto him and said of what city earth thou and he said thy servant is one of the tribes of Israel I'm from the tribe of Dan so what he's doing is he's setting himself up to be the judge he's a false judge and he's also going to be a false King we see a type of Antichrist written all over Absalom he's going to try and take the throne from the rightful king King David God's anointed notice this - of what city art thou if you we live in a very rural area here in Arkansas and I've noticed when I go to a large city you want to be careful of anybody that walks up to you and says where are you from I guarantee you they're either a con artist or a Salesman or sales lady as the case may be when someone walks up to you a stranger on the streets of New York City and says where are you from my advice to you would be to tuck your head and just keep on walking verse 3 and Absalom said unto Him see thou matters are good and right this is to the man who was from Dan who came for judgment in a matter but there is no man to puted or appointed of the King to hear thee that King David is not doing his job he should either hear your cause or he should appoint someone to be here in the gate to be the judge of your case verse 4 and Absalom said moreover oh that I were made judge in the land that every man which hath any suit or cause might come unto me and I would do him justice boys he puffed up and on an ego trip what he's saying is it's too bad for you that I'm not the king of Israel because if I were the king the judge I would certainly judge in your favor the only problem of that is that if you are a judge and you are deciding between two parties that are in dispute you're not going to please both of them one of them is going to be pleased but you cannot please both of them being a judges sometimes a very difficult position sometimes you have to make decisions that are not all that popular but you don't have to you don't you should not worry about making a popular decision if you're a judge you should be determined to make a decision based on what's right and what's wrong but you see what he's doing Absalom is casting suspicion upon David by the people that King David he's not doing his job he should have somebody down here to hear your cause verse five and it was so that when any man came nigh to him to do him obedience to bow down before royalty he is a prince he put forth his hand and took him and kissed him I mean he is a good old boy and what he would be saying is to these folks well now you go back to Dan and I want you to tell everybody what a great guy Absalom is and I also want you to go back and tell him that King David is not doing his job he didn't have anybody down there at the gate where the court is to hear my cause what's wrong with that King David verse six and on this manner did Absalom to all Israel that came to the King for judgment so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel to bring them over to his side using strategy and they did it quite secretly as well verse seven and it came to pass after 40 years that Absalom said unto the king I pray thee let me go and pay my vow which I have vowed unto the Lord in have Bron 40 years scholars go 40 years from what David was only the king of Israel for a total of 40 years what works out here mathematically when Samuel anointed David the king of Israel while Saul was still very much in power back in 1st Samuel chapter 16 would have been approximately 40 years prior to the time we're out here now Hebron reminds you is where Absalom was born it's where David first established the capital when he was the king over Judah only Absalom is making this up about having a vow that he needed to go to Hebron to fulfill verse 8 for thy servant he continues - King David referring to himself vowed a vow while I abode at Guiche or in Syria when I was at my grandfather's talmy I made a vow saying if the Lord shall bring me again indeed to Jerusalem then I will serve the Lord how could David forbid Absalom from going to Hebron to fulfill a vow that he had made to the Lord and to go to serve the Lord David could not verse 9 and the King said unto him go in peace so he arose and went to have bran the conspiracy in place and you know there's known as the shadow government where you have a conspiracy by powerful people to control the government from behind the scenes around the elected officials we have a prime example of that in Absalom David was the anointed king of Israel rightfully they had the responsibilities of being judge you have one here who is exercising his power as the prince below david to usurp that authority and control the outcome of things operating behind the scenes verse 10 but Absalom sent spies throughout all the tribes of Israel saying as soon as you hear the sound of the trumpet then you shall say Absalom reigneth in Hebron gotta steal the throne from God's anointed again we see a strong type for the Antichrist in Absalom Antichrist is also going to try and steal the throne from God's anointed I'm speaking of Jesus Christ unfortunately many are being set up to be deceived by him they're gonna believe him hook line and sinker verse 11 and with Absalom went 200 men out of Jerusalem that were called in other words they were invited to like a sacrificial meal and they went in their simplicity they went innocent they they didn't realize that Absalom was trying to steal the throne from King David and they knew not anything the conspiracy was kept in secret verse 12 and Absalom sent for a Hitler fell the Gila Knight David's counts from his city even from guy low while he offered sacrifices and the conspiracy was strong for the people increased continually with Absalom folks liked his false promises his lies concerning just like the Antichrist when he returns he's going to be lying to the people as well he's going to come in peacefully and prosperously he's going to promise people anything only one catch you have to worship Him Absalom's only one little catch you have to put me in the role of King now a hit the fell was a very trusted advisor to David he was a high ranking officer in David's cabinet so the fact that he is betraying David and siding with Absalom points to how totally the nation was turned from David to Absalom verse 13 and there came a messenger to David saying the hearts of the men of Israel are after Absalom psalm 41 and Psalm 55 both our writings of David concerning this particular time in his life the the sorrow that he felt at the rebellion not only of his son Absalom but the betrayal of David by his close friends and counselors such as a hit the film and David said unto all his servants that were with him at Jerusalem arise and let us flee for we will shall not escape from Absalom make speed to depart lest he overtake us suddenly and bring evil upon us and smite the city with the edge of the sword running was not David's style from the time he was 16 years old remember we had that giant the champion of Gath the lieth did David run from Goliath no he ran toward Goliath David wasn't afraid of anything and there are two thoughts as to why David fled Jerusalem I think first he didn't want to have a civil war where there would be bloodshed on the streets of Jerusalem the second thing is I think David is buying some time you see if his trusted advisor a hit FL had gone over into Absalom's camp who else has gone over into Absalom's count who can I trust and who can I not trust I need a little time to sort all that out verse 15 and the king's servants said unto the King behold thy servants are ready to do whatsoever my lord the King shall a point where we're willing to fight we're willing to stand with you and fight against Absalom and his or if you think it's best that we flee Jerusalem that's what we'll do verse 16 and the king went forth and all his household after him and the King left ten women which were concubines to keep the house these ten concubines prophecy fulfilled you recall in 2nd Samuel chapter 12 verse 11 God said the sword will never part from your house through the Prophet Nathan he also said evil will come upon your house and your wives which concubines certainly fall into that category are going to be taken the Sun meaning you David took Bathsheba in secret in hiding but the Lord gave 10 hid these 10 concubines to be taken under the Sun by a stranger by Absalom to be exact in other words Under the Sun so that everyone would know it well it's not looking good for David and the few evidently few supporters that he still has so don't miss the next lecture we'll see how this situation turns out with absalom's rebellion we've got a short message we'll ask you to listen a moment why don't you please the book of James James is a book that I know you'll enjoy because it is written when you rightly divide it to those that are scattered abroad that's to say the twelve tribes the ten tribes scattered abroad being very specific in your freedom of Christianity the repentance giving much personal instruction as far as controlling our thoughts and finding peace and giving us those parameters where in Christianity defining those things that come from the Word of God example that bitter and sweet water cannot come from the same spring well from God's Word you should not have both either the practice of healing brought forth in this book of James I know you're gonna like it James that great book of instruction welcome back we're glad you could join back with us let's have the 800 number please eight hundred six four three four six four five that number good throughout Puerto Rico the US and Canada if you have a biblical question that you'd like to pose to be answered on the air feel free to call that number and leave your question we do ask that you not ask questions about a specific individual denomination or organization by name we try to teach God's Word in a positive manner throwing out negative about others by names serves no purpose we simply won't do it we'll let God's Word do the teaching the correcting and the healing please keep your questions of a biblical nature as well and also while we're at it let me mention don't ask for a written response to your questions we simply don't have the time or staff to provide a written response to everyone that would like to have one and if we don't have it time time to do it for all we will do it for none if you're studying via the internet somewhere around the world and unable to use that 800 number to leave a question your announcer at the end of the hour will give you our mailing address quite alright to mail your questions in got a prayer request we can do away with the telephone number you don't need a telephone you don't need a mailing address talk to your heavenly father you know he's there for you 24/7 I don't care what you're doing you can pray and talk to him you don't have to go through any fancy rigmarole and get down beside your bed on your knees and close your eyes Ben clasp your hands together you can talk to your Heavenly Father when you're driving down the highway so talk to your father and it makes his day when you have time for him a lot of his children that don't make time for him I promise you we do have these prayer requests father we come united as one in the name of your son Jesus Christ we ask you to look upon these father you know their needs marital prayer Atal problems financial difficulties you know father if it is your will a special blessing on each of these watch over guide direct touch here we also lift up our military troops or in harm's way around the world watch over and bring our troops safely home in Jesus precious name Amen and thank you Father let's get to some questions and we have anonymous if a person drinks a lot but he still believes in Jesus will he go to heaven he can drink all the water he won no I'm kidding drinking alcohol and I know that's what you're talking about whoever you are in excess isn't not healthy but it alone would not prevent someone from going to heaven and the reason I say it alone that sometimes alcohol causes people to do things that are against the law and it can make people do crazy things so that's what I meant by it alone would not cause you it could also alcohol could also get in the way of you having a relationship with your Heavenly Father if you stay drunk all the time you're certainly not going to spend any significant amount of time worshiping the Lord Louise from Alabama thank you for teaching God's Word an easy understanding manner you're welcome when we are all changed into our spiritual bodies at the seventh Trump will be we be male or female neither will be as the angels that Jesus spoke of in Matthew chapter 22 verse 30 and the scribes and Pharisees put a hypothetical situation on Jesus there and said this woman had a husband who didn't raise up seed to her they didn't have any children and her husband died and his brother married her he didn't raise up seeds all in all seven brothers married this woman and did not none of them raised up children and they asked in the resurrection in other words after the flesh life who which one is she going to be married to and Jesus said you err and you're thinking and you don't understand the power of God for in the resurrection after the flesh life in other words they neither give or take in marriage but are as the Angels spiritually speaking we're all going to be feminine because we'll be the Bride of Christ Tammy and Paul in Illinois thank you for your teaching every day I learned something new that's a good thing people should have that as a goal to learn something new every day I something new I had my husband loves to talk about it I and my husband love to talk about it and we try to use it in our everyday life that's important to be able to apply God's Word to our everyday lives I thank you and your staff for being it into bringing it into our home and lives you're welcome my question are we we are doing judges I guess that means you're studying judges and Joshua and Joshua died was there not another leader of Israel or just judges well Joshua as you probably know God chose to replace Moses when Moses messed up and struck the rock twice and claimed that he was partially responsible for bringing water forth from the rock that cost Moses and Aaron the promised land God said you're not going into the Promised Land because you did that as I said the Lord lifted up Joshua and Israel was doing very well up until Joshua died then things there was no leader as you suspected and the people started doing what was right in their own eyes rather than what was right in God's eyes and God brought oppressors enemies against Israel and then the people would start crying and the Lord would hear them and he would send a deliverer a judge and the judge in the Hebrew language schoepf etem which is from the prime Shafaat which means to set things right and rule and there weren't a continuous line of judges either people seem to think that when judge a died there was judge B and then judge B died and there was judge C there were periods of time between the judges and that's when people of Israel always started messing up when they didn't have a strong leader keeping them focused on doing things God's Way they would take off on their own agenda and do their things what was right in their own eyes rather than right in God's eyes Korah in California as a child I was baptized by sprinkling of water and not submersion if I don't get baptized by submersion am I going to hell well let me answer your question this way if you were an infant when you were sprinkled if I were you I would want to be baptized having knowing that I made the decision myself because if you were an infant you had nothing to do with that decision to be baptized but as far as you want to know will I go to hell no you're not going to go to hell for not being baptized by submersion having said that Jesus was our example and he was baptized so it's good thing that were baptized and when someone's baptized what are they doing they're stating their belief that Jesus Christ was born in the flesh was crucified on the cross for our sins went into that tomb and praise God three-and-a-half days later he resurrected the baptism being symbolic of the death burial and resurrection when you come up out of the water the resurrection of Jesus Christ Naomi and we don't know where Naomi is from since we have the Holy Spirit to guide us here on earth in our flesh bodies but we may not listen to what the Holy Spirit is telling us all the time is this the same as refusing the Holy Spirit when we are brought up before the evil one I hope this made sense I know that I have done things that may have gone against my better judgment so I wonder if this is the same thing as refusing the Holy Spirit I just want to see what your opinion is on this question well the answer to your question is is no that would not be blasphemy of the Holy Spirit you kind of answered the question yourself that's it when you're delivered up to before the evil one before the Antichrist and if you should if you're one of God's election and you should refuse the Holy Spirit that's unforgivable and but anything that you have done Naomi and your life is forgivable up to this point it's not possible that anyone has committed the unforgivable sin at this time Ellen in Illinois do angels have wings and the answer that is no angels don't have wings Genesis chapter 1 verses 26 and 27 the Lord says there let us make man in our image who was he talking to he was talking to the angels and they we are made in the image of God and the angels do we have wings no we don't have wings neither do angels the belief that angels have wings likely comes from the biblical description of the cherubim who were responsible for protecting the mercy seat in King Solomon's Temple as well they had two very large cherubim who the wingspan was from wall to wall I think some 40 feet approximately or 40 cubits in the Holy of Holies and what was their job their job was to protect and therefore the wings were seen as covering in a protecting posture also the fact that people think that angels have wings is because they don't understand the God's Word in Ezekiel chapter 1 where we're talking about vehicles that were as wings and understand Ezekiel the the most modern technology of transportation he had seen was an ox drawn cart and then God's throne shows up and they have these vehicles that brought God's throne to earth that when it says that they were amber check that out in your Strong's Concordance that means highly polished bronze so Ezekiel when he saw them flying around he said they had wings because the only thing he had seen fly was a bird Patsy in Illinois if I continue to go to my church who may or may not talk about the rapture and give them tithes am I am i supporting the devil I enjoy the music and praising of the Lord with other people but I believe that the Antichrist comes first need help I listen every day well the scripture you should allow to guide you Patsy is the second epistle of John long about verses 10 and 11 where it states there that if any comes to you and has not this doctrine meaning the doctrine of Jesus Christ you don't invite them into your home neither do you wish them Godspeed and to wish someone Godspeed is a and salutations such as have a nice day and if you tithe to a church that's not teaching God's Word correctly the doctrine of Jesus Christ but falsely teaching people the rapture you are in danger of / taking of their evil deeds you get what they get on Judgment Day be careful Lissa from California and when the dinosaurs were here on earth where their people also know dinosaurs were present on the earth in the first Earth Age and how do we know they were here well have you ever seen the fossils the skeletal remains of a dinosaur quite amazing awesome but there there was no flesh man in the first Earth Age and if you're not familiar with what we're talking about God's Word documents that there were dinosaurs on earth and job chapter 40 verse 15 and the following verses the dinosaurs there are called behemoth and if you take a sixth-grader and give them the paper and pencil or crayons and you ask them to draw as you read the description of behemoth you'll get something that resembles a dinosaur Paul in Washington my question concerning the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem they have discovered the remains of a temple in the City of David just south of the Temple Mount near the Gihon spring and you give some scripture considering the political implications of building on the Temple Mount seems it would be easier to build in the City of David I wonder if that could be God's plan all along I thought I should check with you your thoughts sir okay well those who are awaiting a temple to be rebuilt or a red heifer to be born are likely going to be deceived the temple that Jesus said he could rebuild in three days if they tore it down was his body when he resurrected from the tomb and we being a member of his body the many membered body of Jesus Christ are part of that temple as well John in North Carolina my question is was Satan a serpent or a man when God said genesis 3:15 genesis 3:15 the first prophecy in God's Word and Satan never was a man and as we would think of it in the flesh he was in his role as the serpent in the garden and he was able to impregnate Eve which is obvious by Genesis chapter 3 verse 16 when he tells Eve I'm going to greatly multiply thy conception she had conceived and she had conceived her the first child she gave birth to Cain faith in Minnesota why does Jesus tell his disciples to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves in Matthew chapter 10 verse 16 be wise as the serpent in other words be wise as Satan but Ana dove are known for being innocent protect your credibility doves are also symbolic of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament when Jesus was baptized doves descended and landed upon him and then that voice came from heaven this is my beloved son and who I am well-pleased also can you explain mark chapter 9 verses 38 through 40 and there John said to Jesus we saw someone casting out Devils in your name and we told them to stop it and Jesus said unto them forbid him not and then he goes on to say in verse 44 he that is not against us is on our part in other words as part of the many membered body of Jesus Christ the disciples were trying to create a monopoly if you will on Jesus Christ that it wasn't the reason Jesus came to earth the disciples were to spread the good news and not hoard the good news Steve from Florida when Satan is cast to earth playing Jesus will he accuse the two olive branches of being the false prophet and the Antichrist on that's possible Satan is known one of his name's is the accuser but we will know who the two witnesses are if you're one of God's elect in particular Zechariah chapter 4 we learned there that the two witnesses the two anointed ones the sons of oil the two witnesses the olive branches will be feeding the seven thousand God's elect with oil truth in other words dorothea from Tennessee does it mean when the Bible says the dead in Christ shall rise first does this mean the people who are already dead their spirit goes back to their bodies in the grave and the grave will open and they will come out is that what this means no that's not what that means the scripture you're talking about is first Thessalonians chapter four verse 16 and States therefore the Lord himself shall descend from heaven he's coming here why would Christians want to fly away in the rapture then in verse 13 where the verse 13 tells us what the subject of 1st Thessalonians 4 is which is where are the dead then in verse 15 states we who remain alive unto the coming of Christ the second Advent shall not precede those who are asleep in other words those who are dead in Christ but this we don't need our flesh bodies ever again when they die would you want to go through the eternity in your flesh body a body that gets sick a body that ages we have something much better it's called our spiritual body the graves opening and the dead arising that was a one time thing in the book of John to prove that Jesus defeated death Susan from Pennsylvania Amos 7-1 are these grasshoppers literally or do they represent nations who will come against Israel in the latter days well they are the locust army of Revelation chapter 9 also Joel chapter 1 and to serve as a witness second witness to the locust army there with Satan and his group Scott from Wisconsin I have recently discovered that the normal gestation and I'm out of time and I don't want to rush this question so Scott I promise you'll be first up in our next program I am out of time and I want you all to know that I do love you a great deal why because you enjoy studying God's Word in depth you don't just scratch the surface you like to plow deep and understand God's Word God loves you for that and when he looks down and he sees you're reading the letter he wrote to you the Bible it makes his day we are brought to you by your tithes and offerings if we've helped you won't you help us keep coming to you and to reach out to others as well there's one thing that's most important though and it's this you stay in his word every day every day in your father's word is a good day even with trouble you know why it's Jesus is the living word hearing God's Word with understanding will change your life we hope you have enjoyed studying God's word here on the shepherd's chapel family Bible study hour with pastor Dennis Murray if you would like to receive more information concerning shepherd's chapel you may request our free introductory offer our introductory offer contains the mark of the beast CD our monthly newsletter with a written Bible study a CD catalog and a list of written reference works available through shepherd's chapel to request our free introductory offer by telephone call 864 three four six four five 24 hours a day you may also request our introductory offer by writing to shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 once again that shepherd's chapel p.o box 416 grab an Arkansas 7 2 7 36 we invite you to join us for the next in-depth Bible study each weekday at the same time thank you for watching today's program and God bless you you [Music]
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 678
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Murray, Shepherds, Shepherd's Chapel, Book of II Samuel, Arnold Murray, II Samuel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's, Pastor, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold, Chapel, Book of 2 Samuel, Pastor Murray, 2 Samuel, Book of
Id: mfod7Co-L98
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 30sec (3510 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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