1 Samuel ~ 10:6 to 11:7

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all right good day to you god bless you welcome to the shepherds chapel welcome to this family bible study hour praise god for our his word for the letter he has written to us that letter that gives us our path and life to peace of mind to be comfortable with the world situation as much as you understand he has promised he would do nothing except he forewarned his prophets the thing for you to do is to understand his prophets and certainly in this book of samuel heard of god or heard by god samuel um the last of the theocracy that is to say the judges judges for god god speaking directly through them guiding the people but they wanted an earthly king a flesh man to guide them they refused the true king which is to say our father and he has granted that request in the last lecture never forget the point that god showed you what that man announced to on his own before the spirit of god entered him and in the last lecture we completed god had changed him we ask the word of wisdom from our father as we continue our study in yeshua jesus precious name first samuel samuel chapter 10 and verse 6. what happened to samuel and what can god do and the spirit of the lord will come upon thee speaking to us all and thou shalt prophesy with them and shall be turned you understand turned into another man how many times in counseling i have tried to beat that point home concerning a broken marriage concerning a child that a parent once turned to a certain way that god can turn them only our father can change a person's mind when they stubbornly set their head in a specific direction but if one of god's elect one that believes and has faith intercedes and asks god to change that mind he can and will do it this one saul really he wasn't bright enough to find his dad's livestock on his own and god made that point quite well but it states in that sixth verse the spirit of god changed him god changes things literally physically just in everyday life do you know something and take it from this pastor i have witnessed it i have witnessed a particular man's mind when he had left his family he was hell bent for election to do bad and his family interceded with prayer to our father and he came whimpering home like a little puppy begging for forgiveness god had changed his mind made a different man out of him don't guarantee one thing when you ask god to change someone's mind to the better of course god may have to rough them up and put them through some pretty bad things to get them to come to their common sense but he will do it and don't ever forget that god has the power he's in control he's in charge and he does change minds please don't ever forget that if you must mark this verse in this chapter do it but god made a man out of saul he was backward a little bit quiet though he seemed to have everything going for him when it come to the point of god said you're going to rule israel so he had to change him to give him that ability he did and once god touches a man or a woman or a child indeed they and our father make a majority as to what they set their minds to do verse 7 and let it be when these signs are coming to thee that thou do as as occasion serve thee for god is with thee now what samuel is doing he's showing saul that indeed the heavenly father has his hand upon him because he's going to show him signs that will happen to him this day as credentials to the fact that god is in it that's why in our prayer times those are credentials that god is with us that is with his word even to this day okay verse 8 and samuel continues issuing the signs to saul and thou shalt go down before me to gilgal and behold i will come down unto thee to offer burnt offerings and to sacrifice sacrifices of peace offerings seven days shalt thou tarry till i come to thee and show thee what thou shalt do now what does that mean to you today a king is about to be given to the people and he's a flesh king but in this generation there's another king coming one that will claim to be king and he is a fake and then of course the king of kings and the lord of lords as he returns at the seventh trump that instant that all bodies are changed as king of kings and lord of lords and he shall rule and he shall reign seven days symbolic of many things to the deeper scholar the seven years seven times spiritual completeness and is the value of that term in biblical numerics and it shall be so there was this waiting time do you have patience for seven days or even longer god usually insists that a certain amount of patience be required of his servants because it is god's timetable that we shall run on not man's nine and it was so that when he had turned his back to go from samuel god gave him another heart would be better translated mine when he turned his back away from samuel god changed his mind gave him a new mind and all those signs came to pass that day each of them that had been listed 10 and when they came further to the hill behold a company of prophets met him there was a school there and these were were very learned gentlemen and the spirit of god came upon him who came upon who the spirit of god came upon saul this one with the changed mind and he prophesied among them i want you to get this full picture they knew saul they knew saul as the type of man that couldn't go out and find his father's asses that he had been instructed to find even with the help of another hand and here they have a man that the spirit of god has moved upon a man that had never really cared about school that is to say especially of the scriptures or of the prophets and here this person then begins to prophesy begins to teach in other words it wasn't just a common occurrence it was highly highly unusual verse 11. it came to pass when all they knew him before time saw that they knew what he was behold he prophesied among the prophets in other words he taught the teachers then the people said one to another what is this that has come upon the son of kish is saul also among the prophets he must be he speaks as a prophet the words flow him from him in such a perfect manner and of course it was because god had given him a different mind he unlocked the truth in saul's mind and god in a sense was speaking through this one symbolic of that time as it happened on pentecost day as it is recorded that is spoken of by joel the prophet by peter in acts chapter 2 when those things come to pass the prophecies of joel then many of you will speak not until it is written verse 12 and one and one of the same place answered and said and there was one that was there and that knew the circumstances that knew his son saw knew the prophets knew this was unusual said but who is their father in other words how did saul learn this his father certainly could not have taught him this word in the hebrew probably i'm taking advantage of a situation there in the form of teaching that should be translated elder who was his teacher in other words therefore it become a proverb is saul also among the prophets in other words it became a proverb in as much as when someone witnessed a person that was untrained doing a thing that was highly unusual it was a proverb it was all one of the prophets because it was ridiculous saul had never taken any interest in the prophets and he was even teaching the prophets do when it shows you what god will and can do a witness to you this one as i stated that could not find his father's livestock is now at the very heads of the school itself of prophets he's teaching he's really not solid teaching them it's the holy spirit teaching through saul how precious our father is and how much in control if people knew they would not have hearts of fear they would not have worrisome souls they would take comfort and have peace of mind and that when you ask when you love our father and you share that love with him by that i mean voice it emotionally feel his presence he's going to care for you he may toughen you up a little bit like an old piece of shoe leather until you're so on guard that you recognize satan at a distance when he tries to interfere with your life but you'll learn to exercise the power that he has given you in promise when you believe so it was a proverb it was so unusual that saul would even speak about our father much less prophesy that it became a proverb that is to say a saying 13 and when he had made an end of prophesying he came to the high place he went directly to the place obediently as samuel had requested 14 and saul's uncle said unto him and to his servant he withernichi sent out to find the asses he and this other hand and he said to seek the asses and when we saw that they were nowhere we couldn't find them point made did god make us point this man that they requested to be king over them he was useless couldn't accomplish anything until he sought the divine counsel of god through the seer that is to say samuel we came to samuel 15 and saul's uncle said well tell me i pray thee what samuel said unto thee tell me what it was and you see still the humbleness in saul and perhaps he doesn't want to just say braggingly i'm going to be the king of israel because i really in my own mind don't believe at this time that saul had completely came to the realization that he would be king of israel he didn't think he was worthy capable but he was now because god had given him a new mind 16. and saul said unto his uncle he told us plainly that the asses were found but of the matter of the kingdom were of samuel spake he told him not he kept it to himself verse 17 and samuel called the people together unto the lord to nisba which is to say up to the watch tower called them there 18 and he said unto the children of israel thus saith the lord god of israel now you listen to me this is a very up-to-date message even today if you look at it in the prophetic sense i brought up israel out of the land of egypt or out of egypt and delivered you out of the hand of the egyptians and out of the hand of all kingdoms and of them that oppressed you in other words i have cared for you like a group of little children i have delivered you from all the troubles that you have found yourself in god's showing his faithfulness his um the faithfulness of his promise to the children and what a worthy king he truly was i'm talking about our father 19 and ye have this day rejected your god who himself saved you out of all your adversities and your tribulations not some man that can't find a bunch of asses but almighty god has saved you from your tribulations and ye have said unto him nay no no but set a king over us now therefore present yourselves before the lord by your tribes and by your thousands you get yourselves present if that's what you want that's what you're going to have babies now i'm going to tell you something what does this mean in a prophetic sense we have a group of people today that have been brainwashed into believing that their king is coming all right and he's going to fly them away like a big bird there's just one problem even as saul will not be their true king in the spiritual sense they're going to get what they ask for even in this generation they're going to get a false king they're going to get the antichrist as king of kings and lord of lords he's a fake and he's a phony it is written in our father's word that he shall come first the son that shall perish which is to say the son of perdition that's what the word perdition means there's only one son that has already been judged no one else has reached judgment day only satan he has been judged found wanting and promised that he will turn to ashes from within what do we got say 28 of ezekiel about the 18th and 19th verses satan condemned to die that's why he's called the son of perdition you have a lot of these stooges today that claim to be students of god's word that would tell you it was judas not so judas has not been judged any more than you have been and will not be judged until judgment day that satan has already been judged so they are deceiving themselves they've asked for something oh hey they even pray for it they're going to get it all right they're going to get a flying away flying right into the bed of the false king 20 and when samuel had caused all the tribes of israel to come near the tribe of benjamin was taken in other words they would cast lots the priest would the german and the thurman and the lot fell on benjamin naturally the tribe of saul 21 and when he had caused the tribe of benjamin to come near by their families the family of metra was taken maetra meaning the reign of yahweh the reign of yah are you familiar with the reign of yahweh his truth that reigns upon this earth in this hemisphere and the world the truth his word is it's taught and saul the son of kish and remember kish means bow and god is about to load his bow kish was taken and when they sought him he could not be found saul was nowhere to be found that's why in my own opinion i do not believe that he felt he was worthy when god called him and then whoever you are how many of you actually think that you're worthy to serve the living god in this generation to combat satan to combat the enemy even with the gospel armor only in place how many have you i know you you wrestle so surely not me i could not be one of god's elect i'm nobody in god's eyes when you're willing to obey him you're not a nobody you're something very special but we see that saul was not present do you know who will find him observe who's in charge 22 therefore they inquire to the lord further if the man should yet come further have you changed your mind god is it saul and the lord answered behold he hath hid himself among the stuff what stuff it's baggage in the hebrew tongue he had hidden himself among the baggage that that his family brought there for this meeting 23 who was it that located him the spirit of the living god god being in control very much in control and god is the same yesterday today and forever he's still in control 23 and they ran and fetched him fence and when he stood among the people they druggled saul right in there he was higher than any of the people from his shoulders and upwards in other words he was a head higher from shoulders even neck and head taller than anyone else in israel 24 and samuel said to all the people see him whom the lord hath chosen and god did choose saul that there is none like him among all the people questioned and all the people shouted and said god save the king now they wanted a man king and they've got one god save the king or long live the king they had asked for him and boy are they going to have him and as time goes on how sorry they will be 25 of course through this understand it's only god's way through saul then would come the key of david that you're supposed to know and understand as a matter of fact if you read in the third chapter of revelation along about verses 8 9 10 you will find that if you don't have the key to david there's no way you can unlock the doors that must be unlocked they have the knowledge to understand revelation that is to say the prophets the prophets give you the key to david and it is the key to david's coming and who through later would come the true messiah the king of kings and lord of lords it's the make up to it that's why it's very important that you must understand the foundation as it's being put in place here verse 25 and then samuel told the people the manner of the kingdom in a book and laid it up laid it up before the lord many people say samuel didn't write he wrote this book and samuel sent all the prophet the people rather away every man to his house he said in rome verse 26 and saul also went home to gideon and there went with him a band of men whose hearts god had touched again what happened a whole band that's a host and god had touched the hearts of that host that they would be present with saul to protect him to assist him and made abel by the hand of almighty god that's why when god is in a ministry the ministry the leaders of the ministry don't have to worry a great deal after they've done their best god will touch minds and hearts and souls that will support that ministry in whatever place they are able to support and god will bless that people god is in control again yesterday today and forever for the people that love him and that trust him and in the very simplistic way in which he instructs people example showing you the makeup of this one saul before god touched him he couldn't find the asses is that simple god wants you to know that until god touched the man he couldn't find the asses and then after being touched by the holy spirit by being given that new mind he prophesied and then still feeling backward he hides and then he is after the anointing at the beginning of this 10th chapter begins to feel and god touches others around him and the kingship is about to be in place verse 27 but the children of belial said how shall this man save us it's true no man can save anyone but these being the children of satan did not believe that a benjamite could do anything and they despised him and brought him no presence and almost that was an insult a direct insult but he helped his peace he kept his mouth closed as though he were dumb that's what it says in the hebrew tongue chapter 11 the thought continuing serpent snake the ammonite came up and encamped against jabash gillette and all the men of jabash said unto nehesh make a covenant with us and we will serve thee in other words let us become a part of your group who are the ammonites one of the scenes of lot you've got dealing with relatives here in a sense and of course jbess you may want to make a a note of judges 21 and uh verses 6 through 12 and you'll find the story on these men they have they were kind of outcast in a way and be that as it may but the ammonites were looking and seeking the opportunity to conquer them listen carefully after being asked to make covenant whereby they would serve their king too and mayhash that's to say the serpent the ammonite the son of lot answered them on this condition will i make a covenant with you that i may thrust out all your right eyes and lay it for a reproach upon all israel now what nehesh was asking them in other words the bowman closes the left eye when he takes aim and with the shield the left eye is also covered in meaning that with their right eyes gouged out they could never serve the part of soldiers they would be worthless as soldiers and nash would not have to worry about going to war with these people now can you imagine do you know what they say no doubt frightened three and the elders of jabash said unto them to him give us seven days to respond would you have to think about it that we may send messengers unto all the coasts of israel and then if there be no man to save us we will come out to thee in other words we'll get in we'll let you do it we'll come out and you can do with us as you will see saul wasn't present there but he will hear about it verse 4 and then came the messengers to gibeah the hill where saul is the gibby of saul and told the tidings in the ear of the people and all the people lifted up their voices and wept they began to cry five and behold saul came after the herd out of the field and he was tending animals wild asses well perhaps and saul said what aileth the people that they weep question and they told him the tidings of the men of jabash i understand god has given saul a new mind watch that mind work in the service of the living god six and the spirit of god what the spirit of god came upon saul when he heard those tidings and his anger was kindled greatly in other words the mind of god came upon saul for a moment because our god is a jealous god and when someone would tint his children he grows angry and you have certain classes of christians so called today that would say they would tell you that was not in the word of god they would tell you god never gets angry at anybody they're clunky little fluffy christians that just yes yes no no to whoever swim comes along god is a god of peace yes it is but he has to warp the you know what out of people occasionally to get the peace to settle the peace and he's been known to do it many times and he does it yet today god doesn't expect his children to be second-class citizens that they would be willing to let somebody gouge their right eye out to have peace but to be willing to fight with the gospel armor on and in place anyone that would try to compromise their rich christian heritage that's the kind of christians i'm looking for disciplined in serving the living god and when the plowing is just a little too rough for anybody else they like it uh they like to serve god and feel the love and the emotion when he puts you puts the starch in their back and if somebody tries to to spit or smear christianity be willing to fight to stand up you see it was the spirit of god that caused him to want to fight don't let some idiot that calls himself a christian ever tell you otherwise don't also take advantage of the opportunity to be a troublemaker it was the ammonites that came up and started the trouble it saw through god that will finish it seven you know what he did a real very now that he has the holy spirit in him he's going to say a very beautiful hymn when the holy spirit came in and this is what he did and he took a yoke of oxen and viewed them in pieces cut them up and sent them throughout all the coast of israel by the hands of messengers saying whosoever cometh not forth after saul and after samuel so shall it be done into his oxen friend it's going to get in your pocket it's going to cost you because if you don't follow i'm going to slaughter your livestock and the fear of the lord fell on the people and they came out with one consent well my goodness shame on saul some might say for saying wouldn't saul it was almighty god the righteous indignation of almighty god saying you will follow and you will serve god as a good christian soldier should or will destroy your home god doesn't mince words and i'm glad that god entered saul so that these little fluffy creeps and wimps that call themselves men of god when they're nothing but a bunch of wimps afraid to raise their voice don't rock the boat someone might be offended and they would lead christ if no one is stronger than that they're not with christ in the first place god wants people that love him and that trust him that when he's in control he can cut it all right you got it you can get it done all right bless your heart you listen a moment won't you please
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 1,389
Rating: 4.8947368 out of 5
Keywords: Book of, Shepherds, Shepherd's, Chapel, Shepherds Chapel, Shepherd's Chapel, Pastor Arnold Murray, Arnold Murray, Pastor Murray, Pastor, Arnold, Murray, Holy Bible, Bible, KJV, samuel, 1 samuel, I samuel, 1st samuel, Book of 1 samuel, Book of I samuel
Id: FY-9CfLEo1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 38sec (1958 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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