Daniel ~ 12:1 to 12:13

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ready to get back in our fathers word we're going to complete the Book of Daniel Daniel in the Hebrew tongue meaning God is judged don't you ever forget that he's the only judge he doesn't need any help in judgment and through this we have basically an overlay of the great book of Revelation Oh exactly how it would be now when we come to this twelfth chapter can in conclusion actually it's not a conclusion because it continues from the chapter ten about verse 20 the address by the Archangel right up to the second verse and that ends the address from chapter 10 verse 20 and and we we pick back up and go into a conclusion letting you know the season that's all God promised is that the wise and the end times would understand the season you will never understand the day after the appearance of the two witnesses you will know a three and a half day period but until that time and they even then you're not going to know the instant nobody knows but our Heavenly Father so we continue we open this twelfth chapter in the first two verses still a part of that closing instruction or prophecy or vision by that Archangel chapter 12 a word of wisdom from our Father in Yeshua's precious name chapter 12 verse 1 and it reads and at that time shall Michael stand up the Great Prince which standeth for the children of thy people you got that Michael is the Archangel of Israel he's our Archangel and there shall be a time of trouble such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book now that is the time of the opening of the book I'm going to tell you something good bad or ugly you're in the book and your deeds are written there also and that's what God judges by but this time of trouble is the time that you never want to be uptight because God's not angry at you and one of the the two things that happened in this great book of Daniel was the three Hebrew children in the fiery furnace Shadrach Meshach and Abednego they weren't singed they weren't hurt and that fire was heated seven times what was necessary and Christ walked with them so during this time of trouble all that is is a guarantee to you that he will be with you also through that time of trouble you've got nothing to worry about God takes care of his own like that great eagle he has that wing out and you're under that wing of protection as it is written in the great song of Moses and God knows how to deliver just as he did Daniel in the lion's den the same Daniel and in that Lions then he was able to control those animals to where they purred like a bunch of kittens all night long and Daniel was as safe as he could be God takes care of his own the time of trouble though comes to us when the Antichrist is in power just before that great day that can be trouble if you do not stick to God's Word if you do not use common sense but never forget that in Revelation chapter 9 verse 4 God instructs Satan before he's kicked out don't dare touch one of those that have the seal of God in their forehead that's to say that are familiar with the word of God and know what Satan's about ok that he's a fake he's a fraud and that in fact deep down in Christ's name you have power over him he leaves you alone you don't have that much to worry so but will there be trouble a time of trouble it'll be Jacob's trouble and then the father's that's Satan's tribulation but in God's tribulation then naturally it is the enemy that has put out a commission not God's children all right that's the day we all look forward to and that day is coming verse 2 and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt this particular verse confuses many people because it is written in Ecclesiastes chapter 9 that when the flesh goes into the grave there it stays going back to dirt that's what it is that's what your mother consumed those organic materials and that's what you have digested all your life is organic materials and organic material naturally goes back to dust from which it came it grew from dirt and it goes back to dirt never to come out of there as it is written why because you have a much better body you have a spiritual body that dwells within this body and when this body passes own then that spiritual body steps out and returns to the Father that gave that ecclesiastical so then explain how is it they those that are asleep in the dust of the earth who was instructed that on all the days of his life which still continue you will crawl on your belly in the dust that is to say the dirt was Satan the serpent in his role as serpent and him and then when you come to this point of the day of trouble you have to separate that that is spiritual from that that is physical how many people today do you know that are really spiritually awake and how many do you know run a comparison on those that are spiritually dead and a hammer they absolutely know nothing of God's Word maybe maybe a little Sunday school talk but as far as knowing what's actually happening in this world today and what's going down they're not familiar with it they're spiritually dead and unfortunately many of them are going to wake up from the dust crawling with old Satan a statement of degradation knowing they've been had they've been deceived by the false Christ and don't be surprised there will be many churchgoers in that group because church growers are the one that follow Christ only they haven't been taught the Antichrist comes first and he splendid he comes in peacefully he comes in with great flatteries and they swallow it hook line and sinker just as Paul said they would in 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 where he said I think Satan is going to seduce you just like he did Eve in the garden and there many people will Paul said I may be a little crude in speech but I can pull the carpet out from under him anytime I want to with the true Word of God and that it be no mystery to you I'm quoting from 2nd Corinthians chapter 11 but it be no mystery to you for Satan himself shall come transformed as an angel of light and many people in churches I've heard them say praise God even the Satan is going to be converted that's not what the manuscripts say they say he's coming disguised as an angel of light his old heart doesn't change and he likes nothing better than to have Christians for breakfast by that I mean speaking spiritually he likes to deceive them and does a good job of it okay so Paul brought this forth that's at this time of trouble of Jacob's trouble is an awesome time and you want to be spiritually equipped that's what the gospel armor piece-by-piece designation for designation and the sword the sword of the Lord that's the truth the shield is to shield away the fiery darts of Satan and so the the Girt which is the word of God to hold your britches up okay - so you're not embarrassed the gospel armor will save you a heap of hurt when you strap it on spiritually speaking and are not deceived not made the fool I don't know of anyone that enjoys playing the part of the fool and for those that come to the light then they're not gonna walk in that darkness they know the truth so what we see there is those that are spiritually dead they're going to wait until the end of the millennium and maybe just maybe they'll take part in the second resurrection they're sure not going to have any part in the first okay as it is written and your sister your sister scripture - this is Revelation chapter 20 verse 5 where it says after the first resurrection there shall be a thousand-year reign and many of you will be priests during that time what does a priest do he teaches and the rest of the dead must remain dead until the end of the thousand years again spiritually dead Nico's not any quotes so it makes a big difference when you are are spiritually dead even to that first day of the Millenium and what you have to do is wait till the last day of the Millenium maybe you'll make at that time you won't be judged by faith but by your works because you will have seen Christ for that thousand year period and you're accountable by your works this only during the millennium now not at this time for those that that wake up with this spirit of degradation upon them that have to wait that thousand years before they can perhaps find eternal life then they're stuck with that and they must be judged at the end of that as to whether they can make it or not think it no big deal that they are tested in a spiritual body rather than a flesh body which it's a lot easier to make it in a spiritual body because all of God's elect were chosen in spiritual bodies in the first Earth Age let that be no great mystery to you God is fair retreat and they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament that's the sky where the where the firmament returns and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever in other words this is why seed planting or sharing the truth is so important to you that that's a star in your crown okay if that means anything to you it just means that God loves you for it he loves people that pass on the truth and help us soul okay and what he's saying here is those of you that do that that's called the wise pass on those seeds of truth then certainly there's a reward for that and that's what he's talking about verse 4 but Thou O Daniel shut up the words and seal the book even to the time of the end many shall run to and fro and knowledge shall be increased now I disagree with this translation and and I'm going to tell you why and ginsberg you with companion bibles Ginsburg goes along with it a rash and a delete it's very easy to confuse them to get tune-pro when the word should be wickedness and what it really should say is meaning shall run with wickedness and take part in the great apostasy meaning deception Satan's rule and running with that wicked one and knowledge shall be increased boy it will be increased that day when they wake up and pray for the mountains to follow them because why because they're ashamed how would you like to be a Christian that went to church every day of your life that you could and just waiting for that great day and you were never taught about the Antichrist and then you realize wake up one morning and find out you've been in bed with the Antichrist Satan himself a Christian you would be too ashamed to face the true Christ shame knowing you couldn't there's no way you as a virgin could take part in that wedding that's taking place there why you're already with child spiritually speaking impregnated with false law with lies and and deceptions all by Satan okay and that's a shame it truly is that's not something I certainly take pleasure in I really dread it for them I do because they were never taught and that's why God gives us the Millennium to teach is to be able to teach those that never had the opportunity to really hear the truth and that's why I love our Father so much that he is fair he is complete and everyone when they're judged they're going to find the truth so if you want to run with wickedness that that really means the wicked one which is Antichrist then have to it okay but there will be a price paid for it okay verse five to continue then I Daniel looked and behold there stood other two I thought I saw two other angels so the one on this side of the bank of the river and the other on that side of the bank of the river this would be the Tigris River you know what's happening there today think about it verse six and one said to the man clothed in linen that's his righteous acts revelation 19 verses 7mate which was upon the waters of the river how long shall it be to the end of these wonders that's the direct question and now Daniel has already been told seal up that book but here two angels appear on both sides of the river and they add how long will it be what - until what till the end it's a question many Christians ask and we're never going to know anything but the season verse 7 and I heard the man clothed in linen which was upon the waters of the river when he held up his right hand and his left hand into heaven that's a dance to Almighty God faith and trust in Almighty God and swear by him that liveth forever that it shall be for a time times and a half and when he you want to know who this he is it's important and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people supposed to be holy but they they've had it okay all these things shall be finished in other words the he is the little horn that he is the Antichrist of this great Book of Daniel he is the one who scatters the power of the people because they go with the the wicked one into apostasy and worship the Antichrist instead of the true Christ and when he has accomplished that it's going to take three and a half years time times plural and a half time three and a half three and a half years now I'm gonna tell you something God so loves his elect as it is written in mark chapter 13 he shortened that time because if he had not he said there might not be any flesh saved that's how convincing this false Christ is but for the elects sake he shortened that time and he's good enough that he lets us know in Revelation chapter 9 it shortened to a five-month period the time of the locust the locust army that he warns us to beware of to watch to understand which is none other than the tares or that is to say the Kenites okay but you what are you to do about it just watch leave them alone let them do that part of God's plan that they must do and no one understand just simply protect yourself don't take anything off of anybody but observe and be aware of what our enemy is and which direction he comes from three and a half years were determined verse eight and I heard but I understood not Daniel just couldn't see it it wasn't time of course then said I o my lord what shall be the end of these things 9 and he said go thy way Daniel for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the end no what does that say it means at the time of the end that word would be open back up again sealed until the time of the end but the wise in the end would understand they would find that verse 10 many not a few many shall be purified and made white and tried but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand but the wise shall understand so again the word wise it as it is utilized in this chat goes back to that verse of planting seeds or as a teacher okay to teach truth and nothing but the truth to teach God's Word they should understand the season by the simple answer that he's going to give him or method of how to come to that conclusion to know the season not the day but the season many shall be purified you know many people are hungry for the truth and to be purified is to wash yourself in the blood of the land but that simply believe upon the Lord Jesus Christ and the Living Word the word became flesh and walked among us as it is written in the first chapter of st. John and you need to pay attention to what he has to say for it is your guide on it is what keeps you out of trouble it is what keeps you from being deceived it's what shows you the way guide on and aim yourself at Jesus Christ the example that he said now naturally many might say well that would be easy enough no you want to be careful they crucified him they abused him you may have to take some pretty rough talk but talk won't hurt you when you make that stand for the real truth to know God and to understand and to know you're under his wing that he protects you got nothing to worry about no step for a stepper I mean it's easy pickings when you do it God's Way verse 11 listen very carefully don't make this difficult let it flow in your mind okay there are two I want to tell you coming out the gate God is going to mention two events that transpire that we can fix a time on today and from those two events he will give us a set number of Daniel days and naturally to find what ratio there is from Daniel's days to ours is simply to take those years from the Korean calendar and apply Daniels days you and so you have it I'll explain as we go along here let it flow real gently let's fix the two days and from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away let's fix that one first okay the daily sacrifice is taken away when Christ was crucified it was a sin after that to offer blood sacrifice because Christ's blood was the blood shed for one in all times fix it as the year 8033 you'll find something that'll say 27 some say 29 I'm saying 33 for this problem okay you take it from there so there the daily sacrifice was taken away in the year 33 AD and the abomination that maketh desolate set up the order went forth to set it up when was that the year of our Lord 1948 when both the good and the bad fig were transplanted into Israel and Israel become a nation again and our brother Judah at least that one tribe in part was set up there there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days in other words that's very simple from 33 AD to 1948 the equivalent is 1290 of Daniels days so what you would do to find out how many years that word you would subtract 33 from 1948 and you would come up with 1915 of our years okay now that is from and to that is from the crucifixion until the order went forth to set it so what you would do is divide 1290 of Daniels days into 1915 of our years to come up with a common denominator as to how many days of Daniel it would take to make one of our years and vice versa so in dividing 1290 into 1915 you come up with one point 48 for 1.48 4 and when we read on then we find that the common denominator to convert our years to Daniel's days this one 48 for one point I should say 48 for now let's read on then to the can into the conclusion that's pretty simple isn't it you know I mean nobody's going to know the exact day like we know that the order went forth and the actual event was June the 6th 1948 you can really start playing with dates you're still not going to know the day ok or the hour there's 12 listen carefully now don't don't make this complicated blessed is he that waiteth and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days waits for what waits for the true christ in other words is telling you the true christ will return at that time 13:35 so well well how do we understand that then well you multiply the common denominator one forty eight point four again just by thirteen thirty five and you come up with 1981 and since 1981 god's temple has exploded in growth and understanding in the truth taken people are starving for the real Word of God around this world and our Heavenly Father is feeding that flock his flock so there's no great mystery in that you remember back in the the 2300 days that we covered back in chapter 8 of this great book where it said 2300 days were put upon our people from the cleansing of the temple until the temple would be cleansed again God told Joshua in 2313 that's the book of Joshua I'm going to cleanse it now and that's it that's the last time you're on your own after that and that happened to take place in 1433 BC so when you take that common denominator against the 2300 days spoken of here by Daniel till the temple would be cleansed the final time and multiply it by that common denominator and apply it to our calendar you also come up with 1981 which brings you into the season not the year the season the generation of the fig tree and how precious it is that our Father lets us know enough in advance that you can as Watchmen sound the warning give that warning so I'm real carefully I'm going to go through that one more time and I'm not going to give you a visual picture because I want you to absorb it it's that simple from the taking away of the daily sacrifice that's the crucifixion of Jesus Christ documented in Hebrews chapter 10 that does away with it once and for all okay until the setting up as of Jerusalem back to 9:27 you have 1290 of Daniels days you have 1900 and 15 of our years and to get the common denominator you divide the 1290 into the 1915 you come up with one forty eight one one one point four eight four which brings you 1335 blessed are those that wait for the true Christ until that thirteen hundred and thirty fifth day which makes it nineteen eighty one that season that time we could be considerably more specific many people might say well the city read he didn't fall until the 67 war well that's true and from the 67 war forty years onto that generation from the day the city fell which was nineteen hundred and sixty-seven is 2007 that would be this year but you see nobody knows the date nor should you even attempt to try just know the season and observe current events as they transpire and as you have been given the tidbits and alerts by Almighty God from the book of Revelation from this Book of Daniel which is an overlay and all the many other scriptures that pertain thereto you're in pretty good shape because your father loves you that he gives you the Living Word and the Living Word gives you a second witness to that very common denominator to let you know it brings you into that season of the fig tree and do you remember what Christ said about that fig tree generation he said it in more than one place but I'll quote from Mark 13 he said when you see the chute to come forth a shoot you know when you plant a fig you don't plant it by seed you plant a chute and when you see it begin to put on leaves no this generation the generation of the fig tree shall not pass away until all prophecy is fulfilled so what it what a generation you live in what a time to live how anyone could get bored in this generation is beyond me for our fathers word is so vivacious so rewarding so filling of truth and good news that how could one go wrong you know many might say well why is father good at judging he wants to know who's going to be true to him he wants to know who's going to give us trouble in the eternity you know what we don't want him around we don't want anything else anyone else like the entity called Satan we only want people that like to live peacefully happily and loving Almighty God and that's what it's all about it's a process of elimination eliminating that that chooses beyond any shadow of a doubt to not love God well there you have it the Book of Daniel again what does it mean God is judge let God judge follow him and always find that happiness
Channel: YHVH Savior
Views: 2,553
Rating: 4.9512196 out of 5
Keywords: Holy Bible, Daniel, Book of, Arnold, Kjv, Pastor, Pastor Murray, Shepherd's, Pastor Arnold Murray, Shepherds Chapel, Murray, Chapel, Bible, Arnold Murray, Shepherds, Book of Daniel, Shepherd's Chapel
Id: EgaI2BRsvNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 20sec (1940 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 05 2019
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