DME Arcs - Instrument Flying

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Just push LNAV bro

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/wurst69 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2019 🗫︎ replies

I had not flown a DME arc in a long time, so I did one just for fun a few days ago and turned it into a video (I can't help it). Of course, with GPS there is hardly ever a reason to fly a DME arc, especially since I don't have a 'real' DME in my panel so it's not even a viable backup approach type in case of a GPS outage for me. Call it an academic exercise if you will, I still had fun.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Martin_Pauly 📅︎︎ Dec 30 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] all right let's see from Cedar Rapids we go to boots I want pronounce my name then join the DME arches agree and then lead in and for that we need the number two vor on the iOS city vor which is our official reference for this that we can fly with the GPS however we need to monitor vor itself enter the flight plan so we run a key a there we go to get there we want to do the vor/dme three six with the DMARC this is what it looks like on the on the IFD looks the same of course as on for flight good let's get the ATIS this mission house with special observation 182 0zu when 2 3 3 0 1 1 this will be 8 jingling 1,500 yes answer for 2.1 up in there - after 19 eyelets approaching these planning department only 2 7 as is whether new try electronics based on Highland applied to retreat with these by this content given maybe not one so you know it's clearance bonanza 7-0 tango Bravo information alpha IFR on file back to Cedar Rapids via Washington with a approach in washing the vor 3 6 for practice purposes ready to copy 7th anger problems you have a plan because the director for that Bob maintain 4000 Department team one-one-niner point 7 for 314 Vanessa 7 seeing a Bravo clear to the Cedar Rapids Airport is filed client maintain 4000 departure on one-one-niner point 7 score for three for two robbery better 10 to 6 5 0 Mike you can output feedback movie theater 3 1 my crust to 70 TV Charlie and the ground bonanza 7zo tango Bravo at the North West East with alpha is ready for taxi holding please men have their tango Bravo pyramid ground rolling teeth haven't had to be alpha cross 23 1 at alpha runway two-seven taxi via alpha cross runway 3 1 and alpha but answer Saran's using a problem approaching runway 1 3 clear on the left he'll be on the right feet across lights on approaching runway one three three one entered runway 1 3 3 1 brakes are set fuel is on the Left tank that is off holes tank Blake controls free and correct mixture first power bags left right from all temperatures good our pressure is good all cylinders are firing that mean it looks good idle chat we take off mixture best power prop I rpm three up call flips are open flaps are up you know heat is on today door window closed lights on the runway all right let's look at the nav setup I have in my flight plan the vor/dme 36 that's this plate here it'll be Chicago Center one three five point six I can arm that didn't the standby we need for that also the Iowa City VR I can fly this approach with EPS guidance but I need to monitor the the vor because it is a vor approaches no GPS or GPS in the title here that's why I need to have that nav a to you one one six point two and it's already set here on the number two there we go movie lock here and then the inbound course will be zero zero six all right the Navigator actually says it will also revert to 2 V lock think we'll leave it at GPS because we want the number 1 to be a GPS for better precision and the number 2 on V lock so illegal good bye right track to oxy is 158 so I'll set that on the HSI 158 here we go I expect to get an initial heading of two five zero so I'll set that that completes the nav setup for now we'll brief the approach once we're in the air oxy is 50 miles away from here so it should take about 20 minutes to get there it gives us a little time to brief the approach departure briefing are departing from runway two-seven in Cedar Rapids I will make a normal takeoff went from the right today any engine anomaly with runway ahead I will pull the power line on the runway any an anomaly under 2,000 I will land straight ahead or slightly to the right into the wind for the lowest ground speed above 2000 I can consider other options which the tower we got tower we got a departure but the transponder said temperature here on the ground is a little bit above freezing will actually warm up as we climb there's an inversion layer pretty close to the ground and then we'll get warmer temperatures above lights are on see Emma's tower but answer seven zero tango Bravo runway two-seven ready for departure it has no tango Bravo got the tower turn let's take two five zero eight two seven plane for takeoff left heading two-five-zero clear for takeoff runway two seven one answer seven sitting a Bravo paying two five zero it is a clear on approach coming on the runway entered runway two-seven 8500 feet remaining turning turning erect take off it's been a temperature pressure good positive rate gear up doesn't judge me Oh Bravo contact Market Lane content departure peninsula servants it's a problem have a good day suit of its departure Bonanza 7co tango Bravo 1700 climbing 4000 they have a 7-0 tango Bravo Cedar Rapids the Parcher radar contact turn left direct uniformed tango x-ray India hotel left turn direct uniformed tango x-ray India hotel Bonanza 7 getting a problem I was secretly hoping you might know how to pronounce it I was gonna take a stab at it but probably wasn't it good [Music] and this is what I love about instrument flying hey is 4,000 and on this short flight I don't have some time to breathe the approach I will bottle back to 22 inches 2,500 rpm and Lena peak so we're doing the vor runway three six approach of Washington we have it set here on the navigator for this one to be legal we need to tune identify the Iowa City vor I have that on the number two vor one one six point two iow that Morse code shows up here we got the same on the number one except the number one EPS I will leave in GPS mode which where the the Maurice and FAA guidance it is legal to apply these vor approaches with GPS as guidance as long as you monitor them with a vor saw with two receivers we can easily do that got to make sure that Hill is centered or on my number two all right approach bleeping with doing the vor and we three six approach to washing it's set on the number one GPS they got the vor iOS 8 vor tune and identified are in the second round Colonel hunter two niner niner niner applied to a PC and then join the DMARC which is 27 nautical miles from the Iowa City vor apology bs guidance the inbound is Peter up at the prune good morning 0:06 and I won't set that once we get on the ark altitudes once I get on the Arctic and ascend to 2600 and from there they got 2600 till churn and then from churn I dissented 12:40 let's get the weather one 27.8 you and then I'll also get the seat out 1/2 to 7 for Washington eight five five eight my conditions one now help you altimeter I hear okay so what that tells me is they have a few clouds in 1100 whoops like now they look like few but it must be a very thin layer the final approach fix is shirt and then we just sent our MDA which is 1240 488 above ground you fly to the midst approach point which is ojos and from there I will try to fly them the earth hangar Bravo contact your target center one three five point two one three five point six bonanza 7c o tank Bravo Heavy D and that will a significant to the mr. published missed approach Chicago Center good afternoon Bonanza 7-0 tango Bravo level 4000 with the weather all right three zero zero one put into 72 Bravo I would like to do the vor approach runway three six and washing using the the DME arc and if it works for you I would like to fly the published mist on this one and everything above all other thank you all right the published piss is I climbed to 2600 and then a right turn to intercept our our final course is flying it outbound and hold and sure and hold in the final approach fix and we're gonna show there is the sequencing of the of the MMS leg at the altitude because by a benign is not connected to a bear track and altitude input I have to tell it when I'm at 2600 and then it will sequence to the next leg so we'll take a look at that there's a few 126 on pass the Monaco 23-point minor Brickyard third 4387 2013 23 point Manor so let's review one other thing here the 2600 is at or above or the the arc o if a higher altitude keeps me out of the clouds and out of potential icing I can stay above 2600 and intercept 2600 once I'm on my final approach for is going to share is another eight point eight miles to zero tango Bravo seiner miles north of maintain 3000 until established cleared Pilar and we breach the code into watching to maintain 3000 until established chameleons vor 3 6 approach to washing bonanza 7 Theo thing about he sends me to 3,000 started his sin you don't need it still on with GPS steering the navigator I picture kind of in the automata would do everything on their own company you're on I don't have that but I'll use the heading heading buck the autopilot heading mode here and a simulate GPS earring and and do this by hand 14,000 apparent I'll just stay at 3,000 never before nine a tango Bravo got that Kansas City Center one two six point two two [Music] area one 16.2 is still identified I'm still currently navigating with GPS so this is my my primary right now on the final approach course though I need the vor in addition to the GPS the other thing to do is listen to Washington see Tao one two two point seven another between 11 I got Chicago Defender climb and maintain flight level two 3-0 blend brick $44.99 Chicago federal crime to maintain public view 3-0 I'm a little bit to the right of the DMARC and I can't see that on the HSI here as well but of course that won't fix itself as we go forward [Music] second 4126 of 1005 discussion maintain one one thousand cheerio two there two Niner Niner five [Music] okay now the needles starting over a little bit to the right [Music] or in ten degree increments I will make right turns now to stay on the DMARC after the boiler 29 any big 5,000 direct or the weather known as a planning thief Island please think I would like the look of effectively deliver 2995 Chicago Fed erotic and wanted vector dial F treated over phone that night at the crowd here at Foot Berlin 39 or niner-niner I can see how the desired track increases as we proceed on the article following the neon you say but we aren't hit here Bonanza 7zo tango Bravo on the missed approach out of washing if it works for you I would like to fly it as published ladder earlier but climb to 3,000 feet instead of 2,600 is that gonna work for you November 7 0 finger Bravo approved a final approach educate to publish feature then report back on the frequency for further clearance Bonanza 7-0 tango Bravo Roger and I would like to go to traffic advisories at this time in that's okay but regarding jerking a brother hatred I interpret paper but into samples using a Bravo Roger you think about it with rnf GPS approaches there isn't much of a reason to fly DME arcs anymore unless a GPS fails right so what we're doing today is kind of an academic exercise but it is good practice every now and then you're just to make sure you still know how to fly them because we do it so really and if there's a GPS outage someday they may come in handy a temperature appears plus 11 spell seus the ones we turn in Bona Accenture 2600 for sharing and then after sharing to a minimum descent altitude of 1240 50 seconds left - they agree paintball course is 0:06 and I'm getting established on that and confirmed by my number one and point number two which is on V lock is moving to the center as well now we can send a 2600 we don't heat us on and then adjourn who are 1240 a be sent to 12:40 minimum descent altitude here is down at lunch [Music] banning like exactly standing check this gear down and locked its landing light is on mixture and reached promise on short final yeah we got two minutes forty seconds to the missed approach point and we got about a thousand feet to burn that is still above freezing and all along my bu our indicator on the second one goes that the needle is better I missed approach point is are we oh yes but some unpronounceable names washing traffic when answers yo tango Bravo is on a three mile final runway 36 fog or mist washing [Music] five hundred and there is the runway coming at the bit of an angle but we could have made it from here everything is centered yo because that's how this approach ends here because of where the iOS CD vor is located all right we'll wait for the missed approach point reconfigure for your climb and then I remember we climbed the 2600 until 20600 that's our next menu the sequence required 2600 feet is our next leg and then we sequence positive rate gears up watching traffic bonanza the other thing a Bravo is going missed on the missed approach for only your tweeze exposure a client to 2600 then I will sequence with this button here and that will then activate the turn to the right 500 and 2,600 now a hood push the sequence leg button and I fly - sure and then here's three thousand [Music] I won't go to 22 inches again 2,500 rpm [Music] Chicago Santo Bonanza 7-0 tango bra is on your frequency again applying the missed approach at the 3000 I've ever come to think about Loretta better contact three miles northeast watch peer virtually level at 3050 two Niner Niner Niner two nine nine nine I thank you corporate on their finger Brava to divide but you're ready to proceed to Peter added a bonanza 7zo Synchron welcome all right so 186 is my my link to shirt a needle single ring you can contact a defendant one 28.5 to whoever 2996 before the maintain 3000 and then we hold it shirt and we'll do that once for a course reversal and then quali good and flying all the cedar habits [Music] PPS has teardrop entry that makes sense given from where we're coming so I'm a crossing shirt I'll turn thirty degrees left like now and let's see the wind aloft three thousand from the West Oh from the raid which should prevent us from overshooting the inbound course the consent all at zero six again if Browns be is winning and lowering mature image into the wind thirty point three to four zero how you got the 582 she got offended good afternoon sir 15 degrees left favor vectors trend good thing left top left 23 82 you might still overshoot by a little bit yeah it's all turn left heading 1-0-0 what you're doing in it alright not perfect but not too bad either if I'm ready for selling would get those Chicago center Roger inspect we're in about five cents a senator bonanza Simmons your thing a Brahma would like to return to Cedar Rapids now over town is your Fingal Bravo cleared the theater at the airport by a director you freaked out tip Cedar Rapids direct maintain 3000 financier 70 I'll take a problem making problem 185 one zero one zero visibility seven steel 1,400 over again m23 it 1-0 find a partner always hey seven I just whether they spawn with John stays on that walk let's retreat disease my problem okay I think I will ask for runway three one approach see drivers approach but incest 7co tango Bravo on 3,000 feet with information problem another fender thing abrupt irreproachable parenthetic right vector of the elephant way $2,000 per Germany I'm an incest 7zo taker Bravo this month will be a full stop would aren't empty runway three one be impossible it has the pendant here take a problem a prolific quick vectors you never run with me 123 thank you Sam to put their finger problem when able to correct more thermic Morris bonanza say producing a problem all right we do the three want [Music] the amours [Music] which is just a slight right turn [Music] alright let's review this plate at Morris I gotta be 3,000 but we are 3,000 that's good it says I need to do the whole four-course reversal here because if I use more as it's my initial approach fix there's nothing on this chart saying that I don't need to do that except common sense so we'll see he gets me vectors in the end had to fly it on my own and I have to fly the hole there for those of you who have watched my channel a little longer you notice that I'm using a different app on the iPad the EF via had been using for a better part of a decade was winged x pro now I'm using for flight I switched just because there were a few things that weren't quite working with version 9 or we next roll like the weather radar display using a his be whether EDS be whether it was hit or miss on whether something was displayed or not and I finished do a recording of that while ago a few other things that were you're not not terrible but they ended up to unsatisfactory experience overall for me so bye-bye winged eggs welcome for flight but getting pay you're not getting a free subscription for this you know in fact I had two years of subscription still on winged eggs and cancel it or forfeited it because I just didn't like it anymore Oh still learning the ropes around for flight and so far I would say it's looking good peeking off let me add the [Music] are now procedure here and we're going to bars starting to scratch at the top of this cloud deck here at the temperatures plus 8 degrees so don't worry at all about icing might get just a hair below zero on the way down for a few seconds but it's it's above freezing here it's above freezing on the ground we'll stay at 3,000 for a little longer approach briefing we're doing the iron a front way three one approach to Cedar Rapids the Navigator is set up the apparently navigating on my own to Morris we will either do this on our own the view the course reversal at Morris all will get vectors to final where she is the final approach fix just see what the approach patroller has in mind and that we don't need to do the whole final approach course is 3 1 4 I can't set that yet because I'm still using the HSI navigation to go to floors bow that's a night up remaining for the setup flight path in a saboteur in a 1 pick down at 2500 over schooi at 74 figure out the third minimum but 11th winding on the LP they even apologized to maintain mr. crow chips are down flying up to 3,000 straight ahead to pay low and hold easy enough 14 miles or 6 and a half minutes to Mars and then the dripping of rubber ones real mild from more crowd more that are above 3000 third aren't have runway 3 want to croak and keep the beat a again forget that fall right 3,000 tilt Morris cleared for the are an f31 approach bonanza 7th round just to confirm you want me to fly the cross reversal at Morris has published or can I do a straight in from their trade in runway everyone I hope man on the street in finances you think problem thinking and item 74 playing zero-niner-zero Becker to add a little bit to the speed and it's getting colder just so I can't do about 3000 and all this state and here about to avoid any possibility of icing once I'm at ORS this n2 2500 what I gonna do here is I gotta take the holdout Oh from Morrisville go to schooi approach water c-46 13 14 6 just sitting o 1 111 south from Oh Marcy 42 13 citrus fruit welcome turn 10 threes left intercept runway two-seven will phones respect Laurie 12 hit last hitter 77 localizer orders for accessor 46 for two minutes to Mars and 1034 turn five degrees right and I maintain 505 right 5,000 feet proton by 3584 131,000 drama by 3584 theory next I will be used to the leg to your cortical spinal cords a 304 and one coming up on Moors there's one five gal eight miles from puck across fuck-up 3332 aren't out of GPS runaway read Greek Christian runway two five approach I would city [Music] okay and I can descend to 2500 [Music] and then the five thing a brothel keeper speed up contact our and everything abrupt contact our contact our witness if you think about all think at 74th and I maintain port see go to our of an answer 7zo tango blah voice on are now free one approach but in the tango Bravo rapid tower runway 3-1 clear play three one feel then finances ever just a problem a schooi and one minute 40 seconds look at the 2,500 beverage is still above freezing Julie in 30 seconds that to the minimum or 11:20 let's want me to say fragrance banning checklist here is down in lock three greens landing light is on fixture enriched dumps some short final and I love this displace with a deviation bar is synthetic vision the but the runway is it doesn't getting easier than this this makes me want to have an eephus one of these days yes undercarriage mixture from all good one thousand two minimums temperatures still above freezing three mile final runway three one Broadway in sight I see has two Jets on final four to seven but keep the speed up like you told me Peter Rabbit temptation charlie current has this mother freyal in the surrounding states bills on I want for fights every patient frequencies [Music] autopilot off [Music] brigands sorry 97 74 with jealousy you know it doesn't oniy for Cedar Rapids town runway two-seven clear to land trapped short final runway three ones of bonanza little n7m wait for the bonanza break weights Leo right Leila it ended their tango Bravo turn the left taxiway off the tag to the parking that's rickety left turn alpha two parking this frequency Bonanza 70 Oh Tina Bravo thanks for helping havoc did you do after landing flaps identified and up pal flips open from 3 up bites back to beacon pitot heat now off United 774 turn right out for three taxi to parking via alpha alpha 5 personally 1/3 down for 3 alpha cross 1 3 and [Music]
Channel: Martin Pauly
Views: 19,405
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DME, DME ARC, Distance Measuring Equipment, Instrument Flying, Instrument Training, Instrument Flight Training, IFR, IFR Training, IFR flying, flight training, CFII, flight instructor, instrument flight instructor, instrument instructor, flying, pilot, dme arc approach, dme arcs explained, instrument flying basics, instrument flying videos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 25sec (2545 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 30 2019
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