If Your Decision Making Sucks in Football? Do This!

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it's really hard to be a good footballer if your decision making is really poor I say it all the time but even if you're a very skillful player and you have great attributes with the ball and all these different things if your decision making is really bad you choose the wrong decision more often than not you are always going to struggle at every single level but on the flip side of that if your decision making is really good it is going to elevate your game to new heights so this video is going to be all about improving your decision making some things you can think about some things that you can do so that ultimately you're making the right decision the good decision the decision that helps you so much in the game more often than not now before we jump into it my name is Dave and this is simply soccer where I'm creating videos every single week to help you improve your game and stand out on the pitch now if you haven't already get my free ebook Game Changer which is going to help take your game to that next level it is a full-blown like 33 different ways to stand out ebook it's like over 50 pages you can get that by downloading it for free in the description or it's the first link in the description now let's jump into what these things are you can start doing to improve your decision making let's go number one it's a very simple one but you'll be surprised how few players do this and it's practice pressure scenarios you see a lot of players when they find themselves in a pressure situation in the match let's say you get the ball in very tight space and you absolutely could Escape it by making the right decision maybe taking a really good touch in One Direction that breaks the opponent's momentum perhaps they're just very quickly controlling it turning out and passing to a teammate but if you're not practicing these situations your brain is going to like turn off when you find yourself in it or you feel like you're going to lose the ball or if you haven't really just familiarize yourself with that kind of scenario this is why you can have all the skills but if you haven't practiced it in game scenarios it's not going to really help you and so whatever situations you're finding that you just make poor decisions in take a look at if it's pressure situations because this is the most common one like a player or received the ball and isn't able to play quickly enough or receives the ball and you know delays on it or whatever else it is or doesn't know someone's behind them Etc practice these situations often even if you're practicing by yourself imagine that someone's pressuring you imagine that it's like a game like situation the more you practice in a way where you're simulating game-like scenarios the better you're going to become and the more calm you're going to be able to be when the pressure is on which will help you make better choices now number two is something I kind of just mentioned and it is improve your awareness so many players they make mistakes because their awareness isn't there and this is mainly knowing what's around you whether it's where your opponents are where your teammates are where the space is but for example if you're about to receive the ball and there's an opponent over your right shoulder and you're not aware that they are there and you turn into trouble well that's obviously gonna really hinder your decision making when you know and have more information of what's around you it gives you more options it allows me to know okay he's there maybe I can turn out this way because I've looked no he's there and know the space is in that direction so instead of turning into him or maybe even not exploiting that space I now can do that because I'm more aware and again this just comes down to practicing this in your training practice getting your head up and scanning practice before you know you're going to receive the ball looking over your shoulders seeing what's there anticipating what's going to happen and it's going to help you make better decisions so before we move on to the third one please hit that like button if you've gotten something else of this video so far or this has been helpful now we'll move on to number three number three is get to the root of it and what do I mean I mean analyze your particular game and look at where you're making the most mistakes where are you making the wrong choice more often than not because you'll you'll be amazed at how many players repeat mistakes over and over and over again and this is a simple thing to solve because if you keep making the same stake you just need to become aware of it analyze your game and go okay I need to work specifically on this then you can look up drills and different techniques that can help you with that you can get a coach and get a program which will help you with your overall game but you can also focus in on that specific thing that's why having a coach is really good actually or a personal trainer because they can look at certain aspects or mistakes you continue to make and then give you ways in order to Shore that up and be better at it so you're no longer making it sometimes for a lot of players there's one or two aspects of their game that if they really focused on that and really shorted up and really got better at it it would Elevate them so much as a player and help them make better decisions all of the time so take a look at your own game get to the root of what's causing you to make poor decisions and really double down on working on that area and it will pay off the final one I want to give you this will always help and it's improve your confidence so many players that have the ability make poor choices because they don't believe in themselves because they're not confident now practicing will improve your comp confidence but I'm sure you know plenty of players who are amazing in training but can't replicate it in matches I've played with so many players like that like they're just their touch is so good their passing is so good their skill they're finishing and it's like wow this guy is Just Amazing Just so good at everything and then they'll play in a match and they'll play within themselves and it seems that their confidence is lacking so it doesn't only come down to practicing um the physical skills there is a mental aspect of this you know a belief aspect of this and if you're not working on that you're leaving a lot on the table because you can work on belief systems that allow you to be confident on the pitch and believing in your ability in believing that you're one of the best players there you know you can work on these aspects of your game and it's something I highly recommend you do and it will have the added benefit of making you more confident in your everyday life as well and I have a course called complete soccer confidence that will help you with this and it's helped so many players already I will leave that in the description under the ebook so it'll be the second link and if you want to really work on this and confidence is something you struggle with then it's going to help you massively because this is specifically for footballers and soccer players now one thing that comes really hand in hand with players who make poor decisions is they're usually losing the ball a lot and so if that's you if you're losing the ball a lot a lot or just want to really know how to retain it more and stop losing it go check out this video here where I go over why this happens and some of the things you can do to stop losing the ball in your games
Channel: SimplySoccer
Views: 18,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Simplysoccer, Simply soccer, decision making football, decision making football drills, decision making football exercises, how to improve your awareness and decision making in football, how to have better decision making in football, decision making training football, fast decision making in football, good decision making in football, how to improve your awareness and decision making in football part 3, soccer iq
Id: isYLcDj8WY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 30sec (390 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 29 2022
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