What The ELITE Dribblers Do That You Don't

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so what is it that the elite dribblers in football do that you're not doing that allow them to be some of the most effective dribblers in football and when i'm talking about effective dribblers i mean players that are able to pick the right decision more times than not they're able to put defenders under pressure have close control the ball while dribbling make the right decision knowing when and when not to and all of these different things you know what separates the players that are able to use their dribbling ability to great effect in matches versus the players that are not doing that so that's coming up next [Music] welcome to the channel this is simply soccer my name is dave if you are new here where i'm creating videos every single week to help you improve your game and stand out on the pitch if you haven't already make sure you get my free ebook game changer it is 50 pages just full of great drills training exercises mindsets and all that to help you take your game to the next level now without further ado let's get into the first thing going in reverse order with number four that elite dribblers do that you are probably not doing but if you start doing it it might help you get closer to that level now one of the first things you will notice when you're watching some of the elite dribblers is that most of the time they keep it very very simple now this could be little cuts and finks and turns and quick changes and directions sometimes you'll see some of the best dribblers just push the ball past an opponent whose momentum is on the other foot and go buy them that way now this takes a lot of practice and intelligence to do but you'll see they're not usually using fancy skills if we look at one of the best dribblers in history of football messi he doesn't usually do fancy stepovers flicking it over people and all this different stuff he has just mastered cuts faints and chops for the most part again at an elite level which allows him to beat so many different opponents he knows when to time each thing and you can notice he's not doing very fancy things now you might see neymar and ronaldo and other players do fancy things sometimes but even if you watch these players most of the time you'll see they beat opponents with faint cuts chops changes in pace and so on now it's fine to have other moves that you could consider a little more complex in there but for the most part the elite dribblers are keeping it simple they're just masterful at these simple little things in fact in the comments put i am training to master the simple skills in football if that resonates with you so that you can align more to that and now we'll move on to number three now number three is they can dribble either way very comfortably now i'm not talking about being able to dribble on either foot because if you look at someone like lionel messi it is clear that he favors his left side and he can dribble at a world-class level on that side i don't know about his right he can do it competently on his right but not necessarily at the same level what i mean is it doesn't even matter if he goes to his right because he still is able to cut faint turn back and keep control the ball and do certain things and maneuver on that side as much as he can on the other now he might be a little bit better on the other cutting in um on to his left but he can also maneuver very effectively on the other side now that means he can use his right well enough to be able to cut back in order to control the ball you know beat an opponent or whatever else but he's still comfortable going to that side and why this is important is because it means a defender could try and show him just on to his right and he's still going to be able to maneuver and dribble and do damage even if he's taken on to that side essentially there isn't much of a weakness of him going on that side cristiano ronaldo same thing right you put him on to his left he can still score on that side he can still dribble on that side he can still get himself back onto his right from that side cut faint turn or whatever else now a lot of players that are one dimensional if you put them on say their left foot if they're right footed they're not going to be able to do too much and you've probably found their weakness they might lose the ball they might not be able to maintain it they might not be able to do any damage if you put them on that side and so it's very easy to show them on that side and you've neutralized them but for the best dribblers it doesn't matter which way you show them they can go out the left they can go out the right they can fake one way go to the other or do it the other way as well and this leads to them being so incredibly unpredictable not knowing exactly how to defend them and really a lot of times with these dribblers it's like how can i make them do less damage versus more damage like i guess if i show messi onto his right i can try and do that at least it will be less damage if i show him on to his left but he's still gonna be able to maneuver in that situation so if you're enjoying this video so far or you're getting something out of it please hit that like button and we'll move on to number two now number two is one of the most important and it's dribbling iq because again you could be one of the best dribblers technically in the world but if you don't know when you should dribble when you should pass when you should beat one or two opponents or kind of reacting that way when it's time to give the ball up then you're not going to be so effective dribbling iq like iq in any area of football when to pass when not when to shoot when not when to be in this space versus this space is so incredibly important because again if you are dribbling over dribbling in situations where you shouldn't you're gonna be predictable opponents are just gonna kind of box you out and take the ball from you if you're under dribbling when you're a very good dribbler you're not doing as much damage as you could for example imagine messi never taking an opponent one-on-one it would be a waste of his ability or imagine some like neymar's like i'm never gonna you know i don't want to take an opponent one-on-one now a lot of times he won't you know you will see a lot of these best dribblers these elite dribblers won't always take the opponent on you'll see messi pass do one twos maybe switch the play same with neymar but when they see the opportunity and their iq kicks in their instincts kick in and they see the opportunity that dribbling will actually help them will exploit the defense there's a gap for them to exploit or if they dribble into this space they'll create space for others or they think they can really beat this man and do damage they will take it and they will usually make the right decision more often than not again this is so important it's not just about being a good dribbler technically you need to know when to do certain things what move is appropriate you know sometimes it's just going to come down to being able to react well as well knowing how to put yourself in those kinds of situations but you need to develop the iq around this which a lot of is going to come from experience but also being aware of it as well but when you do that and you mix that with incredible dribbling ability you can go on either side and the next thing we're going to go over you're going to be an amazing player with the ball at your feet and number one you will notice with any elite dribbler and as they understand what type of touches to take depending on the situation for example if they're in tight space and they want to really keep the ball close they will take a lot of different quick touches on the ball versus if they have a lot of space to work with and they're running into it they will take fewer touches that are pushed out further one of my favorite players who used to do this so so effectively and it made him one of the best dribblers in the world at the time was ricardo caca he used to beat players with simple changes in direction being able to push the ball effectively into space he was one of the best at this you would notice he would just fly by people because he knew when to keep the ball in close control um when so if a defender stuck their leg out to get him he'd be able to take it away and he knew when to push it into space and he was so skillful so good at dribbling he always seemed to push it out the exact distance he needed to push it out so when he needed to stretch his legs and he knew he could beat someone for pace he would push it into that space and he would run with it but he also could switch immediately into taking quick touches if he needed to to beat an opponent to size someone up to make sure the ball was close to his body again that comes down to dribbling iq but you need to be good at both of these things being able to dribble in close control taking many little touches being able to move the ball quickly being able to you know take many touches in a short amount of time so if anyone goes in boom you can take it away from them or if there's an opening the ball's close to you can flick it to your teammate or put them in a goal right but you also need to have the ability to push it effectively into space when it's available so you can run onto it to push it past an opponent if there's space available so you can run onto it and beat them in that way as well and if you learn actually these two techniques that's going to go a long way to improving your dribbling ability in fact before ending the video i will link down below the kaka video i did on him analyzing this dribbling style so you can go check that out from a few years ago but it just showed you know how he would do this and i think it's really good to look at analyzing his game if you want to become an effective dribbler in this way of course there's so many players like messi for example does this perfectly as well and so many other players ronaldo does it well um there's so many examples but i analyzed kakaak as he was one of my favorite players from my childhood and he did this so amazingly in his prime so anyway thank you so much for tuning in to this video and i will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: SimplySoccer
Views: 273,150
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Keywords: Simplysoccer, Simply soccer, how to dribble in soccer like a pro, how to dribble in soccer fast, how to dribble in soccer the basics, how to dribble better in soccer, how to dribble past a defender in soccer, how to dribble faster in soccer, how to dribble with speed in soccer, how to dribble with your head up in soccer, how to dribble properly in soccer, how to dribble multiple defenders in soccer, how to dribble with confidence in soccer, how to dribble in tight spaces soccer
Id: z-0Q9dmZLfw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 05 2021
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