How To Train And Improve Your Vision and Passing? Tips To Enhance Your Awareness and Decision Making

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look at how perlus guns the pitch while the ball is away from him if we Replay that you can see that pearly performed this scan exactly in between the touches that scan allowed him to look at Pogba he then performs another quick scan to make sure Pogba continued that run and since mascarano was not covering the spaces behind him he decided to go for a long ball let us have a look at this from perler's perspective [Music] [Music] thank you hello there everyone it is mitsu here and welcome back to another video on my Channel today I'll be discussing some tips to improve your vision and passing and towards the end of the video we will have a passing quiz so make sure to stick around let's start off with a simple idea of delaying the ball if you can see here the player already pulled the defender out of possession the only player that can use that space is now in front of him therefore you need to keep the ball with you to give that player an opportunity to exploit that space similarly you should not be going for any player in a forward position during the counter attacks you need to be able to identify the best passing option you can see that two Defenders are markings Allah here so a pass to Trend would be the best option a pastor Robertson can be okay here as well Lucas paqueta would be performing a forward run between the center back and the fullback if you are on the receiving end having an idea of your surroundings will allow you to perform this kind of movement where you let the ball run to the player with the most spaces instead of going for the ball as a midfielder when you drop down to receive the ball from the defensive line try to go for forward passing options to counter the high pressure one long pass here made seven players once got out of shape this concept can be applied anywhere on the pitch as it will provide similar results six players were positioned in the back line for Barcelona here Paradise was 7 meters away from the closest opposition as he drops down to receive the ball he scans the pitch for approximately three times now when he receives the ball he is 2 meters only away from the closest opposition but he gave enough time for that forward run that he noticed while performing the scans to progress so he plays the long ball behind the defensive line you can see how the defensive line is no longer in shape thanks to the off the ball movement from the other attackers this pass completely progressed the attack into a three versus three situation Inside the Box I bought a step here for the attackers always try to go for such Blind Side runs notice how PK was following the ball without scanning or checking his shoulders to look out for mbappe so by changing his Direction mbappe was able to reach the ball before PK let's have a look at this from Perez's perspective I often talk a lot about the benefits of scanning in my videos and I want to introduce you to be your best and amazing tool which is scientifically proven to improve your scanning be your best is a virtual reality training tool designed to improve players cognitive performance the main skill that'd be your best friends is your scanning but it is also used to improve player's Vision decision making and memory allowing you to train these difficult skills from home anytime you want in be your best you will play through over 800 scenarios recreated from real life professional games just like the clips that you will see throughout this video alongside the scenario training the tool comes with a lot of added features to help you improve your performance your stats tracking Hub allows you to monitor your performance over time while position specific training means you can work on your scanning from any area of the field finally the replay analysis tool lets you look back at your training seeing what you did wrong and where you can improve beerbest has been used by both amateur and professional players all over the world with Arsenal's store Martin or the good having even trained with it during his injury period it's also backed by science with the recent nine-week study seeing players who trained with it improve their scan rate by 28 percent to get started with be your best all you need is a meta Quest VR headset and to be your best subscription you can use the code mitsuji R50 to redeem a huge 50 off on your membership be quick though as anyone who signs up in the next two weeks will get a free consultation for my UFAA licensed coach you can seek advice tips or talk about problems you're facing that you need help with if you fail to go for forward passing option you do not need to panic but try again you can see here how the player did not go for a backward pass after missing that opportunity but he was able to keep the ball turn around and switch the play [Music] when switching the play try again to go for forward passing options over horizontal or backward switches when playing as a defensive midfielder look out for these passing opportunities to connect with any Wingers or fullbacks performing overlaps behind the defensive line again as the defensive midfielder you need to perform multiple scans when dropping down to receivable this will allow you to identify where the pressure is coming from and also avoid playing easy predictable pass you need to be able to read the game here Nema was moving horizontally to avoid being in an offside possession so Messi noticed that and went for the first touch pass to make use of that run this pass was chosen over a simple pass to Suarez although both are forward passing options when playing in the inverted fullback possession you must continuously scan to look out for such forward runs any runs between or behind the center backs will always be good ones if you can deliver those passes this video is brought to you by play by machuca Sports the fundamental tool for every coach and analyst create and manage all your video analysis in one platform use the coupon mitsujr at the checkout for a 10 discount now let's have a look at the training drill provided by the Econo coaches Academy to work on passing and receiving the ball so this exercise Dragon 3 plus 2 Jokers the rule says that two Defenders cannot be at the same square so they have to be jumping and then we can add a rule if you are alone in this four spaces you are alone it means that any Defender is inside your Square you have three touches free so in that square there are Defender so if in your square there's a Defender you you only have one touch there are plenty of other training drills discussed in this webinar that I strongly advise you guys to watch as it links perfectly with the topics explained in this video the webinar actually has two sessions as you can see so you can use the code MIT through Jr when signing up from the link in the description to get up to 50 off depending on your membership plan now it's time for the passing quiz so if you are new to the channel this was a concept that I did in older videos and I received multiple requests to introduce it again in my videos simply I'll be playing a short clip and I'll be pausing the screen and highlighting a couple of passing options there will be a timer and you guys need to guess the best passing option just keep in mind that we are targeting the best passing option not the past that might have actually been played on the pitch so let's get right into the first one in this case which passing option is the best for Paradise your 5 seconds will start now foreign if you chose the fourth option you are correct to break it down number one is a backward pass number two is obviously marked number three is where the pressure is headed towards and number five requires a high ball risking an aerial duel now which passing option is the best [Music] if you chose the second option you will correct basically you have already pulled the defender out of position number one is performing around in that space so it is an end goal to deliver the pass to him the player who can easily pick a pass in that space is player number two player number three is marked on a pass to number four would not be Progressive now which passing option is the best [Music] if you choose the fourth option you will correct player number four notice that space that we talked about and started performing around he is now in a better position to receive that long ball compared to player number three who started to change his direction to exploit the deposition players 1 2 and 5 would not provide the progression to the attack moving to another example which passing option is the best [Music] if you chose the fourth option you were correct you can see how player number 4 is stretching the defensive line he then started performing around to explode the spaces behind the defensive line a simple pass to number 4 would allow him to receive the ball on the ground and inside the Box another example now which passing option is the best you chose number two you were correct remember that we aim to go for ground passes over aerial duels as it is safer to play the ball on the ground now player number two was performing this forward John although player number one was asking for the ball not two you should be able to identify the best passing option here the outcome might be similar in the sense that both players may receive the ball inside the box but as you can see the second delivery after the long ball would have been easier if the ball was played on the ground so without it guys I hope you've enjoyed the analysis and I hope you found the quiz helpful let me know if you would like to have more quizzes of that type in the comments down below also share your final results out of five so thanks for watching and I'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: MitsoJR
Views: 112,701
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: passsing, scanning, how to improve your passing, how to improve your awareness and decision making in football, how to train your passing, how to pass the ball better in football, passing analysis, passing drills, training for passing, pirlo, messi, analysis, football analysis, football tactical analysis, scanning analysis, how to scan the pitch in football, how to improve my passing accuracy in football
Id: ShEqruXPQV0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 50sec (590 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 10 2023
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